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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1890)
4. rA tr I OULJL i 1 AAJjpm iaV EVENLVG,N0VEMIJEU2l.. NUMBER 1.0 J ii f n f i u ijm v r Pi . ",: L f 1-3 11 w ! n ' 4 Hgoldj ' 1 ,.' J j J nt.xamiuuLis iori -J j ; Fall and winter Clothing, GETS Hals Caps, Trunks, Satchels and SHOES JOE will show you the largest and finest stockln thee county and for less money than lnfenor goods are sold by his competitors. DDW0TFA1LT0LDDKAT The Largest Line of I i : WINTER HPS 'AfKR jv 1 BlMonuHivunn VLUSII SACQUKS Oiir I'liin'i SmiUr are Uiade ttt of I lie - very Unt pluli ami the Lo"p of (lie rW ;it. The price ire lowtr tliun vr unit Wrf i riiu','Mi cil.'iordiosrj tlu.t ti $jo, ti, uo, Mi, f7.5n, to ii hi I.a lirt 1 u-tt walking nai'ijnn nt l m:onzl; rt.t sii CLOTH laitMENTS k,-y 'ilni U'tft mi' ft.jur'-F r'ull iiii'1 i'.iii mil 1 wsj down of M f-v iiiid Chil - II KM ii II th ).! O.hii cast of First V La. RNISHING GOODS ft MH FURS Hill I 111 r t X .... j V V linn's Jv ,i.Uarki'ls, cheaper ih m rnr. s i- 3 FUUS KUlt aits iitti in ( i.nrj fr Hurt Oppim !.: tiu'iii - limijUTiiou fttl Wool f .ml Mimn ('r.. in Coney f - Airnrmi - liniiiiution biisI .it. AM n lull line; of Dry (Joods. .NolK'sr.F, Tic. .National Hank. i s I i lirj wi! I - nU-l.)! I 1 Ti.j.r ii illiif; fivi Reunion floxrs Willi sful IlilhrillCI. - fit k ui tit rtiuPLF. r K oasts oaata bv Colonel Malors. Vanalta, Pearmon, Gobs, Colter and , the W. C'8. TIib ticket holder were anxious to ItncM tbe drawing last night, which ,'fM duns promptly aud impartially" I y the audience selecting tlio following ladies and gentlemen as a committi e to conduct the same: . M. fi. Murphy, Chaiimun; Frunk II. Wilson, J. M.Craig and Minuet Tult and Wilson. Following ars the lucky numbers: 2041 iilji'rlitloii In Jmir:iiil IM2. ' Jil'.UlLO 1 1JOll - I I.KI . I '.Ml.. . M. ..nxHKh O.Hlrl ................ ..m a. f . city lot (I by II. fc. rnlmrr ) meei vilKruvIni! j . . .bull Ii; wjhd ....if u ! iT5 cult button No. i nil cuy iinn:tiaii'ii nj ft. II. vtiniiinim I'M ...buck flour UIU.. bill 1 1 1 v. tut! 116 ..otili-r lurfnuli' Ice by II C. li .Milken 2t-'l at-tl 1 iln Nil. r, Tr.i nub to Wenti'tn Vmi'iuii . ' plu fu. 4 !...' cult hulliinn Nn l a?i.) Pair K''tt' "iil'l'i'i' li'il t... ill.i'niiliju lu llKttAi.u 27 w ...iin.Diii 4'S ini!ini! lump oi I.D ..U'H cnt;l.iv.iij 77 '. orili-r fur l ulnivi 'HI ll.irriimi butii m Tim fri ritin nil urilrr lur II ultitvri II7i;7 . . . bux ciutin 2.'t'tt i loiiiti WU Ktl'l'l fnHVIIIIt iju..m .. .-i. no iu riiuia TM... 1 In No.' if i;n ....i-iiii inn mill til .Irmruitj pair Kut' mnum s.:t j ring 1.1 H b. .11 If Hlne i .T nu....l I.... k . .,t...riiM initf.1,. pill NO. H 7vi nim y-nrllnB 10.17..., BuUiHirluUun totlm IIkhai ii I7'rft gptitii hut ,Nn, $ '.",.., luwkajni ubufiii 7.17 limit No. i 7- a.... spbscalpllon ti Jmimal Ifi; j:H. pair iinl!i Kll;.;.ru TH Hrrlniii luittoiii I7IN pig doimtnil by Mi lvtn IT'i;,.., lump donuti'ii by lli'iine t & lull .'VI5 p li'kilKf tilliiir-0 1 1 i Inlirv lurk ATS IihH blllllirr 2lii7 px kHrn tiilmrru rorker dnoitttil by Vim Wt-I.r KM K'-nl mm lm1 one dollar In 'haven itw I'nlniiii Cltliia i:u...- . tubxTiiiliiin tn IIkkmhi Mil.... one d-J'li-r In b.ive II 0 ... nil irtiT liei Iijms... mild wnuh iw t fi:rr.s4a r.s;;..... 214.... Hurrbou butli)U i'in .IHKHD I. H7 ParkaRn Inlmi'co iw , order lor tiniotemil 2viu ....palrdu-K V t& ..biuoui llm.... ... pin No. . 'tl0 sel kln up Z.IK buttle vliiS if." y broom lll-.l). IlLi) a i (tl 2 1 mi. Ifr. , "in k lluur M bm Nn j ton of mlllwl Avt dollar In all paper pm'ke tuliariui .... . picture l aliirelitinn to Imirniil city lot donated by Hovey Ii H.iu bftii rnr .'. pin No S chrstrsvMje v's Li-m.. iiir. 44M rn., I Ii CI . 314 . I"!., Kit . llUlll( lAllip rorknr donated by lieu I'nl.Kl pin No in 1.... li"Ule wine ilel eimriiviiiif IU7 Ml lenUliul No i 24M broom bottle nine Z!A ... ti.J ... I"t ... ''J.... 11U .... Inn.. . .. 2-ilS ... I',l7 ... Vm i ... at n ... l!"4 ... 3.i ... 11 ... v . . n... I' ll.") V 2, IV. i ''i... -'IJ3 ... I-I i ... I'.' ... Iwl 114... r, .. I'll. ... Iteoti pit tie .lk umbrella ent mil No 7 buttle wine p n Not broom city lot br J 8 Mathews nuft liiiil'oi r . . w:.'ti lee by t. fl Wti It milr-erlillliin to Wentern Vetir.n bottle whie eiiuiKVt"! , ...iinicnpiion to wrtiern Veteran . . barri'l iippie lamp downed by Crterwu A L umi'i iiti Mi. 2 . cit IT Ihix ...pHikiirti tiibattco i ii(' hat No. I , briNitu lliounaiitl brli k pin No ' ... pilr nl"c !'!.! Itr'..'; r iliir.jU J by a, U. T.,.1.1 t So. 1 Huritai'lt bnllulil r. ..wn.iltltr IlltK'llttt.i No. I .i.b to U-tMjn (t,'iiin c.'ft but toiii.s.i. a ... li'tiu-aiol lolrk rot Nil ii I'a'l iLk ii-mi . . Ii . i' r " lai'.ni'.ril by M. II. ilniu n i. ( u Ii,7.. . t . . m I , . , . , , b 'It ! w ne I I.. I. r .'i.i i I I'arr'o'n and Mi-'1.i iiint-f Iil'i . i'll.. MM . '.'11.1 , .' !.. iHly lot dimali'il b ') ll wu I'llB blli-'i-e " tl 1 v;.l Ilairmni I . Hit 111 t" i ii , I . H .' rf lt :. i,vi b .a ": I" v . Slf . l"t 1 . HI . "i';.0 . t io. u.V,;..;;.,".J,il jV.".'';"h; I J 4" low n-ii'i.' ii ,i n ii!nd I'iiit'a e ii 41 HI nil .'. k . sub III V. , .'IM'I v W.l-llllVB Ii I ' ' ' I '-.i.i ll .n." I . 1 1 A H ,' ' . 1 4 luii i.i h m tin no.3 A u e..'iio'hanieiH . A. V. e;ii ftiiiiiineiit ""J net's liy J M. lollhij itnir 'it w in- pin No. i: Ctlll 1IUU, , H f,'l( ; ' : iti'iitu bat o. 3 : " '"-i "'i ie .tiiKi'ti iin!ii n :mi bulloiiN N' i. pin '...",-" ....cliantliflii'i "-I iit"if by .Imice Kninnnv "a'i','. ''.'1;' "'" ''V ,l'11'"' Miie'' Atij If a-M uttrture cae i.v 4 f. tiniiiv,.i. Tli muni a of tip. Iioldim nf tin- lucky uuiuuera were not oiitaino' To, tmt will appenr in Iiuo(oliinin9inoti. The man as'Tll-tit r Imty t.Mlay. q aking Up tl houks and p.iyir, 0U the prfscctsas fa the pi tCHto ao that at thi.y nro rnl!cd for. The drawin;; st ems to l ave Riven unt vsl fnti-fuct:on,. and tlia proceeds furnish a vi:ry ni. sum for a tur!er in b'illilin; the Memorial Hall. Last Nlifhfa Banquet. The old KilJiers were Un uutcd last night by the Woinens1 Rulief corps at Fitzgerald's hall. The tahlos were Uau- t: fully diTtirnti'd and letvily Men with t!ie very .. things lo appease the huntriT of the soldier even hod he hut come from the moat fatiucing march. J. Q. Cor ittiu ei as tnat master, and pcrfortncd tluua duties in a most The following senti nients were responded to in a manner eueh individual sjieiiker: "The Firat Ni hrauku," by Colonel Turn Majors. "Tlio So.'inid Nebraska,' by Major rcarniau. "The Soldier and Citizen," by Clonel Vunntta. The "XV. K. C,," by J. Q C.o. "My Kinipav k and Confer.. by ('olotnl Colter, "Coin puny Q," by C'oloml Giner. "Sons of VeteranR,'' by Mr. O'Hrien. All the .riikers ma le happy hits, and liio nttend.iiitH j in in yutin the Unqtp.'t a ni""t euce'sful and etijoynble mTair M' 1.... I... . A Few of the Luoky Ones. Since setting up our lilt of fair prea ...-.I. eiua wiiii rorreHponniug nuinljcrs we have been ublp to obtum tho names of tbosti ,lrawinn the following lending pilz.-s-K. I'urner, J, 1'rehm, .Vil liaea, I.; oran, Uuth Johnson, city' Palmer lot, L, D. Ktnnctt, city; Park bit, Run tlinkle, city; co- shelb r,' Chua. Parmcle, city; chandelier, Mrs. Lilian Parinelc, city; 1000 brick, Col. 8. P. Vntinatt, city; 1000 brick, Ed. Me Milken, citT; serving uuchine, MeConni hie Post; M. B. Murphy & Co., lump, Mr, Il insim, Weeping Wafer; iiiriiikli r, Mrs. Carrie Wilson, city; ton of hard coal; Jake Hccson, city; nmbrella, Joo jfe Vcy, city. f lie pout drew tho t le rant seal akin cap, valued at $12 50, and no it is the genuine article and no nils tike. A Raid on the Sutler. The Q. A. R post held some of the lucky tickets in the drawing last ni'lit and Mint.nn other tilings they fell In ir 10 near V a dozen lutlles of tho wine, and sprinkling of the cigars, all of rhirh vrxi phrcd la cbnrs pf Sutler F. A Bites and the, Ikijs ntit for'ttins their old army prauks played a pracil joke on hitu bp "Snyderly ' cartiuo; the wino swny; and we shouldn't beat a!l surprised if tiny sumpledit a litllotoo Htit the snttler wss more .'surprised when ,. ,(.. .!,.. 1.1. rl .' W .HW . .. U ...A. . J - - . I. . i.ulC had tiansforiTied thrniselva into paptr as;d tkn top l':jcr hsi resumed ; farm er plsre aa nicely and smnntlil tH cigar packer himself could havo ar r annul them. The sutler will have a (jood lime txpliilnlng Hiu loss of the wsrrsto the post, and his sentence will doulitloaa be a sliott term In the uul boiife. The beys wi nc in for a Roml time and they had it, as well as tn trans act the business ineid' nt tMhe reunion. . Mr. II, 11. Carroll of Elmwtmd, Is in the city with a Dumber of animal curi ohities. Jfe has a two headed calf, two wolvis, wild rat mid a numbtr of other animals, but the greatest curiosity n llietn nil is a pi( which has tho head of en eb-phant and 'yes) tutij,'un and lower jaw of a htiipan bcin. County Court. Appiicutinn of Elir.nbntli WinteiHtein In bo uppointnl iianlian of (ilareuee L. ' Miil. r and Kosa E. Milh-r, minora. I'ltilinjl. of C.illirrinil Wcckbai'h, j whlnw ol J ifpll V. ttiiklnicli, tle- 1 e i " il, f ir nlliitviiiltt Jor S'.ttitiort for " if "lid minor elnblren, pending set- tii tii-nt ( tv'nu'. Hi aiinn JJovemlmr JI 13 a. tn. I'itli4au of tint stutfl of Nebraska it til, Kme-t I. Huiilh vs. Williani Tii.'hr. filp rilT. lliti anolieiilion wah , ii - I jb.l ,.l.;l ..i:., -inii v.i, o'l; j,i i.j111 u.iwilD Hum b in mad 4 ("t a t iok a walk, and t ro-'nrrest Mr. Smith and that w ill. probably icnJ tun. jiaui'i. 2'J.I. 1 ML Z'I'l. Ii7. I'.Tll. 'j'." Ml.. 21 '!! Mill. KM.. U:l II. .7. WaHScDdPTPTTj SELLS CLOTHING mitl FURNISHING GOODS. QU&.&TQ.GE IS COMPLETE If Kou Can't Get Satisfied and Suited af WEB .' t Its Time to Quit and go to School WE LEAD THE TOWN' IN LOW PRICES DO NOT LET THE FACT ESCAPE YOU. THE NEW DANCER. Ceneral Miles Says That the Bucks May Leave the Reservation. Ciiicaoo, Nov. 20. Genoral Miles this evening received a telegram from Itush ville informing him that Genernl I'rookes' command had reached Pine Itidge at 7 o clock this mornino. The Indians are coming in lure numners from Uo.iebud. Thero is much oxcitcmont and the ghest dunce cotitiuues. General Miles today received a communication from an officer at Camp Poplar Itivcr, Mont., dated Nov. 17, conminiutf considerable matter of in terest with reference to the Messiah crane. The offleer report all Indians in that vicinity affected by the prevailing craze, and even the more Intelligent half breeds believe in it. Xuinhers of youufjer Indians recently procured new turn :urs'.u rines, WJn re, , tbe j'ltleerj could not ascertain, There bsa been no excitement up thero yet nor dance but there Is deep and universal interest and belief that there will be astonishing su pernatural manifestations before very long. One of Bitting 3uU's lieutenants (White Gut), with two other Bioux, have recently buen up there preaching new doctrines, deuouueiug schools aud tell ing the Indians to provide themselves with arms and ammunition aud meet tho other ludinus next spring in the Biacir Hills country. They wero ordered off the reservation mid went to Woody Mountain, north of tho Uritish line, to proselyte to the remnants of the Ogalla las and Uncapapas. One of the loyal Indians told this o ni cer that in easa the Sioux, should opeu hestilitiea many young warriors from there are likely to go aud join them. The Oillalas and Uncaprpas, norih of till! X!JIHli tUtit l uu lol, MJUIO of whom wcru In the Cusfer affair and mouiu of the older onus were concerned iu the Minnesota mahacre of IhUl. The Grog ventres Indians af Fort liulknap reserva tion ara in a very turbulent state. As au iiihtance of the stories floating aiuuuii, liia uiTicot ieiia one current on the reservation to the effect that several yotlug Wairiors started from there to vis it Ei'.tins Bull r,ad learn about tha t .Mm-isli, On the way there one of them (Yellow Hawk) snid ho hud been com manded in a dream to kill himself ns a test of faith, with a promise ho should be rained from the dead. lie committed sulchle accordingly and the party went on without him. When they reached Standing Hack they found Yellow Ibiwk there alive and well, having been . resur rected aud t iki n toKtsndinnRock ahead of his companion. This is tlio story sent back by tlio travelers. General Miles expressed groat Bt.tinfuf tiou this evening that General Brooke's troops had reached tin) eg' ney this morning before Die Iudlnv bad Inaugur ated hoHtililics anil the ' ll'itr fact Unit the latter are not cor Siting any vio lent. ,,Now,",snid ho, "'tlx olive tn attack us In our own pod e or rue break away from thu rifreryat'i.i. Tno diincr is now t lint thn turvCot lull ks may kitvu the reservation, ,'1'tin eppt-aianer of Oencrnl Br.iuke's coL. tatisl. how, vcr will havo the effect f sUstaiuin'T the authoiity of tho govenin snt and piv pro'eetiun to the loy.d ilcincut uinuiijj the Indiana." A l.idy and ntleoian, or two U'.y, admit .ed to the opera Iiouki next Men duy night for tho ptico of one reserved eat. This is good only for the opening tiorlormaneo. , Wildman & Fuller carry a full line of drug and di uggiht sundries. tf Tuko your prescriptions to Wiidman & Fuller. They dispense puredrugs. tf A bcanliful lino of holiday gnods in plush and satin just opened at Gering'g. Cull and inspect before the assortment is broken. (i(jt Our largo line of spectaclos is kept full and completeall the time. Noother house in this city has such an assortment as we carry. tlflt Goring & Co. Miss Graut is now prepared to give lessons on the piano. She can be found at 811 Locuit, next door to the Christian church. ... tjtf Brcckenfleld & Weidninn received an other car loud of their famous stove I - - . i- -, i , . ... l-. uu tue way tlr ar. seiilCZ I would lndioatu that tho ptoplo kaow good atovo when they see it. dtf 'Sixteenth century oak" is all the rage, but it isn't a murker to the popularity of tho "Round Oak" heating stove, sold only by Weidmun & Brcckenfeld. Heat ing qualities and economy of fuel are its predominant traits; ,lflt 8. & C. Mayer are titukitig the most dcttrniim d effort of their lives this sea son in supplying everybody in what they need in clothing and furnishing goods. Tut-j Wight their gooda at such prices tba: is bound to make it a success. Call and examine their goods. tf The Indies in Chicago are raving ovrr tho new perfumer, "Lotus Lily" and 'Tarudise Pink." Goring & Co., have just recned an invoice of this delightful peifumo which fairly intoxicates with its delicious odors. Remember Germ?; for anything nice in the toilet line Ot r nriiviewi Will be In hi ylUec from D?c. 12 tilt: Jan. 4, prepared to do all kinds of den tal wmk by tho very latest and mom im proved methods. Ladles. No man ever got a divorce when vim used the gem cookiitove and the Hcdi'ant Home and Round Oak beaters. It keut everybody cheerful and .in .gpod, humor.-.': Wetdman & Breckenfeld are sole agents in this city for these noted stoves, dflt We have a system of conducting our business, that our competitors cannot copy. We buy MOKE 0001)8 for ONE DOLLAR, sell MORE GOODS for ONE DOLLAR than tin y can possibly do. If you do tiot believo the above aaecrtion call and bo convinced at S. A C. Mayer, the leading clothiers. The Palace Restaurant by Kimball A Braver is one of the instiliilions of tho town. They are feeding crowds of people every day and undoubtedly have 1 A me niohi attractive net. nit ant opened in this city. ever County Court. Petition for appointment of Fred II. Black administrator estate of George II. Black, deceased. Wm. II. Wright vs Peter Clarence; suit in replevin; liciiriiig Nov. !H, 10 s. in. Byro:i Clark for plaintilL Licru.c to wediy tied to Mr, Daniel W. Stand i.,h aDd Mies Mary Ann Brun son both of Wi cpiuK Water. Lijens'i to w.-ii ieaurd to Mr. datnes U. Baker ami Mrs. Cora It. Jumcton both of Union. Michael A. Haitian rs Pliittstnoiith, Canning Co. ft al; on trial to the court. Michael A, 11 uiiym va otnte of Wm' Qiithmnn; on trial to court. Additional Local on Fourth Patre. i-. , l..v.. C. :-; ) v -- 'V. fi'.; 'y ' :- -u , : ;f- i . .'.' I I