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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1888)
Vno Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. Kallnbary. DeatM, Telephoae 2U. 3.. Bock wood BaiMlag, Dr. KUirla, (llBec la fltrina'a Dr Ktor. Uel ieaca Cor. Sixth aa'l Uraalte, Telephone So. 42. Dra. Cava A Mmltk. the Paialraa Iteatlita, l aloa Block, over CUIxraa' liaak, flatUwoath. CITY CORDIALS. Today the republicans hold their state convention at Lincoln. Mr. Jas. linker who lives south-west of the city, buried an infant yesterday. Miss Ettie Searle has resigned her position as teacher in the high school. Another switch engine was brought into the yards here today No. 23. No. GO will be used in the upper yards and 23 in the lower. The democrats in their return from the convention which was held at Weep ing "Water last night, made better time than they were known to make on a trip from there a short time ago. Messrs. Frank Fitzgerald and Oscar Engle were arrested last night for dis turbing the peace and fighting. They were arraigned before Judge Clifford this morning and each fined $5 and costs. The doctors of this burg stato that cases of typhoid and malarial fever in their worst stages are becoming quite prevalent, and it is thought that this summer will be accompanied with as much sickness of this kind ns whs wit nessed here hist season. The school board held a meeting last Monday night to consider the applica tions from several teachers for the ensu ing term. A good number of applica tions have been received and those in quiring will ic examined uetore any are selected to fill the two vacancies now open. The management of the young T, A. M. dancing society has issued invita tions for the first of a series of assemblies wincn is lo he given tomorrow eyening at Fitzgerald's hall. They haye spared no pains to make the coming event a very pleasant one for all who participate, and we trust success may attend their efforts. A Herald containing the cut which appeared in the paper the day following the banquet given by the republican club, can still be seen in some of the business houses and also in the treasure boxes of some of the young ladies. It is reported that Mr. John A. Davies, president of the Young Men's Republican club, now of fers about $3 for each copy which is still in circulation. The public generally are under the impression that the conference of some of the representatives of the Y. M. C. A. over the state, which is to be held here tomorrow and the two following days will be open to men only. Such will not be the case. A special invitation is ex tended to the ladies who are interested in the good work, to be present Friday evening at their meeting, and they tre also urgently requested to attend next Sunday evening. Hon John Y. Stone of Council Bluffs, who favortd the Young Men's Republican Club of Plattsmouth with one of the most eloquent and entertain ing addresses upon the occasion of their recent annual banquet, has been nomi nated by the republicans of Iowa for at torney general. The Herald extends its congratulations not only to Mr. Stone, who is recognized as one of the ablest lawyers in the western slope, but also to the republicans of progressive Iowa upon, the wisdom of their selection. The school board has decided to open the schools again sooner than was at first anticipated. The rooms will be opened on the 10th of next month if all present arrangements are carried out, when there will be a errand reunion of the school children. The ambitious scholars, who have been promoted, will return to the school with li jthtened hearts and start out on their new studies, while the more careless ones are less jubilant and return to trod the same road for another term. Handsome bills are being posted np advertising the fair which is to be hf-ld here from the 18th to the 2lst of Sep tember, inclusive. The new fair grounds for that occasion will be in first class con dition in every particular, and the great est event-of the kind ever known in the history of Plattsmouth is anticipated On the grounds can be found one of the finest driving courses in the state and it is expected that several of the most noted trotters in this part of the country will put in an appearance. Messrs. Sam and Jas. Patterson, Geo. Oliver, Dal Jones, Morris O'Rourk, Harry lieese and Charley Miller have accepted an invitation from the Malvern, la., base ball club and went thither this morning to help them out today in a game against Macedonia. We think the proper thing to have done would have been for the club to adopt the Plattsmouth uniform and advertise it as the Plattsmouth club assisted by three of the Malvern nine. "We hope the boys will not do cs much muffing for them as they have done for themselves of late. A Pleasant Time. A more successful event both socially and financially than that of last night has not been realized for man; a day. The entertainment was given under the auspices of the young ladies of St. Luke's Guild and was managed in every particular to perfection. Each young lady exhibited her good taste in selecting a dress for the occasion, and each dress was manufactured in tuch a style as to represent a certain business house, and there were about sixty in all represented. The whole party in their merry-making efforts and the lively stir, presented to the minds of the spectators an enthus iastic .spectacle. After the young gentle men had waited upon their lady friends by treating them to an inviting repast, all joined in the merry dance to the music rendered by jthe Bohemian band until a late hour. The ladies were financially successful, having cleared between $80 and $90. Appended we give the style of the different business houses and the names of the young ladies representing them: Jim Donnelly, Edith White C. E. Wescott Clara Palmer O. P. Smith, Drugs Nellie Simpson O. P. Smith, wall paper. ..Cora Wayman Murphy & Son Mamie McCoy E.G Dovey&Son, notions. . Georgie Oliver dry goods. . Edna Adams " groceries. ..M. Shepherd F. S. White, ice house Ella White W. (J. Keefer May Beverage S. &('. Mayer Barbara Gering L. Moore Anna Livingston Journal Mary Sherman H. & M. band Janet Livingston IIeuai.d Maggie Oliver Carruth & Son Mary Hawksworth Carruth Canning Co Maud Viyian First National Bank Birdie Wright J. Pepperbcrg Agatha Tucker F. Herrmann Hattie Fuliner B. Elson Vernie Leonard Water Works Blanche Trayer Mrs. A. Rosier Adeiia Tartch Reading Room Susie Sampson W. Cook, barber Maggie Campbell Drs. Cave & Smith Jennie Dabb A- W. White Manota Eikenbary Base Ball Blanche Feight Lenhoff & Soennichsen. ..Nettie Ballance Stadt-lman House Stella Traver F. G. Fricke Dora Fricke Robert Donnelly Kate Goos Mrs. F. Johnson Irene Patterson II. Bceck Ida Bo?ck P. Merges Florence Merges J. P. Young Gertie Kerney Herold & Son Dora Herold V. V. Leonard Lora Reinhackle Robert Sherwood Lizzie Miller John R. Cox Maggie Vallery J. I. Unruh Annie McDougle A. Clark Ella Clark City Hotel Celia Goos B. Ramsey Ella Wright J. V. Weckbach Kate Hemple J. V. Weckbach Ida Foglesong Henry Weckbach Rose McCauley Post Office Berth Wise Will Baker Anna Heiscl Waterman Lumber Yd Una Freer Oliver & Ramge Mary Whales J. Hatt Mattie Smith Gering & Co Edith Gering Bennett & Tutt, Lizzie Steimke Will Boeck, Mamie Stiles Burlington Route, Miss Ranking Asst. Mail Clerk, Mollie Ballance Delivery Clerk, Minnie White PERSONALS. Judge Newell is in Lincoln today. Mr. II. Boeck is in Omaha today business. M. W. Schlegel left for on Lincoln this A CACD. Having this day sold my stock of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, etc., to Messrs. Brekenleld & "Weid man, I would respectfully and ear nestly ask tliat all those in my debt come lorward promptly and settle their accounts as it will be neces sary for me to close up my business as speedily as possible before en gaging in other pursuits. I also take this occasion to thank the public, both in the city and county, for the very liberal patronage giv en me during the tiire I have been engaged in business here, and hope the same will be extended to my successors. JNO. 11. COX. doctl-w3m HHE o nr ir no. urn. 9 a SPECIALTIES THIS WEEK I zzl Estate EXAMINE OUR LIST". OBITUARIES. Eight Mile Grove, Aug. 21, 1888. Died. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barker, Aug. 19. The remains were burried in the Eight Mile Grove cemetery, Aug. 20th, at 2 o'clock p. m. Funeral services are defered for the pre sent. 52 inch All-AVool Dress Suitings in all the New Mixtures, only GO cents a yard. 52 inch All-Wool Broadcloth Suitings in all the New Shades, only 85 cents per yard, worth $1.00. Ladies' Long Cashmere Scarfs, Fringed, only 75 cents each. Ladies' Long Cashmere Scarfs, Fringed and Embroidered, only 85 cts., worth 31.25. Ladies' Long Persian Scarfs, Fringed, at $1.35, worth $2.00. Ladies' Cashmere Scarfs, Fringed and Embroidered, $2.25, worth 33.00. CONSISTING OF- CHOICE LOTS KT South - Park i Mr. M. B. Murphy went to Lincoln last night. Wr. J. C. Eikenbary left for Lincoln this morning. Mr. Byron Drew is spending a few days at Greenwood. Mr Byron Clark was a passenger to Lincoln this morning. Mr. O. Guthman, of Louisville, arrived in the city this morning. Mrs. II. C. Ritchie and Mrs. M. B. Murphy are in Omaha today. jiiss usiiArgyie, or yaney, la., is visiting at the residence of Mr. Geo. Ball a nee. Miss Lou Billiard, who has been visit ing at the home of Capt. Palmer for a short time, returned to her home at Kan sas City this morning. Miss Jessie McCoy, sister of Mr. Joe McCoy and Mrs. Frank Corsey, who has been visiting in the city for some time, left for Council Bluffs this morning. Mr. Adam Boeck and daughter. Miss Millie, of St. Louis, who have been visit ing with the family of Mr. II. Boeck for some time, returned home last evening. .Mr. Cliff Sheppard came in from Lin coln last evening to attend the social and dance which was given by the vouncr last Died. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rev. James Mullen, at their home at Elmwood, this county, with typhoid fever. The deceased is aged fourteen years, and was brought down and buried in the Bight Mile Grove cemetery, Aug. 21st, at 2 o'clock p. m. The funeral services will be conducted at their place of worship at some future date. One of Mant. Special Values In Gloves ! A young man who has been in the employ of Mr. C. M. Holmes, at his livery stables for some time, secured a watch from Mr. Wat Holmes, Tuesday, which he agreed to pay for in monthly payments. The fellow skipped out and was gone some time before anyone mis trusted his dishonesty. Mr Holmes, sr., learned that he had left for Pacific Junc tion. He took the tram for that place and shortly after his arrival there he met the fellow who received such a scare up on coming in contact with him that he immediately handed over the stolen treasure. CI o (D 0 H' p H H' (l) (I) Ladies' Brilliant Lisle Gloves only 25 cents, worth 50. Ladies' Pure Silk Gloves only 30 cents, worth 50. Ladies' Pure silk Gloves only 50 cents, worth 75. Ladies' Five Button Undressed Kid Gloves, Scallop Tops, Embroidered Backs, in Black and Colors, only 31.00. Ladies' Four Button Dressed Kid Gloves, Embroidered Backs and Colored Welts, only 31.00 a pair. Ladies' White Linen Collars only 5 cents each. d (D 0 H' P H c H' (I) II) 21 lots in Thompson's addition. 40 lots in Townsond's addition. Lot 10 block 138, lot 5 block 104. Lot 1 block 0, lot C block 1)5. Lot 11, block 111, lot H, block 01. LOTS IN YOUNG AND IIAYh' ADDITION. Lots in Palmer's addition. Lots in Duke's addition. Improved property of all descriptions and in all parts of the city on cany terms. A new and desirable residence in South Park, can be bought on monthly payments. Before purchasing elsewhere, call . id see if we cannot suit you better. The great bandana king in his speech at Port Huron yesterday, opened his ad dress by an expression of fear for the grave, as usual. For fear that an occas ional breeze might strike his brow and cause him a death blow before the cam paign should come on, he asked his large audience for the privilege of keeping his cap on while addressing them. When such a mild breeze as 'was then blowing will so materially affect his constitution, we cannot imagine what will become of the old man when the gale of November next strikes him. F0 Herrmann, ONE DOOE EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Guest (at Delmonico's, New York,) See here. When that waiter brought in this soup I happened to look up and I noticed that his mustache was wet, wet sir. Head waiter Very sorry, sir, and Til have the soup changed. It's against the rules for waiters to wear mustaches here, but that one is a new mao, and hasn't had time to get shaved yet. Omaha World. BAD BLOOD. There is not one thing that puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the w orld ns a vitiated state of the blood Your ambition is gone. Your courage has failed. Your vitality has left vou. Your languid step and listless ac tions show that you need a powerful m- yigorator, one bottle of Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will" put new life in a worn out system, and if it does not it will cost you nothing. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. Dr. C- A. Marshall. ladies at the Waterman opera house night. Mr. Ed Hill, of Chicago, nephew of Dr. Livingston, arrived in the city last nigut, ana lie, accompanied by Misses Anna Livingston, Etta Sheppard and Hat- tie Fulmer, started for Denver this morn ing. They will spend about two weeks at Denver and some of the popular re sorts among the mountains. Dont go to Omaha when you want to get your beautiful parlor and bed room sets but go to Henry Boeck's fur niture emporium where you can get every thing in the furniture line that will go to make your home beautiful and comfort able; and above all you can get it cheap. Remember that he who sells most can sell cheapest. I agree to forfeit $10 to any cigar dealer of Plattsmouth who will produce foreign 5 cent cigar that will equal in fineness and quality that of Pepperberg's "Buds . Don t all speak at once. 18-lw Julius Pepperberg. For Sale. I offer for sale for thirty days, at low figures, my residence property, Cor. Gth and Dey streets. House of 8 rooms in i.L 1 "a . a morougn repairs, gooa statue, large cis tern and city water, four lots filled with fruit and shrubbery and commanding a fine view of the river, 300 bearing grape vines, it taken soon will sell at $ 1800. Part time if desired. tf. Mrs. J. A. Buell. Resident -Dentist. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auestheties given for Pain less Filling or Extraction of Teeth. Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FiTZGKitA Ln's Block Plattsmouth, Neb 5 acres of improved ground north of the city limits. 5 acres of ground adjoining S uth Park. 2 acres of ground adjoining South Park. 1J acres of ground adjoining South Park. 20 acres near South Park: Se 1 sec. 14, T. 10, R. 12, Cass county, price $1, 800, if sold soon. nw i sec. 8, T. 12, R. price $2,000. A valuable improyed stock aiernck Co., Neb., 1C0 reosoni'ble terms. 10, Cass Co. acres fram in and on Windham & Davies. A man can furnish his house more com pletely from the furniture store of II. Boeck than at any place in town. Child's high sandals, only 25 cents a pair, at Merges'. Everything necessary for furnishing a house can be purchased at II. Boeck's. The finest bedroom sets can be found at II. Boeck's. uouc, uiarrncea ana summer com plaints are dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to guard against these diseases is to have constant ly on hand a bottle of some reliable rem edy. Beggs' Diarrhcea Balsam is a POS ITIVE RELIEF in all these disagreeable j cases aou is pieasant to taKe. it will cost you only 35 cents. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. To Builders. Bid3 will be received until noon, Au gust 28, 1888, for building a boiler room addition to High school building. Plans and specifications can be seen at Bennett and Tutts, the right is reseryed to reject any or all bids. Wir. Hayes, tf. Sec. Bd. Ed. WRITTEN BY Rev. J. W. Simmons, J). J). This book is one that every loyal per son should possess. It tells of all the foremost colored men of the United States. It gives their biographies, and has over 100 fine steel engravings. JOHJSJ- G. BOOZTSTE- - w Agent for Cass County. O-. B. KEMPSTEB, Practical Piano and Organ Tnner AND REPAIRER. First-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Office at Boeck's furniture store. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. INSU RAM Consult your best interests by insuring in the Phoenix, Hartford or tna com panies, about which there is no question as to their high standing and fair Plenty of feed, Hour, graham and meal at Heisel's mill, tf II. Boeck's furniture stock is acknowl edged to be the finest and most complete in the city. Light snmmcr shoes for your girls, 25 cents only, at Merges'. little A new line of neckware just at J. II. Donnellys's. received tf. Mr. J. Antill has reported a big oys ter trade in this month of Augurst. Notice of Probate of Will. In the Matter of tlie Last Will and Tnlamont of Mack L. Jonet, Deceased, In County Court lass L Oiiuiy. x-oraK. Notice U herebv civen that on the nth dur of September A. 1. 1S68. at the County J o4 pre 's Office in Plat istnoutii. Ca s County, Nebraska. a iw u ciucn i ii mc lureuwn, me tallowing mat ter will be heard ami considered t The Application -f Maria E. Jonea to admit to Srobate the lt will and testap-nts of Mack L. ones late of Liberty Precinct, tn said County, Ueceaed. and for le'tort of administration with nl'l annexed to Maria K, Jones. Dated August 2nth igss. By order of the Court ; 24-2 C Kvssell, County Judgs. When your skin is yellow. When your skin is dark and greasy. When your 6kin is rough and course. When your skin is inflamed and red. When your skin is full of blotches. uuen your sKin is tun ot pimples you need a good blood medicine that can be relied upon. Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker is warranted as a positive cure for all of the above, so you cannot j possibly run any risk when you get a bot tle of this wonderful medicine. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co. I wish to notify all those who knew themselves indebted to me, th t unless their accounts with me are settled by fcptember 15, 1888, they will be placed m the bands, of a collector, who will col lect the same. Respectfully, dl4t Theo. P. Livingston, M. D. For Sale. One charter oak cook stove for sale cheap. Inquire of tf Solomon & Nathan. dealing. Wood for Sale. Leave orders with J. D. Tutt, at Ben nett & Tutt's store, tf. Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, at Fricke & Co'a. drug , store, 8-tf. Legal Notice. In the District Court of Cass ponntv. Kphraa. ka. Michael Archer vs. Sarah D. Archer. To Sarah D. Archer, non-resident defendant : iou are hereby notified that on th istli rtav of July. A. D. 188. plaintiff filed his petition in the District Court of Case county. Nebraska. wherein you are defendant. The obipet and prayer of said petition being to obtain a divorce from you becanse of your willful ahaiiilr.nm.-nt of Plaintiff without jut cause, and continuous ly remaining away for more than two years prior to the commencement of this suit. Vou are required to answer said petition on or m-ire nepiemoer lotn. A. U. 18S8. or your default will be entered therein and ludirnient obtained according to law. uarea juiy asm, a. i. ikss. J4 . Michael Archer. By his Atl'y, Byron Clark. B. A M. Time Table. GOINO WKW. r.mvn h-ot NO. 1 .4 :5fl a. m. ffa. 2.-4 -OS n ni No. 3.-6 :40 n. m. Kn. 4. in -an a m No. 5 9 i35 a. m. N. e. t -ia r. t No. 7.-7 M5 p. m. No. 8.-9 :50 a. ml Iso. 9.-8:17 p. m. No. 10. 9 :45 a. m. All trains run daily by wavnf Omaii j Nos. 7 and 8 which run to unrl tmm K.hnri.. daily except Sunday. NO. 3(1 iS aetUbtO Pnilfin .InnKlInn ot a . No. 19 ia a stub from Pacific Junction at lla.m. TORNADO POLICIES. The present year bids fair to be a dis astrous one from tornadoes and wind storms. This is fore-shadowed by the nuni?cr of storms we haye already had the most destructive one so far this year having occurred at Mt. Vernon, 111., where a large number of buildings were destroyed or damaged. The exemption from tornadoes last year renders their oc currence more probable in 1 888. au at our office and nado Policy. Unimproved lands change. secure a Tor- for 6ale or c x- itcn, frame Mange, tncl Scratches of every kjnd cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. Warranted by P. O Fncke & Co. druggist, PlatUmouth WINDHAII& DAVIES. PLATTCnOUTII, MSB.