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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1888)
2 PIVTTS3IOUTir, NEBRASKA, "WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 22, 1888. FIRST YE Alt NUM1JEK 285 fief Ml i 7. . . F. M. Kn H RV W K Kux - JAMK FATIK.KHON. JH. . 14VUO.S CI.AIIK " - A MAIMH.K H Cl.l KKOlll W 11 Mai.ick Mayor, Clerk. - Attorney. Kiii;lner, Police Judge, Mamhall. t J V W'Kf KHM II A HAI.ISHUUY Councllinen, 1st w ard. 1 M Jon KM " IMtVA SMI I'M AH M MuMi-iiv i S W DliTTOK l Com o'Connoh. J F McCALMCN. FllM l.I WJoHNMIN.CllAlll.MAN ' KHKli ColtllKK I IJ 11 HawkmWoktm 2nd 3rd 4th. Board rub.Work- "V,w"' 1. A. OAMPBKLL Treasurer. - Tm.'K Deputy TreAurer. - u chitcii n rta Clerk. - " - kxaCki r iiuki.i Deputy Clerk - XA w. II. loi. Keeonkruf lfu - lows M. Lkvda Deputy Recorder - , m,(lWALTi!K Cleric of Dl-trict Coart. w - mak Slierilf. - - - J A. MADOLK Surveyor. - - ai I-EM ltK.K.soN Attorney. - " " MiYNAIMirtPISK Nupt.of 1Mb. School. - MMHL. mnwiu County Judge. - IIOAHO OK SCPKKVISOUrf. A.ILToi.o.Ch'.,,. - - V; Loui Foirz, - . Klmwood A. 11. DH H.MOX. - " GIV1U SOGIK-I-KS. CI ASH IJU'i" no. n. - . ... rverv Tuesday evening ot each week. All trSut brothers are respectfully vlwd to attend. 11LATTMOLTII K M t! A M I'M K N T No. 3. I. O. 1 O F meet every uWUHle Friday In each moulb lr. the Hall. iUS brothers ar iavlt.J to attend. rriUO LODGE NO. A. O..U. W.-Meets J every altemat Friday evniif at hall Transient brother are rcspecir.ill, in vited to Ui K.J. Morgan.Master W rkman ; K. rt MSarstow. Foreman ; l-rank Bron. Over Merl. B.icn. Giibiuj G.eoige lIouHworlli. . . .... . 1 II K -AlPPl.S .. ii i f in ii. .! r : nil' Smith. Receiver M. Maybiight. 1 al f. W.; J ark imwtfriy . ' v (t ASS CAMP Sil,-i:, Miiitn.i w www. of Ain.-ri.:.i Meet second and f..i:Uh Mn day evei.ii: at K. of 1'. hall. All transient broths ar-j re.,;d to ineef witli Ij. A. Nwe.ner Venerable Consul;.. . ,,le,H TrihyAdvlLr, . C Wilde, Hanker ; W. A. Jioeck, Clerk. . - . . f It 1 Vt 6 A ll. If- V . . . .,lu.., itu KriiLiv eveilllll! at Kockwood h:iU:itHo'cltxK. All trans"t lrotli- . voufiitftrnlltf invitil 111 Utteiau. Ii n 1 arMMi. M. W. ; F. Il4yd. horeman : S. C. ' VVUda. ItuC rder ; Leonard Andersou. Overseer. I Meet on th- t aud Hiu4 M y f eac-l liiontli at ll.elr hall. All transient broth VZlLL eordlal.y inWt...! o; wh M Wk. Hat. Secretary. . AT KKItASK.4. CIIAI'TEK. N. 3. K-.A- .1 and fourth Tuesday f each iA ,Mr(s seeuiid and I11DUID 1 .. ' r - are invited to ,ueet wuU us. Wn rKf l( p Wm. IIavs. Secretary. . . i ... 11 11. 11 1 m tiHi'tf hi uroineiN 31 T. ZI(N coll MAN DAIIV. NO. 5. . K. 1. 1 Meet first and third Wednesday ntht of each month at M 10 hall. Visitmj? brother Hre cordially invited to meet wllh il. WM. 11 A VS. Kec. K. K. WlllTK. fc. o. lASscnuscn-No uui.uoyai. ucanlai ; nieft the xec.Mid and fourth Mondays of tach mouth at Aroauuni nan. K. N, ti.!if, Regent. f F. C. Minou. Secretarj'. McCONIMIE POST 45 C. A. R. HOSTKK. J. W. Johxso.v .Commander. C. S. Twiih Senior V ice - K.a.Hatks Junior Ad!ufant Cro. Nilks Adjiuant. HZNRV STKK.IOI1T i-.-.-'T- MalonDtxon OHicer of t he Ia CIIXKI.F.S FOKO Vi',"iird ANUKRKov Kky Jerut Major. .lAfror.iioBBi.KMAN.. ..Quarter Ma-ster herut. L. C. Cuktis lot Chaplain Meetini! Saturday eveninK PLATTS MOUTH BOARD OF TRADE P,i.Un IIOll. II vtiiiunam 1st Viee President. ... A. It. Todd 2nd Vies 1'resideut Secretary Treasurer .. . ...Win NtviHe .. F. Hemnann F. H- iiuihmaii IHKKi TOIt. J. C Ulchev. F. K. White. .1 . C ratterson. J. A. Conner, B. ti.oii, C, W. Sherman, t. t.or dr, J. V. vteekbaeh. H.LPalmer&Son INSUn&NCE AGENTS Represent the following time triad and tire-tested companies: American Central-3'. Louis. Assets $1,258,100 Commercial Union-England. 2.SyG.314 Fire Association-Philadelphia. Franklin-Philadelphia, Home-Xevr York. " Ins. C.i, or N'orth America. Phil. " ' X.lverpool&Loadon & Globe-Eng " North British Mercantile-Ea " yorwich Union-England. " tpriugaeld F. & M.-Sprlnglield, " 4,415,576 3,117.106 7,55.5f9 i.i;l.gC2 6.6.'W.Ti1 3.37S.754 M 15.106 3,044.015 Total Assets, S42.115.774 Lasses Aajnstp.a and Paifl atthisAgcBcy WHEN YOU WANT mm ddi V. OF CALL ON Za. H. laarson, Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Qcsivactor and Builder Septf 2-Gm. A PUEBLO SUN DANCE. CELEBRATING THE FEAST OF A SAINT IN NEW MEXICO. An Interesting Event ftt the Pueblo of Ban Duen Ventora d Cocblti A Cu rious Dance of Mjstio Meaning The Movement. Two bu nil red mounted Pueblos, aligned as rierfectl as a crack cavalry res i men t on parade, formed three sides of a hollow square. The fourth side was the high wall of the old church yard, now buried under a drift of expectant humanity. Pueblos from Hanto Domingo, San Felipe, Isleta, San Juan, Nambe, Tesuque, Pojoaque, and even distant A coma; Navajoes from the western end of the territory, four "Americans" and forty or fifty neighboring Mexicans were among the crowd. Close by the cross over the gate was the long, faded robe and the beautiful, classic face of the priest from P;na iSlanca, whose delicately chiseled Gallic features Iqqked anachronistic enough among those swarthy proselytes. He hn beld mass in the old church tbt.t morning, aud now the first dance of the day was to be el faile del tuidre, in Lis hgnoe. Wo had not long to wait. Directly the pum! puml (mm! of a hugo yellow tomtom, big as a maturo beer barrel, came around the pornor of the church, presently followed by the tomtom itself and H athletic iaCutof. Around the drummer clustered the chorus a dozen men in snowy shirts and with snowy ifrwers descending into the embrace of beautiful brown buckskin calzoncs, which al covered the tops of their inocifiasinsj. 7'hey were chanting loudly a weird refrain in tho Juarez tongue, keeping perfect time with teei and arms. Tbey were clostdy followed by the dancers--n strange and fcalf hundred, truly. At their head marched tho bearer of tlw holy ffg f-f the Sun. He was a stalwart aborigiual gen tleman, clothed upon with all the iomp and f.ii-cuiiistaiic of a ,St. Ijouis drum major.but without tho ramrod which is jiopiiiarly sup IKiscd to stiffen the spine pf tliat awful di'g kutary. The Lanntr wus a priceless bit r.f work iubeadetl buckskin; bearing, with its pole, tho general fhaje of a gigantic feather, and fringed and tufted at sides and top with PP.Zle feathers. The dancers were equally divided as to sex, and an attractive in face and f orin. The wptueq wore their tisuaj modprfc dross to the knws, but had oiitittt4 their ever-day buckskin boots aud mocca sins, and their shapely shins auu alius Were bare. Their beautiful black hair, carefully uoiiilnrd, hung down f bejp tiocksinrestrained by ribbon or ornament. Around their ntcks they wore a dazzling profusion of necklaces, costly corals, silver beads alternating with, silver prpsses an4 long strings of pricolcss turquois their proximity to the oidy tu" quois mine in tho Western hemisphere stands tliem jn good stead were a dozen strands deep on those pretty brown necks. Their Loavy jet bangs the Azteca were banging their hair before Cortee sailed from Spain waye4 as they cama hopping along on alter tiat3 fec-t. "Pach had a bright vermilion ,:U-L on either pheek bonp, and each held iu either hand a sprig of sacred cedar. But the most remarkablo feature of tho female half of the ballet was the headdress. Over tho noddle of licr crown, each woman wore a board, JlUecJ to her head, and, rlsinS eigh teen inches above it. Tho board was bright with an ornamental top und a capital T bawe.l out pf the middle. The projections at tLo top of tho board were prettily tufted. The men were more picturesquely arrayed. E;.L-U was aUcl to the waibt, and iiinted over the in.iiik and. arnw ;vifhftrf(U W"" Around tho waist and falling nearly to the knees was an elaborate dancing skirt woven of nioiinc colored stuff, handsomely decked with Lend work, and with a fine sssh pendent on the rigjit side. To this skirt, behind, wii ftachf-J a beautiful fox skin, vi ith its loir? brush dunghill ipai-ly to tl:o gronnd. Tho ntocvusins and leggins con; pletc; the divss, but thoro wore further ac crssorics. Kach man had fastened t the Vi at his Lead a little bunch of feathers or i sprig of cedar; each had around his bice:.? arnih-t of buckskin painted gr'ii an 1 i 'tiite, sutl ?V(rftl :!:ejns of lright ynr:. :inl s: rings ot sleigh bjjlls v-kim around the ca'-'.oiips just Iwlow knee. None o! them were facially palr.ted, r.ono had tin customary l.cadkcrchief or q;:ouc, r.or V.k every day white cotton drawer.".. Kach hcl.l in LN left hrnd a of evergreen, n:ul in hia i bht a jvvttli:. lUB'hi ut i th y gourd, with a wooden handle. Over their b:ir -ln.U rattled beads only less prodigal than ih'vw worn by the women. The men were all young or youngish and, a a rule, very g.v.l Ln-ikliig fi llos. .At tho rear the pro ec.sio:? tr.j-e:-l dSM ta jiaip f ;..?.i'n boys und g-irls, the smallest not over 4 years old, but dressed just like their ciders, and equally exiert ia the intricacies of the curiou.' dance. VUm tho fiffv dancers were all innido t-.t square, in a Jong rov by pairs.-fii-t two women and then two men they ceased their advance, w hich had been made at a madding pace of aa'.f a mile per hour, but continued to 'marliuie," as an army man woald &?.y, to the ui faltering bump of tho yellow drum and the long winded, sing song of tho chorus. Tho step, whether advancing, retreating t-r standing still, Is the same- a simple variation pf the universal hop jump remembered, by every one who has 'ever seen an aboriginal dance anywhere. Starting on tiptoe, the dancer raised his right foot quickly to a height of front three to six inches above the ground, at th same tiruerpr perhaps, an instant later giving a tiny hop, which lifted the left foot high enough to put a toothpick between it and the ground. This hitch almost imperceptible In itself, but it is never omitted, and makes a notable impression upon the character of the step as a whole. Then the right foot went down in a similar hyphenated fashion, and the left foot went up, and so on. The soft pat of the moccasined feet of the men and the bare soles of the womea was audible only in the aggregate. After a little inarching and eountermarch arpnnd the space reserved for them, the dancers again cama down to the footlights so to speak and, by a quick turn, formed ha four parallel rows, facing outward. In the center were the two rows of women, and on each pule row of men. In thi3 position they danced In mark tjme fashion, moving their arms alternately up and down with, their legs. The men used their rattles meantime, each at stated intervals thrusting bis right arm oat in shoulder striker style, and giving i U same time a loud ."A?! avC AU gracerui wise, 'me tune kept by all won absolutely perfect, and tho figures reminded me or a irgmia reel to tbe tune the old cow died of. Up and down between the open line9 of tho daucem gamboled three tall, erect fellows, who were among the most im portant characters of the day. They were uttKeu save tor weir v-biriiig, piasiereu Wltn mud from head to foot, and with uncanny strings dangling from keea to wrists. Kach had a bristling knot of corn husks knotted to bis hair behind, aud carried a similar scare crow hi his hand. They were the clowns of the occasion, and called out many grunts and squeaks of approbation by their funtuHtle pigeon wings, grimaces and other monker tthines. CLociuti (N. M ) Cor. Clobe-Deintf crut. Damuiing tho Great Canyou. fo grander idea has ever leen suggested than that proposed by our National Survey to dam the canyons of tho Ux-ky moun tains, in order to form vast reservoirs of water, that may to used tt3 needed, to keep the arid lands of the great dry basins irri gated and fertile. Tho plan will, if carried out, lie equally valuable in preventing floods iu the Missouri and Ixwer Mississippi val leys. It is believed that l.0,000 square mile of land may thus lm rt-chunn.ii fp cultiva tion. Tho extent of this may bo seen by the fact that the total extent of land now under cultivation in tho United States is less than J0,000 squaro miles. Dams can be con constructed strong enough absolutely to reg ulate the spring Hooding, retain the supnjy and feed it out slowly, as rnajf o hooded', dl summer. Wa shall, by "such works, not greatly surpass the engineering feats of tho ancients. Olobe-Democrat. A Dead Sfan's fiitgej:, "I got a two. guinea feo today for a dead man's finger," said a well known Loiisy;ll physician. JAn fill nngrfl woman who claims tq be. a great voudoo doctor has been pestering mo with a request for such an arti cle, and finally I went to the dissecting xun of a medical ppllege ami procured ju She gladly paid thp money for it, too. She makes a very eflicaeious charm so sho chiiinsjq wh ch the dead finger i tho i hioipaj ingio diunt. '1-hji thai m ii, buiij tt. bo a suro mas cot for thcteo who want to win ou hoi-so races. Put tho ohui'iu in your ixeket and you can't help picking the winner so the old woman says. Sho was very anxious, therefore, for me to sell her tho finger before. th rau?s were over, am was. gu-atly. gmtifk-d. wlon I du pO.." oyisvillQ I'o,st. Cannibals lit South, Aiiieiioa. A queer nook of Brazil was explored by an Englishman, Mr. John Stcarn3, two year ago, and has just been describet) by hini. It 13 in the valley of the Ilio Doeo, and seems to have been neglected by settlers on aocount of the nuuavigable character of tho stream. Though within 550 miks of the city of Rio da Janeiro, the natives aro naked and canni bals with no religion. The district contains much valuable rosewood. Arkansaw Trav eler. Tcat'liliig PraeMoa! Housekeeping. At ono of tho schools for negroea in the south tho girla l?iarn housekeeping practi cally by being placed four at a time, and for a month at a time, in a cottage, where they live and havo complete control, under the oversight of a matron. They keen strict no count of Uieir expenditures, practioa econ omy, and sweep, cook, wash and Iron. Jew York Sun. Poisons and Antidotes. Druggists in Iowa areobljged to label every packet of poison which they sell with tho names of antidotes to the tlrug, as well aa th word, -'poise,!." Down south a "melonaire" is a man who raises a large number of melons. All the melonaires expect to become millionaires some day. Yhitinpf, dry or wet, will giva to lass a Ana polish. Dr. C- A. Marshall. Slesldexit Drnliot. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Aucstlu-tics given for Pain less FlLT.INO Oil EXTltACT'ON OT TE1W. Artificial teeth made on GolJ. Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, nr.d inserted as soon as tectli are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable, Fitzgerald's Block Plattsmouth. Neb "MEN OF MARK. 99 WRITTEN BY Rev- J. W, Simmons, D- D- This book is one that every loyal per son should possess. It tells of all the foremost colored men of the United States. It gives their biographies, and has over 100 tine steel engraving, JOHN C, BOONE, Agent for Csiss County. Gr. 33. KEMPSTER, Practical Pina and Organ Tuner AND JIEFAIKFjI. First-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Office at Boeck's furniture store, Plattsmoutli, Nebraska. Bf 4. Nl Time Table. COIXO WET No. 1. 1 :50 a. m. No, 3. :40 p, ni. No. 5 9 5 a. iii. No. 7.-7 :45 p. m. No. 9. 6:17 p, m. G0IN EASf. No, 2 4 :25 p. m. No. 4. 10 an a. m. No. 6.-7 :13 p. 111. No. 9 :50 a. m. No. 10. 9 :45 a. m. All trains mn daily by ray"or Omaha, except No. 7 and 8 which run to and from Sehuyler daily.except Sunday. No. 3 Is a stub to Pacific J unetion at 8.30a.m. No, 19 is a stub from Pacific Junction at lla.m BUSINESS DIUKCTOKY. a j k 1 c u 1 .t l' 1 1 a 1 . 1 m p 1 . k m k. n t s . iiai.l & ( i:ak;. Agricultural 1 liileiiieuts. ( oui I l:m. l!uj;i- and Ifulliford Von. "Cimil 'limlier and Bone i)iy." sold and Warranted. Main street, between Sixth ami S( v-iil.ii. BANK.) FlltST NATIONAL BANK, of I'hittsrnoiilli. Capital y.i.iKX) ; surplii. Sll, (HK. John KitGerald, l'r:iileiit ; S. Wallah. Cashier : F. . White. Vice-President. Hoard of li rectum : John Kitneiald. F. 1C. White, duo. K. I'larK, 1. liawksworih. S. Waugh. BANK. ' THE CITIZENS BANK, of Plattsiiioiil!.. apjfd stock paid in. :.ii.hhi. Frank C'arruth, President ; W. II. CnshiuK, Canhier ; J. A. Connor, Vlee-Pieciilent. A general banking hur-l-ics tr.uiHueled. 'o)lec tion receive prompt wild careful attention. BLACKSMITH. KOBEKT DONNELLY. Blaekmiilth Jnd Wjifroiuejiker, I lealer hi VimI millH. Pumps and Kiltiui-.. BOOTS ANIlSMOKS. JOSEPH FIT.Klt. Boot and Shoe. Kepaii nu promptly ntt-rd d to. t-'outh Sido Main . B OoTS AND SMOKS. PKTKU MKBCIiS. A coni)lete iii-Hrtiiient of every kind of Foot wear and cheaper 1 hau the cheapest wrst of the Missouri Bivcr. Also maaufait tiring and KeiiairiiiK. BABBEU SHOP AN I) BATH BOOM. Kl. MOKLKV. Ilf.f and Cold Ba lis at all hour. Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting a specialty. Cor. r.ih anil .Main, under t'arrut nv. B AK KB Y, F. NT A I KLM A N . Bread. Cakes, Pies. Buns, ele., daily. Party. WedduiK and h "a--y Cake a specialty. Ice Cream in any Muaiitity. B OOKSELLKU. FTC. . 1'. OCNO Bookseller, Stuttoiier, and News Healer ; Fancy Ooods, Toys. Confectionery, Fine cigars. Water anil Milk .Shake, Pianos and Organs and Muuirid I iiKtruiiieiits. TLOTHlNO. J S. & C. MA YFi: field's Fiirnishlug. Fine Tailor Made Clothing in Men's. Boy' and Children's Wear. Their prices defy coir petition. They misrepresent nothing. Their Word '. Their Soul. 1 L'jTH 1N(! . - L. (l.H.IU': Clolh'rir. Frni-;hinK iiood. io to the old le lialije iouy for Hats, Caps. I'mt.ifllas, Trunks. ikti i, auocs, ,Aain street, next Cass Co, Bank. pUUUlNd. ,J C. K. WKsCon, Clothing. Hats. Cans. .to. Fine FurnishhiL's our specialty. One price and no Mod Rev Kii's- nesf. j i i;ays to trade witn us. Uockwuod Bik. AXMN(i COM PAN V, t'AKBl.TH CAXM.VI! CO Frank Caiiulti, Henry J. Strelijht. Proprietors. Packers of the Climax Brand Vegetable. HON I'lCCTION K K V. v lMiii.i in kimi-x I ruit''. Con feet ionerv and Fine Cigarp. Duuca. O. P. SMI 1 II CO. Hca'em In Wall Paper. Paint-. Oil. Art Mater ial. Kockwood Block. D!!US. OF.lMNf! & C-. nmg. Chemicals. Paints, oi'w. LUl'OS. F. C. F1UCKH d- CO.. Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals. Paint". Oil. aruiehi. Dye Stutf-i etc.. Fine Mationi rv. Select Toilet and Fancy Articles. DUY(iOOl).", (JHOCFHlKS. F. s. wnri K. Dry Goods. Groceries Notions. General Mer chandise, etc. h. E. corner Ma'n and 0th St?. DKY GOODS. I-'. I! KM It MAW Dry Gocdi". Notions and Ladies' Furnisbiii!' Goitdci. One noor east First National Bank. DKY COOL'S. GBOCF It IKS. k. o nnvKV x- sirrv a 1 iroe Ftock of Finn 1. rncprins Drv Gods. Carpets. ( j'ieeuswar. Notions, nid Fancy Goodi, to be found In the county. Up per Ma n street, helucen .'.:h anil Oth. DENTISTS. DBS. CAVF. & SMITH. The Painless Denttcts." Teeth extracted wIMiout.the least painor harm, Ariifieial teeth inserted immediaiclv after extracting iiatund ones when defiled. Gold and all other Fillings etiictly Iimt class. Ottiee In I iilou Block. FUKN1TU K.E. HKSKY HO EC If . Kuriiiture, Bedding, loottiug Glafe. Piciuie Frame, etc. Yv'oodeu and Metal Ciiskets kept in stock. FUKNITUKE. T. PKaIM.VAV Fiiriiiliiie. Pafloi Suit. I'pho'stery Goodf, t:. i .i.. a ... .. 'i i. ...... ... ....a ..ii l-;...i ..r ...... k.. ,iv. no., civ-, iii.i.iir, auu .id niKK.t 01 Ilnuseiiohl Ooods. North tith street, between Main and N ine. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. .1. II. DJN NELLY. Gent Fine Furnisher and HatJer. The most complete and tiuesd tttoelt In the cily. Carruth .iocs, Ltr. bin auu Alain. GBOOKKIFS. M. B. MURPHY x- CO.. The Lefldlng Dealers in Groceries. Crockery China, Larnps. Wooden and Willow ware. t lour, i-eed.ivc. Cash pa"d for country produce. GF.OCFRIKS. LKHNHOFF & f-OENNICIISEN. Groceries', Provisions, Glassware Hud Crockery. GUOCEKIES. F. McCOUKT. Green, Staple aud Fancy Groceries. GROCERIES. BENNETT & TUTT. Staple And Fancy Groceries, Green Fruits and Canned Goodt?. G ROCEUIES. ALL. IAV11. Grort-rie and (Jnensu-are, Flour and Feed. Cigars, Tobacco and Cutlery. Riddle iiciue. HOTEL. FRED '-O0?, Proprietor Citv Hotel. Terms. per day. Special Attention given commercial men. HARNES?. V. G. KEEFER. Successor to O. M. Striglit. Harnei-s, Saddlery Goods. Net. Robes, Dusters, aud all horse fur nishing goods. HARDWARE. JOIlNcON BROS.. Hardware. Stoves. Tinware, Table und Pocket Cut!-ry. Rasors. etc. Household Sewing Ma chine and Jewel Gasoline cloven. Jin work of all kind done at reasonable prices. Main street. Kockwood Block. JEWELRY . w FRANlv CARKUTH & SON. Always carry a line nocK of Diamond. Watch es. Cl cks. Jewelrv. Silverware ani Spectacles. Drop in and inspect theircooas before parctias- mg elsewhere. JEWELRY. ti .f. FCHf. TFB. Tewe'er. Waltham Watches a Specialty. Main Street, near Fourth. TEWELRY. 0 B. A. MrEI.WAIN. Watches, flocks. Silverwnre und Jewelry. Special Attt ntlou given to Watch Repaiiing. InSfluofcks Take Time by o - 1TOT . OTIS CHEAT Will Terminate Aug. 27. Wo -;c 1 mo lit Houso who luive Hut tukcn :ul vaiitiKn; ol' the liaro;.iiii.s oilerctl ilaily utoiir (Jrcat Clo.sin Out Sale will fire gone. live At 60 els. per Pound, Worth 75c. Dress Goods Sale, Great Cloak Sale, Silk Sale, Carpel Sale, Trunk aad Valise Sale. We are too busy to make a Price List. To acfoniiiioilato the great rush we will keep our store oj.en until 10:00 o'clock i. hi. SOLOMON $t LATHAM, White jFront Ir.v 0oc1k Mouse - Ulniu St. T 1VI.RY STABLE. Li CM. HOLMES & SON, The Checkered Bam. Livery. Feed and Sale stable ; parties conveyed toall pnrtxof the city. Carriages at all train. Comer Vine and ;th. M KATMAK 5v KT. l'i RICHARD BILSTEIN, WhoViitte and Retail Dealer In First 'Jiialitv Beef. Pork, Mutton Veal. Lamb, etc. Sixth strec', Neville Block, l'rices moderate. MEAT MARKET. J. 1 1 AT f it CO.. Kill Iheir own Cattle. Render their own Lard and Cure their own Bacon. Main street. MEAT MARKET. F1CKLEK .t CO., Efrus. Poultry Jkc. We use o ly the best trade ot native stock. Oysters and game in season. MEKC11AN.T TAILOR. C. F. SMITH, Merchant Tailor. Main street, over Merges' shoe store. Complete stock of sample. Fit guaranteed. Prices defy competition. MILLINER V. MRS. J. F. JOHNSON. A Complete Line of the Latest Styles of Mil linery and TrUnmliiiJS ; also Children's and In fants"' Bonne's, to be closed cut at cost. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOM. JACOB HENNCH, Meal and Lunches sei ved to order at a'l hour. Also Oyster, cigar. Tobacco, Pop and Cider. Opposite Kiddle House. SAM.'LE ROOM. JOHN BLAKE. Sample Room aud Billiard Hall. Choice Wine. Ll-juors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. SAMPLE ROOM. FRAHM & I LI ETCH, Sample Room. Imported ami Domestic Wines. Liijuois and Cigars. Only straight goods ban died. Milwaukee Bottled Lager a Specialty. Cor. 5t h and Main Sts. SAMPLE ROOM. THE AMERICAN EXCHANGE. Nit k Cunningham, proprietor Choice Wines, Liriuor? a id Cigars. Pool aud Bil.iard Tables. K'ddle non e Block. SAMPLE ROOM THE ELKUORN SALOON. Wm. Weber, proprietor. Mautifac turers of Soda Water. Birch Beer. Cider, etc. Agents for Fred K rug's Celebrated Lager Beer. Watches! Watches!; H. M. GAULT Has moved and is now in the Sherwooa 1 room. Cor. 5th and Main Sts., where he is better able to show his Large Stock of Watches, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY ! Than ever before, and will as an induce ment sell you Watches way down. Call and get the Special Prices in Gold Watch es; it will surprise you. A Full Line of the best styles ot Jewelry and Silverware. Repairing will be given Special Atten tion. All work warranted to give satisfaction. ere ihe Forelock. 3D IE CLOSINd OUT SAI.K : z'i'-.z our 2T air- Soptoinbor 1st. regret it when we Beeso Feathers DRS. CAVE & SMITH,. "Painless Dentists." Ti e only Dentist In the West controllng thl New Svstern of Extracting and Filling 1 eelh without Pain. Our anaesthetic is en tirely free from CIII.OnOFOiniOItKTJIEK AND IS ABSOLUTELY Harmless - To - A1U Teeh extracted and artificial leeth lnerfed next day if desired. The preservation of the natural teeth a specialty. GOLD CE0WH3, GOLD CAFS, EE1DGE WOBI. The very fines'. Office in Union p.lcck, over 1 he Citizets Bnijk, yis.vtx3c-.i.iz. R. B. Winoham, John A. Da vi kx. Notaty Public. Notary Public. Wl-)H tIA IIAVIKM, dfittornoys - at - Xaw. Office oyer Bank of Casfc County. Plattsmoutii, - - Nebraska 1 N. BULLI VAN. Attorney at Law. Will give prompt attention to all business In trusted to him. Onlce in Union Block, East side. Plattsmoutli. Seb. Job work done on he Herald office. short notice at Ulo f o a s B Hi gfgl? 3 II 'no - Hi! t-ri t. 7