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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1888)
J; FIUST YEAU PI-VTTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, 31 A V as, 1HSS. A Bov Drowned. ( link lAnolc 5? M;lVi'f, ilea Hlur, AlUHtn-y, ! iiLrliie-r. Pence Jiilx, .Murit.ill, Coini'al.'iieii, lit war, I, 2uL 3rd Jill. l' M. Kit KV V K Fox - JAMK4 PaTTFHHON, .IK. h uds Clauk A Mai.)i.k - H i'i.ikkiuii W II Mai.kk )J V W M'K MA I'M A SAI.IM:t;ilV ) l M .I'lXf s ! UK. A IMI I I M AK ) M It M( himiv 'N ll'C'OX.NOIC. I I AH 1 J W .loll KoaiJ Pub. Wprk Kitf.uliiM I I) II Haw (lU.I.K.'i PllKH J W .loll NS .t.'ll AI:(.M AN UKIIF.K , K.t Woitrii GOL'jYl'Y" OFKJGJtJjS. Treasurer, lifniiy licnunT, - Clerk. Iii-j.n'y Clerk, K.'iMifli-r of I J.-cd lJ-r:!f H-:!iriIr ( 4rli ut IM-tnel Co irf, Siiertif, -Surveyor, - A t f 1 1 1 V i ,. v- Sirit. of rub. School. II. A. CAMI'ltKI.L, I HO. I'lll.lH'K IIRI ( KI 1 (II KI ! f XI EXA (.'IM ITIIKI KI.D W. U. Pool .!)(! V ,M I.KV l A W. .'. S II 11 W A l.TKIt ,1. C. El K K.N HAH V A. AIaooi.k A i.i.k.v i;kksn MivnakiiSpivk County Jti I'.OAKD OF SL'I'KKVISOKS. A. I;. TMi, - Plattsmoiith l.iM h K .i t., Ch'm., Weeping Water A. It. 11 ksiiN, K:litwooU (51VIG SOGIK.KS. fliSS LOLt'.K No. nr.. I i. O. F. -Meets " 'every I tie day evening of each week. All t rin.-leiit brothers are respectfully invited to atteml. JJLATTMOUTII ENCAMPMENT No. :i. I. ). D.' V.. ineni eyery alternate) Friday in u.ich iiniiilli in l be Maoonic Hull. Visiting P.rolbers are invited to attend. fllKIO I.OIKiE NO. . A. O. U. W. Meets very aliernat-f I'rlday evening at K. of P. I ... I I 'I" - I...., I . I. ..... ......... ,..)!.. I .. i-Lii. 1 1 itun ii t iviuiiici? arc i csjTCt ii iii i j iii viieil toit'teiiit. K..I. Morgan, Master WorkJiiii ; K. S. ll.irrtow. Foreman ; Frank lirowu, Over ceer ; I. It.nven, (iuiile ; George IIous worth. leeirler; II. J. Jobnsoll. Financier; WaMi. Suiitli, Keeeiver; M. Maybrlgbt, Pat M. W. 1 IF .11. IV J '.H U I J t llMl11. - VI A vuu uuu caught in thff I. v ,.w I uiamu ib nil a fonr-year-oM son of h farmer named I poisible to reverse the engine Ilemlrickson. livin; on Spoontr & Ly- I .. ...a..', farm near Hooper, fell into the w -uri ou. KOdded. . , , , I 11.BKH, isei., 3Iay 13. The court hlkhoru river nn.l was drowned. A con- 1 1 .... . . tou,t .tant searcl, for the l.od y of the little fel- " ,U"C9 W" Iotvhasnot. ntthlstim. reK11 ; ;t I ' ! e county JU,Ie oilice, the rct.overv ' shenft'. ofliw, 1 he county tlerk'n ofliee aim i iic iouaiy ireasurei s witice ail wore A Soldier Fatallv Shot. forced . w - i v, t ivj ' Vai.entink, Nel., May 2:J. A fatal taken, but littU cash is believed to h.ive accident occured at l oi t Niobrara todtfy. I 'je" stolen. The slieriff's office was en I'rivntc Hooluhan, of Company A.Kishth tered throuffb u window and the Bnf infantry was shot through the arm and J opeued and about $0 or $7 in cash afe body while on target duty. He had ar- I stracted therefrom. No other low save ranged the target and was in the act ot J -"at of n pair of excellent revolvers be backiiir out from it when li I lonerino- to tho cliBrifF :r- -' - ....... ..w I a -o . A I Ull I1IC rlJCI Iii s . 1 1 . . . . I ... . .... I 1 1 ., iiiusuoi wiiicu will unclouhtfdly cost wnice me prowlers entered the clerk's litm i.: 1 nfr. i... ....... ... . his luu, I inv.c UV a DarLltlon Which u'l nrvf A " 1 1 ...J w u W V. 11 ml.... . 11. -. . . . A Mysterious Murder. 7 ' V , IUCJ I,eneU aU drawers and GOTO Win. Ifcrold &" Hoi Fori Dry Goods. Notions Eools tu Slioes or '.adics and (iVbts FLTKXISiUXG- (;o()J)S. lie keeps as liir,u- and as wt il SELECTPIj stock Ah can 1; roun.l any plaee in t li eit v ami make jou prlees that defy coiiij.f i i. Kiii. Agents for Harper's Bazar Patterns and Bail's Ccrsct?. JI.VSS CV51I' N0.3.T2. MODKKX W(II).MKN 1 J if AmeriiM .Meets second and fourth Mon day evening at K. of P. bail. All truiiilent brother are renuesied to meet willi ii!. I.. A. Nau iv) uer. Venerable Consul : . K, Nllex, Weriiiy Auvin-r; 1, It. Sinitn, Kx-ltanktr ; W. C. NVul- tis, c;ierk. tu vrrsn )urii mhmse no.s. A.t. v. v. A Meet! every alternate Friday evening at lfoiL wiiltl li:t.1 1 :it K i Vliu'ir All r r:iiiiti I tin it ti ers are re-.protfully invited l attend, b. S. J i,.-..... l IV . ! I...... i-a... .. .... . J I l. . r i- "" - """"-'ni ma pants and loos . iMe. Uecord.'i' ; I.oouard Anderson, overseer. I .i , change, then to the house of Dr. Hawei, MCUUHIHIE POST 43 C. A. R llOSTF.K. J. W. .Ti.nysov Couniaitder v. s. l vv i ss Senior ice K. A. !?tki Junior ' Ck... Nii.ks... Adj:ita-it. li.r.M'V i:k!i;iit i. y. . M.i.v li, oilicerof 1 lie i.iy. t ili(l.Ksfon:) tiiiaru Di ki:, FU., May 22.-L D- Gore an , 1 P ' careIe9s1 and linal- old citizen of this countv Volusia ' li v. aclected a n cigar-holder, a present ing near Dulow. was shot while at work T. " oia cu"atJ 'nend of the clerk i l. clearing last Tuesday. Four rifle D dMu l. ill ...i i t . i i . . , He 35Jtlff'a ofhee was entered thrnnol iii ooiiy near me nean ana I . . . " leuth foUowed almost instantly. Thre . nort''- T,'e Vault I. nQ clew to his assassin ftr wnrAwft ,)r?m,8CUU It is believr-d that nolitical strife is t. L .V' b far bottom of the affair, as Ooie had taken a l J Z 1 V"" . .eMmuil. The stroi stan.d agaipst the "ring" that con- easily onon&d -'c ,otk 8Iul trllil I) w """'"i nan, It is Fall!, some damaging secrets of their- iln,, i. . I . i ... Jo oeeii luiten , f Krf v . the authorities " murderers to justice. They Went Through tharBU,n Wahoo, NeU., Way gd.Ijast night was visual by a set of sneak inieves and burglars. They first entered the hoiua of N. H. Ilcll and took hi, gout watch, pocket-bood, $9.70 in cash nd two pair of pantaloons, then crossed the street to the house of It. Sfranek and left the pantalowns taken at Hells, and took a half case af Leer. From there they weni to the l ouse of Emile Fisher ud abstracted his pants and loos. C- F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor. Main St., Over Merges' Sin...': ijiot e. Has the best and nm n Samplco, f.xift lurtiw'i n wooieiis that ever came west of Missoiu where they were discovered nnf1 fl,.T No clew to the idondity or whereabrtt. . oi uto scoundrels has been discovered. - ----- w i. 4in .- J) V i 1 river. Note these prices: IJusinc- , from $10 to $3o, dress suit" ' ir pants 4. .- i; 4" ' . j.o0 and upwards. - V ill , - 1 P . .iaranteed a fit. -Tices Defy Compeiilion. DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "Paiziloss Dentists' The only Dent iHtrt in the West eontroling tin". New System of Extracting ami Filling ! eetli without Pain. Our anaesthetic is en tirely free from v ..h ;.,-.- Fk Major! s . , ".euraska this crime but it is believed that th par- t'r ?TtoyZZTtt """'IT1 tle8f0l,0-d the deputy sheriff Pat. il ,;-;;.,;ao,day evening t7T f rete yesterday, he had tAZ"8! foldafarmatsheriiTs sale and carried ...c treasurer's ffice door was f,.ree,l open and tht vault door drilled, consid erablt powder burned, the knobs and 1 11 m uanuiea broken off, but it is believed .:,;:r?lcir' ff': cin,ouoFonMon KTiiKie probably robbed of about $700 cash, all . A,s ioM"1 K, v it contained and the vault door cWl Hamil.eSS - Tfl - A 1 I - and battered up to mislead or barilla the Ttc"'. rx,rvc,ff '! "i-tiiieiai teeth inserted I Ib'VT il'iv li iiul'ii ii.l rl I mcers. The thief carried ti.- J , :,V,.i Yi' ""I"1 u LTiwrTlTe?brUt,nthing furtljer GOLD CfiOWNS, GOLD CAPS. BRIDGE V70RK. is missing. A part of the tools l.v I t,. . th "7 J el", Il. over j ,icic ijiiwcu Irani a ho hum. i 'uc wum i;:ii:k. lan's blacksmith shop in Bohemian-town and consisted of a pick, a hammer an adz, chisel and a few iron bars, all of UNTIE vV IOE HVCZEX-T wnicii were left m the court house but vvc have our house nn-.i the drill with which the drilling was A FINE QUALITY OF ICE, done in the treasurer's office has not. he And ar? i.i-i.r.r...i ;t . ' IQUnd. U'lneis in any quantity desired . No definite clue has been settled unon ALL OKDEES PEOMPTLY PILLED. as to the party or parties perpetrating Ieae orders with JSTOT j c i:i Ti- earnestly rcipiest all of.tir friends indebted to s trt call -it once mid sitlle accounts due. We have sustained heavy loss by t lie destt tietion of our l!i:uuh Mouse at Fairmont, Neb., by fire and now that we need money to meet our obliga tions, we hope there will not bo one among our friends who would refuse to call promptly at tin's particular time and adjust accounts. Trusting this will receive your kind consideration and prompt attention, we remain, Yours Truly, S0L0LM0N & NATHAN. I l State qnay School Association. . i " wjc uiii i v fir lnrn.'ie tnftAtiA 1 ohk, Neb May 23.The Nebraska this crime but it is b S ! ii ri nv.ciiiir.1 .r-,-. . i . . ,u, . t cliiuoi ii.Mniii'iaiinii nioAtu i . . . . j i . r li n i-i .... v : .. . i . i - ... iallyof 1 fi 8 r- r I jk mis eany Hour assured. The nrrW ,,f i,,. w: . B w. i(irt(111,sswllSM II I 8 1 I 1 1 exercises tl,; nfi - tu i, uuer wiiu mm the proceeds of "mo- ' ?.3 I 3 J n 1 m 5- i' V f-i v.ota i,s aucrnoon n, a uraver and H.- r ... H r M Al M l praise meetinr, un i. o ""cn lie had tortun- . i". I 1.1. .8 ! I 1 I I I II I V V I ! I 1 1 I r;. rt W. ' 7 'r;,n' Ped in a bank on his arrival in P''i8. - - PlattSIaotI. J VI W 9 UriU t'lftttPi flif,troi:rflo ,.f f Htmi I i i . t iv 1 1 1 ii r welcome f.y lln. A. D. Wvcoff. mavnr - - - of oik; response by President C. C. B.& Wl. Time Table. INT IE 111, INSUR4SCE "GENTS -;o to- lute, of Valparaiso: rcoort f.n., r.,..,f. cjoixo wkst. . . ' "U1"".' I -o. 1,-5 :2( a m. t!io fcl 1 win if t j in in. m. ooijf; kas. No. 2.-4 :L'.r p. in. No. 4.10 :.? a. in, No. 6.-7 :!" p. in. No. 8.-3 :.V) a. ii. No. 10. :45 a. 111. X' 1. ... ... . drofs on the subject of ".More lloom" by voJlTtral3".ru.,i,-li,"y by wavor "''a. ",!-l KM-. Willnrd Scott, of Omaha. nlh daily Vice.a SundaV " a,,a Kci.uiler Wc lis, of New York, will aillr.. ti,a L.'.'-3.0 is a stub to Pacific Junction at r m n n. - I - -.. . iv iy n kTlir. t n l.i . - - AiiM-..- i:i leurr U--. i.otns. Asyets ?l', nsonri-.t i..n .-ir .iv-uiu j unci ion al 11 a.m. . . ....... ........ . . ym ... i lira i: II 'l.iii.l Jll I ' ' associations and schools. This cvenino- . 3 :4 i. in. in i r .. . . - a, m. 4 u praise meeting, led by o. 7.. :45 p. m Hev. J. H. IVesson, Seward, and an ad- U' u"!. " t ri 1 ; lire-teateI cr')inji:iine!: C :tiuirri:i.t! t'iiion-ICuglatid. P;r.r A -soe! i;i.)a-p::iladeti!i:a, ' Fr ink I ;n-Philadelphia, " Itonii'-Xe'V York. I . C . i.f Vio-th . mer!c i, Phil. l.iv'i .i !A:L,.m l n A llole-Eiig " N irtU I'.i uisii & Mercantile-Ea " N'Tn ic!i I'iiioii-Enlaml. tfpriaj'ii.'U F. .t M.-Sprin-field, " r.'.-!'X Ti,e programmo for Wednesdav nml 3,M7.ifc "u.Bn.ijr is e.ceiienr, and great interest sjj,a n oeing m.ii;i tested in it. 8.174.3:;' 3 The Methodists Succeed In Elect-'.ie 3,014.!15 ing Two Bishops, Xkw YoitK, May 22.--At tl .r.;-,.. Total A.sef i? ii-,"i "l wu- wnerai Jletliodist conferenca to- I t'i tirt ...... ...... ,i i .. i.i. ii ijuii on me election of a second, FOlt SALE Oil la!01lab!e lei-ma , ; .i .. ... enca on nte js. w, corner of Elm and nth Sts. Said property consists oft: i.wv oi, ..' ftory ami a half house .f six rooms, two ward- roues ana one pa::trv : irooH ..ii ....... water; twenty-seven bearing apple trees ai.d an abundance of small fruit of all hinds, tf P. D. KATES. Begg's Blood Purifier and Blood man fir- No remedy in the world has gained He P. Whisler's, AT The City Bakery, FOK FINE New England Home Made Broad He hns nrnc tirr..'i t b.i ,. r of Omaha, whose -p:'ia!;y is in mukin; '"""-"i liisny ine.steu UM-"'tw "V, '"' t,',1"'",!t li,:lf you will be convinced or t.s mer.ts, - a ej. Br. C. A. Marshall, WHEN YOU WANT On the third ballot this eyenin" Jlev p. TT& T.f ffa tz FTa 1 I 'I'll oli I'C 1 firm m T . . .. t i... ... ! " vv v.SUU Ul a OlLOIlvl I VT 1 missionarv I.Uii,.,, tT.,.::.. M remedy in the world has eni'ned L55S53 AaiatRl 'Hi PaiiatthiSAlTBlICV actual voting l.en much ,!.. ' thC PPrity it this medicine has, as . taken up i settlm- the o.estinn a oJ . ho.ld. on fy medicine. No one whether i.iifa ..::, . .. "uld be without it. It has no calomel ivm.uiiui" ifSS man the - reonircd number of n.mes should be ! ' qU,,D,ein lts cIosition. consequent counted or throw,, f a JJ no bad effects can a"se from it. We '"UlU INS- l. -..,1 , , .. cussion it wss Wi.1i -1' lu"tl,IW at ail pnies. O and voting began in earnest. ' h"ITl1 Cfi-- PrgSi. Gasoline ttove s are all the rase now rcelh extracted without pain i.u itvc f iJlWinr. irket is the "Quick (J- ence, and Uev. W. J. Fitzgerald of tl.o i ,"i' "can ffft one at J. Ii. Cox's All work warranted. Prices reasonable. New .Toran ..... " , . , . . tlrt"' Jial re. 0231m KITZr.KRAI.O'.S IU.-C -k rumMni -t v, . .. w " " vwuiwiriii t. WHrn AirfBnran kid t i 1 . . - i j - vivci '111 I OIlS. Arl i,-! result of th, fourth ballot cold be W. J. TXT A T? T5 TT? L G'B' KETEE3 ritiuiiuui riciij (ihn mm 'him? A-i! J'.EPAiltKK. Firoi-i!;i.s work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos ami Om.-iiw riK i v furniture store, Plattsmouth. Xi-l,-L-a PPBLIO SALE 2 -OF- CALL ON Cor. 12th and Granite Streets. Contractor and Builder Sept. 12-Gni. known. HAS THE I.ARC.EST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF A Collision at HumhoMt Hc-MBOLiyr, Neb., May 22. A collision WALL PAFER. PATNT5 tr-rn occurred at 12:30 todar bet i iu I o. and freight No. 78 and the Lin- o . ' i , ' 9 aU VUe latest patterns. eoln passer No. 71. The frei-ht ha.l Wv.Xl. ai,,ns sPeci"J hue at J. Y W.r. Fv. KRmnT, er:r: u had weckUS i r.T . !. U1U"? H.1CK here for :lie passcn-rer 3LA."W OFPICE. P rso:iaI at'ontion to all fiusiuefu Entrust to my care. XOTAKV IX OFFICE. Titlo Examined. A?staret. Compiled In surance Written. Keal Estate Sold. Belter Facilities for niakin? Farm Loans than Any- Other Agcacv, J. II. Cox has a full line of hos-- and hose-reals for your lawn. niJJml and cut loose the engine from the tridn , Tjiose who wish their stoves stored Men's canvass shois nr. Ar.rrc- K... 1. i e -. . - I during' thfi tnmm.i. n i tt 1 QK ,.,.tr. i , ' '') uiiu-aair mue rronj the depot in- v f.Vb i at u. "ui cveMinmg cheap. tf. i ,uu IU Hau open toe switch mo22w2 Ii- I. .Vl Vmi.VW, JoII.V A. flAVlE", I .Notary Public. Nolaiy rubiic' j WtMHIAJU iavii:. -A.ttor2.03rs - at - Xsaw. Cfii c over Hank of Ca. County. Plattsmouth. - - NiiDUAsxA. Train No. 71 was standing on the main track and the engineer secinsr that tha engineer had lost control of the incoming engine, reversed and hud the traiD undeT pretty good headway before the collision took place and by his prompt action sayed his engine and nothing is damaged but the pilot broken off. Men are jToy engaged in clearing the track. Engine No. 75 is bully damaged. Fortunatelv no oue is injured although the passengers were oadly shaken up and scared. The wrecked engine was running about ight miles au hour at the time of the accident The cause of the collision was that the Beee's che rrv Rniiok Gu.. Is warranted for all that the label "rail for, so if it does not relieve your cough you can call at our store and the money will be refunded to you. It acts simul taneously on all parts of the system, thereby leaving no bad results. p. I! fiTH & C0., Pruggisfs. j95-3md&w j A large line of white goods, flouncing all overs at J. V. Week bach's. Plenty of feed, Hour, graham nnd meal at Htiscl's mill, tf Two elegant furnished rooms to r. nr inquire at this cfiice. tf The cheapest (.hoes' at Mcr-es. tf. t it , - -, . " u"c ""c " 'lire aprons embr.-.ird'd I sell shoes cheaper than anybody. the latest styles. r.rices very low at til nd be convine.f1 ..i,i "WW!. hnrri, 1 u 1 at As I have oId my farm nml b-n-t. 1 t FRIDAY, JUmm 1st, '88, nt 10 oVIoek a. in., at inv farm tl,mn .. yearliiifr colts, one sinrrle bnrrfrV t , , ,l0rft'" twt wagon, hav Pack,, i ! 3?" ff lMwMb.Al! sums umh-,- ft In, ...h, uU PISIJ1S ovrr tJ t twue wil, be gIVe at lu cent with g I For -j n..-j,i.-i man anynody. 1 Call nd be convinced, no trouble to Weckbaugh's ir. peter Merges. Bargans in hosiery for ladies and children at Weckbaugh's Novelties in ladies readv m,la L-f!." Corner of Elev- liaunderwareatJ.V.WWklaugh. 'ask;: MRS; G. E. KEKPSTER. cfcer cf Yocel & Iii trcmgutal Jim OT. C, BOD27S, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Street. Noith Robert Sherwood's Piore. A. i.-Hi.Y:.'!Iora.ey "A -. win e!,iU,,a.ta Black. Eas, If it la n-al estate yon want, V"ind-V-avu Parks' cohimn on secoad page. J- E. R0BB1KS, ARTIST, IXSTKl'CTIOS CJIYEN IX FINE OIL PAINTING WATERCOLORS, ETC ALL LCYEKS O Al:x ABE INVITED T CALL AM MY WOEK STUDIO OVEt OLIVER A RaMSE MEAT MARKET. ' 1 i ' 1. 1 I 1 II; ii