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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1888)
h7 Wtfflj FIRST YHAU PLuYTTSMOUTII, NEJIKASKA, T1IUKSIAY 13VKXING, .HAY 2!, 18SS. NU31HKII 2 JO "J mm b i Mayor, I'lc'rle, Tre:iMircr, Allorncy, ) iiim-i-r. I'oiuv .llidtt, Mllidl.dl. t'otim-iiaieu, 1st ward. A Disastrous Runaway. Vtr... . c.r . V..I . Mutr O.l T Hilt j I 1 - A. uii , Ail.''., . i. . KM. Ul iikv .... .. ..... .I-;.,..., i. i;,.i,nt..l v.ttw Jamki 1'ATrEKMON.JK. became fi iiditened and ran awav. throw- it VllON I I. UK I a A m.ioi.k mg Mr. V ctty and his little daughter from W ll Mai.ivk the wa-ron. The c hild sustained internal 2mI 3rd -tilt. Hoard Tub. Work 1J W KHK It II S .1 V Wkckisacii I A AI.IMli;ilV ) l M Jonm I Hit. A SHU-MAN ) M i: M iik cm v I S V IUTT(IN ('OS O'C'O.NMlK. I V I'KKB V JotlNrt ,I,'I1A110I AN IIAH'IISWOHTII injuries which ma- prove fatal, nnd Mr. Vctty was badly cut and bruised about the head. Treasurer. I. unity lnvuurcr, - Ui.ik. li-.uty ri. rk. t Deeds letiitv i;if.iT "t--rk of IM-lucl Co irf. Mil-lit'. Surveyor. . tl'rn.- . - - Sunt. ! I'lili. School. County J a IW Vltl OK HL'l'KKVISOK.S, A. II. Ti'll. ' !.! IS l' iM.17., Cll'lll., A. II. 1I K.SON, i A. CAMI'KKl.t. TIKM. I'Dl.l.llI K lIICI 1'KITI'lllln.a K. A fit I IIHK1 K.I.U w. ii. r.Mi. Ion n m W. C. SlIOWALTKll J.C. I'.lKK.IHAIil A. MaImii.K Al.l.KN I5KK.HON Ma yn aui st-i.v k O. Ul'SSKl.l, A School Master's Bride. Fkkmoxt, Neb., May 24. lroi'ssor J. A. Hornbcrgx-r, piincipal of the rc-mont city school, is just now receiving the congratulations of scores of friends, lie was married at Nevada. Ia., on Monday, May 21, to Miss Emily I'urkhiser of that place. The professor and bride have ar rived in Fremont. K. -Meets i v Tuf-ihiy evei.llni of each week. All transient hi'ut Ik-is arc reenectf ully Invited to attend. J1A-4S I.OIMIK Nn. 1J. 1 O. O. VVvery A Texas Cyclone. IJoniiam, Tex., May Information from Rrookston, a .small town tweut-iive miles cast of here, is to the effect that a riattsiiKMiUi cvclone nasscd over tint nluce at 4:30 1 17 i . . . . tt ....... I 1 uir,M,s ..,.r . una cvi'iini" iiciiioiisimi", inree or lour houses and seriously injuring five or six persons. One house was blown across the track. The wires are down nnd details arc very meager. It is thought that a irreat deal of damage was done in the vicinity of I!rookston. Ben Norris, a negro, who was fatally in- j jured, says that an old man and his son I were in a box car with him and they ! have not vet been accounted for. There j DARKNESS HAS UNKNOWN TERRORS An Incident with a Moral Tliut Hup ened In u .Minneapolis IInHltul. "For heaven's sake turn nn thn li Hitl rtn is also said to be another tramp buried in It quick or I Khali go mad!" the ruins. I A woman's voieo almost scrwchoJ forth . : this command Slio lay tossing uoii on iron Trouble Oover an Election. j c-ot in a room in ono of tho Minneni)o:is hos- T ..i, i r o. a i ' I 'ita,s- " as 3'oung in years, but the deep LlTTl.K Hx-K, Ark., May 2.J. Artyiocs j lines oiH.or still handsome faco arid I., r from Augusta report great excitement; era! apearaiiee were only too Kugcstivu of there, frrowinnr out of the. went ,.,, ,,-,1 i a llI or wua dissipation, bho was a womaa eloctiou. As near as can be ascertained Kiinwood Ill.A 'ITMOI'TH KM'AMI'M KNT No. a. I. O. 1 O. K.. iiit-t-l h eveiy alteroale Friday In eaeli i.cnili in I lie Maximii: Hall J.n-l lu-is are itiviled to attend. IsitliiK rM:i) i.i)1i;k no. si every alternat Friday evenlnir at K. of I. halt. Transient Itriithert are respertf ully In vited tontu-n I. K.J. Morgan. Master Vorkiiau ; K. S. It trtow. Foreman ; t rank i;ro n. Over seer; I. It.nvi-ti. Olllile; ie.iiie Ilouuo t i, Keeorder ; II. .1. Johnson. Financier; Wati. Siiillh. lii-eeiver; M. Ma) hriiilit. fai-l M. W. ; Jack I'aiixheriy, Inside Guard. A Pow Wow of Braves. CiiAuitox, Neb., May 24. The Indians . o. U. w. Meets at Cheyenne agency are holding a con ference in regard to surrendering the land recently opened. The conferenc the particulars as follows: The Knights of Labor hud two candidates G. K. Whitcomb, a white man, and a colored man named Wilson, the latter being a school teacher. The democrats had for their candidates .lame's II. Campbell and Walter Sayle. The polls were surround ed all day by a large crowd of colored people, and at night it was announced that the democratic ticket was elected by two yotes. This the negroes dcnounccel as fraudulent nnd must be righted or trouble would be the result. In a very short time knives, guns and pistois cou d be seen on all sieles. The negroes re fused to be arrestee!, and their ringlead ers escaped from the town, but were pursued by by officers and brought back. It is but just to say that the judges of the tlectiou were of the two parties, two being elcmocrats ami two Knights of Labor. It is generally belicveel that ser ious trouble will ensue. KhiloMophy of Writing Heails." The Kuyal rule that a. life wsi it rto.r lianil commences on the 21st inst., and consists should tell In brief the s!jry that follows in of all the chie fs and under chiefs of the dotail ia one that- is never disputed. But - ... how hard is it to conform tn tiiic. n.Ai a agency. 1 He live principals are Red complicated account of some business matter MODKKN WoooMKN -i"uu, poueei j-.iK, i oung-Man-Alraul- is not easily indexed in half a dozen lines. of America Meets second and fourth Mob- of-IIi Ituri. T..11 lt,.r T fLXt especially when, aa is nearly alwava oV- iiiu.111 iffi . liih impB mntr. ;n n . I . .um vwnuuu tx ari - 4 1 ASH CAM I NO. 33: tl :.v tiVf niiiLT at K. of 1. hsJI. All trAiisieilt a-. rui inuuf Iik niuuf U- f I lid I. A I I'ml I Ma.,l i 4 1 .1 . 1 k .m.. xu V1VU" ,a H,e ,M,ul 'S- tain number of letters. Even commoimla Wormy dviser ; it, it. siuitn, Li-iuiiktr ; w. aenumeni. expressed so iar is against sur- Mms, Bucn as tnosa pertaining to tires, C. Wiik-tts. Clerk. ,-, !, ;., l i s , accident or crimes, are not lmnfi.i' ttiiuiuij- nit inuu niiu a sriinsi iiisau- I . , . .. J .v,, ,.r .1 , r mainly because every line that would suit probation of the manner of remunera- has been used ao manv ri..,a hr in. v rr.HMoirru i.oim;k no. m. a. o. it. w. Meet" ev-rv aiti-rnale Friday eveninu at KoekMood li i!lat hu'l-Iock. All transient tr;th--is are r-st"'etfu!!y irti it"I io attend. I.. S. l. trnii, M. W. ; F. Utiy l. Foreman : S. C. VVii.le. ijejorder ; Leonard Anderson. Over.srer. McCUNIHIE POST 45 G. A. R T. V. .Toiiisox I'oimamler. O. ;-t.Tns Senior Vice F. A. I'.A rm Junior " :ir.. nii.ks Adjutant IlMiv SritK.n;iiT i. M M ujim iMx.ix Otlieerof tlie Uay. e'HAUi.K.s Foui " ouard Amkh.on- Fkv Scrt Major. .1 ahoii uortii'.K .1 x. . ..Quarter Master Serjrt. I.. '. ( cutis 1'ost Cliaplain et-tiuti Saturday evening has been used ao many times before a tion to be received from the government provoke ridicule when even suggested. 11E.Pa!mer&Son pre ;liiS the tbllowiticj time tv:d ua.l lire-tested companies: Atnerieaii reatral-S-. i.auis. Assets S1.25S.10 INuuaiereial Uuiiu-EnKhiud. " :'..W14 Fir- As-i.K-Ia'i:n-Philadelphia. 4,ll"..r7t Fr.vuklin-riiila.'.eli.liia, " :!.117.1ti ll.mie-Xe-.v Vork. " 7.s-jj.5(9 I-s. C . of vrtli Amnrlei. PhH. " 8.171.362 i.ivrp i.iKvL :id.n & ;i:te-Ea " C.(53-J.7R1 N rt' British i Mercantile-Kn ? " 3,37s.7?4 s ri-jii l"iiio!i-Knlan:l. I..T.1C "ii in 4'leM F. M.-Spriii(ield, Total Assets. $1 :.ll-,7:-t Lr,i33 idjii;Ul -ni PdiJattlisijency WHEN YOU WORK WANT 1 he general opinion of a number of sepuaw men who are interested in induc ing the Indians not to surrender the lanel is that it will be'nlmost impossible to get the requisite number of Indians to sign. Who is not acquainted to the noiut of familiarity that breeds contempt, with mi-li headlines aa "A Small Fire," 'A Midnight Blaze," "A Sad Accident" "A Heinous Crime," "Is it a Murder!" "Fell from a Scaf fold," and so on I And yet when such occur rences as they indicate have been described horses at will on the reservation. They are doing their utmost to induce the Iu- Thcre are a large number of squaw men in tno aticle, the pencil naturally traces who own l.errls of tfor-l, ,,n,1 tw purubw iot we uoaaa. Schools for tho " ' j i teacmnc or all tiiiH -P neural 11 -I i .i - ... .1 yjiuu- uic aiioweei io range uieir cattle and mental accomplishments are continual v springing into existeuca AVhy should not the Press club establish a colleee whore tho uhilosODhr of writinrr "homlv" moirU ii.i ians not to give up tho land. that is, if anybody competent to imirt sucn instrucsion can te found!' Such a man's An Imposing; Funeral- I annual salary should bo in four figures, and Yokk. Xeb., May 23.-The funeral of e vlZ l1,0"0 h0 MS to pay oi :jy IT li 1 f r 1 1 1 tr 1 111 ji.ini uoii eiccurieet irom tue m. E. church in this city this afternoon. All business houses were closed in accord- 1'renionition of Coinlnj Disaster. Did 3'ou ever notice how an accident is uuce wit.i the proclamation of the mayor Well, in nearly every case it is L t . anei suspended. 1 he new court housa I been ia a good many railway saiaslims. n,wi was draped in mourning and-a deep can honestly say that just before every ono gloom pervaded the entire community. Tiie funeral was in charge of the masonic fraternity ami was the largest eytr known in this part of the state. The procession was composed of the Mason?, Odtl Fellows. Grand Army, fire depart ment, county and city ofiicers, members of the bar, United Workmen and a com pany of National Guards headed by a band, about one hundred carriages com pleting the grandest funeral cortege ever seen in tho west. I he sermon was preached by Key. Mr. Dudley of Stroms btirg, a life long friend of the eleceased. The Masonic ceremonies at the grave were conducted by Major A. G. Hastings of those accidents occurred I felt a premoni tion or nangcr to come. Ono nirlit l.-it week, while riding here from Chicaco. I was lying on a reclining chair, and my thoughts wandered onto the many accidents I had been unfortunate enough to be in. wbe:i sud denly the thought camo to my mind, "Sup pose a car was filled with a load of ties that those ties through the jolting should become misplaced, and that we, in dartincr alon through space, should strike that tie and it offered resistance, what a terrible accident would result." I had hardly completed tlia thought when crash came a shower of broken glass down on my face and body, the car was tilled with smoke, and the cries of terror from women and children were frightful in the ertreme. The lights in tho car were extin guished by tho great shock, and when thev were relighted and an examination m ade of tho damage done, it was found that ouo side of the car had almost been torn away, nnd of tho town. A fever had l.eeti tho means of her removal from a house of i- in to the pleasant quarters in tho hospital. Siio had awakeue 1 from a two weeks' unconscious sleep when bho opened her eyes to lind heis-lf in a se mi darkened room yesterday afternoon. She npjiearcd to lie greatly frightened. Tin plea.sant faced young woman wi us nurse rushed to the window and pulled up tho curtain at her wild cry. Tho hospital physician, who was in tho room at tho timo and who stood at tho sick woman's bedside, spoko kindly to her and said: "Thorn is nothing to be frightened nt; but I 11 ee that your room is never darkened again whilo you are here." "Thanks," ui'.d lLo trembling girl, and in j moment sho was far oft" again in droamlan.L '"That little cpiscxlo may boeni a trifle queer to you," said the doctor to a visitor who was accompanying him on his rounds, "hut it won t when 1 explain u little. I've had many years' experience in a professional way with these woiiu-n. There is nothing under heaven that they fear, well or ill, so much as dark ness not even death. They simply have a horror of darkness. Am! they are r.!l tho samo way. A yeaa-'s experioneo in tho lifo they follow brings about this result. Tho cause? 1 hat would bo hard to cxnlain. Per haps they have visions that are unpleasant, even Horrible. Perhaps they think, i vo noticed one peculiarity about this el.;s of women, they are happiest when they are not given timo to think. Natural, too. All alike Indeed, yes. Find me ono that will remain .i i. .... in uai h. room eiuior in eoniniy or clono ioi u moment without screaming and I will show you something I never saw in all my pi oiessional career and something I doubt that any ono ever saw." Indianapolis J ournal. Japanese Funeral Customs. T)lltl1rr ..... a.:..? a. .1 I . . & "jj wan. io mo pari: 1 passed u Japanese funeral procession that v.; quite noei. ijeioro reaching the procession my attention was attracted to what seemed to be the spasmodic shouting of quite a nuuilxir of men, and as they passed, noticed that about every two minutes they all united in shout ing some words in umo:i. Hc-tween these times they would chat and luujrb together and stop to bow and talk with anv friends they met, and otten, aftoi- w hat would seem to bo an explanation of whose funeral it was. lu-iiry wouni join and swell the woe-ession. Noticing tho absence of all females, 1 was in- rormed taat tho woiii'n did not asuruk attend, especially as this was a di vorced wo- maa Borno on a litter form-?d of two poles was a plain pino box, probably about two feet square and about three foot high, into which tho body was jammed with its head between lis Knees, surmounting this was a peculiar Kinu or canopy maUe of some brownish ma terial and ornamented with rice cakes, rice biraw, rern and a libera supply of Japanese pi.rer.-., lasiened together by a striii" and to,.!-n,l .1... I . . . ...v.- ia, tjiu uui, ;is circulars are la your tLrcet cars, l was told tiiat the a-e cud aro designated by a lantern placed in front cf the body, the absence of which indicated me ono retcrred to es being a divorced vvoman, tiiey being tho only exception. I aid not have timo to witness tho biin'.il ceremonies, but understand that they are placed in the cemeteries just as they come, ;uu niju ii;iii luo gi avo OI EOK10 particular departed friend you have to climb arouna until you imd it Cor. San Francisco ivxaminer. JSTO T I C E i We curncslly request airofour fiicnds indebted to us to cull 'it once nnd utile accounts due. We have Mif-taiin d bt nvy loss by the destruction of our lhiiiuh House at Fairmont, Neb., by fire nnd now that wc need money to meet Mir obliga tions, we hope there will not be one among our friends who would refuse to call promptly at this particular tim- and adjust accounts. Trusting this will receive your kind consideration and prompt t.ttciil ion. we remain, Yours Truly, S0L0LMCP4 & NATHAN. T & S on M9GS of Lincoln, nast crand master, and were the cause of the accident was a tio proiect- v..rv .n,..,,.;,,. XI... C,..:T ing from a car on a freight train which was - ,ol , w M IIV lUC? KJ L UUCI 111 Hamilton to the county and state can never be replaced. His position as grand .... 1 passing us at the time. Dr. William Lewis in Globe-Democrat -OF- CALL OX Cor. 12th and Grnuitc Streets. Contractor and Hull tier icpt. 12-Cm. IT M. 1 R O W N E , rional attention to ail Eubine? Iai trust -to my care. mai-shal of the state vacant. fair is also made .VOTARY IV OFFICE. Titv E i'iiiue.1. Abstarct roiapiled, Ir. V r:e.Mj. 'enl ICstnte Sold. ftetter Facilities lor tuitln? Farm Loans than An" Other Agency. It li. WlSIll.M. JoIIV A. IAVlK.-. Xotitry Fiihlfc .'otr.ry fubdo. virvosiAMA n.wir.. ttorioys - at - Law. naicc ever Hank I C-a-& Coin:1 jr. Fl '.TTSMorni. - - Xicruaska. A Fatal Wreck. Kansas C'itv, Mo.. May 24. At four o'clock this morning a Rock Island freight train ran into a washout one and a half jjiiles cast of Randolph, six miles from here. The engineer and fireman jumped. The former, P. McRrennan wa9 cut over the head and fatally hurt. His lire.nan, name unknown, was badly in jured. The engine went to the bottom, fifty-three feet from the track, with eigh teen cm-, of merchandise on top. The head brakemau, whe-e jjiune cannot be learned, was caught and crushed to death. Two tramps, stealing a ride, were also kill ed. The falling train struck a trestle on the Wabisli road and knocked it over A Wabash switch engine came along at the same moment with sixteen cars and crashed upon the wreck below. Forty cats and two engines are now in the ditch. John McCune, fireman, was cut and his legs crushed. The engineer and brnke man luitiped. tjqd were both fatally injur ed. The Milwaukee & St. Paul had a wreck across the ditch at the s:;me point thi- morning. None were hurt, but the wreck waa complete. A later dispatch siys it now appears that seven lives were lost in the . wreck. I'or a (ientt-i'l Corpse. lu boston nothing is held to be too good for a genteel corpso. Two co.'lins, just n.viv in process of construction by u local i:;au u- iaerurer to be used somsdav bv a m-.nii it. -Ill-!ir.-il- r.f lla !.,.... . 1'- " . her husband will cost not less than .v.i i.OO apiece, ihey are made of mahoganv, soveu incnes thick, carved in bold relief with te most elaborate designs. All of these aroi-i some manner emblematic of dath. On the panel a spider itself symbolic of the , destroyer has cauiht the flv nr. l.-i-r ;-. - web so delicately executed that vou fear tc breathe upon it lest it blow awiiv Im -mi- otlier place agi-iQins claw supports a human skull from a fracture in which a Ii::ani crawling. Still another panel shows an ov.-l iu the act of capturing a mouse, and so on, tho intention being to express the idath.-r death comes soon or late to every living cuinjr. On tho top of each coflln is carvel aco-.t. of anna, and every available inch of the in terior is beautified by the cuttimr toois Inside theso superb caskets are swan-two 6ilken hammocks for tho eventual re- ent ion of the baron's granddaughter and her spouse. ihey are not dead yet, be it undoi sr...-;d Quite otherwise. Dut, having no end of money, they wish to die regardless of ex pense. A 123,000 mausoleum iu a loci cem etery will servo as a receptacle for the cptb' yuuo. Advice to the Auslomaniac. The average Anglornariac mavsurvev him self in the glass with satisfaction as hp rn... templates his Poole made suit, his Norfolk jacket, his covert coat, his Kiiicke-rlKK-kcrs, ui. j u.1 u i.ocjajis, ms aog sKin gloves. Lis blackthorn walking stick, his rimless evo glass, his white "spats" and Lis evry tei rings, anu may listen with delight to the sound of his own voice in conversation with a similarly anglicized countryman as ho drawbj forth his "Jondon fteci.t" Ixiih mav revel in the fool's paradise of their imtgi- j nary and only too willing expatriation, to 1 taeir nearts- content, and fondly believe ihr-v are exactly "like Englishmeu. 3ou know." 13ut never an tugUshman will you fi:id w'o mistakes theni for other than they are. English made clothes, a thousand vovsri; i across the Atlantic in the m:itii.-?i n. ..-- i iha cpjqrs pf the rainbow, and upon ?ino tliO tion, mutual deceiving atmcsphere of a faJi- ' ooatiag U formed of such thiclenijisas tq pe-- ionably crowded Cunard steamer, Europe- ! ward in spring and homeward in autumn, or : C3-C3 TO "1 in. rry Good. Notions Eoots anei or Ladies nnd Gents FURNISHING - GOODS. He keeps as large and as v.-ell SELJUGTFZ- STOCK As can be found tu-.y place in t he cit v and make sou prices tLai dri'y ccm --l i'; ion. Acents for EiTDfr's Eazar rstterns and Ea is Cerset?. C F. SMIT H, The Boss Tailor. Main Sr.. Over Merges Slice Store. DRS. CAVE & SMITH, "S'aizilocs ZDcutistc." The enly IenlixtM in tin' West eontrolliiK thin w System f Kxrrael iii anil KIlliiiK 'J eetll with'inl Pain. Our mimc I het ic Is en tirely fici- from ; c 1 1 r,o i ; ofo i ? m o i : i ;t mm A N I IS AIJSOLFTKI.Y Ilacml.ess - To - All, Teeth extracted and xrlilielal teelh inserted n-xt day if dsireil . The pren-rvat ion of the natural teeth a specialty. GOLD CROWNS, GOLD CAPS, BEJDGE VVOEI. The very finest, orm-e in t.-ninn liloek, over The Citizeiift' Jim k. ricttcaic-itl-. lTtlCTt.1, New Anecdotes of Gen. Grant. When Gen. urant was about to retire from the command of the arm-, said Capt. John S. Loud in conversation a few days ago, he made a farewell tour among tho posts and outlying military stations of tho west I was assistant acting adjutant gene ral In tne district of Isew Mexico at the time, and it was with Gen. Hatch and myself that ho and Mrs. Grant made a flying trip with one car and an engine from Santa Fo to Trinidad. We were fairly flying along the road when the glasses began to fall off the i copier. Then Mrs. Grant began to get nervous. "Keep calm, J alia,' said tlia general in hia usual collected manner, "there is no danger as long as the car stays on the track." "It's all very well to talk, general,'' said Mrs. Grant, "perhaps if I could smoke as you do I might have some nerve, too." The only thing Gen. Grant dreaded was rge appearance of delegations and committee men at tne stopping places on tne route. "Anything at pext Station J" would inquire. "Yes, general, there's a crowd waiting to see yon." Then he would look grave for a moment before asking: "Could you forget to stop there P Detroit Froo Preas. Color for Metal Surfaces. A German company has patented a process for producing surface colorations upon arti cles made of copper, zinc or brass. Upon the urst named metal it is possible to develop all Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domes-tic woolen that ever came wcet of 3Iis?our; river. A ote these prices: Rusineps suite from to dress suits, 25 to $4. pants 4, 5, ft.-;, nnd upwards. Els "Will guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Compeiiiion. J. E- ROBBINS, ARTIST, instr Irenes s given in FINE OIL PAINTINC WATERCOLORS. ETC. ALI, LOVEK3 O AltT AMR IWlTFii X CALL AM) STUDIO OYER OLiyEH i liAMSE ; XsTEW ICE nVIIEIXT We have our house filled with A FINE QUALITY OF ICE, And are pit pared to deliver it daily to ourcwv toiiiis in any iaantity desired. ALL OEDE-SS FEOMPTLY PILLED. I.eae (ticlei's with X- IP.'IIR, At store on Six:h Kttei-t. We make a Suec iIty of CUTTING, PACKING And Loading Cars. For terms see us oi; i it e. K. C. MfHAKEN & S.OI7. Teleplir kc72, - - Flattsmoath (.() TO- H, P. Whisler's, AT Tho City Bakery, FOH FIXE New England Home Made Bread. -;eat market. Dr. He li-- t.( t.rf-i :i.e ed Oma'i.'i, in 'c- C. A- Marshall. - -reics f 7. .r. ;;ir.tyr, i ei::!tv : i-i miL ln ti.ti;..!.. ......i.. - . - ....... i. Vii , i-.--.ii uigefc:-4l. TTJ T'X-XT'XOTjrs 'JZ3JJD l iuchasi a ilve i,r I. n.-ent Io;.f -.n.i ynit will be COin meed 01 is li.eril-. ! BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. j All work first-rlV.; vrttt Fifth Str:t. j North Robert She; v.ce dV Ft ,. nut of chasing the surface. The most im portant application of this invention seems to bo in tho imitation of antique bronze, tho results in th'a direction being very satisfac tory, both in thetuatter of durability and resemblance. Public Opinion. 1 the tact that each ouo lias "a sister married to an English earl" (that acme of the Anglo maniac's ambition), cannot, docs no, mako them ia any sense English, to a:i i.-igbih-man. "Cockaigne" in The Argoaaut. l're i v;-!,1 f n;d;ir -l tet'th a sprcialty. Ceclli ixt,tcU.l irilhtmt jxiin t.y tuv of Laughing O il t. All work v.-arr-mte.'l. Prices renson-bl c-nth and Fit7.;k3ax.!v ite. ca Pt'.Tri(jna,N'Rii i Ncbratka. J KKS. G. 11. KEMPSTER, i Teacbsr cf Yocsl & iHtrsmcntal Music Residence Xntthwt-n Cerwr of Eler- Main Streets, I'lattsmootli. t