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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1883)
She 0ttetii0itij) fall IN hi fir VOL. 1 t'LATTSMOUTXI, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL -1, lSS'.l. XO. 3.J. a THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full Line General Merchandise. Full JLine General Merchandise, Always on Ma ml, Always on Maud. 5-,. -4 : - JLSottom ?IBriccs !ibr Cash. j JBottom Prices JJfor CJnslr OPERA HOUSE BLOCK." f.- JOSEPH V. WECKBAG PsWfl fit f ft iltif -lifefeill W lip Hi i BURLINGTON- ROUTE (Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy Railroad.) rv ' Tie.: KB JL P. YflllllF.Nw Depot, OPERA HOUSE --ANO FURNISHERS. OOINC EAST AND WEST. Etoant Day Coaches. Parlor Cats, with Reclin- inr Chain (Beta free). Smoking Cars, with lio volTtnjr Chair., Fill Unn Palace Sleeping- Cars aod the famous C. B. A Q. Dining Cars run daily to and from Chicago St Kansas City, Chicago A Council Bluffs, Chicago Des Moines, Chicago, St. Jo ur ph. Atchison A Topeka. Only through line be- ween fjnuuigo, uncoin s ltenver. i uroun cars tvlwetn InaianapolM E Council uiuira via li-ona. AJ1 connections made in Union Ilt-notR. It is known as the great THROUGH CAT. LINK. GOING NORTH AND SOUTH Solid Trains of Eleeant Day Coaches and Pull man Palace Kloeping Cars are run daily to 'and rroni bt. iouis, via iianniDai, wuincy, b.eoKUK, Burlintrton. Cedar Kapids and Albert Lea to St. Paul and Minneapolis: Parlor Cars with Reclining Chairs to and from St. Louis and Peoria and to and from St. Louis and Ottumwa. Only one cnanpe or cars Deiwecn t. ixiuis ana Lies itioines, lowti, uncuui, cmiijt, auu xcuvcr, Colorado. It is universally admitted to bo tho Finest Equipped Railroad in the World for all Classes of Travel- r. J. POTTER, d Vice-Pres't and Oen'l Manager. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gen. Pass. Ag't, Chicago. ALWAYS AHEA BENNETT & LEWIS, Couie to the fiv.ut wlth.r. complete stock uf t & a j 3 F'" P w 5" S?-S Staple and Fancy Groceries FUESII AND NICE. "We always buy the best goods in the market, and guarantee everything we sell We are sole agents in this town for the sale of " PERFECTION" GROUND SPICES, AND THE CELEBRATED "BAT A VI A" CANNED GOODS, Nothing finer in the market, l'latt'a "Tiger" brand of Baltimore Oyster? always on hand. Come and see us. AVe Trill make you glad. CAX r ID T '3 J-HT'JD C1GAE3. MASON II AM LIN u em en bIhIhR" rillllil s5AW DECKER 1U: S. r.OAKU by the DAY or WEEK. CENTRAL RESTAURANT. Meals a I Alt Hours. IN SEASON. Corner Pearl and Seventh Streets, -DEAL.ER3 IN ALL KINDS OF THIS CELEBRATED AX FOR SALE B ' t;-: -r J022S02JT BROS,, - DEALERS IN Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. The btrst and most complete assortment in the city. In the ROCKWOOD BLOCK, two doors west of Carruths. Call and see us. Irace and 1mm No old stock to work oli. Hie latest patterns cf GLASS Q.TJEE2N-S-WARE FLOUR. FEED AND PROVISIONS. The Very HigheS3 Market Price paid for Country Produce DREW BUILDING, PJLATTSMUOTH. 1 cxes j esca j3"cjix.:dix1"g-,. The ri.ATT.SMOUTll IIEUALD rUBLISIIING COMI'AXV lias cverv f.icilitv for first-class In Every Department. TELEGRAPHIC (j i:n f: ij a l 31 iso k l la x y Will Educate the Women. A. Sleek Capitol Commission The "Passion lJIay", Ktc STARTED WEST. tir. EmUI.s,. A ril Senator and Mrs. D.ivid Davis, Miss Alice Davis ami .-v.'U itoi Davii' 1 Ji-t.;.-r-i :i -1 .1 vv , Mr. Williams Wt this morning f'-r th' west. a I'roi n'tm ent ri:o v :cstk u. Ht. Eoitis, A m il ;:. TJih tnei cli tnts' exchange committee fo::nally ri-qm-st-td 'l 9: i-nL Arthur to appoint Henry F;ad in place of Capiuin on tite Mississippi river commissi').'!. THE WOMEN WILL HAVE A CHANC E I'IIILA!ELP11IA, Ap'. il U. At a nice' inj; of the trustees of the, Pennsylvania university today the committee report was present, setting for a plan for the education of women by wl'ich they will receive the same course of instruc tion as young men, but at a different tini ) and plac. All, however, will re coin; the degrees on ttv; same terms. The report will be acted upon at the next meeting of board. TALLY ONE FOU I50AKDl'S. Pit r.ri:uK, April :). The shooting tournament in connection with tht bene!) show this'afternoou was opened by a match between Uogardus and Carver for a purse of $801, best out of 100 clay pigeons, and icsulted in a vic tory for Bogardus by a score of !5 to Ul. Tomorrow a contest open to tho world, baring IJ igardas and Carver, will begin, aud continue the balance of the week. A. large number of the best shots in the country have entered. A OIJEER CASE. Houston, April A suit was began to recover So.000 damages from Iter. John II. Arctibi3hop Wil liams, of this diocess. brought by the parents of Lizzie Gannon. In 1870 the girl was a child thirteen years old and was attacked with a nervous dis order, which hal a peculiar effect upon Iter condition mentally. Sha bscame infatuated with some cuts in a paper, im.iges which she said were angels sent by her brother, who was dead. Father Fleming was sent for, and took the imagfsand kept them, refusing to re turn them. The girl fell into such paroxyisms that the doctors thought they should ba returned to her to en able her to recover or keep alive, but neither Father Fleming and the arch bishop would consent. A SHOOTING MAYOK. Cincinnati, April 3. A sensation was created in the room3 of the Duck worth Democrat club, by the report of Mayor Means shooting John Brady, county jailor. Each are members of the club, an 1 had spent the night at their rooms, hearing the election re turns. Early this morning the mayor hud been drinking, and threatened that he was going to insult Brady, who was up stairs. Means wer.t up stairs, and friends sot Bradvdown stairs. Means followed, ffhs'i they met he seized him. but he finally drew a revolver. Brady seeing this dnw his, and de manded that Means be taken way. This was done and bloodshed pre vented. Brady and Means have not been on good terms for two years. THE DAKOTA CAPITOL COMMISSION. Sioux City, la., April 3. The Da kota caritol commission, who have been in and about Sioux City for a week past, left by special train for formed the audience of what had oc curred. The announcement wag re ceived with hisses. Morse atated that the society had had plenty of time for the hervice, but had waited till the last moment before serving it. The money will be returned in tho morn ing. The counsel also made a speech, characterizing thu proceeding its an outrage and trampling on civil and religious liberty. The receipts were to have been given to aid the home for poor children. YERTERDAYS ELECTIONS. A Republican Mayor in Omaha. Chicago CaiT lor Curler, Ohio Ueaiucrats Carry Their Tickets LINCOLN. Lincoln, April 3. The election passed od' (juicily, not a row of any kind occurring during Hie day. Moore wa elected inii3ror ly 11 nrijoritv of 270. The straight republican ticket elected by good majorities. OMAHA. Omaha, April 3. Champion S. Cluse is elected mayor over Jmlge Savag hy a majority of seventy-seven votes, one of the closest runs ever made here. Buck, democrat, treasurer by sixty majority, and Beneke, democrat, police judge by 1,000 majority. Both held over. This was virtually the workiuguian'rt ticket. Probably the republicans will elect live c juncihu'jii. LliNNEX. Bennet, Neb., April 3. The city elec tion parsed olF harmoniously, but en thusiastically here today. A heavy rote was polled. License wasth j only ishu ;. It resulted for liecase by Ihc election of the following ticket as ceuncihneu hy sixty m ijority : II. II. HarrU,Luis Otto, A. II. Secttle, J. II. IIarjer,G. U. Wrils .a , clerk, J. li. Itatt; attorney, II. I). II mm; treasurer, W". Koggenkouip; marshal, H. J. Lane. The citizens are now ccluhrat the victory. KKAHSEi. Keauxly, Neh., April 3. A'i excitiu city election today. There ware two tickets in the. field, aciliz 'ni' aud peo ples'. The following are the olii;er-t elected : Mayor, A. L. Webb; clerk, E. Ford; treasurer, JI. Fred Wiley; police judge, John Doge: engineer, Simoa Mur phy; couucilnien, tirst ward, John D. Seaman; second ward; H. It Greer; third ward, C. II. Clapp and Boss Glamlet; school board, Henry Gibbon, C. It. Ford. E. C. Calkins, K. M. Grimes, W. A. Downing and Joseph Black. The band is serenading the victors. LITTLE ROTK. Little Rock, April 3. The city elec tion resulted in the election of Warner, democratic, for mayor. Dr. Theo. Lin dle was elected mayor at Hot Spring. CLEVELAND. Cleveland, Ohio, April 3. The dem ocrats elect John II. Farley mayor by nearly four thousand majority.the whole city ticket, fourteea of the eighteen conncilmen and seven out ot the nine members of the board of education, con trolling both bodies. MINNEAPOLIS. Minneapolis. Anril 3. The city to day, by over twelve hundred majority, voted to inaugurate a public park sys- tem,for which an appropriation of $230, 000 has already been authorized by the legislature . The democrats elected treas urer and the republicans municipal judge and seven out of ten alderman. the criminal cIiuhch. The cumpalgu was characterized by an iiuumiuI uuiount of vulgar personality. The day wa bright and pleasant and u very luru vote for a mere city election wan polled. By nine o'clock it became evident tint the entire democratic tity ticket would, bo elected unlcus there was 1111 uuuMial amount of scratching. The majority for Harmon grows with every return. At this hour, 11:15, the returns Iroiu 1 1 G prcclifctH, over three fourths of the city, give Har rison U.33S majority. The returns 011 the other ollices are very incomplcte.und ore coming in tdowly. 1 Chicago (jrain Market. ' TO 3 (HI LOOK J M. Kjil'l'Uil Diriut('ll to the llfcltALU. Chicago, April 4. Call 3 p. m. WHEAT. Apiil, $10-1; May, I09J ; June, I08,7U. No. : cash wheat, DOe. CO UN. April 5o;'.: ; Mav, So.'.j ; June, July, 077u. New nux'-il, F. i). J'., OATK. May, 1 1; .1 mi", 4 : -a. Pin. Is . 11II1 City Markets. I I.OVI'IONS, H.( , I KICK Al . (uicr.viL Ke 01 led hy M. It. M in ihy A Co. 1'linif Meal 151 an t ;Iki1'c1 Feed lt(! I- lour . lilitlialii Flour Muiier Cheese ( :tl t. xk llu ) . . . !icefe ( ml n-. tin) . Ciirol ILinis... Jiacoti Mloillilerx DrIM lleef i'olllll) Kn" i 'alilme Choice i'otatoes .... Sweet " ItccH inioiiH Apples (vvililer; Hweet CMler Oysters, select " Ciiiiiiiio'i ... 4.1.(10 61,. I. Mi ieret. ;.l " k.'.c i-X.-iU t.ii " :i (hi vu'ti M per n ir " i;l " 17 ' H ir. " V, " i I. mi or, r,.m 1 er luz. in 'at li' i - . . (,ii e. ' I.y-f r,s el. icr tin. lyi.w 75 els " 7.1 el " 1.H0 I'M iM " L'! per Kill 1 ii per ("ail 4(1 " O. A. 17RISLEY & CO'O MCL!5)ClDnl DEST IN THE MARKET. Made ONIjYot Vegetable Oil nndJPuro Jicci Tallow. To induce housekeepers to give this Soap a trial, WITH EACH BAR WE GIVE A FINE TABLE NAPKIN This offer Is made for a short time only end should bo taken advantage of at ONCE. We WARRANT this Boap to do more wash ing with creator easo than any soap In th martet. It has no EQUAL for use la bard and cold wator. YOUR GROCER HAS IT. Gc.A.Wrisloy&Co. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati,-April 3. Unofficial re turns show that th3 democrats have Yankton at midnight last night, wherel elected their mayor, judges of the su- they arrived between five and six I nreme court, member of the board ot o'clock this morning. There a hurried J public works, treasurer, city solicitor,, organization was effeetei, and the I aad three members ot the school board, Catalogues Paniplilet Work commission proceeded to Scotland This course was adopted to escape an injunction which Yankton parties were anxious to serve. The meeting in Yankton prior to the 8th of April LEGAL BLANKS, ATJTOTIOILT BILLS, SALE BILLS, COMMERCIAL bhnttijstcb-Ozz7- Stod of Blcz7z7z Fajpeis And materials is large and complete in every department. OBDEBS 33"3T MAIL SOLICITED PLATTSM0UTH HERALD PUB. CO Subscribe for tzeZJaily tterciLd by majorities rangiag from 103 to 423 The republicans eiected comptroller and prosecutiog attorney by majorities rang ing from 200 to 290. Tonight the newspapers made an in was made necessarv bv the laneuaee dependent canvass of the returns, mak- of the act, which provides that the ing material changes in the result as commission shall meet there within given earlier. They do not agree as to thirty days from the date of the pass- I majorities, but unite in saying that but age of the act for the purpose of or- three republicans are electel namely, ganization, and the election of a pres- E. Shelby, comptroller; Caldw -!l, pros- ident, secretary and treasurer. The ecuting attorney, and E. Moor., whari commissioners are not likely to meet register. The common council oa joint soon again in Yankton. ballot will stand : Democrats 42, repub vq "passion PLAT. licans 33. Official returns will be nec- New York, April 3. Long before essary to snow me majorities 01 me 3 o'clock the temple, in which Salmi officers elected. Morse advertised to produce the "Pas- Chicago. sion Play," charging an entrance fee, Chicago, April 3. An election was was full. A few minutes before S had here today for city and county offii o'clock, Capt. "Williams and Inspector cers, aud members of the city council. Thorn, of the police force, made their I There were out two general city tickets, way to the back of the stage and one straight democratic, headed by Hoa served upon Morse an injunction sued I Carter H. Harrison, present incumbent, out by the society for the reformation for mayor, and the other by Judge Eu of juvenile delinquents to restrain 1 gene Carey, a joint ticket of republicans them from the production of the play: 1 and independent citizens, on the plat- Morse sent for his counsel, and on his j form of higher license for saloons and arrival went before the curtain and in- I stringent enforcement of the laws against Manufacturers of Standard Launrfty and Tollat Soap. Proposals lor Military Sup plies. HKADOrAIJTKItH lJV.V'T OV TIIK. 1'LATTf , Cljiel jum terinst'iter'H Ofllce. Omaha, Nkh.. Mmeli 7th. 18". I'KOI'ohai.s. in triplicate, suiileet to the the usual eoniili ion, will he received at this ollice until M o'clock M.. on Wciiieday, April 1. Ifcx.-j. or :il the hhiiic hour jtlluwln( lor the ililleience in time.) :it the ollices ot th Quartermaster at the following naineij tat on at which places and t me lliey wi, ie opena in tlie prenence of Idilders. for the f iiriii)-hiiiK and delivery of Military Suptilies durliiit the year eomniencliiK July 1st, 1:!, and eiidiiut nine .mill, lnx, a ioiiow : nmiii. nay auu Chareal. or M.' h f said biippllcs a luay ho reuiieil at Omalia, lfpot. Koit Omaha, Fort Miibrra. l-oit uliic. i.ueyeiiuc inrpoi, run ICussell. Fort Steele, fort llonla. 1 ol t Koh;n- fon. Fort mider. Fort l.aiatnie, holt Mchlu ney. Fort Wa liakie. and Fort I li-.nibuiyh, arid for the de.iveiv at Fort 1 hoiiit.nrh ft mo tonx of Coal 01 22Vi pouuM.t to the 1011. FroiKi,al will also he received at this Tioe tip to ilie day and hour above named. Ir I lie delivery on the cars at tin- point nearest to ini miiiCH or the line of the I'tiioii I'aeilie Railway, of eiKiitUioiisjiud toiiH of Coal,, of 2z40 ;ouiid to the ron. AIo for delivery at Omaiia Otpot, or at HtatioiiH on the main line of the Union ra eliic Rai way east from Kearney J unctirm, of two million pounds Corn, and one million HuiidH O.ite. lild-i for train should state tue rate per ic lb. not per bushe. Proposal for either clasn ol the tor men tioned, or for o,uaiititic l ss tlian the whole required received. Each proposal (honlil be m triplicate, k.i'akaii! fob kach AKTICLK AT KACH bTATION, and must bo ac companied bv a bond in the kuiii ot five hund red dollars (.vxij executed Mrictly In accord ance with the printed instructions, and upon the blank form furnifhed utiderthis advertise ment, guaranteeing that the parly makUm the proposal ktia.ll not w ithdraw the same within sixty days from the date announced lor oeo Ing them ; and aupplies bid lor. awarded thereunder, he will, within ten dayalt-r be ing notified of the award, (provided uch noti fication be made within the sixty day above mentioned.) accept the same and furnish Kood and Hufllcient sureties, at once, for the faithful performance of the contract. The Government reserve the ribt to reject any or all propo sals, a preference will be given toartlciex ( domestic production. lilanK proposals and printed circular. tat Ing the kind, and estimated iiiantltieit of Wood, Hay and Charcoal required at eaeii ta tlon. and giving full liistruclions an to the ma'iner of bi'idmg, condttiom to be observed by bidders and terms of contract, etc., will be furnished on application to tbi office or to tho Uuartci:naters at the various station named. Envelopes containing proposals nhould be marked : "Iroxsals lor at and aldiessed to the underi-lned rto the 10- spcctive l ost ana leKt JnnnerniiU(tem. A. O. M . L. S. A., in charge of C. U- Al' of- flce, Ieit. of the 1'laite. i.'U 3. S3. CHmmp HOUSE, SIGN, AND Carriage Painter, Graining Glazfce, Pujer, KALSOM1NING. Leava ordeM at W arrick'n. ruttainouth, f X V r,i -asocial mfo tooUd o. Trf J