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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1892)
u t'sJust as dood the Grocer Proffering atttbcr brand. "SANTA $ wna w waw. nave uouanq now Vt'll certainly take noolbcr, w use AndaUsbrcwd deola-skfepiUafe Mexican Mustang Liniment A Cli.c for the Ailments of Man and Beast i)i.'-( t:. a..-! pain reliever. iu r, : i; almost universal by the Housewife, the Fanner, the y; Ituiscr, and by every one requiring an effective fi :t!"..':it. o (,'J .: r .spplication compares with it in efficacy. l'hiri v, !l ki own remedy baa stood the test of years, almost generations. No I'llicine chest is complete without a bottle of Mustang I ,: '. i. Ml '.N'T. ():c;w!is arise for its use almost every day. All uniWs and dealers have it. Wl'.l, KKKP CONST WTl.V ON HAND A Full and t'oiuplitti linn of Drugs, Medicines, DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Prescriptions Cartful I y Com pounded tit at 1 1 Honrs HENRY BOECK The Lending FURNITURE DKALEK AND I1 1 .,'..'..' V.i.'.J.-V.i'. - . - Cim(tt:lll11'' Kl't p- Oil li 1. 1 II t itilVtltM vi1 need fn furnish your liens.". COKMlll MXTII AND UI.N S'l HOT Plattsmouth ramny Student School Library S-H-O-U-L-D Own a Dictionary. t T Car should be Uken to f WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL J DICTIONARY THB INTERNATIONAL. NEW r'KOM COVER TO COVKE, IS THE ONE TO BUY. I SUCCESSOR OF THE UNABRIDGED. X ion jvmim npaiib in roviniiig, iuu f ai A tort employed, oyer $300,000 expended. Z Sold by all Booktellert. 0. tt C. MERRIAM 4 CO., Publiehen, 1 Springfield, Mui.. U. S. A. i -Do not buy reprints of obsolete i X srf-Send for free pamphlet containing X X ipecluien pages and full particulars. I PATENTS rnUUUntUSew.rdA Haieltin.4 Bro."'i'lt.. .ul Aimrirtn l.trtirn 1'atr nmiM IWut rM tAMKMM M Wwkn.(tou, lx) tpringAeld, Minoerb J In, v a I I said, c H I C A CUIUS SOAP or? nana r none but the best . you behind th rest T 1 Paints, and Oils. AND PURE LIQUORS WHITE Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water DUSKY DIAMOND TAR SOAP. For Farmers, Miners and Mechanics. ' ' ' ' Cures Chapped Hands , Wounde, Burnt, Etc ZaUrhtrul Shampoo. 6 ti YOUNG MEN OLD MEN" , 611 II TNI TOILS OF TMI tUFIITS M DISUSt. IbT aak irU tBorU fr thtnulm, ctt ihiiii bow ta iiceiiiroiif Ul7 Ri up ID 4ipir Mil link Into in tarly , fii. niuHuuwK.TUnitiiiLrii OUR NEW BOOK un. fra mm nM.1. I...IWII I r t llatltrrt tlm.'r'" (hi phllMopbj Of OlMft" a. Afliletlonl Of thft Ortitno ot U, bow bf unHC TRPATMFNT. br motho4i oielnilfolr ' on, wont mro( lot or Fllln Moohoo4, Oimil o4 Herrou Do lillltr, Wookmoit of Body nA MimA. Eaoeto of Errort aan..l am Graoknn Orntm run ho Cat.. B-n-OH lo 4U. ..jT.onlr(FOnil8tnnrthollWEAC.DNDI.rSL0?D CRI.ANB A PARTS of BOOT plkl to oil tntonito. W..a'T frDl 50 Hlo'M, Trrtloito onl PortD Couotrlto, -i: ti tria. Pnp lkMk,r.illipln.H 4litn pnolV T.RIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. 'ruTTruifflft ISCHIFFM ANN'S Asthma Cure I Nurav fail. In -,, kk.i i. v.. . lour, aoU m-ru rami wkoro olhrr UU. inn rauiti kcf. or DmrfWo) or ly B.H., I - DK. R. BOHIFTMANN. tt r..t. Bin. VII I "-I I n mtmmm mmmm mm flBH 7ASTHHAP REPUBLICAN.' STATI CONVEN-j TION. 1 Tlio r'';iu elector! of tlie Htnto of Nebraska are requested to neml lelefaten frciin their eeferal ; coin ties to meet in convention in the city of Kearney Wednesday April 'H.lWl, al 11 o'clock a.m., for! the purpose of electing four dele- j yaten at large to the republican na- j tional convention to be held in Minneapolin June 7, IS'.ri TIIK ATI' IKTIONMENT. I The neveral counties ;ue entitled to reprenentiition an follown, being based upon the vote cast for Hon. George II. Hastings for attorney general in IS1.), giW.ig one delegate at large to each county and one for each l.K) votes and the major frac tion thereof: Counties .Vilnius .... Antelope ... Iliiiincr ... . Itluine Hoyil It'Hine .. .. Kox UiltU-. Brown Kiillnl Kutlrr Hurt C'ilKH C'edur ... C'liiise Cheyenne . Cherry Cliiv Cnlfiix CiiiniiiK .... Custer Dakota I uwes lawsoti ... Deuel I i x i ill limine DihikIhs lliimly I'iliiiure. ... Krimkliu . . Krontier ... KiirmiH (iiiLre Del. ... 11 Counties Jolmsoii .... . Keurney Keve fulls .. Del. ... 7 ... ... 3 . 2 ... 2 ... 5 ... 3i ... 2 . . . ' ... ... 2 ... 5 ... 4 ... 8 ... A ... 9 ... S ... S ... 3 ... 4 ... 4 ... S .... ... 11 ... .1 . .. 14 .. 4 ... N io ... ... s 2 . H i ... 4 ... ... 7 ... 6 ... 7 2 12 ... 2' Keith ... .... '.' K mil. nil filKnox ii LaiuiiHter 4'l.incolii 1uI,oi;hii Loup... Mailison Mci'heiirsiiB Merrick a nee Nenuiha Nuckolls 10 Otoe 5 I'awnee Perkins fierce 12 4 Phelps finite Polk Wed Willow., kicluirtlson . Kock Saline Sarpv Similiters . . . Scotts BIwfT.. Sewn n I Sheriilun Sherman .. . Siou x Stanton 1" C.irllelil .... (liwper runt Thayer lireelv I homas Thurston . Valley .. nsliinntoa. Hall Ilainiltiin ... Ijarlaii 1 la yes 1 1 itflicock . . Holt W'a vne Webster Wheeler Howard. ... York Hooker JelTersonS... tf Total H It is n comended that no proxies be admitted to the convention, and that the delegates present be auth orized to cast full votes of the dele gation. It recommended that the republi cans of every county in this state lie requested to select their county central committee at the first coun ty convention held in their respec tive counties. Said committee to serve until the county convention of 1 S be held. S. I). Ml-kTEK, Chairman. Walt. M. Skki.ey. Secretary. FIRST DIS TRICT CONVENTION. The repaid. can electors of the First congressional district of the state of Nebraska are requested to send delegates from the several counties comprising said district to meet in convention in the city of Falls City, Wednesday, April 20, 1891, at 7:30 o'clock p. m for the purpose of electing two delegates and two alternate delegates to the republican national convention to be held at Minneapolis June 7, 1892. THE 4KPOKTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to representation as follows, be ing based upon the vote cast for Hon. W. J. Connell for congress in 18'JO. One delegate for each 100 votes and major fraction thereof and one delegate at large from each county: Counties. ClISH ohnsoii.... .imcnster.. .Nctunhu.... Del.jCounticH ... Wot ue ... 10 f nwnee ... . . .. 4'iiKicluirdson. "' '"I Total Del. ... 13 ... 13 ... 1 ...12 It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention, and that the delegates present from each county cast the full vote of the delegation. W. II. Woowakd, Chairman. Fkank McCaktnev, Secretary. . . CALL FOR REPUBLICAN PRIMAR IES AND CONVENTION. The republican electors of Cass county are requested to meet in primary conventions on April 9, 1892, for the purpose of electing del egates to nttend the republican county convention to be held at Weeping Water on April 16, 1892, at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp for the pur pose of selecting nineteen delegate to attend the district convention to beheld at Falls City on April 28, 1892, and fourteen delegates to attend the Htate convention at Kearney to be held on April 27, 1892, and lor the transaction of such other business as may come before the convention. The basis of representation is fixed at one delegate for every fifteen votes, or major fraction thereof, cast for George II. Hastings for attorney general at the general election held in 1890, and one delegate-at-large for each ward and precinct. Wards and piecincts entitled to delegates, and times and places for holding primaries, as follows: Tipton, 0 delegates, Wilkinson A: Stopher's lumber office. 5 p. m. Greenwood, ; delegates, town hall, 7 p. m. Salt Creek, 7 delegates, Greenwood town, 7 p. in. Stove Creek, 9 delegates, G. A. K. hall, Elm wood, 8 p. in. El tn wood, 6 delegates, Murdock, 8 p. m. South Head, 4 delegates, school house, 7:;) p. in. Center, 0 delegates, Mauley. 3 p. m. Louisville, 7 delegates, Justice Cli tie's office, 8 p. m. Avoca, delegates, Hiitchins school house, 3 p. m. Mt. Pleasant, 5 delegates, Gilmore school house, 4 p. m. Eight Mile Grove, 7 delegates, Heil school house, 3 p. in. Liberty, 7 delegates, I'nion, 7 p.m. Nehawka, ti delegates, Nehawka, 7 p. m. Rock HlufTs, First district, 0 dele gates, Murray, 7 p. in. Rock HI alls, Second district, .del egates, Rock HlulTs, 7 p. in. Plattsmouth precinct, 7 delegates, Taylor school house, 4 p. in. Plattsmouth ciy, First ward, 8 delegates, council chamber, S to 7 p. in.; Second ward, 8 delegates, school house, 5 to 7 p. m. ; Third ward, 11 delegates, Ridley's lumber office, 5 to 7 p. in.; Fourth ward, 9 delegates, county clerk's office, 5 to 7 p. m.; Fifth ward, 4 delegates, school house, 5 to 7 p. in. Weeping Water precinct, 5 dele gates, Cascade school house, 7:30 p. m. Weeping Water city, First ward, 5 delegates, Churchill building, 8 p. m. ; Second ward, ((delegates, coun cil chamber, 8 p. tn.; Third ward, 3 delegates, Tidball Sc Fullers's office, 8 p. m. Total, 154 delegates. M. M. HUTLBK, Chairman pro tern. A. L. TlMHLl.V, Secretary. Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. llurd of Groton, S. D., we quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally terminated in consump tion. Four doctors gave me up say ing I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, de termined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hus band was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption coughs and colds. I gave it a trial took in all eight bottles; it has cured me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at F. G. Frieke iV Co.'s drug store, regular size, ."n)c. and .fl.00. Rheumatism cured in a day. "Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia radically in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is rem arkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 7a cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke &Co. A Great Surprise Is in store for all who use Kemp'f Halsan for the throat and lungs the great guaranteed remedy. Would you believe that it is sold on its merits and that any druggits is au thorized by the progrietor of this wonderful remedy to give you a sample bottle free? It never fails to cure acute and chronic coughs. All drugpists sell Kemp's Halsam. Large Bottles 50c and $1. Catarrh in Colorado. I ireed Ely's Cream Balm for dry catarrh. It proved a cure B. F. M. Weeks, Denver. Ely's Cream Balm is especially adapted a ' a remeby for catarrh which is aggravated by alkaline Dust and dry winds. W. A Hover Druggist, Denver. I can recommend Ely's Cream Balm to all suffers from dry catarrh from personal experience. Michael Herr, Pharmacist, Denber. Fly's Cream Balm has cured many cases of catarrh. It is in con stant demand Geo. W. Hoyt, Phar macist, Cheyenne, Wy. Startling Facts. The American people are rapidly becoming a rase of nervous wrecks and the following suggests, the best remedy: alphouso llumpfling, of Hutler, Penn, swears that when his son was spechless from st. Vitus Dance Dr Miles great Restorative Nerving cured him. Mrs. J. L. Miller of Valprai and. J.D. Taolnr, of Ixigansport, Ind each gained 20 pounds if an taking it. Mrs. II. A. Gardner, of Vastulr Ind, was cured of 40 to 50 convulsions easy and much aeadach, dizzness, bockach and nervous prostiation by one bottle. Trial bottle and fine boek of Nervous cures free at F. G. Fricke, & Co., who recoinend8 this uuequailed remedy. borne Foolish People allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine They say. "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1. Trial fize free. At all druggists. New Washington I'onn , People Are not slow about taking hold of a new thing, if the article ha merit. A few months ago David Byers, of that place, bought hi9 first stock of Chamberlain's Cough remedy. He has sold it all and ordered more, lie says: "It has given the best of satisfaction. I have warrant ad ev ery bottle and have not had one come back." 25 cent. 50 cent, and $1.K) boltles for sale by F. O. Gricke & Co., druggists. Cough Following the Crip Many person, who have recovered trom la grippe are now troubled with a persistent cough. Cham berlain's cough remedy will promptly loosen this cmgli and relieve the lungs, elfecting a per manent cure in a very short tune. 25 and 50 cent bottle for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Two KlmU of Diamonds. "Several years ago I chanced to stop at the same hotel i:i Da!la.s where Alvin Joslin ilid," remarked an actor now till iug an engagement in Chicago, "and 1 was astounded by his ostentatious parad ing of his diamonds. There were a number itf ladies fitting upon the hotel veranda, and he seemed to take e.speciid delight in dazzling their eyes with his jewels. After strutting past them sev eral timeN he suddenly stopped, made a bow to the coterie, and said very brusquely: "An, I see that you admits my diamonds. Permit me. This one is worth fj.tmu. This cost me $2..r)00. This cluster pin I value at fi.(KK). 1 have with in diamomls worth $.!(). 000, and 1 own lO.UUO worth which I have tored fur safe" keeping iu a Chicago bank.' "None of the ladies fainted or fled or went into ecstasies over the display, and not a word was vouchsafed in reply. "That evening when Davis entered the hotel dining room ho was seated at a table in the middle of the room and alone. A few minutes later a half dozen young men in full dress entered the dining room in a body and sat down at the same table. In the center of each immaculate 6hirt front shone a bit of plato glass as large as a marble, while brass rings liearing great settings of glass fairly loaded down the hands of the newcomers. Davis glanced about the table and his jaw dropped from sheer astonishment. Before he could recover himself, one of the young men arose and, walking around the table to Alvin's seat, said in a tone that was distinctly audible throughout the room: "Ah, 1 see you ad mire tny diamonds. Permit mo. This one is worth eight cents a pound, retail. This cost me a nickel, just as it is. This one I value at a dime. 1 have with me seventy cents' worth of gems, and 1 own an interest in a glass works at Chicago besides.' "Before that speech was ended the be diauioud Joslin either lost his appe tite or finished his supper, for ho hastily aroso and left tho room, followed by a lively chorus of ahs and whs." Chicago Mail. He Wanted to Ot In. Jimmy Murphy was a newspaper of fice boy, and Jimmy was a terror. He did nothing in particular save smoke cigarettes and beg for theater tickets, and was known to all the reporters as "Murph." One night ho wantud lo go to a certain show very badly, but had not beeu successful ill begging or steal ing a ticket from the dramatic editor. Ho went up to tho theater about 8 o'clock and stood around the gallery eu tranco in the hopo that ho could in some way gain admittance. Tho manager of the theater canio along in a little while, ami noticing him standing there, said, "Hello, Murph!" and went into tho house. , Five minutes later "Murph" walked np to tho doorkeeper at the main en trance and said, "Say, is do manager in?" "What do you want to know for?" asked the guardian of the portal. "Well, I wauter see him, seer "But what do yqu want to see him for?" ' I wanter get him ter pass mo in." "But he won't do it." "1 tink he will, see?" "What makes you think that?" "Well, he came along ont dere on said, 'Hello, Murph,' an ennybody wots familiar en tiff wid me to call me 'Murph, will do a little favor like dat fer me." Buffalo Express. An lanoeent Rural Lady. Monroe is a Hag station on the Bots ford branch of the New Haven and Derby road. When the engineer of Con ductor Beer's train saw the flag exposed a day or two ago he stopped his train. Only one jierson, an old lady, waa to be seen, and the conductor stepped from the train to help her aboard. The old lady did not stir, and the conductor said, "Step on board, lady, so we can go on." Then her mouth opened, and she said: "Laws, 1 don't want to get aboard. J stopped you to send word to my folks that I was coming up tomorrow, and 1 want you to tell John to meet mo at the station to care for my baggage." Then sho stopped, for the train was moving, the conductor having given the signal to start without waiting to learn where "John" and "my folks" lived, while the old lady looked as though sho thought train officials were not very accommodating when they would not even carry a message for her. Hartford Courant An Actor's I'nknown Friend. "Joe Jefferson," Baid an old theater goer, "had taken a lady to a restaurant, and when he put his hand in his pocket to pay his bill ho didn't feel a penny. He explained his position to the cashier, but the cashier 'didn't know him.' The perspiration began to ooze when a gen tleman stepped up, laid a twenty dollar bill on the desk, and said: " 'I know you, sir; allow me to settle.' "JetTerHon was profuse in his thanks, and when near tho door, said: " 'Yon must give me your namo and address, sir, in order that I may call around tomorrow and settle.' " 'Never mind that,' said the stranger with a smilo. 'That bill was a counter feit and 1 got seventeen dollars in change.' "St. Louis Chronicle. A Modern Curriculum. Visitor 1 understand that the public schools of this city aro models of Nine teenth century progress? Little Boy Ves'in, that's wot every ono says. I go to 'em. "What do you study?" "Oh, everything free 'and drawin. an cookin, an bacteriology, an music, an spectrum analysis, an sewin on but tons, an agricultural chemistry, mi dish washin, an everything." Good News. How lo Tell Krt-nli (oil. To tell a good cod when you go to market, examine tho fish just above th tail. In a healthy cod the body is round and plump. The lower half of the lish will le almost cone shaped. New York Journal. PLACES OF WORSHIP. Cathouc.-M. Paul's Cliurch." k"beti Willi itnd Sixth. Kmlivr ,.,,.. t-eliiinl st 2 :., wlili briivdiclioi,. -i.i.t-o; hi imiu 11 :;w A. m. muiu I HHlsTlAX.-Corner Ljoust am! Fii.h'h 8lV eivicen ninriiiiiK hii1 tvenlHe. Klrii r A i.iil'nway paxlnr Sunday Keliool 10 A. H. aeiH' Ol-AU M. Luke s ttiureli. coiner Third nun iiii.. nev u it. hurKenn fiHKtnr. wr vlees : it a. M a d 7 :301- m . huuday 8ebool Ht 2 :30 V. SI. Umcman MKTiioiusT.t jiiier Sixth St and liianltH. ICcv. lllrt. I'n-toi . fx-rvires : II a. m. anil 7 :;i0 I'. M. f nuilAy Hcln Ol In :30 A M. i'KFHBYTKRiA.v 'ervlce.i tu new church, cor-i.i-i Sixlli ami (Irniiilf sir. liev. J. T. laird, i'Hloi miiuIiix -sc nil ul ;3l; I'reaolilng ai ll a in hmI s ii in, " Ii H. s. r. K ul q,l church lutets ctcijt Milihitth evenli.H at 7 :U III the hascnient of Hie cliucrh. All are Hivtied to aiti uil then " et-t inns KlIlST M KTHODIHT SWIll St Imtuuti MaiX. I mui Pearl. I'ev I. K. Itritt, 1. I), pasturi service. : 1 1 a.m. 8 .on e m Suiula School's :1:3oa m Pray riueetii g Wednesday eve-J liiu. f ii.WAN PK'skytkkian. Corner Main and Vlilh. Key W tic. easl r. Services usual l i'UIS. Sunday cllool 9 ;30 A. M. wmiini i i Nokmiatio.nal, Ciaiille, b ti ei Fifth and slxUi on.hKii Baptist. Mt. olive, i-nk. between lentil mid Wevenlli Key. A. Hnswell, I'HS- i. seivf et. u a. in. 7 :30 p. ni Prayer. . i, u Men's ( iuu-tia!" Association' I. in ins In i it i m ii ii block, Main street. (Jul t e! niet'ilnu. f-.r mei. only, tverv Susday af ti ul 4 o'clock. l:i)oni open week days I on1 H:3na. Ill ,1 V:30 p. in. lilt Pair Taiikhn aclr. Kev .1. M. oil, astor. Services : Sunday School, i. in.: I reiirl.lnir, 11a in. anil 8 p. hi.; ,.r;ijei iiieciiiiu Tiirsrtiiy ninht ; choir prac I nil j n i til i All are welcome. Subscribe for The HERALD, only 15 cents a week or 50 cents a month. bucklen's Arnica Salve. I uk Hkst in the world for Cuti limn,.-. Sores, Ulcers, Sail Rheum. Fever -ni(H,T tier. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It ir mmnuitecd to yive satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2.1 cents per box. t-'or-ale by F. 0. Fricke Lincoln, Blair, Beiitrice and Kear- tlcvtiiiw have each Iwn Itiml r4 . - ' ' ' . 1 1 l 1 V. ... gold cure. f The First step, Perhaps you are run down, can't cut. can t tsleep, can t think, can t (J anything to your satisfaction, an. you wonder what ails you. Yi should heed the warning, you a taking the lirst step into nervo prostration. You need a nerve toi and in Ivlectnc Bitters you will fitVl the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to it normal, healthy condition. Suriirisinir results fol low tho use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative, Your appe tite returns, good digestion is re stored, and the liver and kidneys re sume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 5l)c, at F. G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. 6 Do not confuse the famous Bltikb. of Roses with the many worthies paints, powders, creams and bleaches which are flooding the market. Get the genuine of your druggist, O. II. Snyder, 75 cents pet bottle, nnd I guarantee it will rri move your pimples, freckles, black- t....w1u ... . .,.. I I J, mum, tun unu euuuiirii, ana give you a lovely complexion. 1 Fort Sidney is to have a new dc tachment of troops, the twenty-first infatry being ordered to New York forts, Al-lttle Vlrls EA-periencein a LlgMt house. Mr. and Mrs, Loren Trescott are keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach Mich, and are blessed with a daughter, four years. Lust .1 1. .! .1 ... o . I III II P.III' I.IHI'II IlllU'll U' .11 II .1.1 lj IH'V iuiiuwcu wiin ureauiui c ougn afiiu turned into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere" handful of bones". Then she tried Dr, King's New Discovery and after the use of -two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King.s N w Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet you may get a trial; bottle free at F. G. Frickey Drugstore. The Homliest Man in Plattsmouth As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on nnv rn i ..i- -i ... . . m druggist and get free n trial bottb; of Kemp's Balsam for the Thrifit and Lungs, a remedy that is seJRng entirely upon its merits aiidis guaranteed to relieve and cure fill chronic and acute coughs, asthifla, bronchitis and consumption. Large bottles 50c and . ,.. How'8ThTs! We offer 100 dollars reward for any case of catarrh thatcan not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. - j --- - ' . WI1IO, df We the undersigned, have known P. J. C heney tor the rust 15 years, .....i,.. i.:... .,..f. i ..ii .. ..v. .'v.a.v. ..nil I'LKMiT JIW1IIMMIM. Ill nil I ill i r.i ii u.i.4 w...u .....I i: nncially able to carry out an ob nitons made oy their firm. U 'HT .V irilflV VV tr. II. & Taryin, Wholesale druggist 'fob HO VJIUO. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intei nnlly, action directly noon the bloo t rice, per bottle. Sold by al . . . ; : ..... . j -- iruigisi; lestimonials tree. H ' Mth. m. m rmn wm mm tmm w K . - k mt -am. mr mm tHAi tm. JBL W m 71 BROADWAY, NEV YORK, Announce for Immediate publication n .'.2.- in their INTKKXATIONAL I.IIIKAh'Y: THE HOUSEHOLD 100 Hy Mnrie Met mini, nuthnrof Tin? K' of St l.uke'M." TrnriHlntt'd I v Kls Jlni. 1 vol 12 inn, . kox, .c; TIiIp. tliHtitt'rtt tiovcl of .nrU IUm i, ..r n'l i... ..- ..i. 4IMIIM I t (- ni l MM Ol il. J.UKC N 4 ; innrnn in iiii iimwiiK i ui- niiit rircU'x f Mu icly, llu mviip Itritt liiid : t lit' IiTVHrilt titlH. Till1 iMMlMfl l lu iioki idol, m ttic f K iiiii y mui hctlt of i lUIU IIU- p.unq. v I'M'-OMIip-fllN U t i 'Dii in ii 1 1 1 p i uti'i i mi.- pi m 1 1 mit ;ntm irji 1 ir dfHcrtiMiotiM if sliiilio life. 1 he liitrrr : . .11.. i.r, i a .. ir iimi ""'''" """"KimiH TUt t"I HiiHur t'U'tiriieHK utid Htlclity, m i. I V t I n A V