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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1892)
t J r I VOL. XXIX. NO. 2. lM.ATTSMUUTlI, CASSr0lTTV. XKItK ASK A. THURSDAY APRIL 7. 181)2 5150 AYKAli. gbe Qlatfsnwuth gerald. CORNER OK VIXK AND FIFTH STS TB' 1IONK3S. NOr ROS, Publishers lie invariably t i lishcr's .sanctum, vide a cerlai:i in, six o'cloek tin- lit- .1 i ' Hi.' 111' jio- ' I j I a i iin cninr Furnas writes: Send I m K'ail k'oad I'.iin Cure ! wn'i ' iil it inics more lu lling ills 'han ;i:i oilier preparation I have ! '.i-u'l in Mimvn. 'J.Vntid 5t)etitO. H. Ni !ei .in-! Itrowu V Barrelt. 'roiiii-.jiijr i. i.i it I t) tPeeJilf) iewii mm 111 K 1 P017DEB Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder ighest of all in leaveningstrength Latest U.S. Government food re port. JyjEUr MEATMARKET. FreihBcef. l'ork, Veal, Mutton, Sutter aud egs kept constantly ou nana. ameof all kinds kept in Seaeoa SATISFACTION - GARANTEED SAMPSON BROS. Cor. 6th St and Lincoln Are WLATTSMQUTH, - NEBRASKA 1TE AT MARKER H STREET ' SIXTH 6TRBET F. II. ELLENBAUM, Prop. Tke beet of fresh meat always found in this market. Also fresk Egga and Batter. Wild game of all kinds kept in their season. Meat SIXTH STREET MARKET Always has ou hand a full stock of FLOUR AND FEED, Corn. Bran. Shorts Oats and Baled Hay for sale as low as the lowest and delivered to any part of the city. CORNER 8IXTII AND VINE Plattsmouth, 'Nebraska JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANUFACTURE OF AND WHDLESALEZRNn KETAtL DEALER IN TBB CHOICEST BRANDS OF CIGARS FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKEK S ARTICLES always in stock o Plattsmouth, . Nebrassa Yf. 11. CrsniNO, l'rtfkicnt, J. W. Johnson, Ylce-Prttiimt, -ooOT H EOoo- PLATTSMOUTH NEBKAHKA Capital Paid in $80,000 F It f ! lit ti wi an J W Johnson, E 8 Grri.wl. Henry Kikenbary. M W Morgan. J A t iiBor. W Wettenkamp, TV II CuslilriK A general bauNing business trans acted. Interest allowed on de posites. F IRST : NATIONAL : BANK OP PLATTSMOUTH, MKBBA8KA Paid up capital $.w,ono,oo urplm 10,000.09 . r the very best facilities for tbe promp transaction of llgltlniate Banking Business Btocki, bnndi, (told, government and local e- curttles bought and sold. Deposits received f and interest allowed on tlie certificates i Drafts drawn, available In any part of the United Stater and all tbe principal tewns ol Europe. OOLLEOriOyg MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTED. Highest market prloe paid for County War rants, State ana County beudi. DIRBTOK9 John Fltzjiarald 1 D. Hawkswortb Sam Waugli. P. B. White George B. Dovey Jobo Fitzgerald. B. Waugh. rrttident Carblar, Publislm every Thursday, utnl daily every evening except Sunday. KeisU'reil at the I'luUsiiiciutli, Ncliriiskii post pflice uh second duns mull mutter for transmission through the I'. S. mails. TERMS KCK WKKKLY. One year in advance . $1 !iO One year not in advunce - - . am Six ninntliH in advance 75 Three months in advance 40 TERMS OK DAILY. One year in advance - - . -$(1110 One copy one month no Per week by carrier- - 15 Patrick Euan has been granted leave of absence. He will leave the embassy at Santiago in charge of a consul. EVKRYHODY in the world except the democratic party and Great Brittian believe in protection. Thomas B. Reed. The Hub of Kearney now issues a Bemi-weekly instead of a weekly as heretofore, which gives evidence of prosperity in that live town. A school teacher in the East End, London, says: "I have an average of 1,700 children in the school room, and 700 come without having any breakfast and with small prospect of any dinner or tea, either. The poor of America know of no such want as that. Truth is not forever on the scaf fold and Wrong is not forever on the throne. The democrats could suc cessfully lie about the McKinley bill only during one political campaign. It will never rebound to their polit ical advantage again. The truth of the McKinley bill has already pulled Wrong from its throne and smashed it one full and fair in the face. Fremont Tribune. The Herald is pleased to notice that red is again becoming fashion able. It is pleased because red is a beautiful and attractive color and because Col. Milton I). Polk, of the News, purchased a necktie of that hue two weeks ago and will there fore be thorougly fashionable and en regie through the coining sea son. For a few days it seemed as thongh red would be dropped by the elite, and the grief and anguish of the colonel were fearful to be hold. The president's backbone in the matter of the Behring sea contro versy stood the country well in hand, and the British government had to change its tone and concede that it was mistaken. Nevertheless the British press is takin ir if rm 4 in abusing the president. They call his policy an electioneering dodge and make out to their own satifac tion that he would never trouble himself about those seals if a presi dental contest was not close at hand. But that is immaterial. Johnny Bull over the water mav sav what lu likes so long as he does what we tell him. Lincoln Journal. The Methodist conference in New York last week again voted against the admission of women delegates to the general conference. The votes stood 1(58 opposed to 09 in favor of the new departure. The New York conference stands just where it did a year ago in relation to mis tiesiion. iiie promise is for a very likely convention at Omaha when the general confer ence meets in May, with the east and the west arrayed against each other regarding the right of women to occupy seats as delegates in that body. Inter Ocean. Fernandez v Gonzalez, the Span ish novelist, who is said to have ranked in his own country ns the elder Dumas did in France, made nearly half a million dollars by his writings, and yet died practically penniless, and now his widow has ended her days in a Madrid hospit al, being buried in a pauper's grave. The incident recalls to notice Gon zales himself and his method of work. Says the Pall Mall Gazette: "About twenty years ago, when he was at the zenith of his fame, he was under contract to a Madrid publish er, who paid him 15 a day for any thing he might write in the way of stories of military life. At six p. m. FREE T I Ed i lying iM'. from a Loudon LA Ou. ;ij. tin .-e extracts p. i , ei V reports of the proceeding in the lal.or com mission now Killing in ,li.n cilv: "The first witius culled was Mr. E. Galley, general secretary of the Upper Mersey Watei men's Ac Por. ters' association, who said that his society was established in ISS'J and contained about l,o;i5 members. The weekly wages paid to the men was eleven shilling (if.OS) and six teen shillings (fti.X'.l) in some dis tricts, and the captain was paid five shillings more weekly wage than the men. The hours of work on an average for the year round were lot) hours per week. The nun asked some time ago for a six hours' rest after twenty-four hours' work, but the masters could not see their way to concede that. The nature of the work was very dangerous, and they had to work in all kinds of weather. "Mr. J. Billani said that some times the women had to handle pig iron of half a hundredweight. "Mr. W. Turner said that on one class of boats the steamers and ply boats the hours worked were 1M per week. That was the number of hours actually worked in loading, manning and discharging the boatB. The wages for mates was 3 pence an hour, and for captains 3'4 pence. The best paid men were those on the trip boats, who got 3La pence an hour. With regard to the conditons of female labor, women had often to clamber up the lock gates from the boat down below, in order to close the gale and raise the lock again, and he had seen a woman with a child at her breast thrown into the canal by the force of the tiller. American Economist THE CARD TO PLAY. A "tip" to the Cleveland democra cy in New York: Back up Dr. Park hurst with brains and money (he needs both) in his crusade against the Sunday saloons. If he can shut the saloons the saloonkeepers will stop paying blackmail to Tatniny Without blackmail Tammany must languish and ceas to be the "con trolling voice ' in the democratic pat ty. Then what would become of the Hill boom? Choked to death for want of Sunday licker. A sight for gods and men! Chicago Post Your ion.' 1 es, you. We want you to come up and have your eyes tested by Mr. II. r. Si.encer of Detroit, Michigan, who will be with us next Wednesday and Thursday, April 0 and 7. He is one of Amer ica's best opticians. It will cost you nothing. Come, one and all. Yours, Glrino&Co. The wisdom of him who iournev- eth is known by the line he selects; the judgment of the man who takes the "llitrlington Route to the cities of the east, the south, and the west, is never impeached. The in ference is plain. Magnificent Pull man sleepers, cleirant reclininir chair cars and world-famous dining cars on all through trains. For information address the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger aim ncKci Ageni, umaiia. IF YOU WANT to see the largest stock of Wallpaper in Plattsmouth, call at Miyaers store. Most and prettiest designs. According to the census of 1890, Chicago takeB rank, by virtue of her population ot l,lnw,rio people, as the eighth largest city on the globe. Most ol us desire, at one time or another, to visit a city in which so many persons find homes, and, when we do, we can find no better line than the "Burlington Route." Three fast and comfortable trains daily. For further information ad dress the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. Rail-Road Pain Cure has no equal as a Pain Killer. Use for all bodily pains and soreness. Guaranteed by Brown A Barrett and O. II der. Sny. I feel it my duty to say a few words in regard to Ely's Cream Balm, and I do so entirely without solicitation. I have used it more or less half a year, and have found it to be most admirable. I have suffered from catarrh of the worst kind ever since 1 was a little boy and I never nopeu tor cure, tint Cream Balm seems to do even that. Many of my acquaintances have used it wild excellent results. Oscar 0trum, 4.1 arren ,-ivc, Chicago, III. Railroad Couch C lire m th true Antidote for throat and Lung Troubles. Fully warranted m Brown & Barrett's and O. If. Snv. der's. Beware of the docters and under tiiKcis; "they want you." Spring time is licit and with it a Cntitauii naied Blood, Torpid Liver, Kidiu-g Contill.iit is and Indigestion Take "Rain h i lor the Blood" and stim ulate tie organs io force the foul secri iii'iit. ttom your system. $1 at Brown A I'. ii reifnnd C). II. Snyder Kail k' I'ain Cure never fails. Do noi ini.-s the opportunity of your lite, but come to our store Wednesnav ol Thursday and have your eyes te. ted for glasses free of cost, bv America' great optician, H. P. Spencer, al tiering A Co. I feel it my duty to say a few words in icnard to Ely's Cream Balm, and I do so entirely without solicitation. 1 have used it more or less ball a year, and have found it to be most admirable. I have sullered Iroin catarrh of the worst kind ever since I was a little boy and I never hoped for cure, but Cream Palm se ins to do even that. Many ol my acquaintances have used it witu excellnnt results. Oscar Ostiim, 45 Warren Ave., Chi cago III. Subscribe for The PLATTSMOUTH Daily Hi kald at 13 cents a week. One f-are for the Round Trip. The B. & M. will sell round trip tickets for one fare to Hot Springs, Arkansas, on the following occa sions: Meeting of theJ.Government Reservation Improvement asssoci ation, April 12. Tickets will be sold Apr. I 7 and 8, inclusive; final return limit, May 10. District meeting Southern and Central Turnverein, May 9 to 10. Tickets will be sold May 6 and 7, in clusive; tiual return, June 10. Annual tncetinggeneral assembly of the Southern Presbyterian church, May 19. Tickets will be sold May 10 and 17, inclusive; limit to return, June 15. For further information inquire at ticket office. F. LATHAM, Agent. SKCHUT SUCIKTMS ITNHJIITS OK I'YTIIIAS-r.uuntlet Lodlfe No-17. Meets everv Wednesiln v evo iiini; at their hall over Hemic t A Tuli's, ull visiting knights lire cordially Inviteil to ill tend. M . Grillith, ct'i Otis Dove v K uf U and S. A .y VV No M- Meet second and fourth " Friday evenings in the mouth it t IO O F Hull M Voiulriiii, M W, li 1' Drown, recorded A o IT W No B Meet first and third Fri day eveniiiK ofeneli month lit 1(1(1 K hall, Frunk Veriiiylt-u M W ; J K llurwick, leionjer. nKHRKK OF IIONOR-Meets the first " utnl third Thrnrsdiiy evenings of eiich ...... , . ,, ,.i i. ... - . r . "iiii, r nzKcriiMi hum K, Mrs. Addie Smith, Worthy Sister nf Honor Mrs. Nannie linrkil, sister secretary. i Hti. i.o. o. Y. meets v- ,ry nieKOay niitlit at their ball In KltKeralrt 'JliH'k. AllOdil Renown Hre eiirilisllv Invited attend when vIsIMhk In tWlty. thrl Pet errn,n. w. ; a. r. Of Horn, secretary. IIOYAL AKCANAM-Ci-s Council No 1021, 11 Meet lit the. K, of V li.ill In the l'annele & CMla Mock over Kennel t & Tutu, vlslrlnx brethren Invited Henry (ierlni!, Heiienl: Thus WnlliiiB, Secretary, lytGKKF. OK IION'iK, meets wond and fourth Thursdays of each ironth lu I.O. o. f Hull In flt(!"iul(l Murk. Mm. K. Iloyd. 1...HJ hi jiiimii ; iviie verinyiea, recoiuer. rj A. K.Mi'Conlhle Poet No. 4S inei ts every v' ntur.'Hy evoimiir at 7 : w in 'heir Hall In i nckwood block All vlsltlnn coiiirailps are cordially invited to eet with us. Fred Mutes, i ""i Aiijinaiii ; ii. r. rnrs. rout, (.niiiuiailuer. f-)HDKH OK THE WOULD. Mcc7a7 TT.K) every Mnnmiv evening at the Gram! Army hull. A. K. Groom, preHlilent, 'J ims Walling, secretary. ('ASS CAMP No. 332 M. W. A. livets everv second and Fourth Monday rvniiiKs lu S'ltpTHlcl hall. Vlsitiiii; neighbor welcome. P c. Hansen, V. C. : P. Herteiiberirer, W. A.. 8 C. Wilde. Clerk. fAl'IAlN II K I'AI.HKK CAM r NO 60 Nins 01 veterans, division of Nebraska, U S. A . meet every Tuesday niiilit at 7 ::i o'clock in their hall In Kit iiierald b ock. All son and vMtliis; comrades aro cordially invited to meet with us .). J . Kurtz, Commander ; B. A. Mc Klwaln, 1st SsarKcnt. lYM HIITKItS OK REBECCA- Bud of Prom AJ I e I .od i! e No. 40 meets the second and fourth Thursday evening of each month In ine i.o. (i. r . null. Mrs. T. K. Williams, N G ; Mrs. John Cory, Secretary. YOUXG MEN'S CHKISTION 80CIATION Waterman block Main Street. Kootus oien from 8 :30 a in to Q :M p m. For men only (oiel meetiiiK every Sunday atternooii at 4 o'clock . N N N N IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, - SILVERWARE and Jewelry. KK PAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SATISFACTION CCAKANTKKI) N N N N : H. M. GAULT, :-: Room with Snyder, Sotitn Main Street. j i -A- 5 11. QlA OOI 1 N L noa MlIM CT - - i ) j - ri.ATTSMOUTH, NEB. F. R. GUTHMANN. PROP- Rates 14.50 per week and p UNRTJH Whitney's Carriages v 1 CALL AND SEE Spot Cash MANY YEARS AGO TDK POET WROTK: "Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long." It was true then and just as true to day, and fits our case exactly ALL THAT WE WANT IS Your Trade on HARDWARE, CUTLERY, STOVES, TOOLS, That is all; "Nor do we want it long" just for a few years, say twenty or more and if you will grant us this "little" our cup of happiness will be full to overflowing. In return you will have little to want, lor in these goods we oiler the best and most complete line made in this country to-day and .t IPrlcGS so Xjo-w That every time we fill out a quotation sheet we feel that we ought to be accorded a place in history among the philanthropists for we are giving the trade all the cream and keeping the skimmed milk for ourselves. WILL YOU NOT G1VK I S THE "LITTLt" THAT WE WANT. J. W. Henclee, & Co. TOW IS YOTjT, J The Weekly Home Magazine Toledo Blade Harpers Magazine Harper's Bi.zar Harper's Weekly ift K5 - 2 45 4 00 4 SO . 4 Hl is the Ti 501 Vine Strket. ELKHART mm m HARNESS WFG- c- HoA.Farm Harness. !!Aru.VW?XZl&V:iZL No. 80. Road Waaon m Harnes S24.50 IIm, to aiamiu issiure wii mowj m iiam. wm jiy frnqhi ay- U n MUsfaoturr Wsr , rnt f nr two jrwun WliiwjsDAufnttlOtoJiu (iinrdr tvr jrwur nni.i'wiiwiiwnw. iHiimi Irwii We Uk U tba rink uf dun( in liiiyui. WHOLESALE PRICES. Sprlnc Wnon, fiH, IS. .")(. tnd M. Gtlarsntwd Mine M sell fur 70 Uil6. Itotll VVfl aronn. Surrevn with Fenrlera. Ton lluuBirsst nO. Nr. Al Unnnn CT 1 'J!' "na Mailt IO. Hi. Wagon. PWK.n b.si7. OUR HARNESS are nil ffn. I Oak4annrtt Ijenthrr. Hfn(leauto20t Ponhle llua gy, HIS to:i.i. Hilling Nnddleal allnricaa. MpaaeilluatratMlOaUl'irDafriia. Ad'lraai 9 lltB B I I t D m E -..MM m r-- m m 11 1 TB t andmske new OITer- Send ns a 1 lis i t m.a ll L and we will hihSh vnu a I rnnon Porlraill Free off harire. urotlded VOU Cthlt'lt It to your friends as a samplenf our wnrk.and use your Influence In se curing us future order. I'lnre name and addresson bnok of picture and It will be re turned in rierfeet nrrtiip. U'p make unv ehanirpln nurture Tim wish nut interfering with the likeness. Refer toanttisnb In I'Miium. rlitrf.sasll mall tn t i l l PMC PIIKTK AIT I'U.. 108 and 110 Et Randolph St.. CHICACO.ILL. P 8 -Wt will forfsit $100 to any on "oniijnlSjjiilniere 5UB3CRIBD FOR And the PRICES Are away down q q q q Hardware. TINWARE, WOODEN WARE ClfftpICK 1 Iowa State Register- Western Rural -"j The Forum Hlobe-Detnocrat i Inter Ocean 3T)0 2 85 5 50 S 10 3 2? q;o '(o Subscribe nd InrcenK nuuniBOinnfra u Ainnaica willing frni Tit ta'MindHiiniiHUiianr. Bliipwithpn?- t-. 31 H1IO. wnm u sell for tfHStti. fine sa sold U . I'hnrfnna Komi Curt IOI witn daan enshmn aod larb.8ld.xTj m $60. W.B. PRATT, Sec'y, ELKHART.IND. 1130 DAYS Wlslilnff tn Introduce on mAYOY POR- ITN and at the Mini) tlnia eitund our tiusiiieM cii.lomers.wehave decided to niU thlsHpelnl Oiililnet 1'iolvire. I'hofifraiih.Tlntviie.Ambrotrn or Dsunenilvin' of Tiiiirself it snv member of Tonr fsniliv. Iivintf or dead THE HERALD. V, I