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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1892)
V V i v 1 AN ESCAPED LUNATIC. "Via Wa9 Trying to Get to Platts 4 moiith, H sOld Homa. i roiu 1 hurt-day Diit.y. Yesterday a strange' cadaverious ookiug follow s bowed up Jt Mr. I". ii. Stevenson s ofhce, and gave ins name as liob Donovan. The man had been about town all day, lui did not nttr ict any particular aite.i tion. Hut after a slurtconveia;ion Attorney Sloan, who niei liiui at Stevenson's office cure to 1 1 - con elusion that lie was a lunatie. th at once summoned Dcputv Sin riu Webber, and began a general exair ination of the Granger. Ilesald at length that lie had run a v iy from the assyluin at Lincoln this morning and was trying to get to I'lattsmouth. It was further learned that he had been a railroad engineer in hid time. Young, the asylum inmate, who was brought to this city a few days ago to make place for lhiiikman, lOiif'Tins Dona van's story ami says he knew him there. At the suggestion of Clerk of the District Court Campbell, Mr. Webber bought the unfortunate man a ticket lor l'laltsmoulh and put him on thr (rain in care of a gentleman who was bound ior that city.-Ncbraska City Tress. Nehawka News No's. March is variable, and cituensall agree that last Saturday, so far as the weather was -..-oncemed, was a bad clay. With lightning, rain, snow and driving winds, indoors was decidedly a pleasa.iter place than out. Spring is, in some respects, back ward. Little or no seeding has been doni et mid the farmers are getting impatient and anxious to get their wheat sowed. Winter wheat has come through all right and has started to grow. Among the late improvements of our town is a plank wnlk completed from the bank corner up to the Methodist church, which is duly appreciated by all those who walk in that direction. Henry I.opp is building a new barber shop, the frame of which is now up. Frank Moore has the foundation dug for a house he is building to rent to John Fallis. The L'nited Brethren are building a parsonage, which is now ready for plastering. The new minister is expected daily. Charley Ilaight's blacksmith shop was entered a few nights ago and tools to the amount of if.")!) stolen. No cine to the thief. This point is becoming some thing of a wood market. Ti nber ;s not considered 83 valuable as it once was. As a result farmers a- c itting it down, and we see i stacked around and corded U i long and lofty piles, ready for ;. e at home or shipment. Baseball players are becoming restive. The 'Bankers" won fame on this line Inst summer. Th'S season they will organize a brass band and probably a dramatic troupe. It is believed there is talent here which favorable condi ious and culture might perfect. But with this, as in other instances in this world, alas! how often "l-'ull i nun - ii ruse is born Ik blie-li Illlsecll, Ami wu-tc i ;i ' he li i Tt J I ill 'u'tin '. on !'..'. I I'.in !iiu,1"i is i l.-l U .1114.-1 hi i . .si:-l D-n-vr 1 Trnmo. preparing .veil (. IiiciL1 : I . . i ' ! ni.i H,e j .lit iili in ! to .i stir imii'ii ' the i:iil:o;i! t; train which now l.-.ivcs I hie ago at pl:l'.t p. m. and Omaha the following evening at 7:10 will be expedited. I'nder the new schedule it will leave this city about 4:1 p. in. and reach Denver at 7 in the morning. It will then be the fastest train be tween Omaha and Denver by more than two hours. It will carry the fast mail and a dining car. This train will be of especial ben efit to many interior points in Nebraska because of improved con nections. It will . reach Lincoln about G o'clock and the train for Grand Island will leave that point about 5:15 instead of 8:." This branch train may also be extended to Ravenna, Grand Island, Kearney, Central City and intermediate points will be reached at a season able hour in the evening. The re turn train will leave Denver at t) a. in., go through Omaha about mid night and reach Chicago at Up. in. This will require but one night on the road and will reach Chicago in time to connect with the fast trains east. This will be twelve hours shorter than the time of the corresponding train now running. Among other Burlington chaug es will br one by which the sleep, ing car service between Omaha will be extended to Chicago. These changes will be made during the coming mouth. Omaha Bee. Chas. Davis, of Syracuse, Neb., is in the city, the guest of his uncle, S. A. Daris. The democratic county central committee met at I'nion yesterday and decided to call the county con vention at I'nion April 7. Street Commissioner Geo. l'oisall h is a fo:ce of men at work to day putting in a sewer pipe across Chi cago avenue opposite the base ball park. i Mrs. II. A. Booth returned thisj moi ling from Mautield, Ohio, I where she was called to the bed Mdo of her father, who was very sick and died after she arrived. Joe Klein, the popular one price clothier, received to-day a very large slock of spi ingsuits, trunks, satch els, valises, gents furnishing goods and neckw are in all of the latest fi sh ions, and he will sell them cheaper than ever known in I'lattsmouth be fore. Call and see his immense stock. C. W. Holmes broke a single tree on his hack in the mud in front of the pustoflice last night ami was forced to leave it there, over night. This morning when he went to get it he found that some scoundrel had waded out through the mud to where the hack was standing, went on the inside of th hack and deliberately cut the up holstering all to peices and scat tered ,it all over the lloor of the hack. Walt promises to make it hot for the guilty one if he can be detected. Police Court. Chief of Police Tom Fry arrested two of the worst looking specimens of humanity this morning it has been our lot to gaze upon, charging them with vagrancy. They plead guilty and were sentenced to ten days' hard labor in the city jail. They gave their names as Frank White and George Miles. District Court. Judge Chapman discharged the jury to-day and they will depart this evening for their homes. In the casejof the State of Nebras ka vs. Peter Coon the jury brought in a verdict in favor of defendant, an I he was accordingly discharged. Jasper Clowson and Memberg both plead guilty to stealing wheat and along with Chas Blake will be seentened to-morrow. Judge Chapman will begin on the equity docket to-morrow. World's Fair Notes. Deinark has made a world's fair appropriation of $f7.fXK). A continuous clam bake will be one of the attractions which epicu rean visitors will find at the expo sition. P-P' !,eo XII has written a letter agly commending the Kxposi i, which it is believed will have a ; favorable effect in stimulating .c. !-i the Fair on the part of all Catholic countries and commuui- tiss. More than ISO exhibitors are chronicled from Philadelphia alone. A !?i,0(H) monument of Barre gran ite will be one of the exhibits from Vermont. New York has made a World's Fair appropriation of .f:jlK),(K.I). The New York Assembly has voted permission for the raising of one or two old sunken vessels in Lake George for the purpose of sending tlicili ;is relics to the Fair. Supiomo Court. The npreme court among n num ber ul oilier uecisne!" handed down ('! f, i!!o'v i i g ; rom ! i' '. - count v Alexander s. Puts. A ; pea! Hun: "',!-; c li n I , I'. crscd ;:ii 1 ;,, lnii !' itN. ed. . ; ii n ui I J n t e Not ( vni. Atl 'iction t foreclose a lax deed, void on its was brought more than fifteen years after the dale ol such dei d. The defendant and his grantors had been in the actual, op en, notorious, continuous, adverse and exclusive possession of the lands sis owner for more than ten years prior to the bringing of the suit. Held that the action is barred. Dancing Party. The young friends of John Wright spent a pleasant evening with him at his home on West Locust street last night The evening was spent in dancing mid Miss Bibby fur nished the music on the piano. Refreshments were served during the evening and the party con cluded at 12 o'clock. Those present were: Anna Sullivan, F.dith Pat terson, Bessie Walker, Rose Myers, Mattie Smith, Alice Murray, Till io Vallery. Mollie Ballance, Tom Mil ler, Charley Sullivan, Bert Holmes, Gus Ilyers, Will Coolidge, Frank Ballance, Wendell Foster. Two young fellows hailing from Omaha, who gave their names as W. J. Lewis anil G. W. Gay, were ar rested this morning by Officer Fit. patrick. They had iti their posses sion about one hundred pounds of brass and iron, which they had stolen from the B. A M. shops. They were brought before fudge Archer, who sentenced them to jail for a term of twelve days apiece. The B. & M.'folkshave been missing several articles of late. THE HRST Of CLON E Of the Season Visited Nelson Last Night. SIAT.U l. riVJPLE DA PLY I.YJUUCD. A Terr.ble Hail Storm Follows the Cyclone--Housos Unroofed and Blown Down and Carrlod Away. Pram 1'riilav's Daily. Last evening at .":15 a terrible cy clone visited the quiet little town of Nelson, the county seat of Nuckolls county, and from reports was the worst that ever visited Nebraska The following account was tide graphed to the Bee. At this writing no a lequate - not even an approximateestimate of the ruin wrought can be made up, but !,1IX),IIOO will not put Nelson where she stood as she was at six o'clock this evening. The afternoon had been still and sultry, an air of suppression and oppression surrounded the town. Then came a fluttering of things. The wind rose in titful gusts, which succeeded each other rapidly and more rapidly till a steady breiv.e was blowing. It came roin the southwest and increased to half a gale. People made up their minds for a storm. The wind, getting higher momentarily, had a strange, uncommon steadiness about it. It will rain, said some. Just at tl o'clock there came the most terrify ing hail storm experienced in these parts for years. People rushed in doors, while without the hailstones bounded from the sidewalk, spat tered in the guttered road and rat tled on the window panes like small shot on sheet iron. This lasted for four or live min utes, and then the storm passed. People looked out again and smiled. Yet there was still some thing more to follow. It came. A cry was heard and then every eye w;is turned toward the southwest. There it was; there was no mistak ing it a cyclone. Saw the Monster Coining. Ten miles away it could be des cried, circling forward on itsdeadly way. It exerted a kind of fascina tion for a minute that banished sense of danger. Then the spell was broken and a rush was made for safety. It was found in the cel lars of houses and stores. The great southwest wind bore it along with fearful ever increasing velocity. It past over Nelson. No nither it swept through it, cuttinga wide swath of demolition and de struction. At first u hurried look along the path of the cy lone reveals a terrible stiite of affairs. Nearly all the houses had been unroofed, and those that had not had been lifted bodily from their foundations, car ried some distance and mashed into kindling wood, Wonderful Escape From Dentil. One instance: The half of one house, belonging to Mr. Pope and occupied by him, was torn up anil carried, with its contents, Mrs. Pope and two children, in the arinsof the cyclone for nearly one cighUi of a mile. Fortunately, miraculously Mrs. Pope and her little ones es i aped uninjured. The buildings, o far can be I ued al this hour, which su'lercil 1 1 n ' -1 damage ;,je Hie fir:'! Xa ten:;,! I .nl;, brick, which wa.i ,- M.;--d; the Ope:'.! H ic!t, three (! ";. I. re'k, unrooted and badlyMauiagcd; i;:' I'nion blocl., brick, unrooted and suu' side (urn olf. The Arlington hotel was unrooted ; the new school house, which was completed at the beginning of the year at a cost of JKIKX) was almost destroyed. The Presbyterian chi.reh was badly wrecked. A large number of residences were completely destroyed, among which were those of Miss Mary Brayiuaii, Dr. J. R. Bullington, J. M. Gammil, John Ivaton, Henry Pope II. II. Williams, D.I.McMenry, W. I. Templeton, T. W. Cole, I. G. Foster, Robert Greenwood and Thomas Nichols. Two Women Were Hurt. Miss Mary Braynian, assistant principal of the Nelson high school, is the only one known to have been seriously hurt. As the storm was approaching she took lefugc in the cellar of her house, and, thinking the worst was over, she came up. Before she could get back the storm completely demolished her house and buried her in the debris, badly bruising her, breaking her leg and several ribs. It is learned that Mr. John Katun was seriously injured. Most of the buildings were in sured against tire only and the loss toowners will be almost total. Your correspondent has as yet been una ble to learn anythin certain as to damage done in th surrounding country. Later- It was learned that the Rock Island round house was wrecked. A Considerable Amount of Damage Done bv the Heavy Wind Storm. The wind has been blowinga gale all day and is the worst wind storm witnessed in Plattsmouth for some time. The tin roofing was blown otT of the residence of F. IS. Vhite, and al so off the Perkins house. The bill boards on the west side of the opera house were completely demolished. At the base ball park the wind played havoc with the fence around the grounds, about half laying Hat on the ground. All over the city fences and out houses have been blown down and some of them completely destroyed. No damage was done, however, to the telephone and telegraph poles or wires, except the telephone wire running to the depot, which was broken; but Manager Bu..ell soon had that in woi king order. The large Willow tree on Wash ington Avenue, in front of K. R. Todd's residence, was blown down and fell striking-the corner of the house, breaking one window and tearing down about ten V-el of the lenee, besides this there are scores of smaller trees laid low by the wind, to say nothing about the limbs that have been broken oil. The lumber yards were consider ably mixed up, the wind scattering lumber in all directions. At the residence of W. G. Keefer this morning the wind blew the glass, sash and all out of the south window and in the bay window the glass was blown out. The high school building was considered too dangerous to hold school today. President S.A.Davis, of the board of education, in formed a reporter this morning ing that the wind made such a noise in the building that it would have been impossible for the teachers to have heard recitations to-day, even had the building been considered safe during the wind storm. A FAIR PERFORMANCE. "Oi! What a Nltfht" Clven by Chas. A. Loder and Company. One of the kind of audiences that will make I'lattsmouth a reputation as a show town assembled at the Waterman hist night to witness Charles A. Loder and his company of players present "Oh! What a Night," an alleged comedy. The company was a very capable one and it was only owitig to their elTorts that the piece was redeemed from being a miserable failure. Loder played the German part to perfection. He is a hue natural actor. The specialties were well put on, especially the dancing of the Leigh sisters. The "illusion" dance was excellent and merited the warm encore it received. The play itself is abominably weak and dragged from start to finish. The music, was rendered by Prof. Beck's orchestra and was of a high order. This orchestra is equal to the best in the slate and deserves a large patronage by our cili.ens. Two elegant box parties graced the occa sion with their presence and be tokened the warm interest our peo ple are taking in theatrical matters. Tho Dlincl Inutiuih!. possible that I Yof. I raw, ep. riulendi nt of the institution i r i!;e Mind at Nehru. -k.i City, who 1 a ppoin Ii I recen 1 ly by Go v- i ,.or Boyd, hi(t forget hi.' dig ly, thai wilh an arrogance worthy l a .:ar, ). rules tin- blind i u in i'e-. The following- rumpla i nts .'ic uttered by our townsman, J...-cp!i Muck, father of Lei- Andrew .'-iui'k, who has been attending this institution up till Saturday, when In- returned home on account of the treatment to which he was sub jected Mr. Muck says: "Mr. Rakestraw treats the inmates in a decidedly crabid and surly manner. Be will not allow them to go from ouu room to nuother without a pass; will not allow the pupils to write home without first reading the let ters, nor pi-rinit them to receive let ters without first reading the con tents. Through his ill treatment many of the older scholas have left, and the old cooks discharged and others procured unacquainted with that department. Holidays are prohibited and complaints of sick ness from the scholars are not heeded. Dancing, which was for merly engaged in for the amuse ment of the blind, has been discon tinued." We have not space to give all of Mr. Muck's complaints in full, nor will we comment on them, but we do believe that an institution of this kind, where children have been taught and trained for years by people whom they have learned to love and respect almost as much as their own parents, that the man agement of that institution should not depend on the turn of political parlies.- Weeping Water Republican. I rUH HC'i ' I . 1. K .1 . ' i ' iK. t. i 1 s! ri, ( ir ir. . ' ' -."V'I. idcctiu.i- . .. V 1 . lej mi '.' mm ! tr. in h Our entire BOOTS and SHOES Ladies Glov- grain butt f-l.'J.'J shoe 1.00 shoe, now if't.'Ja. reduces to M cents. .Mens bull bills and congress $1.50 l.adiys plain rubbers formerly :Oe j shoe, reduced toifl.U). now ''."ie. .Metis B calf halt and Cong 2.00 now Ladies Dongola butt !fl.."d shoe ;' .'Jn tflilii. Siidies good Pongola butt $'2(Mshoc Mens good calf bals and cong. If-'.aO for !fl. CO. j shoe f.MO. Ladies best Dongobi bull fl.O) shoe j Mens best calf bids ami cong. $t.0t) for f 'Mi I. j shoe Ladies tine Duignhi butt ifl.iH) shoe Mens dress gondola emigres fit..") f-.l". I shoe 1,00.' Ladies exlr.i line Dougohi hand j Mens best solid $11.1)1) boot, $.'.() We also have a ureal many other bargains that we have not space to mention in Boys. M isses, and Childrens shoes. We intend going tu Texas and w ill sell them al a great sacrifice. BEOS FRED GORDER AMD HAVK A VICRV LA KG K STOCK OK Harness - and - Buggies. AND A iUI.L LINK OF FARM MACIIINKRV, Sl'CII AS HCOSIkR SSE.UB Pi. H5RR0WS. ETC. WI- CARRY TUB TWO LKADING Cl'LTl VATORS NEW DEPARTURE T0NGUELE8S, AND Ii ADCJ lliL UtI)L; CAU.Tl V ATI MIS They islo CiUTy a lull I Am, of JiiiiIcimhi1s ut their house in iVi'iliii; Wntcr Fred Gordp.r I'lutf.smoiith. - s o rmm WORLD'S FAIR FUNUS Mr. Croor Says Nebraska's Ajro priatlun lias Uoi-n Jutliclously Kx)Oncl'-il. Mr. K'. R. Greer of Kearney, ex-eomiiii- .'loiu-r general for tin- state oi Nel.rai-'-.t upon World's fair mat ter , u a.- at the Milliard yi --trrday and ;-an! a i!ee ie;.i,rl; r the . I, it e o : y .- I , na nee.' a p j ii 'opr i ; 1 1 - 1 I -y the N- !i- : I- a,.-'.' i.-l.dnie for U or Id -fa i i- j 1 1 ,-iese-i, over which t her.- has Ik en a -and deal of new- paper bill-, would all be thoroughly explained nt the annual meeting to be held on April a :it Lincoln. "It was rather unfortunate for some ol the retiring members of the commission," said Mr. Greer, "that Mr. Strang was not here when this matter was brought up because he has a detailed statement of the ex. peiulilures find can show where every cent of the money has been used. "He will make the matter very clear and explicit when the new board meets on April a. It will be found that the money has been ju diciously expended. We have got ten the state pretty thoroughly or ganized and have several car loads of exhibits collected and have ex penih d only a little over R'Un. "There has been nothing done Unit the retiring commissioners need feel ashamed of and 1 feel cou fiedent that the new commissioners will be convinced when they seethe statement in detail that not a cent of the money has been foolishly or injudiciously expended. Mr. Si rang is in Texas, but IJundcrstand he will be home in time to meet with the commissioners on April " and give ii full anil complete explanation of all thiit has been done." Hee. Facts From Peter Coon. Mr. I'l-ter Coon, one of Cass coun ty's most estimable farmers, who was recently bound over to the dis trict court on the charge of allowing T ' 'hi m OIL, - ' .' . .'rt TT4.E DISEASES. -.:i .:-. r:r :i ,L..montt. Stif .'l . L Itlif .1. .iftnM. tlln !,MtiHa -. i VVn:tin. Poll Evil! :: J . in l,i.r eirlj .i i .v rocs. .. ; . 1 fr...ili- In flirt I.nn..ft1 e .n lUUIUUCKtniH.M l.ii i ilik into which u, buwll rf; COULTRY. I .,' i n lllll I f ilii'ii.h f.ri " i' 't'lWtiUiul.iWlMUiimt.M stock of CO. iU' Ci SON & Son. Fvnry M AN v 1 ( . :M know tlio (Ut ANDTUUTIIS, the Plain I'arU, tlio Old StwrolH mi, I tin. i.'jw liiM'-ivuili-n uf MhcIIihI Scn-noo iia HppllHil Ui Mam.M l.i!t', .-1 . 1 v.iitn fur our M'oimIi-i'I'iiI Hole Itfiok, -itlliMl "A 'I'HWAIIM! IV ,".iN ONI.V." Ta nny cnrni-Ht nmn we will mall imo Oojiy Jailli-i;! i , i m pi i in iii'nlpii rnvur. "A n-fniw fmin thnqiiaukg." iU FRIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, H. V. hogs to run at large that had the cholera, and who the jury has ac 'putted has this to say concerning the mailer:, March '.'A, VAu,v lltavAI.Ii Dear Sir: I notice in the I'laU-moitth Journal of yesterday iin aitiile uhich is la I- a ml does me an i n uM ice. It i- tin,. J VVas ac-eii.M-d b A. I-;. Ib-.i-i. a near n- i;li bor, of !ln- CPU!-- ol periititiiiighoys ll-.via;-, cholera u, niil ai ej, .and no o'.ner pi rsou the ;i . . uh;i -tin. i, mi w 111 ii the Jimriial a--:erleil that si.v ol my neighbor;- made the cbiirge, iiinl that the disease was spread throligli :i inajority of the swine in the neighborhood, it stilted what was unt true. I have had much experience hi raising hogs and nave been at the business all my life. 1 know when hogs have the cholera and have sense enough to take the necessary precaution when the disease exists among my swine, and need no instruction fri in Hess or reprimand from the Jour nal. Mr. Hess published his vkk bti'T in the Journal. I have had a trial and the jury found tliatmy hogs did not have the cholera and 1 was very soon ncijuitted. Yours truly, 1JKTF.R C(K). PLEAD CUILTY. j Ed Hubbel and Wife Plead Guilty to Runnings House of Ill-Fame. Kd. Hubbel and wife, who manip ulate the notorious "Hayniarket," were before Judge Archer this after noon and plead guilty to the charge preferred against them. They were lined $10 and costs apiece, amount ing in all toif.'il.o."). hhey were given until!) o'clock to raise the amount or go to jail. C hargett with Bastardy. A warrant was sworn out in Judge Ramsey's court last evening by Lu lu M. Hawks charging Win. Wagner with being the father of her unborn child. Wagner was brought before Judge Ramsey and procured a li cense and they were made man and wife. ' Ldilh White whs a passenger westi this morning.