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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1891)
r . wneolu, x.b iweeiilg iief ill fjifftttgiiittnii I' VOL. XXVII. NO. 25 PLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY, XKIJI! AKK.V 'MIUKSDA Y.SEl'TKM HKtt 17191 $l..r()A V;-: 11 I 8 1 '..I fail ye i prat, I POWD Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strenth. Latent 1'. S. (iovernment Food lie port. R. A, SALSBURY D-K-X-T-I-S-T OOLO AM) FCRCELAIN C'kOWXS. lr. Ktelnways Hmi-stlietlc fertile ininlei ex traction of ti-f Ih. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Itorkwooil Block I'lattHinoiitli, Nli. THOS. POLLOCK R W HYERS Notary Public & Abstracter Solicitor ealllEstate, Loan and Insurance Agents If you have real estate to Hell or exchange send usdescription, price and terms. . Abstracts of title furnished at reas onable rates. fl to loan at 7'o percent and no commissions, on good X farm security. POLLOCK & IIYKKS i J l.A I TSMUl 1 It .cn. Oftlce under Caf Comity Hank, ' jAWSON & PEARCE t ' HAVE KEI'EIVEP Jbeir Kail straws, fanoy rllibonn, tips and (Uilli bho lot of new tiwliion cone nUap hats j,- In straw ana Idl. iney nave iuu t liua nf Imhv ll!)nri null ill or1 der to close old stock out have re , duceij tbelr utraw euilor naU to 40 and t ' MISS SCIIUYLKR. TRIMMER. iscoy i i i i i e-t i i i tt wmm ' EI 1 rtol.I) Ajo I'ORCRLAIN'CROWNS- Bridge work and fine Rold work a SPECIALTY. ..- , V - tea f. a PB. 9TEINAU9 LOCAL as well as otberlati A estbetlcsKlvcn for the painless extraction o( ft teeth, C. A. MARSHALL, Fitzgerald BW ' 4' 217, 219, 221 and 223 Main St., .( 'lattsmouth, - Nebraska. . H. M. BONS. Proprietor lhe Perkins has been thoroughly j' renoyated frou top tc 'rotten; ud ' now one of the best hotels in the state Boarders will be taken by the week at 4.50 and up. GOOD BAR CONNECTED The Boys FOR - THIRTY button Calf Stock Lace Calf Stock Congresa Call Sleek Congress Butt Stock Lace Puff Stock -Button Grain Stock Cbildrenu Shoes -'infants ohoea i it Qrin Ai TnVv I iflTllri LUU. IJVjC UU1 uvu uvv Katie Putnam ha always been a favorite with Plattsmouth's anise nient public, and we see no reason why she should not be greeted with a packed house to-night. Mr. and Mrs. 11 V. Pierce, accom panied by Mrs. Timothy Whaling, leave this evening fur points in New York and Connecticut. They will visit quite extensively in the latter state. Ho our citizens appreciate good attractions coming to I'lattsinonth'r If so they should patronize Katie Putnam to-night, as they will give a performance that will please every one. Prices, 'J."), Ma, 50, 75. Secure your tickets at J. P. Young's. The C'ulloni band came in this morning and will dispense music at the fair grounds to-dday. The band is nicely uniformed, and the boys play well. Wearenotyet in formed as to whether the H. A: M. band will be on the grounds, if they do not, we may safely conclude that Culloni will have a walkaway. The ice cream social given by the ladies of the M. K. church at the residence of S. P. llolloway last evening was well attended. The young folks enjoyed themselves immensely in the open air. The feature of the entertainment was the singing of Messrs. Harvey llol loway, Charley Sherman and Miss Mary Sherman. The board of supervisors was in Lincoln and Omaha the first of the week, inspecting the furniture with a view ot rurnisning me new court house. The board expressad it self as well pleased with the stock from which they will be al lowed to choose. The board doubt less will exercise judgment and discretion in the matter. Flag Raising. To-morrow morning at the time for oDcninir exercises, tt:(K) to ih'.V) o'clock, the high school will raise the American flag over the build ing. Appropriate exercises will be conducted and an interesting pro gram rendered to celebrate the oc casion. We predict a good time Parents and friends of the studeuts are invited to be present. Mrs. Cal.Parmele was a passenger of the Schuyler train last nijht for Cedar Creek. THE BEAUTIFUL GERMAN Oleographs HIVES Willi each $10 worth of jjoods at kThe Fa r' are not "Daubs" but real artists lrnhit ions. See our 5, 10 HIM eent counters for bargains K. I". KSCHER Prop. Greatest Shoe Sale In Plattsmouth, S1ogs - DATS - O 3ST L, Y 53.00 shoe, at $2.50 2.50 shoe at 2.00 2.50 shoe at 2.00 2.00 shoe at l.Do 1.75 shoe at 1.35 shoe at 1.25 1.25 shoe at 1,00 shoe at .25 it ,o5 SliAoc! r tirl "Rnnte. TnrontTT wuuuu uuu uvvuu uui y i II IT If Exhibits Well Merit the Patron. age of the Public. The Dit.,lyR Ht the Fir larger Than Ever--A Brief ket-h of Some of the Exhlhim. AppleHMre Numeroun. Yesterday was a liusy day for the uperintetidents of the viirious de- partinents of the Cass county fair. While a great ninny entries about K were made Monday, a great many preferred to wait until Tues day, as the manaenH'tit had pre viously announced that the time for entry would be thus extended. It is the general opinion that lbe displays are more creditable in every particular that; ever before. In the exhbit of fruit ami farm products, one only needs to look tip- on them to be convinced of the excellency of our soil and the abil ity of our fanners. On entering tbe hall in which farm products are exhibited we first met our genial friend and enterprising fruit grower, II. C. McMaken. He has a collection of fruit that would be a credit to any county. He on exhibition twenty-one vurieties of apples fall and winter- including the Fall Pippin, Newton, Pippin, Winesap and Jennetin varieties. He also has thirteen varieties of as fine grapes as grow, .including the Martha, Brighten, Klvira, Wilder and the Newton varieties. He has three varieties of peaches, of which he will have several bushels this year. He also has three varieties of large plums, that demonstrate conclus ively plum trees should be placed in every orchard. We next noticed the display of W. F. Moore, lie has thirty-nine varieties of apples, including the Jonathan, Northern Spy and Jelly Flower varieties, specimens of which are very good. His display consists chiefly of winter apples. Levi Churchill has a very credit able display of fruit. He has thirty-two varieties of apples, con sisting in part of the Ilelle-flower, Kusset, Strawberry, Gloria, Munda and Lowell a display in which Mr. Churchill may well feel a pardon able pride. We next noticed the display madt by li. V. Dean of Murray, which was the largest fruit display in the hall, lie has fifty-eight varieties of apples, including . the standard varieties, among which were speci mens of the Karly Harvest and Red Junes - a peculiarly remarkable ex hibit at this season of the year. Mr. Dean says it is the first time the Lass couuty tair ever mici tnose varieties on exhibition. He has a Holland Pippin variety, specimens of which measure fourteen inches in circumference, v W. K. Roberts has an exhibit of fruit, somewhat different from any other exhibition. He exhibits bot tled fruit, preserved in acid, making it easy to conclude as to the ability H"TTe has displayed in this manner four varieties of tame plums, sev eral varieties of raspberries, cur rents and strawberries, all of which are as large as are usually grown. The peculiar display, however, is a ripe strawberry attached to the vine ,n ,,H regular season. Mr. rrw- -N w , w FOR THIRTY Fine Light Dongola Medium Light Dongola A Beauty Dongola -A Favorite Dongola Fine (J out Stock Heavy Goat Stock Dongola Kid Dotigota (ioat - Pairo Miotic Rrtnn Mario. Prints uuu iuuuj muvu aulhuw uuvw THE Roberts nUo lias several varieties Sonic gentlei lau. whose name we did not learn, lias on exhibition an excellent display of sugar beets. They weigh fn lyten pounds. This is abundant pioof that Cass county can grow sugnr beets prolitably. There were n-veral other entries in the agricultural hall, but as the exhibitors weie not in we shall not be permitted t speak of them. The display in the agricultural hall, as a whole, is iiite an im of grapes and fall and winter apples. " Jacob Vallery, Sr., has twenty live varieties of apples that com pare favorably with other exhibits and consist of about the same varieties. Mr. Richardson lias a display while consisting of onlyjnmc varie ties, makes a good showing owing to the si.eof the fruit. Kvidently Mr. R. exhibits quality rather than quantity. . Joseph Shorn, of Rock Hlulfs, ex hibits twenty-nine varieties of npples, which compare favorably with exhibits adjacent them. Mr. lunger was not in, but we noticed that he had a very line dis play of grapes and other fruits. I '. A. noting displays two squashes, weighing eighty and ninety-five pounds respectively. He has a good exhibit of potatoes, thirty-eight varieties of apples and several varieties of grapes. He also enters fifty ears of corn, which demonstrates beyond a doubt that Cass county has at least fifty ears of corn of w hich she need not feel ashamed. Wm. Murray enters the largest collection of farm products, having twenty varieties of apples, a collec tion of plums, seven different kinds of corn, large beets, oyster plant, tomatoes, cabbage and turnips. The display certainly reflects credit upon the ability of the exhibitor to force nature to yield well of her bountiful resources. V. S. Upton, of Union, exhibits several varieties of corn, measuring thirteen inches in length, large potatoes and several varieties of apples. MUs. Mcnota lukehbary has a line collection of plants, a majority of which are blooming nicely. The exhibitor was not in, hence we did not learn the names of the plants, but the disphty certainly reflects credit upon the taste and enterprise of the exhibitor.! provement overt former years. It was expected to-be so, however, in view of our excellent crop pros pects. Messrs. Martin Clarence, the en terprising implement dealers of Union, have a complete display of farm machinery, buggies! pumps, windmills, press drill, etc. The firm made the same disolav at the state fair, which is conclusive that they have spared no pains to make a good showing. THE IlKKALI) reporter shall visit the art! hall to-day and perhaps give our readers a brief outline of the elaborate displays to be found there, j ! I -"A IK XOTKS. i The race track is in finecondition. The ukial target and gun is on deck, f The management have provided quite u number of refreshment stands All Ihe available space in the agricttural hall has been engaged for exljits. U'ot.tlniied on la-t pane.) tjOES: DA S OMLY SI. 00 shoe at $3.25 3.75 shoe at 2,10 3.25 shoe at 2.50 2.:u shop at 3.00 3.00 shoe at 2.35 2.10 shoe at 1.90 2.50 hoe at 1.50 2.00 hh'oe at 1.06 h Our Workman that mv u Ifl IlKSIJMJIElt CLEARANCE SALE A T : l'aiA'iljjT'S : In ortli it to reduce itock to make room for our fill lo.rel,.. we must close out tl.o ldatieo ot our iil.K' Commencing to dav we will goodi en, I,,-. ,;,i. o it . . . . . . -...... v.,,,., i,-n m-unciiioH una A I 2 lVr (Vnt l)i count jadies summer vests at 8c Jjidies summer vests at 10c Jjidies black and fancy ribbed vests 25c worth 35c. Ladies black lisle and ancy 35 worth 45c Ladies silk mixed at75e, Jadias silk vests at $1, 20 per eent. on all Jerseys. 9 Per cent dicsounton alfoursilk umbrellas Challies reduced to 5 cents per Mousselinede India reduced to e inaKe lliisotter in order to ... . ........ r- I I I V I IIIIV I'l purchase if in want of any of the above goods. KKMKMULK all of our goous uiarneci 111 piam ligurcs and mis sa.e as iney are the lowest prices F. HERRMANN ONE DOOR EAST FHST NATIONAL. FECIAL SALE IX OUK (UHiMiKTK STOCK OF We give you the following deep cut in prices: Ladies Fine fila.ed Dongola $2.LC shoes reduced to Ladies Dongola Kid Flex iblelfli.aU shoe reduced to Ladies Hest Dongola !f:t.(X) shoes reduced to Ladies Hand Turned best Dogola $1.00 shoe reduced to FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY We have a great many other sample lots otf'Ting at In order lo reduce our stock to meet our obligation. We also have a few lots of I, prices. Don't forget the place. i.dica "W. Al- BOECjk. dfc OO. lVjeiis FOR THIRTY Hand Sewed Welt, Lace or Cong. French Calf Stock -Fine Calf, Lace or Congress Fine (rat Skin Congress -Calf Shoe a bargain Calf Skin good wearer Good ' eat Style 1'u tt -(traw Plows Shoes - we GOT 7,50 and S.OrtJDOLLARS for. Now Sellineat 85 E .Suhmiht .tuck as ouicklv as noa ..d'.-i :.... i: i ..V... an overs From Ke-ular Price, regular. 10c quality. regular. 15 quality. Egyptian cotton vests at vests ot 6oc, was a bar- reduced from $1,2B. ladies shirt waists and yard, regulars H:,c q.mllity. tic per yard. , reduce stork --Xr.w ;u ti... ;..... we do as we advertise. Don't miss quoted this season, $1.75 2.10 2..T0 of odd that we ar t Oxfords that W1f(il. , rt.ducet St oes DA VS - O 1ST L 'V - $0 00 shoe at $5.00 5.50 shoe at 4.50 - 4.25 shoe at 3.50 5.00 shoe at 3.S5 3.25 shoe at 2,05 2.50 shoe at 2.10 2.00 shoe at 1.59 1.50vfc 1.75 at 1.00 mm i At The SchildknecKt Shoe Stora n J il