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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1891)
v5 categorical Soci.ty 1 K '1 u J a n j4 Ilk, i fe" c-V li 'Hj ;n.j2 VOL XXV 1 1. NO. 21 FLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY, N KB U A SKA, TUUKSDAY, SEl'TEM BKH 101 MM $l.50AY'7 I V in mil i jiiu-wwatsjnami 19 i Si .'yf't S id j i Ipilllijii 0- POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strenth. Latest U. S. Government Food lie port. A. SALSBURY D-K-N-T-I-S-T GOLD AND I'GKl'ELAIN CKOWN9. Dr. Steinways an.i'sthctlo fertile piitnleen cx traction of teeth. Fine Gold Work a Specialty. Rockwood Block Plattsimmi h. Neb. THOS POLLOCK B W HIERS Notai Aublic & Abstractor Solid ti POLLOCK & IIYEKS Heal Estate, Loan and Insurant Agents PLATT8MOUTH - NEB. If you have real estate to sell or xchange send us description, price id terms. kbstracts of title furnished at reas onable rates. IJOO.OOO to loan at 72 per cent and no commissions, on farm security. good OfSce under Can CouDty Bank, DENTISTRY ...:-:ta .t: . . OOI.D AND PORC8LlNTRbwN8 Bridge work and hno gold work a SPECIALTY. DB. 8TEINAC8 LOCAL as well as other lab esttiettcsgiveii for the painless extractloo of teeth, C. A. MARSHALL, Fitzgerald P-v.! UU? ? DIM Notice to Coal Consumers i I will furnish the best of coal of all grades to those who pay me, but f those who wish to run long winded accounts I don't want. As 1 have to 'f'Avay for what I get I must insist on (ay for what I sell. All those who know tnemaeives mueoieu 10 me will please pay by the 15th of Sep tember as I must have money to pay for winter coal, Timothy Clark. Dealer in Anthracite and Hitumi n'liis coal and wood. Office and yAird 404 South Third st. telephone lS, Plattsmouth, Neb. tf Pearl Steam cookers for sale by J..W. HendeeA Co, go and see them Brown & Barrett have just re ceived a fine line of imported tooth and nail brushes, cloth and hair brushes. Prices away down. tf 1 Look out fcr JOE'S Grand Fall Opening he will announce exact date within a few days The Boys FOR, - THIRTY Button Calf Stock Lace Calf Stock Congre6i Calt SUck Congress Butt Stock Lace Buft' Stock -Button Grain Stock hildrens Shoes -Inlants &hocs i Vjome and See our Job Lot PERSONAL -F. K. White shipped three cars of corn to Chicago to-day. Fred Sehlegel is taking in the sights at Lincoln to-day. Mrs. Will McLellan was a passen ger for the state fair this morning. James I'inkerton the night opera tor is seeing Lincoln the fair today. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Crisman are in Lincoln to-day attending the state fair. Green CotTinan and wife left on .No. 3 this morning for Thedford on a visit. Miss Dora Fricke departed last evening for a short visit at Atdilaud and Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kinney were passengers for Lincoln to attend the state fairthis morning. Mr. B. Spurlock, of the Motheis Jewels Home, York Nebraska, spent the day. returning home last even- Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Monroe left last night for McDougal Kansas where Elmer has a valuable lumber claim. T. U. Brown and wife accom panied by their guests Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. Leveral went to Lincoln this morning. Chas. Forbes and family were passengers this morning for Lin coln to spend a few days at the state fair. Jessie (juim, who has been stop ping during the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Taylor, departed on No. 5 for her home this morning. The Fair. The dates for our county fair are rapidly drawing near, and we again insist that all classes, trades and professions, represented in the county make a harmonious pull toward its suceseful prosecution. The M. P. will run train regularly durning the fair this affording all living along that line ample ac comodations. The B. & M. will trains that can not fail to accomo date thir patrons. Everyone should see the balloon ascension the lotn ana inn- Wednesday and Thursday. Friday u lady will give a pexforniance on a tight wire. Good racing and a general good time is aticipated. One ticket admits to all above named attractions. Local continued on eighth page. THE BEAUTIFUL GERMAN Oleographs GIVEN WITH each $10 worth of goutls at kTlie Fa r' arc not "Daubs" but real artists productions. Sec our 5, 10 and 25 cent counters For Bargains E. P. ESCHER Pkop. Greatest Shoe Sale In Plattsmo'alth. Sl)oes - 13 A. V S - ONLY $3.00 shoe tt $2.50 2.50 shoe at 2.00 2.50 shoe at 2.00 2.00 shoe at i uO 1.75 shoe at 1.35 ' shoe at 1.25 1.25 shoe at 1,00 shoe at .25 & .35 Shoes and Boots- Twenty Pairs Mens Shop Made Boots, A Proi-perous Bee Farm. The raising of bees, like nil otlnv industries, has fell the advantages of modern inventions and improve ments. Instead of the old straw hive, with an extra swarm of bees and live or six pounds of honey per year, the modern lee farmer is not satisfied with less than threeswarnis of bees from his one colony, while he gets fioin this same colony all the way from fifty to seventy-live pounds of honey. Having often hoard of the suc cessful bee farm of Mr. laspor Young, who resides in the edge of the timber east of the new fair grounds, n Hkkalo reporter was de tailed to look over and enquire into Mr. Young's methods. We found his bees nicely located in a natural grove the house, consisting of eighty-live stands or colonies, as apiarists call them of the famous Italian bees. The hives were all facing the east, in order to catch the first riiysoffhe morning sun. The hives' were all double and were filled in with chaff, thus 'making them warm for winter and cool for summer, and doing away with the expensive method of wintering in a bee house or cellar, ns in this house they require no looking after at alb in the coldest weather. Mr. Young uses movable frames in all his hives and puts in a foundation of bees-wax, which some inventive Yankee has made to look exactly like the genuine comb made by the bees themselves. , In his twenty years' experience Mr. Young has learned much that is of interest in relation to the habits of the "busy bee," whose sex is generally of the neuter gender and whose sole ambition is to pile up a miserly store of incomparable sweets. The only female in the whole hive is the Oueen, and she is the crowned and undisputed boss of the whole ranch; there is no Mormon business about the bees on that side of the house. The drones are the male bees, from twenty to fifty being often found in one hive; but when they get too thick as they are idlers the little workers kill them off au:l eject them from the hive Mr. Young not only markets large quantities of line honey, but he sells (Jueeus and new colonies all over the west. He sent several stands to Arizona some time ago which were delivered in good condition, al though they had to be hauled a number of miles by wagon. His stands of pure Italian bees are thoroughly acclimated in this country andean not be surpassed anywhere in the United States. Those desiring to enter into thia profitable and pleasant business can not do better than to purchase their stock of Mr. Young. The 'Young" brand of strained honey is known all over as a synonym for purity and excellence. The honey is not strained, as its name would imply, but large sections of well filled comb are shaved over with a sharp knife, removing the caps of the honey cells; it is then placed on end in a large tin can on a revolving disc, which is made to whirl around with such rapidily as to throw the nonry an otu 01 tne como. A very cleanly process, which leaves the honey in fine condition for the mar ket. The comb is then returned to the hives and is again filled by the little workers. The finest line of Neckwear, Hats and Caps at JOE'S, the one price Clothier. LADIES FOR THIRTY Fine Light Dongola Medium Light Dongola A Beauty Dongola -A Favorite Dongola Fine Goat Stock lleav Goat Stock Dongota Kid Dongota Goat - A Pie mant CVrn-uon Yesterday was the thirtieth auui. versary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Todd, and their friends had planned a surprise for them. Although it failed in being a com. plete surprise, a royal good time was had. About 1 o'clock their friends began to arrive and for three hours they kept coniinir, 'til their commodious dwelling, three and one-half miles west of the city, was overflowing with guests, who brought well-filled baskets of every thing good to eat. The afternoon was spent in out door irames of all k younger people, while the old settlers gathered around in groups and told stories of olden times, 'til 5::0 o'clock, when supper was an nounced, and the inner man Was supplied with everything that the season produces, after which some of the older ones went home while others staid 'til quite late in theeve- umg. The bride and groom of thirty years received from their sons a handsome silver set, consisting of sugar bowl, butter dish, cream pitcher and spoon holder, and a set of table linen, while the guests left a handssme antique oak dining rootn table and chairs. Following are the names of those present: Messis. and Mesdames S. M. Chapman, Bird Critchfield, A. N Sullivan, J. I. Unruh, B. S. Ramsey J. C. Eikenbary and family, S. A' Davis, Sam Richardson, J. T Thomas, Sam Thomas, Harry Thomas, J. K. Parmelc Will Bailey, J. X. Summers, A. B, laylor. Allen Beeson, Horsley, I. Isabella, J. Leach, Tom Williams, J. M. Ellison, Henry Bitck, J. W. Johnson, Ben Elson, Win. Gilmore, . II. Worden, A. E. Tood, Charley Twist, and Messrs. F. M. Richey, A. B. Knotts, A. B. Todd; Misses Birdie Irish, Jessie Todd, Jessie Quinn, Belle Vrrmilyea, Lizzie Leach, Susie Thomas, Fay Thomas; Mrs. Boyd, Mrs. McElwain, Mrs. Miller, Grand ma Thomas, and a number of others whose names we failed to get. Among the donors who failed to be present on account of pressing business and who sent their regrets were Mr. David Miller, Dr. W. A. Humphrey, and Messrs. and Mes dames A. Clark, J. M. Patterson, W D. Jones, Frank Dickson, M. B. Mur phy, C. E. Wescott. Among the guests there were ten who were there thirty years ago AH went away wishing Mr.and Mrs. Todd many happy returns of the day. Married, Bwittkx-Spikes. Last evening at the residence of J. C. Petersen, Mr. John Britten to Miss Ada Spires' Rev. Burgess officiating. Ihe contracting parties are quite well known in our city and all will doubtless join with The Herald in extending congratulations and good wishes. The happy couple departed this morning on No. 5 for points in western Kansas on a weddingj tour, to be gone several weeks. A large company of friends gathered at the train to see them off, Street Commissioner Poisal has a large force of men at work on North Eighth street this week. They with scrapers and the large road grader belonging to the county are making long needed repairs which will not only be for the convenience of the traveling public, but will greatly beautify the thoroughfare. Let the good work go on. StfOES: DAYS OMLY $4.00 shoe at ?3.25 3.75 fchoc at 2J0 3.25 shoe at 2.58 2.C0shoeat 3.00 3.00 shoe at 2.35 2.10 shoe at 1.90 2.50 shoe at 1.50 2.OOsh0eat 1.06 Made by Our Workman that IIISUMJIKH CLKABAJtCE SALEf AT - lO 10 11 In order to reduce stock to make room lor our full purchases we must dose out the balance ot our Summer stock as quickly as py8 Bible. Lommencin- to day we will oiler our entire line ot white goods, embroideries ilouncings and all overs At 20 Per Cent 1)1 count From Uvular Price, Jjidies summer vests at 8c Jadies summer vests at 10c Jadies black and fancy ribbed vests 25c worth 35c. T adies black lisle and ancy J ' oo worth 45c readies silk mixed vests at 6oc, was a bar- Jadias silk vests at 20 per cent, on all Jerseys. per cent dicsount Challies reduced to S cents per yard, regulars 8b,c quallity. Mousselme de India reduced to (Ic per jar I. H"'y We make thisotTer in order to purchase if in want of any of the above goods. RKMEM Uiik nl! c-f our goods marked in plain bgures and we do as w,; Advertise. Don't mis this ea,e ns they are the lowest prices quoted this hearton F. HERRMANN HOT. DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL. SPECIAL SALE IN OUIt COMPLETE STOCK OP We give you the following deep cut in prices: Ladies Fine Glazed Dongola $2.'Ar shoes reduced to Ladies Dongola Kid Flexible flSOshoe reduced to Ladies Best Dongola $11.00 shoes reduced to- - - Ladies Hand Turned best Dogola $4.00 shoe reduced to FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY We have a great many other sample lots offering at M In orderto reduce our priced tliSL Mens FOR Hand Sewed Welt, Luce or Con". French Calf Stock -Fine Calf, Lace or Congress Fine Goat Skin Congress -Calf Shoe a bargain Calf Skin good wearer Good Neat Style Buff - Graw Plows Shoes - we GOT 7,50 and S.00 jDOLL ARSfor. Now Sellfoat7 J' regular. 10c quality. regular. 15 quality, Egyptian cotton vests at $1, reduced from $1.26, ladies shirt waists and on all our silk umbrellas redin-o Mm-ir M,.U, ... ,. $1.75 10 3.50 of odd sizes thut we art stock to meet our obligation. Xf0rd8 hal will self at reduced Sloes days 0.00 shoe at $5.00 5.50 shoe at 4.50 4.25 shoe at 3.50 5.00 6hoeat 3.S5 3.25 shoe at 2,05 2.50thocat 2.10 2.00 shoe at 1.5 1.50& 1.75 at 1.00