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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1891)
3titl Historical SocUt J Ml. A J. 111 -fa 11 ill .i i no VOLXXVll.NO. 26 l'UTTsMOUTH. CASS COUNTY. XKIII'ASKA. TIIUUSiiAY.SUn'KM HHU2I1891 $l..r)OA VKAU HIS IX z V- If h 118)1 OVDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of sill in leavening strenth. -Latest lT. S. Covernmcnt Food Re port. R. A, SALSBURY : D-K-N-T-I-S-T :-- WILD AM) IV.KC KLAIN CKOWNS lr. Sleltiwitvs iiiKi-Hltietic fertile pillule t iiuenon in teem. Fine Gold Work a Specially. IfiK'kwood HIiM'k riitttsiiiiiiiih, Xih THOS POLLOCK R W HYERS AoUry Public & Abstracter solicitor eal Estato, Loau and Insurance Agents ii you nave real estate to sell or exchange send usdescription, price ir i . and terms. Abstracts of title furnished -unable rates. ;it ren IliKMKM) to loan at 7'., percent and no commissions, on good farm security. POLLOCK & IIVKK'S I'l. ATTSMUl'l II - N'Kli. Office under Cii Cuiiiitv l!;ink. jAWSON A PEARCE HAVE KKCKIVKI) Their Kail straws, laiiev rilibniiK, lips and iiill uiso ,i Kii i tii'w i ;tr-1 1 1 ii ciine .Imp Mar in straw a i il fe t. I hey li-'Vea (nil line ol haby Ir'nil anil in or' derUclixe did stock out have re duced Uwir laraw ailur hatK to 40 ami to !i ee Is iiinimeil. MISS SCIU'YLF k I- K I M M lv k mi V'.i;1 1 Vv..Vr ,. J. . UOI.l) AM) I'OltCKLAlV CKOWNS . Bridge wnrk mid tine gold work 8 SPECIALTY. UK. STKINAl'H MM'aI.h well as other inn eslhetiosu'lven torthe rainless extraction o' teeth. 0. A. MARSHALL. Kit.ijcniM "' I'FK'SONA L Frank Young is in Omaha to-day Pat Malinncv is taking in Omaha to-day. Knitik Morgan went to Lincoln to day on No. n Mrn. I,. A. Newcomer is visiting- in Omaha to-day. II. J. Streitfht went to South Rend last night on the Schuyler. Lewis Moore, our enterprising tlortHt, is in Omaha today. Mrs. S. A. Davis whs a passenger on No. 7 west thi morning. Several Stock trains passed through to-day for Chicago. Mrn. Joe Klein left for Omaha this morning for a few days' visit. Tom Murphy left this morning for McCook to look afler his grading interests. Phil Cotfman returned from Falls City last night after a visit of ten days, there. Mrs. Geo. S. Ferguson, who has heen visiting friends at Lincoln, has returned home. F,d Donelan and wife left on the flyer last night for Chicago to I.e gone about ten days on a visit. Mr. Jas. Clishe Hnd daughter May Clisbe ahd Mrs. C Russell came over from Weeping Water to-day. R. H. Windham goes to Lincoln this morning to attend the M. Ii. conference now in session there. Minn Olive Oast leaveH forOmaha to-day, as a delegate to the Mate convention of the W. C. T. V. The convention will he in session four diiyn. A Reception. The society of the A. O. I'. W. lias recently instituted a degree, desig nated the "Degree of Honor.'' The degree is taken by ladies, only. It is intended that this order shall have about the sutne connection with A, O 1'. W. that the Daughters of Rebe, cti hjis with the I. 0. O. F. -The Rebeccas give a reception to the newly insti tuted order this evening at the new 1. O. O. F. hall in the Fitzgerald block. Kxtcnsivc preparations have been made and a good time is anticipated. Mrrled. Mr. Joseph Hawksworth and Miss May Hevernge were united in the holy bonds of matrimony this after noon at 4::i0, Rev. Hurgess of the Ivpiscopal church officiating. The groom is an employee of the R it M.road, and for some time has beeu stationed at McCook. The bride is one ol our most charming and promising young ladies. TllK IlKK' Al.D joins with a host of friends in extending congratula tions. Ine Busmen Department. TllK IlKK'ALD is able to state, authoritatively, that the Husiness Course will be adopted in the pub lic schools in accordance with the original plan, notwithstanding the temporary interruption. Prof. Halsey informs us that about thirty-five have already signified their intentions to attend the night session, thus assuring a class sulli ciently large to secure its establish ment. In order that it may be known how many will probably at tend the night school, those who contemplate attending tire request ed to notify Prof. Halsey, either personally or by postal, by to morrow evening, if possible. TllK llKKAU) hopes to see this en terprise succeeed as originally in tended, and indications are that it will. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Parker, of Ohio, parents of Samuel Parker, who have been visiting in the county the past two weeks, left this morning for Indiauola, Iowa, where they will visit before returning home. Mr. Parker informs us (hat while here he was afforded thepriv ilege of traveling over the county considerably and that he was very favorably impressed with the ap parent prosperity of our farmers and the general appearance of the country. The family of L. C. Stiles is moving to-day to the property of 1'. V. Mathews, on the corner of Vine and Fourth streets. C. S. Sherman, of Loiiis ille, was in the cit y last evening. Always take vour prescriptions to Hrown & Barrett's. if That HuckitigCough can sonuick- ly cured by Shiloh's cure. We guarantee it, For Sale by lv G. Fricke mid O II Snyder. 1 A Safe Investment. 1c one which is guaranteed to brine vou satifaotarv results, or in case of failuree a return ofpurchase ii.: r. . i lm e. v mi in is sine piain you can buy from our advisertise Druiririst a bottle of Dr. King.s New Discrverv tor consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs, or chest, such as Consum ption, Inflammation of Lungs Bron chitis' Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croups.ets., etc. It is pleasant and gareeahle to taste, perfectly safe and Trial bottles free at F. (J. Fricke A: Co' 8 Drugstori. THE BEAUTIFUL GK1MIAN Oleographs (ilVKS WITH acli $10 worth of goods it kThc Fa'r' me not "Daubs" but real artists productions. ee our r, H) and 25 ent counters lor Hargains F. F.SCIIKR Pkop Premium Awmdcrt The following is a partial li a wards made at the recent t I of county fair: FANC Y WOK'K. Mis. J . W. Thomas, Plattsmoiith, fancy crochet and embroidery work, live first ami three second premiums. Mrs. C. K. Cook, Plattsmoiith, worsted and embroidery work, three first premiums. Mrs. L. A. Owens, Plattsuiouth, needle, ci'ihroidcry, lace and worsted work, one second and nine first premiums; best silk quilt, nee ond premium; best suit ladies' clothes, fust premium; crochet, first, ami needle-work second pre mium. Mrs. lv lv Hilton, Plattsmoiith, point lace, first premium. Mrs. J. II. Hecker, Plattsmoiith, best cotton quilt, second premium. Mrs. A. H. Taylor, best cotton tidy and lace, two first premiums. Mrs. Val Hurkel, Plattsmoiith, woolen quilt, first premium; best display of quills, first premium; I fancy crochet, needle and variety crochet work, one first and two second premiums. Mrs. S. Thomas, Plattsmoiith, best silk quilt, first premium. Mrs. L. Churchill. Plattsmoiith, cotton quilt, first premium. Mrs. Wm. Wetlenkamp, Plitts inontli, best ten yards carpet, first premium. Mrs. S. Thomas, Plattsmoiith, dresser cover, press cover, splasher, center piece for table, each first premium. Mrs. H.lSoeck, Plattsmoiith diet and needle work, i:i'h cro first premium. Mrs. M.J.Poisal. chair tidy, first premium. CATTI.K. J. W. Thomas, Plattsmoiith, one lirst ami two second premiums. M. Ii. Murphy, Plattsmoiith, one first premium. W. II. Ileil, Cedar Creek, one sec ond and six lirst premiums. G. S. I'pton, I'n ion, three first and two second premiums. IIOKSKS AND Ml'I.KS. . Propst V Freistch, Plattsmoiith. iuiported stallions, two lirst pre miums. Wm. Gilmore, Plattsuiouth, bc-.t geldings, one first and one second premium; stallion, one first pre mium. . M. Cottier, Nehawka, best marc, first premium. W. A. Humphrey, Plattsuiouth, best gelding, first premium. Frank Young, Plattsmoiith, best colt, first premium J. W. Sage, Plattsuiouth, draft horses, first premium; family buggy team, second premium; gvlding, first premium; best team, 1.IHH) pounds each, second premium. Jones & Fit.gerald. Plattsuiouth, best colt, best two bred mares, best stallion, (showing five colts), each lirst paemium; best draft stallions, one first and one second premium. Sam Archer, Plattsuiouth, best draft team, second premium. W. D. Jones, Plattsnioutli, best colt, second premium, A. Hccson. Plattsmoiith, best colt, second premium. S. II. Shumaker, Plattsuiouth, best family buggy team, first pre mium; best mare, second premium. John Ramsey, Louisville, best matched team, best 3-yearold gliding, each first premium. Jas. W. Holmes, Rock Klutfs, best mare over two and under three years old, first premium. R. F. Dean, Murray, best stallion over three years old, first premium. Ivan Gray, best team of mules, first premium. A. B. Todd Decline. Pl.A t TSMot ril, Neb., Sept. '22, '511. T the County (Jerk of County: I wish to thank my many friends for the confidence reposed in me in the past, as evidenced by the nomination tendered me for the office of county commissioner from tlie First district. Having served the people of Cass county in the capacity of county commissioner for the past nine years, fo the best of my ability, I hereby decline the nomination so unanimously tendered me by my esteemed fellow republicans, in county convention assembled at Louisville, Neb., Sept. 1(1, JS)1. Respectfully Yours, A. H. Tori. It is reported to-day that the charges against Prof. Ivwing were not will founded and that he has been released from custody, hut we can not vouch for its accuracy. M PR KAY HKLYITIF.S. nv I'Axsy. Mrs. Dr. Hrendle of this place is lying dangerously ill. Dr. Wallace, of Cnion, was called early Monday morning for consultation. At this writing she is no better but we hope to note her recovery soon. Mrs. J A. Walker is enjoying a visit from Mrs. Andrews, of Weep ing Water. We had the pleasure of attending n missionary concert, given at Otterbein chapel, about five miles from tins place, on last Sabbath evening. The program although lengthy, was rendered well by rruisl all taking part in it. The house was crowded to over flowing and the evening being somewhat warm made it very uncomfortable for a good many. There waw a selection or two spoken which we thought were not appropriate for the Sab bath day as comical recitations are out of the place; but overlooking this and taking it altogether a good program was rendered. After the exercises four young ladies were appointed to take up a missionary collection. The minister in charge offering a bible to the one whose subscription amounted to ten dol lars or more which, was won by Miss Lillie Tucker. The whole amount raiseu nemg a little over twenty-four dollars which will bi used to .send the gospel to the heathen in dark Africa. Calico, musline, and wearing apparel was donated by a j;ood many which will be shipped at once by (he I'nitcd Ilrethren church. M r. Jas. Totten, who has been so journing in Dtikota, for about three months returned home last week. The game of base ball played by 1'iurray agamM I'lallsinoutli re sulted in a ti' Hut Murray claims she have beat had Plattsuiouth played fairly. Win. Hodgens departed for his home in Page county, Iowa, after a two weeks i-it with friends. Hon. A. Root and Geo. Lloyd at tended the convention at Louisville last Saturday. Miss Hcssie Walker is attendiii'! school in Plattsuiouth again this year. A new compositor has been added to the liauner office. Miss Florence Grosser iscnjoying a visit from her friend Miss LaRue, of York, also her aunt, Mrs. Graham of the same place. The most delicious peaches we have seen this year came from the orchard of Mr. Lee Oldham. We extend thanks for the del icious ones we were allowed to sample Tues day of this week, they very near come up with California fruit. To Con I Consumer. All those that do not settle their last season's coal bills with nie by the Kith of Oct. next will not expe ct to have any accomidations li'om nie tins season of course. Office ami yards lot South Third street. Telephone, 1U. I always try to have a full line id all grades of coal on hand. tf TIMU I 1! V ( t.Ak'K. I'lattsniHiilh, Sept. 22, H. A, B. Todd's Announcement It is with regret that we chronicle the fact that A. H. Todd declines to allow his name to be uscdas a can didate for re election to the office of county commissioner for the First district. lr. Todd has served Un people of Cass county for sev eral years in a manner very credit able to himself and highly satisfac tory to his constituents. He de serves, and doubtless receives, credit for zealously guarding the interests of the tax payers, and favoring every move calculated to promote the general welfare of Un people. We are informed that the nomina tion was unanimously tendered Mr. Todd without his knowledge that the district convention was being held an appreciative compliment, worthily bestowed. As TllK llrilfAi.phas before Miited, the candidacy of Mr. Todd would add strength to the ticket, and while the rt publican party is amply pro vided with good material frotn which to till the vacancy, if will be necessary to exercise discretion and judgment to select a man as well qualified for the position as A. H. Todd. F. M Young, Cass county's most prominent bee man, was a pleasant caller at Tin; Hkkai.p sanctum to day. Mr. Young bas been confined to bin room for several weeks and is just recovering. Now is a good time to subscribe for TllK HhWAI l 1 I ft SUMMER CLEAKANCK SA LIT A T I : : l-IMjfjA(AjjYS : : Mbit (,o n.tuoncin, c, clay wo will oiler our entire line ot wlfite good, embroideries lloiincings mid nil overs At 20 Per (Vnt Discount From Itrgular Price, Jjidies tummer vests at Jadies summer vests at 10c JJidies black and fancy ribbed vests 25c worth 35c. T adies black lisle and ancy Egyptian cotton vests at J -i oo worth 4oc Tndies silk mixed vests at 6oc, was a bar J ar. 75c, ' Radios silk vests at 2Jerseysnt' gO per centdiosounton all our silk umbrellas We make thisotfer in order to inlm-i. Ui,.l v 1....,wy.i(h,&:1M1:r.rS2'-'- """"" pun gOO( tills F. HERRMANN nNE DrjOr EAST FJHST NATIONAL. TIME HAS COME W Ii e ii jii ii sllolllil licgjll to think iiliout your fall tnxlmvi'iir. We Jun e just re ceived ten (rases of helies, cliil lreii(!, mens, and liovs underwear direct from a nmniifae t u r e r who was need incf money and was willing; to SPECIAL OFFERS VK'eiiil Ho. 1 2 Children all running years old. ONLY :Cc KACH i w SlH'fM'll No Children heavy natural wool colored Shirt irlvllll 11U. nm and Drawers running in same sues as the (tear let only 2.") cts a garment. You can't afford to buy the cloth to nuike your children underwear when we can sell you them ready made so cheap. JlinePll Nfi l Mens extra heavy ribbed natural wool o lOILl Itll t shirts iind drawers all si.e only :i ct F;A SllPPi'll Nft 4 Ladies heavy merino Shirt and Drawers, Silk OJKA l(U HUj 1 trimmed, a very nice garment, that isuniversally sold at. "met; We sell at 3 cts KACH. Special Floor Oil Cloth Bargains ZVZ stoves, etc at only 2,"ic per square yard. We have it in several different designs mid widths. IMiMikots or Ital Comforts ''ZZ you with prices. We have them to uit anyone pockcthook and will give good value for your money. Best English Linoleum '"'2 c7; aTan' Fi1 ha- gam at the price. New Stock of Shoes Just Received. During the last week we have received frotn New Kngland factories 59 case of Ladies, Misses, Children, Mens and boy s shoes, among thern are unprecedented bargains. Call and see u. and Ictus show you how cheap, solid, serviceable a shoe can be sold WM, HEROLD & SON. 8c regular. 10c quality. regular. 15 quality, $1, reduced from $1.20. ladi6S Sh'rt WaisU and dispose of part of this years pro duet of his mill at a sacrifice, his misfortune was our opportunity and we hoiight the roods at less than their ac tual value, to start this under wear we intend to make some. TO EARLY BUYERS wool Scarlet Shirts and drawers, al large enough to lit a c hild twelve olored CH. IB r 1 IS 1 . Ji: .