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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1891)
ft I i i 5 ft. 1 i if If. till ? 31 ,ft r From Monday Daily Mrs. ToliiiHun of Valparaiso ia the j gueHt of her nitcr, Mrs. A. J. Graves, j The telegraph announces fifteen indies of miow at Uroken How yea ( terday. V County ComniiKFioncr.s Trietnch y and Lodcr came- in this morning on the Schuyler. Mr. Will Morloy in enjoying the company of a lran new girl that ar rived at bin bonne last night. Mrs. Catharine Hunt, a Hister of J. F. Huck, died at her home in Weeping Water Friday morning. The Mormon apo.slle lidnot show up on time at Union for the discus sionfwith the Baptist divine. John and I-'erdinand Hemiing, two of Eight Mile Groves' s prosper ' ouh farmers, are in the city today. Hon. F. F. While ret urnel to Kin coin this morning. He hopes to wind up his legislative career this week. Kev. Thickner went to Henderson, Iowa, this morning on account of the illness of his sister at that point. Joe Uridine says it is not a culvert .but a little bridge at his house and that the youngster has a voice on him like the old man. Miss Clara Paul went to Florida a few dayH ago for her health and the news comes hack that she had the misfortune to pet robbed of her pocket-book, containing her money Mr. Fred Patterson of Rock Bluffs walked into the city today. He says he has lived in Nebraska 35 years, and in all that time he never saw Buch roads as we have attheprcBent time. The last issue of the Irish World contains a very interesting poem by Mary Louise Gilmore of New York City, a niece of Mrs. O'Rourke of this city and an esteemed acquaint ance of many of our people. The cemetery was full of cattle and the gates were wide open today Nothing could be more ruinous than a herd of cattle on a lawn of any kind at this time. The sexton should see to it that all the gates are closed and locked. The robins may not count for any thing, but the blue birds are relia ble harbingers of spring and we want right here to inform an anxious public that the blue birds have ar , rived in this latitude by the w ousand. Then . - fir. Phelps, with Reynolds Bros., , the M. P. contractors, went to Union Saturday to look at the new track laying machine which had been re cently shipped in there to be used on the new Plattsmouth line. The work will be quickly finished after the ground settles so as to begin. A Pennsylvania man advertised that he was poor, knee-sprung, homely, cross-eyed and ill-natured, but wanted a wife, and in response received fifty-four letters from wo men who said they'd take him. No man, no matter what sort of a house has fallen upon him, need be dis couraged in facing the matrimonial world. Yesterday was Mrs. J. C. Petersen's birthday anniversary. About a dozen couples of her neighbors and ffieds called in unannounced in the evening and enjoyed themselves heartily. Refreshments were served by the happy hostess and an elegant rocker was presented her by the guests as a testimonial of friendship and good will. Henry "Wolfe Sr., Wm. Chalfant and Will DarroughwenttoNehawka Yesterday evening and promised us they would make an effort to bring the notorious cannon down to U nion. Union Ledger. Wrhat do you want with a cannon? That old how. itaer at Nehawka was condemned by the government as being danger ous to use twenty years ago. It is liable to blow up, you had better leave it where it is, under a manure pile at Sheldon's stable; it is safer there. County Clerk Bird Critchfield has had a portable booth made for elec tion. It consists of four stalls or booths; each stall is separated by heavy canvass, and it can be taken apart, folded up and put away so that it will do for a number of years to come. After Cal Parmele and a i.umber of others had got through inspecting it Mr. Parmele offered to bet a big red apple that this city would go for the alliance the next election, but none of the boys were willing to take him up. The Princes of the Orient had KiiahAla rf fun Kridav nifht. C. W. J l i. - J I 1 Sherman was bantered by an old member that he would join if Sher man would. After they got up to the lodge room, as a wise precautionf Sherman a hat was taken insiae me hall, otherwise he would have flown. when the "music begun," as his knees smote together and he beg ged for mercy. But his partner atiifrf with him and to-day the Journal man i? a full-fledged Prince of the Orient. Some of the members were still laughing about it this morning, so 'that his honor nm.-t have been an unusually good vic Obituary. DIED Mr. John Farthing, this morn ing at 3.:), at the residence of his Hon, J. L. Farthing, in South Park, of consumption. The deceased was born (13 years ago at Lynchburgh, Virginia, and for the last 21 years has been a resi dent of this county. The children left to mourn the loss of a kind father are J. L. and George and Mrs. Anna Ludwig, their mother having preceded their father to the un known world several years ago. The interment will take place at Rock Bluffs tomorrow, and owing to the condition of the roads the funeral cortege will start from the house of J. L. Farthing at S o'clock in the morning. The School Board, The outlook for the election of the republican school board ticket is c rtainly very good. A.J.Graves is the first nominee from the Fiftli ward, which needs and deserves representation. Mr. Graves is an old school teacher and owns one among the neatest residences in the Fifth ward. Mr. Graves has chil dren of his own to send to school and takes an active interest in school affairs. L. D. Bennett, the nominee from the Second ward is an exemplary business man and has always taken a live interest in our public schools. He has proven his value as a working member be fore and it goes without saying that he will be elected again. The best interest of the schools demand the election of these gentlemen; see that you vote for them one week from to morrow. The Grand Army Hall. The proposition of J. W. Johnson i r a to sell the Grand Army post iony six feet and ten inches off of the the north side of his Sixth street business lot, together with half of his wall, for $1,000 has been formally accepted and an elegant, commo dious hall will be the result. ine HERALD congratulates the Grand Army boys on their excellent loca tion and their good business juag- ment. This will also mean two more new store rooms to be built this spring, from which they will receive a handsome and steady in come. Charley McEntire was again out of luck Saturday. He went over to Sarov county to obtain a wedding permit, and again did Tom Urwin, the to-be-bride's father, stop the pro ceedings by telegraphing the county judge that his daughter was under aee and that the parental consent made necessary in such cases would not be given. If McEntire is made out of good metal and the girl is in earnest about the matter it win take more than a telegram to keep this proposed marriage staved off Love laughs at locksmiths, and us ually has its own sweet way. A Paralytic Strok. Grandpa Bignall received a severe paralytic stroke Friday night, and at one time was thought to be in a critical condition, but he is much better now and strong hopes are had for his entire and early recovery. His son George, from Cheyenne, nas been here nursing and caring for him since Saturday evening. The HERALD hopes the old gentleman mav fullv recover his lost faculties and live to enjoy life for many years yet to come. A Real Surprise. Saturday evening about fifty of our most prominent citizens con ceived the idea of giving Mr. and Mrs. B. Spurlock a sort of farewell call as a testimonial of the high es teem in which they were held in this citv. It will be remembered that Mr. and Mrs. Spurlock are going to move to York in a few days, where Mr. S. takes charge of the Mothers's Jewels Home. The party was all made upSaturdayeveningandfinal ly they all swooped down on their unsuspecting guests, only to find that the Spurlocks were not in the city. After waiting an hour and no tidings of the host and hostess who were to be surprised, the really sur prised people the guests repaired to their homes. Tonight, however, they will call again, but with no in tention of surprising anyone; and as Mr. S- and wife came home yes terday the greeting will not be a failure. Last Thursday Mr. Jo3. E. Upton and Miss Lora Bridenstine were united in marriage by Rev. Green at Nebraska City. Both parties are well known in this county, as it has been their homes from childhood. After the ceremony they returned to this city, where they were met by a number of relatives and friends who were waiting to congratulate them. Union Ledger. The State vs Wm. Kniss was billed for Saturday in the county court. The plaintiffs were paid what was their due and the case was dis missed. Since the commissioners have pur cliaseci tne uiree iois on me neci 4i it ii back of the courthouse, the alley , . ii will be vacated and the building will set in the center of the block. MiM Hadjrn, of Botton, the Architect. From Tucidayn Daily Chicago, March as. The women's building at the World's Fair will be built , from de signs prepared by Miss Sophia G. Hayden of Boston. A prize compe tition for designs whs invited, and Miss Hayden carried off the first prize of $1,000, over twelve others who entered the contest. Miss Ix)is L. Howe of Boston was awarded the Becond prize of $500, and Miss Laura Haves of Chicago the third of $J50. Mrs. Potter 1 "aimer, president of the Board of Lady Managers, made the awards, after the dilferent designs had been carefully examined and discussed by Chief of Construction Bnrnham, and other members of the Board of Architects. Miss Hay den's designs provide for a building 2X) by 400 feet in di mensions, of Italian rennaisance style, with colouades broken by cen ter and end pavillions. It will be constructed of iron and glass, and shows but little ornamentation ex cept at the main entrance. It will stand on one of the most conspicu ous sites in Jackson Park, being op posite the eastern end of Midway Plaisance, and close to the main lagoon. The building will cost $200,000. By reason of the use to which it will be put, the women's building will be one of the moat notable structures at the exposition. As soon as Miss Hayden's design was selected, Chief of Construction Burnham telegraphed to her to come to Chicago at once, and elab orate it so that specifications can be prepared for the erection of the building. She will receive her ex penses and be paid for her work while in Chicago. Miss Hayden graduated with honors from a four years' course at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and has since done some excellent work in the employ of Boston architects. Better Take SiWer. A Washington telegram says: Secret service officers declare that the $2 silver certificate counterfeit is a most dangerous one. The vig nette of Hancock is as fane as tne original and the lettering and lathe work is an exact copy of the treasu ry note. In fact the only difference is too minute to be visible to the naked eye. In the upper leu nana and lower right hand corners of the genuine note is the figure "2," and on its face is engraved in characters so minute that they are not intelli gible except under a magnifying glass the word "two," repeated twice. In the counterfeit the word "two" is similarly engraved the same num ber of times, but in the two cases the counterfeiter has made the let ters read "out." The discovery of the counterfeit is not a new thing. Attention was called to it some time ago, but the unknown counterfeiters watch the secret service bulletins closely. When the discrepancy was discov ered in the note bearing the check letter "A" and the signature of "C N. Tordan." the counterfeiters changed the check-letter to "B" and the name to that of Treasurer Hy att. The entire circulation of the gen uine note may have to be called in. "There is a strong rumor afloat va tVi Cam rnnntv seat removal fio-ht will noon be racing'. Let'er roll. Louisville Courier Journal Don't do it, George, you might be overwhelmed. The Weeping Water Wprttbliran savs vou have 730 names now more than necessary, so you will not need any fight at ail- simply file the petition. County Court. Citizens Bank of Plattsmouth vs. Amos Worl et al. Suit on note Hearing April 10, 10 a. m. Letters of special administration issued to Frank Carruth, aamini strator of John G.Roberts .deceased. Byron Clark is the attorney that makes the application on behalf of Mr. Tavlor of Albia. Petition of Amanda A. Reynolds, widow of V. B. Reynolds, deceased, for allowance pending settlement oi estate. Five hundred dollars al lowed. Petition of Mary Kerns for allow ance of support of Joseph S. Kerns, minor, filed. Th. unnwKtnrm which broke over the western part of the state yester dav caused some embarrassment to i-uilrnad traffic. About a foot of snow fell in the west and northwest and tied up the Klkhorn and B. &M. lines in the Black Hills. On the Union Pacific between Grand Island and Cheyenne there was some de lav on account of the storm, but all the roads were open this morning and no further trouble anticipated; especially under the effect of the warm June sun which shines so fer vently to-day Ro.b Brown's Sunday hat blew off this morning and rolled and tum bled through the soft mud on Main street until it looked like a last sum mcr's overshoe. Robert Uidn t saj ' anvthiiv about flowers and sun- an tiling auoui 'shine in fact he duln t look like that j 81 "-, m i 1 I was what he was thinking of. Crof Kikenbary is moving out to J the poor farm to-day. II. N. Dovey, we are glad to note, is able to be out again. Sol Osborn is said to be quite sick with the preva.'nt malady. R. B. Windham was out today for the first time in two wtrkrf. H. I). Travis came up last evening and is attending tojlegal matters here to-day. Mr. George Sheafor returned'f rom Topeka last night leaving his father much better. W. W. Scott has removed to Lin coln, where he will take a position with the B. A. M. folks. Mrs. Plumbdeparted this morning for Omaha on her way to St. Paul, where she expects to hereafter re side. During the troublous times when all else is down it is refreshing to see the Faster hat on top with Hying colors. Louisville is determined to have a creamery and cheese factory. We hope they will succeed in the un dertaking. Lawrence Stull has purchased 80 acres of land from Charles Vande venter, near Oreapolis, payingthere for the neat sum of $3,200. Mr. Frank Boyd and John Corey were up at Louisville last night helping the boys to conduct a no vice through the mysteries of odd fellowship. The man who yelled fire this morning over in the third ward was mistakened; it was the sun coming up over tne mn, anu ne nau nm . -m t 1 . t A seen it for so lonir he forgot how the majestic orb of day looked. Thomas E. Williams has rented his farm at Glendale, and will farm the Grassman place near this city for the coming season. Tom used to be a first class farmer but he don't look as though he could stand up to as much hard work as for merly. Fred Patterson brought in the mail from Rock Bluffs yesterday afnnt Tt in the first exchange of mails the Rock Bluffs office has had since last Thursday. If the contractor or mail carrier had not been born tired he could have taken the mail every day by going on horseback. A Chicago telegram says there were 150 funerals to sadden the joy of beautiful Easter day in that city Sunday. So numerous were the fu nerals that a person standing on a street corner in down-town localities could count three or four passing in various directions at the same time. E. A. Kirkpatrick, of Avoca, while out hunting last Friday acciaen tally dischargad his shot gun, the load taking effect in the wrist of his left hand, which it was thought wmilrl make amoutation of the forearm necessary. A very unfor t indeed, but we trust not as bad as reported. Local politics in the numerous villages of the county is decidedly warm this week. At Weeping Water they have four complete tickets in the field from mayor down. Elm wood has a prohibition fight on while Louisville claims that the kickers up there failed to nominate a ticket in time under the new law, so that kicking and lots of it is the rule up there. Sam Ballance received the con tract yesterday for doing the plas tering on the new court house. A bond was given and the contract signed up in due form. Mr. Ballance is one of our best workmen and we are glad to learn of his success. Other contracts for different parts of the building, we learn, will be awarded to some of our artisans in a few days. The stock-holders of the Platts mouth Canning Company met last evening at the office of the county judge to reorganise and arrange their affairs so that the factory could be operated this year. A good feeling was manifested and on motion a committee was appointed to look after matters and report at a meeting of the stock-holders Thurs day evening of this week at the county judges office. Quite a crowd of the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Spurlock made them a pleasant visit last night at their home on Pearl street They were at home and entertained their guests in a most acceptable manner. Mr. and Mrs. Spurlock will leave for York this week and The Hetrald voices the sentiment of the entire commuuity in saying that their presence here will be greatly missed and their departure deeply regretted. G. X. R. Anniversary. There will be a meeting of Mc Conihie Post on Mondaj- evening, April 6th, at Rockwood Hall, to cel ebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the organization of the Grand Army of the Republic. The clergy the press, the schools and the gen eral public are cordially invited. Remember no charge for admission. Ml Ttt SPBItJO 8TYUS Cametinor and Curtains E. G. DOVEY & SON !Have open for the in spection of the public he newest patterns in Bodyi Brussels, Velvets Tapistries, all wool anc Union three-plys, Two ply all wool and a good line of the cheaper grades. Also a nice selection of the lat est things in Lace Matting, Stair Carpetings. curtain poles, stair buttons, oil-e!oths, Lin olemns, etc. E G DOVEY & SON STRUCK BY A TORNADO. MEETING OF TWO GREAT STORMS. . The Storm of Reduction- AND The & C. Mayer Continue to Wear the BUSINESS COWN CLOTHING TRADE gARGAINS in Mens, clothing, are melting the Summers sun. Our great Reduction pric es are catching the eye CLOTtf IJSTQ At such prices as have fore in the city DON'T E3E Before looking us over, your pocket. S. & C. hi BUY the mssiaii CARPET - SWEEPER Th E 1 it EI.T I1T T HUE W Curtains, China Storm of Patronage, Boys and Childrens' away like ice Before of the careful buyer never been offered of Plattsmouth, be- SPEND CE!i3T It means money in MAYER bill I mtfth.