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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1891)
W'&T'KTj Y"HJKALDf PLATTSMOUTK, N EBRAb'K A. MARCH 26 1891 VS. Fl'alllv I learhitr County Court. From 1 "hurnh I'ttiln Win. Deerim; A: Co. Uusche. Suit on not March "Jt , Ht ;i. m. Tin' Stale of Ni l iraska vc. h'obi i t Schubert. Complaint for burglary. ... . ... I V-I t 1 lie r" I a 1 o I .ci t asha vs. i;;iiin'i r- Ll nslti ve Notew. Tlx- maximum freight bill v;is up in the seiiale and came near beiti;.; killed, but was linally allowed to pass the i -i ; i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 - - ot tli- whole. Kiioiil;!i was however, tli;it it Tin of Um l- a A Hi. l y lli r.-i. recent exhibition of the will pro, ill- ol ,v t IHi I lis r 1 loll I' I tl.iiut for larceiiy ( . it 1 1 ; I i .-in i - 1 for want ol v.- iil 1 1 u i t i i .-' I in. 1 1 pa.- sn;; death wlirii it comes to valtiahh 1 1 loi 1 1 1 1 i r ir 1 1 I s I.i w. ri l; i 1 1 ;t i it i lrrt lor lli;m V lesson to our I 'la 1 1 s v, ho h;ivr 1 r:i n I p In 1 j 1 1 - i 1 r r 1 1 1 1 Ir r their - in 1 ! mi :i ! 1 rr of J ii' I ;i' ( 'I i.i pm;i .1 will adjourn con rt to ii;. il .pr'l !:.;h. a-; 1 1 - has to iijK'U coin. i:i .l i a.- Li (ily M : i d . i , lllfc HIM I l)V bail ni.-ci' 1 1 1 io a . IVtitiou of k'aehel I ; - r 1 1 for ap poi ii I m. ii I of ! . Allison uaiiliau of Mary A n-- K'-nd.iii. A ppl ii'a ! io . i oi I,. C. 1 0 1 v Klio'l. ail iliiinstralor, tor hual ;s-tt l-ititi it of estate o! Frederick Lickhoti". in;;" April V', I a. in. Ih V Application ol L. ( '. Kickhoif, ad 111 i ll ij i'a t or, lor final settlement estate of John I iihelder, deceased. I Ira rim;' April 10 a. in. Final settlement estate S. A. Kip- A cruiii its of a ! a i i 1 1 i -anl decree of ilislri- f --y, deceased, t' trator allowed Initio. I entered. I'etilioa filed for appointment of Samurl k'yan administrator estate of Martin ol le, deeeased. Hearing April II, IO a m. John It. Hayes vs. McK;iska M'fV Co. Continued hy eonsent until March li;t,at vh it'll ti me part ies aree to vet a day for trial. Letters of iunriliaush ip issued to Samuel McClintic, guardian of Mary Ifolton, insane. O o j 1 Loj i r . Never judn'e a man hy his appear ance. A shahhy coat may contain aM I'd i lor, while the man wearing- a liiili toned pluii' hat and sporting a flude cane may he one of his de linquent stihscrihers. Milford e braskan. Tno Col l n JiMte .'special. A royal train cousistinir of five Pullman coaches with a bairjav and tliniiie,' car passed through this city last eveninr; a few minutes be hind the llyer, bound for Chicago and the east. It was the most mag nificent train ever seen in this citv. The coaches were all heated by I steam from the engine and lighted throughout by electricity. The j tourists aboard were homeward bound from a trip to the I acme coast, where they had ;'one from Philadelphia by the Southern route. The train was in charge of Conduc tor Weeks, while Joe McCoy held j the levers on the 210, which had ? lirfMi si w i : 1 1 1 v fitted no here in the , . . . j . It. . , . 1 . A'. . . -I t... jBliops sieaiu-iieaiiii; nun tjyu anio coiviectitms purj.'osely for the . . . ) t i . r. t . d-nj. f!t nam irii i;nei on .-i. I'J.'atriCiv's Day in the evening' and ar . fr!lfi lhirao :i( an earlv hour this morn i ni;-. We venture the pre diction to. that in the entire tour TJhese people have found no railway veil up in equipments and line bed as the roval . The bill m a k i i : a j u d i - i a I d i - -triet out ol (!;- roi i : 1 1 i .- ol Ca-s and ()!or, has l.eeu faor;:bly aeti d tip on and will doubtless become a law. ll al.-o make.: :, i- trie! out of I. an r : i ! : eo u i : '. a 1 1 I l; i c.s them I h i ee judges. The Moan two cent railroad fare bill which passed the house, was killed without much ceremony in tile yciiate yesterday. The Louisville reformatory bill, we are sorry to note, was defeated in the house by a vote of '.','.) to aO. It was a much needed law, but the farmers did not want it because it was not located out west. I'. I-;. White mad.- a hard fiht against the appropriation of an ad ditional $100,000 for the western suf ferers, for which he deserves much credit. The professional politicians liowever e-)t in their work and the lull was onleretl enirrossea tor a third reatlinr. The new judicial bill provides for twenty-four judges tf the district court and fifteen districts. The hill to cut down the income of the clerk of the supreme court from about la.fXK) a year to $'., XX) seems to meet with some quiet but effective opposition in certain quar ters. No one has yet eiven a jc.od reason why the reduction should not be made. the coi i ii i seal. 1 he re i - a time in tile . 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ii! i ; 1 1 ' 1 1 a:.! c u : : 1 1 1 1 1, i -ties thai cali.-- lor retribution occa sional 1 v. 1 he i : i a . ia o I i I i 1 e. i : i s had carried their t;:ri., ;o iar, re venue swilt and su.- iia- ocrtal-.en ' 1 1 1 ( m. I Mat i . 1 1 . o ; 1 1 I ! in ! ! : r I i : a '. ! t r : ol the t'olllit', I i.- ao . -e iel" than the Italian an--. and dc.-erve juiu ! i .-1 1 1 1 1 'i 1 1 in iviiiil tor wiiai ihe have ! inflicted upon others. Weepii.j Wat. Will o ; a a lileeki i i . d a : 1 1 -! announces the a r r i ;: . po.iiid at his I. use What is ill nrs ti i 1 1 s 1m a I ! , Si la ; i I ;i i . 1 1 e a r r oi i a I ..c a home o ! Hot!,.- Mil! i : 1 1 a il-- ci 3 i. r i a Tlini .- - ICii-le. Pubiio Snle. .. ' .,v,l II W 1?.. a ja. ver will, on i'l i day of Ajiril. at the Heavtr : ;I estead near Culioiii. sell at put - Ruction, ;i lartfe lot of stock and jiarmin' implements. V. D. Jones the auctioneer. tr . . Married . At the home of the bride's parents iVesterdav, two miles south-west tf his cit3'. Mr. Thomas K. Williams o Miss I-ilah Shephertl; Kev. Ituck I t ofliciatin. The groom is a well known and liphly respected resilient of this ounty, a bright, active, honest jyoung man whose influence will be felt. lie owns a good farm six miles 'outh-fast of Louisville where for he present, the happy couple w ill eside. The bride is the charming daugb r of the Widow Shepherd, and has iosts of friends in this city. j Many elegant and useful presents me oriue as a sunsian- ere "iven me nrnie a.- al testimonial tif friendsliip ami tnoti will. i lie wedding feast, which was m ed a royal repast well worthy of lie jmpo: taut occasion, was par'ak- i oi iy me ioiiowmg guests: Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Taylor. Mr. and rs. Thomas Wiles. .Mr. and M-s. ;r. Schihlkuecht. .Mr. and .Mrs. L. A Misses Addie Spoir;, I'eter Hates has begun work on the rooms in the Kiley block, fitting them uji for the post-ollice. Troy, sou of Meek Davis, leaves tomorrow for Shenandoah, Iowa, where he will attend the Great Western Normal school and busi ness institute. The funeral of Willie Ilargraves. the sixteen year oid son of William Ilargraves, residing south of town, took place yesterday at the Horn ing cemetery. Mrs. John Clark returned to her home at Weeping Water, after a pleasant visit with- the family of i'imot hy Clark. Mr. J. K Shafer was delighted to get a letter this morning from his partner announcing the fact that a claim which they owned jointly, near Custer, had developed a splen did funl in gold and silver, making it a valuable niece of dirt. Down at Nebraska Citj" a man walking along the public thorough fare of that burgh reading the signs on the six-story blocks, fell through the sidewalk and had to be sawed out. I'p here when a man falls through we dig him out. Omaha Ranlts Twentieth, Fri'tn Friday Vuiln. Omaha is included in the number of large cities in the United States having a population of 100,000 and upwards. There are twenty-eight altogether, and the following is the list, in regular ortler. commencing with the largest and running down to the smallest, according to the census reports of 1890: New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, St. Louis, Boston, Baltimor, San Francisco, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Buffalo, New Orleans, Pittsburg, Washington, Detroit, Milwaukee, Newark, Minneapolis, Jersy City, Louisville, Omaha, Rochester. St. Paul, Kansas City, Providence, In dianapolis, Allegheny and Denver The Weeping Water Lagle comes oat in iaor ol a clock lor Ihc m w i court hou.-e. Thanks. The llKK' failed to chronicle the arrival of a git 1 at the home of Sigtlreen at the proper time. But it's a nice girl jut the same. The 1 1 1: K'A l.t ) recei cd an invoice of ten thousand envelopes this morning which will lie printed at once for one lirm. How is that for an order? County Attorney II. D. Travis had to give up his court business last week on account of sickness. He came home Saturday and has since that time been conlined to his bed with la grippe. -Weeping' Water Kepubl ican. iMr. John Martuidale, a represen tative citizen of Miami county. Ohio, in company with Mr. George Lloyd, made the 1 IKKATJ) a pleasant call toda3'. M r. Mart indale hail been visiting the family of Mrs. Macy. re siding south of this city, and was on his way home. (',. W. Fairfield, of .Scott s Bluffs cotiti.ty, has recently been in Platts niouth and has revived the scheme to build a canal from the Platte to the city to furnish water for manu facturing purposes. The plan is thought to be feasible and if carried out wtudd be of great benefit to the city.--Weeping Water Republican. 1 1 i". i i ; j j: : a pica.-.! : I l'e ! t .-. i , day e a i 1 1 , . The d. mnters of Rebecca in this ei:j. a: a ei-y pro-peroiis organisa tion as is i". ! len.'i'd 1 y the fact that they ale a I .e u t to order some line paraphernalia at a cost o f o ver .7' . George Wainscoit telephoned liis folks here this inornimj' that he had lin t with a misfortune at Nebraska City where he was at work, and he got his arm broken in a runaway of his team. I!e will be home some time this evening. Profession Noble was presented a cane by the county off cials to-day. in order to help him out in another overland trip afoot to Weeping Water. The cane was found in the cellar of the old court house, which is being torn down. V n Vr-i Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for laregor:c, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. ic is Pleasant. lis guarantee is thirty years uso by Millions of 3Iothers. Castoria destroys Worms and nllay.s feverish ncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulate; the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria, is tUo Children's Panacea. the Mother's Prientl. Castoria. Iw'COIIl'T, l-ie Ouinn, of Sale !':nith. of Glemvooi Table and Messrs s. Ciiarh- in. Kan, Laura 1. low;.. k'ose . W. Laird and Mart.-n WiM- i i HlCK..M takes pleasure -rig it heartast and for the future happim -orthv bride and groom. f a A Socinl Eveniriji. The Rebeccas and Odd Fellows heartily enjoyed themselves last evening at their hall. The speciol occasion being a part ing send-off with testimonials of es teem for ?Ir. and Mrs. L. H. Kami s. It seems Mr. and -Mrs. Karnes were at the hall to do some work in re- j hear.-al. and unbeknown to them a j crowd was gat bed up and one of I the most pleasant surprise , j parties ol the season was the - - i ! re.-nil. i r.-. Karnes was prest ', w i t ban - ia i or a iel hnisiu-il i ia u "'i n " ; iniap and .'I r. Kar.ies a iiaia!-ome J I I I "I . . .- I r 1 niu.-:i aim 11 1 1 1 iv set. i 111. an:i;ia 1 1 ' mad An Kiuineers Pluck. From Saturilmjt lnii'u We clip the folkoving article from the State Journal. Mr. Dan L 11111 mings, spoken of. used to reside here and also at Louisville. He was generally known by the B.tV: M. bovs who sympathise with him in his afiliction: Dan lv. Cummings, an oltl time engineer ot tins cii . nan uie mis fortune to break his lclt leg ahout two incnes anove me auitie nisi Friday night at Pringle station. Custer county. Mrs. Cummings, m writing to a friend in this city, says that the train was stopping at the water tank and he went out on top to lighten the gland on the air pump. l iu wrencn snppeusuu tienly and he fell off the engine to the ground. There was no surgeon at Pringle and Cummings was car ried to his engine ami ran tlie train himself into Custer City, a distance of twenty miles. The B. A: M. relief physician says . he will be laid up lor eiu ht or ten weeus. -Mr.-, c um mings was telegraphed for at Alli ance and is now with him. Mr. Cummings is one of the best engineers tin the road, a man noted for his sterling qualities and social disposition, lie has many friends in Lincoln who will be grieved to learn of his misfortune. A Long Walk. Last fall when David Foltz moved from Cheyenne county to this place he was the proprietor of a "Sooner'' dog; that is the dog would sooner live in Cheyenne than .in Cass county. David missed his dog, mourned his loss, and accused all the boys in town of killing him. Therefore, when David received a letter from his former home notify ing him that his clog', weary and foot sore, had arrived there over land and alone, he apologized to his friends for the accusation of murder, ceased to mourn and donned his usual smile. The fact is Ji-' d-g walked over .;i" niK ?, afoot and alone, and reached his former rendezvous in Cheyenne county, wlii re sand fleas and dog' ticks add The Keystone National Bank of I 'h i ladel ph ia. with a capital of .fl.aOO.IXiO, lias closed its doors. The city of Philadelphia w as a deposi 1 or to the amount of Jrlon.uoo. As to whether matters can be adjusted so as to pay out is not y e! known. Asher Clark's delivery team got lose from Ihe wagon yesterday and had quite a run up Chicago avenue In crossing the bridge near Judge Chapman's residence one of the horses was crowded off into the ditch below, yet strange as it may seem was not hurt and the harness was but slightly damaged, Mr. L. K. Karnes owns a nice home in Frazeysburg. Oh io, where his fain ily will remove soon. M r. Karnes will remain here for a time and then join them. He says he can make monev on less wages bv living in his own property. Plattsmouth will loose most excellent citizens in the removal of Mr. and Mrs. Karnes. The building' committee of the Baptist church obtained figures of all the lumber yards in Platl iii uth and two in Omaha and 011 purely business principles gave the bill for the new South Park church to J. D. Graves A; Co of tins city. Just as soon as the weather wi.M permit, the lu;n!er will be placed 011 the ground, and the work v. illgo forward with a large force of work men. The I II-: KA 1. 1), a few days ago. made mention of the fall from grace of 31 r. II. V. Zink and of his being charged with embezzlement. His preliminary examination took place in Lincoln Thursday, when he was bound over to appear at the next term of the district court. The bond was fixed at $1,000; being unable to find bondsmen, he now meditates over his evil-doings in the county jail. A sad, sad ending of what once promised to be a bright career. His poor wife whom he married when the horizon was brighter, is bowed down with grief, almost to distraction. Her condition has ex cited the sympathy of the neighbors and she is made to feel as comfort able as nosstble. OMtnHa Is an excrlirnt mi'illelnn for chil dren. Mothers h.-ivo re;H'ateiI!y tulil 1110 of itu good effect U)ku vlieir cLililreu." (j. C. Onoon, Lowell, Mass. Castoria is tlio be-t for children of which I um ae(riauiLt?d. I hop-? t!:o (tiy i.1i:ot fur distant when mothers will consider tin: re-r.l intT-Kt of th.-ir children, nu l uso Castoria in stead of tiw variousiinaek no --.trams which cro ilt-stmying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, aoothinu nynip and other hurtful omenta down their throats, thereby teudiu them to prematuro graves." Vit. J. F. KivrnerE, Conway, ArU. Castoria. " Castoria N no well adapted to children thiu I recommend il u;uKirior tunny prtvicriptio kuuH a to mo." IT. A. Aitt-iiKR, M. !., Ill Bo. Oxford i'.t , llrooUyn, N. Y. "Our physician. in thu children's deport, ment Iiavfi highly of tln-.r exjieri eiico in their out.siUis pntc'ico with i'unUtrls, und although wo only j..vo amonj; our medical Kiipj)lie3 wliat in tuo'n as regular proJaots, yet wo aro froo to cnufeKH that Ui merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor Uiii it." UmTKO IIOSPITAI. AND iJISPFWaillT, Uobton, Aloaa Allkx C. Smith, iVc., Tho Contanr Company, TT Murray Streot, Koiv York City. J. 1. 0 HAVES & CO. v-ia w.' 5t DEALKJIS IN I'INK I.UMP.EK, SHINGLES. bATIT. SASH. UnuIiS, CLINUS.iintl ull huddint: niateii! Call aisid sec us at the II th a.ul Eim street, north of fi-lerscl's mill. corner of one block Plattsmouth, Hsbrasisa Teachers' Examination. I'rof. Noble is holding nti exami nation at the clerk's oflice to-daj-with a bevy of pretty school ma "ins from the following places: Ilattie Parker and Nettie Ridley, Greenwood; ?Iinuie larker, Ash land; Carl a Livingston, Nellie Herd er and Kdna Ueryer, Iouisville; laific Sailord, riattsniouth; James Holmes. K'ock Bluffs. comfort to the canine life. News. Wabash lied ! -'" 11 bill Leo' ;la'.ive Note. Tlx' commitle-: on miscellaneous ubjects yesterday morning cousid- :o;:.-e rod ..:.', Mernsdorh s t)ri;;'i:i;:!l v the bill lived ?!..";!) per I.'""! cub:-." fv-i-i. ;is the iriait:m r::lelo ie rliari d lor u'as. PLATTSM UTH NURSBB J aiy ymae trees of tlae Ilonie BTairsery where yow eass select yoair own trees tlist wIEl Iss ?R grestt privilege sssial toeaceSzt ti you. SL hsivc u39 the lesidin;; vsu alettes uessl Icno w Isetter whstt varieties wilA lo here (han sigesats and ycia cheap agaiiii. can ay y- A)ple trees. .'5 years old - Apple trees, '2 years old - Cherry, early Richmond, late Richmond, wra; rinm, i'ottawattamie. Wild Goose -l.-riis- th'.- presein.itio.-i speech and j ' Iwr ' i1! H'; :'r( ' before 1 1 le comm it tee CouiVy Court. Letters of tuardianship issued to Lee AllisoTi, Lvuardian of Mary -'-;k-s Kendall, minor child of Rachel Dent. ! Vi i i ii :i ii I .-f i o f heirs of Hei i ;:i n i i n Ma. -y, deceased, for distribution of; Raspberries, Gre TyltT residue of e.-taie. Sfvn wherries, Sharnles.-. Crt IVtilioii of fleor-re I Lloyd. admin-; Qolleonj vines, 'J Veai'S old i rato, Restate of H.njainin M,cy ; ? E;irIv raj, '2 Veai'S old I-'ce;?sed, br final settlement and , 1 f , a!io,va:K'e..! his accounts. jCiirrants, Cherry Currants - i Snvder hlaekberries - - ! en .j.- cr. i- w.j yt n v o 2d 2 (10:1500 io:j Hi) 2'0(j 1 00 150 irc 250 1 110 'etltion :tur of f S. A. la is. admini- ! spok- feelingly of the hij-h estima- j ana 'uea Mr. and ::e orcier anil people ... - . .(1! 1 ir i'r 1 'rr,. I. n'.iri ti.'.. ..I ..- I i.--.. ..(..v.. bill. J II.'L . 11 i 1 . .iiii ' ii ti iWi HI j " this ear. Wm. I). : were held by 'ies is a man of th" people, bright, j 'ty, emcrprisinir and full of pub- j spirit and can be depended d:i ; !o jvliat he lion"-tIy believe- in. j 0ur11.1l. ' ov, Jones, mi; ljlosopher, a -tali 1 ;v a humorist Hut as a wit, we V'.v the line. hat. do we want I 1 wit in the council, anyway? is too much of it there now-. '1 rs. iianii-s 1! hat after careful inves u:id the ;;a- I'ompan- fht pa-s for a sman, and pos- Ib '. ' a t horotii; h -roi 11 business ' respecte of tin's eil. Mr. Karnes was taken j "all of a heap" and could not do I himself justice in replying to the i kind w ords he had just heard. Mrs. ( Karnes was visibly affected, e.-neei- i alls at the thought of movim- ' n a wa made an appropriate reply, heartily j -:u l1 county of opposite political thanking them for their kindly me- 1 f:lith, was recommended by thecom meiitos which w-ouhl be especially ! mitl'e to pass. This is a meritor- comirur from tiiose she I ,ou" ,",'as,ln" :,U(J should tiecome a iiohnes, deccasi.'d. iilet! for final set tlement, and allowance of his ac counts. Theo. Schaeffcr vs. Joseph F. Per kins. Suit for balaticedue for labor. j Answer by April 0th. ; Oswald ( vs. George Jut;. ath's bill brovid.'n that ad J Suit on account. Default of defend laws passed bv the k-Liislature i i,u entered. Ju.luiiKMit for plain- estate of Charles m. ; Industry Crooseberry t li'.Uioii 1: ies could stand even a lower rate. Then the rate was cul down to $1. ''." per Loud, and the bill was recom mended to p;iss. from her friends, but she ' Kll-,,i hv printetl in two pajiers in ; tiff for Sla.TL'. re- 1 law. filet the witty man exercise i respected so hiidily. Choice "aliiiu,'- proclivities 011 the i freshments were served and a -en-j The ICock Hluff mail carrier failed it has nothing to do hut- end social tood time hail tint il a ' to show up 3 esterday. As there is late hour, when all repaired to their no snow on the ground he cant be Homes feeling lad that they had 1 rabbit hunlinir. conseiiuentl v the Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we jjbvo her Castoria. When sh a wns Chi'd, she cried for Castoria mtPVervhoilv in tin- ciiiintr 1,1-ni ui.u im-y 11.111 ; raUDlt nuntlllir. COIISCII lieiltl V the " nen mo Decamo -l.ds. bo" cii:rS w uai.:, ur stock of wall paper before been in attendance- at so pleasant a ! postmaster is ata loss to know what '. 'rhaa Chikimi, sh irt them Caii. iniZ. (xtTin & Co. j party. 1 has become of him, Downing Gooseberries, 2 years old Ibnihton ( J-oos.'berrie, 2 years old Anparaus Rosses, red moss and whiH' mo- Shrubs, Hydrangea Honey Suckle nov I5alU - Lilaeb Evergreen. Norway spruce ti. Fir ;io;i ;io;i lioj 75 00 oo OCH oO 00 500 GOO :3to V2L 40- 2Tx 20 Mssr4esy one-Eii&2f mile ssortfa ol town, en3 of SStlt Street. Address all Orders to Ji. IS. JLIB , PLAT1SM0UTH, -