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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1891)
,7 tff i - " I . JP Jl; ift. J Ji J SI':. I 11 w; id. it-. l JtOlJxXVl. NO. 52. f y tu- ... .. . IM.ATTSMtiUTli. v'A.s i; 1 V, N K 1 1 ! A S K A , TI 1 1 J I J S I A Y. M A 1 C 1 1 4A) IS91 Si.") r fKt cf all in Le.-ivf-nlng I'owcr.- .t 1. ia ABSOLUTES PUE ' PERSONAL ' ' . Robert Troop is laid up -with la !ippe. jstwj Root is iii Walioo cm legal .'i. N Wise returned lo his duties Omaha this morning. Frank .Morgan is attending to j msincss in Lincoln today. , C. vS. Polk was in Louisville last enin on legal business. Dr. Withers started this morning r Sioux City on a business tour. , ' R. W. Hyers. Georg e W. Fail iieM nd 11. II. YVboloy were Li lcoln pas- nlgers t"his morning. Chief Lugineer Lewis of Ihe M. I s is been confined to his room for a .vdaj's by sickness. Mr. Latham sold a ticket thi orning to Zumbrota, Minn.; Mo- ale, Iowa, and Ipavia, 111 i, Kd Parrot id oija of the birds that ( iepa iii doacthis' kind of weather jn accouniloPa-wlifirht attack of the i ,.?Mrs. "i. li. Roberts and daughter returned hoi-je, tjii.-j morning- frwm pleasant " s5ui m jvith friends in 8 f this citj'. . i ,1; Frank Raderiof .ino.oln ha&' been I , the guest of his niece-v Mrs. J. L. moruing. . '. " . J.: MURRAY flREVITIES, IlYPA.'aV.- sMr.' Bert I)uriu is very s3ick, threatened with. It. vcr. v Mr. Lee 'ii&fti'tfr tliipped a ..'car. r.K "ATr Tiili'n liickinrton? foi I1m-S fl " -n ere visittHj.t'Jiirf fci.slerj i4-. - t -ni:uLer -iiierct ::ia tj;'.lqr k are tUiing a livelv .'-.btirines nt. ' ii ." .Utems of ijiteresf are- ;.cartt this :eek. luxt we -promise lTiore in the jenr future;,;' "r'iV ,T? - Miss PauTine t)ldUam ; retuutitT home .V.t-;.l:ies'day-. eveinng :.i$mijL, Xarkio school. . -4 - . ;. ?4 bnow every bad road ill.- ti f4 - 'T - tfiou in our ritv -v v:' ourtuj. . AiJisdrr r: 1 Our post ofiice deparUncrtt lirtg remodeled, ;tnd yviU" be more convenient in me iuiure. 11 vur city uocior is Kepi eonsiamiy lbusy night and day attending to the sick of our coiiinumity. !' Mr. Chas. Conally has moved his t family here and built a small house j! so as to be handy to his work. '.Rev. K. U. Graham from Omaha will occup3 the United Prcsbyteri jiii rmlnit the comimr Sabbath. 4 1 ' S f Ir.-C. T. Root of this place spent J two long (lays last week in Platts J mouth." What doing? . Courting! j V new step in front of the butcher j I y n adtls greatly to its appearance i Xperhaps jii eveJits some one from iVident. t . Jmds'& Root are erecting- an ; .1'. Ik.;:.-, e to ihe back of ilieir IJj, (' , tirry a fiill line of If ; ! '-ments henceforth. f-t. 'rted a gentleman on' the ' .Vachelo lu south-west of here, is I going to take a wife unto liuriself iiext"Vcdnc:-day evening. ' We correct our mistake of last: II reek, which should have read i J Buck" instead of "Beck" school I 10use, where the exhibition is to be ieli. I Ir. Jas. Walker was "taken very 51CV vi-..7 .i.i.....J.i....i. !rou ouble, but is under the treatment ilr jv.'IJrendle nnrf we hope "to see V.'Brendle ami we hope "to I iround again in a few days. . m 1 jf'v. 'each Torrence of Illitiois wiy here in the United Presby- i ,.1. f 1 1 K ; ith. Ihe people ol tins concre- : atiou are intending to give this j entleinan a call tocome and preach fWv5Cheui tlie ensuing year. Ma- 6C "wntrrowu Jus work. Hh people are at work on a canal idvt and intend to to see whether a canal can bo- built to from a pvint sixteen miles ' p the Platter river. Since the Kear i Sy canal has been dcpioustrated a it)lete success, various jioints caught up the scheme, but. the ' 'tcj canal remains to date lie uccessfnl one in Nebraska. - I: : ,fiy Hub. 1 4 .. I. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, iS" Peter Merges and his wife, we are sorry to note are both sick. The Schuyler was an hour late this morning on account of a wash out a half mile west of Cullont. J OK, the One Price Clothier, will continue to sell you at and below cost until April 1st. as JOK is very much in need of money. tf Miss Nellie Shafcr is now keeping house for her father, Ilenrj- Shafer, and jy- n.lo learning the millinery busineas with Mrs. Wise. The funeral services of 1 rs. Wood was not a:; larg-ely nttewled as it would have been to-d;Vy, owing to the ahnost impassible cmdition of the road. . The regular meeting of the La dies' Aid Society of the M. K. church will be held to-morrow, Thursda-, afternoon at 7 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Dabb on West Main street. JOK must raise a large amount of money by .April 1st. If you need anything in his line, go and see hiflpjhewill sell it to you at your own figures. tf The prohibitionists of the Second ward willmect in convention to morrow evening. March 10th, at the oflice of' J. I). Graves & Co. at the lumberyard on Washington avenue. Five bums were thrown in jail to day and will be fired out of town to night. , One of the gang was fortu nate in'liaving a wooden leg which assisted him in raising the wdlixM for the rest of the crowd. :' C. II. Jaquette. formerly vith jGeo. V. Vass, has rented the nopHi -hnjf of the room occupied by- Mr, Muir on Sixth street and will open up a jewelry store and watch repairing headquarters, Monday next. Y. V. C. T. U. ."' Then v.i! 1 bo a called moot in cr of Pie Y; j;t the V. M. C. A. Rooms jTmir.-dny. 10:!i. at - p. in. All mein- ,ters are requested to be present to attend to important business LBv order of President. , Dueci. Mrs. busai an TcTi't, mother of Mrs. ?joii Streigiit, of South Bend, l," fei and grandmother erf II. J. and O. M. Streigiit of this cit-, departed this life yesterday at the ripe old ageoF3 j-cars. Grandma Tefft was born4ii Rhode Island while George Washington was president of the United Sto.tes. nnd has been person ally familiar with the histor-of this republic almost from its birth; her personal recollections of events must have been endowed with un- isual charm. The deceased at the time of her death was a resident of Lewis, Cass county, Iowa. The funeral will take place from the residence tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Streigiit and II. J. Streight and wife will go over to Lewis this afternoon on the 113-er. A Coocl Pinner. Kveryb..".: -i.iows Mrs. Kate Oliver, the ger3l, kindlj- lady that keeps the boarding house at the corner ot Vine and Imrd streets. Well, yesterday . way .-Jier birthday (but we u'nt going to tell the huly'd ige, it .would be impolite, 3 0U knov. ) and. quite a number of her lady friends took dimier with her, and such a dinner a3 it was. too. Mrs. Oliver ha -5 a reputation for good dinners, but yesterday excelled the best, in fitting memory .of-tne birth day of the thoughtful hostess. Those present wbo enjoyed the sumptuous repast were Mesdames W. C. Showalter, J. A. Connor, S. W. Wheeler, L. C. Stiles, Con Connor, A. Taj-lor. Calvin Parmele, Asher Clark. Lads of Huriington, J. Hoyd of South Bend, Clel Morgan and Chas. Lads. Before repairinghomc all the guests united in extending their, hearty best wishes to Mrs. Ojivcr for .the return of many more s.ut-1 pleasant natal anniversaries. v Ijach season has its own peculiar mafad-; bxjt with the blood main tained in a state of uniform vior and purit5' by, the use, of , Ajer's Sarsaj)arilla little danges need be feared ffom meteorologicalinfluence No other blood medicine is so safe and effective. Our Nominees. The result ol the republican eitv convenlioii last evening and the ward 0:1 entio.i.- (.:' Sa tip-day even- nig cannot he an tlpii: I l it oITVcIj salisiaclory to the j ,arty ' , a tf J ' t( tliose who desire a clean adujinis- tration of pul)lie atfairte" - ' Captain H'-niiet. onqof the .nonii nit school board, isan old citizm'o't''i jrToj)roach- amo cnaracler and lugh standing in this coiiinpppt3-". Hp has hal ex perience 011 tin-school board before 11 1 ... . 1 and always takes a lively interest in school matters, he should be elect ed by a good majorit me opicr proposed member of the school board, I r. .. J. Graves, ot tlie Iptth ward is an uctiveyoung man that has made school teaching a profession, he knows the actual needs of our schools better than m.ui wiio nave been members of the board for years. Mr. Gr; a jraciical man, he is personally in-N. t crested in the schools and would b indeed be a most valuable for the place. person For aldermanic honors the I'irsl ward has nouiinated one of its best and most popular citi.ens, Mr. (., ,. S. llouseworth. Mr. II. is a young man of excellent habits and fine business judgment, just the kind of a man that is needed in the city council and although the ward is democratic, we preuicf iiis electio.i by a fair majorit3-. The SeCoiKl ward n'ntit,i;,-nm: have nominated for councilman Mr. D. K. Barr, a gentleman well known and respected in this city as an lion, est and industrious citizen. Mr. Barr is.i practicing lawyer, a mem ber of the Cass comity bar; he would bring good qualilications to the position of alderman and would abl- represent the ward. M. B. Murphy lias again been nominated for the city council from tile Ttjird ward. Mr. Murphy needs no -introduction to the people of this city at our hand?. He is a rest Jess worker and takes great interest .in public affairs. The Ifl-KALI) be lieves Mr. Murphy will' bo elected; and that he will have no superior in ihe council as an able, energetic member there can be no doubt. J- Betei son, one of our success ful businessmen received ihe nom ination for c)U;ieiJn::i:i ' i om the Fourth ward' last itight. Mr. Peier- :! !S ,)!.!;!. f!,,s interest in city m;itte?".-: that will make lum an excellent ni' in iiio -ijui ::. 1:. ii.ii;m ;:;ri M. M.. Beai are the city legislative nominees, they arc both, active, in dustrious men, repr e.-vntr. Live citi zen. s of that ward and shouTd be elected. Republican City Convention. The convention met in Rockwood Hall last night pursuant to call and wasrapped to order by Mr. A. X. Sullivan, chairman of city central committee, who was on motion, made permaitentchainiian. Waller Thomas was made secret. 'irv. i here being 110 contest, but little time way given to the matter of cre dentials. L. T3. Bennett, of the. Second ward, and A. J. Graves, of the Fifth ward, were nominated hy acclamation f& members of the school board. MrV Win. Hayes having previously de clined a renomhiation. Tlie following central committee was then appointed from each ward as follows: J '- l -u .:-.!. fi -t-ry . ir Seeor.d ward. "Peter Bates, Third ward. Wm. McC:u:Lv, Fourth ward, J. Tv. Summers, Fifth ward, Harry Coolidge, A. X. Sullivan was elected chair man ot the committee for another year, after .which the convention ad journed. ' . Pound Social at Cedar Creek. The ladies of Cedar Creek will give a basket supper at the school house on Wednesday evening, March 1T. Gentleman paying for Supper according to weight of lady, at the rate of on'o-half cent per pound. ' . There will also be a fish pond and fruit stand in connection, together with musical and literary exercises. All are cordially invited. . Dr. Marshall lias returned from Dental College and will be found athis oflice in the Fitzgerald block, 'whore he is pre pared to do all kinds of dental work. "Fruits and. Friut trees" isan ably written bonk and gives tru.My information for all v. ho grow fruit of any sort or kind. - taxk Bros.' .Nurseries, Iuisuma '-. M6 will send it free to all intei effed. Orange Judd Farmer. '' i. U O U V O - If i c c; o i i it Ol fl" 15 o, o l- rH 0 y EH r o wazx ' jz si ' 2 T JrJ. . z: C-i rr S - e . O ojt'ryC.ScS - o. . 0 g. -"V r c& & r . 9 V v V S J - .Vl -It,i-fr j 4 Ui kit ml it ' it fj oifnii i rf- rj OIM'i AL-:I CLEARANCE SALE. LADIES ANDCHILD OKDERWHAR BLA STEETS WHICH BEGINS TODAY HAVE cut the prices deep, and par ties in need of anything in the above lines will save money bycalling : Our? ne w line of embroideries, the handsom est andlargest line ever shown by us. '. F. HERRMANN fikst muni i:asi fiijst NATIONAL l:NK- HAVELGCK Remember that R. O. Castje k Co have an immense stock of ' LUMBER AlTD ALL BuILDIDCJ HATSP.IAL And Guarantee Satisfaction in all Things R. O. CASTLE & CO . . HAVELOCK, NEBRASKA. All the late.'siV7i of wall paper found at Wildu 'n?t-lvi Fullers. .'. - Miss Mollie Tuckqr. Dressmaking and milleuery a sjecialty. Rooms over Harold's store ' tf. When yoti are in Lincoln, call on Y. C. Austin &Co,in MeHride block corner ou twelvth and 1- Stre e t frc Ilavelock and University property. ' Bucklen'3 Arnica Salve. The. Ukst Sai.vl i'i for Cut Bruisej", bores, Uieeid,' 11 m :a:n. i'-v Sores, Tetter, Cliueji-'d llantb, Cl.iiiir,ia.-Ce-rus, and all Skin Srdtipi!.c, au.l pusi tively cures Plies, or ay nay n-quir'.-'l It 13 guaranteed to trive t-ntisficiion, or money refunded. I'rice 2." ernts box. For aale by F. G. FucKe 5,Co. HairVVorlc. ,Of oil kinds to order. lair chains pins, rings, crapes,? etc., d . pp.'ciulty Orders left at Dovey'a store or Mesdaniet Wise & Hoot, will be promptly attennea to, or postal card to Mi;s. A. Knee, IIi".r-dressc-r. THE MAN WHO . Drives the t!:e Hcircc is not in. ft And for that matter, neither is tlie Singer Sewing Machine Company. Over U.()!iO,nu( Shigcrs have been sold 'in the United 'States which means that we have over 0,.1);),0( wit nesses to the fact that' t!n,SLGKH is the best machine made. All the newest improvements have been added which truly make the Singer The Oueen of all her Realm. Machines sold on the tnot favora ble terms Uy the department mana ger. . - MR. D. 1 CROXIX, at his headquarters in Henry IJo'cka Furniture store or by Mr. Atherton, local agent. OF; RENS CLOAKS, m HOSJSBY ILS3 i' L A TTSAI 0 UT IF. SEIJ. THERE?. so- t f I. A Tlie Waslilnst GROCERS PrqviSion Merchants. FLOUR AND FEiil). Wc pay no rent add stll for CASH You don't jj.iy :iay hills fur dead beat; when you buy of t!.in (irni. vTLo bc8tSOFr COAL always Ilmd. ".,4L 5J COIlsrEIS Opposite Ilichey Bros Lumber oGce -AVVSQN & PEARCE Carrya Fuil Lincof 9 ft FINE MltLEXKRY ' AND CIUL- BhEXtiVLnrniXQ. ALSO Fl:FSltCT KLOWEKS uot.M 2, K ivii r-i.ucic. Pt-vTTMorrH Is recognised". the -leading rrro- cer of the city. keeps glassware, pieenswarc, all JvinWc of groceries ' aml table delicacieri. dtf it V 9 I