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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1891)
-tb r ) A The Plattsmouth Herald KNO'TS H'lO-i. Pulj : h rs I'll V : -ii Yriitiii! n i ji' I..-:;. Rl-r i : ii At ! ; ; t . - ):!). Ti-l..-i Ii..;..- i n "inl ,i . .i S.ll'V - iimlay. ' I'l.ll IX'lliulll . N ft i . . ' ;li t, i l . . M- 'n.iiU nm tilth t. I HUMS Kelt W KMKI V. ii r..-i . :, w.i. lit a' v. in 0:m ''i'.y. ! y:tr n.. in ;ntv u One ciY. m.i-iill i t i ' . . ill'i.' -11' Illil. Ill i ' il THK.MS V It 1 I . O ' -mii v .i in nil v I.;'." .. Oue rnj'i j i :.. ! i- r i. .. OuJ !', 'T mimiiIIi . HI !' TIIl'KSDAY, MAk'l'll -'(., 1V.M. THli 1'I.A'l ISMOl ,1 II 1 I I:K'..I)('()IIIi'; uul will) ;i new ilrc-s of Imy tyjx ami is now the neatest paper pnl lithcl in 1 'lalts mouth. iOIniwooil Ivclio. ClIAK',i:s V. l''i;i.'in.N w.'is yrstcl' day tltclfd to tin- I'niU'.l Stairs Si-natr in C'alilornia to snrrrril tlir Jatt- Srinitor Ilrarst. This is a jaiii of one vote for tin- rrptililirans. TlUv I'LA'I T.SMOl 'I II I 1 KK'AI.I) 1IS thrown olf its old rlotlirs and donned a new drr.-s; it looks as nrat M.s our I103' in his first pants. r art" ;laI to notirr thr prosprcls of ttir Hi:iv'.r.l. Va!ash News. Till-; city con vrntions tf both par tics have hrcn licld and the caiuli datcs arc brfoiv Use pc)pl-. In the main yotxl men liave been placed in nomination and with proper dis Tet:on on the part of the voters a -Arlcan city 'overiiiucnt is assured. TllK grippe is having a LTreatcr run just now than it had last win ter. In the cities its victims are numbered by the thousands, though fortunately the disease seems to be ill much milder form than when it Hi"ourrcd the country before;. Tm: senatorial fake of the YVorld Ilerald about Senators I'addock and Manderson. trying to fix Judic Colib on Hoyd-Thayer case, has fal len very lliit and only serms to have rmphasi.rd the asinine qualities of the editor of the World! 1 era I' I. No JI'st Conijiliiint can be made ao-ainst tlii' present city n'overi! ment. It is proeressive. capable anil honest. To elect the republi can caudidiites of the council is a guaranty that no set back will be ffiven to (ho many improvements 3roposed for the comino- year. PlvOCI-l'DINCS similar to those broueht against a suar trust cor poration in New York with success, have been commenced ao-ainst the Standard Oil Company. We shall 8:)uu know- whether the" anti-trust law in New York is sufficiently 'horse hio-h, bull stnin and hoo tijht" to catch and hold the most exclusive and wealthy tru.--t in the country. -State Journal. IT Is a pity the Second ward dem ocrats couldn't have nominated a better man than D. M. Jones for the council. Journal. Since the Journal abuses Jones andjllarr both, you miirht think it -would take to the woods, but it -wont. It will be smoothing th intra over for Jones and repent these -rash criticisms, cither before or itn . -mediately after election. Tin; Indians at Pine Rido;e find agency life too monotonous, and ore again engaged in the exhilarat ing sport of ghost dancing. The lvopie up thr.t wry arctiSbicted with a sort of Itidinnphohia and are al ready clamoring lor soldiers to pre vent an outbreak in tin spring. Tf the government would disarm its l-;mpcred pensioners and siop the sale of arms and amuuitlou to ihem it would be ;i meritorious act for all concerned. CAX.:. ha jits', mad -oi-ie vcry flaltering crtttrc ; for reciprocity with Iiritish Guiana. She oi.'ers to admit Guiana's sugar free if Guiana will extend the same courtesy toC'a nadian manufactures; but asks thai this arrangement be made with Can ada exc: usively, to which a reply, indicating that IJlaine has in en tlier'e, is sent by diaries Hruce, the government secretary of Uriiisli Guiana, to Mr. I;oster, in which he says: "While the government is anxious in every way to facilitate and promote the extension of com--awercial relations between this colo- jjy and the Dominion his ex cell en the govcrn- cy cannot encouragi f r.-innd.t to believe that the i I11CI1' " consent of this government will be rjiven to any differential treatment -which would exclude the sugars and fruits of the coiony from ad- .;,;,, of the marketsof the United States upon the .-trxnJH." most favorable t. Wl-BER V i , uNi i ' A ! ' 11. iiiil i n -iva-i'S the ,. o.i 1. 1.1 n u fact in -s I I - A li , T's--: I The itc.v I 11 1)- t '." anil ii -1' ( :! 1 1 ri 1 l ill. .Hi III,!. III. ;!i. .:. . A i ; I t iic r price i i a ' ' a 1 . . i . : kll )i- ,s thro.' 1.1 I III l I I I , i i I II ir : iliii.-; i i i rr, I i y ! . ii . a- I . .i r! ! ; i V.l I ICl 1 to 111.. of rubber ..;ii'i i.- K led 1 r I H Ir a lv Iv.-.ii . I In;, . ; I : i ! s p o : i . - . I I I I I . M I Ii;it. j I 1 H I l Hi- i;lt 1 . , i : I . i i w 1 1 i . 1 1 : . ; I m i 1 ' l oi.el .:iii .: i - ' i-l prices. .-Mov.II II !- decline. 1. . i i i i i .i . n WW ' i i i I il I ' II , K ;!'.'..-: i .-' i mii-1 ii -a ii r t i in- ki'i s ol . r vv oik i a si 1 1 1 1 1 i- i ; 1 1 .vi c i'. ; 1 1 1 y rrnl ru!brr. strrrt's ol I't I. in:;: ' A " ' acc n n t i I , i i 1 we a 1 1 .-ill ' lor I' ci-i 1 1 I h ;t I- : 1 1 i i '1 1 , 1 1 ; i i 1 1 x I i s - c.l.-sed the luiilr rlioi I.- of thr luan II iait ill ris to maintain a coiuliina linii, iimi the rise in price of crude i u bl er. con i i n lit s: (In jaaiiai'j 1 t::e ma narrs i. r. of thr rubber factories announced to jol bei s 1 1 la I pi irt's would br ii duccd on and alt-r l-"cb. 1. .Vctin; o.i this advice the jobbers unloado! . ii 1 1 i ii J a n il. i ly a. .il prices lrll ;ic cordiiif'ly, ami. lliir lo their an i mil i ;cr i nr n t . the lacloi'ies have is sued circulars ollerini;- t;ool.s at a reduction of from S to lo per cent, below the quotations of last year. A fall in the price of protected ar ticles on which the duty has been increased is a marked feature in the p. act kal working" of the new tarilf. A feli-iioods manufacturer, wiio is also a lart'e importer, told a repre- j seutative of the American ICcono- ! mist iccemiy ui.u me pi ices oi A it it 1.1 prices of clienille table- covers md curtains were lower than before' the new bill went into i iii c';, although Ihr duly on this class oi" floods has brrn atl-v;mc.-d from to (V) jer cent ad va lorem. Formerly his house had im ported these e-ooils, and sold them to o-ood ad vaiilao'c. In-canse the do mestic production was inadequate to supply the demand. With the increase in the duty, however, so many mills bewail to make the o-oods that loiiH-stic competition not only forced the price down, but improved ihe quality of the 'product. All this notwithstanding that the duty was practically prohibitive. I le, beine;- a free-trader, argued from these facts that the increased rates of duties had injured rather than benefitted manufacturers in thus forcing- prices down. lie wasaji )areutl" totallv oblivious of the fact that his line of arj redly opposed to oi rumcut thodox s di-frer- trade doctrine, and that it complete ly demolishes ihe McKinley prices humbug. A manufacturer of tissue paper made exactly the same complaint against the new tariff. The confi dence given to capital by restrict ing foreign competition had multi plied the number of manufacturers and created such keen competition that the price was forced lowerthan it was before' the increased rates of duty went into effect. The advo cates of free-trade are careful not to call attention to these interesting phenomena. Theoretical 'tariff taxes" have greater charms for them.- American Kconomist. Thk national organ of the farm ers' alliance, published at Washing ton, does not talk much like endors" ing Mr. Cleveland. This fact is sig nificant for the reason that the dem ocratic majority in congress is chargeable principally to the efforts of the alliance with a third ticket in the field throughout the country. They were, in fact, assistant demo crats, but it seems they do not pro pose to swallow or amalgamate themselves with that organization. Speaking of Cleveland, their nation al organ says: 'Mr. Cleveland can only become a presidential possibility in the west and south by stepping on the "lead carcass of the farmers' alliance. This is what the rule or ruin faction of the democratic party have he'd all the" time. Tin's rule or ruin faction is represented by such men as Mills. Carlisle. Oates. Herbert, Culberson. McMillen. Blount. Jones, Vest and iCeagau. Their policy is to fight the alliance and crush it, make no compromise whatever, force Cle a I through, and there street sufficiently to campaign funds in the boodle secure a by serve Wall get immense 12, and w ith democrat ic" triu:uh in 1' V.MJl 11I.K I'VIUCIICC oi iiie v in- I . . .1 I... . . . . 4i : ... policy wlucti dominates tiie nation:)! government under the able cbargi o. i 'resident. Harrison aim i remier i ddent I larrison and Premier I Ulaine, has been shown in the rais- j ing of the embargo on American ; meats by Germany. Four years of j the C'levehmd administration failed to get even courteous treatment from Berlin. Put under President j ILirrison and the provisions of the -M m n lc v bi 1 1 . re t a 1 in t ion wa s t hreat- ened, which brought the German Kmpire to its senses. The raising of this embargo is worth millions to Americaii'Tiirmers, and to the re- publican iparty solely belongs the credit for the change of front on the i part of the German government. C. Hr.M.Ni: mill 1 1 1 ri t Knr s piastcrcM over with which til iiiiijwiuiipiaii o! t rcc-1 r;i!c hastened lo viololl:-!y deny. The .llie'-i flrr! i:ii .-r (hill ;;i'S all the trilb t : i i .- .-. .:t:' : v Up 1 1 the jii'imr 1 a i i r i oi n pel role 1 1 1 1 i i .111 i ii e ml it n . l! I o i i o iie ( which pay no tariii, ii to ihe smallest articles ol e'.e.', ii,i Inc. i.i 1. ..;.;!. ill. I. tin ,,; tie- ! p.; i! Speaking' ol I ,l ! h lo 1 1 cone i : : i ! r. i i : r .N ew t rust s poi id -Vu. h u i : i to -:c:, v. Iiretly :;' -c l u:i 1 ly i ; : . i i 1 1 1 ; as t tln-i srt t Irs 1 1 ; i i j l i i the salt tr.i t ill. lea.-:: l ie- :;reat salt trust is now in a position believed to be i u i p i ejj. 1 1 a 1 1 ! e to attack, and although it has just dec land in 1 1 t he mo; lest d i v id end o f S per cent., the business ol the coining;- year is rxprrlcd lo 'irld a p! of i ! j us t i I i ii ;i 'J;) per cent, divi dend. The past year the trust sold 1 ,i -U. ,i K.1 ) tons of sail, or Nu.uiM tons more than the previous cnr, and liie price increased by about seven pence and a halfpenny per ton. The severe w inter increased thecost of fuel by about i!4i . XX), a nd toavoid conflicts with their workmen the trust increased waives by over DJUf.X). An immense expansion in the colonial trade is expected, and a friendly arrangement has been made with the .North American Salt I'nion by which the llritish trust will pay a certain percentage on all salt above la(),(XX) tons export ed to places between Maine and North Carolina. Then- is reason to believe the trust will soon buy up u f ,-e.uaini. iiri.riv ate salt linns. t. .... . i...a s. .a (.. :.. C.f MlilL I I II I'll i i.iwn VlIVIIIIl iii- deed, except to tin users of salt." another good feature of the Mckinley bill. There are now ber;mnino- to ap pear in the cutlery stores many knives and other articles on each of which is stamped the word "(ler many." The; McKinley bill requires this. In the custom house and at sea on their way back to Germany are hundreds of thousands of dol lars' worth of such ei mils which are not stamped 'Germany." A larje dealer in cutlery, in diseussino- the effect of the bill, said yesterday that the market had been flooded with knives and cutlery of all sorts stamped "Providence Cutlery Co.." or ".New Hedford Cutlery Co.," but nevertheless of German make and of such inferior material that men who bought them vow ed they would never aaiu buy another American knife or tool. )ur American cut-tin-- tools are the- best in the world, and hereafter they will not suffer from unfair competition. ---American Kconomist. 'i'lin California legisiature inves tigated Use charge of bribery pre ferred against the friends of b'elton, found them without any tangible basis and then turned in and elected b'elton to the senate. That was po etic justice if the opposition manu factured those proofs, which is quite probable as the story was extremely fishy. The charge that somebody would put down in black and white the; amount of money paid to each man and then throw the paper into a waste basket, is a little too thin. People of a rascally turn of mind do not write down their crimes in that way. On the other hand the businessof manufacturing evidence of bribery against the other candidates has al ways nourished since the celebrated contest in which Pomeroy was downed by Ingalls eighteen years ago when a member rose in his seat with a roll of bills in his hand which he said he had received from Pomeroy on a promise to vote for him. Such A dramatic display may win once, but this oue never worked again though it lias been tried on at various times and places.- Kx. Mr. Dkm: jiricr, the editor of the press committee of the Xew York Id-form Club, (free-trade) writes a letter in which he says that he is preparing in connection with his woik for the reform club, articles on the tarit'f which regularly appear in otic thousand country newspa pers, reaching, he claims, fully two million renders. Tints we learn that the British annex of the Lon don Cohden Club is not only orga- ni:cd but is .-it c!a i i i ted h v tiie fi '..-ork. Since it is c-f raders that the j tariff is till in ia or rg-.i::ized .' r I I C ITMl lI t-. -IT".. I...1 !;!':: re, trortt ; whence comes tle- asl sum of I i i j money necessary to ma e this fight j I in favor of free-trade"' Are the r.. , . ... , l.H III. 1 .11111 I1UUI1L1,I plilllllg llj hv nloru.v. If HO p.t us $he n.nm. (,f oJu. in 1Ju, ,;inJ th.jt h.,s .illM:,te,l -l,,lhr r i ' " " J " ' "s. i else, save his time and mouth! The j fact is. clear to any man that cares to examine the circumstances!, that j Iiritish gold furnishes the moving. spirit for tfie patriotic Cn democrats ; in their light against home factories and in favor of the free importation i of Kuropean coods. ft is the foreign money king that uses the ' democratic party as a paid agent. to j demoralize business and destrov ' the manufacturing institutions of; . ; a vi lli i i I w trusts', lii-el.-rs An l.lrvatea RllroaI Fplole. Slio wasa Xirin;l colleo girt, awl bIio deci.leil totake the Sixth avenue rleviitnl nulroail up town. Deiti in luiste, hhu carrieil her coin in her lu.vith, that sho mi',rht lusi' no time at the ticket window. Wii :i .'.!ie re.irhe l the ticket window s!m SV.'.I I II. i it ir ..-,:; ta - . eve the I 111 an. I sev. ;ilu 1 v.-ral trains while she n mheil . in. When her ticket was ile- iie discovered her.-. lf tii 1 ii i t own side. She was in a hurry, eiitted her teeth and ran down ,1 :l Th'-a she k'ot r.-ittle., i-nivid --:!::.-! street inteud nf crus-in I. liloa ! it i !i r, I'niliid herself sh had h'-ell before. i s'e, '!: lnT t;.!l,'ll.' nil! at the ate- I nd started ai'aia. .Vs she cr. -e.l iivi nue llie eateinan mi the down j i..t ii !'. a side call 1 lo the e;a ; .-man on tin- ; i o town si.'e tli.:t a crazy g:v was coin- I'.";..- S':e w;;., a : ... 1 J out of lr, .'.a.l she stu'I'.-d a :Vi lull :!:.'-. iir.; !i tii" win i .w. As a train drew i . '. . .vi j.; t i ; -i h.-r he i- c!i;ia;C' , in.ily . r. sa- it :::! tin- ticket box, ;ind, a. eiiy ura-nin. lu r ti -'cet, (k'.slied lor a .i ii-e. Tii : iatenii.a dra ;.ed her back, hut . he il id not believe hi in. Then, v.-hi lo 1 !: slaV.oa ( :!.' 1 t ) tile e. -lit rill nf- !..-e for ies.tructioiis. she sat and lnado .ees at tii-. :,'.i'."i.ri'i 'vr the w.iv. And 1 he ;;a ten ia;i on t h'- down town side calk d to th-' .iteuiaa on the up town side: Are yua oine; to tin; ball this even- .S Anil tin atei;i.i:i on the iij town side c'l'ih- 1 to the ;'.:tcnia:i on the down town s'. ! : I.t thi:s evening." .-iv York 1 'an. Curtil f :i Su ;iT-.t i i Si! ;i:u:.' of .s;;p.T-.i it ioas anion-' siek le..iHea hospital physician said: "Upon one occasion one of the convalescent : . iiii'ii near iiie win. low v. ne'i lie o!.-erved a iin ili do hariiini; furiously .i.i" rimiime; aie.ii me irruiiaii uaece- ly underneath. .Suddenly the animal s!oti; d, and looking upward bejjan ti sa ii i:;. air and 1h -n eoi.nin riee 1 (ii - ',i'iur in the earth at a furious rate and . i: 7 u: an incessant The I 'a; lent railed an attendant am! told her that ee wished to be put back to bed, aa tia;e was fast approaching for his d -nase. The nurse leiaonstiited and tried to laui-h the man out of the .absurd notion, i..:t it was without avail, and llu- patient had his wish f-r;ii:ti :d and fur wveral days jrew rapidly wui se. "1 inquired into the cause, and upon hein,' toid tried to make the man se-' how foolish it was to relinquish all hold he had upon life, fiat the idea had such a firiii hold upon him that I ' finally oblij-ei! to ic.-iort to extreme measures, and threatened to smal him into the streets to die if he was not better in three days. An I anticipated, the dread of dyin;; upon a public highway coun teracted thecfTert of the presentiment, mm! within the r ; c 1 time the pati.-nf improved wonderfully, and was a!: ; ''ard discharged a cured ina:i-eu:v I, :. i"' ;.:"'i rv.-.-.rd i.:,l 1 me, jreMt and las sujersiii f both i.:s ail 'i Caicairo l!:e l-i n ti'Cii t Ii ami i ill lovrami. The duties of my position kept me in A:r:.; and inado it impossible fur me to o and m et Louis XVI11. I saw hi:.i I- '- the (ir.-t time 'it Commer-ae. lb-.v.i.-, his study M. de Duras hfi;u.:,'..l nv toit. The Ian."; on seeing m held out his hand and sa:d to me in tho mo. t amiable nay, the most affectionate i.nimiL.r: "I am very fdad to .ee yun; tiuih our houses date from the samo ; "eh. My ancestors were more el.-ver than yours; had it been the revi iwe, yea would say to mo today, 'Take a chair, come Lei near me, let us speak of ov.r affairs'; wherea.s today it is I who hay to you, 'Sit down and let U3 talk.' " I very soon did my uncle, tho arch bishop of Rheims. the pleas-nre of re peating to him thi compliments paid by the king to our family. I repeated them the same evening to the emperor oi Russia, who was at, and who with much kindness asked me if I wa satisfied with the king. These w re his own wiirdj. I hive not been weal: enough to relate the opening of this in terview to any other person. Talley rand's Llemoirs in Century. A Now Ki-adlns; Syst-in lor thv Itliixl A new method of teaching The blind tc wiite has been invented by a French iady residing in Angers. fYr gotur years Tdlie. Malot has been doim; all in hi-i power t aiii-viate the Miffering.-; el ' iios. vhu "nave K ;n deprived ,f ey. si;ht. ?.11k-. ?.lu!-t has been tlin e h: bi inking h. r new method to p r;. ction. i i;e iLi is a very simple on--. Asma!: i-l-.'-.'tu of n by 4 ia.-hr havi--j ; 1 '.'1)1::"--:..;;ti.- - at the corners, con .In-i a!! ti:-. . Tnents i-c a hi .-ssai inn ;;i.. wntiii.a pun .-t.fl pap r. i.'i.ii:ii !. ".iet- r .jare ut outitu". vparate. wtiick N'." York :- r ;u -..tare lion v angular or -e each letter i--. s- and if ivi a'. 1 4. Verv CSV la .. ; i i finger 'ail .Jeuelr.v. v r:-.:H-,.:.i in' :v ; . of shirt ;na cr..i' . :".:. ; i- n..i! .-ji la e . Oi ,-,1 s m II- v.. . 1' i .if.- at j.;.; exclusive p . . re i.f a Chin.-.Tnaa' . h wt:s four iuciies h r.g " ; in the pr--s- r.t.s a s: :-rA is e sc-.-ptinle t : r. ii'.i -:r owner c;a:i,is tin.t c-siully u.v.-il 'ov him as v w re ..her bar. meter when he first got til, out their usetuhnes in this uiree n had fieen lost through age. S:r !;i-: -: Lotter. 11 I. tl : i;f.-r-:i--. Vli.':i i sunject the king of Da iue ;s uiLng iw is blvd fro-i tiie arm. iillng h". is bh-d fro- if ti'u.-i do'sn't euro him he is iai f:icu and zv.i men walk uu an on h: i down )irf. If this fails, hi.-, cas:. is called ;.L'i. ht is left to shift f-vr him ! 17 elf as a verv obtitmat feiiow. Detreit it.. T.O.; l-i.-t- I ' l-fKi-ii c Mara; an- V i:y, Heaste! li t down frcm the 'navk oi your chair. What are yon doing? liessi'j Mamma, you told me li trio girl thould be seen, not heard. Detua- Itl D W ii.2S W HliNDEE & CO (S icci-hsc)r to fiarawaro. Having f(uni)!cti l v rcclcaii iave as neat a liaru u a n- stucl County. AVc ri-s)t-c-i I'ulU earn our nutlioil of tloin: Hardware can be sold cheaper for cash than on time and we are the people that proposo co do it J. W. HENDEE & CO. Everything to .Furnish Your ILouso. I. PEARLMAN'S CKKAT MODKKN HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM. Under HatiTinan's Opera House ou run buy of Iilm cheap for ppot r isli or can rrnrt liat yon nei) to furulnh a cottatrt orf !ii;iiidn:i on tlio I.NSl'AM.llEM i'L.VN. STOVES, RANGES AND ALL FURNISH1NCS. A'ent tor tin? Celei, rated White Sewing Machine. 'lie !ar."; and m.i-.! ivnuyli-tn Hrn;k to select fruin in (.'us, C.iiifity. Call a-nl sco ta Opera House HIo:k PEARLHAK. TheBest is the Cheapest That is Why Fred (lorder id'ter la years of oxjiei icnec ns the most suff-ssful A rrieultnr d imohiiicnt deder in th.- eeti'ity hm a.liTtfil the following inipl nieutt which ho c irries mid he irtily rc.Toiiiinorids to hi fiif-nds nnd putions. SI-otch.-Lira.. X.Toli'AO and Sch.-jitloL- WAGONS, Bradloy, Poru, and Locro LISTERS and PLOWS NEW DEPARTURE TONGUELES CULTIVA tcr, whcli is Absolutely the bestriding Cultivator manufactured. WEIRS AND BRADLEY STALKCUTTER. DEERE, FARMERS FRIEND AND worth Chcckrowers and Planters Ml' 1 Handles t'oc fuio. t,,j 15 Carri;iL!'- : -1 1 -1 l)Orgl ,.) u-r 'c:iii"e Votl Srr Y128! Tiie 1: iriT. st llli ss v.' that it iti (,'a-.-vili j.av vi '. I.-e wiicic. ii ; prices, pii J L ootVre lairclrisiti-'- work infill ha.-, -har(j( ol our h; Uv the ( );i IIll! ir. Fred Gorcler, FMattsmouth and Weeping Water V AX I THE POSITIVE CURE. SLY BROTHERS. M Warren I". V. MitlirWH.) T7 lite. 111 1- W oi u I'm ami rcnoval i'l , W now in ('ass as can In f'iMiiii! invite the jmlilic to call and luisi hrsw. HA- QOflRKll o!:s. ('arts, Sprinoj Wagons, and tinit uiaiiiitaf'turo'l. l (r(ri(;S- Ol if el Ii n!lii; 11 I UU! ;!,. if: :i'in.'-ss Inspect stl ck DAVID .MJLLKi: r.iiiD'l-. or car ,'i' i V,' 6U New York. Prtr GO et 4 V 0 this country. Tl 0