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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1891)
' . ii. f- 'rM I ' f ' v ' -' ' . ' 1 If r moi tnojr mart V y u l3A3 litis oi so. 1S3I B.v 8A.IJ v9 inj3M doojj oj eso yta pin J9JOTO TJUOM OSJOIJ jnOA 37JTJIU IIM pjjnUIJJ Tj O JOJ WTTJJop oojqt JO omx socioti tnorya nonrtrjjojaj onnrBA pa saintaid oraoepnuq enti u Tjoojjt gt aj joisap jnoX raojj dy-33UJ ,asn ou j.ustjm ?i prcs 'oqBis 3tj hi ujiq ;3iucq upinoM. sso$j USTER ARE THE BEST. 100 style, prices to suit all. WK Aviim A Suns, I'iiii.aijeli'IIIJL. Hold by all deuler. Loun SALisMirK-v lias written a letter on the I5ehrin Sea contro versy anI all the democratic papers it. It is in exemplification of the doctrine to approve anything' that is against Hlaine. Call JUDC.K Gk'oir has resigned the fiositioti of general laud commis sioner, an office with a salary at tached of ij4,a00 per year, on the the ory that In- is overworked. It is said the Nebraska delegation has unanimously nryed the appoint ment of J initio Cobb of the supreme court to lill tlx- acancy. juae Cobb is too i-ood a man where he is nd as hcis nearly 1 wen ty years older than (In iff. a position thai was too oiii'roiis for lib:; would certainly le a little heavy for J mlv 'obb. Till-; fol lowing J roisi liie Lincoln II, va! !. a d.-mocr.itic hee! of the most -Pslwart !i.--cription. show s 1 : o w 1 1 ( i : 1 e t 1 i ; a e ,' i ii ; ! dH-s noi .-ay and illti.-l Ie .- i . ( ) ! I i bait i. Tats view -t. .Mr. Call! i ; d is .i C i t l I H ted, on the contrary iat .Mr. Hoyu may on what is called ill! : mate..; have to vat a 1 e technicality. The Herald says: "The answer o lames h. Itovd in tlieouo warranto case is absolutely unique in the history of American political juris prudence. I'1 its candid and hone? simplicity and directness anu com- pleteness it is democratic to the core. lie states the whole case fully and unreservedly and is content to rest upon the findings of the court Honestly believing himself an elig ible citizen, he tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The court may hold that he is not eliri- ble technically to the olTce of jjover- nor, and he may retire to private life. Hut in the popular heart he will be honored as the honest man who would rather tell the truth with out reserve than be governor." The arguments in the Thayer Bod case have been heard. It is believed that Governor Hoyd has marie a perfect case and stands to day a full-Hedged citizen. -I'latts-mouth Journal. The nerve of our democratic con temporary is sublime. The fact that lames K. Hnyd admits the ... - . .i.-i ; ual ilicat ions o: c 11 1. .en. -a ; i p a- i.ii.i i down by tl reu'a rded, ; 1 t a. ill'.fU of 1 : ;t 1 1 ill a ei were ! is a t he ha - t a Urn out : pers 1 make 1 1 i ; n - i a uturc of the banquet was the f one coarse m tin-plates turod in the new tin-plate mill established at St. Louis Kincf the passage of the new tariff law. Nr. Cleveland, as he plied his knife and fork to the viands heaped on his home-made tin-plate, must have had Home inner qualms of con Hcience as he retlected that had he been successful in tin? campaign of there would be no tin-platen of any description manufactured in this country. And they constitute only only one of many industries which have received a new impetus under the policy of the present ad ministration and have opened up the prospect of employment to tens of thousands of workmen in all parts of the country in the early future. He seems resolved to try the hazard aain next year. Well, so let it be, ami let the people decide nain; for, with a fair presentation of the issue, they may safely be de pended upon to emphasize the ver dict of 'HH and sustain the American industrial policy. --Irish World. 1 hk I'arnellites have landed in New York preparatory to their tour of America in search of funds with which to carry on their campaign in Ireland. It must be quite a pic nic to run for office and have for einers foot tho bills; this is what I'arnell has been in the habit of do in Although he owns vast prop erties in Ireland, yet when he runs for office his bills have always been paid. While Mr. I'arnell was the true leader in the cause of Irish lib erts, Americans of Celtic birth poured out their wealth with lavish hands to aid the fatherland. To-day however. Mr. I'arnell has been dis graced and no longer stands as the eminent Irish patriot, on the other hand he has done more in the past three months to create dissension and trouble on the jjjreeii isle than all the Knirlish landlords put to gether. His opportunity for doinr irood he has turned to his personal ac count at the expense of sulfermr mil evicted tenants. No patriotic American with a true regard lor tlie sutierm;s oi uit Irish peasantry will irive Mr. 1'ar nell's agitators a single penny. Kv cry dollar riven them would lie so much to be used airainst the true spirit of .Nationalism in Ireland. It seems to us the American people are to familiar with the situation on the oilier side to be duped into as- si.-'iti;' Mr. Camell to disrupt the Irish organization mduT than t I 1 1 i I up and increase itstorce. W e bell-. -ve the recent arrival of Mr. I'arnelt's airents bodes no irood for that ire nt lei nan. and that their search for funds will be fruitless. t-r all. Hut what will the free tra le-tariff editor do? This tin plate "tax" was h is jrrcatest and al most only stand-by. And now that prop is rone! Well, he must send to the Cobden Club and get some new ones from headquarters. Hut he must hurry up, for they are getting very weak over there, and won't hold out much longer. So make hay while the sun shines, free traders! It will soon enough be all moonshine with you. - Amer ican Kcoiiomist. IIemisti;ap Washhi.'knk, son of thu late Klihu H. Washburne, re ceived the republican nomination for mayor of Chicago Saturday eve ning. If Cregeir is nominated by the democrats, the fight will be an interestinir one between the ramb lers and dissolute characters who have flourished under the regime of Cregier, and the respectable ele ment under Mr. Washburne. IT IS predicted that thousand mile tickets will soon be put on sale by all lines in the Western I'assen ger Association for twenty dollars. Two cents per mile on western railways is certainly cheap travel ing. Mileage tickets now cost two and one-half cents per mile, and may be purchased by anyone that desires to invest money in that way. T w K X T Y - K i ( 1 1 T thousand, nine hundred and ten shares of C. H. t O. stock were sold on the open mar ket in New York Monday at 79 and a fraction. This is more than three times as much as was sold of any other railway stock except I). T,. W. Somebody evidently wants (J. stock, though the price does not ap preciate over what it was a week or a month ago. KxGLA.Nl is about to send Mr. Joseph Chamberlain to Washington to negotiate a reciprocity agreement between this country and Canada ;ind Kngland. It is said Secretary Blaine is willing to listen, but makes no overtures in that direc tion, as there is almost nothing to be gained. No American of any party will feel any uneasiness about the' Britisher getting tin- best of our brilliant secretary and more than peer of any diplomat in Kurope. cheapening of goods through oc cassional glutting of the market, which is inseparable from active production, as a direct injury. It seems, however, from the fol lowing sentences, that there is no alleviation: Our exports of colored and uncol ored cotton cloths for lS'.Ki t-hows an i'lirease of $S00,M) as compared with those for JSS'j. During the first half of the year the exports fell below those tor the corresponding period of the preceding year; but in t if latter half the gain is very market!, October and December shipments both exceeding $11 .IH X), ), a figure which was not reached in any month during 1S'.. This will have to be passed in silence. "Of course," protection must decrease our exports; "all the best minds say that is its effect." When Mr. Blaine propoed reci procity, he was hailed as a new free-trade Moses who was to lead the Lancashire "cotton lords" and all industrial Ivngland out t their bondage to American tariffs. But the following from the paper abov quoted is not such pleasant reading as was anticipated lor tlie advo cates of a foreign commerce which was to be confined to exports of raw- produce and the imports of finished goods on our part: couon-miii men are looking loin creased ex portal ion of their goods to Brazil under- the privileges granted by the new treaty of a re ductiou of 'St per cent, in the duty on such articles. The advantage thus gained over the Knglish im ports, tnougii siignt, win, it is Uiouglit, lie sutlicient to cualilc our manufacturers to control the mar ket. Ml THt SPW ' ( Carpeting and Curtains3; E. G. DOVEY & SOK V We want everybody in the county pt see our stock of wall paper before ourchasing. Ocring v Co. For Sale. A good farm one-fourth mile Iiomthe town of Murray, on the M. 1. It. H. Plenty of timber and water. Good orchard. 350 bearing trees. Plaitsmouth, Nebn Feb., 9th, 191. wtf Ii. W. IIYEH3. Have open for the in spection of the public the newest patterns in Body Brussels, Velvets Tapistries, all wool anc Union three-plys, Two ply all wool and a good line of the cheaper grades. BUY THE BISSELL CARPET - SWEEPlfk The Belt xnsr a? 13: si WORLD' The best spectacles in the world are sold by ( ermg iSc Co. I hey guar antee the fit or money refunded. Needles, oils and parts for ad kins of machines cn be found at the Singer of fice, corner of of Main and Sixth streets with Henry IJneck. wtf Save money and get tin. lection and cheanest wall Tin; killing of the eleven Italian? at New Orleans Saturday, who wen charged, tried, but not convicted of tlie murder ot clnet llennessy, is assuming a serious aspect. New Orleans, the home of the White League, has so long used her courts as corrupt machines that answered to official demands or public clam or, regardless of the law and the facts, Was but getting a dose of the same medicine they have so often given political partisans. Guilt of the Italians was clearly proven, but the kind of practice that had been winked at in the courts be fore, again obtained a footing that popular clamor could not dislodge bribed the jury, and an acquittal was what followed. Then a mob of indignant citizens shoot down the men that a court of competent juris diction had said were not guilty of the crime of murder. One of the worst features of the whole affair, however, consisted in the killing of four subjects of Italy, which is ad vertising the New Orleans brutality ill over the world. It was shame ful that a mis-trial should have been had, but it was more than shameful that it should result in mob rub'. specially to liie extent ol .-lioolmg tie- i i .- t i : 1 1 1 e-1 : i 1 1 1 . i . : I v. ! i :'.r i ' i ) ! '. : i .en s Tup!. , i a . if a foreign goveru i -a n t compl ica t ions Mow. but a out !:!' of While les.-.m. :io have 1 !i. t which 1 ; o : i r a i . ' l . i ! !' ;otii t a r i a -. s i l7 TRADE ONE Wha r do t : I ieo ! 1 1 ' 1 b ra - k a Detfrttd n r -;. ' of la-t rial tfr t ael ; re" from 1: i.-t- p.a is 1, ! I .--own away l told st i i i d. I will now." I 1 ! 1 1 y i . ! l i i , lid 1 1 ' v EOYD. It was rumored in Lincoln yes- terdav that lodges Norval and Max well did not agree on tlie ! gal as- c i o T 1 1 e '"!.: i :"!:: i , I rev i i 1 1 :e 1 oy d case, a n.l a - J u ige Cobb was at home .-ic! ro eo.ic! 1 1 s am was ar rived at. It is suspected thai the inly point in the entire answer of Mr. Uoyd that presents a judgment of ouster on the pleadings, is the ig'e session wherein he says that 'he is informed and believes that his father took out his first papers and lost them.-' It is rather a scaly subterfuge to fall hack upon, but it raises a ques tion of fact that it seems would re quire testimony to settle, though it is plead in rather an evasive way 1 lie iiKALD does not oeiieve any such testimony is forth-coming, and that it is simply a plea for time put in by the wily counsel for our de facto governor. If Mr. Boyd has any proof to substantiate this claim by all means let him produce it Boyd he would then be the legal rightful governor of Nebraska, and no court in the land would dispute his claim. This time-serving, pettifoggingof counsel may stave off the fatal day for a time, but we have such faith in the court, that we do not believe it will attempt a rape on the constitu tion to save the neck of Mr. Boyd or any other gentleman. I'his talk about unseating- the quondam governor on a technical ity is bosh of tlie worst kind. The duties of an alien to become a citi- x.en are and the oalv ; i::- 1 1 n Have tuey Peon eoii;;iui e lad it Mr. Boyd ma light they had. cats no t); ca.-e. ! i-: a plain j i ie.-- e tiering- A: Co. To Farmers oesi se paper at Also a nice selection of the lat est things in Lace Curtains, China Matting, Stair Carpetings. curtain poles, stair buttons, oil-c!oths, Lin olemns, etc Tlie Perkins ami is now Ke; and Those Attending Court. I biuse ha-i changed lions. The rates are s! 00 ei.K n g!e . ! s e il Tr.'KSTVKivi: cknt. ny tie.' weeiv, .. ). ihr i ihaii't t hi.- ei.i aj n .-t r ;:i-s ,,,, st ite. Call and Ii;- coavined. E G DOVEY & SON 1 lenrv .-. shi- Itat. ; wi'luHit I ia the w I in it U ? ;-4i W z !. - A r : ' - V '7 w 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 a e are in ' i To r t i r . i " ; 1 1 to I .e in' a o i lb. 'oi a i : 1 1 a: t i i :j hi 1 1 1 SiTU A Tl i I'll'.tlll! ii - sa s: ')N. Wildman eV Fuller carry the Jar: est and finest assort meiil of wall pa per in I ass county. Time is money thru go to to tier ing v Co. to buy wall paper. PROBATE NOTICE-Final Settlement IN 'NIK MATTKK OP THK KSTATK OF " bpt'iioer s. laillin.", deceased. In the. county court of Ca-s county. Nlirakk. Nutic" 'ie hereby given that the lieirn of sa d spencer s. Uillno;s deceased has made an.ili- catiou for final settlement, and tiait. said couse is vet f r lieannj? at mv otllce at PlattHiitonth on tlie :5ist day ..f M.irch A. I. lan. at Hi oclo: k a m on said day ; at which time and place, all persons interested may tie present and exam ine the accounts of fclla M, Spencer, executrix of the last will and te.-t anient of said deceased K. 8. Kamskv, Con Jtv. Judge Plattmouth. March 10. 1831. 5i-3t. Sheriff's Sale. 15y virtue of an execution lnsued bv W. C Showalier. clerk of the district court within and lor uass county. Jeira.ska, and tome directed, 1 will on the 30th day of March, A. O. 1S91, at 1 o'clock p. in., of said day at the south noor oi me court nonse in tn city of Platts- moutli. iu find county, sell at public auction, the following real . state to-wit : iMt t vo hundred and seveiitv-two (aT'J) in the niace rl oreenwood ; Kits tMrtv-Iwo (.32) j-nd thiily-thrre (3.1) Jone' Second Addition to Hie village of Ureenwood. Las couutv. Nebraska. toiietiier witn tne pro ncee and anpurtenan- ces thereunto beloninjr or in anywise apper taining. The same beint; levied upon and laKen as tne property oi .losiaii i line, deleiiu- ant ; to sausfv a nidirment of court recov ered by .luspli T. I. loyd. plaintiff a-rainst aid ueienuants. riattsmoutli. Neb., Feb. 'jsih. A. I., lsyl. William Th;iik. w4!!-:t Sheriff Cass County, N'eb. a W u A-ti ji Z, MEETING OF TWO GREAT STORMS. line- -0 JL ho Storm onicductioii" AND -Tho Storm of Patronage, S. & C. Mayer Continue to Wear the BUSINESS cowr THE CLOTHING TRADE Irolrtte oticc 1 N THK MATTKli J. -J i J 1 1 1 Ir.'ie:!-i c evaded In t'ountj' ouit. Cass c-.iuiny N ol ice i - iiei '-bv 'i . en t hat I.1 : : 1 1 1 1 s ; i- r of ihf ': .f Inlif-libT I'c.-ea-t (I. mad- ; aid l ti-it .ii.l Final .Vet ( lomeot OF IMF J I ST AT K OF i-br.L-ku. ('. l-.ic'- ii tliial - '-ii ii' i; ; :i a 1 1 -1 1 1 i a mv 'rl 1 1 1"' .t 1. breath 'LA?. : H o I' ll i : ' v (it j ior ::.!! i u 1 1 r I ..! I i i We !!1 111 - ol I lail. U'l't'liil 1 ;i ' ' : i ' i 1 1 i : 1 pi; ' , I s ill. Ms, of 1 1 1 1 wi b nr-1 .' i . . " mi--h ill:' ' 1 1 u ; i : ! ' i t : i n '.v w i . : ; i ;:!.' .'. i n t v. . -laiel. no '.v - ii lo t . II- ill p. !i-i;:i to mi: i- a i Ill 1 ii:- ( : v" is ill 'ii n : ... r i-'i i ii; i: r liiia'. i im y i i ll.V 111 I'd. dud ! i. in : t .v i .b.ia. ii tor ; for ' 1 ' f 111. 1 r- iil. 1QARGAINS in Mens, Boys and Childrens' clothing, are melting away like ice j the Summers sun. Our creat RHnnti sJ v bi V- A. A. t es are catching the eye of the careful buyerV G ) . JL -i t such nrirc" 111 .he city of Pip tts ccn offered be- mouth, c i::r Ii li.iy I A: ri! A . i in .said i!av , .a w b i. s-n-.s in : r. sfi'd iiiaj said ;i'''M'iiils. i'l.i ' p : . i" :'. !t. ai '-;i P M, a' i im- and pi. s,.:a I'.. .- i; -pi !.' -IJ.;! '. all a ' pa. 1 ?. "ore lookinr your pocke o n means money in i ra S' f ' r' -i o OL r, I t trade IJ of i'rotectiouistd. A .i i . 1 1 . i . -happy I oi ivia iii.i a v. i a I ha vi" to .-Miap together that quarter of a cent af- 1 : 1 . I reo-t I "a le n 1 1 a i i - i toiistituted lhat it rei;arl.s iou.-lv I " 1 any ; e:nd for oufl c;.T-.L3-iu-; - p.-a-E.a JNDlANAFGLi?, INO. I 1 i:z VrjiJ y " Si - i i J- ,. r I, if