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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1891)
Ij VOL. XXVI. NO. M. PL A ITS M 'ITU. CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. MAKCII !MM & 1 . " I n M5 1 1 - r n .lighest of all id Leavening Power. 14 ABSOLUTELY PURE MUKKY PREVITIES. II Y PANSY. Nr,s. OH bllMlie Mr.llm. Walker went to Lincoln on buMness Mondity. I Mr. P. Uergor is moving into town 1 this week ami therefore will be one ! of us. Since our last writing" the weather ; has moderated koiuc ;md makes us all feel better. Miss Ilattie Holmes, of Rock Bluff visited friends here the latter part of last week. ' The farmers' alliance met Satur day ilight at the school house to organize a society. . We arc glad to learn that Mr. Frank Moore is improving and if nothing interferes he will get along niicely. ' Moving seems to be the order of the day now and most any time we can see a wagon load of goods going somewhere. t? ' ' she last snow of the season has made its appearance, and with it came sleighs, bells and a general good time. Two more weeks of school then we will all have a long rest, as there will be no spring school on account of lack of funds. Mr. J. M. Holmes, of Sherman county, has come back to Cass to spend the summer here on account of poor crops in that county. Mrs. Nannie Root was called to Plattsmouth Monday morning by the illness of her mother, who was said to be in a dying condition. t There will be an exhibition held at the Peck school house three miles -uth of here by the school 011 ; ay, March 21. " All are invited. 'T. W. Faught of this place to 'ei to Weeping Writer Tues- stcaCl week by the serious ill j iAer father, Elder Root, of ;Miy. A. Rankin shipped a car load of cattle to Omaha Vednesda3 of last week. From there lie will go to Armstrong county, Pa., to visit 'friends and will bring home with him a fair daughter of that country. iJOur best wishes go with him. We i, V tlirow our ao. u uroran ancr 111111. Dr. Brendle of this place and Drs. Siggens and Schildknecht of your city performed a difficult surgical operation on Allen Khoden, who met with the accident we spoke of last week, by amputating his limb just below the knee. I Mr. Khoden came very neardying ' during the operation, but rallied and is a little better at present. Miss Florence Crosser, who has been attending school at the West ern Normal College, Shenandoah. Iowa, flie past winter, has returned home to visit her parents for a couple of weeks, but contemplates returning in a few days. This is one of the grandest institutions of V .the west and can be recommended wV -it hrhlv to all vounir seekimr anedu- j cat011. The O. M. society of Murray de ckled to go to Plattsmouth and have their pictures taken. They hired a livery coiUTyance and at ll-.'M they started on their iourney. They re- ported a gdoriotis time, but the driver, at th is writing, seems to be badly used . up and declares he i never wm ue or'ugni in tiiat crowd again. write a V lie nies, some one picase em io his niemorv. sf' u.ft,aaics Missionary-Society of the United Presbyterian church of this place held their monthly meet- iug last Friday afternoon "at Mrs. T. W. Edmunds'. The society- thought they would do an act of charity by sending relief to the western sufferers. The- raised over ten dollars in money and made a bee line for Fdmuuds A: Root's store where they made purchases to that amount and are at once going to ' ebip the goods to Henkleman. Neb., 7I wli-'fe the people are in a needy con ? tVmton. May their efforts be blest ' and "They shall receive- their re- "hat kind of literature sliall the r.sing generation of our land read? Our time is so short and jjrecious that we can not afford to waste the fragments in reading trashy litera ture. The mind is weakened and the brain becomes stitlled. To con verse with the good and great we must read their writings and hold intercourse with them. To converse with anyone for live minutes we can easily tell what literature they in XJhgein. To talk with the learned wine i it piea.-iire, iui io taut lo Xrrtiom 11 1 Hereon ij i 1 1 i i .1. i . is impress on the minds of the treneration the necessity of Vj'ng choice literature. km. JMARSIIA A.. n - VTIsT t-MI f)C in his office on and after March lith. V i, Li U.S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. n o I'KUSONA r. Mrs. C A. Print, is visiting friends in Omaha today. Mrs. Fred Murphy is visiting rcla ti ves'here today. hots of snow fi ll last night all over the wes-ern par! o .'the :-1a(.. Mr. Prandt, auditor of the locomo tive department, is 111 the city today. IJert McKlwain and O. A. Hirsch are nltcndinr to business in Omaha to lay. Owing to"a lack of cjiioriini, th council failed to materialise last night. Mrs. F. If. Wilson is feeing rela tives and friends in the metropolis today. Superintendent IJignell, one of the Is. A: M.'s ablest officials, is m the city today. Mrs. John C. DePutron of Lincoln is the guest today ol lier niece, Mrs. Atherton. Misses Alice and Nellie Uoone went to Omaha this morningto visit lriends for a week. Harry Cole, son of Lew Cole, was the honest boy that found and re turned Mr. Young's pocketbook the other day. We did not learn the name at the time. Tne Intermediate Penitentiary. II. R. No. 512 will be taken up in the house this morning. "The bill was introduced by Representative Shryoek and authorizes the estab lishment of an intermediate peni tentiary at Louisville. The citizens of that place have agreed to donate a building and 1?S0 acres of land. A committee of legislators, in con junction with a committee of Platts mouth citizens, visited the site and will report favorably. The object in view is to establish a place for young criminals who are too old to be sent to reform schools. State Journal. A. IJ. Todd and several others left for Lincoln hi- night to assist Louisville in gettin niatory. ; the new refor- The Elocutionist. Prof. T. L. Crosthwait gave an evening of readings and imperson ations to the satisfaction and delight of all who heard him. He is a mas ter in his chosen profession of elo eution and oratorv. W. K. Heans pastor Trinity M. K. church, Omaha, Feb. US. 1SD1. Mr. Crosthwait will be at the M. K. church the evening of March 17. Admission 23 cents. Fori Croolt. Five hundred thousand dollars has been appropriated for the im mediate improvement of this new fort which is situated just six miles north of this citv. All of Fort Oma ha will be removed to the new site, which will be titled out as one of the largest and best military head quarters in the United States. Con gressman Connell. after a talk with the officials at Washington, sa3's work will be begun in earnest on the new buildings as soon as the weather will permit, and tiiat he has reason to believe $2,000,(XJ0 will be expended on the new fort. Ife sa3s that the plans being carried out for the work which begins at once are on the basis of a million dollar ap propriation, so confidant is the gov ernment that at least that amount will be fi mil ly- given. The building of this new military camp so near i's where so many men will be permanently- located, and the expenditure of half a mill ion dollars right at cur door this summer means much for Platts mouth. We will have a bridge across the Platte river and hu mi red s of mechanics will find employ ment. Put the permanent feature lies in the fact that our cit3' will fur nish the nearest market and source of supply for this large body of men who are not producers butcori sumers. L very Hi iug-this 3 ear tends' to boom our town and the IIkrald is glad to note that the business men appear to be waking up to our real advantages. The Burlington Cutting. A telegram from Chicago saj-s it is expected by the Hnrlinglon man agement that the reduction of em ployees now being made will reduce the p.13- roll of the eight lines form ing the Purlington syndicate to about 1 "AUK) a month. An inside authority- estimates that the road's Februar3- statement yvill be fully- as bad as the Januarj- one. In it,-, "policy- of retrenchment the Ibtrlingtou is striking even the higher grade of employes. J. Simpson, Canadian passenger agent, with headquarters at Toronto, and S. J J. Sanford. yvho had charge of the -Michigan busi ness at Detroit, have been removed and their work added to other mem bers of the Huiiington outside staff. The dance at Los (Iraves,wlast night yvas v.vll patronized and the boys report having had bushels of fun. Powder PLATTSMOU TH TO THE FRON T. The Platte River lo be HBrnesfcec by Local Company. fleorge W. Fairlield has hal in the past two years much experience in building canals along the bluff of the North Platte river, having projected and completed the first irrigating canal of any size in this state. Mr. Fairfield is therefore not 01113- :,n engineer 111 theory out in actual practice. The niethod of building those long and expensive canals out in the western part of the state where money is scarce has always excited much curiosity; it is done in this wise: a stock company is organized and a little money put in and work begun, when the canal is bonded to eastern parties at a low rate of interest to complete it. Fast ern men who have had experience in California and Utah ditches, know their value, and are glad of an opportunity to loan their money on that kind of security. Now, if an irrigation ditch .rXH) miles west of us in the sand hills is a good thing, what would be thcught of a canal 01113- hfteen miles long here in Cass count3 that would lurinsh a water power sufficient to run scores of large factories? Mr. Fairfield sa3's the plan is not 01113- feasible but that he is positive from a per sonal knowledge of the county-and the business, that the canal could be made a great success with the on il:ij. of but little nione3r 13' local citizens. Mr. Fairlield will be down next week and will meet with the board of trade and talk over the de tails of the business, when we ex pect to be able to chronicle the for mation of a compaii' that will push the great water power to an early complet ion. If we had the canal completed the IJ. & M. shops could irse our power so cheaply, that the talk of dividing the shop plant, or building else where west of the river would never be heard of again. The new industries that it would bring would employ thousands of men and our cit3r wculd become a IJUS3-workshop. Man' gentlemen of means are reatl3" to go into this canal measure and the outlook for its success at this time is certainly flattering. Boyd Files His Answer. In the Thay er-Hoy-d contest case the ansyver of James 10. Poy d was filed y-esterda3"; and stripped of its verbiag-e shows conclusively- that James 10. P03XI yas not a citizen of the I nited States when he was elected governor on last November. Uo3"d himself swears that he yvas not a citizen on the Kith of last De cember and thereupon took out the necessary- papers and hwk the oath of allegiance to this country before ulge Dundy of the United States court. Since the constitution re quires that a man must be a citizen lor tyvo years before he is eligible to the office of governor, it looks very much as if Mr. Ho3"d yvas trillim; yvith the layvs yvhich he so recentK took an oath to enforce and respect. Immediate- after the filing of Mr. Hovds ansyver, 1 havers attorneys liled the folloyving demurrer, which the court will hear argued tomor- royv morning. Lvidently- the result of the litigation is not far off: DEML'KKER. Comes now the state of Nebraska upon relation of John M. Thayer and demurs to the ansyver of the defend ant. James 10. Ho3'd,and forgrounds of demurrer states: First That said ansyver does not state facts sufficient to constitute a defense to the information herein. Second That facts stated in said ansyver are insufficient to justify-the defendant in holdingand exercising the office of governor of Nebraska. Third The ansyver shoyvs upon its face that the defendant, James 10. Bo3'd. yvas an alien and ineligible to the office of governor of Nebraska in November, TSiX), at the time of his pretended election, and that he un lawfully invaded and usurped the office of governor in Januarj-, 1S91, before the filing of said information and that he noy- holds the same 1111-layvfullj- and without rights or au thority of layv, as charged in said in format ion. Fourth The said ansyver admits upon its face the fact- p.-ead'-d in the information showing the elec tion of relator, John M. Thayer, in November, 1SSS, and his right to hold said office bj- reason of the in-eligibilitj- and the consequent non election of defendant, for the term of tyvo years from the first Tuesday in Januarj-, 1S01, and until a success or sliaii be electeei and qualified. Fifth The exhibits filed b- dc- lemlant with his said ansyver shoyv him never to have been a citizen of the L'nited States prior to December, lK). Wherefore the said relator prnj-s judgment of the court upon the pleadings that the said defendant be ousted from said office of gov ernor of Nebraska and that the said relator be reinstated therein." List ot Letters, Remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Plattsmouth, March 11, 101. for the yveek ending March 4- r.i ooks. W I! l'. Try. kuii li!i)iks. i.i'nrvc Howell. Mi-.s Kniui.'i Civult. Aunie ('u,.M;lcii. iyiiss I"nn;:a. Cuclirati, Mix K Y Daiiy P.itnck I'!iitn.!. Hnry Fir:ii'.T. .1 l!;:n l!ai.Sf-;i, ; M'in"r. John Iluucisii.i, Miss Olive Hopkins. (J Vv Ilrtrri-'. Mr Kv:i L Krolick, Frauk V aril Keller. i;i!eu Kyie. a .r Mu-.-h'v. t: 11 -"'al l In. rc-,1 WM, I) .1 Nelson, I, V sirlo-r, li A rHI. Kitty 1: , k :.i N ' i h, Mrs f,.iur;i A Wliir,-. l;il!y y- att Joliuatlian Wiignt. I. if 'V:i:ar, .liiinei A Williariis, A Annie I ei.-on.s cailimr lor :mv nf r for above letters yvill please say- ''ad vertised." II. J. Streigut, P. M. y bw3 M CO C3 C3 JO O ITS L-5 o O 1S Jj 1 00 ci is ei ts N o 2 . b . 1 1-5 o 4.-3 C5 a CI 4 C ' V S a fe 2 2 4 5 S 0 3 O o c es o rr, V- 5 a c.' CD O 026 CD r- 5 OO CQ O 0 G M t .1 ll 11 IIIUJI Ay'X ouij iipTjsrujiit CLE A RAIN CE SALE LADIES ANDCH1LDRENS CLOAKS, UNDERWEAR AHO HOSIERY BLA 1TZETS COMFOETABLES WHICH BEGINS TODAY VE HAVE cut the prices deep, andHpar ties in need of anything in the above lines wilJ save money by calling. Our new line of embroideries, the handsom est and largest line ever shown by us. F. HERRMANN FIRST IKMIII EAST F1UST NATIONAL HANK- A nice child .suit at Ifl at JO ICS. The finest of of furnishing "foods at slaughtering j)rice.s at JOIv'S tf A "food ' pair of shoes at ?1.(X) at JOKS. ' tf All the latest st-les of yvall iaper found at Wildman & Fullers. Wildman & Fuller carry- the larg est and finest assortment of yvall pa per in Cass count3 No old chestnuts or rubbish at JOE'S. Everything of the latest st3"le and at below cost. Miss Mollie Tucker. Dressmaking and millenerv a specialty. Kooms f over Harold's store ' tf Go to JOE and la3" in your supply for next year. It will pay- 3 011 trood iirvrest at the prices he is closing- out his stock. tf When you are in Lincoln, call on W.C. Austin &Co, in McBride block off iwelvth and P Street for Ilavelock and University pfoiierty Tt is yvith rea-ret TOK has to sell out his entire stock, for he has done: a very satisfactory and successful business, but dissolution uetyveen To mid his nartner. Win. risher compels him to close out. tf r!Tir ia vnnr rhnnre nn1 sticri a ! chance you yvill have but once in lifetime, to buvclothimr. furnishin iroods. hats, etc., at siaugmering- " - " nr ns ut ()hh. ine entire stock must be sold out as epiickas iossiblc A fine worsted men's suit, former price $13 noyv $1'50 at Joe s tt Vnn rnnnot form an idea what it is to sell clothing, etc., at and below cost until you look IhrougJi jii-..-3 StOCK. Dissolution Notice. Votice is herebv criven that the partnership heretofore existing be-tiv-ori lh( undersigned under the 'irm name of lictck i: Walker is this da3" dissolved 13' mutual consent. All debts clue saul nrm must De paid to Henry Btt ck, yvho assumes alj in debtedness of said firm. JlEXKY HrrXK. Geo. W. Walker. Feb. 2G1S91. dv.- lm. JOE has nut "bursted." Joe never has failed, for ho believes there is an honest living for everybody, but owing to Dissolution of Partnership, Joe is com pelled to close out his mco and clean stock, regardless of cost. tf Found. Tyvo shirts wrapped up in a HERALD of January last. The oyvn er can have same hy calling at this office, proving property and paying for this notice. d2t r? Jo OF: PLATTSMOUTH. NEB, .Liu n -1 The WapJiiiifc'tmi Awnue GROCERS -AND-- Provision Merchants. Ut adfiuarters for FLOUR AND FEED, Wo pay no rent and sell for CASK. You don't p.iy any bills for dead beats when you buy of tliis firm. The best SOFT COAL alwaji oa Hand. DONT FORGET a r the Opposite Uichey Bros Lumber office DAWSON & PEARCE Carry a Full Line of FINE MLLEJSKRY AND C1IIL DflENS CLOTHING. ALSO FKSSH CC'T FLOWEUS I-.OOM 2, Ii.LKV HLOCK. Pt-ATTilOUTB THE MAN WHO Drives the the Hearse is not in it And for that matter, neither is th Singer Seyving Machine Company. yjvvr lingers nave been old in the United States yvhich means that we have over 9,0X).M;u wit nesses to the tact that the SINGER is the best machine made. All the neyvest improvements have been added which trul3r make the Singer The Oueen of all her Realm. Machines sold on the most favora ble terms by- the department nwiia- "t "i MR. I). P. CKONTX, at his headquarters in Ileurv Po cks Furniture store or b3" Mr. Atherton, local agent. ' Wdlss Nerve and Liver Pillo- Act on a new principle regulating the liver, otomach and bowelK throub the uervef. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills ?pecdily cure bihousnrfs, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipaUon. Une qualed for men, women. children Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 23f. Sampla free at F. G. Fricke & Co'a. 7