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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1888)
, i ve i.i t , i -park of humanity i. tie ir .. :. Thin may appear exaggerated, a. it is not. him no terrors, cor heaven hope fr the sneak. Fornication, adultory and dnuk arc only blight ain iu comparison with the abominable sin of bting a sneak. A tmeak is a umifu !oii3 abortion on the fac of honesty, born in the lap of inisi'iy and nursed in the arms f fchanu. Uu is so mean that he doceivrs his mother and tin.' attendant physician by being born a day aftar the expected time. "Mau'a inhumanity to man makes countless thousand mourn." When God creation the earth there were but two per sons; now there are thousands who wa t the earth, and would not divide up with the members of their own family. No action is too mean for such spawn of the earth as a sneak. If they were tin the waves 01 an arctic expedition they wauld have no compunction to net the cnnibal and duvour their fellow creature. In time of famine they would think noth ing of eating a child that had died with small-pox, or accept a reward from a catarrh specialist for an operation teo disgusting to mention. A sneak is two mean to shad a tear over his deari relative, for fear h was depriving his body of some nutriment, lie would git the body of hia wife cre mated to save funeral expenses, save the ashea, and in icy weather 6prinkle them over the door-step so that his second wife wouldn't fall down. Birds, music, ilawers and pictures have no charm for him, and ho would hasten his own igno ble existence, by refusing to have a min ister or physician attend him on the point of death. Rclativea would finish the program by rejoicing at his funeral and squandering hia miserly savings in riot ous living, the earth of his grave would be so impregnated with the effluvia of his carcass that the grass would not grow above him, and when the last trumpet aunds at the judgment day, there would be such an inhuman record against him, that the antrels would be compelled to refuse him admittance to that abode where every sinner has a chance to go nly th3 "ancuk." A Communication Crucified. From Friday's Daily. An article appeared in yesterday's Journal entitled a "Cedar CWk Sar casm" and perporting tu be a communi cation from that place in which some choice spitluts are showered upon our de- Toted head. Sherman, its too transparent. You wrote that article vourself. It was manufactured in your sacrtd alcov amonj the archive of the past. We CI-,- fy y-u to product th;it mauueript and the envelope wh ch is supposed to h:ive contained it. Th a ticle about tha fun eral, to which you have reference, appear eu in last aionuay s 1113 him tn-re lias not been a Herald delivorsd in Cedar Creek siuce. Twenty-five copies of tha weekly went there yesterday. If you had waited until today your story would have appeared plausible. You were a littl "too previous." Whenever the Journal wants to hit anybody, it is always in th form of a communication, or "we heard on the streets today." The "swelled heat bubbling" of the Herald reporter is de licious. Thanks. Wiite again. Nicknames of States. Virginia, Old Dominion; Masaachu settes,' Bay State; Maine, Pinetree State Rhode Island, Little Rhody; New Yark Umpire State; New Hampshire, Granite State; Vermont, Green Mountain State Connecticut, Nutmeg State;Pennsylvauia Keystwne State; North Carolina, Old North State; Ohio, Buckeye State; South Carolina, Palmetto State; Michigan, "Wol verine State; Deleware, Blue Hen's Chick en: Misssouri, Puke State: Indiana lloosier State; Illinois, Sucker State Iwa, Ilawkeye State; "Wisonsin, Badger State; Florida, Peninsular State; and Texas, Lone Star State. Filled His Eyes With ?alt. Watse, Neb., March 29. A party of ung men and brs went to th; house of Frank Perrin, a recently married man living in Brena precinct in this county, to celebrate the event with a chayari. Perrin had prepared for them by loading a shot gun with salt, and fired it itto the crowd, the entire charge lodging in the face of Hi Oman, son of a prominent farmer. His face is terribly cut up and the physician who w;i3 aummonrd to care for him says that he will lose the sight of both eyes. Perrin has been arrested and lodged in jail. South Sea Turbulence. London, March 29. A fierce storm, with high tides and tidal waves, Las eaus td great damage in the north and south ilandd of New Zealand. Tlu telegraph wires are down and railroad traffic ha been abandoned on nccouut of the des truction of roads. For sale or exchange. A number of fine pieces of residence property. Apply to Windham and Davies. d-wow. r, A. V., cui. unsolicited tfV friends and noi..; men you know iu. or and straightforw.. would scorn to be a p. tion. W hat has been be dono for you," and i cid 1, to longer suOV; recovery lie at your v McCooK, Neb., Jan., . . . ! I ft I ' . . 1 L. ncr s oaio iiciucmrs it f necessity or "c.Zc - Several of my relatiyfa parti ken "Warner's Safe Cure fr troubles, and found it bt-neucial. si JIcCook. Neb., Teh. 1 133. In 1832. I lived at Bcllwood, Neb., engaged as a contractor ana builder, uuinig all tne summer ot that year I was troubled with Kidney Complaint. I got so bad that I had to'work and put myself under a physician's care, who pronounced my ailment to bo Blight's Disease of the Kidneys. . I kept tailing iu health all the tine and could only leave my bed or room on very pleasant days. I suffered tenii le pains and was constantly grow ing weaker. I thought something must be done and that quickly. I tried an other physician, who was a Professor in a Medical College at Omaha. I had to go on the cars about ten miles to his office in David City. One day I went to see him and he was not at home. I went to the hotel to wait for a train home, but was in such pain that I could not keep still. I was so far gono that I k pt passinf blood every tew minutes, together with small pieces which looked like liver. I went to the drug store to get something to ease the pain and saw there a bottle of "Warner's Safe Cure" on the counter. I bought it and began to take it. Tiie first twelve hours after taking it, there was but little change. First t noticed that I began lsleep bet ter and the discharge begirrr to grow thinner and lighter and gradually re sumed the natural color. After taking less than three bottles of "Warner's Safe Cure" and remaining quiet for a few weeks, I was well and able to resume work at my trade. 1 did not take any medicine but "Warner's Safe Cure." I am now 53 years old and have never had auy return of my former complaint. I tell all who suffer with lame back or kiduey complaint to try "Warner's Safe Cure." I am sure that if I had not missed the doctor on that day at David City and found "Warner s Safe Cure" I would not have lived thirty days longer. Clarke, Neb., Dc, 9. 1887. I have used a number of bottles of "Warner's Safe Cure" and it has given satisfaction. I would advise every one that is troubled with their kidneys to use it. CiiEsTEi:, Is'eu., Jan. ii, lc?cf. iu tlie sumnn-r of 1SS1, I took cold, which led to catarrh of the bladder. I was confined to my bed for weeks. I had a good d"C tor, but only partially recovered from the attack. I was so bad that my bladder gathered and broke and I passed a tea cupful of pus through a catheter. After that time, whenever I would take cold, I would experience the same old trouble. Two years ago I began to take " Warnei's Safe Cure," and after taking four bottles I got t ell and I am today as well as ever. I am 53 years old. My wife has been troubled for several year with kidney complaint, and at times was so bad that she almost lost her mind. She com menced to use "Warner's Safe Cure" "Warper's Safe Nervine" and "Warner's Safe Pills " and now she is fce'ing as well as she ever did. We feel very grateful. Gibbon, Neb., Nov. 29, 18a7- I take "Warner's Safe Cure" as a Tonic and Liver Regulator. My wife takes "War ner's Safe Cure" for Liver complaint, and it stems to do her more good than any thing she has yet taken. (Beaty enioatty. Hardware and Furniture) Liberty, Neb.. Ney. 29, 1S87. My wife has taken "Warner's Safe Cure" and finds its effect extremely beneficial. 1 rr - Bridge Notica- The County Commissioner of Cass county, Nebraska, will receive bids up to noon of April 4, 13SS, for the building of pile bridges that may be built in Cass County fer said year. All piles to be of white or burr onk, 3x3 or 10x10, when required; caj.s the same, joists 3x12 pine. Flooring to be of white or burr oak. All sway-braces to be bolted with one inch bolt through each pile. Hand rails all to be bolted with inch bolts. All bridges less than 20 feet in length, Sx8 piling and Sx8 crips. All spans 20 feet and over, 11 joists to span; un-Jer 20 feet 9 joists to span. Bidders to furnish plans und specifica tions with bids. Board reserves right to reject any and all bids.' Attest: Bird Ciutchfield. County Clerk. A. B. Todd, ) A. B. Dickson, . Loris Foltz, Com' Oft Lucas county,.-. . ( - Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city Toledo, County and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the num of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hai.i.'s Catarkii Clke. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Cth day of December, A. D. '80. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, frte. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. t3TSold by Druggists, 75 cents. Who is Your Best Friend? Your stomach of course. Why? Be cause if it is out of order you are one of the most miserable creatures living. Give it a fair chance and see if it is not the best friend you have in the end. Don't smoke in the morning. Don.t drink in the morning. If you must smoke and drink wait until your stomach is through with breakfast. You can drink more and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on you less. If your food ferments and does not digest right- if you are troubl ed with Heartburn, Dizzniess of the head, coming up of the food after eating, bil iousness, indigestion, or any other trouble of the stomach, you had best use Green's August Flower, as no person can use it without immediate relief. Eggs, Eggs, Esg3! Lota of eggs and no sick, drooping chickens where Will J. Warrick's Im proved Poultry Powder is used. Just the thing to make hens lay and keep them in good health. Try one pound, it will only cost you 20 cents, and if you are not satisfied he will refund th money. Also Ground Bone and Oyster Shell, 4Ibs. for 25c at Will J. Warwick's. jfi -3m d&w-th. To Whom It May Concrn, Notice Is hereby civon that t!ie iniiers;n.1 will make application to tlie eliy diineil of PiHftsniimi li at it C.iHf lejrulir mretins iv Attril tSS to wit : fm the t y of sn'ii .onth for a "license or irmit " el! malt. Mi'r i;ou and v nous liquor fr the y ar t-ndine Vay 1st for ineihoinal. mechanical, chei-i-ic-. ;init s;icrameiitHl MirO' ses at my place of business on east of h t II l.ioek W city ri-it'siiio; tli. Cass ('oui'tv. state Vetra:l. a. 2in3 Win. .1. W'ARir.CK. Itch, Prairie Mange. .nd Scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutaa by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. Warranted by F G. Fricke & Co. druggist, Plattsmourti Bullish Sp-vm Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs. Splints, Sweeney, Stifles. Sprains. Pink Eye, Cruris and, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Every bottle war ranted by F. G. Frtcke & Co., Druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb. Bucklen's Arnica salvo. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sore?, ulcers, salt, rheum, fever 8ors, tetter, chopped hands, chilblains, coins, and all skin eruptions, and postive- ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is g larauteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. 51-ly. Rewarded are thai whe r:td this and then act ; they will find honanble employment that win not take them from th:r h"ms and familiea. The profits are lar-e and sura for every Industnou perou. many have mad and are now making several hundred dollars per month. It is easy foranyoneto make $5 and upwards per day. who is willing to work Either sex, younjr or oi l : capital not needed : we start yen. Everything new. No special ability required, you, reader, can do it as well as any one. Write to u at once for full par ticulars which we mall true. Address Stirson & Co., Portland. Main. mention! has revolutionised ihe world during the list nan ciitury. ot least amo"i; the nd-rs of inv-utiT rosreeslsa method and syrtvin of work that can be performed al! JVr th country without separating the woikers from their homes. Pav liberal ; any oe can do the ork either sex. youni? or old ; n peial ability re quired. Capital not needed : yon are started free. Cut this out anrt return to us and we will send vou free, something of great importune and value to you. thac will etart you in busines w hich will bring you ia more money right awav tbajo anything else In the wr-rtd. Grand oiuilt free. Addres True 3t Co.. Augusta, Me. Se Wonders exist In thou--aud3 of form, but are s- r lapsed by the marvels of in vention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be none wnne living ai home should at on?e send their addresi to Hal'.etf .iVo . Portland. Maine, and receive free full informs t oil how either, eex, rf all iises. can earn from ;v5 to "i ncr d:iv ad Howards wherever thev You are started free : catdtal not needed S me have made over M in one day at this work. Ail eucc-eu. Lot in South Park until the first of Auril at J15J.00 a piece. . Payments to suit purchaser. Windham & Da vies. RICHLY HEED 1 r.iii U I If lJB. i'ct to riinke M-t .1 ' e uj.l not know that .a& . mkli;ir tuoie than duuti'c till . Our l oge descriptive circulars ex ,r offer fully, an'i tlie we wUli to eu" ... r-r-roiie nu' ot employment who will eii1 us three oi.e cent stamps for postajre. Semi at once anrt feciire the agency In tnne for the boom, aitd n to work i tlie t rms named in our extraordinary offer Adtire-. at once, National. Novki 'i v Co.. f 18 3m-diw 614 SniitUflelU Bt , I'itlsburg, Pa. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! tllALN Dr. K. O. West.' Nerve and Drain Treatment atuarantee specific for Hysteria Dizziness. Convulsions. Kits. Nervous Aenraljiia, Head ache. NerveoiiH Prostration caused by ttie ne of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental l)e preixion, Snfteniuf; of t he Hraiii refulting in In sanity iiud lending t misery, decay and death, i-reinat uro old Age. Harreuncss, Iosb of Pow er in eitiier sex. Involuntary Losies and Sper iiiHt"iTlia canned by over-exertion of the brain, self abuse orover-tndnltfencs Kttch box contains one mouth's treatment, $100 a box or six boxes for 5.00, sent by mail prepaid or receipt of price "WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for nix boxes, accompan:ed with $5 CO, we will send the purchaser our written guaran tee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. (luaruntecM issued only by Will J. Warrick sole agent, Plattsmouth. Neb. $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, tsick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only by John O. Well & Co., 8G2 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its Sold byW. .J Warrick. LVERT EIGHT I SCRATCHED. Until the Skin was RawBody Cov rad with Scales Like Spots of Morter. Cured by tha Cuticura RomadIe3. I a:n troins to tell you r the extraordinary chiinse'you t'niiiu Ksmicmm performed on me About the Isr of April lt 1 nutk-ed vine red pimp: liko onm'ng out all over my oody. but tii;'i;ht iiotliintf of it unt'i s me timel tt r tn, wiien it began to look lkesois ot mortar spetted on, and which camo .h ii layers, accs'iiipnuied witn itcic. I wi.n!i s-'ratch every ni.uhf until I wm law, tVien me next night the s-ale. b-.-iiift fiirm;l ine:niiil-w-rc scratched .-tr again. In vain d.d : con sub. .11 the docters in the coin. try, without aid. After givioz up all hope- of recovery. J h j oene.i fo "e su advert'si is.'f nt in t e n.vs--tu'.isr ,ilul y iirCu;i- ura Kruieciivs, Hcd r...r chiiS'fd thciii'from my oiug;;ist. ntd i biaii e; :i:iuo-t immediate relief. I bet;an to no ice that the sna y erupt iona gradually dropped oK a 4l a:ipi'esred mi bv one, ;xn 1 li ne bt eu fully cured. I has the dise:ie thirteen monthr before ! bean taking the 'uticura Remedies. A'td iu f ur or five weeks w:is -utireiy cured. My disonse va3 eczema an-1 pj.iriafi. 1 re-;-oiiiineMd te C-!ticura Heiuedieg to nU in my viclnitv. au l f kuow of a great many who live taken tlietn ami thank in for the knowledge oftliem, especially met hers wlio lave babes with icaly eruptions on their lieaiU ami bod es. I cannot expres in words tlie thank- to you foi what the Cuticura Keme'iies have been to m. My body was covered wi h ca'e. and I was an aw' ui ipect:iBl to behold. Xuw my kln is as nice and clear as a babv's GKO. CUTEY. Herrill. Wis. Sept. 21, UVt. Feb. T. 1883. Not a trace whatsoever of the di ease from which I suffered has shown itself eince my cure. GEO. CoTKY. We cannot do justice to the esteem in which Cuticura, ihe great skin cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exqaisfe nkin beautifier. prepared from it, end Cuticura Insolvent, the new blood puriflr. are held by ihe tlioueauds upoa thous ands whose lives hnv." been made happy by the cure of aironiziMg, humiliating;, itchirg, caly and pimply dieaseii of the skin, scalp, and blooi with loss of hxir. 80'tl everywhere. Price, Cu icura, 50c ;Sap 5c ; Kesolvent. $1. Prepared by the rotter Uruij and Chemical Co., Boton. Mas. lysend lor now 10 cure Kin uiseates." Hi page, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. PLES. black-heads, red, rough.chnpped aua oily skin preveu eu ny u uncuit Soap. C at arriial 25 angars. To be freed from the danger of suffie&tion while lying down ; to breathe freely. Bleep soundly and uudi-turb d : to rise refreshed, head e'ear, brain active and free from pain or ache ; to knew that no visonoui, putrid matter defiles the breath and re's away the delicate machinery of smell, taste and hearing; to feel that the system dees not, through its velrs and arteries, suck up the poison that is sure to undermine and die troy. Is indeed a blesiug be yond all other human enjoyment. To purch v,e immunity from such a fate nhould be the obj ct of all afflicted. But these who have tried m ny remedies and physicians detpair of re iel cr cure. Sanford's Radical Cure meets every phai'e ef Catarrh, from a simple head cold to the moit loathsome and destructive stages. It is lecal and constitutional. Inftatt in relieving, per manent in caring, eat-, economical and nere:- fvihng. SAXFfRD s radical' TSE consists of one bottle of the Radical Ct bk, one boxCaTA -n- iial S'lvk.vt and one urnoriD Ikhalkk , all wrapned in one package, with treatise and directions. Bud sold by ail druggist fort 1.00. 1'oitkb Lircu i Cbioiicai. Co., Bostox, No Rheumatiz About Fne IX OXEMWTE L V The Cotieira Anti-Pain JMimter relieves Rheumatle.Sci n irz fttic. Sudden. Sharp ard Nervous I SlPM JkPsin. Strain and Weaknenee ' H febe Crst an only ain-ktliine ir tilater. New. or-ein.l. Intnin- ttnq. Infallible, safe. .A nsarTelous nattdide to Pulm InflAnintirn and Weakness. Utterlv a like and vatlv sn erior to all cthsr plaileri. At all drugilsU, S3 cents ; Bve for si. 60 ;orpos- t:ire I re. "I f-orrRR nRCO AND Button Mas. I "ifls 22,1 r nmm 1 - Brass fVjh ts,' i Oil ALL PINE - Parlors, flcdrooiiis, Dining-rooms. Kitchens, Hallways, Ofliccs, -GO HEHET BOECZI'S Where a magnificent stock of Goods and Fair J Vices abound. UNDER fAKihG AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY CORNER MAIN AND SIXTH Jonathan Hatt. CITY HEAT PMftfCIT. PORK PACKERS and dealers in RTJTTER AND EGt!J5. BEEF, POIiK, MUTTON AND VEAL. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS ALWAYS ON HAND. Sugar Cured Meals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &o ot our own mate. The lcBt brands of OYSTERS, in cai: and bulk, at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Law, Real OFFICE OF- Wind h am & Da vies, Ovcc Baai o Cass County. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEB. Improved and unimproved Real Esti.te in all parts of the City, for pale. Citj prop erty to exrhange for lands, and loans to exchange for City property. SOUTH PARK LOTS .A. SPECIALTY. Insuraftbe written iu the old t ha-nix, yEtna nnd Hartford Insurance comj anief. Entire satisfaction given in all business transactions. Remember the place, at the Corner of Main and Fifth Sts., YEP. - BAK - OIT - ASS - COUNTY (SCOCESSOlt TO Will keep constantly on hand Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils "Wall Paper and PUR E L HE IMPORTI! LINCOLN, t l ixpoaxzaa op Pure-bred French Draft (Perchcron or Norman) AND ENGLISH SHIRE HORSES. Vix&e sMrgjn yntooant- Cii s4 rw ur borws or fvai for cufcivgu Bear pom Sets, CLASSES OF- FUHNITUBE FOR - TO- rLATTSMOUTir, NEBRAHKA. J. YvT. AiAETfcTS. istate and Insurance FRICKE& C0B J. M. ROBEinS ) a full and complete stock of pae a Full IQUORS. RAF? HOBSI: m. NEBRASKA. A JL