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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1888)
FOI: ALL CLA&W, )F- . if . -i use Green's . , i. uo person can msc: it immediate relief. C 5 I'OK- V r A, w. h V . vj HX SissV mid v IV.V medical ucnuuni. ,,iie went back to her (hair, aval lie never spoke afterward. " Oil, what emotion are. excited and beautiful trains of thought recall.d if happy childhood by that m crcinial term, "Mother." The dyinpf soldier suys, "Who will rare for mother now ?' The devout Koimm Catholic appeals to the Holy "Mother, Virgin Mary, to intercede for furiyenc-s- with our Lord. Jesus Christ. The dear boy absent in tbo mines of the far West, or in Bomo foreign country, remembers "Itock inc to sleep, mother, rock me to sleep," and with recollections of "Home sweet home," as lie sits around the camp fire, sina "VIoilmr. ( Mother, my heart call for you ; Many a M.'ininer the. --raii'i Paw grv.n ' ecu, Plossomed and fnili-d. our fa bet went : Vet wiUl ntriHK ye.vulns Jtixl paHi-i-mate palv, i ion turnout lor your presence a;;ain. What are the "Pleasures of Hope." to infancy without tho angelic guardian. that: ''Li ! at the cnno'i -.there Infant beauty ideens. er slieet w At eli l h mtiii in f ill moi tier k ens ; inc. wh'hi th Jov Iv babe uneonoious He. riiles. .,ri iter slumbering el:l tl witli pensive ij eyes." A well-known author says: "lint oik on earth is more beauliful and bettei than the wife- that is the mother." ins lovely mam whose waKinv thoughts haye been full of happy antici patiotis of a lawful and holy union with the lad of her choice and betrayal, real ises her weakness and misfortune too late, and becomes pale and despondent as expnssed in the old ballad composed ut the time vehen spinnin-wheela were in voftue. In her sorrow she says: 'I catmot mind my wheel, mot! er,' 1 cannot, mind my v.heel. ' Tmi Hn;w iiil v.h it my h-art c'.uth kuow. You ki:tv not vt mi i'fee! " TI-o mother often suffers from unutter- ed j.j: ief At the actions of erring (laughter or wicked son, jet when they are ostra cised from society and the finger of fcorn is poiutsd at them by a heartless world, she prt-Si-e her offspring; closer to her ""bosom till death calls them awaj. Then after, all are none, and the last sad rices are performed,, she devoutly murmurs: "Simply, to Thy cross I cling1," r.s she awaits with Christian resignation the happy, earthly termination of tho life of an afLVctk-nate Alothw. , - JJjrpee's Farm Annual for 1S8S has ' ' b?cn received, and is even superior to any previous i3au3. It contains 128 pies, crowded with valuable inf-nrma-t on concerning the different varities of " aeds for the farm, vegetable and flower garden, as well as bulbs, plants, thorough bred live "stock and fancy poultry. A special feature of this catalogue is the fact that tlir; descriptions of thfi various vegetables and llowt-rs are true to nature, h:ivjiuj been written from notes taken during growth on the firm's trial grounds. There are a dozen or more striking novel ties in both vegetables and Sowers, with illustrations from nature, and the envia ble reputation established by VW. Atlee Burpee & Co. for introducing only val uable varieties warrants favorable atten tion to these new candidates. The c.iti loguo is copiously illustrated, contains handsome colored plates and is bound within an attractive co?r. It is mailed free on application to "W. Altee Burpee & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. It mav be interesting to tha readers to know the speed at which ducks fly down wind: llallards, from 45 to 50 miles an hoar; Black duck, from 45 to 50 miles an hour; Pintail,' from 50 to CO miles an hour; "Widgeon, fron 05 to 70 miles an hour; Wood duck, from 55 to (iO miles an hour; Gadwall, from CO to 70 miles an hour; Iiedheadfrom 80 to V0 miles an hour; Bliiisi wicgtail, from GO to 100 miles an hour; Green wingtail, from 80 to 100 miWari hour; Eroadbill.Troin 85 to 110 miles an hour; Canvas back, from 85 to 120 miles an hour; Wild gcesc, from 80 to 00 miles an hour. With that supreme degree of gall r which wq. American patent-medicine rtisers are pre-eminently distinguish- send- Tjik IlEnT.r twenty live ;i ad., for a medicine v.arrai-t:d i. "rieiie insert this no un-; you will give us tv.i of your ; r as an ad- j n. a we "vijii to c1: con-! ii .a'1 rei t'ii' ia tV.e s-..-.-.r " Vjf this rimi d.t- s not speedily' sue.a roninum nation to ; h an ore:- ' .US': tll'.-i.i Will haV ? 311 : as wilt c. r,l -! voo!JO, la now worth ouly 2'A00. Three physicians liavo loft I'aiis for Australia, taking with tliom g.-rms of eliieken clu!cra. Tim Australian aro about to adoj t 1'a.stenr'u phia of des:troy ing tlii'ir rabbit-!, in tho faco eif very strng opjxisitK n. Jliih'ons of j;iek rabbits migrated from Oregon to Idaho during the cold fax-11 in tho far northwest. Thy crossed tho fro-en waters of tho Sn:kt river in hordes and presented a wondorful spectacle to t!io people who saw them. Tln Bank of New York has a cheek yellowed by firo which was drawn by Aaron Burr Aug. 14, 178-1, and also a'-other rheck drawn by Talleyrand and Gulian Verplanek. It i s now "nearly 10 I years since the bank w as established. There-arc-1 different missions in the Mexican republic, 11 different denomina tions, 2'.' foreign workers, 12.BI5 com municants, adherents about CO, 000; there have been 50 martyrs; there are 8d or dained native preachers and 05 unor duined. The autographs belongingto tho collec tion of the late Bsu: Perley Poore liave been sold at auction, and netted about i;,509. The highest price paid for any one autograph was '.)0, for a letter writ ten by Edgar Allan Poe upon the subject of "The Raven." The barb wire industry is in a fair way of being overcome. According to The Iron Age there are forty-four manu facturers in this country wiio own 1S)1 machines. It is estimated that in 200 working days, running single turns, they will make 300,000 tons of barb wire, while tho consumption ranges front i;;0, 000 to 150,000 tons a year." Some of the society men of Pari3 are advocating tho adoption of a more suit able etyle of evening di-ess. The cijstumo proposed consists of imckle shoes, silk slocking?., knee breeches, velvet coat (curtailed), lace rufdes, etc. The pro moters aro anxious io avoid the dress which causes, sometimes, mistaking re semblance between guest and waiter. When tho mercury was 22 degj. be low zero at Virginia City, Nov., a big black dog walked to the mouth of the Utah shaft of the Co.t.s! oc-k mines and jumped down. Some asserted that lie had committed suicide., It i i more like ly that he felt tho hot air rushing up from below and wanted more of it. lie fell 230 feet, and hadn't aS.iio'.o lono k-fi. Curious Mirage in Elaine. A em-ions mirage has . been seen at Gray, Jle. : "The thermometer flood at about 0 degs. below, tho su:i was ob scured by a light cloud, a slight, misty haze pervaded the lowland:-., but the sky was otherwise almost cloudless-;. Sud denly along the horizon, from north to ea-t, the whole outline underwent a change as if by mairic. Ilugo rines. never seen before, stood out against the sky for a ramus of ten miles. h I urther to the left appeared treses with the tops slightly flattened and joined together. looking like massive columns supporting a colossal bridge, the top appearing per fectly straight and even ; in the center a ridge of land, covered with beautiful c!m3 and maples, was visible, and a hill several miles beyond tho natural horizon, with a strip of tmioer cn it, and a per spective beyond as far as the eye could reach.' Brooklyn Eagle. Two Portraits of Poe. Onlv two original portraits of Edgar Allan Poe aro to be found in this citv. That one of them which hangs in the gal lery of the Historical society is an oil painting, and represents him as he looked in his better days, before the knell of "Nevermore" had entered his brain. The other portrait, which is in water colors aad of small size, belongs to a gentleman who week set it on an easel amid a group of Toe's admirers. It represents him in liis later years, near the end of his life, wdien both body and mind were nearly wrecked. He is seated on a chair, over the back of which his right arm is thrown, and his listless attitude and vacuous expression are melancholy remmders of the fall of the magical pott. One of the party who saw the old por trait, and who had known Poe at that jjcriod of his life, was startled by its real ism. It was the work of a Philadelphia artist named Smith. New York Sun. A New IiiBuraaco Idea. A new commercial idea consists of a combination of insurance with the ordi nary commercial agency. A canvass of tho wholesale dry good3 trade in New York city was mace nearly a year ago, and the encouragement obtained was sufficient not only to warrant the pro jectors of the enterprise to go ahead, but also to start upon a second concern of the same kind. Their plan is to insure the payment of debts by retail merchants throughout the country to New York wholesalers, jobbers . and manufacturers from whom they buy gcnxls. This seems at urst like a wildly reckless undertak ing. Nevertheless, the two con; panics jove beyn sufficiently vapUalized to bcgii; operations on a considerable scale. Pub lic Opinion. If. in seme counties, murderers cannot l hanged or imprisoned, perhaps they might be taxed. Cour ier Journal. uiiANEIt. --.iy Pectoral possesses power "lietding qualities, which manifest themselves win-never this remedy is em ployed in colds, coughs, throat or lull" troubles. Its anodyne and expectorant effects are promptly realized. It is a chemical success and a medical triumph Eggs, Esse, Eggs! Lots of eggs and no s-ick, drooping chickens where Will J. Warrick's Im proved Poultry Powder is used. Just the thing to make hens lay and keep them in good health. Try one pound, it will only cost you 20 cents, and if you are not satisfied he will refund the money. Also Ground Bone and Oyster Shell, 4 lbs. for 25c at Wn.r. .1. AVaiiiuck's. j :5rii d&w-th. If you require a spring medicine' if you are .suffering with languor, debility, pim ples, boils, catarrh, chronic sores, scrofu la, or loss of appetite, or any disease aris ing from impure blood, take Ayer's Sa rsaparillia the saftest and most econom ical of all b-ood purifiers. Rsad Warrick's bis; ad on last page. It w-d A literary event of National impor tance has taken place in Japan. There was recently discovered in the Ashikaga College (Tsuh-li llioh) a copy of Hwang K'uu's Confucian Analects, over 1,200 years old, with all th:. ancient commen tator's notes. This work Ii is disappear ed in China ever si nee th" Southern Sung dyr.:isty,V., for some 700 or 800 ye;:rs; and, as the whole history of the present copy is known, thu Chin-so government has directed the Minister in Japan ro purchase it, if possible. A good head of hair is desired by yei y one. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair II? newer will restore the hair, il the hair cells are not closed up. egg's Chsrfy CoKg!', Cyrup. Is warranted for all that the label calls for, so if it do'.s not relieve your cough you can call at our sioie and the money will be refunded to you. It acts simul taneously pn all parts of the system, thereby leaving no bad results. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. .1md&', A.U EXTRAORDINARY OFFER TO ALL. WANT !.'; f51IXOVMI'.Sl'. V.'e niMit live, eneivetie, asenis i it every ( in tl;e Ciete'd State.- ar.d C;:;i:i'ia to sell a patent article of treat merit,":-' itk :,!ej:its. At; ai tie e h-i via a large f.-a'.J ai in ever l:iu p:'reent. profit, lisvinj; no er'!aetii:en, aad on v.-liich the asert is protected in tiie exi;His,ve sale hy a deed n'tveii for each and e' ery eie.n i.y he nir.y secure frein in. vi:li 11 tlitse tid v:a:la"s to our aue..ts. and ih tact tliiit if i an article th -v casi he sold to every lmusehoi .w o , it 'niu'it .o-t he nee.-sary to make "A ;i Exiraoi-diarry tIIor" t secure ;oi1 aeents at once, oat e ave cot eluded to make ii to show. u t only eur confide-ue ia tho merits ol nir inven ion. I -t in it--u!ahi'ity by any aire t that, w ill r.anoie it w itli eneriry. i uir "agetits now at work n matvintr tti4 Sl.'o to s.ii a launtli clear, arid tins fact makes it .-!e lor i.s to make onrofierto nil w!io aiv out of 'mploy r.ietiL. Any aem ihat will 'ive our Pu-iness a thirty d js' i r . 1 and fail to clear at least t io-; in, alu-ve all expenses, can re t urn all 1'ixids uns-dd to us a"d we will ref ii:U l he money pa d fortheui. Noueh employer ol .-rent ever itared to make such offers, nor would we if we did not kuow that up have aj.'ets now making more than douhle this amount. Our l.vj;e dosci ipt ive circulars ex main our olfer fully, a in the.-e we wish to eei)- to evetyone oil oi emidoymei.t who will ktiI ;:s three one cent stamps lor po-tate. Send at .n:ce and Kccine the aieney in ti.nefor the hooni. aad jio to work mi the t ries named in our e.Mraoidinarj' olfer. Adc'res". at once, -NATIKNaI, NOVKI l Y CO.. flS 3ia-d.vW Elf Smitlilictd St , filt-ibur;-, Ta. 5500 Reward. We will pay he above reward ftr any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liyer Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes containing DO sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Ueware of counterfeits and imitations. Tin genu in.; manufactured o'nlv bv John Q. W e ll .& Co.. 8(52 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its Sold bvW. .J Warrick. Bridgo NottcC The County Commissioners of Cass county, Xebrnska, will receive bids up to noon of April 4, 18S3, for the building of pile bridges that mav be built in Cass . anility for said year. All piles lo be of j Si;te or burr oak, SxS or 10x10, yv hen required; ca; s the same, joists 3x12 pine, injuring to ho of white or burr ::;:. All s-way-braecs to b-j bolted with one inch bolt through each p;ie. Hand rails all t he bolted with -l h): h l.olis. All tiridges less thin -J.0 fc.-t in lenjith. Sx piling and SxS csp--. All spans 20 fe I -j ml (iver, 11 joists to span; under 20 feet J joists to sji.-.ti. Holders to furnish plans anil speciric- ti-'ns with bid;.. I-.iar.t u-serves right 5 reject ttuy ll Lid-.. , Attest: P. r.ii Cr.iTc:iFi:i.r. Count v Clerk. A. H. Tr.DD. ) " . AB. Dickson, ) Corn's. J ! 1.HT-IS Foi.TZ. IiC2d Warricli'o big cd- on Inst j pac. Itv.-cl i AA'hat i probably the most venerable piece of furniture in existence has jtit been deposited in the Ihitish nimeum. It is the throne of (Jueeu Ibit.isii, who reigned in the Nile valley some l,(".(i(l years before Christ and twenty-nine years before Moses. This now dilapidated ob ject seems to be of lignum-vita-, the carv ings of tho legs being inlaid with g.dd, and those of the back with silver. J Kowai -led ;n e IIiiim.- who f iv:- 1 I liis an .j f lien r.rt ; Ih.'V i.l Unci I'l.ii'U in n ! nv'i'-iit i it 111"-- a. Ill 1..III1II; 1 !. profits ;irc l;iry ;unt sure for rvery iiwiuslncin prison . many have male nl lire now iniikiiar (evei;tl liun-'icil dollars Iicr inontli Jt is easy for un oi.e io injiki- s,1 aril m.v.'iir.Is iKTdny. w ho is willing to v i,rk i'Ai l:cr si-x, youiii." r "1 ' ; eajiita! not ihmnI-1 ; v f.lait y'ii. KvprvtiiitiK new. No spt-ciiil iiliilti y l c)!iii -fil. you, reaai-r. cen do it as well f ni'.y I'm1. W rile tons a! uiw-i; for full par-tw-ulais which p inail free. Address Stirs- ii .S: Co.. 1'ciihiinl. .Maine. l as rt1 vol-itioni. i ll Tt.. Milt IHf. I liV !"J past half ci.iury. j SNotlea'-t arno'-fr t he I woi.d'-r of inv nlr.i' l I proeifM is a nn-tl od Ht world diulnjr t lie nud (vr teni of w- i k that, caa le p"i f lined all Jver 11". count rv wiihout senarat nu,' tin; woikers fto:n tlieir lioiiirn. l'av li!ieral ; :-y one can do l li v oi l; i-i her sex. voen x or old ; ii f eitil ahility i- jisireil Capital i;t. i:ifdrl ; ' are started tie' Cut Mi's ait ami return to us aM we will sen! vou fref, soiiietliiiij; of treat imiortai'c and value to ou. t ha will "tai t von in husiuevs tiiicli wi'l l.rinir you in more money rihi fiwav than anythin-; '!se in the w-.rld. C'lo il outfit fret-. Ad.tiess 'true t Co.. Anc sta. M. i?S(M Woiiil'i s ei.-t in thoii S I 4 Sj-ai'd ol for:!i. hut are s r a it unasseii liy t he niai velrf o: in P' vent ion. 'I 'i(.sr wh iiic in ft C i-.mim) i.f ! iiif woi:.- ij h fL Fi S S S eaa li.i doin? while livir.j: : i llUIlie MiltiJIII :t I I'll T S'-I.l; tilt il- i.iliiic: to I T: ! :.-T t - . Tortlan l. "Mnine. and receive free full ii'l.-nra-lieti how eiila r. r-. f all aues, ra" earn li ".in S" to ;er day a".i upwards v.h- rever tl.ev live. Vou sue started fre- : en (dial net. n"ed d S me ha v made 'ver .;:.")0 in oae day at ini wo! i;. Ail m v f ed. Our (1.1 ft ehiid. now six jcais of : . e, when :mi nif-int i iiiotiths old wa? a the : v:t!i a iiiiii-nt. n::iiii;ii .nt .--kiu disease. U erar.-ary emeuies j;. v.e called on f ie ii v (hysician. wlio a: temju.-d to -i re it; Im i. sprea-i with almost incn-d Ide rapidtty. it. ill t ::e io er peri ion ol t he li'tle fellow 's tir o:i. from the middieof his ln.ek ie-wii to hi- kj.: !. was oet solid rash, paiuful. t:i;iy. lilocli. d ' malicious We lnul imr. i. nuiilit, n. ps-.u-e ly day. I'inahy we were advi-cl to tiy f'e C:;ri t'RA 1;j.mi;iiks. The ( licet wassiu j..-. m;;r cllou-. la three or oar wi elds :i co - pii-u-cat .was vou;;ht. Paviii'j the little fel.ew P' rsei. as v!!'i' and lit al! iiy as I liouyh he h;'il never lie-i- at'aoi.ed In m op niiju M-nr vn'ual ie r.-medies saved his life, and t- ii;iv l-ei.H ;. s lii i j:, healthy child, perfectly we'd, i o repetition of lit; dbcase having vC. n eun d. (.i.o. r,. s:.htm. At;'y at law and Mx-l'ios. Atl'y. Ashland. . I"KKi-:itKC9. : d. G. Tcis!.In:j;'-it,Ai-iil;aid,0. THOUSANDS OF OITILDEE57. A r- luii-'i into I he w;a Id vcry day with scm r zeniatoiis :iHe"tim. 1 1 : -i i as milk cruvt. s-'u'l head, seini oi ('andt'lilT miic to develop into an air -nii a e.-ze. a. the tet.inj;, I:rii --iij; d-li!.-iir.!fMn (o which ti'iike iife a pr 'e.'it (1 tor ture unless prot-e ! trea'ci. A v;.: oi hut a it h eir.itiiA S'Ai ex-qatnit-- Skia, a'i" a sienie apiIi.:a ti -ii of Ct; i iecnA, the -reat Sm'ii Cure, with a little t'u Tl- L'UA Dks i.vknt. the new Blood Pari tier, is o'teu suoieiei.t to arrrst th" pro ciess of the, and point to a sueedy a;id pef!u;.nei:t euro lie- c-', no moi per who loves Iter children, who takes )nide in their hcau'y, purity and heallii, im he-towini; upon C em a childV j-!catest in -lientanee i fkin with tit a blemish, t'tul a b ilv licui ish(-d hv pure hlood, -l.m, hi fail lo make trial of tlie'Ci Tiet KA Ui::.ikk'Ks. Sold vervwhere. Trice, C";ticl'i?a. ."."c. ; S(iap. 'ir.c. : i!F.s.ii.vrT. -1 l'rep- lt-d ly the PoiTKlt Ultfi; AND CllF.MICAt. Co., Ko-tOll Mass CCSepd for "ilP'.v to Cur? -'kin Jilscases "' C4 -ages. SO illastrutlons. and 10a testiuioQi.ils TJ "DT7"J V ki- ud Seaip pre.ervej and O beaut fled by Cl lieu-iA MKpl- catkii soap. Consiiluiionai Catarrh. Ko single diset fc has entailed more ntiti i in; or has! eued the. breaking up of the canstiii: t'o.'. than Catarih. The sense of smelt of ta-te of siicht, of he-i: in; . the hinuati voice, th miad one or more, and soiariiines till, yi -M to it. destr le't ive influence. '1 he poi.-on it d.inl"t es il;i(Ui;:l)out the syjt. ta a'laeks every vilai force, and breaks up tit most robust f pnn-ii ta ions. Ignored, bee iiie hu: li'tle under siood, by mos' physi iar.s l-vj otei.ily assash-.'. by iU -cii' Ki;il eh-irl tin-, those sti.Tc'.t- u; from it liave liie Impe to htr r li-ved this side of the jrrave. 1! i.s t'tne. the -, t hat t he popular t reat ne nt of this t n ih'.e disease by reiue.Iie- v. i i: i'i t lie rach of till p:-ss'-i! inio iiaads at once coi. jiet'-iit and trust wt itliv. 'Ine new ;"id l itherto untried method adopted by )r Sa.' lord i th prene.raii id i f i:i.i UaiiI'-al ('liii. lias won th- hearty anprovnl of bi-u-ands. f . i- is'antat ious in aft'ordirt; i elief In ;iM l,i-.u colds. s;ie zini:.Hin:fl;i'i Hud obstructed bre:. h- n-.-, aol ratddlv renioves the niot oppren-iv? s) nij-.t'i t-s ciea:ii-( the head, sweteu!i:Lr the br e.'li. rc-toriii t!:e -iisea of iiHl, f.-wt lei )iear'.-:jri .,,,, tra'dz the cotistr.ulii t'-st'tet'cvcf ;!i3 dis-ase t-jwi;:di the Juujr. hv i r a:.d l i;!'-eys San K'Min's" KaiiIcai. '"I'k consis'ii rf on---b.'tMe i,f the i:.i)ti'Ai.f!iTK. oae 1 .ixCata j h vt, S -t.vK.v r aud an i:-: pkovsu Imi.u.k:;, ; I.' .- si. 1'';t- Piii"': CFtivir.u. Ci It.iST'is 1 r.---rm I-" i 'J i.i "i-f uiH iiii" ov :-r- v. -ions .'.nlili-lc ro fain. f; ::v : a- 'iVitieis i'.nl W(. the C'Mti- t. A.:iti-Pn I'lavtciv T'ne I: st n-1 5- -'i 'fuy :';-in -' ilSinu a'.d "stren-it r. r,,i ' "-I'-he-ter. K-p'eia'iy al i to jn" f:inilv rrheve r.a ! ;edilv ettre ivide.ey :-. I'terii!; 1' das aad vVf -iii-.e-i. W'ari"i,;r,: -:l-TiV -up.-li-r to i!!-r :T, At 'iratri s. Zj ee -:;- vf f- r ;1 : or ? i . t t.I fuTTi: LUiVii AM) Ca t.MICA I- ' .. hventioi nv IP H (JO Where a magnificent JVice.-i II rr c- w r w m . . ':; n " i r t v , j c CORNKK MAIX AND SIXTH Jonathan Hatj. !fTS"A.lIAM C1T PP WMsHT A U W POIli: PACMEIiS and i ii ;. us in blTTJ.i: AND liGOS. BEEF, mRK, MtlTTOK AUti YE Ah. THE UKST THE J1AHKET APPfHiDS ALWAYS (). HAND. Sugar Cured Meals, Barns. Bacon, Lard, &c., Lc oi our own make. The best brands of OYSTEKS, in eans mul bulk, at WHOLESALE AND KLTAU . t, ft f i J 4j 1u.i a Wi ndha m k D a v i es, Over Bank of! Cttss Co-iinty, PLATTSMOUTH, - NEB. Improved and unimproved Ileal Pstute in all puts ef the ( liy, for sale. City prop erty lo exeViaiigc for lands, and loans to exchange for City property. SOUTH PARK LOTS A- SPBCIAIiTT: Insurance v.aiiten in the obi f lio-nix, .Ktnti and Hartford instiranee rimpanies. Entire satisfaetion given in all bu-in -s tr.irisaetions. Ili-tueiid'er the pl;e-e, at tho Corner of ?.Iaiti and Fif'tlt St.-., OTE2S - JIIAll - OS' - CAfc? - CGITTY (scccicssoit Tu Will keep constantly cn hand a Moriininoo rugs an "Wall I'aper and a 'IT nil JAnu PURE LIQUORS. FiiE iKIPOBTIHi SBflFT ilORSH to. LINCOLN, -.'otTtfi; oi-- 'isrs-brsd French Draft (Percheron or Gorman Viiittciii ixfi ' ' 'JO stock of (Joods ami 1 abound. .i , n s 'r a TV - PbATTS.MOliTIf, M KH1SASK A. J. Vr. JI ATitrus. WLAfE'S! x (CCD., insurance 5 - j. .y. itor.MKis.) full and complete t-tock of pu.-e aints, NEBRASKA. wU - ii.tuu. Call unA f:e Mit Iwrai or rj;J tor c'. Oils