Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1894)
MlffliKn ji. rtwwun-wn "-mi imi umlfi iiitt-tl.i i --""" "1""", i i ' r-urT" ("' V salaaMa' ' 'y J i' i t f ' TTr' in i t" -;' ! rlS ' - - .M9Bfffe te IP THE A'JMJMAY aiOKNTIKO- COURIER H C G i I. k lc ii i nm VV HH utoHt HtrlldiiK fputliro f tlio (4 VHcliornwptlon hint Frltlny oven T Iiik wiir tho oxUlnitn tiiHto 1Ih iIhc1 In tlio (k'comtloiiH. Tho mantel In tho Hpituloim tinllwity whh iilmcwt on llroly hlildmi with ih1iiih ml cr iiiiIihiib, while ml wnittlciiH woro iiIho to 1o won In ovory nook ami cornor. Thn NuhniHkn Rtuto orohoHtrit whh Htu HoimmI im Hi" imihI hIiIo and wiib Htir rounded hy 1hiih with bountiful rod ahmU'H, prpwmtliiK ihobI ehiirniliiH up pcarancc. Tho reception room on tho rl(iiit. whoro tho touoivliiK IiuIIor wont elation!, wan profiiBoly decorated In whlto. whllo In thn Imck parlor rod whh attain tho predoniiniitliiK color. Citron. tloiiH ind American huiiutloH, with piano ImniiH kIowIdk with rod tllitt forinod tho'docoratloiiB. Innnodlatoly hack of thin room wan tho dlnlntf room, which wan roBplondant In pink and which ..uiiml fin-tit iniitiv oxclamatlotifl of ad miration from tho kuchIb hh thoy tarrlod Ihoro a fow moments for rofroHhmontH. All tho UtthtH tit thlB room woro covered with pink BhadoB, and tho center tahlo wiih trimmed with pink carnations. Hinllux wiir draped from tho chandelier to tho four content of tho tahlo. MrM. A. K. Kennard presided over tho refresh, meiitfl. Sho woro a heatltlful jrowii of black laco over pink silk. Sho wiir as slflted hy MIsb Mhtnlo Oaylord and Miss Mario IjohIbo Underwood, who served Ices In heiintlful pink china cups. Miss Underwood was beautiful In a pink china Bilk Kown with chiffon triiniuitiKR. whllo MIbb Oaylord wiib equally charm Inn In u pink corded Bilk with pink laco bertha. After bohiK refreshed In UiIh room tho kuobIb paBed on to tho yellow room and received delicious ltussla tea beforo HBCondliiK tho fltalrB for boiiio. thing more BtibHtantlal. This room wiib decorated with Marochal Nell i-obob and dalTcKlllB, and tho tea was dispensed by Mrs. Charles Keefer, MIbh Olive Latta and MIsb Jeanotto Underwood, Mm. KocforwaH attlrod In a yellow crepo Kown, trimmed with black velvet. MIbh Lutta, yellow crepo and brocaded Biitin, triinmiHl with ioiKjullB, and MIbb Under wood woro whlto bwIbb with yellow rib lion trimming. PubhIiiroiiI of thU room and HBCondlitB tho Btalm, tho guestB on torod tho billiard room and woro iiruIii surprised by tho vUlon of benttty con fronting thorn. This room was elabor ately decorated in whlto and green. Tho billiard tablo wiib covered with u whlto cloth and draped around tho Bides with Rtiiilax. In tho coutor andetrown around tho tablo woro beautiful clusters of La Prance roses. The lights In this room Bhed BiilKlued rays through rich green shades, while carnations were also profuttoly used, being placed lit green vases. Whllo smllax wiib draped from the chandelier to the comers of tho table. Tho mantel was trimmed with whlto and green, and pistachio cream Waring the letter "F' wiib Berved on whlto china with whlto cake and colTee. Mm. C. P. Ladd had charge of tho ro freBhnionts; sho woro a whlto silk gown tvwltlt chiffon trimmings and whlto roses. JilMCarmtHly and 'Mhw Steen acted as HBelBtanta and proved to bo very acconi- pllBhouNwaltroBBes. Thoy both looked very charming In whlto Bilk toilets Thoro 1b a certain tolerably woll dotlncd rumor that there is to Imi a wed ding In tho younger sot Bomotimo alout tho middle of, April. It 1b not under Btood that the wedding huB lioen form ally announced, but it la freely talkod alwut, and there bcoiub to bo good rea son for believing that it will tako place., Tho young people aro among tho most prominent of tho younger members of society, and there is a good deal of Inter est In tho rumored match When it ia Bald on all sides that a gontleman 1b engaged, and when tho gontleman re ceives congratulations on tho reported engagement with becoming naivoto and with no attempt at denial thoro is cer tainly good ground for supposing that tho rojwrt Is true. Thoroforo It would Boom that Mr. W. P. Kolloy, who has lecn such a success as a bachelor, is in a fair way to assume a now rolo. Mr. Kelloy has everybody's best wishes Patality has recently followed tho fami ly of Mr. II. D. Hathaway in a most singular ami distressing manner. With in two weeks of tho death of tho son comes tho death of Mr. Hathaway'a mother and Mrs. Hathawuy's brother Society young mou aro evincing a marked predilection for politics, and those who have entered tho political "held seem to lxs meeting with tlattering success An interesting announce. ment ia that of tho engagentont of Miss Minna Hawke and Mr. Charles Scovil. The Hawke family residence is at Ne braska City; but MIbb Hawke has lately been living at Omaha with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rector. Sho is well known all over the atate, especially in this city. Mr. Scovil resides in Chicago. Tho wed- " ding Is expected to occur in April r It hi worth tho price of admission, any ) time, to witness the procession of tho striking young Omahau, to whom I re vj f erred lust week, down the aisle in tho Laming theatre. Ho gives several oxhi- bitkma during tho evening, and it's a ,, apleedkl sight to see him mosey up and " dowa the aJale in bia dignity and fetch- UN etotbaa. Cvwic. - Mrs. l'Jtcktr-s Kacptln. Tbalarta reception given by Mm. Cora Pitcher lust Friday evening In honor of her guest, MIhb IOvii Wilkinson, of Knlghtstown,lnd., was one of the most brilliant social gatherings of tho season. Tho entire house was a vision of beauty, the decorations being of tho most elabor ate and tasty nature. Tho Irvlno orchestra was stationed In the hall and furnished delightful music throughout tho evening. Mrs. Pitcher was assisted in receiving by Miss Hva Wilkinson and Mrs. lvon K, Iliggs. Mrs. Pitcher was attired in brocaded silk and tolvot, decollete, -olnt lace, and carried a beau tiful bunch of cream roses. Miss Wil kinson woro a strikingly bountiful gown of canary crepo silk with moire silk trimmings, laco decolloto; sho carried white carnations Mrs. Higgs'gown was of heliotrope silk, black velvet trim uilnga and ribbon bertha; sho carried Marechnl Nell roses. Later In tho even ing as tho guests began to thin out and the rooms became less crowded, tho orchestra lllled the Iioiiho with danco music and tho closing hours woro de voted toTerpslchorean pleasures by some of the younger and more enthusiastic guesls. The hoautirul toilets worn by the ladles also added to the beauty of the scene, and the reception was one that reltectod much credit upon the ac complished hostess and one that will bo long remomborod by those who were so fortunate as to bo present. The Invited guests: MesNrs.iiud MpmIiiuicb Iluriihiim, W. II. Hargreaves, A. M. llaird, W. W. Knslgn, .1. A. Kellogg, K. It. Slzer, C. W. Hoxie, II. 1. (Ireen, A. G. lleesou, A. II. CotTroth, K. P. Kwlnjr.Cl. H.CIark.E. 11. Green, 11. II. Patrick, H. P. Poster, C. G. Dawes, W. II. McCreory, Dr, and Mrs. Dorris, Judge and Mrs. Tlbbotts, Dr. and Mrs. Latta, Messrs. and Mesdames O. M. Thomiwon, E. K. Hrown, W. A. Green, It. II. Townloy, A. 1). Ilurr, Dr. and Mrs. Dayton, Messrs. and MesdameB O. H. Oakley, Phelps Paine, W. E. Klrkor, Hiland Whoelor, II. W. Hardy, Dr. and Mrs. Lowry, Messrs. and Mob dames L. T. Oaylord, P. W. Plank, llarr Parker, P. W. Pisko, W. N. Kohhiendor, R. D. Stearns, O. D. Traphagen, C. C. Ilurr, Georgo Drown, It. T. Van Urunt, Dr. and Mrs. Glffen, Messrs. and Mes dameB R. S. Thompson, Myrou Wheeler, T. II. llonton, W. J. Tumor, Harry Hall, Charles Hall, Dr.- and Mrs. Curtis, Messrs. and MesdameB C. E. Yates, George Cook, A, G. Ilillomoyer, A. S. Raymond, 0. II. ImholT, Georgo Pawell, C. P. Ladd, Dr. and Mrs. Crim, Pro fessor and Mrs. Dowers, Messrs. and Mes dameB John UueUstalT, W. IS. Ogden, Carl Punko, C. S. Llpplncott, W. A. Preston, M. II. Tilton, II. C. Young, E. R. Wells, P. A. Drown, Prank PorklnB, W. M. Loonanl, P. W. Hrown, D. E. Thompson, II. S. Freeman, L. C. Ilurr, Oscar Punko, M. II. Durgess, K. K. Hayden, George Crancor, M. D. Welch, W. P. Hhockoy, A. W. Piold, J. 0. Allen, J. ,1. ImholT, E. II. Appleget, J. M. Thayer, Jr., Henry Mansfield, Jr., Prod Howe, N. C. Ilrock, G. A, Raymer, M. M. Cobb, Dr. and Mrs. Holyoke, Messrs. and Mesdames Uharlcfl Miller, Prank Graham. H. R. Nissley, W. C. Davis, Prank Sheldon, 8. B. Moore, W. S. IIulT man, L. G. M. Haldwin, R. O. Phillips, A. U. Minor, W. L. Pickett, S. G. Dorr, J. A. Llpplncott, Thomas So well, Gallon Thompson, 0. A. Keefer, C. E. Keith, Rev. and Mrs. Davis, Messrs. and Mes dames II. A. Babcock, O. W. Webster, Henry Oliver, J. II. McMurtry, J. U. Wright; N. C. Ablxitt, R. II. Oakley, Joseph Digger, Rozln Welch, T. M. Mar quette, J. A. Swan, J. E. Hill, L. A. Cowen, J. I. Underwood, W. C. Wilson, Georgo Risdon, W. D. MuArthur, A. E. Kennard, Elinor PorklnB, A. E. Powlor, Sam Mollck. P. W. Schotlold, J. N. T. Jones,' Dr. and Mre. Trogdon, Dr. and Mrs. Hill, Judgo and Mrs. Antasa Cobb, Messrs. and Mesdames J. D. Macfarland, R. L. Rolander, O. E. Shaw, R. D. Mulr, G. L. Luwb. A. Hurlbut, Sam Cox, A. T. Loming, B. P. Cowdory; MesdameB Wil son, A. Putnam, Plorenco Donnls, J. R. Richards, T. J. Pickott, W. E. Gosper, Calvert, Smith, Kato Hurlbut, Newman; Misses Olive Latta, Minnio Oaylord, MIbb Underwood, Mary Underwood, Carutody, Steon, Hardy, Punko, Anna Barr, Marquette, Llllibridge, English, Talbot, Klrkor, Walsh, Saunders, Plor enco Putnam, Agnes Scwall, Pay Thomp son, Helen Wolch, Bcsalo Turner, Grace Oakloy, Hattio Huffman, Lorulco Powler, Anna Tibbotts, Emma Tlbbotts, Katharino, Morlssoy, Maud Burr, Mao Burr, Mao Mooro, Bortlo Burr, Miss Balrd, Emma Baird, Jeanotto Wilson, Rachel Brock, Nolllo Mullen, Newman, Gortrudo Laws, Baldwin, Hoover, Lilllo Hannon, Harris, Tillio Pinch, Salllo Cor, Crowo, Sterling; Messrs. W. P. Kelloy, P. L. Wing, 0. D. Mullen, Will Hardy, Will Moyer, Fred HouU, Ray mond Wolch, Bort Wheeler, Bort Davie, Frank Slaegel, Frank Polk, Emery Hardy, 6am Low, Dr. C. E. Spahr, W. Morton Smith, Frank O. Zohrung, 0. E. Walto, Frank M. Cook, Martin Aitkon, Charles Burr, Frank Burr, Sherman, Will Clark; Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Mulr, Denver; Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Brown, Denver; Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Baum, Omaba; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum, Omaha; Soimto- and Mrs. A. S. Paddock, Beatrico; Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Colhnau, Beatrice; Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Smith, Beatrice; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Metzger, Beatrice; Miss Fannio Paddock, Beat rico; Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Bowl, North Platte; Mias Fannio Latham, Chicago; Miss Eva Wilkinson, Knightstown, Ind.; Mr. Georgp Holdn, Denver; Mrs. Wells, Miaa Wells, Miaa Genevieve Well, Cin cinnati; Mr. Smith, Miaa Peraser, Mrs. GltTcii, Mr, Arthur Law, Omaha; Mr. SpatTord, Cedar Rapids; Mrs. Jiltotte, Chicago; Mis. Carrie Hector, Omaha; Mr. Nut, Alliance. Iliiiiiiil ill Hie l.liiili'll lliiti'l Dr. A. L. Hoover and son,' of the Mil dell hotel entertained the members of Lincoln council No. 7, Commercial Pil grims, Saturday evening, serving a most sumiituoii? Imuutiot. The orournm for tho evening had been arranged with great eaio and the entertainment was a decided compliment to the traveling men, and testllled eloquently of tho graceful qualities of tho IiosIh. Guests were received in tho parlois of tho Llndell hotel at 10 o'clock by the following reception committee: Mrs. H. S. Whiting, Mrs. M, J I. Van Horn, Mrs. Geo. Simon. Mis. M: B. Pratt, Mrs. F. A, Wilson, Mrs. P. A. Bartholomew, Mrs. jj. W. Garroute, Mr. A. V. Johnson, Mr. L. W. Pomerene, Mr. G. T. Uoxnoll, Mv. P. 0. Wilson, Mr. E. J. Cullon, Mr. T. H. French, Mr. Emer Elliott; assisted by Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Do Mott Smith. Music was fur nished throughout the evening by Brown's orchestra. Tho invocation at the banquet was asked by Hev. C. E. Cox. Mr. S. S. Whiting was toastmaster. Addresses were made as follows: "Relation of Traveling men to tho City of Lincoln," Mr. R. M. Simons; Response, Mayor A. H. Weir; "Moral Standing of tho Travel lug Men and their Relation to Employ ers," Mr. H. M. Wright; RoBonso, Mr. I. M. Raymond; "Tlio Pilgrim Sisters,' Mr. L. W. Garroute; ltespoi)so Mrs. F. A. Wilson; "The Llndell Hotel and Its Proprietors." Mr. L. W. Snow. Mr. It. II. Rathbiirn acted as master of cere monies. Mknu. Blue Points Celery Queen Olives Green Turtle, A L'Anglaiso Baked Red Snapper, ala Beaufort Sweet Potato Chips Breast of Turkey, Cranberry Jelly Mashed Potatoes French Peas Cardinal Punch .Saddle of Venison, Hunter's Stylo Lobster Salad, ala Irlandaise Brick Ico Cream Assorted Cnko CoiTeo Cheese and Crackers Mr, mill Mm, V. A. Trenton Klilurlnlii. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Preston enter tained a number of friends very pleas antly at cards Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Mrs. O. M. Thompson and Mr. M. L. Stewart woro tho most suc cessful players on Tuesday evening and were rewarded with very handsomo prizes, while Mrs. Patrick and Mr. Geo. Brown won tho second royal prizes. On Wednesday evening MrB. .0. E. Yates and Mr. Hurlbut won the royal prizes and Mrs. C. M. Keefer and Mr. S. E. Mooio were second. Those present on Tuesday woro: Mr. and Mis. F. W. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Keefer. Mr. and Mrs. 13. C. Rowick, Mr. and Mrs. Weaver, Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Giflln, Mr. and MrB. W. E. Klrkor, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Kennard, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wolcott, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tumor, Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Tilton, Dr. and MrB. C. P. Ladd, Mr. and Mib. Georgo Clark, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Llpplncott, Mr, and Mrs, S. E. Moore. Mr. Riggs, Mrs. P. M. Jilette, Mrs. Cora K. Pitcher, Miss Wilkinson, Miss Wells, Miss Clara Carmody. Miss Eftlo Stcen, Mr. M. L. Sownrt, Mr. 0. E. Walto and Mr. Cald well. On Wednesday evening tho guests woro: Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Yates, Mr. and MrB. John B. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Billmeyor, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hurlbut, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keefer, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. B'ggor. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Soacrest. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Winger, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Pano, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oliver, Mr. and Mrs.-S. E. Mooro, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Konnard, Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Everett, Mr. and MrB. Rezin Welch, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Young, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Maulo, Mr. and Mis. Horton, Mr. and MrB. R. S. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Hall. Mr. mill Mm. Mnurn Surprlnt-il, An interesting event this week was tho surprise party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Mooro, ltttl Q street. Friends met at tho homo of Miss Jennie Leathers, 110 S. Twelfth street, and pro ceeded to tho Mooro residonco in n lody, woll laden with good things. Those present woro: Misses Nina Purr, Louio and Laura McGrow, Maggio Thicbuut, Minnio Dybbro, Etta Eusie, Minnio Heisor, Paulino Mnuritz, Jennie Loath ore, Anna Trumblo, Maggio Wll'lams, A. B. White, Ida Horpolsheimor, Ruby Prindlo, Stella Badger Elvio Blako Lilly Farley; Messrs Paul Herpolshoimor, Martin Herpolshoimor, Curtis Copp, Harry Blako; J. Borkson, A. Borkson, Frank Will, Allio Barber, J. L. Bould ing, Guy JnckBon, Win. Prindlo. Eugene Lindorman, Bert Towner, Louio Balling or; Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Mooro, Mrs. E. Biillingor, Mrs. S. Ward, Mrs-A. Thomp son, Kniilre Club. Ono of tho largest parties over given by tho Empire club was that given last Saturday ovoniug at the Lansing, when tho club entertained tho Patriarchs. Tho participants were: Professor and Mm. Barbour, Mr. N. 8. Harwood, Miaa Sarah Harris, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Ray. mond, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Green, Mr. and Mrs. Will Green, Dr. and Mrs. P. C. Ladd, Mr, and Mrs. C. 13. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. lleesou, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Green, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Upliam, Miss Hells, Mr. Mrs. C. S. Llpplncott, MIbsW ells, Mr. and Mrs. I'1. W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs, S. II. llitruham, Mr. and Mis. E. P. Holmes, Mr.andMrs.C. (I. Dawes, Jin and Mrs. D. 13. Thompson, Miss Mainto Price, Mr. Oliver Rogers, Miss Olive Latta, Mr. Wlicdon, Miss Maigaret Baird, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Ablmtt, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Perry, Mis. CiiBobuor, Miss Ella Ellison, Miss Mary Ellison, Mr. Annum Wilson, Mrs. Cora K. Pitcher, Miss Wilkinson, of Knightstown, Iud.; Mr. Will Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. lluckstalT, Mis. Prank Sheldon, Mr. C. A. Hanua.Mr. A. W.Janseu, Miss Sidney Murphoy, Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Cun ningham, Mr. and Mrs. Hudson ImholT, Mrs. Swan, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Dr. Spahr. A rink niiiiirr, A pretty dinner was given to a joung woman in New York hmt week on tho evo of hor marriage. It wiib a pink din ner, and thj heart-shaped table was cov ered with pink silk. In their dressing room, tho men found pink cards, heart shaped, and tied, two together, with pink ribbon; onoboio a man's name, and tho other heart the name of tho lady to whoso escort he was assigned. At tho table the dinner cards woro also pink and heart shaped. Around tho pink cloth went a vino of smilav, jimt insido the covers, with cut Howera strewn aim lessly across tho comers. Tho pink shaded banquet lamp was wound with hinllux, and a bunch of pink blooms was tied half way up its standard. Tho sumo blushing flowers made corsages at each lady's plato, and a single ono olTored its rosy sweetness at each man's corner. In every napkin nested two hearts cf bread, tied with pink ribbon, and tho Ices woro served in pink heart-shaped boxes, on whose covers were fastoned a slnglo pink Mower and a bit o' smllax. A clover toast to tho brido that was to bo was otTered by tho host and drunk In champagno: "May her life bo as this wluo. Hor joyB, like tho bubbles, nunt emus and rising from many sources. Her sorrows, also liko the bubbles, dis sipated at tho surfaco, but .essential in tlio composition to impart strength and character." McDoiiulri-l'iirki'r. A beautiful murriago ceromony was solemnizod in St. Paul's M. E. church Wednesday evening, uniting tho lives and fortunes of Mr. Georgo E.McDonald and Miss Alnienn Parker of this city. Rev. Dr. Lasby otllciatcd. Tho church was woll lllled with tho friends of tho conducting parties and while tho guests weio being seated a uiimbor of beautiful selections weie rendered by Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond on the organ. Promptly at 8 o'clock tho brido entered tho church with her father, Mr. C. B. Purkor. She was attired in a beautiful whlto satin wedding dress with a very long train and tulle veil. Sho made a very striking and handsome appeaianee. The gtoom was accompanied to the altar by his best man, Mr. C. D. Mullen. At the cIobo of the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, accompanied by tho wedding party, re paiied Jo tho residonco of Mr. and Mrs. Parker, where they were tendered a re ception. Thoy will bo at homo to friends after March '20 at IK 18 II street. OI)iiii WliMt'liili. The Olympic Whist club was pleas antly entertained last Friday evening at tho residonco of Miss Ada Chapman, cornor of Fourteenth and T stroots. Those present were: Miss Fannio Rec tor, Miss Grace Burr, Miss Helen Hoov or, M'ss Grace Aahton, Miss Emma Sherwood, Miss Josophlne Lottoridgo, MissJeBsio Loland, Miss Daisy Coch rano, Miss Sadie Graham, Miss Plorn Winger; Mr. Georgo Johnson, Mr. Wil son Winger, Mr. Arthur Walsh, Mr. Park Garroutto, Mr. Harry Hurley, Mr. Harry Evans, Mr. Harry Groupo, Mr. Ross Curtice, Mr. Frank Kitchen and Mr. Roy Chapman. dint I'iui.v. Mr. and Mre. A. 13. Kennard enter tained a company of friends at cards Monday evening. Among thoso present woro: Mr. Thomas Konnard, MrB Riggs, Mrs. Pitchor, Mies Eva Wilkinson, Miss Minnie Gnylord, Mr. and Mrs. Kcofer, MIbb Mooro, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Mr, Bort Davis, Mr. Slaegel. Mrs. Riggs and Mr. Bort Davis carried oil tho hon ors of tho evening, cut glass bottles of perfume, A lliilcliot I'lirly, A merry party of little people gather ed at tho residonco of Mr. and Mrs. D, L. Brace on Saturday last to assist their little daughter Louise in u Joint celebra tion of Washington's birthday und hor own. Tho fuct that Washington is, or would bo, Bomothing over ICO years of ago and Louise only ninomado no differ ence in tho joyousness of tho occasion, Mrs. Braco wiib assisted by Mrs. Ladd, Miss Wells, Miss Kingsley and Mrs, P. W. Brown. Games and a general good tinio woro tho order of tho duy. Then dainty refreshments woro served, after which followed an exorcise which re voaled to tho puzzled guests why LouIbo had bidden them to a hatchot purty. On a whlto screen in tho parlor wiib drawn in crayon, tho truditlonul cherry troo with tho cut, which Washington made with his little hatchot. Each guest was presented with a souvenir hatchot made of protty crepe paper und tied with rib which, after being blindfolded, ho was to pin as near as possible to tho cut In tho tree. PrizcB were given to thoso who came tho near est, as well as to tho two who weio the farthest away from tho goal. Tho girls' royal prize was won by Mnrgio Lewis and thobois rojal by Edwin Gtithiio, while tho consolation prizes were carried olT by Maud Kelley and Ralph RadclllT. Tho invited gtieBts were: Helen Wilson, Daisy Hargreaves, Gladys Haigreaves, Ruth Raj mond, Mingle Bell, Louise llurnliaiii.Jesfio Outcalt, Clare Punke, Ruth Bell, Edith llurllngim, Lillian Coates, Hazel Brown, Grago Powell, Maud Kelley. Grace Fiench, Fiancelln French, Vera Lnren, Besslo Blxby, Jes bIo Randolph, Uinnin Snell, Maggio Honeywell, Claire Cannon, Ella Sickles, Rachael Bayard, Dora Peteis, Edna Green. Endora Loomis, Marion Ogden, Dorranco llurwood, Mary Searles, Ellen Osgood, Blanche Kelley, Vincent Coates, Edwin Guthrie, Joo Btirnhum, Arthur Raymond. Willie Slzer. Wrtiy Lindley, Richard Outcalt, Wells Llpplncott. Hen ry Llpplncott, Jamie Hnrphain, Arlo Simon, Willio Snell, Ralph Radchlf, Paul Humphrey, Hallio Allen, Hyde Clark. I'li'iomilly SiiiH'UmI, Mrs. William Hopkins was given a pleasant surprise Wednesday uvoning, tho occasion being her thirty-second birthday. Tho party was planned and successfully carried out by her llttlo daughter Pearl. Thoso present woro: Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Batth, Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Smith, Mrs. Bartholomew, Miss Emma Sutor, Mr. Bowcrc, Miss Mamie BoWors, Miss Emily Bowers, Miss Mnmlo Beck. Minor Mention. Mrs. Lulu K. Riggs, who has been homo for a couplo of months visiting with her Tathor and sister loft Wednes day for Chicago where she is now en gaged in studying art and illustrating for tho Intcv-Ocean and Tribune. Miss Wilkinson, of Knightstown Ind., who has been visiting Mrs. Cora K. Pitchor, wont to Omaha this week, but will return for another sojourn next week, when sho hopes to renew her new ly made acquaintances. Mr. and Mfs. Robert Dorgan hnvo re turned to their homo in Now Hampton, la., after a pleasant visit with relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Lowcry left dur bons and violets Mothers need a powerful nourishment in food when nursing babies or they are apt to suffer from Emaciation. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime and soda, nourishes mothers speedily back to health and makes their babies fat and chubby. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Sf Babies Jir are never healthy when .Babies cry for SCOTT'S and easy to assimilate. Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N. Y. Druggists sell it. WESTER) HOWL GOLLG, 1Mxe Sohool or ttie IVIetamoai WNCOIN, NEBRASKA. W OLD SCHOOL V II HEW LWTION (FORMERLY OF SHENANDOAH, IOWA.) Dcpnrtmenta, il?tlfal,he',y!.,?,,lo!',T?"i?cr"0,lrf,,u.,;J,'8ctt!0 "treetcar lino tutu directly to camaii without chante. SW.CUOin bulldlujrs, iplendld equipments, superior accommodation., atroi, faoultT, eipsriencod mnnuKCinunt, comprehenalTu cirrlculum, tlioroush work, high moral ni CkrUtlan iafluancbi and low expouuea for itudrnta. DBPARJMBNTS AND COURSES. W hajea cour,M Our muiic, Ann art, pan art, deUiirte, nlocntlonnry, couraea and klndor. ararUn aad model training achnoli (for botb cblldrflu and atuttcnt touoliora), nro not eqimllad ia STREET CAR TRANSFBRS If IV Vrt l' '.hB cU for ". w!' n,Sn!i th" WMtnrn Nonuul. Vou can enter at any tin. acrt Udnwt tuoh claaaaa as you dcairn. Write, or call und son us. Sprlar tann opens April! 1, ISftl. oud continues 10 weeks. Summer term opona Jnim 20 lMu aad coattnnea 8 weeks. You can eutur at any tlmo, howoyor. Cataloeues uud circulars f rro. MOTIM) HfiDHii nAi I rot i lunmiTurri WM' W' CJi0AN President, or WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE. LINCOLN. NEB. w, j. kinsley, .w, aua Vm. pOUND IT JUST THE BOOK 1 HAVE BEEN kOOKING FOrt. And several thousand others. I would advise all who would save time to go to ,H. W. BROWN'8, 120 SOUTH I ITH si ing tho week for a visit to New Orloai iiiui oiiicr soiiiiieru uiuih. "l,'f.H Mrs. Myron Wheeler left Tuesday fo. a two week's visit with Mrs. T. II. Hen1 ton In Chicago. The Hot Snrinus excursion party ro turned Monday afternoon, having had delightful trip. Miss Nellie Whlto has gone to Cripple Creek, Colo., where sho will spend sev end weeks. Mrs. Frank M. Jilette, of Chicago, lsr tho guest of Mr. and Mis. W. A. Preston. Mr. D. W. Hard, of St. Paul, is in tlio city, tlio guest of Mr. Charles L. Ilurr. Miss Josephine Lottoridgo will enter tain La Nuevitad club this evening. Mr. and Mrs. John B.Wright iclurpni from San Antonio, Tex., Thursday. Mr. Henry Major will leave in a fow days for a trip to tho Pacilic coast. Miss Latta enteitained tho Haid Times Whist club last evening. Miss Mamie Smith, of Indiana, is the guest of Mrs. R. I). Mulr. ine icigui)orfl cum met last evonu at Tenth and G streets. Mr. S. II. Biirnham is in Broken But 'lake ono of Horpolsheimor & Co premium tickets to their store and gl tho tlrst number of the world's fnl album. Good potatoes 7i5c. it Gilford, 11211 O. per bushel, Mill MoriiKi II, F. Viini'll, I'tiiii. Capital Storago Co., warehouse (il'.)-tl o .1. nnil. r. i r . .. . M ouiiiu -uiu oi. uimhis ot an itinii kinds packed, moved, shipped or storei stoves a specialty, ah order leu i Hardy Furnituro Co., 'Jll South lltll street, or Rudge & Morris Co., 1118-lli N street, will bo promptly attended tol CORRECT STVf,I3! HMCeia's Hxits and Goods. W. R. Dennis Co I 137 O STREET. ( thin. They ought to be fat. EMULSION. it Is palatable oe 'l'ectotiemi, AT bAST. .1 'i I I -X iL nwlia ., it mIiissmi jjtaihalM mqsjpfs I s I III -- I 1 Ea St"7!!b