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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1894)
I & UK critictHin in IiihI wcek'fl Couh t ikk upon tho record of National Jr Hunk Kxuitilnor John M. OrillUh and his complicity intliuMosiiorBeiindiil litis i)ccn a fruitful subjeetfordlsciiBHlon in tho paHt few dttjB, and not only have tho articles been favorably commented UK)ii by varioiiH diHintereBted persons of prominence, but' many have Raid that Tiik Couiukk'h rebuke, scathing iih it was, but partially stated thu apparent truth; that (Irimth'H olllclal record has for yearn l)een marked by results that were born of either iiHtute knavery or inexcusable ignorance. A group of business men and bunkers who were conversant with (Iritlltli's career, were- this week discussing the re cent disclosures, and as they became reminiscent some very interesting facts were disclosed that now form tho basis of this additional statement concerning Oriillth's olllcial career. John M. Orilllth was for several years, about thu lattor part of tho seventies, a clerk in tho Omaha National bank and finally left tho bank that, under tho pat ronage and backing of Ids late employ ers, ho might engage in tho banking business for himself at Wahoo, Neb. This venture did not prove us successful ns was anticipated and Orilllth finally retired at tho beginning of President Cleveland's first term. The Omaha Na tional bunk ofllcials, however, hud no particular use for Qrifllth in their bank, but us ho hud always been faithful to their interests, they concluded that tho best way to uso Orilllth was to secure his upH)intment us national bunk ex aminer for Nebraska, for which position ho had aspirations, tho bunk olllciuls realizing that in this position Orillith would 1)0 of valuable service to their bunk. Consequently all tho Omaha intluenco necessary was exerted, with tho result that in 1885 Orilllth was appointed us a national bank examiner, and entered upon tho duties of that position as a protego of tho Omaha National bunk in particular, and of' all tho Omaha banks in general, and how well ho has served his masters is best judged by tho almost general clamor now mudo by tho power ful Oinuhu bunks to keep him in oflicc. Grifllth's first territory was Nebrusku anil Kansas, but ho apparently proved bo incompetent to handle tho examina tion of banks outside his own state that ovontually his Kansas territory wusgivon ovor to other examiners, and Oriillth's work confined to Nobraska where, in making his examinations ho could bo more safely guided by tho wishes of his Omaha friends, who profited by his knowledge and by his wire pulling in their behalf. The, first four ycure of Oriillth's ofllcial career wero compara tively uneventful and wero marked by few serious embarrassments us now recollected; consequently, so far us tho x general public know, his record was apparently satisfactory. Orilllth had first boon upiointed incidentally, becauso of his strong fidelity to tho democratic purty and his presumed loyal work in its bohalf; but immediately aftor President Harrison's olection, Griflith Inula change of heurt (?) and it wus suddenly discov ered thut ho hud always been a passive politician and hud never directly or in directly dono anything inimical to tho interests of tho republican party; honco on tho ground that his record had been a clean and crcditublo one and that tho office should bo divorced from politics, this same all-powerful Omaha National bunk Influence wus again exerted, this time chiefly through Senators Mander son und Paddock and numorotis other olllciuls, with tho result that Orillith was rotaincd in nflice. Having in tho lirst four years of sor vico dono practically nothing in closing weak banks under his caro, it was but natural to expect thut tho next four years must, undor ordinary circum stances, produce frequent disaster, und it bo eventuated, for in his territory have since occurred numerous disastrous fail ures of national bunks thut were for yeurs known to be rotten, even by people not on tho inside, and tho record of Oriillth's gross neglect of duty, shame less perfidy, or childish igroranco, call it us you may, extends north and south across tho state from tho valley of the Republican to tho valley of tho Niobrara. People in Lincoln uro prone to think thut Oritllth'u complicity in tho great Capital National bunk steals is the first Borious break in his record; but an in vestigation proves tho opposite; for an irregular lino drawn from Hed Cloud in tho'oxtromo southern part or the state to AiiiBWorth in tho extreme northern purt, will include live towns and six bunk failures thut ulford proof that Orilllth us national bank examiner acted tho fool or tho knavo. It has been frequently claimed that John M. OrillUh, us examiner, never closed a bunk in his territory, und it is probubly true, Certain it is in the num erous cases below cited thut if Orilllth hud done his full duty fearlessly and promptly thousands of people who lost 1 money in some one of these many bank failures would have little cause to do nouueo him us they dii now, but had it not been that in 18IH, whllo Orilllth wan on a vacation in California, examiners who had more backbone and indopend' onco than Orilllth, wero sent into No brusku teiiiMirarlly from other states, and while hero closed several banks, per haps Orilllth nilirht bo vot "nurslnif his hospital cases" us ho is pleusod to refer to bunks thut aro In a dangerous condition. Hed Cloud, tho county seat of Webster county, ono of tho oldest towns in the Republican valley and formerly tho most prosperous, has been doomed to moro disaster than almost any other place of Its size in tho state, and tho greater part of it is attributable to tho wrecking of the First National bank and tho Itetl Cloud National hunk, both of which wero closed in 1801 after tho intrinsic assets of both banks had by smooth manipulation been dissipated until tho remains wero us tho dry pulp of an ornngo to a onco juicy fruit. This tiro- cef b hud been going in for yours, anil was openly talked over around town for a long tlino beforo tho bank failed, but, bolstered up by Orilllth'H apparent inac tivity, tho banks wero enabled to con tlnuo business, though each day tho in stitutions wero poorer than before, until finally emtio the days of closing, never again to open. Now the receivers of those lianks, ufter heavy assessments upon tho stockholders are slowly grind- ing out dividends to creditors, and todnv in Red Cloud, tho stockholders who wero nominally prominent in the manage ment, condemn Griflith for not doing his duty and having tho laws carried out yearB before. At Hastings, however, was witnessed tho most flagrant abuse of authority, and it was there that occurred in August, 1800, probubly tho most dis astrous bank failure in tho stnto for many years, excepting tho Capital Na tional collapse, namely, that of tho City National bank. Hero was a bank that was controlled by ono Harrison Host wick, a man who aspired to bo a second Ross Tweed, und ono who was a inur after Mosher's own heart, and ono who trained with the sumo crow. Tho bunk wus for yeurs run on state and county money chielly, und it wus openly talked in locul circles for yeurs that thero must eventually come an evil day when on ac count of tho curtailment of Ross Dost- wick's political pull, tho bank would then fail, unless Rostwick should chooso to have it fail sooner. Orilllth, us examiner, wus not only supposed to be fully cognizant of all that was going on inside the bank, but ho was frequently warned by outsiders that the bank was rotten to tho core, but oven in March, 1890, ho strenuously denied this to parties whose opinions he had asked confidentially. In tho latter part of July or curly in August when serious rumors about the bunk were in circulation at homo, Ross Rostwick, tho president, sont for Win. Oaslin, judge of that judicial district, the judge being a stockholder to tho amount of 810.000 and to allay tho sus picions of tho people, Rostwick so suc cessfully convinced the judge that tho bank wus all right that Oaslin wont about town talking 812.") per sharo for stock, etc., and such farcical transac tions wero kept up for two or three weeks, during ull of which time gossip of tho worst kind was afloat; but ask where was tho national bank examiner, and echo answers,- Where? Tho bank closed its doors voluntarily in August, 1800, after ull tho available asset b hud practically been exhausted by Rostwick, and the examiner was sent for. After his arrival Orilllth held audi ences in the back otllco of tho bank and with tears in his oyes, in his peculiarly sympathetic way, assured inquirers thut it wus a shame that such a prosperous institution should over huvo Leon al lowed to close Its doors, and that had Mr. Rostwick notified him, ho (Orilllth) could have prevented all tho trouble; but us it was there wiiBBiifllcient surplus fund alone to meet all shrinkage und impairment of capital, and that without any assessment tho bank could in a few days resume and continue without fur ther trouble, His promises about im mediate resumption were not fulfilled, however, and Jutlgo Oaslin who had 810,000 stock in the bunk, sold his stock to E. M. Morsinnn, a veil known capi talist, of Omaha, for one dollar upon Morsman's execution of an indemnity bond to secure Oaslin against loss by as sessments. Morsman took tho stock up on Oriillth's advice and against the ad vico of friends and local business men, ho advanced tho money to put the bank upon its feet again. During thu re-organization, Orillith made an examination that lasted sever al weeks and hud what ho wus pleased to term a conference of the other bank ers concerning tho paper in tho City National bank. Orilllth called In two cashleis and ono president from the oth er three national banks of the city to pass upon the pimer of tho bunk. Thut this wus a farce was then and since stated by the vory, bankers who partici pated. When uskhd about tho matter they said thut Grimth would tuku up u ploco of paper uiuuRostwick would suy it wiiB secured tliuiind so, whoroujion tho three outside banners would say you have that security or If the circum stances are so and so, tho paper Is prob ably good.-bad orlndilferenl, us tho case may be. Thus was an Important duty turned Into a burlesque, as is shownby the re sults. Oriillth's roKirt was so favorable, that finally in September, 18!H),the bank resumed business with K. M, Morsman, of Omaha, us president; thu stock hav ing been ussessed 50 per cent, of which 10 por cent was to bo paid in in cash, 'JO per cent in January, 1801, and 'JO per cent in June, 181)1, us Is now understood. Tho bunk continued until December, 1800, when it made a second failure and passed Into the hands of a receiver, who, after vainly working on tho collection of tho nssots for over two yeurs, succeeded in getting in enough funds to pay one 15 por cent dividend, Finally in August, 180.'), the uncollected assets of the bank, consisting of secured and unsecured papor, mortgages and judgments, wero Bold at auction by the recoivor in sepu rate lots, and tho whole, amounting to over 81(50,000 at face value, brought only 81,100, and this very paper to the amount of 8100,000, was a part of tho bank's as sets when Orilllth permitted it to be re organized (so that his friends might get out) and tho most of it had been passed upon by him and pronounced good, ap parently; but why go on at present writ ing with further details of this failure? And why refer to the numerous other failures thut roflect cquilly to Oriillth's discredit? Vot a long und interesting story might be told about Oriillth's con nection with tho defunct Citizens Na tional bank of Grand Island, in which Morsman was also connected; yet Mors man's connection with Orilllth is so peculiar that Morsman openly shields Griflith and is his staunch defender. It would also provo interesting read ing to relate hero how Orillith bundled tho defunct Central Nebraska National bank at Rroken Row, which failure oc curred in the fall or 1801, and this was ono of tho most rotten possible for a bank of that size. It was this bank that ox-United States Senator Paddock was interested in keep ing up; Paddock's son-in-law being tho president and managing ownor, and this would partially explain why Senator Paddock, a republican, made such an effort to have Mr. Orilllth, a democrat, retained as examiner, though another tulo could bo told as to why, since thu bunk is now defunct, Mr. Paddock has lately worked bo hard in Oriillth's behalf. However, wo reserve these and several other topics for futuro discussion and submit theso facts to bo digested by the public mid tho government olllciuls. "Iv'o tried ull sortB of blood-puriflors," Biiid un old lady to a "cuttor," "and you can't persuado me thut any other Sur sajurilla is as good as Ayor's." There's where sho hud him. She know that Ayor's was tho best and so did he, but it paid him better to sell a cheaper brand. All ladies prefer tho Leo broom. Tho Lincoln Coal company, 1015 O street, handles all of the vory heBt grades of anthracite and bituminous coul. lliin'M Thl I Wo offer ono hundred dollars rowurd for uny cuse of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Props. Toledo. O. Wo the undersigned, huvo known F. J. Cheney for tho lust fifteen yeurs, und boliovo him perfectly honorable in ull business transactions and financially nblo to curry out uny obligation made by their firm. West & Trunx. wholesulo druggists, Toledo, O. Wulding, Kinnaii &. Marvin, wholesulo druggists, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucoiiB surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. por bottlo. Sold by nil druggists. Testimonials free. OIIKAI ati:s. Ami Flint Tliim to Ft. Worth, Houston hiiiI l.ii 1'ortc, Texas, PurticB going to tho abovo points can savo nearly twolvo hours in time by taking tho great Rock Island route. Fast Texas express leaving Lincoln at 8:120 it. in. Touches Ft. Worth 8:12 u. m. and Houston at 7:.'l0 p. m. the following day. Only ono night out. A inembor of tho La porto syndicute will accom pany tho party leaving over the Rock Island on Tuesday tho 0th inst. For rates etc. call at city ticket olllco 1015 O street, corner Eloventh. C. A. RUTHKItKOUl), C.T.AjP.A. WHY? Taste of " Royal Ruby Port Wine and you will know why we call it " Royal." A glass held up to tho light will show why we call It Ruby. $500 reward for any bottle of this wino found under five years old, or in any way adulterated. It is grand in sickness and convalescence, or where a strengthening cordial is required; recommended by druggists and physl clans. Be euro you get "Royal Ruby," don t let dealers impose on you with some thing " Justus good." Sold only in bottles; price, quarts il, pints GO cts, BotUsd by Royal Wino Co. 8old by 7 J. ii.,i?rv, llthandOStH. Certificate of Publication, wncn op. OF ) State of Nebraska. Lincoln, I'eli. t, 1894, It Is hereby cettlfled Hint the Travelers Insirance tompany, Ol' llAKTI'OKll, IN TIIK STATU Ol' CONNKCTICUT, has complied with the Innurnncc Law of HiU Slolc mid In authmlted to transact the business of Life and Accident Insurance In this Mate fur thecurrentyear Witness my linudand Hie scnl oflhe Andltoror Public Account the ilay nnd year nhove written, ltUIHENK Moorii, ( Auditor IMililic Account. Certificate of Publication. OFI'ICH OP. OF State of Nebraska. Lincoln, I'rli, 1, 1R91, It Is hereby certified Hint the Pacific jtiuiuai insurance Company Ol' SAN I'KANCIKCO, IN Tlllt STATU Ol''OKNIA, has compiled with the Insurance l.nw of thin State and It authorized to transact the business or Life and Accident Insurance In till Slate lor thectirrent year, Wltncs my hand nnd the eal of Hie Auditor or Public Account the day and year above written. KUOKNK MCOKK,' Auditor Public Account Certificate of Publication. OPPICB OP OF State of Nebraska. Lincoln, l'eli. 1. 1891 It 1 hereby cert I lied that Die Standard Life A Accident Insurance Co. OH DUTKOIT, IN TIIK STATK OH MICHIGAN, ha compiled with the Insurance Law or thin Mate and Is authorised to transact the business of Lire and Accident Insurance In this state for the current year. Witness my hand and Hie seal ofthc Auditor of ruunc Accounts the day and year above written Huop.nk Mookk, Auditor Public Accounts, Certificate of Publication. OPPICB OP OF State of Nebraska. Lincoln Fob. I.IS'JI. It is hereby certified Hint thu Washington Life Insurance Company OK NKW YOKK, IN TIIK BTATK OK NKW YOKK, ha compiled with the insurance law or :',ils state and is authorized to transact tin- business of lift) Insurance In this Mate for the cm-lent year, VVItiHNM my hund ami the will of the auditor of public uccountH the day and year about written tfealj Auditor l'ubllu Account jiookk, Certificate of Publication. OPFICB OP AC OF State of Nebraska. . . LlNuiLN.Fob 1,1891. It is hereby certified thut the United States Masonic Benevolent Ass'n OK COUNCIL IILITKH, IN TIIK BTATK OK IOWA. has compiled with the liiMiianeo law of till state and Ix authorized to transact thu business of life insurance In thin statu for thu i-uricnt year. Witness my bund and thu seal i,f tho auditor of public accounts the tfuy ami year alMve written. Seal ' Kkiknk Mooiik, Auditor Public Accounts. Certificate of Publication. OPPICB OP OF State of Nebraska. Lincoln, l'eli. 1, iS It U hereby certified that the Union mutual Life insurance company Ol' PORTLAND, IN TIII STATU 01' MAIN!!. Iiiim compiled with the iiisiiiunco law of till Mate, and Is authorized to transact tho huslucs- of lift) Insurance, In this statu for the current year WltncHa my hund and tlio seal of the auditor of public account thu day and year nlsie rltteu. IHealJ Kviikm: Mihihk. Auditor Public, Aivoiiuu, Minn p n ii niiNTx I UULIU IIUUUUI1IU i PIC CO ill PUBLIC ACCOUNTS All PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 1 COUNTS ill PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Certificate of Publication. OPPICB OP. AUDITOMUBIIC ACCOUNTS State of Nebraska. Lincoln, Kob. I.ihdi. Il la hereby oertllled Hint tlio Iqllef stales Lire Insurance company OK NKW YOUK, IN TIIK STATU OK NI'.W YOUK, , Iwa compiled wllli Hie Innirniieo law n' this stain and I authorized tntraiixaet the biiliieKof lira luHiiiiiiieu In thhi stain for the eiinenl j ear, ItiiifM my baud mid Hie will of tint auditor of I'liblli) lurotiulN Hie day mill jenr ahme. written. 1"''M Kl'IIKNR MlNINK, Auditor Puhlln At'foutil 1 Certificate of Publication. OPPICB OP. OF State of Nebraska. Lincoln, I'eb 1, 1R94, It Is beieby certified thai the Stale mutual Life ussurance company OK WOUCIIKHTKIt, IN TIIK BTATK OK MAHH,, hits 1 compiled with the liiHiiranea law or this Mate, and I authorized to tlansaet the binslueisof lira Insurance In lid statu for tho I'lii-rciit tear, WltncM my band and the scnl of Hie auditor of public accounts the day and tear abotii written local) Krnr.NK JIooiii, Atldllot Public Accounts. Certificate of Publication. PPICB OP OF State of Nebraska. Lincoln, i'eb. 1, Ifyi It is hereby certified Hint (lie PROVIDENT SAVINGS LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY Ol' NKW VORK, IN Till! STATI! OH NKW YORK, naa compiled with tho Insurarico law of this state and Is authorized to transact thu btislnewt of life Insurant'!) In this statu for the current year. WltneM my hand and tho seal of tho auditor of publlu account tho day and year above writUn. IHealJ Kuome Moot, Auditor lubllc Account Certificate of Publication. OFFICE OP AUDITOWUBLIC ACCOUNTS State of Nebraska. Lincoln, I'eb, 1, 18.. II Is hereby certified that Hie Prudential insurance company ol America Ol' NKWARK, IN TIIK STATU Ol' NI'.W JKRSKY, haaconiplrwi with thu insurance law of this state and is authorized to transact tho bitslneis of life Jisiiraucu in tills statu for thu current year. W ituess my hand und thu seal of the auditor of public accounta the day and year above written. (tx-al Efnr.NR Moonr, Auditor 1111)110 Accounta Certificate of Publication, OPPICB OP OF State of Nebraska. Lincoln, Keb. 1, 18'jl. It is hereby certified Hint thu Mew England Mutual Life Insurance Co. OP HOSTON, IN TIIK STATK Ol' MASS., lias compiled with the lusurance law of this state and Is authorized to transact the business of life Insurance In this statu for the current year. Witness my hund and the sufll of the auditor of public accounts the day and jeur aboe written. ISfUlj El'OKMt Moore, Auditor Public Accounta. Certificate of Publication. OPPICB OP OF State of Nebraska. Lincoln, Keb. I,1!). II is hereby certified that thu National Benevolent Association OF MINNEAPOLIS, IN THU STATIC OF MINNESOTA, has compiled with the liisurancu law of this statu and Is authorized to tiansuet the business of life Insurance In tills state for the current year, it itness inv band und tin. uoil i.r il... i.,ii.. ,,i I ",."" r"" "" aa ""ll Jl'nr a'ime. written, Kvalj r.cui !lLkLP lii,tu Auditor Public Accounts ill PUBLIC ACCOUNTS AUDITOR HC ACCOUNTS AUDITOR PUBLIC ACCOUNTS "'ii Si Ht I 1 , 1 iiLHNt. Certificate of Publication. OPPICU OP. OF State of Nebraska. Lincoln, Keb, 1, ism, II Is hereby cerlllled Ilial tlin IHim LIFE INSIRANCB CIMNY OK OMAHA, IN THU H.TA 1 1', Ol' NIIIIUAHKA, hnacompllnl M It Ii Hie Inkiii anee law of thU state Hhill. mil im L.ul ... .... . .... .1... I.... sua ...... .n 1,, in i, ,,11 ,,, ,,11, 11, n mi- iiiisiuess 01 lire Insurance In I bis slate for the current j ear lines my Initial and the seal of thu auditor ir public accounts the day mid car alioteurllleii lHcal V.I'iiknk .Mimihic. Auditor Public Account" ,. Certificate of Publication. oppicii op. State of Nebraska. Lincoln, I'eb, 1, 1S94, II Is hereby lettllled that the Penn .mutual Lire insurance ft. Ol' PIIILADKI.PIIIA, N TIIK HTATK Ol' I'KNNflVLVANIA, has iniiinlled with (lie limtiriiiieu Inur nf Mil. il.i.l and Is authorized to transact the business of llfol Insurance in Ibis statu for thu current year. Witness my hand arid the seal of the auditor of I puiiiiuRvcouma mutiny ami year aixivu written. LHenlJ KniicNR Moonr, Auditor Publlu Account. Certificate of Publication. ofpicb op OF State of Nebraska. Lincoln, Keb. I, l0l. It Is hereby certified that tho NRTIIUHL LIFE INSIRHNCE CIPFIPT OF MONTI'KMKR, IN TIIK STATU OF VURMONT, has compllisl wllli the Insurance law of this statu and Is authorized to transact the business or llfu insurance in this statu fur the current year. Vt It iitiM my hand arid the seul of Hie auditor of l""''i,oouiils the day mid year above written, Heal Auditor Public Acuoiiu't. I'.l-IIKNK .1HHIHE. Certificate of Publication. OFPICB op. OF State of Nebraska. Lincoln, i'eb. 1, Ifl'.M, It ii hereby cerlllled that tho Hew York Lire insurance Geniany OF NKW YORK, IN TIIK STATK OF NKW VORK, A baa compiled with the Insurance Inw of this state nnd Is authorized to transact thu hiisluitMof Ufa Insurance In this state for the cm rent year. Witness my hand and the seal ol thu auditor of public account the day and yvur nlxim written. ItVul Kl'OKNR JIlMIIlt, Auditor Publlu Accounts. Certificate of Publication ppicaep. OF Stat of Nebraska. Lincoln, Keb. 1, 1801. It is hereby certified that the Northwestern piasotlc Hi issulitun OF CHICAGO, IN TIIK STATK OF ILLINOIS, naa compiled with Die Insurance Inw of this statt and is authorized Ui transact thu business of lltr Insurance in this statu for the current year, Wltuesv my baud and tho seal of the auditor ot publlo accounta thu day and year ntxne wattteii. IBeaiJ Ki'ukme Misnit, Auditor Public Accounts. WEDDING INVITATION I'oHsilily you intend to inur ry noon. Yon will want in vitntloiiH or AtiiiouncciuontB or both. At this ixiint in llfn it'tt natural to linvo u "lii'Ht-iH-nono-too i;oxt'' feel ing. Wo huvo sovorul now tlfHigiiH in typo anil ougniv i)K, especially for this work. We can iitinfy your feel. Inge. THIS COUHI15R, Hill N Street. Dl PLC A COUNTS AUDITOHUBLIC ACCOUNT! AUDI PUBLIC ACQ All PUBLIC ACCOUNTS All PUBLIC ACCOUNTS FINE PRINTINjQ AND ENGRAVING. Tho Courier l'tililiBhiiii? company in prepared to do iili kliulHof printing, lino work, especially, tit motleruto prices; also engraving, wedding In. vitatioiiB, calling cards, etc., Call and sco samples. Svruitii.w Mou.NiNo CmmiKic, li:tl N street. V 'h V' I ? Ii n 1 - J, v Jl. , Usui?. "old by 1 MUM"" , "ACM -in in uuHtirr.:.n,i:r " "iiiHitvw ai 0 W. N. IIKAlfaJJWc. ;il iil,-, -uiuuu.