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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1893)
M -I i I l3fc U & fa i . . wil " feil'f.: $75,000! Wortli of Fine Clothing fresh from tho pressing iron of thu Tailors must bo liustlu mill something Iiiih got to move. Cost or Reeicl oLi?otoLlly tlxo Lot 1 Regular prices woro ?i!5.00 Lot i!-Rogulur prices wero 120.00 Lot 5 Hegular priceB wero S&25.U0 Lot 0 Regular priceH weio iiO.OO Closing Closing Lot 8--Rrguiar prices were S'i'j.OO Lot 0 Regular priceH wero '20.00 Lot 10 Regular pi ices wero 15.00 Lot 11 Regular prices wero l'J.OO W'iivteir While the quantity is MUCC138MOKS 'X'O SEJJVXOS ClyOTHIXG CO. MUSTHAVEUOODEYIfr LOCOMOTIVE MEN HAVE TO PAl-S SEARCHING SIGHT TESTS. Various Metlniil i:nii1oiil I'lirTrjInt: tliv Sliflit of Kngliuli llulhwiy i:niiln)t-t-. Mmlo Ncct-iumry by tlm (Irvnt Dmi-lop-ment In Itullwuy Operation. Ono of tho many qualities that require to bo possessed by candidates for foot pinto honors is good sight. In fact it in tho principal one on British railways No sight aids of any description nro al lowed to bo worn, and beforo being' promoted tho men must bo ublo to pass satisfactorily a test which, with differ ent companies, varies in severity. Some companies test periodically,-whilo others only do so when tho men aro promoted to tiring and driving, or when soma ac dent occurs through a signal having been mistaken or passed at danger. In justice, therefore, to tho traveling public, as well as for their own interests, it is tho duty of railway companies to seo that the men they place in such re sponsible positions are thoroughly com petent, as tho speed at which trains are now run requires nctUcnesa of vision. In tho early days of railway enterprise, tho train was often preceded by a man on foot sometimes on horseback whoso duty It was to soo tho lino clear, but with tho rapid developments made in lo comotive engineering it was soon found necessary to dispense with this "herald," nnd in duo course fixed signals were placed nlong tho route. Thus tho responsibility of seeing tho position of fiiguulsiunl attending to them was placed upon tho men in charge of tho train viz, driver, flronmn and guard for tho latter in tho oveut of an accident must bo ulilo to stato whether tho Bignul wan clear or not, and his sight (also that of uhuutcra and signalmen) is subjected to tlio bamo test as that of the locomotivonuu, Vnriouu inc.ho.Ui of testing have been resorted to, but tho nuo which for, a con Bidornblo period was iibcd by railway companico.r-.nd which tho men still most approvo of. was tct'iing by means of Hags and latum. 'I no cattdiriiito was taken to anlcobtnught Ctr'jwh, uud another party with tho flaga (red, green nnd white) by day nnd lamp by night was sent forward about COO yurda uud exposed tho signals, which tho candidate was required to namo to tho foreman or inspactor pres ent, Bomo officials, howover, do not approvo of tho caudidato naming tho colors, and in mich cases what is known as tho "wool test" liuri to bo gono through. This con sists of a bundle of various colored wools from which tho caudidato must pick out pieces ho thinks correspond to skeins which aro given him to match. In some companies tho skeins aro simply hung on ft bar and tho candidate asked to point out tho danger colors, etc., with out naming them, but as there aro vari oua kinds of color blindness, It is much bettor to use other colors as well as Oman iu dnilv uso on the line. Un THE EXIT TEMPTING MEN'S OVERCOATS. Closing t prico $10.00 Lot Cloning out price 11.50 Lot !1 -Regular 1 -Regular MEN'S UkSTIRS. out prieo 818.00 out price 11.50 Lot 7- Regular MEN'S SUITS. Closing out price 818.00 Closing out price 11 50 doping out price 10.75 Closing out price ,8.50 l4t 11!- Regular Lot 111- Regular Lot 11- Regular Uncleirweo-ir, lvtin directs of dozens of tleiix for 3V3it cincl Boys. Gloves mart rittenei, Htit erncl Oapss, from tlie oliecij? to tlxe very fiiiest citicilitles. large would advise everybody doubtedly tills is tho correct method for testing color blindness if properly con ducted. Dut the method which at tho present timo seems most popular is what is known ns tho "card test." This is a pieco of cnrdb'-ird ibout Tig inches by U inches, in i... .i i.l luu four corners are tho colors, n I. green blue and yellow, all very bright, while tho space left be tween, about two inches, is divided into squares one-iifth of an inch, which at a distance of 15 feet corresponds to a bulls eyo 2 feet square 01)0 yards away. Tho candidate 'stands in feet from tho card and names tho colors 'as they uro pointed out, ulso counts tho number of bluck cned squares, which aro varied in num ber by covering up some with a pieco of paper. Each eyo is examined separately, both as to color sense and form, caro being taken that thu uuuicd eyo is simply cov ered and not pressed upon, as this causes irritation of botli members. Having named tho colors and counted tho spots correctly, tho caudidato may congratu late himself that ho has passed. Generally speaking, tho sight should bo tested onco every threo or four years, as during that period accident or diseaso may have impaired tho vision, while habitual smokers should bo tested much oftener, ns it lias been ascertained that tobacco hiuoko has a deleterious effect on tho sight. Ah yet railway companies have not adopted u hard and fast test. Each has its own method, but as so many precious lives aro intrusted to engine drivers uud their mates, nu exhaustive test should be made. Strictly speaking three tests should bo gono through: 1. Wool test, to detect color blindness. 2. Object tost, squares or iinall letters, for form. 8. Tested in datkeued room with lamp for color ignorance, as it is important that tho candidate should bo ablo to namo tho colors. Tlio lamp, having been light ed, is placed on a table, wliilo tho candi date stands about "0 feet off. A pieco of cardboard witli a hole about half an inch in diameter is placed over tho face of tho lamp, and various colored glasses pused in front, which the candidate should name, remarking whether lighter or darker than tho previous ono of tho samo colored group. London Tit-Bits. i;ur mill Cluiruclor. You never saw a poet or a painter with largo, coarse ears that stund out from tho head like extended wings. That kind of nu auricular appendage betokens coarsoiiobs.of mind. A long, narrow ear that lies flat to tho head is a sign of pug nacity. Nt-ver trust a man with n thin, waferlike ear. Ho w is bom a hypocrite, if not a thief. A very buiall ear betok ens a trilling mind, lacking decision. Cars set very high on tlio head iudicato t narrowness of mind. A largo, well 1 shaped ear that does not spread itself to I tho nreezn is indicative of generousness. Most of the world compellers had largo cars and well developed noses. Although there nro bo many millions of people in tlio v arid, no two pairs of oars uro aliko. i Kueli has u marked individuality. Now York Recorder. AarXJRXAY MOIfcKTlVO COURIER A.1V13 sold by January ,'ll, I8i)l; lit which tiinu tho building pnsseH out of our hands. Tho slaughter of tlm regular priceH will ho tested lit our store. Wo huvo got to value w ill cut no figure. Wo liuvo got to sell. Wo repeat for tho bonolll of everybody wo aro absolutely closing out our IiuhIixmh. ioiaaurl:iLlle o.t 3i?iGe Quoted prlccH woro $15.00 prices woro 112.00 CloHing out price ?i).75 Cloning out price H.00 prices wero 815.00 Closing out price $0.50 prices wero 810.00 prices were 7.00 prices wero 5.00 Closing out price 8 0.50 Closing out price -1.50 Closing out price 1 1.50 to come as soon as possible, JBBTTTMAJV & NEWS NOTES. IIi'Iiim uf Intrrt'Hl flutlM-rril llurliiK tin' 1'w.l Wt-i-k. Whitebreast Coal anil Limu Co. All kinds of coal. 1 renter's It'll O Htreet. Lincoln Coal company caters to tho best trade. Althea toilet preparatories at Hector's Pharmacy.! north Thir teenth street. David I. Sims, dentist, rooms I" and i:i Nurr block. Fruited ico cream soda water made from tho natural fruit, at Hector's Phar macy. For all social doings tho Nebraska state band or orchestra is what is always most desired. For daiices and outings there is no sue) music in Nebraska tm that supplied by tho Nebraska state orchestra. For rateH and open dates of tho Ne braska statu band or orchestta apply at tho CouitiKit olllce. 11IH O street, tele phone !25.'l. What have you to trade for a Yost typewriter with eight drawer cabinet, in good condition, also a new two-seated canopy top surreyV Call or address hou Wessel, Liudell hotel. When you want prompt service and (air treatment and the selection from thu laigest stock of groceries in Lincoln call on W. A. Collin k. Co., successors to .1. Miller, H.'l South Eleventh street. Piofessor Johnson's dancing academy in tho Lansing theatre is now open. Classes for ladies and gentleman. Tues day and Friday afternoon and evening. Juvenile classes Saturday morning and afternoon. Professor Swain's ladies tailoring and dress cutting school. Thorough instruc tions. Lessons not limited. Dress mak iug done with dispatch on short notice. Patterns cut to measure and all work guaranteed. Ask your grocerynian for tho "Wilber Rolling Mills" Flour, CIiuh. Harvey, pro prietor. Inquire for "Little" Hatchet," "Nieklo Plate," and "UakerB" Constance." Kvory sack warranted. No such lino of canned fruits in tho city as shown by W. A. Collin & Ci 111! South Eleventh street. The Lincoln Coal company, 1015 O stieet, handles all of tho very best grades of anthracite and bituminous coal. Never order an invitation until jou have seen tho samples of tho work lono ty tho now Courier Publishing Co, AIvEi ITS BARGAINS? Sb o Lot 1 Lot 12 Lot :i- Regular prices woro 8112.00 Closing out price 88.00 Regular prices weio HUM) Closing out price 0.50 Regular prices wero 7.00 Closing out prion 1.50 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 0- Rcgular prices wero $112.00 Closing out price 88.00 Hegular prices wero 10.(X) ' Closing out prico 0.50 -Regular priceH weio 7.00 Closjng out prico 1.50 JJ013 for out CIsOSING OUT SAIdB will be a saving to you from 1029 "Mimiii, Ahoy!" Regarding tho seamanship of ono of tho iiieinbera of tho Massachusetts naval reserve: Tho incident occurred during tho trip on tlio cruiser Man Francisco, and voluminous as was tho commenda tory report of tholr doings which was sent to tlio navy department it did not tncludo this incident. On tho Li'coiul night that the reserves wero ut hea ono of tho amateur tars was on tho watch. Ho was n Boston man. Thu night was clear and beauti ful. Myriads of stars twinkled in tlio heavens, but there was no moon. Sud denly tho reserve sang out: "Light uhoyl" "Where away'" asked tho officer of tho deck. "Far, far away," replied tho would bo uau-o'-war's man. When thu officer had recovered from tho shock occasioned by this uuseamau like answer, ho looked over the rail in tho direction pointed out by tho man from Boston. Then ho had another lit. Tho stern discipline which prevails on a cruiser at sea did not allow him to swear, but there was a word of meaning iu tlio way in which ho growled out: "What's tho matter with you? Can't you rccognlzo tho rising moon when you seo iff" "Moon! Moon I" stammered tho em bryo sea dog. "I beg your pardon, sir." Then ho shouted, ns'if making amends for his error, "Moon, ahoy!" Boston Homo Journal. A lliillmin Screw. Some very iuteiestiug experiments have been recently made by M. Mullet respecting tlio action of a screw iu pro ducing vertical propulsion iu a balloon, tho icmltsof which have been presented to tho Academy. Tho screw was de signed and set to work by M. Lauglois do Saumier. It lias a diameter of 1 feot ami turns round a vertical shaft fixed by two clamps to ono of tho sides of tlio car. M. Mallet succeeded, by im parting to tho screw a velocity of 100 revolutions a minute, iu raising tho bal loon, which has a capacity of 28.000 cu bic feet, through a vertical bpaco in tlio samo timo of It:!;) feet. Frequent repetitions of the satno ex periment invariably gavo tho samo re sults. As tho screw revolved, it neces sarily caused tlio balloon to rotatu also, but tlio movement was not found to pro duco any inconvenience, since tlio veloc ity did not exceed 0 01 of a coinpleto revolution iu a second. Tho author con cluded his communication by a series of observations upon this particular modo of propulsion, pointing out that it was exceedingly well adnptod for purposes of scientific experiments, Uenlo Civil. Without Argument. A young lawyer talked four hours tou jury, who felt like lynching him. His opponent, a grizzled old professional, arose, looked sweetly ut tho judge and said; "Your honor, I will follow tho exam- plo of my young friend who has just fin ished and submit tho case without argu ment." Then ho Mit down, uud the si leuco was luruo an 1 oppressive. ' i ,000! BOYS' SUITS. Lot -Hegular Lot 5 -Hegular Lot (I - Regular BOYS' OVERCOATS. Lot 10 Regular Lot 11 -Regular - 1081 0 STREET, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. TOILET W9BE Nicely decorated in all shapes ami grades, at phioi.h that command at tention, is the Special Attracti AT 241 SOUTH I ITH 8T The Retail Rooms or THE PIR GOWRji C0.'S NEW CROCKER' AND C1LA8H WA RE ESTa i..,riilM ENT Ordeis for special decorations and the replacing of broken pieces l.ilonging to dinner, tea or toilet sets aro solicited. Amateur decorated china to bo fired and gildid received daily. 211 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. Pro 1 tu- ee Cherokee Strip. IN ms uto In K. L. Pnlmrr, I', A, Bon to Ye KnuU iJiiiiilm. Nrb., (or free copy of illuitrutcd folilei J. M-nlmiK Cliorokeo Htrlr nml tlipTunkHwn, Pawnoo mill KlrlMoIUjr ' iiIIim v Minn III bonlioiiiil fur ecttli'liiriit liy III 1.-. Mvirnrni'nt. IHllli'iiH i f iicrit In Hi tin i it ru nlnirnl rniinlrj under tlcunun, wnlllni ti Im tli'kli'd hy tlm liiidinmlmnn' iilouttiura IliU it nlmoiit tlio InM ctimics to obtain one of Turin Siiiii'h frr frun. Chicago. Rock Island & racific By, Vicu llMITCt) J I. v:-.rc2RTraRr!.f sinr-r z:i - F'-."-v-l -T- IT In tm ii I. i. i 1 ... - ' mraX - 4 i' ! Rest Dining Cnr Service In the World TO THE WORLD'S FAIR : GREAT HOCK' ISLAND ROUTE j KKOM TIIK WKST. Ittmombtr, thU hn a Depot for nil trntnx at EmflewooU (luUnruot Chicago I close to tha world' ralr Clata. , TAKE THE ROCK ISLAND j JNO. SEBASTIAN, G T. AND P A. CHICAGO. IU I w . UitWuUW . Mi Ibelxrwi prices wero 10.00 Closing out price $.1.75 prices worn 5,00 Closing out prico 12.75 prices woro .I.OO Closing out prico 1.7D prices wero 85.00 Cloning out prico 83.50 prices woro .'1.50 Cloning out prico 2.50 40 to 50 per cent. CO., i ! WSfc. ?2?lvr'lj i - K -w B- ? ;? E YOU MUHT HAVK STYLISH CLOTHING! OUR FALL STOCK OF IVISV SUITS -AND- OVERCOATS Aro not Excelled in ,. Style, Fit nnd Quullty AT MOST REASONABLE PRICE8. C2TiTust call in and boo thom.-lEj FISHED t WflRFEL 110 O Stroot 'riII5 10HtI94T8!. We uriiw ami ulwi) have ROSES CARNATIONS, CHRYSANTHBMUNS, VIOUBTS And all kinds of Decorating and Flowering Plants. TEN GREENHOUSES a.m FIVE ACRES . . . Wholly devoted to Flowers nnd Plants. CITY STORE I 134 O 8TREET. CITY OMllN HOUSE IOIm ANO O ITS. TILL 104 I Miilu uret'U lioiuol mtlo wi'KtUutnu college. HHkxs WIN BROS IIM I, l I' II l III II' I I --jiw1.: