Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1893)
grF5 iaMi Bfi&BSSf iiSfcLut Pp-pipfiif jv '(-" TllJED SATURDAY MOIVIIVQ OOURIE&Iifc ""' s t ,''l-rJk' ,., Vl .rAiVt '-. . " , . vi 1 2'W' W ;,"'. . - ' c. I f v . T y. r . SO ? ly r RT . hv ft it H In. - nr Ki i? I i. ' V V k ,s3 vV, 1 7 p, , V 1 fA flffi ID Colonol T. J. Hlckoy will loavo today (or Imllutmpollfl to attoml un adjourned meeting of Imso hull moil Intorostod In the ro-orKiinUatlon of tho Wostorn league. Tho meeting hold In Chicago on tho 10th wub h llialo. No detlnltp uution war taken, and mutters uro now precisely where thoy wore n month ago. Colonol Hlckoy him gono ovor tho situation vory carefully, utul hua assured h Coukikii roprosontutlvo yostorduy that Lincoln's prospects tiro excellent. "I Hin Rolng to IndlanapollB to got u fran chise," ho said, "and I Intend to got It." Tho mooting will bo held un Monduy, mul it iBoxtrautod that tho ro organism tion will bo completely effected ut this meeting. Tho situation briefly stated 1b this: As it well known there has been talk of Detroit and Toledo and other eastern cities going into tho league, and It was readily toreaoon that if theso cities wore given franchisee, Omaha, Sioux City and Lincoln would not bo in it, tor two reasons) one,' that the dlstanco would bo too great, and the other, that Lincoln and Sioux City, and probably Omaha, also, wouldn't be ablo to meet tho com petition that such cities as Detroit would put up. But tho latest information is to tho effeot that Dotroit does not wunt to got into tho Western loaguo. She wuntn a franchise in a major association, or nouo at all, it is said. Colonol Hlckoy thinkB that Sioux City, Lincoln, Omuha and Kansas City will bo ablo to outvoto tho eastern cities und orguniio tho leaguo with themselves and Minneapolis and possibly Milwaukee Aa Thk Couiukk bus before stated there will bo no dttllculty in obtaining the necessary financial support for tho base ball team In this city. Subscrip tions to tho amount of 12,000 or 93,000 have already boon mado. There is a great deal of interest mani fested in the matter in this city, and tidings from Indianapolis' wilt be anxiously awaited. Will Play root 1U11 Today. The university foot ball team is not at all disheartened at ita recent defeat by by the Kansas City eleven, and it will go into today'a game with determination to win, Thogamo today will be with tho Kansans, and will tako place as usual at tho M street park. Crawford will play quarter back in this game, Captain Paco taking ono of tho ends. Bathing caps at Rector's Pharmacy. .& ENGRAVING COURIER PUB CO. ; avmtsnmm ofpicu, '-? tmtjmfo - ' W Vtf jrinlii .1,"r Mn' L i r- v- AND 8UCH 18 FAME. The Clrrittrit Mnn In MIlMruukvu l.oonu'l Up nt "I was out in Milwaukee tho other day," said a business man, "and, after I had dono what I wont thoro to do, I looked up a friend and ho took mo out to ahow mo the town. Wo walked uround on all tho principal BtrootH, and ho pointed out to mo tho big buildings and all that sort of tiling, finally wo reached n down-town corner and my frlond took up hlsRtund thoro. "I didn't know what ho wnB up to, but I dutifully stood besido hi in and wo talked of all sorta of thlnga for halt an hour or so. Just as I was beginning to got vory tired ho nudged mo und pointed out a vory ordinary-looking man who was walking slowly towards us. "That's him!' ho Bald, In great ox citomont. "I oxpectod to bco tho prosldont or Bomobody equally great und I lookod in tho direction Indicated. I saw nobody but tho ordinnry-looklng mnn boforo mentioned. " 'I know It wo stood hero long enough we'd soo him,' continued my friend. 'Thut'sjiltn, Buro enough.' " 'That's who,' I asked. "'Why,' he answered, 'that's Charles H. Harris.' '"And who in blazes, is Charles II. Harris?' "I shall nover forgot tho look of utter contempt that my friend cast on mo. He draw himself up to hip full height und answered in a tono that mado mo fool vory small indeed: 'Why, he's tho tho man who wrote 'After tho Ball.'" It is no easy thing to dross harsh, coarse hair so us to mako it look grace ful or becoming. By tho use of Ayer'e Hair Vigor, this difficulty is romovod, and the hair mado to assume any stylo or arrangement that may bo desired. Qlve tho Vigor u triul. Tho Western Trail is published quarterly by tho Chicago, Rock Island it Pacific Rullway. It tells how to got a farm In tho west, and it will bo Bent to you gratis for ono year. Send namo and address to "Editor Veeri Trail, Chlcugo," and receive it ono year f reo. John Beuabtian, Q. P. A. M. L. Trestcr can suit you on coal if any doalor in Lincoln can. 1241 O streot. The Union PkcMo Cheap IUtci. Only 930.00 first class to Ogdon, Salt Lake, Helena, Spokane and Portland Ore. For full particulars call at city ticket offlco 1041 O street. All orders via telephone 398 will reach W. A. Coffin Ac Co. and receive prompt tnd careful attention. a. iv r ausxtispiioans ooa. .in in, n r i i',i in i nn fc , t . . f j jjL. By special arrnnRement with the Mulr-Cowln Company of this city, TUB COUHIOU Is able to make the following extraordinary premium offer: To every New Subscriber who pays 50 Gents In advance for three month's subscription, we will give as a premium a beautiful after dinner china cup and saucer, hand decorated. These cups and saucers cannot be purchased for less than 75 cents or $1.00. Gall at the office and see them. Courier rcato. CoM IUOI o Mtroet, i as Tho following now musiu w rejiorted by (loorgo A. Cruncoi: "Forgot Thou Mo," Bong; "I Love You In Spite of All," by Harris; "A Whisper of Love," 'Shall tho AiiBWor bo Yes or NoV" song. "Ilrmvn Octolx-r A If." Fmni"ItiililnlIiMiil." Ami It's will yo aunlT with mu, my Iculn, mul It' will yoqunll with muT It In a ilrnuitlit of nut-brown ulr I olTor unto jc. All liuiumluK In tho tnnkiinl IikU, It elicors the henrt forlorn, Ohl hrro'i a frlcnil to iv-'r oni'.'tU stout John llnrloy com. Lauith, laid, mul ciuniT liuln, 't will uiiiko ymi tout mul hnlo, ThrnuKli nil my ilnjs I'll lnu t lit prnUo of brown Octobur nlu. Yes, Inusli, lnds, ami quaff, lnils, 't will miikn jouitout and hnlo. Ah I thro' nil my dnjs I'll sIiir tho prnlso of brown October nlo. And It's will yo lovo mo truo, my lass, and Its will joloro nio truot It not, I'll drink ono flagon moro, and so faro well to you. If Joan or Moll, or Nnn or Doll, should make your heart to mourn, Fill up tho pnll with nut-brown nlo, and toast John llnrloy corn. Laugh, lads, and quaff lads, 't will mako you rtout and halo, Through all my days I'll sing tho pralso ol brown October ale. Yds, laugh, lads, and quaff, lads, 't will make you stout and halo. Thro' all my days I'll sing tho pralso of brown October alo. Drown, nut-brown nlo. Of brown October nlo. "I.ove Cmiin nt Ilnwn." IIALLAU. LoVocamo at dawn when nil tho world was fair, Whon crimson glories bloom and songs woro rife. Lotocuiiio at dawn when hopo's wing fanned tho air, And murmured, and munnurod, I am lifo. Lovo enmo nt ovon when the dny was doue, Whon heart mul bruin woro tired and slumber pressed. Loto camo ut nu, shut out tho sinking sun, And whispered, and whispered, 1 nm Kcst. Hereunder, Sung by May Irwin In "Country Sport. Oh, I had no beau, but all tho boys I know loved mo, For thoy said 1 was n charming croaturo, don't you soo. Yos, and every night when It was fair and work was dono Thoy camo to serenado mo, oh, yes, camo-every ( one. cnoaus: And thoy all camo up to tho liouio ono night to serenado mo, My dad was mad at tho songs they sang, and beautiful tunes thoy played mo; But smiled again and said 'tis plain that a compltmont you hnvo paid her, So boys don't fear, shi's always hero, nnio again and serenado her. Dut I didn't know which ono to chooso, I loved them all. Yos, I loved Frank Drown, ho took mo sonic- 19 Ol O STREET. MmmuuimmmmmmHmmmmui)l,Mni;ri'w-v-mmivmt.'v't IW'W"WM t Imps ton ball, And I went with Clinrley Smith to seo tho piny on tho sly. Tho others too, I loved, oh, moro than rnkes, Ico crenm or plo. Oh, I wnnt thoin nil, yes, nil, I do, Indeed, I do, For I know to ench mid nil of them my lovo Is truo. Oh, I think n femiilo womnn I would llko to bo Ho 1 could hnro them nil, you seo, mul they could nil hnvo mo. Wliut do You Tnko. Medicine for? Itecuuso jou uro Hick and want to got well, or because you wish to prevent illness. Then remem ber that Hood's Sarsaparillu cures all diseases canned by Impure blood and debility of tho hjhIl'iii. It is not what its proprietors say but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells tho story of its merit. Bo sure to get Hood's, and only Hood's. Toilette For Ludle. For stylish evening costumes tho silks of the present Reason have nover been surpuRscd in fanciful variety. Tho in terweaving of two or more colors pre dominates in theso tissues and produces novel und original effects in blending shades, which aro still enhanced by the glistening moire surface thut la given to muuy of them. Among other novelties tho brocho moires uro particularly at tractive, having delicate brocho ligures of ono color stunding out uguinst the wutored ground of u contrasting color. A rich brocade for reception gowns is called "damus cumacu." This material has ropped ground in some solid color with u design in satin of tho samo coloi shot with white Tho paintid bengu laics aro evening silks with light grounds, having painted Pompadoui bouquets which look as it puinted in water colors. They aro often combined with u now velours poluche. These items, us well as many others equally attractive, uro to bo found in tho Mc Dowell fashion magazines just received. Tho latest numbers of theso artistic publications maintain still thoir higl standaid of excellence, which makes them of incstimablo valuo to nil do votees of fashion. A special induce ment has boon introduced in thorn in tho shapo of pattern coupons, by which ono cun securo many novelties ut moderuto prices. It tho hair has been made to grow a naturul color on bald heads in thousands of cases, by using Hall's Hair Renovver, why will it not in your caso? Imported and domestic toilet Boaps at Rector's Pharmacy. The Lincoln Paper Box company have udded a folding box department to thoir business and havo a steady stream of orders for cnBtons to incrcaso Lincoln mado goods such as Soaps, Medicines, Candies, Extracts etc. WDDING INVITATIONS and ANNOUNCEMENTS. . tIVITATIOX TO to. KOW IS THE TIME TO OIUJER YOUR - .t- v ; r v High Vivo or Kucliro 1'nrtle Should send ut once to John Skiiamtian, G. T. A., C. R. I. & P. R. R., Chicago. Ten Cents, in stamps, per pack for tho slickest cards )ou over shuilled. For 91.00 you will recoivo free by oxprcss ten packs. ' Fino now lino of business suitings from 925 to 910 in Scotch und homespuns Jockoll Bros., 110 north Thirteenth streot, near Lansing theatre. Whito chinn to decorato at Crancor's, 212 South 11th. The Union I'ikHIc Cut Itiitc. Denver, ono way 9 0.00 Denver, round ti ip 20.00 Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Choyenno tho samo ruto. Chicago, ono way 0.10 Chicago, round trip j 11.55 St. Louis, round trip 10.05 Full information chcorfully given at 1044 O street, son t invest cor. O und 11th. J. T. Mahtin, K. B. Sloshon, City Ticket Agt. Gen. Agt. A bonutifully decorated after-dinner cup und saucer of tho finest china given uwuy freo to every now sub scriber to The CointiEit who pays CO cents in advance for three month's subscription. These cups und saucers can not bo purchased for less than 75 contB or 91. Sam ples will be placed on exhi bition ut The CouittKit office 1201 3 street, In a few dajs. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphreys' BpeclUrs axe scientifically and carefully prepared ltemetllcs, used for years In private practice and (or over thirty years by Mia people wltb entire success. Every slnglo Speclflo special euro for tlio dUeoso named. They cure without drugging, purging or reducing the system and are In fact and deed tho Hoverelia Remedies of the World. no. cvaii. rsioH. 1 Fererst Congestions, Inflammations.. ,4S S-Worms, Worm lever, Worm Collo,... .'J a S-Teetklnsi Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .33 4-DUrrbea, or Children or Adults as V COBlka, Colds, Bronchitis vjj S-Nenralgla, Toothache, i'aceacho. aa f -Headaches, blck I.eadache, Vcrtlco.. .99 ltf-Dyspepsln. Elllouaneu, Constipation. .33 11-Happrcsscd or Painful Periods... .33 13-Whltea, loo rrofuse 1'crlods 38 13-Cronp, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 38 14-8altltheam, ryslrlss, Eruptions.. .38 13-RheBtlira, Itheumatlo Pains .33 le-Malarla, Chills, Fever and Ague .38 IB-Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Bead. .33 B-Whooping Cough .33 37-Kldner Dlaensr .33 US-Nervous Debility 1.88 38-Urlnary Weakness, Wetting Ted., ,33 HUMPI1IIKYH' WITCH IIAZEI, OIL, "The Pile Olntinent."-Trll Slxe. 25 Ctt. Sold by Prat (liu, or a.ut P-i- ! on rtetlrt of pries. Da. HuarssuTt' M.uil (H i" "" '" KCHmurr mud. ca.iitaiuwmuai it., uw nu SPECIFICS. THE VERY INnuPlSHal ' f FOR CH0I6B GUT FLORAL DECORATIONS, WH6 M FUNERAL DESIGNS Special attention givon to the grow ing of now and choice roses. Carnations nnd till kinds of Kreonhouso plants. CONHWHVATOHY, PHONE Mi COR. G AND 17 TH STS. : Are Just as Curable as Other Diseases. Trentetl exclusively by lilt, I.KONHAHOT, I.lnroln, Neb. ornoi wtr o sr. hours s to s oaiit. & : OMAHA'S LEADINQ HOTEL 1MI5 MURRAY. 1HA UIOIIY, Proprietor. Electric ears direct from Union depot puss tlio dour, 13th and Homey sts., Omalia, Neb. Under now maniiReinont MERCHANTS' HOTEL, 15th nnd Hnrney sts., Omaha, Neb. IIUMJTT & DAVKSI'OKT, Props. Special nttontlnn to stnto trade, rue;t and commercial travelers. Fnrnam street olectrlo cars pnsa tho door to and from all parts of the city. LARGEST, CHEAPEST, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. Sond for Freo Suniplo Copy of U mm m Tho lcailtrw livestock nowepnpormul mur- tt vi tiiirtnr it tli Wnnt. A titiititr ffir STOGK RAISBRS, FARMERS, fine stock breeders, Kruln denlerH. Very Intest und correct market reports by telegraph from all tho principal stock markets. Address DAILY, OO PER YEAR. I TM( DROVERS JOURNAL, SEMI-WEEKLY, S3 " UNION STOCK VAHDH, weekly, si so " I Smith Omaha, Nob. coimiKii puiiLisiiiNn to. Phono 2JJ. Huslnesj Olllco l'Jll O St Dn ill E NOVEIvTIES XIW & Ball Programs, 4