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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1893)
"iJPB. sWJ WWf ".-WflPf criSrflr t1 (fCSe-V-f ""artw Tftl' rvMf-s 1V &' V "" A' THB SATURDAY MOBWVINTO OOCttMER U Is- ft . fl m u Mimm-lle Mnllt'. A beautiful homo wedding occurred Sunday afternoon nt tint homo of Itov. and MrnM.Dii Motto, 0I7 North Four teonth street. Tim contracting parties were their daughter Miss Ijiicllc.iind Mr. Krwl K.Mooro.nnd thoeorenioiiy wiw jicr formed by Hov. C. 0. Imaby I). I., after thn ceremony of thn M. K. church. The young couple Hindu a striking and blind nomo appearance ax they entered tin parlors, the bride attired Inn Iwiuitlrul gown of cream nlbutniHS,trlmined In paint Iwo, nml Hiipstrtcd hy her Hindi of honor Miss .lennnotto who looked Miry pretty In u milt of blue mull, trimmed In pale hhm chllTon luce, with gloves and slippers to match. Tim groom's best man wiih l)r. Ilort Lnttu of Coiner unb versify. The lirhlo Ih u charming young lady and hatt a largo circle of warm friends in this city ami the groom Is u prominent young InmincHriiuan of Kono saw, where ho Ik a memlier of the llrm of Moortnt Hon. After tlmcereinony an elegant miKT wiih rened after which the guests HMnt Home time In Inspecting the presents which wore unusually pretty and valuahle, many of tlieiu unmlug from their futurehoine. Aiming those present were: Mr. and MrM. 14. II. Moore, Mr, Frank Moore, MIhh Penile Moore, father, mother, hrothur and sis ter of the groom, from Kuiichiiw. Mr. and MrM. J. W. Cottle and Mr. II. 14. Cottle from Ndgur, Neli., Mr. imdMrH, William Walker of Hewnrd Nob., Mr. mid MrH. I. 14. Pierce and daughter, MIhh Kdmi, Mr. Ollie AtkhiHou, Mr. William Kirk and Dr. Hurt littu of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Mooro will he at their homo to their frlcndH after July 10. Meliiilt-fiitrliiiiil. MIhh Kllu M. (larlandand Mr. CharlcH W. NIcIioIh, of Uimtha, were itiietly married Tuesday morning at the home of the bridoV parentH, MM! (1 Htreet. The Iioiiho wiih beautifully decorated, nml promptly at Hh.'H) the bridal party entered preceded hy the bride's HlHter and her liUHhund, Mr. and MrH. 14. V, Itedlnh. The hride looked very charm ing in a handHome gown of white Hllk with facings of pink nllk, and her sister ulso looked very pretty hi a hiindHomo Ian Hllk. The young couple were joined under the arch hy Itov. C. II. Newnan, who jHirformcd the imprcHHlvo ceremony, lifter which an elegant wedding break fiiHt wiih participated In hy thu immediate frieudH and relativeH of the family. The young couple wore the recipieutH of many handsome and useful prenentH. The hride Ih well known in Lincoln, where Mho han a large circle of frlcndH, and thu groom in a popular young man of Omaha. lie Ih in the employ of the Central Church of Chrint. Among the guests wore Mr. and Mm. Cloorgo Garland, Mr. and Mr. L. Van Wio.MrH. A. U. Henley and daughter, of Crete, Mr. and MrH. Nichols, Mr. and MrH. Allen llediah, Mr. and MrH. Lunirntrcot. MIhh Stella Lonmtreot. MIhh Ira Longstroot, MIhh May Wilson. MiM LIUlo Wilkinson. Miss Tucker. Miss Hertha Fletcher, MIhh Hattlo Fletcher and MIhh L. N. Kieve. A. O. II. Hull Dfillrttteil. Thu A. O. H. hall wan formally oHined "Wednesday evening under thu niiKplccH of tho lodge. The new hall Ih in the Halter Mock, and prcnontcd a tine up pouruueo ahundantly decorated with the uational colore. On each Hide of the hall wiih a row of scats, which were well tilled, and at thu end of the hall on a raised platform profusely decorated, thu Nebraska state bund wiih seated. First came tho address, delivered hy Mr. tJaincs A. Condon, that dedicated the hall and welcomed thu strangers. In tho course of his address Mr. Condon said of tho A. O. H.i "Its objects aro tho promotion of friendship, unity and true Christian charity among tho mom bora of the Irish race; to mutually assist each other in our battles through life, In sickness and distress, and to lighten tho grief of tho widow and orphan when tho Divine Master calls tho bread-winner of the family to Ills heavenly home." Tho orchestra phiyod and all present joined in the grand march. The dancing con tinued until a late hour, and a thor- 1 ouirhlv Bood time was enjoyed by all present under tho management of tho following floor committee: Messrs. James J. Condon, Thomas McOovern, Roger Ryan, John Barton, Dennis . Dugan, Dr. D. D. O'Gorman, Charles McQIave, P. J, Oosgrove, John Cunning ham and DennlB Merrlman. Hprml the Vourih a Woodlawn. An all day plculc at Woodlawn, about eight miles northwest of tho city, was the Fourth of July diversion of a num ber of young people under tho chaperon ago of Mr, and Mrs. 11. R. Niasloy and Mrs. T. W. Griffith. The party drovo out ' between 8 and 0 o'clock In tho morning, well supplied with edibles and ham- mocks, etc., and tho day was spent in true picnic fashion. Tho young peoplo (turned in tho cool of tho evening. Tboso present wero: Mrs. T. W. (Irlftith. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Ntseloy, Misses Jeannetto Wilson. Grace Oakley. Anne . Funke, Bertie Clark, Bertie Burr. Olivo Latta. Fay Marshall, Nelllo White, and Margaret Cook, of Omuha; Messrs. Low Marshall, Georgu Woods, Beman G. Dawes, Dan Wing. John T. Dorgun, Mutt son Baldwin, Frank Burr, Hurry Krug and R, M. Joyce. Koclety Not. Mrs. C. L. Eaton entertained a few friends at tea Thursday evening, at her homo, 200 South Twenty-ninth street. Mrs. P. M. Woods entcrtulned u few friends on tho Fourth. Special ladies' ico cream imrlors have been opened over Brown's Royal Cafe, 134 North Tenth street, whore tho most delicious icon and creams aro sorvod by courteous and trained attendants. Pri vate dining rooms for small parties. Miss S. E. Blakesloe, Hue dressmaking, at Mrs. Gosper's, 1111 O street. A tine line of canned soups, 23 cents per can. Millor & G Ifford, grocers. W. A. CofMn k Co., grocers, 141 South Eleventh street Misses Boggs &. Caffyn, dressmaking tmrlora stamping. 11)11 M street, telephone 010. Viait the New Students' gallery and bo ooavinced that the work la Hrat-claas. 1084 O stroot. I I'.i j&?ttSffi & fmfc u?' QUEEN I One more Fourth of July linn comu and gone with Kh umial number of accl ileutH. Incident to use by thu hiiiiiII boy of a certain combination of povulur and , utit titltttu fPltii iioiitil 11 II lit 1 iitt iP iiiittiitd Ail'' iiniiiu iiiuui'iTi n iMtniiiiuv m eyeH are to be seen, thu lint of thiimbleHH IniyH are iucreiiHod, and thu Hinall boy turiiH from bin hint giant cracker ami Hlglm that he him not more thumliH to Ioho, and that for further duuiago ho mUHt wait one whole your. Now it the Hinall boy . ft ' would u.mnnu , luniHcir to nutttnir Iuh own Hh(H)tingotT bin own tlugera ami Hetting iV'n mil, I ...III tiro to Iuh own clothes, we who have outgrown such meaim of characterizing our patriotism, would notjlnd ho many objections to the prcHont way of cele brating on the iinnlverHury of our free dom; but a lurge number of Imivh havu Income iicciiHtomed to mmming them selves on the Fourth bv throwing lighted tlre-cruckurs under tuu feet of horscH passing, to see them frighten and run. Lust Tticmlny I saw a number of occur rences of this kind which came near being serious runawu'.H, und heard of a numtier that I did not see. TIiIh dan gerous sHirt was not contlned alone to the Fourth, butseverul duyn before and utter, which certainly hIiouUI not hae lcon allowed. If there are laws and ordinances ugultiHt this mrt of thing, they nhould liu enforced, und if there mo none, it is time to muke Home, and put u stop to such recklessness on thu part of hojrt who bundle tireworks, A few years ago a law wiih passed by the Nebraska legislature, giving the uovernor. attorney mineral and supreme (-court thu right to pardon two convicts each 1' mirth of July, who had neon sou tenced to the penitentiary for life, and who hud served ton yeurs of good time. This law wiih L'otten tin for thu immedi ate relief of a man who had then served ton years of a life sentence, und who .had ' ii rriond or two who lolilivpil thu hill . through thu legislature. Tho act is thought by many to bo in conflict with tho provisions of tho constitution, and it is, to say tho louat, unjust to others con fined in tho penlfntiary. A man sen tenced for ton or twonty years must servo tho sentence imosed upon him. whilo a I mnn i-nnvletml nt a i-rlnio wlili-li iimlur I thn laws of Nebraska, is punishablu by . . .-fT--...l nro imprtsonmont, ts released alter ten vears of gtKxl time. Tho bill providing for this should novor have Iiecomo a law. Tho motive for Its introduction mud I passage la very plain. It it had not been a special law for tho special release of a lifo prisoner nt tho time it was enacted, It would have included in its provisions a clause working equal bonetlt to crim inals who wero not imprisoned under lifo sentence The indiscriminate re lease of criminals does not have a ten dency to redttco crime, und it is clear this act should bo repealed. Lynn. Jeckell Hrofl. now tailoring establish ment, 111) north Thirteenth street near tho LaitHinO is tho popular resort for stylish garments. Now Imported Swiss Cheeso. Miller Sc Gifford, grocers, opposite llurr block. Never give a party or order ico cream, ices or lunches until you have tlrst seen Mr. Brown at tho Royal Cafe, 121 North Tenth street. For Sunday dinner supplies call at Halter's market, opposite Lansing Thea ter. Phono 100. Furs stored for tho summer Insured treo front moths and theft at V, E. Voelkor's, practical furrior, Y. M. C. A. building. L. S. Gillick, Fashionable Tailor. Jjatest novelties in gentlemons' spring goods. Gillick still caters to tho wish of tho public. Call on him and bo suited. 1010 O street, room 10. Ask your grocerymnn for tho "Wilbor Rolling Mills1 Flour, Chits. Hurvoy, pro priotor. Inquire for "Llttlo Hatchot," "Nlcklo Plato," and "Bakers' Constance." Evory sack warranted. Wanted Nursing by a thoroughly oiperienced and competent nurse. Havo nursed ten years in tho oast. Inquire 1035 F street. J U.i I . i.. - V -5"V. 1. i KJVI SBBBBBHflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsBBBBBBBaBBBBlSBBB) VC A'.'VMiSSBBBBBBBBBFBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiSBBBBBBBBnk. Sn 'BBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBFBBBKllBBBlBBBBBBnlBBBBBBBBBBV "fSsWSR?kiff3FHSKll U .w'JLW V " .WtJ VICTORIA., llli Coiic.caliHi. Tho Mono wiw u third class Hinoklngcom pnrtmeut, live on a stile. The speaker was Htnut, tlorld, with short cut gray hair and very silf iitlsMcd. The I'lTcnttiinto degen eracy of nioilcrn young men wni his theme. "Look nt mel Sixty year of age -uorvr hnil n day's I II arm In my tlfo and can do my five mill' an hourl "Wliyf from when I wn20 to i when I wns over 40 I lived n reinilnr life. No delicacies for mel No late hours! Ev eryday, summer and winter, I went to bed tl), got up st A, lived principally on por ridge, worked hard hard, mind you, from 8 to 1, then dinner, then nn hour's walking cxcrclso ami then" ii. i.. i i. ........ ...... i iflH Ji"ii l"iti ii, Hu liui, iiiiuii iiiuvii a young wnrklngmnn sitting oppoilte'but vii) iviu vim n fnrl" Tt.1l Id w ... J., ... .w. , ..,v. Clitrrmu OiitturnU. , Ilostetter McGlnuU Have you spoken with the herr professor yet, Miss Upper crust? ' i Miss Upporcrust Na Tho German gut turnts am so dccollutu that tUey otTuud fn'y curs. i. -i "Kr leeolletof" h "Ves. So low In the neck, you know." Texas Sifllugx. Thti Correct Thing. "Are vou going to take a rest this sum uiorr" "Oh, yes, 1 supposu so, In thu usual way." "How Is thutr" "I'll take a vacation and Hah and hunt and put up witti poor accommodations. Then I'll comu humuuud rest." Washing ton Star. The (Inly Surety. Housekeeper I don't seo why a big, able- bodied man like you should bo begging for a living. Tramp To tell yell th' truth, mum. folks ts becomln so hard henrted that a gent has got ter be big an ahlebodlcd to beg without gutttn hurt. Now York Weekly. II U Wl.h. Kindly Old Gent Well, my little, man, what W0,,M J011 ,,ko to ,,e wheB M W "'' Little Man I'd like to boa nice old gen tleman like you, with nothln to do but walk around and ask questions. Tit-lilts. A flrvttt Sound. "Did you advise, Howler to cultivate his TO'cV'" "Ytst." ...-, l .. .. k.i "un, tnorcyi v uat torr 'A ntlu producing machine." Chicago inter Ocean. TTley'lt lie Ssfe, First Burglar Hero comes a policeman. How can wo get rid of him? Second Uurghtr Let's pretend to n aghtlng. Truth. ' Something of Paradox. A schoolboy the other day, being told to describe Jacksonville, Flo., said, "It is a ureat summer resort In winter." New York Tribune, Before the Flag. In a certain Now ork mission Is a bright street follow, who, If this inci dent may be token as an indication, bids fair to develop tho bruins and tho patri otic sentiment of a good Atuorican citi con. A gentleman nnuouneed his Intention of delivering an address on political ro fonu in tho neighborhood of tho mission, a particularly disorderly district. Ho and his friends wero informed on good authority that if tho speech wero made tho speaker would bo pelted with rotten eggs. It seemed that tho proposed address, which, it had been believed, would osert an important intlucnco, must bo given up. A small boy, between whom and the speakor a friendship had dovolopod at tho mission, solved the difficulty by an ingenious expedient "I tell yon what to do," said ho; "hang the American flag back of tho platform, and you stand before tho flag. Tho roughs won't throw eggs nt tho stars and atripee." A Precious Mineral. SchoolmUtrcsi (Just beginning a nlco Im proving lesson upon minerals to tho juniors) Now, what aro' tho principal thlugswt get out of tho earth? Youthful Angler (aged 4, condQdently) worms. ltt-uiu. riMTur of tiillnenea. Traveling hi Knglnnd I was onoilay walk Ing along n lonutry road gathering wild (lowers from the lonely hedgerows. l'rr eutly I wiih overtaken by a burly eld former, who, with his pretty dnughter and two large barrels of beer, was being drawn up nitteep hill la a market cart by a stout little puny. Tho farmer (minted me Jo hilly, and mc lug that I was pulling up the hill to catch the conch he ottered me a seat on his trap. "Thank you," said I, "but It seema to mo tho pony hah rather u tough job as It Is." "A) e, yes, yel I" ho mild. "I should 'a' got down myself, btit wo he so heavy I will ml! Uut you're wolconto to rldo If you like." "I am really very much obliged to you for your polltincss In asking me," I re turned, "but I prefer to walk." The Ilrst part of my sentence evidently "went to tho spot." "Well, yo see, sir," said lie, "I be used to meet a many gents up about thesu hills, and that's how I limit to be so polite!" Youth's Companion. "A lllffh Mver." ami -Ute. It Looked Thut Wuy. Us seemed to ho nil light when he sat riewnnt the table, and Ilia waiter busied niotiud gettlnghlm In shape fur hti dinner wl'llohu studied the bill of fare. Ilcwaa rr titer unsteady possibly, but as fio had not erten anything for 18 hours that wnnot Mirprlslng. "Well, sir. what will yp,i have?" asked tl o waiter. "Took murtlu soup and colled bodllsu," l.e replied, holding up the bill. The waiter was disturbed. "What, sir?" hu usked. "Tock murtlu soup and colled," I o repeated, nml thu waiter snickered mid went out He, came back In it few minutes with the order, und thu guest took up the bill again. "Drlng me," hu said slowly, "some meg of lutton with sapor cauce, some bibs of reef and holleil bam, poshed motetocs, prksi farsnlps, preucli feas, blma leMns, and, waiter, wind her up with some, place, title, pagosuddlng, ruts and u.tlsinsnnd acof of cupplo." Tills tlmo tho waiter was nltuost thrown off his feet, nnd he stared at his customer In muazement. The guest returned thu sturo In hay con sciousness nnd shook his hend slowly. "Don't seem to sound right, dues it?" ho asked, "I'm suru something's wrong with it, but It looks that way on tho bill, and I've got tb cat It or starve," and tho waiter turned nwuy hesitatingly and moved off to tho kitchen. Detroit Free Press. One or the Other. Up In thu hills of western Massachusetts, wheru thu "higher education" and tho "higher criticism" alike have not yot pene trated, there, lived In a small town nn eccen tric old man named Hawkins. Brother Huwkiua was a regular attendant at church "meetln," und his voice was often heard hi prayer and exhortation. On onu occasion tho congregation met'under tho shadow of a general bereavement. A prominent man In thu church hud beeu suddenly trans ported from tho scene, of his earthly labors. to the better land. A hush was upon the' meeting as Brother Hawkins arose and said, "An now, my brethren an sisters, let us re monitor in our pru'rs tho family of our dear Urothcr D , who Is now In Delz'bub' bosom" "Brother Hawkins," interrupted tho dea oon, "yo didn't mean Uelz'bub, did ye ain't yu made u slip?" "Delz'bub.woal, lemtno sec," said tho old mansion ly, "UoU'bub, waal, if 'taln't Holz' bub 'twar one o' them ole putr'archst" Now York Tribune. Ills Trouble. Old Gentleman What's tho matter? Llttlo Boy (crying) Papa gave tno a pen ay to buy a school pencil, nnd now boo,, boo, hool Old Gentleman Well, here's another ona How did you happen to loso It? Small Boy I I didn't loso it I I spent It for candy and and lost the candy. Good News Her Scheme. "Do play tomethlng, please, Miss Piano thump," said tho hostess, advancing to her music loving guest; "it's getting pretty Lite, but not half tho guests are gono yet.' Chicago Nuws-Itccord. MINeed. "You must have fiersover.ince," said tho yoitug physician's friend. "No," was, tho reply, "what I waut Is patients." Wash tuuton Star. Illuntratloni. When tho burlier talks too much, hi stories are generally illustrated with cuts. Texas. Sittings. A Ilelupte. "What I Smoking, Fred? Thought too doctor told you it would kill you?" 'So he did, and I quit. Hut at tho end et a week I wanted to die, so I'm smoking agaln."-Llfa. &!? THET URKISH now ori2V i?om The LADIES TURKISH DEPARTMENT will open Monday, July 3; There is fotlmliK I6E 6REAM PARLORS Arc Now Open and vc arc Serving the Purest and Most Delicious Ice Cream In the Glty. ALL KINDS OF CAKES TO ORDER. We Make a Specialty of Family Orders and will promptly deliver all Supplies a' Reasonable Prices. TELEPHONE 457. INVITATIONS Exxa; kok- WEDDINGS REGEPTIONS. BAILS, PORTIA, LUNCHEONS. ETC., WITH AMPLE EXPERIENCE ARE ENABLED TO Blegant .df Popular Price, (it the mine time ymmtiitveiinj CORRECR FORMS and uiiil all the Very Latext Stytex, CAbbING CARDS In fn's line we ithow all the New Effectnfor 189.! which include several new and and odd nhapen together with new faces of script. Call and see samples. Our trork speaks for itself, THE He PUBLISHING WW Moll Orclorm olloitocl. If You Are Going To THE WORLD'S FAIR you should begin at once to inform yourself on the subject, so that you may use your time there to the best advantage. You will not be able to see every thingyou may see what you are specially interested in if you go there informed at the beginning. If You Are Not Going To THE WORLD'S FAIR you should do the next best thing know as much as possible about it. If you can't see it you can at least read about it. In either event you imperatively need a daily paper from the World' s-Fair city you need a Chicago daily, and The Chicago Record Will meet your DEPflipiEKT oiJjjv'rruiKj. llier itn tlie WoUtI SULPHY-SALINE BATH CO. WILLIAM AIA.OteVIIwVIV15 li'ii., M'BRIDE BLK., COR. I2TH AND P STS IN THIS PARTICULAR LINE, EXECUTE THE MOST WE 1M O Street, need, - i v.. s, 1 1. 1,