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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1893)
:mww ' WQfpmiWVV vwtww '"$?' ' fflyrs?wy 'wf ' fW' Morning Courier. VOLUME 8, iNO. 11. IMNGOLN, NhUIASK, SATURDAY, lUlrY 8, 1893. 'HIGH FIVK GENTS .ijr -r x.'""T'. y?Tr"-"nnmijyrf TyaFSEMWr'''' VjKi SATURDAY 1 iBi l w fiVlSK . MM t:.-jrtrtn TWm' "urai'ia SSK fivMV-S .sr.V n w IW;.' .n. i f '111 v r .' I IN TOPICS Hardly it week passes but some con vention or assembly in hold in Lincoln. Hundreds t strangers viHit thi! state house ovi'ry wk mill r thlH number probably not one fuiln to notice thi' abandoned pile or stone and brick, id Thirteenth and Ii HtreetH that wan to be the new conservatory of music Halt finished buildings in u pretentious city like Lincoln are like ho many tombstones in the way of progress. A stranger who observes an abandoned building of thin sort is apt to carry away with him un , pleasant ideas of Lincoln's unprogreB sivoncsBor lack of thrift. The necessity for doing something with thisunflnlshed buildinL' 'ib ahnoHt hh uriront iifl was the demand for the rescue of the i . M. C. A. ouiiuing. ii u cuu i uu u.iiiiiii-il-ii ii ougiu i" i'u nun uimii, People have got in the habits recently of complaining of hard times. The financial flurry has Hooded the country with Boreheads. A two by four bank in Podunkvillo fails and straightway many good people in thiB city fall to and weep. It iB tho fashion to weep and complain. 1V ' w.. - ... -,-. The stones some peopl ies some people tell are enough to givo one tho blue fever. , What is tho true condition of iilTairs in this city? A Couiuki: representative tliis week interviewed merchantfl in nearly all lines of business, and tho re pult of tliiB investigation may be sum marized as follows: IluBinesa generally is iib good, if not better than it was this time last year. Collections in some instances are Blower than at this season a year ago. Some merchants say they are if any thing better. On tho whole, notwithstanding the dreadful fault finding, business iB quite iib good as it was a year ago and it bIiowb BigiiB of improving. Tho board of education was quick to take advantage of tho new law giving it the power to force a in mill luvy on tho people. There are people who contend that if tho law authorized tho board to make a .TO or JO mill levy, tho Ixmrd would keep right up to the limit. Tho board of education is composed of two factious. One is for piling up tho expense and increasing the tax, and the other is for running things on a con servative basis. At last week's meeting tho first named faction was in tho ascendency, and it wits voted to petition tho county com missioners to make a 15 mill levy for pchool purposes. Under tho now law tho county .cominiBsioners are required to make the levy in accordance with the demand of tho board, providing the esti mate does not exceed fifteen iuIIIb. LsiBt year, when tho council had WILLIAM E. GLADSTONE. i W' w',cnA110 council linti u the state treasury against tho mercik-ss e in tho matter, there was a 0k mi ,ipmiIlH ()f Commissioner fJarneau is up . Nw It ih proposed to inuko it held by tho ,)eonlo of tho state. It is o voic levy more than double. Hero is tho estimato for this year: Salaries of teachers below fifth grade.... $ 80,119.::J High school teachers I'J.000.00 Janitors 4 8,000.00 Fuel :i,500.00 LotB purchased 'JiOO.OO Superintendent's salary J,800.00 Ofllco salaries, etc 1,700.00 ItepairB , .'1,1)50.00 Purchase of books 5,000,00 Kent, . . 'J.OOO.OO ' '!" - Interest , 5,500.00 ! MlsoollancotiB expenses 1,000.00 r.STI.MATi:i) i.nudmi:. Saloonliconpos . . . .?4 7.000.00 Hack licenses, etc.. .'l.rVOO.OO State fundH 15,000.00 Police court lines, etc 7,000.00 interest HO'J.l'J Tuition of non-resl-ilentH 150.00 -sJ7i.7Jl'J.l'.! Halauce to ho raised by taxation 01 ,057,',! I Add for new build ings 'J5,.'Mil.7ti Valuation of dis trict, 1S!'J O.OS9.0S1.00 Total to be rained by taxation. !K,000,00 For the year beginning September 1, 1802, the school board sent in its esti mate as follows: Salaries, teachers and Bupt . . . . S7.'t.8.0.(Kl Janitors 7.500.00 Fuel and lights .'i.OOO.OO Furniture and supplies, . . . 0.700.00 ! ucpairs, i ucpairs 4.000.00 New buildiriL's l).(NM).m 1 Interest .'(,000.00 ' Miscellaneous 7,800.00 The total salaries in the 18!J estimate (were 87.1,850.00; in tho 18!),' estimate , thov are 8J5,010.:K). 1 lliero is a ditrerence hero of ti!l,lG'.)..'jO. ' There is an increase of 81.000 in ..ill.... , ... . " "-- ""-' I i iirieB, which inakeB a total increase in I salaries oi c-',iw.;;u. Ah hnfl been previously explained a considerable portion of this largo in crease in tho item teachers salaries is occasioned by a two weeks extension of the school term. It Shu good thing, of courso for tho teachers, to get another half month's pay, but many of the poo plo who pay tho taxes and whoso child ren attend the schools insist that nine months is long enough for tho school term. They claim that July and Au gust and tho last part of Juno and the first part of September constitute but a reasonable vacation. It is also claimed that nearly every estimate -of expense can bo shaved without impairing tho usefulness of tho fichools. On tho whole it is not surprising that there should lie a vigorous protest on tho part of tho taxpayers against a 15 mill levy particularly as tho increase in the iium ber of school children is unusually small, and tho people who jmv tho taxes aro not conspicuously Hush, 'it is said by those who aro jn a position to know that a 10 mill levy would meet every reasonable requiriuent. Tho two cash sales made by Holm Jfc Hood this week may bo taken an a straw indicating a lavorjtblo turn in business activity. Mrs. Muy L. Chipman trans fered her residence, No. lftn CJ street, toMax-Kohn.of liloch&Kohn for $5,000 through this noal estate firm, and K. Ii. Uurnoy, by the same means, disused of his property. No, 1415 U street to MrH. Harriot K. Ilobbins, for 95,000, Auditor Mooro in barring tho doors of bo hoped that ho will not recede from Jits position. Mr. Fay, the gentleman who raised the eid.OOO for tho Y. M. U. A. hud many able assistants. Tho State Journal ren- clorod very timely aid. Indeed, it is doubtful if the total required would have been reached if it hail not been for the Journal' efforts. Something good, "White Louf Flour" 51-40 per eack. Miller A Clifford. I The Central CUn A'oiiHiii'iiiBsiuep Its readers that Judge Maxwell will be re nominated by the republicans, uud elected. - o - The Lancaster county conventions will not be held early thisvear. - o Tho Worhl-llrrahrH Miggestion that tho Independents nominate John M. Itegati for the supremo bench has called forth a variety of expressions as to that gentleman's Htuei-H for tho populist nomination. The Alliance I lalcuemlent informs the WorUI Herald that the in dependent convention can select a man for supreme judge without its assistance, and the I'lalte County Aiyun thinks that "Mr. leagan's many years of Is. & M. service and tho good fellowship in which he is still held by professional railway manipulators, is enough to make any man question the wisuomoi putiiug such a man forward as a representative of the populist for any position of honor and trust." It is said that Mr. Itciigun is not u candidate, and that he is dis posed to resent the action of certain newspapers and politicians in placing his name before the public, o An interesting note in that great book of humbug called the Farmers' Alliance of Kansas, Is about to appear. The farm laborers of Kansas aro said to b(. forming a union for tho base utilitar ian purpose of shortening their hourB of labor and lengthening their pay. They have been working twelve hours a day for from 9V2 to 815 a month, and they are going to try to get 10 a month for working ten hours a day. Uesldes they ask for yearly contracts, just as a pluto cratic corporation or a loathsome money king might. , . Sorrow and surprise swirl in the bosom of the farmers' alliance men, and the populist sunflower droops. Hero the honest alliance farmer him been trying to improve his condition at tho expense of tho state and tho United States, and now when he can scarcely ntTord to bViy a grand or square piano for his daugh ters, tho laborers turn and rend him. It is verv annoying, because it distractHhlfl mind 'from considering the best way of confiscating railroads, and holds back his soul from cursing Wall street. Tho farm laborer has been mighty useful, The largest part of tho alliuuce farmer's time s taken up in going to alliance conventions and caucuses and lectin cs; and then his heart is so heavy over tho state of tho country, and his mind bo taken up with the currency question, llllll no is uoi oi iiiucii use in urn num. And now the laborers have the impu dence to ask the fanners to give them 815 more a month per capita. Hero is the government refusing to Issue cur rency at the rate of S(S0 a head, and here is tho farmer called upon to part with fifteen additional dollars a mouth for each laborer on his farm. It is horrible, most horrible; and the only relief we can think of is tbo constant repetition of tho words per capita, words which aro tho beginning and the end of every populist ilisvussion or money, and are said to he used in JMinsas as acniirm forearuclie. What can be done to punish these wretched hired men who aro trying to embarrass the alliance in its noble mis sion of doing good to itself? How can they have tho piesuinption to resist tho application of the great alliance princi ple that tho world exists for the benefit of the alliance farmer only? Tho dis tinction and pleasure of working for thinkers, men who lay down the laws of trade as easily as you can peel an apple, ought to counterbalance long hours and short pay. Meanwhile it is good to know that "the alliance has set the seal of its disapproval upon the project," and that the secretary of tho alliance "de clares the movement a plot of the iioliti ciiins to ruin the new party." It must bo that the wicked politicians, envious of populist greatness, have egged on the hii-ed men. What else could have in duced these men todisturb the idylic ar rangement which gave them all the work, and -tho alliance thiukersall tho money and thclcisurc? And such a preix;sterous time for building agricultural, so to sneak. Tho subterranean banks hnve I not been opened, and there aro no sub treasuries to which tho alliance farmer can go for a loan. Summer and fall will tie full of conventions and platforms, uud yet the thinker con't go to them un less he consents to double the pay of his Idrelings. When Mrs. Mary Klizabeth Loiiho said that the demonetization of silver was the unspeakable crime of this cen turv she didu't foresee this Hired Men's Trust: "All murder ut il Mimd eicuml in tliU." The demoniac spirit of plutocarcy has entered into the farm lahorers. They have combined to put up tho price of their labor, an article of prime necessity, While tho alliance has been engaged in Bubsoiling corporations and harrowing mortgagees, and raking monopolies with tho tedder, tho weeds or wickedness have Ih'oii growing on their own fields. These weeds must bo pulled. ShU ")' nut alliance runners nave tlio ridii to combine? If so, then tho great work -or which so many hispid hayseed ranters hnvo howled and cried is indeed undone! New York Sun. o The heat has pupped all tho life out of local lmlitics. There 1b absolutely nothing doing. Once in a while a wan smile is observable on tho face of Ike Lansing or County Clerk Woods or Major McArthur, or Muxoy Cobb, but that is all. Slato making is temponirih suspended. -o - Muxoy Cobb, who had both hands on success four years ago, and then missed it, has a very encouraging prospect of garnering in ine treasuryBhipthis tl me. VI.II..I lli-iil lire. The Nebraska statu band's visit fo IJenttlco on tho Fourth of July was must Biiecei'sful In every way. Tho band. under the untiring direction of Professor Irvine, is now hi excellent tiaining, and tho concert at lleatilce was thoroughly artistic, it was given an audience of nearly 10,000 persons on tho Chautauqua grounds, audthedem I lustrations of approval were emphatic; ilud fiiMiuent: tho band uccr iilaved be I foie a more enthusiastic audience. The (joucert by tho state baud was the fea title of tho day at Iteatrlco and it was entirely satlsfjlng to tho Immense crowd in attendance, Uhector Irvine Is in constant coriespondenco with dllTeient Nebraska cities, and tho prospects are that the band will hnvodllllculty in till hig all of Its engagements as soon asdic season commences. A Nnwl Mime Hull'. 10. CJ. Yates, the well known O street boot and shoo merchant, has made ar raiigements for disposing of his retail stock by September 1 and embarking in tho wliolcsale business, and he has adopted a very novel way of disposing of his goods. I'Jvury purchaser of shoes may have his purchase placed to the credit of some charitable institution or church and 81, CO.) will be distiibuted among them In proportion to tho amount of Hales credited to each institution. This Isa very generous otter, and it issure to stimulate rivalry among tho churches and charitable institutions of Lincoln Tho prize Is worth striving for. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair So newer is uniiucstionahly the best pre sefvatlvo of the hair. It is also curative of daudriitr, tetter, and all scalp utlYr tions. ' There may bo some nicer and cooler jilaces to enjoy a plate of delicious ice creams than Chits. Juno's puvillion, but they are not to be found in this neigh borhood. jm iii-i 4iiiip4 in, ,iiii, -ii-.ii ui-ii-iiii- nun larry Pain, represents what Is called ft lie now humor'' in Hngland, is expected o arrive in New York this week. Ho intends spending most of his time in Cliiciiuo. 1.......I v.,.. in ...i... ...lit. r. .-,...... .,... I Tho Araauaut savs that Linn Hovd Porter, other wise "Albert Hose," "author jif certain sensational novelB,' 1b ex-4r.-JMwiy.prouvd of his monetary success, it'is related of liiui that at' a party at which ho once figured, desiring to im press some of those present, ho looked up at the clock and said: "1 suppose I might count a couple of hundred of my last book sold since 1 sat hete. It is safe to count one book to each tick of the clock." An uncut copy of Thackeray's "Vir ginians," in theoriuinal boards, has been sold in London for 9150, that price being the consequence of the fact that it con tained the following inscription in the handwriting of tho author: "In tlio U, Shite anil In tlm IJiiccmV iIiiiiiIiiIoiih All iit'oplit Iiiiviki riulil to thi-ir niiiiioiiM, Ami ninny ilim't much rclUli 'Tlio Virifiiiiiin.' l'criiM; my Ixiok, ilcnr It.; mill ir ou Unci it A little to jour tuxto, 1 luiu jou'll lilnil it. Peter Raekham, Ksqr.: with tho best re gards of tho author," In India the father of Kudyard Kip ling is not considered as the father of his son. Tho India Daily AVmvi, of Calcutta, in reporting a farewell ban quet given Mr. J. L. Kipling makes no reference to Kudyanl, but says: "Wo aro sorry to lose our Kipllngs," meaning husband and wife. Mr. Kipling "'Old Kipling' as ho is always lovingly called, is, and has been for years, one of tho most popular figures in Lahore society, full of anecdote, a capital talker, with a vast amount of miscellaneous informa tiou that comes bubbling out of him at all sorts of unexpected tiiucfl." Mrs. Kipling is said to bo quite as popular as her husband, and an extremely witty talker. In old tiinofl it seemed to be thought that a medicine must bo nauseating to bo otfeotivo. Now, all this Is changed. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, one of the most jMiwerful alteratives, is agreeable to mosi pannes, ine navor Doing Dy no means medicinal. TIib Worlil'-i Tulr. Fifty years hence, the local old timeis will still tell ahout what they "saw in Chicago in 189.S." And what they say will bo worth listening to, Time and old age and in tirmity will make no dilference; their memories will not hold more pleasant recollections than those connected with the great fair. TheglorimiB magnificence of tiieex iHisitiou buildings tho crowds of strange, foreign looking people tho de lights of the trip to Chicago by the i nurnngion route, aii tiuuo and a j thousand other equally pleasant topics W'H be referred to over and over and over again. - tho agent at depot or city ollice corner O and Tenth streets who will be pleased to furnish any informa tio" (ll't'--"w1' Fine new lino of business suitings from i'S) to 10 in Scotch and homespuns, Jeckell Hros., 110 north Thirteenth street, near Lansing theatre. Professor Swain's ladies tailoring and dress cutting school. Thorough Instruc . tions. Lessons not limited. lJress milk iug done with dispatch on short notice. Patterns cut to measure and all work ' guaranteed, j June the caterer, Thirteenth and O I streets is anxious to servo all parties, picnics and festivals with ice cream, ices, cakes, etc., and will appreciate it call rrom all intending entertainers. Furs stored at F. K. Voelker'e. Willi I II IK nun m CiniMoo. July 7, LSU'l. IHpeelal Couniit Coriespondenee. "All wuilt and no play makes Jack a dull boy" and a week or ten days at tho world s fnlr withoiit amusement leerealiou uould bo equally as seveie a fate. Variety In the spice of life even at a world's exposition and this the theattes and amusement halls of Chicago have sought to provide for our summer visitors. Tlieie are so many theatiesand hallaand competition Is so rife that our amusement eatereis have been put to the test this summer, but tho buslniss they are doing proves that they have succeeded pietty wel . ,.Mt rlulty. scenery, mirth and melody. Those of jou who do not keep In touch ,l)Vors of music and mirth llnd "Trou-a. with tho regular run of nttrai.tlons (I(, r- ,ellglitful resort where line through the Chicago dallies may be fol(,gn specialties nlleinato with wondering what sort r provender has pru,.,i melodies by Von llulow'sorches been prepared for you In this direction? lra ,int Hungarian band, and whom Not only has not single a Chleiigo theatre H Hlll0cln and beverages aro penult or amusement hall closed Its doors this ted if von like, season but innumerable additions have nfalo Hill's "Wild West" out at tho been made to the list and all or them are fllr ,,omi,H surpasses all modern :lr teeming with patronage. It was not ,.,. c,,,,,!,!,,,.,!, Uud tho V.0,000 capacity and managerial countenances looked fore inns iniougi linn iiieuiv iikiiiiii i,i; boding, but clouds have given away to sunshine since June first and tho"staud lug room only" sign Is used nightly at nearly every place of amusement. "America" at tho great Auditorium seems to have captured tlrsi xisltion. ItisiiKiridfy creation up to date u kaleidoscope of scenery, history, drama, opera and nonsense from the timoColuin bus left Spain to the time of the open lug of the world's fair, (ireat Is Kiralf. ! His genius has exploited itself in "Ann t iea" and will everlastingly link his fame with the world's fair. Only in Chicago could ho have staged such a monster scenic show, fortheiois only one such auditorium In tho world, and nrobably the capitalists of no other city would' have risked tho fortune required to J pe.iple, continue, ami retine into smoirth i running order such a colossal attraction. The company is a veritable army In size anil includes a cavalry. 'I no scoiioh re veal Spanish and American landscapes, cities, streets ami plazas, a storm at sea with the "Santa Maria" rolling the bil lows, and a regiment in camp. The specialties aro multiplied and brilliant oven if sometimes strained in elTect, Wiiat it cost to stage "'Americo" I have not heard but the. amount po doubt was enormous. Its losses the ttrot' 'month numbered awav uu in theT thotlBundfl liuftlio lliliriias turrionaniTtho prolltfi" are now accumulating. Tho auditorium seats 5,000 people ami yet nearly 1,000 "standing room only" tickets aro sold every night in addition. "America" will run all summer. Manager Temple of the elegant new Schiller theatre hooked a prize winner -' ' ' '- ii "s'''::r'?i'iiTi'''L''' . 'vJ--w-SSiSiSr iKSKBKHHlKBBvSar''' ' - LEO XIII. in the Frohmnn stock company, "The j lJusiness men that want r clean econo SiKirtsuiiin" and"Tho(iirl I Left llehiud uiical lunch at noon, ins'ead of going Mo" have not had a losing night since , home, will find a tine dinner at tho Cafo tho beginning of tho season. May llrs i ',,.v'd. 1-1 North Tenth street. Prices .Uio rcnglisli favorite Mr. K.S. Willnrd is packing iiooioys every even inir with fashionable audiences that nm i.rf,.,..i.. charmed with "Tho Professor's !..:. oiory. vunarii. whom you have of course seen and heard, proves his great versatilitj in this play, which is alto gether unlike "Tho Miildleinan" but iiiu ally as fascinating, Only a great actor could garner such a company of jewels and jay biil-Ii conscientious devotion to J ll.t 11 I lo ll'itl. ..! ! . stir ... xiiiuiii iK ii i nicago sooietN uirliB L'llllil itiorne auti wmi .miss .Marie Hurrou was a guest or the ultra set on 1) nay in Washington Park club, while privately he is nearly inundated with hospitality. ' Sol Hiuith lltuwl id tho (Irimd In playing the longest engagement of tho world's fair seasau April to October. The play "April Weather", Is tho title illustrating the alternating sunshine and sorrow of an every day romance that sways tho audience with emotions of mirth and sentiment such as only Hoi Smith llussel can evoke, It Is a pity Mr. Itussel Is growing old; ho is so I natural on the stage and with no sue- eessor to his peculiar genius in sight. Tho Columbia's rich drawing card for the season Is that probably most beilutb fill woman on tho singe- Lillian lltissell with a brilliant comic opera company, including Win. T. Carloton and Louis Harrison. The operas, "(lirolln Olrolla" and "La Clgalc.'' Imvu crowded tho Columbia to tho doom. "All llaba" at tho Chicago opera house Is repeating Its celebrated ( mill tu utmtili' liim'tlilnrttiir U'llli (r his arena Is leguiariy tested, ills aggregation constitutes an army of per formers and animals, representing all tho noted nations, and tho dashing pro gram Is one never to be forgotten. I have mentioned only it few of tho at tractions that will bewilder you witli tomntatloua when you como to tho fair. Chicago is a world of hotels, this sum mer without n parallel in history mid jou who have not been hero may pre pare to look upon somo stupendous structures. One or them Tho (ireat Kastorn which I see you are advertis ing, covers an entire block, Is threo stories high, and has 1,100 iooiiih: It guarantees to shelter i!,500 guests at any time without resorting to n cot. Tho in-iil KiiHtorn is reallvono of tlio inon ster marvels of tho fair and should bo seen whether one slops thorn or not. It reminds one or the (iriiuil Union hotel at Saratoga or somo other gay summer resort facing as it does, Washington park and over flowing with patrons from nil parts of tlio world. Manager Copoland Towsend, forntorly oft)io Palmer Houbo, mi doubt known to uianv or your readers, Is to be relied upon implicitly. f A Until.- for lllouil. In what HooiVb Siiraiipiiriiln vigorously tlulilu. anil it tu iiIuiivh vletm-intm in hi. lulling all tho foul talntfi and giving th-vl, vital tiuid tlio quality and quantity or lcrfcct health. It cures scrofula, salt rheum, boils and nil other troubles caused by impure blood. Fruited ice cream soda water iiindo from tho natural fruit, at Hector's Phur inacy. ' Irum liK' "I'- Mrs. McCIavo and Mis. Kusininger, lino dressmaking, ISM O s'root. Tho finest grocery store in tho city. Miller A-Cilfford. Why let our furs re mill a t j,omo where moths are almost sure to get n0 them, when F. 10. Volker. a practical furrier, will store tlmm until t.nvi ... !.,... ""'i1 l"-"tt-. to return them in perfect n Canon City coal at t..oWhitobrcuBt Coal and Lime Co 4