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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1893)
jjr CKPITRL CITY COURIER, i . $M uhitv J , i K i MAX MEYER & BRO. CO. lUllafele Dealer In Flrst-Class Pianos ft Organs W carry tho lars;el ni txst srlected atoek to be found lu Any home In the west, mid Ml) A manufacturers' prices, for cusli or on eat terms. 5trt(n0 Organs at bod Rock price and m aay term deeond Hand Organ, $'0 up Btcond Hand 1'lannt, J5 up. Instrument rented nnd runt nllowodlf pur chased. Cheup Htunolllotl tnmh bo oflon Im DOHadunon buyers wo tin not hmulla nnr ma. ommend. A good Rtnmliird ninkoncrond-hand tmtrument I to bo preferred to union of lb now cheap tranh wild. Cnll mill hco ui or wnie tor oniHKiKucsii nu prices, i our patron age solicited nud highly appieclntoa. Max Meyer & Bro. Co., 16th and Farnam, Omaha. PHOTOGRAPHER linn nt Rrcnt ex Bpiikc replnred lili I.D Instruments Willi n now Halle- tnjrer, direct from London, and In now belter irepared thnn ever to do flno work, from ocket up to life slue. Open from inn m. to 4 p. m. Sunday. Htudln, 1214 OKtieat. EAlmena Parker, gramatic Kcadcr Teacher of Elocution 505 Hrack Uuildino. NEBRASKA Conservatory of Musio ACADEMIC SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Lincoln Nebraska. ALL BRANCHES ot Mimic, Art, Elocnttm, Lllerntu n and Lunisuciftes, taught by a Faculty of Hlxleon Instructor. Each teachef an Artist and HpeolulUt. The only Conserva tory west of Hnntou iiwiiIiik It own building nd furnishing". A re fin oil hnmn foi lady atudsnta. Tuition from tt to $30 for term ol 10 weeka. Write for cuUIokuu 11 nil general ls formation. O. B. HOWELL, Director. Ladies' and Children's HAIR CUTTING SHAMPOOING A Spoolalty AT SAM. WESTERFIELD'S BURR BLOCK. DR. T. O'CONNOR, (Huccesaor to Dr. Charles Sunrise.) Cures Cancers Tumors Wem undJKlHtulm without t ho use. of Knlle Chlorofcirm or Ether. Office l.00 U Stroet-Owen block. UIMOOLN NEB. DR. HENRY A. MARTIN'S Medical Institute FOHTIIBCUHBOK 1 Chronic Diseases SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women Catarrh, , Morphine and Opium Habits Cure Guaranteed. Consultation Free. 1 ' Offjces, 141 South uth Street rz' PIANOS "'IT r pianos :i, 42&&&0t. IsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVk jVsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMtt MH. BILLUPS READS ALOUD. V Diiinritlo Kent Attended by Bom IllltU'iilty. Mr. llllltlpa wiih rending nloud toliln wife. "Are you HsU'iiIiiKf" ho mild to Mr. Ullluns. "Why, certainly, dear," hIiu rvplleO. "Go od, please; ko on." "Excuse mo for thinking no," Mild Mr. Hlllup., "but I did think Unit you wen? roIiik to sleep with your eyes open." "Oh, do tilenso o out" Mm. lllllup ex clntmed. "You arc ho HKKrnvntliiK, J0I111I" "All rltfht," continued Mr. lllllupi. "Where wns I ntr Ah, I seel 'The dark npna that can bo felt, Impaled ami ntnlihud throiiKh Its whole thickness by onu mighty moonbeam, clear mid clean nnd' " Mr. IJIllupH' Impressive elocution wns rtulely marred nt this (mint by a bourse wall of "Miv-n-nl Mn-n-nl Mn-tnnl" which Issued from tho noxt room, nnd, nrrestliut tho proKreHH of that "mighty moonbeam," torrolwrated Mrs. Dilltipi' ItupreHslon that she had heard tho baby. Tho baby wan In deed nwake. Ho apparently wanted "ma ma" very much, nnd shu nrose from her chair and started to ko to him. "Confound Itt" Mr. Dlllups ejnculated, "1'vo a notion to read the story to myself If you can't listen." "Oh, plunno ddu't," Bald Mrs. Iltlltipn. "I'll brliiK him out and hold him In my nrius, and ho'U Imj Rood, I know ho will." Shu hastened away and brought back tho two-year-old, who blinked at tho lamp light, and wan no Kind to bu released from bin crib that ho became. Instantly quiet nnd hnppy. Mm. Dlllups tucked tho young mini's nightdress snugly about his toes, resumed her scat nud told her husband to go on again. Ho obeyed. "'Ono mighty moonbeam,"' ho read, " 'clear and clean nud cold, from tho top to the bottom"' "Hello, papal" chirped tho baby, having rapidly reached tho wldo awako state, In which, particularly by lamplight, ho was 11 very observant child. "Hello, you rascal! Keep still!" arid papa, nnd then resumed, " 'AH around, In tho circle of tho outer black, He tho great dead'" "Ma-mat" cried the disturber again. "mn-mal Downt Dlt down!" "He wants to get down nud run around," mn-niH explained to Mr. Dlllups, who was not nn adept In baby talk, nnd she allowed tho boy to slide from her lap nud shift for himself. " 'Lie the great dead In their tombs,' " Mr. Dlllups continued, with uslghof resig nation, "'whispering to each other of deeds' " "Walt just a minute, John," said Mrs. Dlllups, calmly breaking In upon the voices from the tombs, "ilo's got your pipe off the table." "Well, let him havo It," said Mr. Dll lups, "if it'll only keep him quiet. It isn't lit." "No, I won't," snld Mrs. Dlllups. "It'll mako him sick anyhow, and besides ho might break it." "Then tnko It nwny from him quick!" And, this order having been executed nnd the baby pi.ulfled against tho loss of the pipe, Mr. Dlllups pitched in once more, " 'whispering to each other of deeds that shook tho world; whispering in a lan guage' " "Lang-dldge," piped a little voice. "He's only imitating you," was the com ment tundo by Mrs. Dlllups. "Well, I wish be wouldn't," Mr. Dlllups groaned; '"whispering In a language nil their own ns yet tho language' " "Lang-dldgo, lang-didget" "Shut up, you nuisance! 'The language of the life to come the language' " "Lang-dldge, lang-dldgo!" "Now, look here, young fellow," said Mr. Dlllups; "who's doing this rending you or If" "Tnko him up In your lap," Mrs. Dll lups suggested. "Perhaps ho'U bo better that way." Mr. Dlllups, in desperation, did mi he was told, nnd with his arms around the baby's shoulders nnd holding tho book at arm's length continued, "'Tho language of a stillness no dread and deep that the very sllenco clashes against It, nnd' " "Pem-miu, pem-mlel" cried tho child, adzing tho lapel of his father's coat. "Pencil, ho means," Mrs. Dlllups re marked. "Givo him your pencil from your vest pocket, nnd then he'll bo quiet." The boy got the pencil nnd straightway conveyed the sharpened end to his mouth, while Mr. Dlllups read on, " 'And niakis dull, muflled beatings in cars that strain to catch thu dead men's talk; the shadow of Immortality' " "Down, down! Dlt downl"cnme ngaln from the restless young Dlllups, nnd his father let him down so suddenly that thu child stumped his bare toes against a rung of tho chair, and began to cry. "I know what I'll do," snld Mrs. Dlllups, ever hopeful. "I'll give him that box of liver pills to play with. He's so fond of hearing them rattle. Come here, darling" to the baby "and get your box." "D-b-bots?" sobbed the llttlo fellow. "Yes," his mamma replied. John found bis placu in tho book ngaln, while John, Jr., toddled away with that fascinating box of pills. "'Tho shadow of immortality,'" Mr. Dlllups continued in a humdrum tone, his 1 liK-utionury talent squelched; "'the shadow of Immortality falling through the shadow of death and bursting back upon its heavenward course' " "Torse, torse!" shouted that parrot voice from a distant corner 61 tho" room. " 'Torse,'" Mrs. Dlllups replied. "No, it wnsn cither. It w as 'course.' " "Well, I meant 'courbo.' You know I did. I was just thinking of the baby. He said 'torse,' and I" "Never mind what he says, Mary. I was reading, 'Bursting back upon Its heavenward course coursu,' mind you 'from the depth of thu abyss; climbiug again upou Its silver belf " "Ma-n-al Ma-n-al Ma-mat" This meant trouble, sure. Dnby had got thu pillbox open and tasted tho contents. He didn't like tho flavor. "Mn-a-at ma-a-al ma-n-al" he yelled, nud mnnuna leaped to his side nud uttered a suppressed shriek. "Shall I go for tho doctor?" queried Mr. Dillups in a hard voice, throwing aside hi book. . "No, it's not as had as that, thank gmxl uessl" responded Mrs. Dlllups. "I thought he had swallowed thu pills, but ho hasn't." "I guess not!" snld Mr. Dlllups uufeel Ingly. "Cutch bltn swallowing anything ho doesn't like!" "Oh, John, what d6 you mennr The dear little dnrllugl WoVt you go on with your rendlngf" f "Well, I guess not that either," ex claimed the man of thu house. "You can put that") oung villain to slrep again, and I'll go, out o.u thu doorstep and take a Hinoke, if I catch my death of cold doing It." And. Mr,.DIJlup, petulantly selzlnii hi pipe and tobacco rudich, sallied forth and executed Ids threat, Doston Herald. An Awful Curse. Ilrlggs You don't mean to say that yoa are smoking n cigarette, do youf Griggs Certainly. Why notr Driggs Why notl If you had nny con ception of tho Injury they nro doing you would stop. Why not! Do you know that these harbingers of denth arc killing more men than all thu liquor lu tholandf Are you awaro, sir, that this trump card of tliu devil Is even now sapping nwny tho ltr,'lty of the chosen youth of this great rouutryf Iok around you nnd sco tho hideous trail ot this deadly serpent that Is sucking away thu llfohluod of the nation. You haven't got another, have youf Truth. Who It W Visitor What Is all tlmt noise nnd rack et in thu private ofllcuf Onicu Doy Oh, that's the silent partner going over thu books. Life. , Well Caiiuht. "Thorn's lots of horses that git pretty Inmo tryln tor keep up with tho proces sion," said Undo Ezra to thu boys as they nt before thu fire. "An It don't pay ter git too darln nud sassy with ycr jokiu." There was no ono to gainsay thu truth of this remark, nud the old man continued: "Now there was Aaron Jnques. Ho was goln ter git lots of fun outcn that poor ole cripple, Miss Jones, tlict lives up In tho woods. She ain't an uncommon neat pus son, nn if truth be spoke her cheesu ain't invlt lu ter look nt nor yet ter tastu. "Well, Aaron hu went over there one day and thought ho'd git a pleco ter take ter school and fool tho girls with. He went up ami madu a tolerable flno call tiptoed round ltku n diiucln master. J 1st before become away hosez, mighty perlltei " 'Miss Jones, do givo me a pleco of yor nice cheese. I've jist b'en n-hnnkerin fer it,' sez he. "Well, she went Into a kind of dark lookiu closet ender tho stairs nn come out with a plecu 'bout's big as a bowl, an sho looked at Aaron kind o' cur'us nn sec, tnllin a little, 'You've b'en a-hnnkerin, Lev yef ' " Here thu old man threw his head for ward nnd attempted nn imitation of Misa Jones' smllo. "It was pretty moldy an black lookln, and Aaron chuckled to hlssclf, n-thlnkln what a flno 1 1 mo he'd huv with that cheese, when the old lady sez a-givln him a knife, aez she: " 'There, ycr can cease n-hnnkerln, an aet right down here an cat it, nn don't yor carry it nwny nn make fun of it, same's yer brother Amos did.' An sho Jist stud over him while hu minced thu whole of it down. Doys, don't bu too brash with yer foolln." Youth's Companion. How IU Lonlihlp "ot I-cfU" Thu following anecdote Is told of a cer tain venerable and learned bishop who had an uncontrollable partiality for correcting and critlcisiug thu language of his parish ioners. On onu occasion hu happened to enter a crowded horsu car running on onu of tho main thoroughfares of tho town of F . A business man of the city, who was also a member of his lordship's flock, chanced to bo sitting near where he stood, and thinking It hardly right that he, a young mau, should bu seated while his bishop was compelled to stnnd, rose nnd said, "My lord, since you nru thu oldest, permit me to offer you my'seat." Heplled tbu bishop In a critically Instructive tono ot voice, "You should say, my dear friend, 'Since you nro tbv older, permit mu to offer you iny sent.' " Thu gentleman gazed at him for a few moments, then tranquilly snt down again, and picking up his newspaper remarked Folltely, ".My lord, since I am the younger will keep my sent." Detroit Free Press. How Nbe Caught Them. They were talking of thu vanity of wom en, nnd onu of thu few ladies present undertook a defense. "Of course," she said, "I admit that women are vain nud men nru not. Why," sho added, with a glanco around, "tho necktie of the hand somest man In thu room is even now upthe back of his collar." And then she smiled, for every mau present hnd put his hand up behind his neck I Drake's Magazine. More Light on It. The coniersatlon hnd drifted to the "Whure urn I nt?" episode. "Nnow, d'ye kuiiow," said tho English man, slightly perplexed, "that sounds quite odd tons. Wu should say, 'Where Is my 'at?' "Chicago Tribuno. Fur Onco lu Ills Life. First Disputant Then I'm a Hnr? Second Ditto On thu contrary, my dear fellow, you have just spoken the truth. Tit-Diu. ' " I ' " Utttlly Off. "And what did the doctor say was really tho matter with you?" "Vull, miss, his very words was, 'You'ro asulierln from a guitar in tin stomach, with 11 great r ant of tone.' ".I idy. aa. ... CHIMMIE (1ET8 A JOB. And Uses Nlmitfn Language to the flanM man Who Hire Him. 'Say, 1 knowed yo'd be paralyzed w'et) ye seed me In dls hnrui-ss. It's up In (I ain't II? Dnt's right. Say, remember nu tellln ye 'lout de mug I t'umpod fer dt loldynn de How'ry do loldy wot glu m de five and squared mo wld der perlkut Dat's right. Well, say, sho Is a torrorbrti' nu dnt goes. See? Dat cvenln wot tl'yt tluk she done? Shu brought 'Is whlskvri ter see me. "Nnw, 1 ain't strlngln ye, 'Is whisker. Is do loldy's ladder. Sure. " 'K comes ter mo room wld dor loldy, 'I whiskers does, nn ho says, says '0, 'Is ill Chlmmie Faddun?' says 'e. "'Yer dead on,' snys I, " 'Wot does do young man say?' ho says "Den do loldy, sho kinder smiled say yer otter seed r smllo. Say, It'a oittvi sight, Dat's right. Well, she says, 'I tluk I understand Cblmmlu's langwuge,' slu says. "K means 'u Is do kid yuso lookln fer. 'K's du very mug. "Dat's wot sho says; somet'lii llku dnt only a fully can't just remember her laug wugo. "Den 'Is whiskers gives me a snug nu dntieu 'bout mu belli a bravo young man fei t'umpln der mug wot Insulted 'Is ilaugh ter, 1111 'bout Ms h'art belli all broku dat Ml daughtcrahould bu doln mlsslouur work In der slums. "Den der loldy, shu says, 'Chlmmie,' say she, 'me fadder needs a footman,' shu says, 'an I taut you'd be du very mug fer del Job,' says she. See? "Say, I was nil broko up, an couldn't say nottlu, fur Ms whiskers was so solemn. Seul " 'Wot's yer lay now?' says Ms whlskoni orsomet'ln llku dat. "Say, I could 'avo give Mm a string 'bout mu belli a hnrdwurkln boy, but I knowed der loldy was dead ou ter mo, "Den Ms whiskers was kinder paralyzed llku, an o turns to Ms daughter au'esayi desu Is Ms very words 'u says: "'Iloally, Fannie,' '0 says, "really, Fan nle, you must Interpert dls young mnn'i langwuge,' 'e says. Seu? "Den shu lalTs an says, saya she! " 'Chlmmlu is a good boy if 'e only had a chance,' she saya. "Den Ma whiskers, 'e says, 'I dare any,1 like dat See? '1 dnro say.' Seu? Say, did ye ever 'ear words like dom? Say, I was fer tellln Ms whiskers ter git outer dnt, only fer der loldy. Seo? "Well, den, wu nil givo each odder a song an danco, an de end was 1 was took fer a footman. Sco? Tiger, ye say? Naw, dey don't call me no tiger. "Say, wouldn't'my gang on der Dow'rj be paralyzed If dey seen mo In ills harness! Ain't 1t great? Surel Wot am I dolul Well, I'm doln pretty well. I had tcrt'iimp a felly dey calls de butler de first night I was dure for callln me a heathen. Seel Say, dere's n kid In der bouse wot open, der front door w'eu youse ring do bull, nu I win all Ms boodle do second night 1 wiu dere, show-In Mm how ter piny crusou. Say, It's a dead cosy game, but der loldy, she axed me not to bunko do farmers deys all farmers up In dnt house dead farmers so I leaves 'em alone. 'Souse me now, tlutf me loldy comln outer du shop. I opens de door of du cnrrlnge nn she says, 'Home James.' Den I Jumps on de box an string de driver. Say, 'o's n farmer too. I'll tell you some more Miout de game next time So long." New York Sun. Married Women and Girls' Hecreta. "There Is nothing so exasperating In the whole world as to tell a profound secret to some woman friend and discover a day or two later that her husband knows as much aliout thealfalras you do," said a young girl to us the other day. "You see, one because a girl Is married she must retail everything to tho man whom she has favored with her hand, and If you have Iteen chums for years it naturally fol lows that you go on telling her little so rets In thu old time way, until a few shocks tench you that things are very dif ferent from the good old days when there was 110 third party to bo taken into our coulldence. Heally, I think it Is very mean of them; don't you? Of coursu It isn't anything for a wifu to tell her husband all thu little happenings of her own life, but when It comes to revealing other women's secrets I think it positively dishonorable. "I know when 1 nm married I will keep all thu llttlo confidences made by my girl friends locked fnst In my own breast, for I am novur going to mortify them aa I have been by learning that a certain escapade or lovu episode that was too good to keep entirely to myself, yet not the thing to spread broadcast, had become common property because my friend had told her husband, who told some 0110 nt tho club, etc. Sometimes I really think thnt tho only way to actually keep a secret is not to tell it to any ono, but there Is no fun In thnt. The zest is all gone when no ono else knows It, but of one thing I nm certain, I will never trust a married woman with anything 1 care to keep absolutely between ourselves." Detroit Tribune. flure I'op. He (nt 11:80 p. in.) Your father Isanaw fully jolly ild chap, Isn't be? Can't you arrange It ko that I can meet him? She Yes. Just stay half nu hour longer New York Herald. THE NEW SCALE Vose & Sons Pianos OF BOSTON. ESTABLISHED OVER 41 YEARS. CELEBRATED FOR THEIR Pure Tone, Elegant Designs, Superior Workmanship, and Great Durability. flAX flEYER & BRO. CO., u J - SMdeteScblJiflrffMi party (1T THtKc:rrT7SN. - XS; a DANCING SJDaIS- All Shapes, -:- onn ruwruuuin utnnrutnru u u u tnruvru nnn 1225 o Street 8 unnnnnruin ruiuuumn ruutnruvm uuti WARM SHOES iteizm--zWQrnq 'n,AT SJS-SW"- -ami- x!t- !$T)&$is Give Comfort. .: 5l?e Burligtois Serritory AIR:-WlTOHE DANOK DBS ALPHABET. IBM Pullman Slepr ttibule Tralm Ptrlor Can Low Rt$ DouHt Track CfoConnetin Dining Cart Union Dtpott 8ft Half Tnnugh Coach i uhk Tim Chair Cart Mir Brakt ITuffl UMOOtN orncis. OOR.OANOIOtn, MO B. AM. DEPOT. TIIEIIB CAX HE NO MISTAKING THE "UUItLINGTON'S" POSITION "fN THE RAILROAD WORLD -ALWAYS WAS ALWAYS WILL A LEADER. IT IS- mm . J.FrtANCIB, GEN L PASflFNOER AOENT. OMAHA. BBVikPBWsTiVBBk 1520 Farnham Street, - SMdetowaj v SLIPPERS t5JT5tffs Newest Styles. 1226 o Street AND SLIPPER , u nizmA3 , a'fawy, atchison, allkoiirny amd austin. , bai.timokk, iioston, buffalo and burlinotox. olucaoo, council bluffs, cincinnati and cleyii m dbadwood, dkthoit, dbs moinbi and denver, evanrville, erie, elmira and bau claire. Fall rivrr, fitcuduro, fond du lag and fortwa Qalveiton, oeorobtowm, orand ramds, oaleu.- V Halifax, Houston, mot sprinos and iiannibal. I RONTON, INDIANAPOLIS, IOWA CITY AND INDEP Jersey city, jackson, joliet and Jacksonville. Kalamazoo,, kankakke and k ansae crrr L.EADVILLB, LITTLE ROCK, LOUISVILLE AND LINCOLW, Minneapolis, mobile, Milwaukee amd Memphis. "ut NEW ORLEANS, NANTUCKET, NEW YORK AND KARHYtJ1'1 Omaha, obhkosh, oswego .p oodensuuro. teratlvo pKORIA, riTTSBURO, PHILADELPHIA AND FOUXAJsZ ftl'V TO" i unanaa Rock island, Richmond, rockford and RucmuTxa. sacramrnto, salt laxe, ban francisco and bt. pah. Tallahassee, terre haute, Toledo and taumtom. Ulysses, urban a, unadilla and utica. Virginia city, vicksburo, vimcenne and VANOBOVBm Winnipeg, washinoton, winona and woxckbtbr, xenia junction, xerxes, xbnia and xenofhow yl'-iilanti, yonkers, yankton and younostowv. 2lon, eumdrota, zacatecas and zanesvillb. A. C. ZIEMER, OITY PAB81N0ER AOBNTt LINCOLN. HjJllmSJBJ FAST HAIL ROUTE 1 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO Atchison, Le en worth, St. JoseprlTsMas City, St. Louis and all PoInU South. East and West The direct line to Ft. Scott, Panotuu Wichita, Hutchinson and all principal points In Kansas. The only road to the Great Hoi Springs of Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers and ffva Reclining Chair Cars on all trains. I.E. R.MILLAR, R. P. B. MIU11, City Ticket Agl Gsnl Af sat Omaha, Neb. art .toon. ro- I m 1 1 &H3b