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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1893)
4 - - m t jft Df ,' -fl 1 1 aLLM LaaLI aw &l a&H aaar Ht ar M Tx vav aaJ' Jal aam'a"' a av Hasfl ibbbbbbbLt avvAfl AvW fc-1 ebmBbl m - W"kil bbbbbjbbY BBBaHIBr fBBB lOT bbbbwbH HHfl bk bbbbi bbVbbbI bbbbbbbbbbb&bbbb BBBBm, bbbbbbb VOL. B. NO. 6. 111 I 111- Thoro Is now no longor uny doubt that Lincoln is soon to hnvo eompoti tlon In tho electric nnd gns light sup ply. The capitalists who somo time slneo secured tho possession nnd con trol of tho Homo Electric railway, for merly tho consolidated Lincoln City nnd Cupltnl Heights street railways, nro ombark ulso in tho manufacture of oloctrlclty for illumi nating purposes. These gentlemen have an abundanco of capital and none of them have yet been suspected of an inclination or uu aptitude to throw any of it uwny in fruitless and unprotitablo ontorprlsos. They confidently claim that they can furnish electric lights at a rate fur below thoso now paid In this city nnd still realize a hundsomo divi dend from their investment. They are obliged to erect a now power house soon for tlnJlr street rullwuy, which will bo extended this spring somo ton miles along tho principal streots, and propose to put in an illuminating plant nt tho sumo time. Thoy uro also figur ing on u $2tf,000 plunt for tho manu facture of fuel and Illuminating gas, and in enso cortain ponding financial negotiations are effected, will put in tho gas plant nlso. Thoy appear to on tertuln a suspicion thut tho "Council is very friendly to tho existing company, as thoy have boon doing some testing in that lino. Although tho company already possesses an electric lighting franchlso, the same which was granted the old Lincoln City Electric Street Hallway company, It hasj seen fit to ask tho council for u franchise, and devel opments thus far have not boon reas suring. Two meetings passed oro thoy could got their ordinance introduced. If this is an honest movement to estab lish competition in tho Uluminuting and fuol business, it Is of tho utmost impoitanco to tho peoplo that tho fran chise bo'granted, but thoro Is room for tho suspicion thut it may be a move ment merely to create sympathy for tho company, which it is likely to need whwn it undertakes to traverse with its street rullwuy cortuln streets In tho business certor upon which It now has doslgns, or it may bo to compel sanc tion of Its occupancy of thoso streots by tho powers that bo. Thoro Is certainly trouble browing In tho street rullwuy field, as tho Lincoln street rullwuy has occupied all of tho down town streots and thoso leading to tho depots, and tho Homo company has determined to get down town to tho depots by somo moans. Tho proposed electric light ordlnunco was read for tho first tlmo at tho council mooting Tuesday night. It asks simply a franchlso to build, oper ate nnd muintuln a plant for tho manu facture and distribution of electric light und illuminating und fuol gus. It provides thut within ton months af tor tho pussngo of tho ordlnunco tho com pany shall expend nt leust $50,000, und thut when completed it shall not charge tho city or its citizons moro than $1.50 por 1,000 foot of Illuminating gus, $1 per 1,000 foot of .fuol gns, $8.50 per month for all-night 2,000 candle power electric lights or $5.50 for midnight lights. Theso prices will bo a substan tial gain for consumers over tho prices now exacted, nnd it looks u little strungo'thut thoro should bo men In tho council JKho would stand up and vote to say thut tho people shall not bo glvon tho udvuntago of buoIi a gain. But there nro such mon in tho council, although tho promoters of tho now plunt say that it will puss. Thoro should, howovor, bo a clauso in tho or dlnunco provontlng a possible consoli dation with tho old company. Tho old company, it was intimated ut tho last council meeting, will claim an ex clusive frunchlso, but an examination of tho statutes will show thut there is no such thing In this stuto us an ex clusive franchlso to be obtained except by tho purehaso of city councilmon. It has been intimuted thut tho now pro ject is simply a schomo to bluckmuil tho old company, but mature rellootion will show thut blackmail is impossible, ns tho council has tho right to grunt any and all applicants franchises, and in fuet it is its duty under tho spirit of tho law to ufford tho peoplo nil of tho advantages to bo derived from compe tition. Tho now company must, to hold Its frunchlso, conform to its ngroo ments, and when it doos so it will lw blackmailing nobody. Ono of tho proposed amendments to tho olty charter is tho establishment of u property quullllcutlon to entitle ono to voto In nn olootlon Involving tho Is suance of imnds. Tho measure Is ono which certainly appears just und oqult ablo, a$ tho owners of tho city's prop erty uijj cortuinly tho ones who should bo ompoworod to say whothor or not thoy should bo taxed for special pur poses. As a rule mon who do not own proporty do not, unsolicited, take enough interest in such propositions to turn out und voto. It is tho property owner who is interested. If such a proposed mcusuro Is calculated to help tho city tho proporty owner, who will bo bonolltted thoroby, may lw rolled upon to recognize thut fact nnd render it every support. If it is calculated to help eh lolly ono man, or a few men, ho may ulso bo depended upon to do about tho right thing in tho mutter. Men who own proporty to lw effected by such measures nro little apt to bo corruptly inlluenced in these particular mutters, und when thoy voto for bonds for uny improvement it muy bo de pended upon thut it will be u general lwncflt to tho city. As tho law is ut present a few men, by tho judicious ex penditure of a fow thousands among tho iloatlng and transeient population, muy curry almost uny proposition, no matter whut unjust oppressions It may impose uH)ii one citizen for tho benefit of another. Thoro uro hundreds of mon who conscientiously refrain from voting on bond propositions, as thoy deem it tho right of proporty owners to suy whether or not their proporty shall be subjected to special tuxes. If all mon woro us conscientious there would bo no need of uny restraining luw, but thoy uro not. Somo mon would voto for unythlng, no mutter how unjust, thut would lullict a tax upon his neighbor's proporty, und do it from choice, but tho majority of men who hud no interest ut stuko would re quire somo Inducement. This Induju mont is too often forthcoming. Tho city council bus nccopted tho proposition submitted by tho Burling ton und Union Paclfle railroad com panies looking to the erection und mnlntonunco of u vluduct over tho thirty-four trucks of thoso companies on U stroot. liy tuo torms of this nccopted proposition thoso companies aao to furnish to tho city us It muy bo neoded a sum suHlolent to build tho viaduct, estimated at from $130,000 to $150,000, and pay all ubutting damages. Tho further provision Is that whan It shall hnvo been built tho city shall forovor maintain it at its own oxcluslvo cost. Tho monoy dorlvod from tho granting of crossing privileges to stroot railways shall go to tho, city to consti tute a special fund for tho maintenance of tho structure. Tho railway com panies also agroo to remove tho pres ent O street bridgo to a point on tho crook further west on O stroot, so that residents of that section west of Salt creek and south of O street will bo afforded access to tho west approach of tho viaduct. Tho first thing dono by tho council after tho adoption of tho ordinance was to grant to tho Lincoln und Salt Lako Electric Streot Railway company tho right to lay a double track across tho viaduct, with tho pro vision, howover, that other lines may uso tno tracks upon payment of a pro portionate shuro of tho cost of putting thorn in. Undor tho now ordinance O street from Fourth to Seventh is va cated as a streot. Now it behoves the city to sco to It that a Arm nnd durable viaduct is put up, ua tho stronger It is built tho less expense tho city It liable to suffer for mnlntonunco. As tho ordinance stands, tho interests of tho railroads and tho city uro nt vuriunco. Tho less monoy tho companies uro re quired to put into tho construction, tho moro it is npt to cost tho city In tho long run. It muy not have been gonorully noticed, but to the man in search of a comfortublo abodo oquippod with mod orn conveniences it has become pain fully apparent thut dosirublo tonomont houses uro mighty iinrd to find. It is somewhat remurkublo thut such is the cuso, but tho mun who has investigated finds thut it is so. This scarcity of tenomonts, howovor, applies chiefly to Inside districts, within such a reasona ble dlstanco from tho business contor as ono would not seriously object to walking now and then. Tho statement does not hold good as to outsldo or suburban districts, as thoro aro a good many very good houses for rent around the city limits. Peoplo have joined in a movomont to got nearer tho contors of business, and tho speculative munla thut curried tho building operations out into tho country for miles during tho boom seuson sovorul years slneo has calmod and tho reaction is ovorywhoro apparent. Consldorablo resldonco building has boon dono during tho past three years-in fact a surprising amount but tho housos In central por tions aro filled us rapidly us comploted, nnd it is a llttlo remarkable thut rental rutos huvo hold their own remurkably well in central sootions Roots in tho suburbs, howovor, havo dopreciatod, und it will bo sovoral years boforo a great deal of tho outlying resldonco proporty will ylold tho returns ownors anticipated at tho tlmo of building. Meantime tho central portions will be come more and moro compact and citi fied. Tho past year's building has LINCOLN,' NEBRHSKH, SKTUHJDKY, JRNUKRY in. been utmost exclusively in tho lino of flno residences or oxponslvo tenements centrally located. Now that Seventeenth Btreot has boon paved to South street, owners of line teams and vehicles uro beginning to anticipate tho establishment of a drive that will compensate thorn for tho los of tho East O and East It street eurcult, tho olllcacy of which us a drive was injured by tho Hock Island crossing. It Is hoped that stops muy bo taken to secure tho paving of South Eleventh street from C to South, and SELF-MADE then connect Eleventh and Seventeenth by paving South street. Tho nood of such a drive will bo severely folt dur ing tho coming summer. Somo of tho society ludics of Lincoln should insist on being taken moro closely into tho confidence of tholr husbands. Thoy uro missing a groat deal of elevating and extremely edify ing fun by not so Insisting. Wednes day evening thoro was a prizo fight out at Lincoln park between a while man and a darkey, and a number of society ladies whoso beaux were otherwise un accountably absent that night muy know thut they woro enjoying tho tight. Tho uudlonco numbered many of the swells of tho city. Too P. Lossik. How'a ThUI Wo offer ono hundred dollars roward for uny enso of catarrh thut can not bo cured by Hull's Cutarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Wo, tho undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions und financially able to curry out any obligations made by tholr firm. West fc Truax, Wholesulo Druggist, Toledo, O., Wuldlng, Klnnun & Mur vln, Wholesulo Druggists, Tolodo, O. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Prlco, 75c por bottlo. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Itrul KxtHtu For Muln in- Truil. Whnt havo you to olTor In exchange for a lot In Elmwood addition, near Wostorn Normal college, and lot A, Sponcor's uddltlon, adjoining tho M stroot bull purk. Will sell or trudo both for good resldonco lot. Cull on or address Lou Wosjol, ut this olllco. faiw Rate to Flm Ida nml the 8outli-eat. Tho B fc M is now soiling round trip tickets ut very low rutos to Jackson ville, St. Augustine, Tampa, Suther land, Flu., Ashvillo, N. C, Birming ham and Mobile, Ala., Charlestown, S. C, Augusta nnd Suvunnuh, Gu., und other iolnt in tho south, oust, good for roturn until Juno 1st, 181)3. Porsons contomplutlng n trip south will find it to tholr udvnntngo to call at either B k M depot or city ofllco, cor. O and 10th streots, whore full Information us to routes, rutos, etc., will be furnished. A. C. ZlEMKU,City Puss. Agt. Clearing sale of cloaks and remounts of dross goods at way down Horindsholraer & Co's. prices at If you enjoy dancing go to your drug gist and got a bottlo of Positive Corn Curo, which insures comfort. a HI MB - Tho.olootion of Hon. E. M. Corroll us chairman pro torn, which hud iwon offoated by tho republican-democratic combine, was allowed to stand, but us a recognition of tho republican sldo it stands alone and on a mighty precar loutttUtid unstable footing. II. A. Ed wards, independent, was made iwrmu- nont? secretary, und George H. Doughty, Llttlelleld assistants. MEN." Doughty is a domocrat. Rev. J. M. Snidor was chosen to importuno tho white throne for tho overthrow of plutocracy. S. S. Alloy, democrat, will guard tho peace und provejit smok ing and muko himself generally useful as a hired man clad In a llttlo brief authority. K. Luddon, an lndopond ont, and R. L. Rossltor, a democrat, will share his arduous duties. J. H. Dundas, an Independent, was choson as engrossing clerk and Frank R. Mor- rlssoy, prlvato secretary for tho re tiring governor, got a fresh grip on tlio stuto houso as enrolling clerk. A. Waumor, an independent, will guard tho outor portal and keep a sharp look out to prevent tho invasion of lobbyists. W. A, J. Raum was made postmaster. Ho Is un independent und J. Stotn hurdt,' a democrat, was elected to help him digest tho postal cards. D. J. Cronln, a populist, looks after tho sen atorial ovorcoats and hats in tho cloak room when ho Isn't tired, and S. W. Coraan, democrat, will do it whot. lie is. F. M. Johnson, independent, was solootod to curry tho star route. F. J. Kolllgor was glvon a job as book keep er. He is an independent. A demo crat, J. C. Goriu, was christened cus todian of tho senate und II. Kossler, un independent, janitor. J. A. Butler was mudo assistant custodian of tho cloak room. J. F. Sherman, u democrat was clothed with tho dignity of messenger clerk und J. G. P. Hildebrnnd, u moss back, clerk of tho committee of the whole. Whut u purody it unquostlonubly Is to huvo pruylng In legislative hulls. No preacher is so able und eloquent thut his invocations huvo the slightest off oct. They go In ut ono our und come out at tho other. Petitions to tho throno of grace for divine guidance to wise and Just legislation ought to find, ono woulfl conclude, a statesman here und there whom It might influence, hut they appear to glance on the conscience of ouch'lndlvlduul legislator about as naturally as water oil a duck's lmck. Prayor muy bo porflooty ut homo in modern legislative hulls, but it doesn't hurmonizo very well with Its surround ings. It Is un indulgence thut Is not only ineffective und superficial it is u hollow protenso and un unhallowed mockery, It takes hold of no ono but tho chaplain, is forgotten as soon us uttered, und it is safe to say is not desired by a single member for tho virtue it ought to Inspire, but simply because it in a measure ro!os a vora cious wolf in tho garments of a lamb. Until a swooping reformation has boon inaugurated in methods of legis- I lation the legislator who attempts to ciouk nw viiiamy witn a somuiunco oi respect for prayor or its objects ought to lw indictable for obtaining power nnd prestige under false pretenses. . Whut a hollow mockery it was, for In- und B. S. 1S93. stance to nave lung prayers reeled off during tho fow sessions thus far hold by tho present legislature, while tho momlwrs, to tho very lust man, woro forgetting their ultlolal oaths to ex pend tho states money in an orguul.od battlo for sK)ils. It must either bo presumed that all of tho prayers have ieen wholly and woefully Ineffective, or else tho Lord In answering them has sanctioned somo mighty queer schemes and combinations. Thut tho best laid schemes of mice and railroad lobbyists gang aft aglee has Imjoii demonstrated by tho course of events in the senate. After tho com bination formed !otwcon democrats and republicans lust Frliluy, whereby Messrs Bubcock, Mattes, and Norton, democrats, voted with tho republicans on temporary organization, it looked mighty dark for the populists, und, it may ho added, for democrats also. Republicans were accordingly jubilant, and Congressman Bryan, who had pro tested against a coalition of democrats with republicans was jeered and re viled by tho victorious republicans. But there is uu old proverb which ovory now and then Ik1s up soronoly und obtrusively to vindicate itn own Inteirrltv. It Is to the effect that tho gentleman who waits until tho others have all tholr turns ut tho sumo diver sion can always agitato his risibilities to tho lwst advantage. Whon tho news of Wednesday's proceedings ronched Bryan ho must havo found himself con fronted by a job of laughing thut taxed his generous capabilities in thut lino. Tho roar thut wont up from tho domo cratlo pross ovorywhoro was no uncer tain expression of disapproval und tho thrco recreant democratic senators could not overlook Its import. Hence it was thut whon tho senate convened on Wednesday it was nlreudy known that tho five democratic members of thut body had decided to voto with tho populists on organization. Thon it wan that Pope of Sallno, a republican? suddenly conceived tho idea that a fair division is no robbery, but tho populUta and democrats had concluded that thoy would mako tho fair division betwoon thomsolvos. Tho coalition was ono which it would havo dono Mr. Bryan's heart good to havo seen effected oro ho pulled his freight for Washington, and is decid edly a black eyo for Hon. J. Sterling Morton, Hon. James E. Boyd, Hon. Tobias Castor and somo othor leading democrats who opposed with all tholr strength a union of strength of jxipu- lists nnd democrats. It is such n union, howovor, as appears to moot tho ap probation of tho rank and tile of both parties, although Senator Dysurt, In dependent, cut loose from his party and refused to participate in it, claim ing that ho will horouftor voto inde pendent of nil pnrtlos. If Mr. Dysurt sticks conscientiously to his text he will l)o tho only true American citizen, as designed and recognized by tho fundamental principles of American government, to bo found in both brunches of tho Nobrusku legislature. LEGISLATIVE NOTKS. Muuy compliments uro expressed among members of nil parties for tho ability und fairness with which Speaker Gutlln presides in tho houso, It should not escape tho minds of momlwrs thut two sets of state olllcers uro drawing salaries now, tho old und new, und so will continue until tho logisluturo gets down to work. Mr. Edwurds may (latter himself upon huving benton a mighty good und capable mun for secretary of tho sen ate. Frank Wilson bus Inborn capa bilities us u secretary such us few mon possess und bus n faculty of making frlonds very reudlly. Senator R. E. Moore will hardly bo selected to head the munlcliml utTuirs' committee this session. There is an organized labor movement ngulnst him, us In the lust session certain demands mudo by loeul representatives of tho lubor element in relation to the now charter were ignored. It is predicted that Senator Chirk of Omaha will head thut committee, us tho lulor organ izations of Omaha havo declared for him. ''Things look decidedly brighter for Mr. Bryan und It would not surprise mo to see him mudo United States sen ator, and with tho hoarty'co.oiwratlon of tho republicans," remarked u popu list Thursday afternoon. I bellovo thut as soon us tho republicans see thatthev cannot elect a republican, which thoy nro destined to see sooner or Inter, I bellovo thoy will favor tho election of Bryan In ordor to muko a vacanoy In this congressional district. Tho elec tion of a republican to succeed him would lw almost a certainty. Hut I don't expect to see anyone elected sen ator until along to March." A Celebrated Arll.t Locate la Dacota. That Lincoln is becoming moro eu- grossed in art Is apparreut with each PR1CB FIKB C9NTI yours ending. Tho opening of JHIKI brings with It tho announcement that Misses Eustorloy und Don Curios hnvo removed from Denver to tills city and opened u studio at J 127 O stroot, room (I. Both ladles come highly recom mended and their work Is such as hi cortuinly worthy of close lnsooUon. Miss Don Carlos has achieved wonder fill success In landscape, work, she hav ing made n distinct specialty In tho Inst three yours of Rocky Mountain scenery, all of which was taken er souully from nature. Lincoln will at once gain popularity in art circles abroad whon it is known that eight of Miss Don Carlos' paintings will Ihj soon iittliu World's Fair in iho Colorado ex hibit mudo by tho woman's department. Theso pictures which wore' shipped to Denver Thursday, nro nil Rookyj Mountain scenes, representing 'Pikes Peak at sunset in early autumn, n scene In tho Black Canon, tho Hnngro ' De Chrlsto Mountains and others, nil' of which woro ordered and accepted1 with unstinted praise. This is certain ly a grout honor and Lincoln should fool proud of hor newly acquired no' qulsltton. Miss Don Curios has 125 sketches of views along tho scenic lino of tho D. & R. G. Rullwuy, ouch ono having boon sketched in person.' Or ders for UiIh work nro now being re ceived nnd a limited' nuinlwr of pupils tor instruction in this uoiignuui art will Ihj accommodated on application. Miss Fannie Belle Don Carlos re luctantly loft Donvor nnd Pueblo but was compelled to do so on account of continued ill health for which sho sac rificed n very largo and romunoratlvo, patronage Visitors an especially re quested to call nt tho studio afternoons or nt any tlmo Saturday to Iwcomo ac quainted with both tho artist and hor work. Miss Evelyn Gertrude Easter ley, who assumes tho business manage ment, has accepted a prlnclpaUhip nt University Placo but will always bo present whon tho studio la open to visitors. Tho frames that surrounded tho pictures or the "World's Pair were models of Lincoln workmanship and, camo from II. W. Cowlos' storo, 119, South Twolfth street. Catarrh In the Head Is undoubtedly a dbtoaso of tho blood, and as such only a reliable blood puri fier can effect a porfect curo. Hood's Sursupurlllu is tho best blood purltlor, and it has cured many vory sevoro cases of catarrh. It gives an uppetlto und builds up tho wholo systom. Hood's Pills uct especially upon the livor, rousing it from torpidity to its natural duties, euro constipation and assist digestion. Dr. O'Connor Bureau. , Mr. Mathow Fisher, of. Rising, Nob., nnd Mrs. M. S. Norton of Konosaw nro Lincoln visitors, both being horo undor treatment for cancer undor Dr. T. O'Connor. Mr. Jas. Redden of John son county returned Thursday after being horo ono week undor tho doctor's treatment. Ho was also curod of a largo cancer undor tho loft eye. Fifteen kinds of imported and domes tic chooses at Rumhold Sc Mosor's. Phono 728. K. C. Baking Powder, 25 ounces for 25 cents. Absolutely puro. Havo you trlod it? Genuine Canon City Coal at tho Lincoln Coal Co,, southwest corner of Eleventh and O streots. Hardy and Pitcher havo received a now lot of chairs und tablos for rental purposes at card parties, oto. Call and see them or cull up 'phono 521. All tho llrst families of Lincoln buy tholr moat of Honry Pholff, 314 Sluth Elovonth street. Whoro do you buy yours? Beautiful souvenir spoons aro now being glvon to now subscribers to tho CouitlKK. Present subscribers may also securo ono of thoo handsome pre miums by paying a year in advance and arroars, If uny. Thoso aro not cheap trashy spoons,, but just tho same as jewelers sell for $2 or moro. II. W. Cowlo, funeral director, suc cessor to Fred Thomas. Embalming a spociulty. 119 South Twolfth streot. Whon you give tho next party at your houso loavo your orders for tablos at Hardy & Pitchers. Thoy havo n now supply just in thut thoy rent ut reasonable prices delivered to and takon from your residences. Dr. Glfftn has moved to room? 8 Lansing theatre building. and Whon you want prompt service and fair treatmont and tho selection from tho largest Btook of groceries In Lin colu call on W. A. Coffin & Co.. suo- ccssors to J. Miller, 143 South Eleventh I stroot. .? rrsva ..