Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1892)
ta. RbPdlUXR 1?APCR 'op AopnRM TIMES " Vot. 7 No 32 nirr Toncte Uptothoinlddloor Oetolwr tlm World's Fair lincl taken no notion with regaid to tint medals nnil diplomns to I m nwnrilisl ex hibitors. Tlio law provides for B0,(HH) bronre meilols designed In iiii uprlttto memorial Inscriptions Mini for AO.OOO vellum Impres slons fiom engraved plates, to !o piepmed miller tlio Mtiervlslon of tlio secretary of ho treasury. Finally the government decided to coin n souvenir lmlf dollar ami allowed tlio coni etltion of various artistic merlin to bo produced ere ono wns nt last chosen. And now since one Ih nettled upon, tlm ui graver of tlio mint seriously dlsnppiovis of tliufuvoied design. UN ono objection is tlmt tlieronro too ninny ohcrts to ho re pi muted on Itssuifneo mid In its reduced slothey bieoniu confused. Anotlier most HlKlllllemit excuse Is Unit tliey me modeled In such high teller tlmt tlio coin ciiiinot bo struck off inpldly nor stocked In plUs ready for cli ('illation utter belli); coined. Wo u ill llnd tnui'li tlm tiiinu defict In an over-erowdid mid Inellleleut design for tlio new serli k of 'Columbian postnge stumps" which will bo issued Hist of January to take tlio placo cf thu present scries. They will he of ihusumu width but twli'o tliu length of tlio iiit'MMit htiimiN. Among tlm Ideas to bu told by tills eetles mo "'lho Discovery of Amerlco by Columbus," "First Sight of Lniid," "Columbus' Fleet nt Sea," "Coliini bus Asking tlm Aid of Queen hiibclln," "Ccltiml.iis lb citing tlio .Story or Ills !)l coveiy to Keiilidatid mid Isabella, ' "I.11111I ItiK or Columbus" altera palming by Van ilti Lyn In tin.' V. S. Capitol, mid "ThoVantn Mnrln," ColumliiiH Hag ship. Imagine com petitions lllo tluso brought down to tlio minute dimension! of a isHtngu stamp, size seven-eights by an Inch mid u half. And again w hlli) tlio work in to ho microscopic tho stamp Is far larger than wo need ami to all practical uso its dimensions aro extrava gantly largo. Kverybody Is now wilting ami talking or tlio Impressionists. Ib-ncu it is woith whllo to .'explain what on nitM means by this particular st)Ie. In a general sunsu Impressionism is as old ns art itself mid it merely polntM at tho artists' Independent way of looking at iinturo and tho new ideas she (nature) sanctions as distinguished from other sources at second hand. In 1877 n number of mtists tiuLodieU themselves and mndu their Hist exhibit)) in i'arls. Their motto was "Down with convention" and their aim to secuie tho first fugitive im pression of things. This was all very well for theory but in practice it is evident that a first iinpiession Ih diillcult to catch and handle. Carlbhotto it is said uover took any nolo of perspective, l'essaro, anotlier follower of this school, was thoitughly in dlireient to details, fieiuently painting f l om tlio window of a train while tiavelliig ucioss thu couutiy. 1 was very much surprised ut tho Ignor unco or a china merchant recently, when lie niacle thu remark that a piece of china p'-op-erly uiauipulated by tho brush worker and llred correctly, nover needed but one. tiling. Tills same gentlemen said that nono of tlio llavilaml china, or oven lUi Dresuen Huvres, or Doltou and Worcester styles culled for moro than tho omt llriug. Such gross Ignor nueu Is inexcusable, especially in ono permit ted to post themselves, as is a merchant of tho ceramic wui?s. Any art jourunl and the China Decorator, mi acknowledged authentic, Hays: "Firo once to maku a beginning, twice for beauty and tin ico to aid In perfection." And thu Woiccstcr-Doltou enamel criiiuof be finished In less t tut ti tlueu firings even pos sibly good. Many of the Crown Dei by, and 1 toy nl Worcester pieces mo llred live or six times ere complete ns well as thu photographs must bu treated likewise. Thu famous II ayes White. House game dinner set Mere siild to (each piece) have been tired from six to ten times eru the m tist wns HUlslUd to send them from tin btudio. So our city merchant must piompt himseir eru ho again attempts to tell even mi nmateur, of Ills supposed knowledge, of thu eeiumiu inyiterios. HTMAY NOTCH fltoM HTUDIOS. If jour canvas gets dented, wet thu back thoroughly with water. When it gots diy again it will shrink uud the dent disappear. Mrs E. K. Lowe Is as busy as usual with her class ut Woslo) un. Her spare moment now are devoted to carving some wini Is for her home to bu. Mis. Will Wlttiuan has taken up tlie china fad also, uml its not to be guessed at Hint shu will l,o successful in her new venture. Why, certainly she will, Mbs lltssle Tuttlo has tliu pleuMiro of 1111 j envlabiu cIiiks ut llushville, Neb. They 1110 mi earnesi win Keis, eiiiiiusiastlii mid -ispirjug to do leputahle work. Miss Harbor is verj attentive in the studio now days, where she Is modeling a line piucu of work, mi Ideal llgure, In cluy for thu World's Fair, next season. I have not seen mi) thing for a long time more artistic in maiinur, face ami habiliment than Miss Mathor in thu "La ly of Lyons.'i Mie is certainly mi 111 tut in her line. M ins Lou Keiinaid Uiggs sent to ICaiisii City a beautiful set of fruit plates yesterday, all done Ir. Dolton stylo, They weru nicely planned and executed, and 11 big hill paid the hill. Mrs. Cora K, Pitcher lias been doing quite 11 good many odd pieces of chlun decoration and fiom the view leceutly given of her work, I think iter quite an adept in this new fad uud fancy. Mr. Will Oreen has a good landscape fiom nature, "A Hummer Day in Nebraska.," on exhibition in tho Lincoln Cm pet Co.'s win dow. Mr. (Ii i-eii is not only an mtlstlc deco rator but un artist in truth ns well, Tlio Oh8 eompuny have acknowledged theiiuelveii their poor quality of gas given to the consumer recently. Yet neither by won! or action do they assume that they should cut the price for this miserable excuse wo ise as light nnil fuel. MlfsClnru Wnlsli has a very nlco and ar tistic display of (lottery In the show window of It. W. Drown. Those dainty pieces of Hrcelnln aro pretty Imleol mid would maku ii veiy deshiitilu t'hrlstinns gift for a dear lady friend. .Miss Snrnh Wool Mooio delivered a line address on Art, nt largo congregated as sembly in TemuiNsisii hut wtuk, which was Very highly appicrlatod by hei'audience,aud a pleasant recollection for hur many ndinlr eis In Lincoln mt circles. A verypiutty pleco of artUti' embioldery executed by Mis. AHred (Julie was recently shown to "Nancy". It was u lunch cloth outlined In Roman embroidery nail tho tinting ot thu lilosMiuis thereon wero an per fect as a plecu of painting. l'rof. Ihtgg Is as busy now that the holi da)s aro iipiionchliig, dividing his timu 'ti.t Ids pupils ami his many orders for Xmas worli, that ho Hods little time lagging on his humls. The I'rofes-or Is too ainbitioiiH to ever spend his, iiiiimeiitH In idleness, how ever, at any time of em , Sable brushes should bo cleaned In sweet oil Dip tho brush In the oil Immediately alter using ami wipe the paint out with a cloth. Tho oil moistens the hair ami thu paint Is easily removed, thus the blush lasts a much longer timu. Tin peutino kills mid takes thu lire out of tho hair mid the brush will soon bo woithlesM, A novelty was shown by a charming little lio-tess on Thmikslving day when she took mi ordinary cow pumpkin, hollowed it out, leaving a handle as if ton basket, filled It with chrysautheiiiuiiM and used it for thu center plecu on a longdlnlng table. 1 thought It uulipio mid appropriate for thu day of the year. Miss Will Cndninu has a large dlplay of china decorated In varloiM styles in the Frame and Art Co.'h window. Mrs O. also has n couple of fruit nieces, a water melon cut open and temptingly thrown down on a ..i. i....i .i i tnlile; another u melon ami grecs was exe culed so well thai oven thu sweet, juicy llnvor was theie also. The woids "hand painted" ure always ex pected to enhance the commercial value of fancy nrtlcles oirered for sale. Of course some of theso exhibits aro fairly good. Hut as a rule thu lejoluder of it would lie pur chaser would bo "If these are hand painted 1 will take something that is not." Always avoid displays in poorly lighted shops and cultivate an aversion to trash. The compositor last week made my re marks about Miss Mary Chopin Instead of du'illme, on the contray ludicrous, by pre facing the compliment witli Little (Miss May 7UI""' '"' V,' " . lW0 Vl' n,,, pieces In oil in Hctts window now, ono mi autumn scene on the river, a charming little Ideal scape; llio other n panel or "Meimot" lmt- !...... tl i i i . A copy of Hougeurau's "Cupids Wrestling1 done by Mrs. Katharino Etinyru from our neighboring village Council llluirs, under l'rof. Huge, has been shown In Hett'x window ho past week. There aro somo qualities in thu piece which are admirable, especially the nest lit ndilch the cuplds rest, mid the draiier jes of thu llguru are graceful mid well col ored. If one wishes to shade on tho same, color In thu ceramic materials, It may Ikj done by either mixing one with the other in varying proportions while working or by woiklug one over the other after tho piece has Isyen llred ono. Thu latter plan gives moro definite, whllo thu former a softer effect. Color may bo worked together alto by stippling or cross-hatching, Just as in highly Mulshed wnter color painting. Miss Nancy. llurlliiKtou Itoutu -Winter Tourist Hates Special lowiouml trip rates are new in effect to Austin, El 1'iiso, Houston, Luin- piifes, Corpus Chrlstl, Galveston, Laredo, ltockport. San Antonio and Velasco. Texas. nlso lo Denting mid Kddy, N. M , niwt t.- ; New Orleans mid Lake Charles, la. TIkJM ; pickets me good for return until June 5. ; 1M)3. For tickets and further tijvn;;o ' apply to agent II. & M. depot, or city n.1i. corner O mid Tenth streets. A. C, Zikjiuu, City Passenger Agt. . ; ileutitlful souvenir spions are now being given to nuw subscribers to thu CouitlKH. Frcsent subscribe! s may also secure one of Ihcie haildsoiuu preiuiiims by paying a year Iniidvaucuandurrears, if any. Thesu nru not. cheap trashy spoons, but just thu sumo as juwelers sell for f'i or more. Miss Ijou Iveniiiird illggs is now prepareil to decoratu and furnish you elegant china I pi izes ior iuu iiommal price of fS.(Kl. (iVL. 1 our oiueih emiy ami then you may choose your own styles. J. W. Wlngjr & Co., UIKI O street, are going to have thu most extensive solu of holiday handkerchiefs mid muMlers, com mencing Monday next, November 21st, It will pay you to lay li your Chi Hums btipply. potatoes lust A carload of new Colorado received ut Cisik II illy Clrocory company's. I Tliey won't last long. Also 11 carload of Hue ' f.. 1 " puuiioes. Cook II tliey (Irocery couipanyuro liead quiii tern for dellicutessen uml line goods. - I AllklniUof ImiKirted cheese,, finest and Kcjst ttssortuiuut ever seen in thu city, at liold k Mosul's, Mill South Eleventh St. I'llOllll 7JS. ' Save all bother of horrowinir dial ami tables from vour nele-hlmrs fii iianiy i; Pitcher oiders to have some of their nuw ones with you for your next party. Tliey deliver uud cull and get them. Fliiuplctiuo frames made to order nt II, W. Cowles, 110 and lWSoutliTwelfth.tieet. L-INCOMM. NKMWA8KA, SATUMDAY, DlCOICM I IICH II, IfcJDU. rRon "cmcnGO" CittCAdo, Nov. Jt, IMU. -Thanksgiving time, mid It Is certainly a blessed time In ('til c.igo for lis poor ieopln. A week ago Inst Sunday it was my pilvilege to wait on tnbles at which sat some I,fiM) newsbojs mid girls, bootblacks and uieseiiger lioys, all of them meuilK't-s of the Waif .Mission Sunday school. That is the,) were all siippnied to Imi uiein-U-r.. To lm exact I think at least half o.' them wrio small Inothers, sisters and ti lends of the mrmlici's who weio tegular nttmiihnli at thu Sunday school. This dinner was given by thu Mission people nl the lid Hegl 'neiit Armory on Michigan avenue ami thither my dealest girl and I wended our way at 10 ii m. From that hour until S::W 1 1. in. every one was busy disti Uniting beau tiful IIowcih mound the room; loses by thu dn.eiis, chryMiiithemiims that woul have done honor to the Clueiiiuntl display wrio donated liv the HoiMh. Wo unsluil dMies, placed lienpH of giNid tilings to eat and put a rose at each plate, then waited for thu rush. It came. Ily noon they weie there ill hundreds They ki pt very goisl older and went through their mulch excellently Silence was asked so that a gi ace might Ikj said, a blessing askeil. With one accord, headed liy 'ltold" uud "Dlily .Ion," to say niitldrgof "I'eg Leg" mid "Clutches," came the approtiation from over I, (HID Utile lliioals "Let r go" and thu giace was said, Before thu "Auieii" could ho pronounced came a roar that siioolc die biilldiiiL' liku u mighty eaitlipiuke, "ICat!"aud when I sav thai within llfl.en inliiiiti s over Mil tm keys, wagon loads of iies, rooms full of cake, bar tels of apples uvirythiuz rnliuitu in tho house was gum, vanished through 1 ,.(( hungry mouths, shoved nwuy In so many Kor llttlu stomachs, that hid not Known a full feeling since last Thanksgiving. I ss'iik thu truth. In llfteen inlmiles tlioe poor, ravenous babies had eaten or shnveil lutn . natter sicks oioviileil ) .! mn .. nil n, , rood tleit liml h i il,.m,i., I i,.- i.n.t...,) ,,r i. ... . . " ' liiilcheis, linkers, grocers, uici chants ami private lamilies. Once "Chicago" stnrted with a platter full of ttu key to replenish n talilo in tho ninth end of the room. One end of the platter contained diessmg or the tin key with gravy formed over it; the other end tlio meat of about two good slwd gobblers. In passing mi improvised lunch counter where about twenty waifs, mi oveillow from thu tables, weio eating, she was spied by one hoy. In Htantly they wero over ami around that coun ter, she was surrounded mid in less time than It has uiken you to read this, her platter was empty. Hands grasped chunks of diessiug which, giavy and all were Jammed into coats mid pants pockets and thuir contents depos v is.(u fwi ii i.iii iviLivni.''. -" llllll lieu tlieru flf f II t II fll 111 fill 1III.M1I l,... ..,! thighs, wing ut.dwlilte meat were crowded , ,, t.vwy llH.k1, (mo ,.,. , lht.. mout ,,u.,.0 ln (.uc, ,, ,, ..Chicago" luefully kzim1 oll ,llip Blw,w bespattered gown, which ' was fortunately an old one doiiuid for thu occasion, mid sat down on the Hist chnlr that oiieien ami ntiglictf, l.aler cwue u musical progimu in place or the usual Hihle lossous. Tlio prayer wus wildly eucoied. A ladies quartette who sang "Way down upon tho Suwmiee Illver" received mi Innovation su -Ii us I'atti might lie proud of mid barring such minor considerations as hoys "switiine" each I other in the bucks of the neck with apple pie crust, uud teachers being ablu to.dlscovcr a kniroor folk (or both) slyly concealed about a small boy's clothes, all went as merrily as it should and thu children had a happy day. Thanksgiving evu, Wolf tlio clothier rtsl all waifs who would Jconio to his store. The calculation made, was that about 5,1X10 par took of Ins hospitality. Thtiihdiiy evening Nellie Mcllenry opened i mo "iinyinurkot 'tliuatm" from pit to gal lery, for them mid they enjoyed "A Niglil at the Circus." '1 hey show eil theii nppiccla lion, too. Thu estimate nude li the policu man at the door when approached on thu sutiject us to "How many hevo jou luliinl- teil wan "about a million, I thiiiu." Matters thentilfii! urn l.iinniliur. Ihn season I in full blast. Thusjot Cliarles Frolunau'rt i companies aro heie In "Men ami Women," ' oettieit out or Couil" mid the "01111101' ' i int-r." Lilliiin Kuell is here, Dlxey ami ,,,' Jeffeison, Tlio I'otter mid "Cm ley" ziollow have just left us, u matter of sluceie seir congratulation on the putt of nil good Amercaii citizens. Hut slice thu land slide wu can stand anything! It does appear a irlllo 1 iiMculotiH though to see Mis. Potter in "Tlieivto" I'oino Hum the ultiir nriajid in wedding gin b to bu umliessed liy her maid, and have that maid takeoff Mrs. Potlei's dress only to discover to the audience .Mis. Potter In her "robe 1I0 unit," which she has woin under her wediHug diess. Perhaps, though, .hat is the way they do in France. lie ciijojcii a piciisniii visa rrom llrace (inll"b dining tier visit heie. Woienowed "'"'""""" ,LU """"K ul" Iat weeK with Charles Fall Held, son of ex -Chancellor Fair Held, ; l.o was eu loute west ami who expects to isit )our city ere liu returns east. J could wnto much more, but must not. So will bid yon good-bye lor 11 season and sign III) self oiirs very tiuly, "ClIlllAIIO." A1.1I .Now lm-Jo)oiiH!hrlstliiii. Fur several mouths imt 1.',, .,.,.,.. n..n.. bns boen diligently nt work velectiiiK mid re. CUIIK new Juwcls, -llvcrwure, wutclies, etc.. unil nuw li, 1, ,i... u.....i. 1.. V ....' ' iiiuoiiiur is couipieio 11 repru- Bents tho largest. (Incut uml m,Mi vnrt...i ... "rtmc - nt ()f hnmigoniu nrlloles ever shown in " western Jewelry house. .Mr, llallett has l?lven piinirnl n,.,,ui.i ..1 . . .. ... r ii V "'"""ii-iiiiihii 10 me seieelloii of 11 lino of piirtleiiliuly suitable (or the riRT'r,' endless variety of pretty token of both friendship 1 lm iiIiiiii,.) liu. .I.,.- 1 ... larKU line show's 1111 y things suitable rot und love. It would ..""";. "; " ouiiiiieniiu a list or euumeniloii list of me articles nun in escrlpllon ofcaoh but w Irs , shall endeavor In ourneil Is",," to prlsent ,0 vn .mir lenders 11 few oftho uiliehs now shown ' ut wr. Hulleti'H Hun w ill iiii.L...,..ii suitable present for either hul'y or k'onlle- lien jou want fresh nlco poultry, game butter and eggs, call at Hlimtiold & Mosul's new More, JIIU South lltlutrivt. 'Phone r.'S TIAE T0 KICK Did you lay awake nights speculating up on thu disaster that was (j ovcitnko the world, the famines and wars and poitlltmcex, or the total knock (nil of tho cm tit ami Its iiilmhftatitr Did ytu linger around the cast window Sunday night with our lull oyerhetel upiii thu horinu! If you did you mil mi worse nlf than thousands of othrrs ami you have u big kick coining. Thousands of people nil over the win Id stiyed awake far into .Monday morning, thiough llmlr too great fallli In thu nstiou omei's pi i dictions, hoping to see such a sK.rtaclo as was never wltuesso I by mill tal man heroic, hut it mlswl thu train nt its last stand ami didn't appear. It Is pioli ilile that people would not have cxpcil.uiceii hair so much miiioyauce If the comet hid coiuu along on tliiiu ami whittled oil' ono corner of llio spheie, as they did over Its failure to fiilllll IHengageinent. When these enatlc stars have nothing els3 to do but lly along nmgnlllcently thiough nzuio space, clad in long and gorgeous tialus that niitit In evltably coiuu only fiom mugulltcent sal iii It-H, people llku to see them keep their dates. The next time lllela comes along ami hills the town mid falls to ki-ep Ids engage inent the K'opIe will not stand il. They will stall up opposition ir they havu to go over on Hie next hill mid send up n red balloon loaded with sk) -rockets mid ginss- lioppers. Hut while thu Hoplo gi Hilly wero dsiiipolnt(d, their chagrin must have been totally Inslguillcatil coiupaiisl with that of the noted ustlnunincitt wlio still tied the woild with th sensational repoits that were sent broailcast concerning the coming or the comet. It is time toorganl.ustitnu mighty uiovo meutto compel tliu city council to provide means for enlarging the pollen force. The city Is full of thieves ami thugs, and thosu whii-u duties e.ill thvui abroad at nliiht. ami who are not, like thu mciuhciH of thu coun cil, escorted safely home In the patrol wagon, do iiotappriclatotliii speculations they me constrained to indulge eveiy evening as they near each corner or shaited spot on their way home, as to whether or not they will get past the point dead or alive. '1 here is a limit to the patience of tho public mid the council will liml itseir, tho flint thing It knows, conf i onto I with n serious calamity. Soinu one will bo subjected to n heavy robbery or will 1st murdered by footpads. The police know thu danger, but aro (tower less toguuidnguhiKt It. Other ieople nru beginning to realize It, and some day even thu iiiemlHirs of thu council will hear of it If only tliese footpids and thieves could bu Induced to I oh and slug it few members of the city council, the existing condition of affairs would soon be leuiedied am) to that end II is suggested that members of the council bu hereafter permitted lo walk home after council meetings, instead of being per mitted to ride home in the pitrol wagon. And by tho way, this cimtoui of utilizing city propei ty in this way Is something mi heiiid or olserthuro, and can Ii irdly be ex cised because its passengers mo iiiembeis of the council, At its meeting dm iug the past week the council wns also confronted with a petition fiom numerous leading tnx-tniveis. headed by John Fitzgerald, asking nu increase in tho police force. It wan shown that the en tire foico now coinpilses only twenty-one lienor whom but thliteeii me patrolmen, wlio nru expected to guard thu peace and sufety of suveinl square miles of city both day ami night. Ii Is now soma weeks siuco TUB CoUliltili filled attention iosatslly to the ridiculous luadiquacy or the policy force. It is not oulj In its limited proportions, however, that tho forco Is Inadequate, but objection might surely and Justly bu mndu to some of its members on the gioiind of lazi ness and carelessness. Asa rule, though,! iuu nieii me competent, ami willing is Ih, however, it tendencv to keen moie ... i liiaiijr iuu inner men 111 mo herviou, 1 here uiouud heailquailers than there Is any' .... i uecessity. As long us the lorco ii ko "UUiuiierlstaiiie action or the aliiiioutary meagre thu chief iniglil try mid gel nioro r'"1"1, '''b")' me the best family c itlmtle men out 011 paii ul service. ..." ... , 1 .. 1 1 'l,,i , t .11. ,11 . A I .! I. , "Did you ever irotice thosu bis; round dials on the four sides of the court lionise dinner" iuqiilitsl a geiitlemaii a dav . two bi,lvu "Uxw would Imagiutj tlutt'they were pm there lor 11 useful 1 iii-ikiho, but ir so tin pieseiit commissioners have foruotteu wliit it wus. They uiu cm-tumly not ciiiauiental, uml picscnl us bleak uud cheerless an aspect ascoiilil havu beun invented. That couit Is i coimly looking liulhlliig, but thosu town clock Hills iuu not nvqKiiisiblu for that fact. Ir some one would plant a Watei -bury wutc.i nisi, 10 of thu tower uml furnish it pair ot hands mid alius lor encli of tin- , dim oul dial laces it would lie a sonic ut ' leuui 10 uuuilieils wlio 1111S.S liml wa). To look up at th-isudnigy dials now is about as woelnspliliiguslo giiJi-lnto sighllest e)es. Tliu count) coiiiiiiis.ioufi-H ought lo pass j mound the hut ami raise means witli which I to put in the town clock couiemplattil by I tliu 111 ciiitect. " Poor tlieeu (iurvely ! Ilu has paid the iei. 11 Uy ot liu color. Some months since, in a an-giii gaiiilillngdivo in this clt) ho killed a liegio iicquaintance, Chuiley 'I humus, who was spoiling lor a llalit ami cot num. Hum u wanted. Thomas was mi ex-convict mid 11 ' uiu man, mm pickula quiiiiel with (Iriively 1 Thelatte.,,.fte. Imcklng away f.oin his Ih- , uimni.i 1 "... . ., -. f.-."-- '"' I'll"! Ill IIHIIIIIIS, ,"'"'" '"" l'ueuaiisi uiu uec ,1,,ea,,l - 1 , ,",mot ''P.but tli ,UVt'lv ,K'1'" " w,'"u Minn w I k ami caused think how, had with melius In niicK mm in Ills 1 1 iiii, hlscriiuu would readily have btvn recogniz.ed as the most apparent i uso or .self ileleiisu oil record, uml liow he nwiiin uiu. iieuu uequilleil, wept over mid ... I . --.-., .. I iioiusi. ui an the inunluis that huvu t)tMn co..i.nltte,l Hi Mucoid in thu wt tluwor lour.) ram, his was k'iiiui thu least heinous, ' mid yet he Is thu one seleebsl by the people who lint o been doing service lis Jut ors of whom to make mi example. With such facts befoni them, Is It any wonder that people are prone to scoff nt thu Idea of seem Ing Justice In thu couitsl A great deal has been said ami written about thu slimnhter of negioes In thu smith, hut it is not alone In the south that the Iguoiaut mid lmtecuuloiis dm key Is culled upon to ultimo for other sins than his own, Anotner sale of city bonds at a premium wns reported, showing ngnlti that Hoiuuthlug has been inlteii In the conduct of bond sales In )i'iiihiiis. This city hits had humliisls of thousands of her bonds sold at two per cent, discount, or as it wns termed to ovudo the law, "ooiuinlsHlnii." At tho lasl meeting lliesaluof H.'i),f,(l(l district mid alley puvliig bonds to n lletiolt patty, A. L. Stebhlns, wasiepnrted. They sold at f lil'J f.(l piimliiin iiiKivn men- fiiuiiiiutsi nice value mm ur ci ued interest. " ( Dl'.XICll SwifFH. THE WINTEH CONCERT OT tlie i.liirolii Orntoi InSoilelj A (liaiiil I'lom iiiiinie nl Clioriis, lirl Sonus nnil .Solos, The uild-w Inter concert of thu Oratorio rociety will bu given at the Lansing tl ratio I'llday next, December l. This Isdug Columbian year the society will present a progimu consisting of Amurlruu cotuposl lions. Tim conceit will open with Child wick's setting of Mers I lei man's piMim, "The I'ilgrhus" which has it Hue orchestral no coiiip'iuiineiit mid uppi inches orutorio In style. Ilcsldo this thu churns will give "Daybreak ' ny Carl Waller and "A Dutch Lullaby" villi soprano obllgato by Kllul lierl Nevln. Thu choriM of iiiIssks whluh Is larger tlinu ever before will sing two dainty hiimheiN, "Wheie did ou Come Finin, lliby Deaif" ami "One Spring Moinlng." They will iilo slug the closing number with the Oratono society. An orchestral concert number Is a new fealine which will be luiiodiiced in this concert. The sololstt selected run Mis. Anne Kenniiid Martin, a chnriultig soptnno, Mr. Douglr.s lilt tl, tenor, who comes highly recommended, uml Mr, (lenrgu ICIIswoith Ilolmiis, Chicago's favorite Imiltoiie, It is lieedh-.s to say what the nuhllo all end v con cedes, that this ill bo the best music given in Lincoln this year. Only regular prices will lie charged; 1 0(1; 7fio: gallery 'i'm, I Seats on sale at thu i.misliig Wediieday, woe. i, iiememner the event anil the even ing. FOR THE MAZY DANCE. Ilrlef lleserlptluii of I'oor lleiiiilirul Mull (.'ostilines Nliiiwiiini I'iikii Four. Ill our illustration of fashions today wo prefent four benutlftil ilr ing gowns. Tho llrst is made of striped silk mid chiffon of contrasting color. The novelty of it con sists In tho iliupery of chiffon over thu princess dress. Velvet mid point lace nru the materials used in thu siiH'ib dieiis b-slde. thu llrst There is a rich emlnoidery or bending on the front of the skirt, mid a fi Inge if beads to mutch the dress at the waist. The lace (alls In a wntteau plait at the back. This gown Is particularly suited to elderly women. A dainty and girlish bail diess is of white llgurcd silk, giirnishtil with rlblioii tilm- mliig in color to inatch thu llowurr- on the pauerii ami iiiomioii i nu Coriase, A fouith dress is very gracctul nmlele glint. It is Hindu of ruille in light slni U with feather tiuuniiiig. It is rut pun-ess shape, and on the fool tlieie Is a t.uiich of aitlllclnl roses, with ullage, suwn ti tlie silk, mid theiu is shiiilar oruaiiii-iit on tho left side and sli ni'der. Tuiln) Hood's Haisapui Ilia jUlid tat the he.i.l in the IllbsllcDio world, inliiiirrtl in iroMiril and eiivinl lii merit by thousands of 0011111 be coinpetitorz. Il hasalarirei sale tb m nuv J other iiieilllne. Such sucn-n could iv.t be "" ""bout positive merit ........ .-. . ,.,...,..... vii-M 'tikjiji uy rv-iinr- M" I'H.i-h cure comtipi Ill tlie lininlsor eleigyiueii liy the llrst or tliu )ear. Application should therefore U iniido ns early ns ssihle either nt our desit or city olllce, coiner O and Tenth htiecLs. A. C. Ziujikii, C. P. & T. A t . .l. I.'. A. Imtcrliilnniciit. Tne llrst eiiteitaltiiiieut of tl'e meiulicrs' popular course of thu Y.M.C.A. wll llio given uy 1 01. d. r. hunloril, ttu. populur ect ilier, I next Wisluesdav evcnlm- Sutiject : "Walks In Ito in Association liall. Itouio." Adiii ssion ',', I renin. Tickets may be had at the h ill. j it is a well known fact that we wdl hosiery ! .111.1 uiiuerwear cueaper than any other ' imiisti 111 i.iiicoiii, woiue rsatuiilay and Monday, Xovcmlier I'Jtlt ami Jlst, (f yol, waul to secure some big bargains. J. W Wimikii .V C , lll l ) street. If ) on enjoy dancing goto jour druggist and get a bottlo of Positive Com Cure, which insures comfoit. Full Hue of aitlsls matuiials at LIiiimIii ! Cranio and Art company's. t-JO South lldi """'i - KI C llaklng Powder, Wou7ctv7forii', cent Lliiraln (KKiplu (nu iiowtuy any kind of cheese Unit tliey may call for, tit Uutiihold & I Mosei's, Hill South lllh stieet. 'Phone 7'A), 1 ' ! II. W.CowIe, funeral director, 1 rit-il Thoiniis. Eliibaiiiilng a siH-cialtv. I --r. Uli Doutli I weirtll " '- --...-... . ,j.l ,,, , , tr.s't. I Mrs. S. F. Hyaii.fu.hloi.ableilrt making, loom 78 Huir blwk. , ,, ,' 7"., " '""' """ , "" I'oino for Hire keeping when tho bins nppear H, goisl on all llu.llugtou 1 onto Hues. ,r, ,KlW(K,. They nioahnndsoinelot f to icgu inly nid.ih.ed or liceiis,,, mluiHteis M,rt,,,a In their bright new S,"w U o. mlsslonarhs eugagis solely In .eliglous ,.luly llll(ku teuiptliig subjtx i J "Zv work. It Isourihxlietlint these permits I ,..iu J ' III,. II .1- M ..III C... lk.n-1 r I. Pkioic Fivw Contct inmnTRT hotes Jlliivlliit beeildeslKliatrd tile olllcliil orKUii '""!" .,.'.,,.K'"1" l,lKl" Diruiilry, this deparl niiinl will lm a permanent featuru lu-reafier or I UK I lll'UlKU. It will bucomliiuled by "Ihn liuif.ial,"ii ineinberor that orniinl.iilliin, who Invites noes for this coliinm, bulb from tin. ranks and the ; piihllo, which may he sent In or left nt tills olllee Thu Lincoln Light Infantry Is hi n prosper ous condition, Thu meiiilMirshlp has reached thirty live. Five more mcmlicrs aro all thai, w'll lie taken. 'I hey hnvn scoured permanent ipimtci-H in the Fli-st National Hank build Ing, (rojin 8), where they htivo onu ot thu nentost fiirnlshisl iipaituientH In thu city, each member having donated someornameiil which has niaile tlio place lo k very neat. They hac also H-clired thu IVoplu's theatre, which has been remodeled, for ill III mid 11 makes a Hue lilace for the miriHisn. .ci ... . : ... . ..": ii mi uoiiiiauy win nu iiiiiieii every .Moinliiy flight. New iiiilfeiins have been oidensl and I mo In unties, to say the luist. Thu hoys are expecting to appear ill full dress in tint near rillure. The uniforms mid equipments will cost about HHI ench, Thu couip my hopes to puy for the saiiiu by giving a few entertain incuts during the winter. It Is talked that it military hall will bu given about Christinas, and the Intention is to maku it a decidedly fashloiiaiiluovunl, In which about twenty of thu leading ladles of the city will autnspn- iioiiess-H. Lieutenant ivrsliiiig hnsb,eii giv ing the company hoiiiii valuable Instruc tions. Thu members of thu company me Messrs Frillurr, V A Hostroui, W F. Olmko Thus ''illl i, .1 H lloh.n, lie., W Covett.U M Cainp, II II Kvans, .1 S Ferguson, (S (las colgne, (' ( tlilswold.C T Han Isou, HW llellley, Win .leckell, Chas Seekell HI K'eerer, I-' W A ICutiil, F A leveling, S K Utw, Will L McL'lay, 0 I) Mullen, M S Mctloogan, tl L Meisnor, II A Mver, U W Outhwnlt, F U I'atton, .1 M I'atton, It W Itlchards, II C Victor, L Wilson, T J Hlckey. mid A K Cmupliull. Lust Thurmlny night the meeting wns held for the election of olllcers both mili tary mid civic. ' lie following were elected; Cnplnlii, A. H. Cninpell; First Lletileiinui, L. Nelson; Second Lieutenant, Thus. .1. I llckuy; I 'resident, C. I) Mullen; Vice I'iw Muni, (J. T. Hanlsoii; Clerk, (Iwi. W. Co veil; Flnonclal Seorebiry, 0. C. (Irlswold; Treasurer, F. O. I'atton; I loin I of Directors, C. D. MtiUun, .1. II. Cohen, Kd, , Keefer, (Jeo. W. Covert, W. A. Komi, C. 0. Oris (Jilswold, Tim company is very .fortunate In ecurlng for their cftptnlii Mr. Cimphu.l, Ho bus had years of oxMrlcnco as u military olll.-er ami was coiun-ctisl with thu Omaha (luards for soverl years, this lieing tho couipany that is claimed to bu one of the lluiiH in thu west. Ho was also n ineinlM-r of it crack company In Milwaukee, mid is not only well up In thu bushiest but Is a thorough gentleman ami has the esteem mid cniillileucu or thu entire company. Ilu Is coinpirutlvely u stranger in our city, but il will not be long until liu will be known thiough thu L. L. I. Mr. Uampbell Ih cashier of thu II. & M. freight tic pm tuieiit, this city. Kll-.l.ll .NOTCH. Hujcss to the now organization; long muy it live. C. SI. Camp In one of the Nipultr boys of ( Hie company and lias thu making of it good soiuier. That tiillllary ball will boa ventablu dream of happiness. The ditu will soon lie au- lllMZ'lsl, lui'iiof InivrtM lo the lioys, leftut Tiik ( ovuidt olllce, will always Hud Mice in tills eoJ'J'.lll. Trulmrer iiutnber of tho boys have been iiieiiiLs-n, of companies before, consequently the) nri rhowing up well in drilling. I.......... i....u . )iiuuiuiia iuu iiuir iiiiuur way ior it "niiiltv show by tlio company. Some of tlio '''') '-fct Itiiil talent bus Iweu hvcurnl nml "'"hi.ys 'i"l to make it a great success. .nr. i milimuaker Keml will make n vnln. able null us one of the hoard of directors; his long exiioi ience as postmait!!- general of Lin coln tits him inimitably to llll such a nosl ! tiou. The ladles hud letlor leave their hearts at tails. The president, Mr. C. I). Mullen, is well known In our city as Mr. D. K. Thompson's privato secretary uud adds stiength to thu standing of thu conqiany. Ilu wus ultvted by ucclsiiiution ami reixmdeil in a neat and ap, 'I UK Coi'lllKIt lias Uen diigiintisl as the Light InfmitryV olllcial organ. Mr Wess. """"Kin'u 10 give space encli wi-ek lor tills ' the favor will lieaiiiiriH-inted by every meiiiU'r of the omiiaiiv Aithov til) ill HoiiioiO now's the tune to siiIkjiiIki. The stand of arms that was piocuied from the state through (lot- J K. Ho) d and lion. Vlfqiiiiln are new and! very Hiie wen pons tliat make 11 hamlsoinu apHvir.iuco 011 the new gun rack winch w us completed Thursday. Thu room nlier.dy looks like it full Hedged mmory. Our vlcepieslileut. Mr. C.T. Harrison, of tlie : Stttt?. laurnttl salesrooms, is probably tliehot- test siwech maker in the company, mid while it Is diillcult to get him to make 11 sp.Hs.-h yet ue orings now n itie house wlieii he starts in. Judge 1-uiislng will not tie able to claim thu title of .Nebraska s coineiliaii orator any longer I'M Keefer, chairman 011 decorations, re .ceived a vote of thanks from tlie company ! Tllesdav llb-ht for tliu skill illsiiliivn.1 In ,l.w orating tlie armory. Ed claimed that hu had nothing to do with it, notwltlisUiuding he is on that committee, but says ho hud no timu to attend to it. 11s hu mid "Hlllv" McChiv are nrnctlcluir on 11 turn for tlm nihwlr.iU iimt u taking up nil hU suire ti "... -' -".. II... -l-l.ula. ,..., ...Ill consist of a double soul- and diinee nml iwm ...n...n np.,,( .MIIV, A..CII llllll Hill ciiniu with 11 thrtHi round Unit with thu glove. nu) says 110 win kiiock tils opKueiit out the llrst round. Tub Ohnkiuu