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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1892)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER i, tog . : POPULATION OP LINCOLN 65,000. 0rnr 10th and P ttnMtt. DRYGOODS cm try it In rue lino of Woolen Dress Goods mid Uhnimcnblof Ilka, Hoslorr, Corsets, Underwear, lllmrs, Hullons, l.hiciiH, etc. Agents for llutterick's Patterns TAKE NOTICE! The CouniRii will not 1n rosKuslblo for any debt mndo ly any ) I" It" ""''. "' mm n written order aeconianle tho same, Semi Annual Display of PATTERN HATS AND MILLINERY NOVELTIES -AT TIIK- ffi Next Wcducniny, Thursday nnd Friday, September 21st, a mil niul 33. You nro invited to call. The Courier Cmt tin found At fIotl Lincoln News Htnnd. Windsor Hotel Nowi Htnnd. Capital Hotel News Htnnd. tied Dudo Ulcnr Htorn, 11KU O Htrcot Kd. Young, VSSl O Htrcot. Glaaon, Fletcher A Co.. 11M U Htrcot. Moore's News Btnnd. IIS Houth llth Htrcot. Oailno Clgnr Htore, llruco lllock, l&tli A O Fall Hats ana Furnishing Goods W. R. DEMMIS & CO. 1137 O Street 1137 Local and Personal. Whitebrenst Conl and Liuio Coninny. Ik Barr, Jeweler, removed to 1110 street Mann & IIaITm new pharmacy 1300 O street. New locaUon, L. Barr, Jeweler, 1133 O St. Dr. Ruth tt. Wood, Brace building, room 410, 411 and 412. IMO-t; Archer, dentist, Brace block, over Merch sou Bank, Canon City Coal and Lime Coal Co. at the Whltebreast Bampeon Bitten, artUtlo liaB N street, over Dorsey'. droM-maklng, Archei, deatUt Flue gold and bridge workaqpojialty. Braoe block. K O Baking Powder, 25 ounce for 25 cento. Absolutely Pure. Havo you tried Itf Call up phone 457 and order vour Sunday ce cream of the new Bon Ton bakery. Mm Anna Dick, Modiste, cor. llth & PsU. over Lincoln (Savings bank, entrance on rat. Mann & Hall's pharmacy make a specialty of prescription work. Call at WOO U street. Telephone 600. The Whltebreast Coal and Lime company U always at the front supplying the finest grades of all kinds of coal It is a noticeable fact that Cook-Bailey Grocery Co. is dally becoming headquarters for fine teas, coffees and spices. Special orders for tine cakes, superb Ice cream and Ices promptly delivered to any part of the city. Telephone No. 457. Wild cherry wine is the most popular sum mer drink In Lincoln. Ask for It. Made by Lincoln Bottling Works. Telephone 440. Finest lea cream in the city ant hand somest refreshment parlors, at the Bontou Foebler's old stand, Twelfth and P streets. When you want first-class, pure and whol sonio summer drinks for family use call up teleptoue 440, the Lincoln Bottling Works. Onlerv(or piano tuning left with Young ttnU7?hlr, 208 south Eleventh street, will rectsVv prompt attention by 8. C, Quick. If'Jou want a suit made to order ut reas enable prices see the new fall and winter atterns at W ana maker 8c Brown' tailoring agency, Y. M. C. A. building. Coal of every site from the best mines in Ohio, Kcctacky, Illinois, Missouri, Colora do and Wyoming for sale by Qeo. A. Hay mer. Telephone 300. Office 1134 O street. It you will make it a point never to gat a picture framed until you have teu the Lin coln Frame & Art Company's goods, you will always get the latest styles. Prices are always the lowest. Why have your horses feet butchered, have ame horses and have them suffer t Take them to Charlie 81attery's new shop, 410 South Eleventh street, and such will never he the case. Dr. Fambaiu Cures tfhronlo diseases. Consultation free, Medi else furnished at office. Office hours 10 to 12 a. ra 2 to 5 p. m., and 7 to 0 p. m. Sunday 4to0p. m. To Trade For a Llitcolu Lot. Will trade a block of good Hasting lota for oent rally located residence lot in Lincoln. Call or address L. Weasel Jr 1134 N street, oity. S SSmA aw - r 7yFZu4 nDOUHEOFLE e e Miss Mao Pltrgcrnld In In Chlcngo. Mr. Hnrry Knig Is visiting In Lincoln. Mm. l'mil Holm Is visiting In Chlcngo. Tlio Pleasant hour club will soon rvorgnu ire. Mrs. Mnggln Hood and son linvo gone ' Ohio. Mrs. Kiln llutlur loft Monday, for Memphis Tennessee. Mis W. T. Brown left Inst week forn visit In Indliinn, Mr. V. W, Henry has gnno to Pittsburg, IVnusylvniiln, Mr. nnd Mis. Will Wliltelluo left Tuesday for Dallas, Texas. Mr. W, I). Iluwloy stnrted Monday 011 n trip t Sandusky, Wis. Mr. J. A. Ilnrrls of Crestou,Jn., mndon trip to Lincoln Inst week, Mrs. Fishhack Is entertaining Mrs. K O. Ilowuot Cleuwood, Iowa. Mr. nnd Mrs. K. O. Dtiuhniu dopnrtod Monday for n visit In Iown. Hev. nnd Mrs. U. (. Meyer left Monday for a visit In Mnltlntid, Mo. Mr. mid Mrs. A. (I. U-IT left for 11 visit to friends in Illinois Thursday. llon.d. M. LntuborUtoii nrrlvod homo Sun dny from his Kuropenu trip. Mr. Ilnrtrnui left Saturday for Oxford, 0 where he will spend hi vacation. Mrs. (leo. Cook of Oiimlm win tlio guest of Mrs. O. 11. Onktuy tlio past week. Contributed society article nod iiersounl always llud spneo In this deinrtiiiunt. Miss Mnml llurr returned Hntunlny from Illlholr, where sho Hieiit tho suiMiuur. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Comfort left Sunday for n sojourn In the llocky mountains. MIm Kittle Weston of llentrlco cimo up Inst week to enter the State University, Mr. nnd Mm. C.U. Uplinm nro sight-seeing nnd enjoying Mountnlu nlr in Colorndo. Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Portor hnve gone to Jacksonville, Klorldn, to spend the winter. MIm Alice Hlgliter stnitod Krldny for Chl cngo, whoio she goes to taken course of study In urt. Mr. U'ln Orllllth nnd fnmlly spent 11 pnrt of tho week ns guests of Judge und Mrs, A. 8. TlbUtts. Miss Knthci lue Helves of Hnntn Ann, Cnl., Isn guest cf Mrs. W. 8. Bummer, Sixteenth nnd ll streets. , Mr. Frank Zehrung nnd mother, nnd Mr, nnd Mrs, P. J. Ureeu spent thuilny, Wendes dny, in Oiiinlm. Tho I, 0. 11. 11. (ludciendcut order ot Hilly Boys) ure nrrouglug for u day party to tnke place October l.lth. Ml a. Alice Young, who tins been visiting her father, Mr. 0. M. Carter, returned Mon day U Caldwell, Kan. Now that summer tourist trips have about subsided, tho tide U nearly ready to move southward for wlutertravel, Mrs, Lou Weasel and daughter who have been visiting at 8t. Joseph for the past ten days, will return home Monday. MIks Ida Uiinderson, who lias been visiting Miss Klllo 8tceu for three- weeks, left Satur day night for her homo in Chicago. Miss May Clarko, who has been visiting Miss Helena Law for several weeks, returned to her homo in Council Bluffs Tuesday. Miss Ada Caldwell left Moudny for Chi cago whero sue will pursue a course of study In tho designing class of the Art Institute. , Mrs. T. C. Collier, the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. K. Orllllth, for some time past, re turned Saturday to her homo In California. Ueorgo W, Fisher is In Now York pur dialing new goods for his now store. Ho ex pects to return homo during tho coming week. The Washington tourists are returning by every trnlu after u delightful visit to the Nation's capital and the National O. A H. reunion. Card parties will soon lie in order aguin. In fact several are already announced for next week and the card clubs are beginning to reorgaulte. Mr. Sam Hich leaves for St. Louis tomor row to lake In the Vailed Prophets and visit with relatives. Ho will be in the Mlsssourl metropolis about a week. Friends of Mr, Will Huffman will be glad to learn that he will not leave Lincoln at present, but has beeu engaged by Mr.Ueorge W. Fisher to remain until January 1st, Kx-Oovemor Johu M, Thayer left last Saturday for Massachusetts, whither he was called by telegram announcing the serious nines of his wife. Announcement of her death appears elsewhere. Mr. C. Y. Smith returned from Europe Thursday. Ho came over with Mr. Frank Hathaway aud other Liiicolultes several weeks ago, but remained east to visit In New York nnd 1 Boston before returning. "Hi'ohardls himself again." It's a girl this time and now thut he has a boy aud a girl the wish of his life is fultllled. The lit tle one arrived at the family ulxxle, corner Sixteenth and P streets, Sunday about noon, and all hands are doing well. Miss Minn Brown, after a pleasant sojourn of four weeks with her old kchoolmate, Mrs, O, L. Maefarlaue, leturned to her homo at Peoria, III., , Wednesday morning. Miss Brown is highly pleased with Lincoln and hopes to make a return visit this winter. Curds have beeu received at this office an nouncing the marriage of Miss Nellie, daugh ter of Hon. and Mrs. Kdwaid How water to Mr. Charles Stanford Elguttei, September 20th. Mr. and Mis. Elgutter will be at home Hfter December 1st, at 3051 Pacillo street, Omaha. Mr. Jules Bel tero of St. Louis, who has been enjoying the hospitality of his old time friend Air. T. J. Illckey for past two weeks 1 etui tied home Wednesday, via Omaha, Mr, Illckey accompanying him thus far home ward. Mr. bertero pi lor to arriving at Lin coln had been dolug Colorado and the west, aud his trip entire lias been one of uuusuul pleasure. The Eutre Nous, a pleasuut card club thut has lived through two seasons, ami is still in existence, reorganized this week aud gave a most delightful pic. ilc att Llucolu park, thanks to the ludies who ' chaperoned the crowd aud spread a most bountiful repast Tho guesU aud members ;uro: Mr aud Mrs H B Moore, Chut W Moxle, E H 8iter, J B Hlggs, Chas Traphagen, H 1) Steams, C II Budge, J II Mauritiout, J J ailllle.11, Myron Wheeler, A T Usher, F A Brown, Brand Mrs liouire, Misses Mary Canlleld, Lulu Caufleld, Mary Stearns, Mr Frank Everett, Mr Ed Barnes. , 1 vis- King her sister, Mis. PIif1m Paine, Mr, Kd. I). IHkucII nnd fnmlly havo gouo to Colorndo for n two weeks sojourn In tho inouulnlus, M. J. It. Iloulxnnd fnmlly lenvo today for Portland, Oiegon, which will bo their future plnce of resilience. Mrs. (IcorgnCcok left Tuesday for Chlcngo where she will sxmd the whiter with her son Alfred, who Is nttcudliig business college there. Mr. II, P. Lnu nnd fnmlly, who linvo been spending the Inst thrco months, Innded In New York on Monday. Thoy niu oxiceted to arrive hero today, Mrs. It. H. Jones left Mondny evening ti Join her huslinlid III Colorndo, who has been there some time for his health. They will remain for nil Indellultu length of time. Mi. John M. Htiiwml niul chlMicu, w' o hnve been visiting In California dining the summer, lelui lied Friday. Thoy wuie no compuuled by Mr. Hlowart, who met them In Denver. Handsomely engraved wedding noles linvo beeu Issued for tlio ceremony of Mr. Joseph Hnrelette Bigger and Miss Carola Hill, which takes place at the residence of Hon. .!. K. Hill, October 12th. Mis Perkins of Des Moines. In., formerly of this elty, hns beeu visiting her Mstor, Mrs. Hcrpolshoimer, and friends, the prist week. She returned to her home W'eduewlny with her husuund, who met her here Htiudny, A Clintituuipin circle will be organized ut the leslilenco of Hev, and Mrs, O. W, Kifer, 710 Noith Thirteenth street. Tuesday even ing. All jH'rsons inleiested will be welcome, and those not being nble to attend the meet ing will kindly send their names to Mr. . K. Hardy, ho thut thhey will lie em oiled. The Congiegatlounl club held their llrst meeting of the reason TueMlay evening ut the First Congregational church. Supper was served In the flirt part of the evening after which Professois Ilruuuer, Taylor, Caldwell and MIk Surnh Hurils, gnve in teresting talk about their tiipi this summer. Quite a sprinkling of Lincoln' fair daugh ters will bo missed in social elides this win ter, many of them being out of the city at tending various temples of learning. Fol lowing Is a few of them: Mlsre-i Mao Burr, lluchel Brock, Kdnn Polk, Mario Marshall, Lucy Orllllth, (Irace Burr, Helen llurr. Ona Imholf, flrncoOnkley-nnd Clnrn IlucksUlf. Chancellor and Mn. James II. Canlleld tendered n reception to the faculty of the uuivcridty Friday evening In honor of the new members of the faculty, Professor and Mrs. Adams, Misses Wilder, Conkllu, Jones, Hal four, Freeman and Mr, Peterson, A dainty lunch wns served during the evening. A large number of the faculty were present nnd nu enjoyable evening wns spent by nil. Mr. Will Meyers, the efficient teller nt tho Clermnii National bank, leaves tomorrow for his annual visit to Quincy, St. Louis and other eastern cities. It is not mfo to wnger any lnrgo amount on Mr. Meyers' returning with n brldo this time, since he hns ilisnp niuted us on several similar occasions here tofore It Is however but Justice to the young man to add that if Mm. Meyers ac companies him homeward, she will lie duly welcomed hero. Now for the social swim. Octolier I here and tho fun will soon commence. Within another mouth cold weather will be with us, winter's merriment will bo commenced and the cry of "on with the dance, let Joy bo un confined," will soon be in order. Several prominent debutants will shlno forth in so ciety and many new faces both in male and female form will be added to the chnrmed circle. Several clubs are now in the prelim inaries of organization nnd, all In all, the coming season promises to tie most lively and enjoyable. Tho Knt re Nous curd club nnd friends gave n very enjoyable outing nt Lincoln park last Friday afternoon and evening. The ladies ot the arty were out to the pnrk early in the afternoon and the gentlemen followed In time for supper. This is the last ot a series of picnics that this club has given during the summer. The list ot those present com prised Messrs. and Mesdames Ed Sixer, Chns. Hoxle, Traphagan, 11. D. Stearnes, J. J. Ollllnii, Dr. HouU.J.K. Hlggs, F. A. Brown, C. H. Hudge, Mrs. Scolleld, Mrs. Mauritius, Mrs. Tom Usher. Tuesday evening, at the residence of Mr.O. L. Maefarlaue, 1321 P street, a progressive high five party was given In honor of Miss Brown ot Peoria, Illinois. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Haldermnn, tho Misses Campbell, Geary, Hnwksworth, Marka, Hat tie Stewart, Grace WotOermau and Sadies Lloyd; Messrs. George Woodward, Ode Hec tor, Warren, White, M. Christopher, Over street, Grubbs nnd Dr. Edwards. The win ners of prizes were: Mr, tlildermau, gentle man's royal prize; MUs Geary, Indies' royal prize; Mr. Warren, gent's booby prize; Mis Hawksworth, ladies' booby prlz). It was a delightful affair in which host, hostess aud guests shared the pleasures. It Is with no little amount of pleasure that the Couhikh calls tho attention ot its renders today to a most Interesting new department which appears in this Issue for the first time, "Art Topics" will hereafter lie a regular fea ture, and we extend the use ot its space to each and every, one interested in the great' and growing Held ot art. Lincoln has stead ily climbed upward iu this beautiful accom plishment until todny It has u very large cir cle of admirers and students. But a few years ago we were comparatively without lovers ot art, but as thn city grows, so also dos the desire for knowledge In all things that tend to elevate humanity. The Couhi kh recognizes in this city a vast field for work In this line and if it cull be of any service in advancing the cause it will be only 100 hap py to extend a helping hand. The depart ment will be under the suervisiou of "Miss Nancy," a persoe thoioughly cnpable to con duct the work. Contributions, news uotts or anything ioi tabling to tho advancement of art will be thankfully received and duly noticed. Addiess nil contributions to "MUs Nancy," care of this office. Mrs. Mary Miner of Monmouth, III. PRICE'S s Ottd in Million of Hornet A very enjoyable opera party wns given nt tho Lansing theatre one evening last week, comM)setl of Misses Marguerite Knulish, Omcm Pel kins, Corn Tnlbot, Kllle Bteon, rlnicrnncd by Mrs. Frank Perkins of Des Molnix, Tho CouitlRH hns Just received too Into for the press this week, n long but Interesting letter from "Chlcngo" In which that pleasing ( writer reviews run or Air. dinne rroninnns latest plays, "The Councillor's Wife" In n gosliy mid most congenial manner, It will find space In our next Issue. A very pleasant Informal outing wns given nt Ilurlluglot. bench last Hntunlny evening In honor of Miss Ida Oundersou of Chlcnuo. Dancing wns Indulged In until n Iain hour. Those picHeut. weie Mlses Ida (luudersoii of C'hlcigo, NoinHtren of Wnhoo, KilIoHteen, (liaceniiil (lertiude Altklus, L'llle Hoover, Maine Million, Ienn I Jin, May Clnrk of Omnliii, draco Perkins, Corn Tnlbot, Mar gllerlte Kngllsh; Messrs. Johnson, Wnlte, Howey, Weckbn:k, WnUh, Painter, Coin stock, Mendes of Chicago, Yntes, Woods, Franco nnd Chns. Mullen, The pnrty wns chaperoned by Mrs. Frank Perkins of Des Moines, On Hntunlny morning when the nuxiously looked for mnll carrier conies around nnd lenves In the huiids of tho subscribed, Ihe Capital City Couhikh, tho first thing thut Isdone Is tounfol I the ostentatious butdlgn! Ilcd sheet to the eighth pnge, and look over the doings ot the dear people for tho past week. When It Is found that there are hut very few events chronicled, he wonders what In the matter that there Is not morn news In this anit pf the paer. But please 1 ('member that In such weather as we are now enduring, that there nro nctunlly no events to disclose. No one wnnls to given party In this hot, iliy, dusty weather, oven If anyone has ambition ciriugh to attend it party. He would piefer to stay nt home wielding 11 palm-leaf, and wishing ns Hnmlet, that HiIh "too, too solid tlesh might melt." None of the card or dancing clubs hnvn re organized for the winter, Tho season for out lugs, picnics and summer enjoyments Is over. Just this week the Burlliutou Bench closed a successful nnd prosperour sensou, and nru now beginning many Improvements nnd advancements to be In readiness for the next summer. his month may bo said to bo tho coiiini'tlng link between the summer gaieties ami the winter festivities, the calm lieforu the storm. If wo can bilbo any of our subscribers, ut' mid, of course, to give 11 pnrty Just now, wo shall promise to write it up, nnd describe your costume iu good shape, Tho following has been sent to the C'OUIlllMl for publication: "Lincoln Is a city of schools mid education nud the people nro Interested lu improvement, ns shown by the rapid increase of Chautauqua work. A few years ago Chau tauqua work ninde n small beginning, start lug with one clrclo and few members. Year by year tho list of membership hns Increased nud interest deeencd until now there nro over 11 hundred nud fifty members nud six circles. The Hall In the Grove Is a clrclo composed ot Chautauqua graduates. They nro making n seciul study of American history. The officers nre: Mrs. P. M. Davis, president: Mrs. A. 8. Metcnlf, secretary. Tho Capital City clrclo Is the largest of the regular circles, having held meetings for two yenrs. Officer are: Mr. C. W. Starling, president; Miss Amber Illchanls, secretary. Columbian circle Is tho name ot tho new cir cle that was organized In South Lincoln last Wednesday with about twenty members, illcemnre: Mr. W, C Huugiiigton, presi dent; Mr. V. W. Wilcox, secretary. Tho Lowell circle is a smnll ciicle organized last year. It furnished a toast master for tho Union banquet. Mr. W. E. Hardy Is presi dent, and Miss llattle Curtis secretary. The East Lincoln clrclo was organized lut year. They met Inst evening to reorganize, with favorably prospects for another successful yenr. The Iookforward clrclo nt.tlie state penitentiary wns organizod three years ago, aud Is lead by Chnutauipinres of tho city. A movement tins been set on foot to organize a circle in which Hv. O, W, Fifer Is the leader. W. E. Hardy, tho state reuretary, will gladly furnish Information in reganl to the work." Death of Mrs, VautlerherK. Monday at the home of her son, Henry C.i in the Kennard block, 324 South Twolfth street, Mrs. Joeephine Vanderberg, at the age ot 50 years and 10 months breathed her last, cancer being the cause of her tleath. She leaves a son, an only child to mourn tier loss. The service was performed accord ing to the rites ot the Catholic church and the body laid to rest in the Catholic cemo tery. Mrs. Vanderberg had been a resident ot Lincoln for nearly a year, most of which time sho was an Invalid and suffered much. She had the constant care and loving kind ness of a devoted son, who tenderly nursed bar until the angel of death '.relieved her from further ain nnd trouble. The young man has the sympathy of many friends in this, the hour of sad affilctlon and trial. Oinnlia's Leading lintel. The Paxtou hotel, for eight years under tho management ot Kitchen Bros., has again paused Into their hands nnd is now being con ducted in the same excellent manner that gave the houre Its renowned reputation years ago. Mr Ralph Kitchen, who is well known iu Lincoln and throughout tho state, hav ing fonnerly had the management of the Cnpilnl hotel lu this city, has the ninnuge incut of the Puxlon, Liiicolultes and Ne binsknus in general will flue the Paxtou ful ly iu keeping with the lending hotels of the country nud n most excellent place to stop ut while iu Omaha. K C Unking Powder, 2.1 ounces for 23 centc. Absolutely Pure. Have you tiled itf Hotullug, tlie O street grocer, havinsg bought the stock of groceries formerly owned by II. II. Lohui at 1&I7 O street, says he is going to treat his trade as he always has i iglit, but the people must not expect sliver dollars for OOo nor twenty pounds of graiui luted tugnr for t, us ho hub no cheap stu IT to woi k olf with such ilea Is. Stole Is nt 1837 O, in charge of Floyd Hotulluf, 40 Years the Standard. Haven't You Seen New Gloves Yet? Seamless " tumlc of the best French Kid, niul liked ever so much for its beau tiful fit. Ttie Bazar, 1023 O Street. Jot this In your llttlo memorandum book, nud CHAS. A. 1 124 O -THE Cash Millinery House OF LINCOLN, Wo show nil tho Newest Htylcs nnd Novelties In tho Market. Our assortment' of Infants' and Children's Hcndwrnr Is very comploto. Housefurnishing Department 11.311 buys 11 Decorated Htnnd I -amp, bisque Mulsh, No. 3 burner. Wo havo soinu splendid values ut I,W, 11.811 and $2,25-see them. Just opened Fifty barrels of new Glassware. Boo our lino of Work nnd Lunch Baskets. ' Largest Dept. Store on 0 St STRICTLY CASH. For Pure Ice Cream and Delicious Fresh Oysters I -CALL The Bon Ton Telephone 4C7. Geo. Meiofeirleire, Propr. BHKERY & CONFECTI0N8RY Coll'ee and Light Lunches at all Hours The State Display IS A When compared with the Display of New Furniture That has just been received for the Fnll Trade at THE RUDGE & MORRIS CO.. Hardware and Furniture Leaders, 1118 to 1124 N Street. Five Per Cent, on Deposits PAID LINCOLN SAVINGS BANK AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. S. E.Cor. t Ith and P Streets Boxes to Rent in afe Deposit Vaults. HKNIIY K. LKWIH, Prcsldont A. P. H. HTKWAHT, Vice-Pros. IMvELOU, r OUR- If not, cnll nnd Inspect them, nnd ou will sec tlicy excel any thing ever shown in Lincoln. Wc cnll special attention to our Josephine Giuve Dcrwn when you go down street, look for BROAD, Street. OltEAT- NKllltABKA. AT- 12 Oa P Street. Fair 1 raiiurc IIY THE .' 1