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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1892)
cr A ., :..v.-r" -.i A X i&ir5 ivrir ra 6 -'fJIj 1.7 1 wmmf$ Jf " Lr r, s"$ xt.v.t.u: ( A'PoPdl 1R PAPER 'oPA9PI!RH -TIMES " Vot. 7 No 4 4 Lincoln. Nkuuaska, Saturday, Ootoiiiik y, ISOU. Pwicic Fivic Corit r&?;?P) cr$$m wi&rv&'Xr3!forfMl :' SP& m x wiefflassira?8 ; V iMlml Q m M rllilVMii'tfi',r.V i g& i SFram a V'WrafftclT!g lr?-T .?- 11 V, lfmT I lrVJH il. W?ffll I III VSmi ""-V iTNsSicWJ isniii , : - --'Mi K?'mvvv. rr- -i.- v ( ve-v . aw; -( icmi. n tvramwttawiaBTrvnJn ..... .. . at "v-vmvvnft-ji. wuii pj?ai-jsg?JiKHOLH f kuwi;i .w.r-r rv,'i ?i.i wr.irj . -n a r stt rrvrr, wv.; .v-Wjx x .mu',T ' .vwnj ' ' a ji .t lWAW M L iv . Ts yn VO'h'..Hl.VMir .. J r ' a.-- AALr VJ 1 IV JSi'. !... .rvw:) i -w x ..taw. '. kiMHMliVmv r sii . lKUII lV-TMTr maimmfjm&mmmmSKmL Wmx 1 1 i "r '---' ' f- 1' vg-N-'-- -"' - - iBBg,W'B'U'0,''Uio.U'Uj;gcai! TOWn THLKi There Is n great deal of scrambling Just now to get in out of tlm wet by stnto em ployes nml others threatened wltli liivestlgu tlon on suspicion of ofllclnl crookedness. n. deed, tlm suspicion Is dully orystullzlng Into a conviction tlint there has been widespread corruption for years In the various stain In stltutlons. Thu conviction exists not iiKmi with K)lltlcnl purtles In rivalry with tlmt which has been In ixiwer for joins, hut tlm rank ami llle of that party can bu seen .mil heard overy day discussing with threatening vehemence tho suspected pet lldy of Its ser vants. Meantime soimi of thu state otlli-laN have taken ndviihtngo of the sltuatliiii to cry out against the pi-wont system of contract ing for state supplies, but they suggest a rem edy that will make thu ailment ashamed of Itself in the opKrtuultlos It would nirnnl for dlshonestv. At present thu authorities of each Institution am icqiilred to submit quar terly estimates of thu amount of supplies likely to Ih) needed during thu next quarter, and hidsiiru then lecelvod from merchants for Ailing these estimates, Thu lowest Mil tier as n whole on grooorlot nets thu contract for furnishing thu Kiocerles, and so with tho ilrugs, clothliu;, boots and shoes and other' distinctive lines. This looks fair eunuch. Hut it has lieen noticed that there Is a won derful variance in prices, and tho successful bidder on Krocerles, for instance, often has a few articles bid in at the top notch and tho rest of tho list below his eoniKtltors. It has also been noticed that, by n strange but by no means a novel, coincidence thu olllclals of tho institution buy much inoro of tho article quotwl at IiIkIi llKHn-s than was called for in their estimate, whlloltis equally noticeable that they have not nettled neaily the quan tity of thoso articles quoted at cheap i ales which they had Inclinlnl hi their estimate. Of course thu uiiMispectlnp; olllclals have not considered thu interests of thu grocer in this matter, and of com so the grocer nuver recip rocates for such little favors. Now somo of tho statu oJllccrs are cIiiiuoiIuk for the ap Klntment of a wircliiisliiK agent, whereby It Is proMM.l to do away with the bidding and contract ystem. Just imngluu what a pic nic, that would airoitl for all concerned. Thoso who have watched the career of rail, road purchasing agents realize what a snap such n position would Ih, and every man In thu state with n covetous eyu on thu state irentury will say to thu statu olllclals, "maku mo purchasing agent and I nut with you on that leal, otherwise not." There ought to Imj n way of uwnidiug contracts for supplies whciebyeach bidder would supply to tho state only such goods as his bid was lowest upon. There is too much "lumping" in the bids. If rumors now In circulation aro to bu lu lled upon Lincoln is destined to bo the center of tho railroad world lit n short time, anil tho now Rock Island deot on Kiist O street is to bo tho center of tho certa-r, so to speak. Friends of the Hock Island grade crossing are responslDIo ror tho assertion that the Northwestern is to run its trains Into Lin coln over Its Elkhom tributary, which will establish a big freight depot at Twenty-first nml O streets, a block east of tho Hock Is land pansenger deiot, running n spur to tho latter for its passenger trains. It is to cross O street at Twenty-first nml build to Heaver Crossing in Howard county to connect with tho present Klkhoru line to Huierlor. It is also to build n short lino between this city and Omaha, ami at 8uierlor it will join hands with tho Hantn Vo, permitting thu latter road to run trains tin ough Lincoln Into Omaha over the now Hue. It is also said that tho Milwaukee will build a cut-on for the Ml? sourl J'nclfic U-tween Loulsvlllo and Eagle, cutting out tho Weeping Water detour ami shortening thu lino between this city and Omaha, which both will then use, enabling tho Mil waukeo to reach i.lucolu. These tu rnout read decliMly well, and were manv of us running thoso Hues wo would tin the job up In Just about that way, but In nine caes out of ten when one illscovers what would cei taluly in his n n mind be a great advan tage to a ralhond company, tho latter goes nun iiir-s jiim iik inner iniiig. nut tnue it inors may havo some foundation and every. Isjily cei taluly hopes that they have. When the Itock Island rumors weru spread to the fleet that the company would build aline southwaitl front this tity, half thu people or Lincoln doubted litem. They weie, happily, mistaken and mav be so hi doubting the newest rumors. Hut lr truo the now scheme contemplates new track across O stieetat grade, so that the new bill of raio is not all honey. Next Monday morning will tsiltegunlii ilMrlcl com t thu alreml v relehrAMsl case of the state against W, II Irvine lirtheiuiir tier or Hanker C. K. .MontgouiMy )at May, unit fiom the prepiiiatio i made it promises to lit a stuinly contotisl leg-tl battle. While it w 111 not, pel haps, attract the w Ide-spread attention given thu Rlteedy trial and will not embody the same salacious and sensatiomtl ftlltllli'S, still the piomllieiicu of the pil'tlcs Invol veil will iusiiro it plenty or attention That the trial is to be a stern contest Is evinced by tlm at ray of couin-l alieady re taluicl. County Attoinoy Knell has retained toas-ist lilm in thu prosecution Hon. (1. M. Lamls'itsou, who was also with him In thu Slietily cam. Mr. I. K. McCullough, a lead ing ciimliinl lawyer or Indianapolis, will nlso be of counsel for the state, having coinu into the casu at thu instance of somo or the deml mini's telatives and fi lends. Ho was an old schoolmate of the ilecmsed. Fori ho tlefeusu the auay is even inoro imposing, Mesnis, Abbott, Selleck it Lane, thu senior uiember of winch llim wus Irvluets foimer paitner, weru Hist retained, mid they havu ....II...I ...!. ..I f. ........ U..... ...... .-. . called to their assistance Messrs, Stearns it Strode, who weie Icidiog coiio,.ol in thu Sliced)' tleleilse, Hon. C. O, Wbeiloii, and It U unili'i stood tlmt Hon. L. W. Hilliugsley, who was of the Kheeily defense, is also con nected llhlho liviuu ilefeiiho, while W. II. Woodwind, wlio was or tho Sliced)-defense as well, lias been lending some iitsistaucu to tin defens". Judge I'owers of Halt Iwike City lias been retatuisl by Irv luo'n Ufih (rleuils and Is now here. It is to be hoptsl that the coming trial will not be productive of tho bitter nulmosltlot engendered by tho Nheedy trial and that no such Impressions of hidden corruption may gain a foothold. Homo tlay a fuw lemlnlscences of tho Sheisly trial, embodying recent discoveries as to Its methiHls, promlsi to maku lU-citlvilly InUir estlug leatllng. MiautimolsXh Uiepremiinil the public have been very considerate of thu friends of ltli sides of tho Irvine cae, and any censure that may rail to the noHspaHrs for their repot In of developments at the trial w.ll be certainly undeserved, Tho lecent retirement of WHIM. U-oimrd from tho Claik A: Leonard Iiivestmeut com pany because of III health has dliectod ntteu tlon to tho remarkablu -mil perlnps uuparal leltsl siicccns of tlial corporailou. Although a coiH)iatlon thu stock was owned In equ il parts by .Messrs. V. M. Claik, Will l.i int and J. W. McDonald. Mr. Clark was presi dent, Mr. Leonard vice-president and treas urer and Mr. McDonald secretary and man ager. To tlio latter is generally credited the wonderful success of thecompaiiy. It began business six yeais ago with a cash capital of buttll.OOi). While It was caplbdl.od at ft'iyXK), the good will and ollice of Its prede cessor constituted $IJ,O.X) of Hie capital of thu now concern. In the six years of Its exist ence It has paid Its stock holders ami olllcers in salaries and dividends. In round numbers, about fllJO.OOt) and It lluds Itself poss..hs.s now of assets aggregating llu,0M). if this doesn't speak volumes, not only for the bril liancy of .Mr. .McDonald's management, but for the value of Lincoln and I Jincaster county leal estate as seem Itv, It Is iillllcult to con celvu what wcultl. Mr. McDonald has pur chased Mr. Uonaid's thlrtl Interest, and Mr. W. II, Walton, Into hnokkeeer, has een madu secretary and treasiner, Mr. McDonald becoming vice-president and manager and .Mr. Clark continuing as piesident. It rellects great credit upon ihu luvel-liJ til -isl people of lincaster county that they are about toieturn to the seat lit the statu sen atu which he honored during thu last session, Hon. It. K. Moortt of this city. Ho is one or the most liromlUtflitlv conservative ,.Hy,.i, of Lincoln, Idciitillcd with many or Its lead ing Interests, ami mav bo relied noon to trv. ern his olllclal acts by his conception or tho city's and county's lest interests. It would not iMj at all a credit to this county were it jnt all doubtful that M Moore will I si re- tuniiMl by a decisive majority. Without any imputations whatever as to" ilval cftndl dates, It can Iki said that no ouu Oau Justify opposition to Mr. Moore. Tliu closing tlobatu of thu scries between Messrs. Hryau and Kl-ld will occur in this city, Mr. Hryan opening and closing tlm do nate. There has heen so much diversity of opinion among experts as to thu success or these two disputants that the people will doubtless avail themselves of thoopportunity to Judgo for themselves. Friends of Judge Field are conlldent that he will iiiinnne ,i much better nilviiutiigo than hu did on the former occasion, when ho disappointed his audience somuvvhat by reading his speech, Mr. Hryun's friends nro (spuillv cimlldant that their champion will achievo a signal vic tory. It will occur Tuewl ty evening. Ono who keeps n careful eyo upon tho banks or a city can pi etty ncciirntoly estlmato at any time Its progress, and such an oliservant jteison cannot rail to note that Lincoln .auks are decidedly progressive. Thu latest evi tlence or It is evinced by tho American Kx clionge Nittlonal whleli liar removeil to tho corner room of tho Richards block, one of the most prominent corners of thu city. Al though not heretofore in tho business center this Institution, under the direction of Cash ier H. 11. Hurnham, has met with flattering success during the fouryearsof its existence. Its original capital of fVI.OOO has twice been doubled and its olllclals anticipate tlmt its cIimiku of location will soon necessitate an Increase to :()0,(X)0 to enable it to keep pacu with tho city's proqiectlvo growth. The bank is now in its new loca tion, wheio it will add many nuiv irieudsaiid patrons The long and spirited contest between the I Itock Island and the Lincoln street railway leiiiui g to tno mi liter crossing streets trav ersed by the latter at grulu was adjil.teil Thursd'iy afternoon without bloodshisb or even acrimony, and the cheap fuglemen II id themselves temsiriHy out or a Job. To guard against fin ther delays Hie Rock Island put a force or men at work at seven o'clock Tliursday evening and In-fore moriifmr thiee tracks crossed two or the disputed streets, V and R, leatllng down lo the location of the Ostieet depot vStivet railway olllclal say that they got all out of the contioversy that they had coliteieled for since it became evi dent that the vladil"t plan would be it very expensive one, which apssirts em ly In the discussion. They sisjured a small amount of cash in the way ot ilaiuages ror stoppages of stleet car ti alllo dm In g liulldliig onet and in her inconveniences, but the chief thing for which they contended, and which thuy llnally secured, was an agteeiiieut whereby they me practically absolved from itisiiousl blllty for Injuries leceiveil at the dossing, thus ensuring gi eater emu on thu part or the lallroad company in looking after thu safety of thu publiu tiavei sing thu cros-iiiKs. Fiom a IbiDiiclal point of view they think they aie inateiially beuelltte I by having the iwo tie. sjts on their O street line a mile removed ft mil each other. Miss Alice Isaacs will not visit Lincoln this fall but iuvilis toe Indies to cell at her tie ganti.loio, :)7 South Sixteenth street. Omn i... . . ... .... .. .... tut, to see her beautiful now line of f'tll and winter cltccts in Hue millinery J. W. Winger it Co. ai o selling a coat for tO that other stores itsk Jl.'i for, Sou it. $5, T, f'Jaiidfl'JcmiU & Co.'s next week. at J W. Winger TITIE T0 KICK Every week or thereabouts the necessity of an auditorium In Lincoln receives new em phasis. The recent state conventions found tho opei a It uises entirely two ciampcd for comfort, and It was necess'iry at each of them to crowd several hundred delegates uhiii the stage, mi arrangement that was not at nil satisfactory to any nno concerned Lin coln is iiatur illy thu convention city or Ne braska, but uiiL'si buret iltilittn 1 1 Liti. ut provide better convuntlon fni'llltlo it Is a matter of but a short tlmu when lier invlta tlous to political imrtiei will not be accepted. Again, when the Hryan-Field debate no curreil the Ionising, sumptuous and com fortable (hough It is, was entirely Inade quate. Every fiMil or sp ice was more than occupltd and huudieilst.r H'tipluwcio turuisl away. No liulldliig In the city would have begun to bold tlio crowd that turned out to .Major .Mckinley, although lie would, nave pieieinsi speaiting In, loins liad thero been a building suitable. Tho Foiaker meeting was, from necessity, held lit tlio open air Thmsday, In splto or the danger or cool or wet weather. Ltu oln does not do lieiseir jtlstlcoo.i such occasions. Nhu should be able to house such meetings. There Is no question that an auditorium would bun prolltithlu Investment, even in "oil" years" politlcallv, for such a structure would In vito many meetings ami eiitertnlitiueiits that ate now nuver secured here. lr there is not a s'iieum on root among cur tain attorneys In Lincoln to uprcud Lincoln's fume as a p'aco where tllvonvs m ty be on tnlueil with as little publicity, oxpjusi ami Inconvenience as in Chicago, then appear ances are remarkably deceitful. And unluss thu clerk or the district court, ir. Maker, cm plead ig'iornneo it will certainly look as lr lie is in on thu scheme. Or late a number or ill voice cases havo been Hied in district court thu papers In which have not bwu accessible. The clerK has seen lit to grant tho request or thu attorneys Tor stcrecy, an .1 nlpirters are denied access to the files. Ho far lias this scheme progressed that now such cases aro entered in the upenruiico docket, where the titles of all cases Med aro supposed to be en tered and open for lnBeotlon, by fictitious names. Only thu given irituu of each pnty to the suit Is entered thereon. District Clerk Maker may think that ho Is simply granting to the attorneys who request this secrecy n Harmless favor, and may not realize that lie is materially encouraging thu dlvoico mania by keeping such cases from tlio publicity they merit, so that In a fuw mouths the di vorce lawyers of Lincoln miy lung out upon their shingles: "Divorces obt lined without publicity or delay," and the matrimonial malcontents ()r surrounding states will emu flocking to Lincoln. Is it a reputtitlou Lin coln and Nebraska can wish to enjoyl Has thu cleik ot tho district court any moral or legal right to withhold such Information from tli o public and encourage such a sohemof Aro not the books ami court piqiers in a cer tain sense puhllcilocuinmits Aro ourcourU ami court clerks to bu permitted to carry on star chamber court proceedings! Should not every act or a court be open to Inspection and crlticliinZ Aro applicants lor divorce, any lietter than other people who get lot tho courts or course every ono who gets mixed up In uillvoicucisd would llku U have thu public kept in the dark about It, and so would nearly every other litigant, or at least hair of them. Why not shut thu tiubliu out entirely from knowleilgu of thu proceedings of thu courts! Clerk Maker is not an iiiuio- co Kslatlug olllclal by any means, but hu misconstrues his duty and authority In these matters. Thu kick will como soma day when it will provo exceedingly ptiurul. o Thu bar or Lliftohi and Lancaster county should not so fur forget its dignity and In tegrity as to Mjrmlt to go unchallenged thu rumors fiequently circulated to tho effect tlutt Jul leshavu been tampered with. Ever since the noted case or a little over a year ago tlieio have been whispeilngs to the eirect that corruption finds its way too easily and with too much impunity Into the jury Ikix. Another important criminal trial is coming on ami it isrlulmeil that it is known that ni effort is alreudy on fo it to Ox a Juror to pre- ciu a veruici. u it comes wit h u tin know lH; or even thu leasouable suspicion, or an auoruey on euiier sldu that the opposition has resorted Ut this most dangerous of nil classes or public con uptinii hu should spate noeirort Mining tho guilty ptrtfesto jus tice. It is to be epecu-d that when Tom, Di"k and Harry in u run into iliu Isix, somu one cm u be found who Iscoriuptlblc, In fuel jury piuelsnsu lulu do nut contain the cltl zeus most susceptible to honest pi oof. Hut when members of tho bar lend themselves to corrupt in -thuds of defeutiiirf tlm ends of thai Justice which it Is their sworn duty to co'isei ve, the piuiesMou owes it lo Itself to weed them out. Thero hits been loo much talk ot coiriipliou or late years in Lincoln to iermit one to believu thai il isitll giuulidless. Let us have no muieof it, ami let the honest, reputable law) els or tlm local btrdj noil strttle its integrity by spotting and punish lug the briber of jurois. That ulorl jus aggiegatioit of saes yclept the city council is making a v illagu monkey ot itsell Ii) Its vacillating and hesitating ac tion on thu question of sidewalk. Council men have been blowing hot nut! otild on th'tt important iiuestfoii now so I mi: tliat l.m- coin's down-town walks aro not only a ills. i r..i .... ... hum-nil pm-i.uii-iu inu a iuouo ineuaiice. it Is amusing to note the exacting spli it in w lilch "Oiliu II ibeis or the council It quire thu stlict tiihtllluieut ot oidluuuces ny thoso pioptlt) tiwueis who inu buideuisl with iiuithtr wealth nor political lulluciice, while the) view with great and charitable concern the ell'oits of tlm licit and luHuo.illiil to us en te the legal Ifipill'emeuts lit this inatler. Mm who havo iii.nlu most exampltiy ar guineiils in favor or tho otilot ei.loice meiit or thu law against tlm loriuer have Itv en si en ciuwlLhlu,; pitialie t ) win t'.t ft vor of f ltu latter. And thus it coiiin tlmt many downtown business walks am In a wtetchnl coudltliiU, theowueiH of thopiop eitybelngasa inlu l lull men, while better walks put down in the Impinvciiirnl of out lying business propel ty have been oritensl, with a great deal of bluster, lorn up. All honor to I he pi o jussive propel ty owners who mo putting down neat siomi pavements! Meantime thu council would win lespect would It but draw a Hue ami follow I'. -o Th stianger who meanders up 1' street Into the city Is unobservant If he Is not struck by the air of geneial decay ill publlo ninth h Imparted by the old weathet'-lM-ateii grand s and on the iioi th side of government niiure. This stand was erivtml by subscriptions from merchants around thu squuie and was once a tiling of beauty. As a Joy foi ever It lias not been it how Hug success. The llei co winds or thu stoi m of calamity have hoivled Inter mlttlugly around it all summer, more or less, and It has come out of the camp'ilgn a force rul example of tlm doctrines that havo been shrieked from Its upier story. It is rickety and dilapidated, like the roii"c and fin ins or thoshilller sluiekers. I' is no wonder that there mo calamity howlers as long as Liu coin ini-i chants furnish them such a congen ial i oust. Home ouu .night to put the poor, old thing out )( its misery and lescuult fiout bad associations by either lejuvenittlug It or teal lug It down, If not reclulmei! it should bo removed fioni the reservation and sup planted by a windmill towtrso high that the I man who makes a spetch from it can never lie iicnnl. No ("tlaiiiily paity can ever go peacefully into oblivion as long as that nils era tils looking baud stand lemalus, and no self-respecting brum baud will ever bu seen in II if theiu Is a dry-goods box handy. How's Tills? We otrer one liunilied tlollais lowanl for any case or calai Hi that cannot bu cuied by 1 1 all's Cutnirh Cure. F. J. i IIKM'.V t Co,, Toledo, O. We, thu undersigned, imvo known F. J. Cheney for the last llfteen jcars, and belluvo him petfectly honorable in all business trans actions and llnanclally able to carry out any obligations madu by their llriu. WKHT& TltAUX, Wholesale Dl llgglsts, Toledo, O., Ki.nnan pi Mahvi.v, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catai rh Cine is taken Internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous sur faces or tlm system. Testimonials sent free, i'rico 7ic per Isrttlo. Mold by all druggist. Wltlltf you are In J. W. Winger & Co.'s ask to-seo tbu "Dolgorukl" coat, tho latest ItuAsInu novelty. Violin anil Cornet liiatriii'tlmi. Mr. Hairy T. Irvine for past ten Jems dirt ctor of thu Omaha Musical Union orches tra, has located lit Lincoln and isnowie eeivlng pupils ror violin ami cornet Instruc tion. For tetms mid Information apply at Lincoln College or Music, Urate block, 1ith anil u streets. Oliniliit's l.eilillnu' Hotel. Tho I'axton hotel, tor eight years under the management or Kitchen lints., has again pussed Into their hands and is now Uing con ducted in thu same excellent manner that gave the house its renowned leputatlou years ago. Mr Ralph Kitchen, who Is well known in Lincoln and throughout tlm state, hav ing lounerly had the management of the Capital hotel In this city, has tlio tuiuiugo ineut of the I'axlou. LincoluitcH ami No braskans in general will dim the I'axton ful ly hi keeping with the leading hotels of thu country and a most excellent place Ui stop at w Idle in Oiiftha. K C linking i'owdcr, !W ounces for &ccuU. Absolutely Pure. Havo you tried III Ui'i'tor's Nv l'liurinary, Htinday houis: 0:.'iO to ISJIO a. in., 'J 7::ut to Hi.'ii) p. m. to 5 and KC Making Powder, ii") ounces rorlil cents. Absolutely Pure. Have you tried Itf You talk abilut nobby cloaks at very low prlcet .See J. W. Winger it Co.'s cloaks. Ever thing new mid toothsome and dell clous at the CiKik-Halley Urocery Co., I!il8 O itieet. iieasant treatment low prices and everything as rupiesunted is the drawing caul that is winning new trade constantly. You can null up No. CI and order by tele phone if you .hhI. Tlie"I)trb Cas"coat is a novelty at J. W. Winger A Co.'s, 1 Kill () street. Dullest in Music. Irvine's new oichtstra Im nMics siihi lor luiislc, any uuiuU-r ot pkses, for concei ts, leivplfoif, balls, pal tli s.elc, U-ave orilets lit CtlUIIIKK ollice. Hill N st I eel, telephone SJ.VI. lr. I'liriiliiini Cures blood, chronic, female, heint, liver, lung, nervous, rectal and skin diseasus. Roou s Nos. 1 1 and 1.1, Richards block. i:eililoii lit Valley, On Tuenlsy, October Si.Mli, tlm Hull inline ami Ohio nidi oad isimiuiuv will sell excur-I blon tickets fiom (iile.igo and all Maltlmore i and Ohio K)liits west of thu Ohio liver to , w ilh his sister Nellie, and Unit his love is ie Wluchester, Woodstock, .Middlelowu, liar I'ipnH'.itisl. Tisl Is silnut f ), sj im linu, and llsoiibuig, hlauiitoii mid U-Miigton, Va., at i Jack, fearing he is displeased, sa): "Von do lit latoof one luw.-st H mied first cl tss fare I not care. Ted. do voiif" At whi.b ll. mth for the round tiii The Sheiiiiudoah valley, Virginia oirers superior Inducements to people sinking new locations, F.irui lauds ullViod ut from tMu ier acroaii.l iipw.ntls. Tiiunur,, iron ore, pure w iter, convenient 111 trkuts, excel lent soil, gissl schools, best society. For in formation mIh. ut lutes apily lo any Maiti 111010 mid O.tio ticket iignit. hjii I to M. V. Hliiitiids, laud mid immigration agent, Hal tlmoio and Ohio tallrtKid, H.iltlmore, Mil., for luforiiiatiou about dos.r.tblo locutions, 111 11 11 tli.i 1, t l-l-U n nriE uni Ciiti'Ado, Oct. II, Ihiy. My DcarCoimiKii: Hack to Chicago once more, and it sis'ins goisl tube licit) again even lr ono does prefer Lincoln, .IVilmpf ouu i oisou why 1 was glad to til live was liecalisj It took such a lilghtfully long time fo get heio. leaving Lincoln at U;0o p, m. last Wednesday on the Hock Island's No. (1, wo ariivisl on time in Omaha, wkre, by the way, I saw (lisirge llaluier, Mr, Harris an I thu Mlsics H.illiu, none of whom I expected to we, but all of whom I was glad ttiiiicl Up to time for letliiug and fiom then till midnight my Journey was uuuveutrul; after that timo lol' tho space of three or four horns il was entirely too eventful. Just west of Hock Island a freight train and No, I, it passenger train, had iliuumstrated vury graphically tlio rnct that two trains caiiunt tun on thu 'i track tun in d each oilier without sooner or later oiiilng together. These tialus were beautifully piled up on the track ahead or us ami, st ipplug our train by slg mil, every ouu went to wqrk rescuing tho liijuied who weie, very roitiiu ttely, but row. What with groans, tluieks ami much noise III general, sleep was an Impossible tiling till about daylight, when our train was hacked to Wilton Junction with most or No. -I'll passengers aboard, over thu branch lo Mil cii line nml theucoto Chicago. Wo ar lived at noon or 7 oYio.'k In tho morning, and thu thought or thu piles of wink ai my olllco mounting higher ami moio high did mil servo to put inu lit a I cully an geilc mood. I lid reel thankful, however, that the rteighl train tllscovciud No. I to run Into heroic it could tackle us. I en Joy is I my all too brief visit at Lincoln audit really was with legiet that I left you all, iei haps be cause you are all too good mid ho liable. About two weeks ugo It was my fortuuu to witness the pieseiitatioit or "Tho Councilor's WHo" by (lie Chits. Frohmiiu stock com pany, ami, having bad my Intel est In tills paitfciilnr play aroused hcfoio going, 1 wuut with thu Idea of stud) lug It euou;(h to w at tain me in giving II a "wilto up," This was a new play to Chlcagoaus, its Initial per formance hfiti being given by this splendid ompaiiy at thu Columhla about three week ago, and much was anticipated. Hut ouu impel- piaised it ill no meagre terms, another treated it U no small amount of very ad veisu criticism. Hence my determliiatlon to go seu it, ror, you must know, seeing is be lieving. In tills case I saw mid I wholly and uiiconditioually believe lit "The Councilor's WHe." no two plays could lie moru unlike than this and "I-ofct I'urndisu" lit which this same comp my has douu such excellent work for thu lust two seasons. Thu latter Is a strong, loud play of very vigorous action, tlms alroi iliug great opportunity for elfeutl vo ' Ihtjhico and nou-alcoh.tllu drink i, wo seo work on tho par, of tho leading chaincters, i ''I'1' Iniru.'gle puor old Cherry into In vesting which opportunities nru Improved, it is tut- , H ff hlsctpltal in It, w.i heir of his ad necessary loadd. How totally dissimilur venture at a ruinous publiu nlnco of iiiiium "Thu Comtcllor'ri Wife." Without exception ment. bow ho got "clnicktsl" fimii this samu It Is one or tht ist quiet plays we over wit- place by tlm foumlo Hercules, "Mr. Her- nessetl, but in a tlilfereiit way. or course, lust ules,"iihe calleil her; In a fuw words, wu as effective, If not more elfectlvu, than tlm ' mii Hen Dixon as he Is, his been arid alway other. I think you will at once perceive, will Imj it swindler or the deepest dye. Later with me, tliecaiisoof tho disappointment in when lie gets sight o' a ptpur I'ollce Gu some uiiiids they niissisl the loud murmurs trtte) which contains hlspictuie in the act of an angry mob "Cinders" was not there . of Uilug throivu into thu rtreet (while In u (who could but feel a wist iwiugu or dlsap- poiutuieiil for this Not I surely, for Ciuduis is well shu is Cinders!) still there war a play with so much character in It, ami moiu chance for deep study and much thinking. Thu cast of characters was: Ted Morion, ayou..g inetllcal student of limited means, William Morris. Jack Meilhury, Ills wife, a young artist, Urrlu Johnson. Thftnloru Trovers a literary man with easy going manners, uyrus scon. lien Dixon, member of the county council. a phllnulhroplst. wlto workscltlelly for him- . self, James u. Marrows. Ailani Cherry, an elderly gentleman whose loveiilmlr ends happily for other-, W. II. CrolUltOII. I elllu llorton, Ted's slsler. u ulrl of char- creature of circumstances. Odette Tyler. Primrose Dean, a girl of eighteen who loves ed Klaliiu Kllson. Mrs Wheedles, a lady of tender susceptl-, unities, Annie AduniM, The play oiens with the scene laid lu Lon- ' t,.. I.. i... t...i..i.... i .. t... i,i ii . ...... ii. m.- iikihiii, no us,, in ,u in, , tissues mid a very isHir lislglng house It Is. tisi, Till nud Nellie live heiu in the midst of bit Ier poveity; liHieful and ilicouragi-il by turns, Nellie Is in love with Jack, an artist, who is as tMHir or sioier than Ted, her brolner. Jusl as Nellie is ready to do al most anything so as to beatil) to help her nrotlier, l herry comes In Dear o'd Chei ry His liead is neatly tlm color of a cherrv ami ho iuif;ht well havo been 11 turn I "'Cheer) ," I for his coining alwins In lugs siusiiiue with It. .Mrs. Wheislles Isal Nellie's room, com- fortlng her, when Liieiry comes lu ami uu ceremoniously bounces Mis. Wheedles from the loom Chert y, who "knows himself 1 mil -ue, calls iuuiclf forty live and feels niuiseii iiilil-llV'o" (tcc it-iliiig to Tin vei. thehteiary man, who is elermilly taking iioli-s tin Ins fi lends) is in luvu with Nellie, tel's her s i and asks her to liulmmfo .-'he quielly acceits him and hu iittkix his exit . Nellie, III iep ill', sinks III a sett tieloru the giate lire and after a short tuuiieais up Jack's picture and thr.uvs tlm pieces in the jllamts. Alter tlm last little piece Is con sumed, she hears Jack's voice and Ted's and leaves the room Just as thev cotnu in Then it is that Jack tells Ted Unit In. is In l,.v,. aiiaii whlchouli Willi. un Mori is, an ttssiiut' heartily clasps Jack's luiud and siyt, V,,s, I cine a gieil tie il, Jack, dear old lellow " At this juiictuie tlm whole crowd comes in Mr. and Mis. DUon, 1'riniro.e and Travis, I'll is is tin, -st tlmu that wo s.m O lette T)ler, who tiKk the nrt of Polly so prettily III "list Pill Itdise." and she is Just simply illimeiiMi. Her old hilsbiiid Is feat lull) JimI oils of her, and when tlmcioivd sjiiirate, some going to the oitisi's studio, hu stays to wntehhls wifu.iud Cherry, who has come lu w it It some w iuu uxcf ting to tlud Ted an I Nellie uloiio. He had known Mrs, Dlxoti Is'foio hur Mrst iiiaiiiagii. Thny get o loser and closer together, she slaps his knmi, their heads are so ulosu as to nearly touch j Hen Dlxonls beside hlmsiilf wltlp ragu, Hint ex plains to Cherry how rcpct'th,i she Is get ting, how she left thu circus wlierj she bail done a dlltlcull rope-sklppln iliinuj for tho stage; then tlm st'tgo for it It mi , all for to spectablllty, and clutching Clnrry's arm wildly, shu says, "Cherry, you loved mo once, help mn now, llelpiu.', stvu mi), ror, t'heiry, I am iiipldly go to thu go id," TliU In it iiielo-draiiialle w-tv that simply tilings down thu house. Finally they all eomu back and Chciry n tonst Inu wedding, ho ii) s, ntiil they all fnqiMi'l with huii'tlness, when he motions In NelPu who t'omoH biavelv fonvnril and the duiiniiDiucul fol lows, In any other pity aim st the curt tin would havo fallen with them all lowering the glasses of wine whlei it in tmiiit beftiro had been held high with htrirty good will, but lit thl plsy all of them take their leave after such ciingnit ilntlous lo tint couple as can bo given Dear old Jaok adds his bless ing and says he has nothing to forgive, does not blame hsr at all mi 1 with ouu pathetic; gesture of ,lcsiilr lutves I'uiirry star ts to ask Tul's blessing, when Tod says'Not now, Cherry; It Is nil si now. I nm a talk witlt Nellie alone," and simple, kind hn'titud old Cherry goes Inck to lilf own room. Tisl fells Nellie she shall not thus sacrlllcu her self mid lur peauu of inlu I ror him and tlu dates shu shall In true to Jauk. Hu says, "Why did you do It If not for nml" ami shu says, "Hist tint) I am tired of being poor, Ted; Hied of feulliu hungry, and tlrtsl of having to wait till after dark before I can go down on the street, hecuusu I mil ashamed of my clotUes," this with bitterness nml pas sion, Ho leaves her ami walks across tho room to tho window; she stands by the fable, silent ror a moment and then says, "Vim aro not angry with me, are you, iluirl" Mo wn Its a moment and rolls up thu curtain bo fore tlm reply Is given, then without turning his head and with the moonlight strea inlng rull on his noble face, romus thu answer. "No, not migiy; Just u llttlo dlstppolutu d in you, Nellie." Nhu sinks lit a c'ltlr an I puta her Head down on thu ttbluon her bands; ho stands looking out of tlm window for fully a moment; nol ouu word Us tli an I then tho cuitiilii falls. I wish I might give you sumo Idea of thu eirect, but I cimiot. II td I I aro descriptive powers. I coul I not tlo it. It must have WIIIIiiiii Mortis thuro tj bu whit. It Is. Hlx cm tabic ills testify that the audi ence appreciated it. Hut I must not talks') Ion,?. The next scene is laid at Hen Dixon's home, and hero wolmvuthat worthy phllnuthropUt shown up ill his truo colors. During tte course ot this second act we learn of his sclio mo for tliuestuhllshuHiitofiistockdiiipiuy Unit if " '"iy up nil oilier linns wiinlotl In "tern delightful state of Intoxication) by thu same afori's'ild "feni tie lleicilles" hu rears hoi ruined; we bopu ltu is, and so it pioves. Ills wife finds the aHr,grasis the situation, lluds out in a stormy interview that hu' ban iniiilu away with all her money ami resolves to leave him. Mrs. WIiivkIIcs has an hit pot taut part to pl.t)' here and she dlscovei h when she see Dixon's picture her own long I lost Mr. Wheedles, or course in the next act thu expose conies and ho Is coiuh11is1 to "'i ""t, however, until Cnerry force him to restoie to led mid Nolllu tlio money he swindled them out of, the loss of which had blollL'ht them to their tiresent llniiwlnl strnights. I, H lii.llcrouH ,.l l,ll,..ll,..,m Im t i,. .,,' . ....... names aiu given and he says, "I feel sorry ''"' t,lut 0,,l '""i '' can't ho seel Womler what he'd do if he found it out" mi I then the old mail does Hud it out. Sees it slowly, but, oh f so surely. He takeshU resolution to set Nelliu fits) after his suspicious have lieeu ii ii.. ...! ... iiMiiiiiiusi ny iTimrosu, iViin, ny me way. I had neatly forgotten Prlimose. the onlv woman on tho stage whom any one envies, ror Is not William Morris lu lovu with herf She Is ilch, hu Is pisir and proud. Any one win: has ever see hint will know how splen didly hu could take the part. Slip loves him ; heher. Hut the money! So .he, when shu at last discovers thu ho avoids her, deceives him into UlleUin- tlmt ..... Iu. I...I her money, long enough till he confesses his love and then hoi Hug onto the biieUot his c .at hard so he cinuot get avay from her lis Im kneels by her chair she tells him she isn't ssir at all he spi iugs to Ills feet, cold, proud, haiightv ' Hut it Is too lute. Tim words have ln.-eu sunken and pu-entlv bis niide gives way U-foie the loi-o of hi. love and bo ileitis, clasping her in his anus. He does thlsgracetiilly, h.-ntll,', as h does every thing else. ThuuLiieiry c mies in and tells Nellie that Im knows all and in a way that iniiig tears to turn's e)es gives her up. And then comts the finale. As every one feels sonyfor Cherry an 1 gla I for Nellie, Tul sn)s, "Nellie, there c Miles Jack; shall! ak him Int" Nellie docs not reply and it i Cheiiy who s.i)s, "Yes, ask him In, for I nut going out." Ho leaves, after o.-.e long look ut Nellie, and the curtain falls You know that Jack is coining, but ) 011 do not see him, It Is the pitttiest, simplest thing 111 the world. Jack can come lu foi Cherry has gone. You will not womler that thu play int pi esses one deeply. I It tve give 1 you .10 ail ctpiaio idea of its brightness, 1 cannot dwell on Miss T let's chick put, he, splendid act ing, or that of James Hiitoas who is a stir piiseiu his important role us II ji Dixon, atler tils coiiipar.itlvely unre-pinsivo part im "Lo.t Paiadisu" which is th it jf Fletcher, the fauiil) tiw'jur. Hut iiuy 1 take up itioie of your time, Lincoln tenders umv of your spice, Mr. Editor, to tell you or my interview with tCoiitliuusI 011 fourth ptge.)