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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1892)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER SATURDAY AUGUST 27, 1892 CHJLDKEN'S COLUMN. A Lilliputian Niy1 Httle. ThennnisliiKi'xpcrlmi'iit of a llllipiitlHii naval buttle can Imj nuulo with white chalk and the ordinary talilo vlnrKar. Model, any, it dozen chunks of chalk to the re semblance of hIiIh, pinning the bottonm evenly, and ti!lnK mutches for niast.i, ntnokestMcks and turrets. The rival forces you can dUtliittuUli by coloring the cnu tny's shlpn with black Ink, leaving your own white. Having pi need them In n an or plate clov) to an Imaginary dividing line, pour n good quantity of vinegar between the chalk stick. Initantly you will hear an audible seething, like thu hissing of hIicIN In actual warfare, while ships, an If pulling up steam, will begin to move forward in slow revolutions, leaving behind them streak of foam such as are observed In the wake of moving vessels. When meeting at the dividing line they will have attained quite a respectable speed, humping and culling together hi the endeavor to push one an Other farthest front the dividing line. The engagement often proves nu exciting one. Of course the side lias won which has the larger number of ships nearest the. center after the nlTrny. Tho chemical solution of this seeming mystery is quite simple. Chalk being largely carbon combines with thu aclil of the vinegar In carbonic acid tho same gaes that cause the effervescence of most mineral waters. Tho gases rise to tho stir face of the vinegar in small bubbles of sufficient strength to cause the current which turns thu chalk. Since thu patriotic youth will want to seu tho American boats win, It will bo well for him to remember that the best quality of chalk contains the largest proportion ol carbon. It will also provo of advantage to piano the chalk carefully, so as to permit It toglldu easily. Harper's Young People A Word to Youthful Writers. Tho young readers of n publication that regularly absorbs and delights them with its stories or articles little know thu talent, labor, ingenuity nnd experience required for tho production of each one of these works. It is n very frequent cxperlenco for the editor to receive from some youth nu ill spelled, ungrammntlcal and awkwardly expressed letter, offering stories unlimited for the periodical, which, he says, hu de vours every week with the keenest interest, nnd which, be further asserts, is the best publication in the whole world. This literary aspirant evidently has not the dimmest glimmering of an idea as to what are the Ingredients, seasonings, the method of cooking nnd the form of serving tho agreeable dishes that tickle his mental palate. Ills manuscript if printed would appear in thu columns of a publication as Illiterate nonsense, unless, as is sometimes tho case in comic journals, n short extract should bo published merely to provoke mirth. To all such youthful literary aspirants this is to bo said: Education first is abso lutely necessary to literary achievement not the education of grammar schools ami text books only, but the education of time and observation and thought; then there are needed a thorough study and apprecia tion of the art of saying a curtain thing in tho most effective way, which is quite n Intricate as the art of designing and build ing a boat. Besides there is tho talent! If talent In latent it will develop itxelf; if not, it is not advisable to cherish any false hopes of seeing one's name in print. New York Argosy. The I.lKht from the. Flri-lly. A young reader wants to know what causes tho light emitted by the llrefly. We believe it has never been definitely settled to what the light is due, but the general opinion is that it has u phosphorescent or! gin. There are a great many animals and llshcs that have the power of giving off light, nnd naturalists all agree, we believe, that nature has provided it as a means ol securing food. The little llrellles that we have here are almost insignificant compared with tluw that are found in Central and South Amer icaaud the West Indies. The lightning spring beetle which Inhabits those coun tries Is more than nu inch long, and Its light is so bright that ladies use it as uu ornament. Thu beetles are caught by hold ing up burning coals on thu end of u stick. This nttracts the insects. The ladies that buy them put them in little wire or gauze cages and keep them until they desire to decorate their dresses with them. Water has to bo poured on them quite often to keep them alive, and they aro regularly fed on bits of sugar cane. The natives of those countries use the beetles, as we use caudles and gas, to light their houses. Two or three of them to gether will emit enough light to read by very comfortably. Philadelphia Times. Johnny' Trlcjcle. Little Johnny Cnrinlchnrl received a trlcrle The Fourth of July from Ids aunts, To iiuim'V c IskiisI, lor In- 1 il a great dust. And kept hrr at mcmllng bin pants. Heupoel the eradle mid lull utr .tiahcl. Who lay ullli her dull ou the mat; He scratched the new tiilile ami raitod such i liabel It frightened .Miss .Malty, thu eat. Wlmt rmzled Miibt-I. "Well," said Mabel, looking up from hu history lesson, "what I dim t understand aliout discovering America Is how Coluin bus knew It was America when he uuei saw It befoiel" Kxchauge. POETICAL THOUGHT ABOUT WOMEN. Woman limy err, woman limy alvo her liilml To evil tluiiiKlits nnd loao her pure mtntc; ' Hut fur one woman who nlTronts her kind By, wicked piimIoiis and remorsotcs lists A thntumuil itmtto nuirtuls In sko and youth By heavenly pity, by sweet s) tnpslhy, By patient kindness, by emlnriiiK truth, B)' love, supreiuest In lutveraltr. -Charles Macksy. Tim Knliyln Woman. Notwithstanding many barbarous cus toms the Kahyle woman, not being, like the Arab woman, shut up iu her home, going about with uncovered face, enjoy ing besides a certain activity, comes to ex ere I so a real Itillueuce. It Is she who gives warriors to the tribe. Maternity surrounds her with a halo. A Jewel on her forehead Is a innrk of thu birth of each of her sous. Her dignity Increases with their number. She Is seated at table letwccu them and her husband, takes part in the couversa tlou and is tie-iily always consulted In the administration of affairs. Associated with public ltfu as well ns with private life, In enso of war she emerges from her retirement to appear at tho front and arouse by her songs thu courage of tho warriors. When old she appears freely in thu markets, buys and sells the products of the earth, and often presides 'at transactions. Her words are listened to, her advice Is heeded. Kveli when a widow shu can take part In the djemmah, thu assembly in the tribe of all the men of full age. In this casu the man ners are superior to the law. It Is not thu knuouii which draws the Kabylo to us; It Is the value of his Individ uality. More active than thu Arab, more enterprising, more hardy, more capable of reflection, ho is also more capable of in itiating enterprises mid of voluntary ef forts. Revue lllulio. Mother, (let More Hiiimhlim. "Husking In the sun" Is In Itself of real and considerable benefit, and it is no com pliment to our human Intelligence to find that cats and dogs understand that fact much better than we do. liven thu "blue glass" craze had a truth underlying It, and owed such success as It achieved to the proportion of sunlight which penetrated Its colored medium. Thu love of sunshine Is naturally one of our strongest Instincts, and we should bu far healthier and hap pier If we followed and developed It in stead of prnetlcnlly Ignoring and repress ing It. How a sparkling, sunny morning exhilarates us and makes us feel that "It's too lluu a day to spend Indoors," and yet how few holidays are taken for that reason. Thu wealth of the sunbeams is poured out lavishly all around us, and we turn from it to struggle for a few pitiful hand fills of something else that is yellow ami shining, but not half so likely to bring us happiness, and often has strange, red spots upon ft. Give nature a chance, and we shall find that there is more than a mere fanciful connection between natural sun light and that "sunny" disposition, which after all is the true "philosopher's stone." North American Review. A Lime Haired Kwarfmn. Rich Valley, Vn., has a veritable dime museum curiosity In the person of the twenty-year-old daughter of Nathnu Har ris. Although little Miss Harris is uov old enough to seriously contemplate tin drawbacks of an old maid's existence, sue is not ns large, as tho average child of flu years. Ou her nineteenth birthday she measured but U5 inches iu height and weighed !)9j pounds. She is a not 11 stunted hunchback, as are n great majority of the so called dwarfs, but is a perfect Venus in miniature, pleasing and intelligent, and with a beautiful head of hair sweeping like a train across thu carpet when sh1 cares to let it down for the admiration if her many friends. She is thu oldest of four children, all the others being of legulatlon size. Her par ents as well as herself shrink from uotori ety. She declares that she would not gu before the public for all thu world, and that she exp.cls to live and die iu the beau tiful Virginian valley that lias always b.-ev her home. St, Louis Republic. Pattl Hua nin.OOO Worth ir IHnmoiida. Adelina Paul's diamonds have been valued at cV17.",000. The Kmprcss Ktigeulu gave Pattl as a wedding present when she married the Marquis du Caux a comb set with twenty-threu diamonds. A gift from Queen Victoria was a superb diamond locket. Baroness Uurdett-Couts once gave the songstress an enormous diamond set iu a ring. Tlie diva's wonderful set of sapphires was sold when she was obliged by French law to divide her fortuuu with her first husband. Thu emperor of Russia was tie giver to the prima donna of a pair of large dia monds mounted as earrings, Hmperor Willlatn of Germany gave her a splendid diamond brooch, ami the emperor of Aus tria a bracelet of diamonds. Pattl possesses twenty-three diamond bracelets, and has a necklace of very large and flue emeralds. Her turquoise iewelery set with diamonds includes four tills, two bracelets, earrings, and a luaatOiBe pendant. Juweleih' Weekly. A Htni-y if ItHly' CJiireii. The favorite governess of the queen ol Itarv when she was a child was Mile, Komi Abcscr, who was a girl of twenty-two when tho ten-year-old princess of Savo) becair u her pupil, The two became very much attached to each other, for the Yieu neso teacher's yoke was easy, and her In struction was pleasantly imparted, The princess at that time received a small amount of pocket money every month. Thu governess at one time, noticed In i pupil had spent nothing of it forseveiai mouths, ami when asked what she in tended doing with It gave an evasive an swer. At the end of the fourth tiionil. however, Princess Margaret of Savoy pic sented her governess with her initials in diamonds, Revue du Fainllle. Cue Wuy of Milking 1'lecriist Kinky. To iniiku piecrust llaky spread the erut when rolled out for the top of the pl. with a thin layer of butter. Diedgc wii.i Hour nnd cover your pie with thu crust as usual. When ready for the oven tip tu ple slanting, holding It In thu left hand ami pour over the plu n glass of cold wait i to rinse off the tloiir. Kliough of the lat ter will stick to the butter to fry into tin- crust while baking anil make It flaky . Exchange. Olllnll Null's. Onions are impiovi-d by soaking in warm salt water an hour or so bcfoie i (Miking, as tills removes sunie of the r.ilik Il.tVi I They cook lein.ei mil. h i,uieki r if slid, iu rings IlisK ml of pliKnig. I thi im peded mill slid witli bauds i wnici Some "idle I cuts" may be uxnldul. V. change. Many peisoiis buy mateilal for their own trayclotlis, Imc tueiii stamped at some an. establishment, then eiubiolilerthem thelll selves. NO TIME TO WRITE. A llrlef Nolo (rum the "llninelit.U Uridine." Indeed the lot of woman Is hard. Has It not been dinned Into our enrs since we wre young)' She Is the slave and serf of selfish man. Hers Is the work that never ends. Shots tho one who, to give ease and comfort to her worse half, thu brulel and let him dally In the lap of case and luxury, must sacrifice her young life, her beautiful hands, her everything else and carry onu on tho altar of work, At the very hottest curl of the hot wavo 1 picked up a letter In tho street which born eloquent testimony to these pathetic, facts, I hate to print It Ik-chum It lcars so heavily upon the laziness of pater familias nnd the ease, and luxury with which hu surrounds himself at the expense of his family, I do not like to give my own sex away, as It were, but a slum senso of duty nerves mo on. So hero goesi tlKIIKSIIIIIRVIt.l.K, Mns. Mv Own Dkaiikkt, Haiii.imi llinuir You do not know bow lonely wo nil aro without yon. Why don't you Junt drop your lint of ill business come up hero for a week or two? 1 nm suru tho old storo would keep rlirfit uu rumihiK If you were not Iu It. Did you send tho check for fifty dollars fur tho hoard last week? It has nut put In no ap pearance. It seems dreadfully stupid hero. There arc only three or four nlco young men In the place. Of course 1 hnwi no troubio In keeping them out of the lmtiilaof tho young girls, for they know 1 hao no desluns upon them nnd fee, eorrr ndlngly nt ease In my society. Ili-sldes, I rn .- think they like me. Those, children will hu thu death of mo yet Hero am I trying to economize and tliey all the time making trouble nnd expense. I have Just paid a sowing unman to dollars for iiiemlliig their stockings and putting new seats In their pants. Last night Itaphnel knocked over one of tho KtriiRcni) uers In my hedrhamher. Tho landlord says ho regrets exceedingly the acclili'iit, as tho set ns a very rare one, ami ho slmll hu forced to put down ten dollars In my hill for tho broken pitcher. It has been au fully hot hero ami uu hao suffered dreadfully. If -Mother Ku had been hero Inst night I verily hellevoshu uould have slept without tho tig leaf, I envy you tho hlg, cool hoilsu In the city all to yourself, Cnllpso hroku my bottlo of hair Headier hint night. Wish you uould goto Mine. Ituhens nnd get nimtlifi-Isittlo nnd send It up by ex press. While you lire alsiut It you might ns well have her put up tho usual net of toilet lie cesBltles, tho JI.Vlsct,ns I am nearly out. Sho will understand. Wuhnd a delightful excursion yesterdnyto Hnruswogglo 'oiintnln, nnd picnicked In tho glen. A mosquito hit mo Just hetueen tho shoulders, where I could hot posslhly reach It to scratch, ami I suffered excruciating ngonles all night. I was Just nblo to reach It with my shoehorn and that was nil. Tho ninn cbnrged sixteen dollars for tho wagon, and ns I had so many children I had to pay half. Isn't tho prlco rather high? lly tho way, I am all out of money, nnd If you want mo to do what Is right nud proper by the collection pinto ynu tuunt send mo some right nuny. Thero Is going to ho a grand hop hero next Saturday night and I havo positively nothing Otto wear. I wish you would get tho penrl colored slippers out of the second drawer in tho hack room hurenii. Tnko them to HlanW's and ask them to inntcb tho color with somo of their grnsgrnln $.'I..V) silk and send to mo nt onco. Thero Is a Very nlco mid klltlngly cheap dressmaker here, nnd I guess with prompt work on your part that wo will pull through. I havo signed n subscription paper for tho dollars to put n new coat of paint on tho Epis copal church hero. I'lvnso send check for tho amount. It looks more rcsictnhlu to clve. In that shape, and thero Is no uilstnko aliout thu donor. .Mako check pnyablo to mo so I can In dorse It. You poor, dear boyl I wish 1 had tho time to wrlto you a nlco long letter, hut I havo been Invited by Jnck Assford to tnkoarldoto Ilium tarn mountain, nud so fur today you must put np with this hurried little scrawl. You must bo dreadfully forlorn keeping bachelor's hall without any servant, nnd yet I suppose o must economize until you get a rise of salary. I almost died laughing nt your description of how you sleep Iu nn unmndo bed and try to cook over that horrid little gns stove. Elsie, my nursemaid, said this morning that sho wanted to go hack to tho city. Sho seemed quite set on going, and I had to brlbo her with an offer of live dollars moro a month In order to keep her. 11 would bo linposslblo to get n girl hero. Well, goodby. Thero aro several llttlo com missions I wanted you to do for me, but Mr Assford Is calling now nnd I havo not got thu Umo to think of them. Your lonely llttlo wife, KVANdEI.INK. New York Herald. Disqualified. A strapping young fellow nppenrcd be fore the committee of inspection. "You claim exemption from military service f" inquired tho presiding officer. "Yes, sir." "On what grounds!'" "I am subject to n most serious afflic tion." "Step Into tho next room!" "But, sir" "Step into the next room I" "Why, It Isn't" "Step into the next room!" Our man entered the adjoining npnrt ment, where he was made to undress from head to foot, after which he presented him self again before tho committee, this time sans coat, sans vest, sans everything." Officer Will you now tell us what is your infirmity? Recruit I um shortsighted! Figaro. Well Meant, but Awkwardly Put. l.n If I', I . "So nlad you haven't forgotten me, dear Lord Varicose. I was afraid you would after so many years!" "Oh, no. Miss Hvergreen. I never forget old faces!" Du Maurier In Punch. Ilurd to Work. "You havu been promising mo steady employment; 1 havu been coming here five or six times a day and you haven't found mo that employment yet. I want the two dollars back I gave you," said an angry man to thu superintendent of a New York -intelligence office. "How fur do you live from here?" "It's two miles if It's an Inch." "If ynu tome that distance five or six times n day, don't ynu think you have got as much stemiy employment as you ut-ed, ehf" Texas .Slftlngs. Hard. "Oh, misery!" cried the editor. "What's the matter now-f" "I Just threw n poet out of the window, ami his wife, who waiting for him ! low, li.vs presented one of our insurance coupons at the t-ashler's desk. Hu had it on hi ml Another hundred pound gone, when fiveshil I tigs world havu bought not only his pei-., but his everlasting grati tude. Tit-Hits. il ' Did' nt Know It! No? Of Course not. How could You? Fact, nevertheless. We uie now In the News business lit "dead enrnest" and want jou to buv nil jour Periodicals, nrn n i n uc ClfcLCllllV, t Novels. Newspapers, correspondence papers, nnd stationery (,'ooils In general of us. Wo hnvc n line of novels unequalled In the city, besides nil the latest and most popular Fashion nnd Art journals, etc. nil nud see our beautiful quar tcrs and this new department Wessel-Stevens Printing Go. Courier Office 11!M N Htreet, Trlephonu Va t&fttAJtf 4AOQUAINTIO WITH TMC OCOCMAPHV Of tMC COUNTRY WILL OH! k MUCH Itt'OMMATKM FROM A TUDT CNF THIS MAF OF TMI Th DIRECT BOUTX to uid from CinCACO, ROCK I8LAITD, DAVENPORT, DEB KOINES, COUNCIL BLUTFB. WATERTOWN, SIOUX FALLS. MINNEAPOLIS. BT. PAUL, 8T. JOS EPH, ATCHISON, LEAVENWORTH. XANBAJ CITY TOPEKA, DENVER, COLORADO BP-NOS and PUEBLO. SOLID VESTIIULE EXPRESS TRAINS cf Through Ooacben, Bleopors, Free RecllnliiK Chair Can and Dlnlntr Cars dully between CHI CAGO. DBS MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS ard OMAHA, and between CHIOAOO nnd DENVER, COLORADO BPRINOB and PUEBLO via Bt. Joaeph, or Kamaa City and Topelcu. Via The Albert Lea Route, Foat Espreaa Trolna dally between Chlcrjtc and Minneapolis and Bt Paul, with THllOUOII Recllnlnif Chair Car (FREE) to nnd from thorn, polnta and Kanaaa City. TbroiiKh Chnlr Car and Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit Lake and Bloux Fall via Rock Islnnd. For Tlcketa, Mope. Folder, or doalred Informa tion, apply at any Coupon Ticket Office, or addrest E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Oen'l Manager, Oen'l Tlit. paaa. Attt., CHICAGO ILL. Illnniis Tahulcs euro tlio bhiot. Uipatis Tubules euro indigestion. Kipuns Talmlos euro torpid liver. Hirmns Tubules: setitlo cathartic. PKOGRGBIIVG HUCIIRC Bend t'oital Nolo to Joilx Hkiuituk. O.T. A. 0 , It I. it 1'. K. It.. Cblrairi) ami rerrlTc, poitng paid, Um allokn.t cW of ranla ym e vrr j handled. Tea OcaU aw k. uoe ur wiiur Chicago.Rock Island & Pacific Ru Moving Household Goods and Pianos a Specialty 150,000.00 At six por cent, per annum and a cash commission or at eight per cent, no three or live years on well located improved real es-. jj' tate in Lincoln or Lancaster county. INTICUKST AIXOWKD ON SAVINGS DKPOSITS DKPOSITOUS IIAVI5 AUSOLUTH SMCUIUTY. ) Union Savings Bank, 1 1 1 South Tenth Street. Industrial SavingsBank ISUCVICNTH AND N StUKKTS. Capital tock, $250,000. Liability of Stockholers $500,000 INTI1RI1ST PAID N DIU'OSH'S, VVm. Stum., I'rcs. J. ID. IIiu., Vice-Pres, j Louis Stui.l, Cashier. Diukctous. D l Thompson, C 15 Montgomery, Geo M. Hastings, II II Shaherg, W II Mercery, J C Allen, T E San ders, J IS Mill, Win Stull, Louis Stull, Geo A Mohrenstcchcr G. A. RAYMER &CO. COAI CANON, DUQUOIN, ROCK SPRINGS, JACKSON, PERFECTION, HICKORY IJLOCK, BEST GRADE Telephone 390. H. W. BROWN DRUGGISTHlBOOKSELLER.J Has the New Books soon ns issued. A choice line of Perfumes and Fancy Goods. . 127 South Eleventh Street. 5l?e BurliQ$toi8 Serritory AIRl-WlTOHIS' DANOE DBS ALPHABETS. inn BflBa Pullman 8ltipr$ ttibult Train Parlor Car Lew Hatit Dobl9 Track CltCnnction Bluing Car Vnltn Btpet ( Hail tknuh Coach Quick Tim Chair Car Mr irako Mill uncoin orrictt. OOR.OANDIOtn, B.fkM. DEPOT. pmw m a THERE CAN HE NO MISTAKING TUP. "BURLINGTON'S" POSITION "IN THE RAILROAD WORLD" IT IS ALWAYS WAS ALWAYS WILL BE A LEADER. J.PRANOI8, QIN'L PA8SENaCH AOENT, OMAHA. TO LOAN commission, for periods of iff' IOWA, EWCAiW OF HARD COAL. Office 1 134 O StrMt, Albany, atciiibon, Allegheny and Austin. Baltimore, boston, buppalo and burmnotow. o'licaoo, council bluffs, cincinnati amd clkvelawav QeADWOOD, DETROIT, DBS MOINES AND DBNVEH. cvansvillb, erie, elmira and eau claire. pall rivkr, fitciinuro, fond du lac and fortwaymfb qalvb8ton, oeokoetown, orand rapids, oalksduro. Halifax, Houston, hot sprinos and iiannibal. i ronton, indianapolis, iowa city and indbpslfobmos Jersey city, jackson, joliet and Jacksonville. Kalamazoo, keokuk, kankakbe and Kansas city. LbADVILLE, LITTLE ROCK, LOUISVILLE AND LINCOLN. Minneapolis, mobile, Milwaukee and Memphis. new orleans, nantucket, new york and nashvill8). Omaha, osiikosii, oswego and oodenbburo. Peoria, pittsiiuro, Philadelphia and pobtland. qv bretaho, quincy.quedec and quitman. Rock island, Richmond, rockford and Rochester. sacramknto, salt lake, san francisco and st, pavta fallahastuit, terrb haute, toledo and taunton. ijly6se, uiiiiana, unadilla and utica. Virginia en v, vicksuuko, vincennes and vancouvmb VVlNNIPFO, WASHINGTON, WINONA AND WORCESTER. Xknia junction, XKRXKS, XR.MA and XENOPHON. Yl'alLANTI, VONKi:i's. YANKTON AND YOUNGSTOWN. 2lON, ZU.MUROIA, ZAC.WECAS AND ZANEsVILLE. A. C. ZIEMER, CITY PA88EN0ER AQINTa LINCOLN. OFFICE 1001 0 Street 1