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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1892)
II k . ,".' fcl . ' ! ttiy A-PoFfcllAR' PAPER 'orAXopcRfi .JIMES .0". o Vot. T No. 3Q TOWn THLfe A promlneut movement ha develood among local wheelmen for the organization of n wheel club in Lincoln. In the. old day when there were scarcely moro than n scoro of blcyclo riders in the city thorn win surh an organization in existence, but In duo lima it declined through mismanagement or lack of management, and at length gave up tho ghost. Thero aro now between 500 and TOO wheels owned In Lincoln, probably u fifth of them being used by ladles. J. K. Howo of tho Journal has inaugurated a movemont for tho organization of it wheel club and Is meeting with enthusiastic encouragement among wheelmen. About soventy-ilvo have tlgniflf-d their deslro to become members. It Is proposed to rent n cottngo somowhoro on a paved street, wherein rooms can bo estab lished to bo frequented by wheelmen from early morning until a reasonable hour ut night, where luncheon can bo secured and other comforts ufforded, It Is proK)8cd to extend tho privileges of tho club rooms to ladles during specified days In thu week, It is hoped that deflnito arrangements may bo effected for tho organization in timo to er mit its members to glvo n wheelmen's pu rado during tho state fair. Tho sanitary commission, which recently levied a four mill tax to be applied to tho straightening ot Salt Creek, appears to havo fallen into a deep and abiding sleep. Them Is no reason why tho work proposed should not begin at once, as the commission can now raise tho money ft needs simply by issuing its warrauts. If any work Is to bo done in that direction soon, a most favorable season is at hand for Its accomplishment, itud peo plo who uro called iioii to pay tho tax levied will bo more gratified to sou it utilized than to realize that it may accumulate where somo public olllclal may enjoy n fat rato of Inter. est upon it as a loan to some banking insti tution. This sanitary commission has exhlb ited a desire to seo some work done toward straighteiilng Salt creek, even when citizens were apparently not nt all anxious. Now that tho levy has been modo, it is tho citizens who oro likely to bo anxious, and tho com missioners may reasonably expect to bo punched up occasionally. The folding bed, which has made such rap id strides Into impular favor during tho past four or flvo years, is not without its draw backs and disadvantages, especially In the hotels. W hen not in use it would be difficult to recognize in some of these modern designs anything upon which tired humanity might find rest. One day last week n guest at tho Capital was shown to his room by a bell-bey, who carefully unfolded tho beds, of which there were two in tho room, for tho use of the rural stranger. The next evening the guest, when ho f ecured his key, remarked that tut knew the room and need not be shown up. In due time, however, he pre sented himself again to the clerk, and it was at once apparent front his looks that he was out of humor. This is nothing surpriribg, however, to a hotel clerk, but when the guest assigned his reason tho clerk' was not only surprised, but upon reflection considerably amused: "Didn't I pay you for a bed!" queried the stranger. "You certainly did," was tho reply. "Well, what do you mean) Last night there were two beds in my room, Tonight I find that both beds have been removed and two organs put in." That guest will never relate how inconceiv ably little he felt when the bell-boy accom panied him again to the room and unfolded for hi m one of the "organs" as a fountain of tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep. Beginning Monday next the most success ful and largely attended state fair.eyer held in Nebraska .will be witnessed in tills city. Secretary Furnas and his corps of trained assistants, who have been holding forth in offices at tho Hotel Lincoln, havo never ex perienced an) thing like the deluge of entiles that has ktpt them working night and day during the past week. Aud this in Bplte of the fact that there have been no sensational attractions advertised. Outsldo of tho novel exhibit! ons by the re-uniop of state hands and tho 10,000 to be distributed in speed purses, tlime are absolutely no novelties, ex cepting tlja fttst Days of ' PoniiKill," which is in rio wntfconnecfaU with the fair. Hut the entries in nil lines, agricultural, mechan ical, artistic ahd otherwise, have swelled In to uuex)cted proportions, ami with fair weather theio can be no doubting that the attendanco will keep pace. The effort made to secure tome sensational specimen of turf royalty for exhibition on the track during the fair has developed one fact that Is thnt no really fine horse can be shown the people of the state on the state fair grounds uiitll tho exposition association puts In it good mile track. I t r The jst pol itlcal state Convention for the approaching. asnpalgn whs'tMklin this city last Tuesday, 'when the democrats nominated a ticket that preseuts iuuy elements or strength that are uot to bo ignored. Even republicans nfiiiwssj.. party fealty. concede RonJ.Btillnf; Morton of AiWjfodgeJj LHUi, 414 IB.lltiiJpl uv,f mum I ui in iiuiiiu nenr .NebrasluuCltY. -He Is a .pioneer, both us a . citizen and fpiillUclae;aUfc man of great menttU jwrts nud undoubted honesty mid hi- Jtegnty W Ithal he is tin orator and debater of forco a lid eloquence. Ho is backed by a ticket that it not calculated to win the nip port of thu American Protective Association, which is opposed to foielgueis and Catholics, but It will meet with favor among foreigners generally. Samuel N, Wolbach of Unmet Island, tho nominee for lieutenant governor, is an American bom Jew. Frank N. Crow of Hastings, for secretary of state, Is a trav elling man in tho employ of the McCurmlck Implement company. Ills nationality has not been leu I lied. 1. F. O'Sulllvuti of i'er Point, for auditor, Is a newspaper mill whoso nationality Is Indicated In his namo. Iho candidate for stato treasurer, Andrew Heck man of Hurt county, is a wealthy Scandina vian farmor. Matt Goring of Plnttsinouth, candidate for attornoy general, is a bright young German of fluo legal education. One of the candidates for elector at largo Is Col. X. Plosckl ot St. I'aul, a l'ollsh exile aud ex army officer. As far as learned tho remain der of tho candidates are Americans, but tho nlnive variety promises to rally several na tionalities to the support ot the ticket in view of tho threatening strength ot tho A. P. A. In politics. And with Morton and Bryan In tho field the democrats will persist in believ ing their party in it until tho votes aro count oil, at least. Now that the Hock Island trains will prob ably soon bo thundering ucross O street nt Twentieth, tho beauty and efficacy of that thoroughfare as a drive is soon to lie a thing ot tho past. Tho query naturally arises, what do the people propose to do to atone for tho loss? Out O stroot, down Twenty- seventh to II and back: to tho city over pave ments has been a xpular and pleasant drive. Hereafter tho drive must lie in South Lin coln to bo a safe one, and it is suggested that Kleventh and Seventeenth streets should bo paved to South street nml there connected. This would make n pleasant drive until somo railroad wanted to cross that end of town, aud then eople could go In tho country for recreation. Hon. Loulo Meyer has evinced considera ble anxiety lest tho cholera, now ravaging noi them Europe, might secure a footholl In America and extend us far west as Nebraska, His fears have been fruitful of ono good re sult. He has succeeded in tmpressing Mayor Weir with a conviction that the city needs cleuslng. That olllclal issued his proclama tion on Tuesday calling attention to tho ac cumulations of filth in alleys and other de positaries, und giving tho people just ilvo days in which to abate all violations of sani tary regulations. If any of Tub Coukiku'h readers nro harboring refuse about their premises they may save embarrassment and unnecessary expense by cleaning it nwny at once. Meantime there is little necessity of becoming frightened over thu likelihood of cholera in this section, hut it will hurt noth ing to guard against it. It is probable that tho authorities will uot permit any ono to pass the American ports who would bo likely to expose tho country to infection or conta gion. Tho Clinton (la.) Dully Agt, reforrlng to the wedding of Mr. Henry H. Koker ot this city nnd Miss Lillian Hunting ot Clinton, says: "Ah midsummer was merging Into that pleasautest of seasons, tho golden autumn, which gives ripened fulfillment of springtime promises, how fitting that the promises of youth should bo fulfilled with tho solemn and budding wedding promises. Thus were the promises of Mr. Henry It. Eckor ot Lincoln, Neb., fulfilled with Miss Lillian Tenbroeck, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hunt ing, the ceremony occurring Wednesday evening, at their well known Second avenue home, amid the presence of a largo number ot the friends of tho family, as well as somo of those of the groom, who had reached tho city in response to pretty wedding invita tions. Tlie bride was charmingly attired in pale bluo crystal silk, cut round neck and pointed train. It was handsomely trimmed with laco aud a lover's knot gave grace and finish to the back. The bride carried a hand ome white ostrich fan and wore blue kid gloves and slippers. She has been compli mented many times In social circles for her beauty and accomplishments, yet she never looked more lovely than last evening. The bridesmaid was costumed in cream silk, V front and back, round train and trimmed with French lace. A beautiful laUy, she never looked prettier, and many admiring eyes were bent on the two different types of loveliness. When all had extended their well-wishes and departed, busy preparations were made for Mr. aud Mrs. Ecker to take the early train for Chicago. A f ter vis iting briefly there they' go to Milwaukee by steamer, then to Cblppewu Frits, where they will spend a -week or two In this pretty northern resort enjoying all tho pleasures the country place will afford. From there t)iey go to Mlnnetonka, Minnehaha, Minne apolis, St, I'aul, Omaha and then to Lincoln, where they will be at homo after September 10th. Tho bride needs no introduction in Clinton, where she has lived since childhood, ami where she has beau a recognized star In her social circle since entering society. . The groom is a stranger In Clinton. He has spent several years of his lite in Lincoln, Neb., where ho is engaged In mercantile pursuits, lielng tho junior mctnbur of tho firm ot Wit son Si Ecker, druggists. The Aye can but add Us earnest wishes with many other friends, that in life's sunset glow their thoughts may return to youth and its bright prospects, knowing that ull had been ful filled." y X T MONTHS' ' ! 1 WONDER, -J. v- . The Western Normal College Will Open uii Hcliedulu Time, In tltfse times nothing seems toho wonder llll Ullll BUlll IVVS.1 IdMlUVillKIWI virjlltai urn We stop to reflect and tnjnk o the rapidity Willi wmcil mo m esivrii nm nun uoiiegu was reorganized here, tho building put up aud its ru-establislmifl'ut elfecieilr -Less' than five months ago think kit the brief spore of time uot u bi ick had been laid. .Today the mou strous structuiois completed, " TliollrUnrk was done on the building April 15th and by Scptomlicr Kith tho school will bo In 'com plete i mining order and tho work of Instruc tion commenced. Only those of our citizens that have lieen out lo Hawthorn, the pretty suburb, and seen tho great building us it pro gressed can appreclatu tho enormous extent ot thu work and tho great undertaking it was to havo it completed in duo season, lint it's done, ready for Its misdoii, and standi us a monument of what modern labor bucked by Lincoln, Nubraska, Satukday, Skpticmuicu O, IS02. Lincoln capital and onterprlso can do In this llttlo'world of ours. Aud this Is not nil. While the builders havo been at work on the college other Im provements have llkewiso been progressing, A street car lino Is now being completed and ero another week rolls by tho electrlo motor will propel handsome passenger coaches to and from tho now centre of education. And yet this Is uot all, for tho telegraph ticker nnd tho hello telephone nroatsoon the ground and ready for servlco. In fact, they hivo already been In net! vo operation and much to their credit, may It bo said, Is duo thu faithful per formance ot the builders' contra 1 The furniture has nil arrived aud Is now lielng placed In position, tho cookery depart ment Is on hand and in fact every facility Is moving right into placo, easy, systematically and correctly. An liuK)rtnut study nt tho college will Ihi tho art of typography and printing, '&. AsssssBsssssssEh9v4bbbbEVHT' pM &$wt9KBBBEfi . SBlflHHeiiiiBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSKiiiiEBM-TfSfMH' j)pSiSJWBBBHBkSJBBBBBBBHtBBBBBHUf-riUf-.l1-.. ' 'BBk- AfSS DOLl.rU NOttLES and it will bo the only place In the west where this interesting branch ut work will be successfully Instructed. Complete printing office utensils and accessories used in "the art preservative" has been recnlred and the school will soon turn out aitlst printers and learned editors by the score. We might continue giving a list of goods for various departments that have arrived, but it would consume too piuch. of both your and our valuable time, likewise, which to say the least is very valuablo these ityte fair timet. It would, however, be a dire negligence were we to close this article without chrjii Icllng the fact that nearly all the teachers are here and nave already repotted for duty. Scholars, also, numbering 131, have regis tered thus far ahead anil students continue to arrive from all parts of these great United States. An inspection of the roll shows over 1,000 names and their homes represent states and territories east, west, north and south. Everything Is about lit rtadluesi for tho grand qjienlng of tho great Wesbiru Normal and certainly no institution in tho universe ever opened its doors with brighter pros pects. And it might be added has any bus iness enterprise ever been started that de serves it morel A Iliuh Previous to l"nlr Weuk. The )ast week has been n busy ono at lule Meyac& Co.'s popular store. State fair orders aud seekers for state fair supplies havo crowded in on tho largo force of gentle manly clerks until the place was a veritible Jieehlve. Low prices and goods always as represented Is what counts in the long run and thus the trade becomes accustomed to the methods of L. Meyer & Co.'s dealings They seldom even ask the price of goods anymore, knowing by past expeilence that tho firm has but one price aud that the lowest; that a man buys no cheaper than a child and there fore all get the same treatment. You never hoar ot anything stale, or impurec coming from Meyer's groery departmentno, thoy sell too many goods for that. Fresh goods constantly take tho place of those sold, mid It don't pay to pan off impure edibles on first-class trade. You'll probably Umve a number of giio-ts ab uit ymir festive board during fair week why dot go to Meyer's this evening or first thing .Moil Uy and lay in a supply for the week lieforoi the grout ruili of next week coinin.-hcoW ' j i - rilf . ,. 1 lleuiitlfiil Kail Wrap; No stole III Lincoln Ins the display of fall cluuks and wrap to compare with that no being slmwn by the li izir, Their 1 1 no la uuw ull in uiideiiibi-MCMiill the very latest yf thu new seitsouiucludiug a uuukbar for genuine novelties that can nowhero elsj tu found, N 3 lady can alfuid to buy a clotk without first visiting the llizar. Tnoir reputation for low prices and as le.i lers of the fashion has lo.u since tieeil established, It Is a noticeable fact that Cwk llulley Uiocery Co, is dally becoming he.idqu.irters for flue tens, colfees and spices. TfitnTRicnLi Hpcclal Uouuir.ii Correspondence.) Nkw, Aug!!?, 18W. In splto of tho fact that tho dally paiers nro filled with scareheads of battles aud lookouts and strikes which mnko It apcar as If the country was ngalu distressed with wnr.tho happy metrop olis bloomed out on Monday evening with four new plays and tho theatres have Wen well attended by tho multitude that have como back from woodland nnd seaside, to swelter In tho tail-end of thu heated season. Thu most pronounced popular success was no doubt achieved by Miss ICatio Emmett, n In Ightfaced magnetlu lady uf very ngrccahlo IMirmimllty, who at oucu danced and sang herself into Immense metropolitan favor In a new play called Kllliiruey, written for ho itofflhh by Con. T. Murphy. Thoro has been no bet ter Irish' play seen In Gotham since the days when Hoticlcault walked on the same stage In his great successes, and the Star theatre has Issen packed In consequence. It Is in many degrees twtter than tho usual Irish drama. Miss Emmett I" graceful and natural in all her movements, and certainly the most win ning of all the actresses in Irish dialect of our time. "The Kentucky Colonel produced at the Union Square theatre by Mr. McKee Ran kin and Frederick Ilryton is sure to win suc cess and be ranked with Mr. lUnkln's great est successes, "Tho Daultes" and "The Can nuck." It is the story originally provided by Mr. Ople P. Held in a very clever man ner, and most of the character bits in the play are exceedingly well rendered. Mr. Rankin looks and plays the part of tho Colo nel to perfection, and Mr. Hryton's work Is tho very best ho has been seen in, On the first night there were a few hitches In the performance and at least two ot the people have tteen miscast. When this J remedied and, the play runs smoothly Its worth will be appreclatoU, aud as to its ultimate success, both as a work of itrt nnd as a money pro ducer, there is absolutely no doubt. The two other plays nro tho "Kill" at tho Columbus and "Thu Colonel'' at tno Wind sor. Tho first a farce comedy with a sucrej slon of vaudeville specialties, the latter n coiutsly done some years ago in New York by Erlo lluiley and an English company. If the first pulls through tt will lie U-cutise of the many clever snx'IuIIU who interpret it, and if the latter swings successfully around the circle it will tie nothing short of a mir acle. Du.Nl.oi1. Following were the Important attractions this wek In New York: Tho Vice Admiral at tho Casino, Vaudevlllu at Tony Pastor's, the Henry E. Dlxoy Opera Co. In tho Mascot at Palmer's theatre, A Trip to Chinatown at tho Madison Squure, Settled out of Court at the Fifth Aoiuw theatre, Slubad uf the Gar den theatre, The Shamrock nt tho Windsor, The vVhlto Squadron tit tho Fourteenth Street theatre, Do Wolf Hopper In Wang at the Hroudwuy theatre, The Private Sect elury at tlie Standard theatre, The Kentucky Colo nl at the Union Equate theatre, and Katie Emmett in Kiltnruey u thoHtur theatre. The engagt meiit of Johti'1'. Kelly, the star of the "McFeo of Dublin" company, nt Fuuko'n opia house next week, recall an In cident that befel him in Sacramento, Oil., last season when ho was starring in "U and 1.' This was the way of It: Mr. Kelly sings a topical song, the tefiuln of which runs to tho effect that "thciu aio moments when I'd like to be alone." In order to give Iho sung u local favor the comedian geueially found out tho weakmvsM-s of several prominent kh plo in tho town and at ulgit the audience was told In verso a(Al melody under what conditions aud clrcuiiistaiicos John Doe aud lUcliunl Hihi "would liku to be alone," He was In tho bllllHiil loom of the Golden .-v ,',s ,.-i i . r v::. r. Eagle hotel when ho heard ono of his victims exclaim that if ho could only catch sight ot Kelly he'd put daylight through him. Kelly heard this most distinctly and therefore made tracks aud succeeded In eluding his pursuer. Next morning thn company went to tho dcHt to take tho train for Sail Fran cisco, There stood John Doo with blood still In his eye. The air was biting cold, but cold air is preferable to cold lead, so Sir, Kslly hid behind n water tank for twenty minutes, In tho iiieontlino a considerate member of the company told tho man who thhsted for goru that the comedian hint concluded lo remain in Saciameiito until tho next train, Tho lire eater Immediately marched up town to con tluuu his chase, while Mr. Kelly Immediately hoarded thu l'ullmaii nud locked himself in tho drawing room, ltOIIKUT IIOWNIMI TONKIMT. The grand formal opening of the Fuuku oc curs tonight nud certainly no bolter attract lou could havo been secured for Iho occasion, Thu bill will bo Mr, Downing' superb trag edy, "The Gladiator," which will Iks given a most brilliant nnd careful presentation, Mr. Dowuliig's siipKrt Includes Miss Eugenie lllalr nnd n picked company of truly merit orious artists, equal to tho best that walk the boards. The sulu of reals has been largo and tho oiciilug promises to bo a gala event. DOI.I.Ii: NOIII.KH. Wo present on our first pugo this week tho portrait of n lady whose face and flguro ur.i so familiar to theatre goeis throughout America as to render It unnecessary to placo her namo under tlm xirtralt. Shu Is not only u handsome woman mid an excellent nctris-s, but an accomplished vocalist and musician as well. Her many mlmliers will have an oportiiiiity this week of seeing her iu n varied lino of charactcis, as four of Mil ton Nobles' famous plays will bo presented during this engagement. Monday nud Thurs day thu new play, "For Huvenuu Only," will bo given; Tuesday and Friday, "A Son of Thespls." Iu this play Dolllo Nobles has an Interesting and most lovable character Iu the actor's daughter, Dorothy Goodall, which sho plays with dudghtful abandon aud conta gious vivacity. Wednesday ami Hatuntuy thu bill will bo changed to "From Sim to Son," Iu this Dolllo Nobles gives an exquis ite performance of tho dual roloot Mablo Ar inltiige, mother and daughter, ft Is a stage realization that ono will uot encounter many times during the lifetime of mi averago thea tre goer. No ono who sees M rs. Nobles Iu tho character of Mablo Armltago Is likely to soon forget tho pretty picture of purity nnd Inno cence sho presents. To the man ot thu world who has come In contact with life on this sin stained earth in nil its phases, It seems like tho glimpse of an angel, a breath of heaven, a vision or u dream, rather than reality. The man who has g.izod upon thu picture must indeed Ihi a hardened wretch If he Is not touched by it. IE I.ANOK ,t IUHINII'h "TANOI.Ktl Ul'' This Is tho attraction nt the Fuuku Monday and Tuesday evening, preceded by a one-act curtain raiser, "Why?" written by Burr Mcintosh, a former Pittsburg newspaper man. Louis DeLnuge and Will S. Rising branched out as stars lust season in this bright aud humorous musical farce which is from the French. The namo is appropriate, as tho entire rtntmtitii jtenoue is kept thor oughly at cross purines aud most, hoiielessly tangled up through two a:ts, and are liarely given a chance to get thomselves identified aud straightened out IWore the final curtain falls. Musical Interruptions occur at inter vals not too remote lo let tho uudiencu forget that the two stars, Mr. Rising c-secially, havo good voices. Alexander Clark, late with the Greenwood Ojiera company, Agnes Stone, sister to Marie Stone, aud formerly ot the Duff Opera company, Lottie Mortimer, a petite soubretto aud dansouse who intro duces Iu the second act of "Tauglod Up" her famous serpentine dance, the latent dancing fad, and has created a on!tlvo seosalloii. Seat are now on sale at the Imix office. rovn NtoiiTH or faik webk. One of the most successful comedy produc tions that has been brought out iu the post few years will be seen at Funke's Wednesday evening aud tho remainder of the week, In tuorppearaoceof the, popular Irish come dian, John T. Kelley, In his new musical comedy, "McFeo of Doublln." Mr. Kelley Is known to everyone versed in tilings per tnlnlng to tho stage as being In the front rank of his profession, and his now play is tho success of his life. His supporting com puny Is thu best he has ever had, Including Mattie Vickers, Florriu Wost nud others. Reports f i oni tho Sulllvaii-Coruut light on Wednesday evening will bo received by wire and rend from thestago between nets, LINCOLN I'AIIK ATTHAOTIONH. This has Ikm'ii a bulsy week with the man agement of Lincoln park: Elali irate prepara tions have been going on for fair week, and the crowds that go there will lie royally entertained. The grounds never looked better, nor have the attractions Imxmi of u brighter or more Interesting order. The Huston Opera Company will continue their series of superb oera. Tomorrow w IIIJjv a ftlg day thero and preparation for a big crowd I avo Ihhmi made, The well known York band wlucUls now ilolng such excellent work at Pompeii will give a concert. No brnska's crack military organization, tlie Omaha Guards, will present a series of their much talked of drills. Aside from this the opera company will furnish interesting progi utus tKith morning and evening, TIIUATHICAI. aUALL TALK. Sol Smith Huvll oHlied Iiissoksoii August Hth ill Denver to l,A7. Henry E Dixey will play Ituiitlioriui hi "Mascot" next week In Now York. Hoth theatre were dsrk this week, which is generally the casu provioiu to tho fair. No brighter thenti leal proct has over daw ncd on the west pio.-tld-iUal content not withstanding. Ii vine's new orchestra and UoIk-iI Down ing will iien the Funke oeru house season tonight. Hoth will (mi hoi th goliij; miles to fee and hear Lincoln cvrtaiuly hts a pie amusement to Ufer to Its vlsltois next week aside from the Pkioic Fivic Cents fair. Two theatres, a inilseo, a magnificent spectacle, "Tho Last Days of Pompeii, " ope ra at Lincoln park, Hiirllngtoii Reach, and numerous other attractions. J. K. Emmett' season ticglu lii Now York September nth. Fay Tomplftuu In oucu moro broken a contract, this time with Huyt &, Thorns. Tho CHiirt soeiiii' In "A Temperance Town" Is now said lo Im ono of thu liost hit ever written by Mr. Hoyt. Fanny Duvctiiort Is yet among the hills of Wales which she will not leavo until tho ex citement of the presidential election I over. Thn I-ust Days of Pompeii Inst night was another evidence of what western, aud par ticularly Lincoln, enterprise can uudcrtnko nud do. Nothing senilis to Ihi too great for tho giant capital city to successfully mati ng''. Thero is moro catarrh hi this section ot tho country than all other disease put together, nud until the last few years was supiosed to Ihi Incurable. For a great many years doc tors pronounced It a local disease, and pre scribed local remedies, nnd by constantly fulling to cure with local treatment pro nounced It Incurable, Science ha proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is thu only con slltutlonnl euro on tlm matket. It I taken Internally In dosos from ten drop ton tea sooiiful. It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Thoy offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to euro. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J.Ciiknbv & Co., Toledo, O. ;"Sold by druggists, 75c. MaArtliur .V Hun, Uriisjirlstn. Wn lako pleasure Iu culling thenttetitlnuof our friends aud the public In general that wo have re-pui chased our old pharmacy, which wns recently sold to Dr Dunn, A of yore, It will bo our aim to cuter to tho want of tho peoplu with a largo nud well sel ected lino ot drugs, toilet articles, ierfumcs, etc., aud trust with courteous treatment and fair prices to receive tho patronage thnt was for meily bestowed Ukiii us aud as much mora as wo can serve. You know tho place, cor ner Eleventh and N street. Everything now and toothsome and dell, clous nt tho Cook-Hulloy Grocery Co., 1218 O street. Pleasant treatment low prices nnd everything as represented Is tho drawing curdtlmt Is winning now trade constantly. You can call up No, 411 and order by tele phono if you wish. Dr. Film hum Cures blood, chronic, female, heart, liver, lung, nervous, rectal and skin diseases. Rooms Nos. 14 and 15, Richards block. Nothing so nice for table use as mlnera water. Cook-Uailey Grocery Co. have a largo line of the most nourishing goods, In cluding the genuine Imported Polllnnris Re gent Spring from Excelsior Springs, Mo., Imported Dinger Ale, etc. Finest ice cream In the city ani hand somest refreshment parlors, at the Ronton Poebler'sotd stand, Twelfth ani P streets. 8pjclnl orders for fine cakes, superb Ice cream and Ices promptly delivered to any part of the city. Tele phoue No. 457. KC Baking Powder, ".15 ouuees A5 cento Absolutely Pure, Have you tried it f The Hon ton bakery Is tbe place, to get good wholesome bread. Try It., Corner of Twelfth and'P streets. ' - Archei, de.itist. Fine gold and bridge work a specialty. Brace block. Canon City Coul at the Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. READY TO SERVE THEIR TRADE H. I. Hall Uro. More Kncluslvely Knsjagetl In ItcUll Trade, Who is better known In retail, stpve and range Hue in Lincoln than Hurry ami Charles Halll A hundred voices will answer, "No one." They have been doing, business In Lincoln for flvo years and even pipvlous to I mat time nan vm years or active exwrleuco . Iu their favorite calling Messrs. Hall broth J ers have concluded to devote all their timo i hereafter to their retail business at l.'SOS O street, which will In future receive their un- ' .11. i.l.t ......a. .I.... n-A.. ,....- ....... .... . iii, iunt aiuriiiuni, t iifj nave ii'iiv uu con nection with any oilier business ud will therefore make It a point to attend to the wiihts of their trade In person, thereby in suring complete satisfaction, cordial treat ment and cjoaest pricex lu every ca.e. The firm has Just added an exviisive Hue of kitchen utensils and other household com modities and necessities which by September 15Ui will bo complete aud to say the least, tho largest over sho n Iu the city. The firm will piy ixirtlculur attention to this new depirt mont, while their stove, nuueuud furnace liUsiiWM w HI receive even closer attention than ever. Messrs. H. J Hull ,fc Hro. uiako n sKcIalty of hotel and restaurant outfits and can supply anything, even to the small est detail, for this purpose. liui thor I oughly otel in tho business and luoko I by j years of per.-inal exju'rience, tho advantage of tradiug with such an u Institution U ap parent ty all. I Messrs. H J Hall & Bio. are now permit- nently In thiueuil business and Ivaviiif uu- equsel luclUUv for doing buslmws, and , hlth pleiiMinthnd adantngeiiin"inilutvineuls in otwr ail, nope to mem th pati image of all theitfriuiids und t. Iiboral slj'iie of tho public's fuvoisln general, They invito jou to call at their store, HUS O street, ut any time tvuly and often. And by the way It might tie mentioMed In this connection that the firm has a largo shop Iu connection with their establishment where all kludi of tin and metal work U promptly made to order, and all sorts of itqxilring tie it, q Uckly and nrtutlcally done tiy skillful hand.