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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1892)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1802. I ARRIVED. M Litten ! the well known CLAIRVOYANT OF NKW OHLKANB. Parlors 2 nnd 3, Heater Block 1448 O Street. l,ADlKS,$l.oo. (JKNTS, $i,oo. Bring litis advertisement wltl yo ami will glyc you n dclliten- vonr clinracter according to phrenology nnil Physiog nomy, tree of charge. Prof. l.ltten tlftn of COMF1. MKXTS OF TIIR MASQAT jincolnSaltl Lake The Nw Pltaiure Rtiort H FREE ADMISSION I Danolng Pavillion Refreshment Hall Turlington Hcach HH NKBRASKA'a ILITC FAMILY NIWSPAPen. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. L. WESSEL, Jr., Editor I'UIII.IUATION OFKICKl WK8HKIiHTKVKNM I'HINTINO CO., 11.11 N Hlreet. Tolaphoiioo-OlllOJ. an. H idoltco, ffiW. Htiliarrlprlon ItMtr. In AiWiaiirr. I'or niimitii fin) I Three months ....ft. Hlxmonths I.M) Hlnglo copies fie; Kutercd ut tlio c.stolllce of Lincoln, Nob,, as second class mutter. POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 69,000. COIIAL IS THE COLOR. IT WILL BE FASHIONABLE IN NEW YORK THIS FALL. rURELT-rOLITICnL STEAMERS SAIL AND BOW BOATS ron LAKE XCURSIONS Finest Bathing and Swimming went of Manhattan, Bar Harbor or Long Branch. BA THING S U1TSFURNISI1ED GEO. Sl'ENCHR, Manager. DR. HENRI A. MARTIN'S MMicallnstitute FOH thk cum: OK Chronic Diseases The meeting of tlio republican state ceil trnl committee Monday owning In tlin pnp lorn of tlio Capital hotel wan by far the most exciting and acrlmonlou republican meeting ever hold In till slate, where liiterneclnn war ban ko often marked republican cam paigns. The committee met to organise for the campaign, an lmortaut work In Itself, but Itn significance wan forgotten In the bit ter fight over the selection of n candidate for llrutciiant governor to 1111 the vacation canned by the Ineligibility of Hev. J. 0. Talt. Tom Major, he of the hickory shirt, wax the fav orite, but Hosewatur, who ompnsred Ma jor' defeat for the nomination for governor, wan there to protest. The committee very unwisely permitted llnsawatcr to come ho fore It nnil seak In opiwsltiou to Majors, its till necessitated the granting of permission to Majors and hit friend to reply. Their re pile were full of unguarded bitterness to ward llosewater. and at the clone of the meeting Major wan not only put on the ticket by the unanimous vote of the commit tee, but llosewater wan hissed and n great deal of very bad blood win exhibited. How water hai been a owerful dictator in repub lloan politics, but It certainly look ns If the nl of hli authority haa been snapped short off, although he Is still Nebraska's represent ative on the republican national committee and, It Is generally believed, stands more than an equal chance of becoming oitmas ter-geuernl in case Harrison Is re-elected. Our own Tom Cooke, who is certainly not lacking In capacity, In all the phases of the word, was elected secretary of the state com mittee. Ho far as his duties are concerned, at least, the coining republican campaign will tie a brilliant and eternal success, mean time llosewater promised to support the ticket, even with Majoi "stiaine upon it. Ills promise, however, Is looked upon by many with about the same coiilldence that a teal ous 10 republican bestows uon the silver dollar as good money. It Is taken with a few grains of allowance. 111 '"'el . I A, .'. ' " I v - SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women, Catarrh, Morphine and Opium Habits. Cure Guaranteed. Consultation Free. Offices, 141 South 12th Street HDIES .Will be Interested to lan that a new process hns ben Invent td for removing Welches, Freckles, etc., from the face, leaving tho skin clear and beautiful. It Is done by the New Steam Process ! nnil Is pro All mo Inst introduced bv Mrs. J. 0. Hell. vine h big success and very popular. test effects In lair Goods, Ornaments anda'fiHl line or most approved Cosmetics may also be round there. . Hair Diesslng and Munlcurlng done on abort not lee and In the very latest atylcs, MRS. J. C. BELL, 114 North 14th st FIIUIT ADDITION TO NORMAL The most beautiful suburban prop erty now on the market. Only three b'ock from the handsome I In coin Normal University und but three blocks from the proposed elect 1 la railway. There lots erenow being placed on the market at bCNdlng!; Low Prices and Easy Terms Fr plat, terms and Information, call on M. W. FOLSOM, TRUSTEE, luarance. Real KsUte and Loan Ilroker 1 St, Nswmaa Block. lMBObtreet Kxperlence Is rapidly leading to tho con clusion that young men In politics are not in an element most conducive to their future usefulness as citizens or their present desira bility for the companionship of either man, woman or lieast. Contact with politics in anything like n place of authority or politi cal prominence inevitably swells a young man's head abnormally and disgustingly. There are many proofs of the assertion as has been demonstrated lure In Lincoln of late, Young men Intrusted and honored by positions of prominence among tholr follows have distrusted even tho young men who honored them, by their presumptlous Inso lence nod arrogance. 'And there is no deny' log that the politician's trade Is neither a morally elevated or financially profitable one in wnicu to rear up a sou. it cer tainly cannot be both. If he' is a moral young man he will be a loser financially from intercourse with politics. This Is a tMigh commentary on tho jtolltli-s which control tho destiny of this splendid nation, but the pro position Is easily susceptible of proof In any community. It can almost bo said and prov en that an honest man who would not stoop to brlliery, hypocracy or demagogy cannot be a successful aspirant for political favors. Let it be remembered that Judge Field has undertaken no poom of ease when he accept ed tho challenge of Congressman Bryan to discuM tho Issue of the campaign before the people. Ho has undertaken to cope with a man who (lung his pet theories Into the teeth ot the flower of the opos(ce olltlcal faith in cougrets and not one of them stood up suc cessfully to dispute them. It Judge Field does so successfully It will be desei ving of the gratitude und fealty of his party. And he has started out so to do, To Major Charles K, Magoon moro than to any one man, or to any bait-dozen for that matter, ou'sldo of the members ot the repub Mean state central committee, Is duo the credit ot securing the location of republican headipiarters at Lincoln during the approach ing campaign. He stood up before the com mltteeand made a winning tight, single handed, almost, and it U confidently asserted that had it not been for his efforts the head quarters would have been taken to Omaha. For president in IS!, C. E. Magoon. Oils Harper filers L' Miitnn Valuable) rolntrrsitn Autumn Nlylrs l'ulnt t.urrs Will ll Conspicuous New Fall Hllks. Htrlpeil Fabrics fur Whiter. (Hpeclnl Correspondence. Nttw YoitK, Aug 85. Olio of tho prot tlcflt material now in vogno suitable for both Indoor nnil outdoor wear croiKn, nnd tho largo variety of colors mnko it available for almost overy need, It in light for homo wear, nnd being no f.'A B0" nn' -luxlhlu W2& U 1h 'Nt t,iu iniiiKioriiiuitUH alnn blotiHO ef fects, often living inailo in two or even tlirco well bleiKling colorx, of which 1110HH or rush green 1m ill nioHt Rtiro to bu 0110. Thero in n now fancy nltotit to bo put forwar-' of fawn or graj crop on flecked with white, an though a ilitlTy niiowllako hail fallen hero mid BNOWFI.AKF. Cltl'.fON. til 0 TO. TllCSO flakfH aro tnftH of ullky whito wool or silk, nnil no worcln could glvo an idea of mich bounty achieved with Mich nimplu nieaim. An oxiiuInHo costuino limdo of gray croK)n, flecked with white, wiih flnlrihcd biHt week by a loading lionso, and it will do honor to tho HtrrutH of Now York b noon us "tho Hcanon" now drawing to a cIoho ia over. The riklrt i entirely plain, but the back 1h laid in deep nnd aniplo plaits. Tho jacket is coat Khnpe in tlio back. It fullM away in front, (lisclosing n plaited uhirt veftt of cream white surah, buttoned with coral stndH. Tho sleeves nro puffed to tho elbow, and thero aro rovn of froHtetl silver buttoiiH. Pearl glovea and gray hat, with coral colored ribbon nnd pluine.i. By tho way, coral is coming into stylo again, and tho color will nl no bo fimh ionnble. Thero aro several shades of coral, from palo pink to deep red, but thero is a quality about It which distin guishes It from any othor red. It is very becoming to almost any lady, young or old. I noticed among the new goods eoino mourning crepons nnd somo with whito broendod figures for half mourning. There has been very little half mourn ing worn for a long time, bnt it is com ing into voguo again, nnd tnoro aro many now patterns in foulards and crepons, nnil somo shot silks where black and mauve nro mingled. Man vols real ly an old lady's color, nnd nothing bo comes one so well ns a dress nil mnuvo or mnuvo and blnck, with a little flue old luce, or, falling that, with n full ker chief of tullo or crepe lisao. Tho importers show n wonderful list of heavy, coarse looking yellow laces, In imitation of old point do Venice, and tell us that that nnd point de geno, Brussels point nnd Irish point will sim ply smother tho nicest fnll nnd winter gowns. The old Flemish point is also closely imitated. Mrs. Frank Leslie has n flounce of real Venetian point nearly forty inches deep, and it is certainly ono of tho finest pieces of that kind of loco in this country. How many yonrs it must hnvo taken somo patient pair of hhnda to make it no ono knows. and Imck. Rll.lmns of tho osnet shndo wcro tastefully nrrnugedon tho corsage; lint of yollcw straw lined with bluu crnim and trimmed 'with blue plumes nnd riblnin. Btrlpcd and spotted winter fabrics aro to 1h offered. It is rather hoped that stripes will have tho preference. I saw n hat yesterday that struck me for its daring novelty. The hat, it-elf had a brim that was nearly twlco too full for a brim, no it had to Ik) doubled nnd twisted Into nearly ovory conceiv able flourish to bring it into tho required dimensions, It was made of whole straw rush, green in color nnd indeed nil this family appears to wish to pass off for rushes and thero was no crown except a slight peak. Right in tho cen ter of this jieak stood n bit of rough chorry branch, natural, and from that hung downward tho clusters of leaves and luscious cherries. These bobbed about ridiculously with tho wearer's movements, but tho hat iUelf was not only becoming but pretty such magic lies in a milliner's fingers. Almost every stylo of rihlion is being worn now, even to gauze and velvet, nnd tho moro you can pile on tho better. Parasols for fnll aro very handsome. Tho handles aro veritable works of art. Thero is little lace seen on tho newest parasols and no chiffon. Olivk IIaiu'eh. EVOLUTION OF THE BUCKBOARD. Invented by Iiiipcrutilitiis HiirnlUls, It lias llcroiiio 11 Fiislilounblo Vehicle Itipcclul CorrtiK)iiilcnceO Boston, Aug. 25. When city visitors first began to Hock to tho Adirondack and tho summer resorts 011 tho coast of Maiuo, notably Bar Harbor, they found a queer kind of vehicle in uso by tho natives. About nil there was to it was n hickory plank, nailed or spiked to two axles, with a Ikix to sit on and to hold miy trnps that wero to bo carried. The spring of tho plnnk answered in plnco of tlio steel springs usually put on buggies, nnd no mutter how rough tho rond, you could not break it. All tho country peoplo used them, nnd though tho ridors hud tho benefit of tho ruts mid stones, it would bring them safely through. They wero called "bucklioards," I sup poso from the similarity of the spring of the lioard to tho buck of a horse. Upon tho mountain roads, with tho spirit of frolic in tho visitors, tho boxes used for seats wero frequently taken off und eight or ten would sit on the plank. It was lots of fun, nnd overyliody could go nt tho same time. After becoming accustomed to tho accommodating buck- fJli 1 vllwf IV V ' I lM iV i fl WAT CAPITAL $200,000.01. American i Exchange National iBank, LewU Gregory, VlearnMldeat D. O. Wins, AasUOuBlt AdUUl A YKAKI, luck .or blrlr lM ll.l lr, of lukn IWr lu,tntcliM,lll 6kludaMrioBlr, llwl. tAm TkrM T.M...J 11.11m lkvll lMtll.l iifLh tti ItaUI'M 'Blu'rnat,l likk ini ira lli, aa!.-.!. a Mr Sk m nlm Mcrurl aU. U.ll. uj -aUklt Uara.S. I drkul ant Maratr fruw tacit aiaukli cvtaht. 1 . a . .. ...i. m .. m, ci, mrai a ar, ww an anaaiaa aftl vaaasv a i B4 Jrl,l J. t-.ll (arllcnlara V H I wmv, a.a..n. nil There Is a splendid oienlng for someyouus democrat of good attainments and address to r-llp Into tue olllce ot state superintendent of public Instruction. For reasons which were more or leu freely dlscutsed In the corridors during the republican state convention,' Mr. Ooudy iIom not njoy the popularity among the leaJeis of his rty that might be ex pected. It Is suspected that he has uot'beeu decidedly liberal to his friends, ulthough the office, as he has adminihtered it, has been on of the most lucrative in the state bouse. Some democrat who can make a spirited canva and stands well in school work hns a pre-eminently good opportunity to win the place unless Mr. Ooudy does some belated work squaring himself. The nomination of Hon. J. B. 8trode tor district judge by the republicans last Mon day was unanimous and will add streugtu to the local ticket. Jese Strode has some warm aud Influential fi lends la this county and they would not gracefully have submitted to bis disappointment In this matter. Ho had stepped out of Judge Field's way and er- nutted him to secure the congressional nomi nation, and his frleuds had ludlclent grounds for expecting his nomination to succeed Judge Field on the bench. lS ta. loi pirat a l ft taca.lttKKW KB AeMi-tt a, . . JitH Ulat, MhIu. Ir, ram haw Cures blood, chronic, female, heart, liver, lung, nervous, rectal and skin diseases. Iloon s Nos. U aud 15, Richard block. LOVELY FALL OOWN8. It is small satisfaction, however, to own so costly a piece of luce and know that your noxt dooi neighbor can have nn imitation thnt would pass muster for n few dollars. Among tho new fall silks there nro n number of handsomo stripes in mono chrome, nnd a largo number whero th stripes nro formed of a floral pattern. Foulards nro also woven in floral pat tern, tho pattern being stamped upon the threads thnt form tho wnrp tieforo the woof is woven in, which gives tho flowers n vnguo nnd misty softness of outlino that is most pleasing. A lovely visiting gown in this stylo of silk Is Illustrated here. Tho vino or stripo is made of successive violets nnd foliage on a fawn ground. The skirt is sheath shaped in front, with a princess bnck. withWatteau plnit hanging fronuiho neck. Around the bottom aro thretnlnt rows of moss green ribbon. Tho half belt is of moss green surah, as is also tho vest plastron. Bertha frills of laco com plete the gown. A pagoda 'hat, with violets nnd lace, is worn with tho toilet. I notice n'return to thick camel's hnlv In light colors for dressy gowns for young Indies as well ns forhnndsomo toilets for elderly ones. A pnlo gray-blue camel's hair was made with n very slightly draped skirt, which owned over a tmnel of imitation point do Venice. Tho waist had a guimpo of tho sauio pud wus gathoreu in iroui I kWg BAKING .POWDER 2Bozs.for259 Absolutely Pure JustT1iy.t. r.r.JAAUO aVCO. KAIUAl CITV.MO Now'stheTimetoBuy! wsmmmmmmmmmm m mm 1 . I buy" sonivd: Manufacturers Agent ! I have just received nt my repository, direct from thc-factory, a large line of FIItST CLASS U'OIiKf and am offering then nt prices that positively dis tance all competitors. Sec my line of Priaeto ns, i Sti rreys A SI.NQLK BUCKBOARD. boards people going into the country wero unwilling to again bo cramped up in n buggy or surrey. They began to ask tho currifttfo makers for buckboards, and now, in placo of the ono plank with a box for a seat, costing anywhere from fifteen to twenty dollars, buckboards come as high as $300. The passenger does not use a dry goods box, but up holstered scats with cushioned backs, and somo builders have gono so far ns to get out curved nnd cushioned seats. Buckboards for eight pooplo, instead of being considered luxurious when tho plnnk was planed, now have rows of cushioned seats, nnd, most remnrknblo of nil, they have springs. Tho buckVoard now has more styles than miy o, kind of trap and is qulto costly. Tho wood is usually stained or varnished, but it is sometimes paint ed. In fact, tho vehicle has so far de generated that almost any kind of trap painted yellow is called n buckboard. Tho cushions are generally yellow leath er or light corduroy that is certain to shrink nt tho first wetting and givo forth a ieculinr odor. Along with its other points of degeneration is its pres ent liability to got out of order. Tho original buckboard was like the famous "ono horso chaise," warranted to last forever, but tho modern improvement is forever going to the shop for repairs. All tho large carriage factories are to day turning out yellow vehicles called buckboards und are doing a rushing bush. At. Tho harness has kept pace with tho transformation of tho old plank nnd nxles. With these any kind of harness was used. The villngo shoemaker could make good enough harness for tho orig inal buckboard. Both the buckboard nnd tho harnecs wero yellow, because thnt wns tho natural color of tho wood In tho ono case and of the leather in the other. Tho harness makers could not seo any money in untanned harness, so they put tho luathcr through various proc esses until it Iwcanie n rich red yellow. They worked silver nnd ovon gold plates Into it, with monograms, rosettes and other fancy things, until a set of harness for the modorn buckboard costs as much ns that for a trotter or carriage. Then of course tho horso was changed. People who enly drove four or fivo miles in nn nfternoon did not need tho stout built if ugly fellow that was ac customed to travel rough mountain roads all day. He had no stylo about And nil the latest Novelties In the Carriage line. Being manufacturer's agent some of the greatest factories, I am in a position to offer goods at closer figures limn retailers. It will pay you to call and see my NEW LINE before making purchases. E. R. GUTHRIE, for 1540 O STREET 1540 O STREET HOTEL RAMONA CASCADE, COLORADO. f Season 1892 opens j-TjnsnE 20, ' E. K CRILEY & CO., Prop's. Also Proprietors Ccntropolls Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri. This charming resort, the most beautiful in Colorado, Is located on the Colorado Midland Railroad, about two hours ildc from Denver, and twelve miles from Colorado Springs. The hotel accommodations with the Kamona, the largest and most elab orately furnished resort hotel in the state, and the Cascade House, both being under the same management this season, will be unequalled In the mountains, A good east ern Orchestra has been engaged for the season. Everything towards furthering the comfort and enjoyment of the guests will be provided. Boating on the lake, Lawn Tennis, Croquette, Hunting and Fishing are among the attractions. Guides will be In attendance to show and explain to visitors the points of interest in these famous canons. The Pike's Peak drive, the highest in the world, begins in front of the Ra mona hotel. For further Information address, E. K. CRILEY & CO., Cascade, Colo. NOW FOR CUT PRICES -IN- 1 MILLINERY! S I !a"-" ajC A Vyf FAB1UONAIILK DOU1ILK HIO. him, nnd etylo was what they were after. That was tho time for tho cob with tho dock tal to mnko his appear an :e. Ho is short in liody, round and smooth, and fed us ho is on grain almost exclusively, is very stylish and nervous, champing his bit, as they nay, aud look lug pretty. The buckboard is today a very fashionable equipage, capable of many transformations and shapes. R. T. Titnni-i:. T HE Summer season is here and we've got too many hats, bonnets and flowers on hand. that line, come in and we'll ------ , satisfactory. THEYMUST GO I It you want anything in guarantee prices will be PRICES NO OBJECT. Step in and sector oursclf. All the latest fice bargains. goods at sacri 1211 O Street. THE LEADER- I 1 1 i f I