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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1891)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1891 S."" r 11 As a Rule, Itli licit not to nttt-inpt to rciiiptty rcMlxc new by Hie use of saline or ilrnitlc ping.x. llx ex. hen a enth.utle medicine l needed, the most ironit iiml boiicilolal It Aver's l'llls. 'lhelroilect Is lo lestnre the regular notion ot tlic bowels, without weakening them llelng sugar co.iti il. these I'm, r,,t their meilleliiat xlitu-s foi a lung time, ami uru cusv, to taki' " I can roooinmenil Axel's IMIU iilmxe all others, having long pinved Itn-ir alnu as a e.ith.iitlefiiiinxclfiiiiif,imilv "-.I r.,.,, I.elthsxllli I'.i ' ' " In IH.W, ,j . nihioi'of a hit ml, 1 began tie use of Ayefs Pills at .1 ii'in,.,l lor Ml Immicss, lontiliMtlim. high fexcts, ami coiN The) seixod mo belter than an), thing t hail piovloiislv tried, and I have used tlifin In attacks of that ton oxer since." II W Jleish, Jmlxonl.i, Ark Ayer's Pills, rilKl'Altltl IIV DR. J. O. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mm.. Sold by all Dealers In Medicines. LincolnPark Lincoln's Great Pleasure Resort Now open dnll to the public The finest plr lc gioiinds in the state, with fine boating n'"l fishing. Dancing pax lllons, illuminated with ''lectric lights anil he.intKiil drixes The Park Is huge ami will accommodate everxlxxlx. Seclmleil places for piivate picnics can he h.ul Hand Conceit even exerting 7 until 9 v. A (ii.itul Display of Day Fireworks ! At ,', 3d Sunday Afternoon Paul Boynton's Acquatic Show Sept. 5th and 6th. GRAND -:- BALL. In Mammoth Pavilion every Tuesday and I'rid.Tv night Electric ears run to the l'.irk exerx 12 minutes from d o'clock in the 11101111111; until it 30.1t night ADMISSION, 10 CENTS. S.SOX TCh'liTS On SkIh at Hurley's. Slillllmr llros.', U,l. It's Kosinurniit mill !.d. ''i on iiu'h. 1!ii Coupon 7'iciii mid Smi Man v. Cushman Park iME?'59S9 -3toC2iiM TOMORROW -SCNDAY Danish FolkeFest Great Excursion from Iowa including the Iowa State Hand of Des Moines. Olc Olson xx ill he there. It will he .1 funny and interesting d.ix (Jo out sure Trains leaxe 10:30, 2 30, 3 30 and 5 30, returning 3, (1 and 10 p. m TUESDAY NEXT Ancient Order of Hibernians Tills will he .1 grand outing and will he attended hx a large gathering. Theie will he ample amusement (or all. Trains leaxe 2.30. 4 20, and S, returning at t,, S 3" '"d 1 1 40 p. m WEDNESDAY NEXT CATHOLIC LYCEUM Picnic and Outing of the Union Club A giand time is assured all Trains leaxe 2 30, 4 20, 7 30, leturnlng 3, 8 and :i 140 p. m. Look Out for Next Sunday! C. L. RICHARDS, ATTOEUBY" KH'HAKP'4 It LOCK LINCOLN. NLHRASKA ADDITIONAL SOCIETY Mis Miunli Knugliu loft MoiuUy for I'or Ttw iiNomt, Wash,, where she will xlslt sexer nl xveeks Mrs. Thomas' Hrltulley, of Washington, In,, l visiting her daughter, Mrs W H Cain bildge Mrs A C. llmuuiniiil of Warsaw, III , U visiting with her sister, Mr. 8. II Long t Idge Mr nnd Mr James Hix ell Imxn returned from n three wrecks, visit to Hot Springs, S " Miss May Kiinrer has returned from an extended visit In Colorado and New York Mcssr. A. K Woods and K Hriiuucr bine gone for n visit at Spokane Kalis, Wash. Mr. L II, Dax-lsdopnitctl WcdncMlny for 11 two week' x Islt nt Hot Hpi lugs, S I) K S Shaw , night oerator nt tln Missour Pacific, h-s gone to Imlliiiui on 11 visit. Miss Ida Homiell hat gone to Chleigo to x Wit her father, Mr John C Ilomiell 1'iofcvmr Morsi' of llostoii, anivisl Thtir 1 lay anil will remain nriuauintly MlssTillleOapin of PlattMiioutli is visit ing licriumt Mix, I)r S Lattn Mrs. M'liy i: Thoiupsou has gone to Miu iiciik)IIs for n two weeks visit Ml 8 Amy IjiihUt Is visiting filctiils ami relatixes hi Eldorn, Iowa Mr. II P. Hliepard of Oago, Iowa Is x sit lug rvlutli'4 In this eity. I)r and Mrs Wlnett left yesterday for Pittsburg mid New York. Colonel II P Hoggeii of the Omaha Hit' xxas In the city this xxik Miss Ploieliee Iexy of New Oilcans Is xls iting Mr. M, Aekerinaim Miss Mary V. Ldttlnu-r nnlvisl from Ahliigtou, III , yesj onlay Dr. (' li Muy dor has leturiied fiom a wr tern plcasiuv tlip MlssJosie Wnwr Is hi HlouxClty xislling filemls and ivlatixei. Mr Elirs Kianktorter dopaitisl Weilno day for Sax ninth, Ills. Mr SaniuelJ Tuttle and family have ro tiiliii.l from Huston Hoseo Pound left Thin wlay for a tiipto Hariisburg, Pa. Mr iiml Mm. A O ThjIoi left Weihu-xlay for Ateliison, HI. Mr. Case Kdxxards lies Imtii spending the week In Clilengo. Hon. John Hiirshj of Palimout was iu'.the eity this week. Mr V. I. Pnlmer of Omaha was in the eity this week. Miss Ellen llax Ik xMtiiiK friends In Utlex Nebraska. Mrs W. K (iosper left Wednesdny for Chicago Miss Ellen O'Connel Is xllliiig nl Olatehe, Kansas. Mr. John E Newman ot Dm Mobies is In the eity Captain J. 1' Hill spent Tin 'day in Heat rice. M'ss Ellle I.i-esK Is visiting Iriends in Sew erd a sr rim . Little. LouIho (at Long Hranch) Mnbel, why don't your mamma xxear diamond eurrlugi) like my mamma's? Mabel Shu left 'em home, and papa's bid 'em wlteru the robbers can't net 'em "Where, has he hid 'einf" "Why, I heard him tell mamma thnt be bad put them up the Hpout, and he guessed they xxould stay there." Texas Slftingij Our Son Jack. Mr. Hreezey Our 8011 Jnck is getting al together too largu for a youngster. Mrs. Hreezey Oh, vx-ell, the child Is father to tliu man, you know. Mr. Ureerey Very true, but Jack beems to consider himself father to the whole family. New York Herald. A lliichvlor. D11 Iord So you have bold your beach cottage. What xvas the matter? Uuford Squalls. Du Lord Cloudy xx-eathcr most of the timer Uuford No; baby In the next house. Ivowcll Citizen. KijiihI to the OccunIoii. I'idy of the House It seems to mo your bill is very large. The other Iceman we had didn't charge us half as much. Iceninu He didn't? Well cr you see, lady, my Ice Is 11 Kood deal colder than his. New York Press. Yea, Indent. The grasshopier has, according to its size, 120 times the kicking power of nn average man. It must be exciting times (or the young gr.isshoppers which go courting nnd find the old man at home. Tlt-IJlts. Time' Ctuiiif. Penelope (slghlnj;) Ahl the men are not xvhat they used to be. Tom Harry Pd like to know xvhy notf Penelope They used to lie boys, you knoxx-. Noxv York Herald. In Drew III111 Out. It xxas In the parlor of a Uostou boarding house. "So you are from Capo Cod, are you?" said the xvit of the house addressing thu newcomer and xx inkint; to his fellow board ers, as if to say, "notice how I will draw him out." "Yes " "Cnpe Cod runs 11 Ioiik wax into tliu sea, I bellexu?" "Ye, a good bit " "Pivtty dampish climate, I think?" "Not p.irticuhirly no " "Well, now, when I was down there I thought it was The rain appealed to me to ho damper than in the city and to xx'ot one more. It made me pietty wet, I know, Say, don't you thinl: the rain wetter there than here?" "I don't know Down there xxu go lu when It rains." 1 Then the hoarders laughed, and thedrmv . iiiK out proiesswas brought to an abrupt 1 conclusion. Capo Cod Item 1 II A l Spurlul Train senile-( . It. I i;i.ciiniinu'iil, tiiiiiut Island ' On Monday, August list anil TuhsiIiij Septemhel 1st, a special tiaiu "III leaxe Liu- I coin 10 lo .x xi fm (iiaiul Island Ih'tuin lug this tiain will leave liiaml Island at on I' xi , thus enabling pillions to attend the ie imlcil nnd iituiu home the same evening I'uither paillciilaih at H. tS: M. depot 01 city illli'o, eoinel O and Tenth slieels A, C. Zinn it City Pass Ag't ATTRACTIONS AT THE PARKS. Uliat l.lneiiliiltr Mit) Kiiorl for Out llnor AiniisiMiirnt Toniorriiw, Tomorrow will boa big day nt Ctinhmnn. The swisll'li element xtlll be turned loose ami mid the crowd Ole Olosoii nnd Yon Yoikoii will miiiglo and assist In the entoitnluiiiout as well as a liberal Indulgence In the festivi ties. Twenty coaches of vliltois are expect isl from town and the excursion will bead (list to nt Omaha. There will be lots of pure unadulterated fun and a tlbernl supply of music The low a state Ixiud of DesMoines and the t'liion Pacllle baud of Omaha will Ih with im, ami this, together with a clover se lection of athletic sports will limke up 11 dl xersllltsl and thoioilglily enjoyable day The exclusion put) will hold forth dining the day at Cusluuati mid In the evening they will enjoy nights In 11 drlxe or stroll about the Capital City. Kreipiont trains will huxe the Hut lliigtou depot during the day fur the accommodation of Llucolites. (hi out and pat take of the pleasures. Tuesday next is the gnat outing of Diet Ancient Order of llibeiueniis, ami a Hue program has hem piepausl for the order and its friends Wednesday occur the Cat nolle lyceiim and C11I011 Club picnic, and It will be innde a most enjoyable oceasslou Our Catholic Mends never do anything by half and 011 this, their llmt outing, much may be oxcct ed and fully as much will be faithfully ioni zed To all the nlsive you nro eonlHily lu xltetl Kor riming ot tlalm see display nilxoitlsemellt. HAT KIHKXXOHKS Toinoriow'senteitalmiientat Lincoln park is Imth novel and nttrncttxe, and xisltois will enjoy an iiutisiuilly Interesting program. Athalf-past thus there will be a grand exhi bition of day Drew orks, and it promises to excel any thing iu that line oxer seen in the west The display will be under the direction ot a thoiotigldy capable exert, ami exeiy pioxislou has Imh'H made for a thoroughly injoyahle inogrnm Kor the following Sunday ami the previous iluy the paik management have a strong hill topiesent It is none less than Paul Hoy li ton's original aquatic company Every one knows the gloat water king of his feats on and iiiidei the wave ami const ipieiitly the atti action Is coiisldoi ed one worthy of a gieat audience. Llm-ohi park proves a de lightful lesoit, a fact which Is being tloiuonstiateil ilnlly , mid especially on Sun day, when the crowds me laigeitnil the en tertainment always fully up to a standard of excellence (lo out tomorrow and see the 111 evv oiks Out) HI.H. In Oiualiit Mild Hi'liirn tin the t'liion I'adlle. 1 hose ilesii lug to visit Omaha during the Pair can purchase tickets to Omaha and re turn nt one fate foi loiind Hip, August '-"J to September I, Incliislxe, xla the Union Pacific. Tickets good tetiirui'ig until and Including September ft, l'.tl Are Von Interested J The following frank statement from J. E. Hare of Tienton, Texas, will be of interest to luauyof our citizens. "My little boy was xery bad otT for two mouths with iliurrliiea. We used various medicines, also called in two doctors, hut nothing dune him any good until xxe Ustsl Cliainbci Iain's Colic, Cholera mid Dinrrhii'tt Ilftucdy, which gave Imme diate roller ami soon cured him. I consider it the best medicine made and can conscien tiously leeommeiid It to all who need 11 dlar rhiea or colic medicine. Kor sale by ('has. C Hoed, Druggist. tjiilek mill Comfortable Trip. Two new trains lmx-e lieen added to the nl leady excellent connections east that th (Ireat Hock Island lloute has lieen offering to its patious. The Lake Slioie V Mich. Southern has put oil a new train, leaving Chicago dally at 10; .50 a 111., and the Koit Wayne (Pennsylvania Lines) one at 10:1") a. in. These are dally trains, scheduled on fast time, and arrive at New York City next tcrnoou at 'J o'clock, and via the first men tioned Boston passengers reach their destinas tiuu but 'J hours later. The Hock Island lloute HlecK.r luxes Omaha daily at l..!(l p. m., and arrives nt Chicago at h.Oft a. in , ill time to make this Important through connection. Kor rates and tickets apply to J. L. I)E IIkvoih, (JenT Agent Pass. Dept,, HHh it Karnam Sts,, Oinnha. J.M). Skiiastian, Oen'l Tkt. & Pass. Agt. K St John, Coii'I Manager. A Cure for Cramps In the Stoinueli Alliert Erxvin, Editor of the Ijeoimnl, Tex as, Urnphic, says: "Kor the cure of cramps hi the stomach Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrha-n Remedy Is the best nnd most seedy 1 ever used." Many others who hnve tried it eutei tain the same opinion Kor sale by Clins. C Heed, Druggist. The Hot Sprlnifsof Dakota. These spi lugs are rapidly becoming famous on account of the wonderful curative projier tiesof the waters.Inml tlie many marvelous cures xx hlch hax'o been elfecteil by the ther mal baths. The town and springs are iellghtfully situ ated in a picturesque valley In the .Black Hills country, abounding in lieailtiful scenic t ITeets, and at an altitude of 3, UK) feet above the sea level, thus insuring a pure atmos pheie and exhilarating climate, absolutely flee from malaria. Under the enterprising and progressive management of the Hot Springs company many desirable Improvements have Is-en maile, among the number the erection of a commodious bath house fitted up with all modern conveniences for the comfort of guests New hotels hax e been built and com foitably f m uished thiougliotit, conducted in iitst'-class style and at leasonable rates. Those who prefer stopping at a piivate house will Unci many desirable lardlng fplacis whole good accommodations are furnished at moderate p' Ices The hiiiiei ior dally sol x ice now allorded by tlie Hurliiigtou Houte to Hot Springs, witli thiougli sleeping car accommodations from Omaha, Lincoln, Am 01 a and (irand Island, makes the tlip an easy and enjoyable one. and for the Item lit nt all XXho desiie to test tlieelllcacj ot the wateis. loiind tlip tickets at iislucisl into, good for ninety days aie now on sale at all ollli if the Hurliiigtou Houte I'or pamphlet. deerlptlxt nt -the springs, and full infoi matioii as to rates, time, etc, apply to any agent of the company, or to J KliANcis, (ion t Pnss'r A; Tk't Agt , Oumlia, Neb ir -'I lie I'lilon I'm Hie s.)ti'in Has pliutsl III daily sei vlie 11 solid train be tvvivn Lincoln and Sioux City making clo-e coiiuectioiis at I'olumbus with main line trains lot all H)iuts WMst, witli Albion, Cedar Hapids, (Jul ami (iiaml Island and liranches, evcept Sundays Lincoln and Sioux City daily lonms'ts cliwly in union depot, Sioux City, with theeveiiiug tiaius of connecting lines fm the ninth and east. I'or full partlc illais apply at 11)11 stieet or at de t P. It SuissoN, C T. A. OP It NKW KAILKOAI). The Inst of the party that participated In the exclusion given by the Hock Island road, to Introduce Its new Hue from Chicago to Denver, have returned, lauding the of the now n.pltatit Tim lit nt train out, ar lived lu Lincoln Just one hour late, but roaohed Denver on schtdulu time Stopping nt Beatrice nnd Pali bury we lecolved thiee. newspaper ropiosentatlxes from ouch Lit tle .ontko Laramie, the Indian baby found iiH)ii the battle Mold of Woutultsl Knee after the t'ultcd States' tnsips had looted lllg Ktsit's baud of Sioux, who was a general fav orite throughout the route, is now the adopted daughter of Mrs, Clara Colby tiflloatiice I he pnlty complete then eompiisisl Col John C. Ilomiell or the Hock Isliiud and wife, C Cole of the Register, Mrs Lafayette Young of thd Capital, II. II Jones or the Louder, DesMoines, Iowa, Mrs L II Poison of the Nonpareil, Miss (lutce Osboi 11 of the entertainment hilieiill, Miss (I race Deiuiug uf the (IIoIh, Council HhilTs, Colonel Chain phi S. Cluise of the Excolflor, C. C Host water of thellif, O. K. Ilethge of the World Herald, Oinnha, Will (). Jones of the Jour nal, Thomas II Hyde of the News, P W. Hampton of the Call, Edgar Wessel of Tiik CountKli, II W HnrdyHlho New Republic, W II. Hicks of Vanity Pair, Lincoln, Neb, A. C Jordan or the Express, (I P Marvin of the Democrat, Mrs Clara It Colby of the Woman's Tribune, Beatrice, (loorgoCriws of the (iazotte, (lonrgu E Jenkins of the LIImt ator, Judge Llmlley of thu P.uteipilse, I'nlr bury The train wns compostHl or mix en X'ei tlbtiled cars, beautifully appointed with every modem convenience, comprising ele gant clial", sleeMr mid dining In charge or Joint C. Bunnell, manager of the advertising doMiiliuont. During our ride to Deux or, Mr. Honuell lelattsl the many new features nnd advantages which the road nlTcrcd He sidd, "although other Hues make the 11111 from Chicago to Denver In less time, iu traveling over the new toad you cull save nearly a whole day Yollee, we leaxe Chi cago at HX l' xi ami roach Lincoln at V! ','" I'.M the next day This train nil ixes at D011 xeratTAXt the next morning, taking two nights and one day , while other toads leaxit at noon, loosing two days -nul one night Reluming fiom Denver you boanl the train at 8 p xi , 111 living hi Lincoln at I'.'tl I'M. anil loaches Clilengo it 7 li the next morn ing, milking It one of the most complete and fastest through trains In the west Lincoln will now have txxo tin ougli passenger trains each way, and one local for Nebraska tiatllc over tlie new Hue" After our woithy "haoione" had llnlsheil his discourse we res pulled to the dining car, a dinner is miiii thlng of t-pecial delight to a uewspasr scribe rettirn'ng to our private car, reeling none the w 01 so torn sumptuous meal On ai riving lu Deliver we weie 1 is el veil at tlie depot by Col. I'll th, general agent for thu Hock Island and Mr J D Klynn, the local agent, and at once an adjournment was taken to the bote' Albany where break fast xxas serxeil Haxlng lluishisl our reNist xxe were Invited to thu club rooms of the hotel and leceixed by the goxernor, the mayor mid represontatlxos of the lenl estate and milling exchanges, chnmlH-r of com merce nnd rcpiescutntixes of thu props, when speeches nf welcome were made ami respond ed to by members ol our party. Champagne and other refit shments were then serxetl, when It was announced that can luges were hi waiting Accompanied by the governor and major xxu were driven through the principal thoroughfares mid shown the various tstlnts of interest. Among our party were several who had visited Deliver previously, but evtn they weie suipiUd nt the vast giowtli of that great metropolis dur ing the past few years, and all acknowledged it to be one of the gleatest cities west of Chi cngo. The buildings me mostly or modem nrchltu til re, massixesliiietmes, nnd seem to be erected for stability regaldless of cost. The new- city hall, now in the course or 01 no tion will be one or the finest buildings iu tlie country It will take 11 number of yeirs, however, liefore It Is complete The new Metropolitan opera house is also Win thy of spts'lal comment, being one of tlie latgest and finest houses of its kind iu the United States. At !I:!M) lu the aftermmn we departed for Colorado Springs, enthusiastic oxei our x islt to the capitol of the Granite stite where we weie so handsomely entertained. Our next point of Interest was soon leachi I, rt tiling at oncu to the Antlers. In the evening we visited the Casino at Hioiulmoor, and wure xery cordially received by tlie piopiietor, Count James Pourtales and the accomplished countess, who very charmingly entertained us throughout the xisit Through tlie kindness nf the Hock Island of ficials we were taken for a long ride the next day over the city to theOardeu of the (Jods, enjoying a m stdeliglitfitl morning, arriving n Miinitou nt early noon. A ride not soon to Is' forgotten was our ascent to tho sum mit of Pikes Peak, which we made iu thu af ternoon on the cog toad, one of thu most woiideiful pieces of modern engineering. Krnui thu extreme height of fottt teen thousand feet you cm see for miles In exery direction, here n city, there a bound'ess arid plain, to the right an unbroken chain or mountains, while 011 nil sides there ranged one vast ex panse or natures beauties. On Thursday evening the party disbanded. The rollowiug resolutions were pissed and presented to Mr. Boimell Whereas, It has happ'ly fallen to our lot as the editorial guests of tile Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad 011 this excursion, to lie under the charge or John C Ilomiell us acting host of said company for our welfaio and entertainment on tlie eut're trip, ami Whereas, He has proved himself to ! host Indeed, and has aiitlcipited our evviy wish and want and so has made our ride ex ceedingly pleasant ami enjoy able therefore, Resolved, That we most cordially tender him our siucoio thanks for his couttesy, and assure him that we shall rememtier him as a whole soulcd gentleman worthy of a warm place in our hearts, where we will cherish the memories of this occasion, tlie longer ami more pleasantly 011 his ace unit. Ill tlie lan guage of Rip Van Winkle, as Joe Jellerson says, 'May he end bis ram ' livelong and pross'i " Iluy your giooeries, teas, entrees, etc., from "Tlie Diamond's" new audfresh stock, ut Hit) () street. A Mothers (.nitltuile. My son wsln an nlunM helple-s condi tion with lliix when I commenced using CIiiiiiiUm Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diairluea Homed) It gave I1I111 iiuiiit Hate teliefalid 1 am sine it saxed Ills life 1 take gieat pleasure in 1 iH'iiuimendiug it to all Mm M. L. Johnstai, Eveiett, Siuipou Co , Miss '!' mid .'SI cent bottle foi sale by Chns. C Reed, Diugglst. Ml ( link, lii tlie Pnlilli. I wisli to say tn tux li lends and the public, that I legal d ( haiuU-ihiiu s Colli Cholera mid Dim lint a Hem ly n tli best pieptna tlou in use for Colic and Diaulnea It is I ho finest soiling medicine I ever handled, lieciillsii it always gives satlsfai Hon ( II Clink, Oiangeville, Ta I'oi sale by Chin- C Hoed, DlllRL'ist. SPECIAL SALEI ON Blankets and Comforts! nrcciiNNiNc; MONDAY MORNING, AUG. 31st, We will place on sale a lare shipment of White, Grey and Scarlet Blankets Together with a large line of Comforters. This will piove a good chance for yon to lay in your winter supply, we having purchased a large quantity from a manufacturer who sold us some numbers at a great loss. CALL AND KXAMINK THEM! KILPATRICK-KOCH 1 5 18-1520 YOU GET FITS And the right kind as well, as excellent wear and latest style in Shoes when patronizing Parker & Sanderson. See their fine line of shoes for SUMMER WEAR 1009 Removal Sale As we intend to remove to our New Furniture Bloek on 13th street, between O and r about September 1st, we have con eluded to otVer our large stock of FURNITURE at nearly cost price until that time. As we in tend to make genuine heavy cuts, these sales at reduced price will be ti ictly cash. Call and investigate. AUG. TH. GRUETTER & CO. 1 1 id and 1 . iiAHOOVTiAnn MAHQivnrn fc -NIUrONM UVON Nlt-rONM UYUN 'siibsiiiptlim, Si. I.M)N .V IIOMH KdH. suitisor. to DRY GOODS CO. O Street. O ST. 1 iS N Stieet rwiriits - w I A I. WAN'S cotrvxtto. II K TIIIv m wi:st HOOKS HV I UK MOST l'OIM't ,u ". Vf!l'irt,"' , U..L l TllOliX Cm. .....,y... . M.u uf.n.iuui and Publishers' Agent MILION l. OS. Uemoxwl to uj6 0 St. t . I .