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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1891)
pr1 'b ttiiJi TJ , ' 1 " w'wn itri niBBUBiBiaHFI - swwyar 'V-T a T scw'" -f TWfi ny v "i-w TfStwys' TtW hi A M(vV PoPdlAR PAPER op A?P W -TAEt " Vol. 6 No 39 Lincoln. Nuukaska, Satumday, Sicpticmihck G. 1801. Pwicic Fivic Oicnt BfWPffiS Ico.o.o...0.o.0.u-J nWAfVfJ 1 la It n now fad or a measure of protectant Viarly the other ever'ng a young lady lo t onooftlio le dlr.i bote's en y'ng a l'sht c.iie such rs a dudo in'ilit spot.. It wif ev ident that rho wr - out for ii w. ':. Mr. Chprf'Bn'lhof the ' u of Iloi.i & Hmltli, t it) oiu no J , of the L,n i: thra lie, ' hMims s le over tho now rm rciiient houemdp die ''it L irolii p .pie w"l b. ri oii''lial at Pi m. .,,1 " vn .. 'lo the ordhaiypa onitdi i' .em p. itiot'nt the bulldl 1-; w ' ' Iw Il.i'sh 1 Iy '1 1 'k"0'vin3 week, but Mr. 8a Ith toys t '' i ml with ten days to sp." 'c. 'ilio i't u Iiavo bi-"t a s ore of tbca. osund by employi ; ex ru help work ninrveloi'scW 'ie in :i h' tjjo dr.. They bc"t t iy new hou o ut I . bi-g ' slitydnjr. They wot k?J Htndays niter it wm enclosed and lied J Ice (tie dooii t prevent oo u3 1 i.' eJ. It Is ev dent ' at 'h' f in ' ow how to tush th'nss, but Mr. Bnt'l'i iidml s 1' it thu Chicaao.z it took It's bic in away. W do in tint city ho nt ..llv v an theat o, nud neU to it re p ,. t now bu; Vr 13 up tibout twobtoi.iK. Tlio llr b tloor wh ccc pled by 11 big doll leg e lil'Siient, which tu.pil'cil i 111 roinowlnit, r" 10 bul t'l g whs to go up boino ten or twelve - o 1 . Ho mode inquiries about it rnd le ii il that lliu clothing linn wus '.u the uuiUilng iwo wcol: nttsrlt w- begin. Mr. Bin ill tickuowl id th 1 1 ut Lett bis Fr.ends r Hurvtt him that ho could nil .0 u fottuno speedily if ho wo Id k 'ato 11 Chi go, bu liker I New Yo.'keu ho hw ddedtj Uutlcui nnd not oven tho p 0111 j of u to. .imo lai get h'111 away .-0111 it ) c id ic.i y. V There io ve y few homes ou'ainin p'11 10 or orgmi 1 1 which tho K-muof Ueoigo F. Hoot U ttu uown. lie is one of the iuott noted rjd pro lie composers of the dines, uiid ho has Jut win :'i uuuu obiography un titled "Tho Slj.y of u Muslcf L'te." To tbcfco who u.'e not pa ici'lrrly up in musical history it may bo of iuite t, to 1 now thai Dr. Hcot is tlio author of "W1 V.vA y Hound thoKlrg, Boyt," "Tia-np, Trump, Tiump, tho Boys 11 o Mu.clif ig" and fa nous war bouts t' rt helped to wi 1 bullk for tho Union. It a cu ious col tcldcuco that Jules Luiul ru, now of Oiraha i id uu occa k outl b'njer in Lliuo'u, helped to send the battle ciy of i.eedom on its cuesrin;; pati iot lo minion. Heiels the comiHjjr's btory of itsoili' 1 InC.rcJso: "I heard of President Lincoln's second cull for i.oup one jn wh u lecliiilug on u louiwo 111 my brothe ' Iiouro. Immediately n song started in my m'ml, wordi and muslu together: "Yes, we'll lally lound tho II112 Loys, wo'll i.'lly ones o;;n'u, KhoUilns t'jo buttle ciy of fnedoui." "I thought it out that I'ttouioou tnd wioto t tho next uiorulu ut the stole. Tho ink wns I r -illy diy wheiiiho Lumbard biotheis, tllOg.-C .t billOiH Ot tllO Ml" ', C?II10 ill fol sonieth'nj to s oj ut u ua 'ini ji. ' th it wni to bo held Imiii d'ulely 'i tho cj. 'i-liousu Miurie, Ji"i. opic"i'o. They went thiough the new ong 01110 1 nd fie.i . leuci to the steps of thocou - hor e, lol lowed by u crowd that had gutheicd wli lothopiu:lko wi'i go lug 011. 'then JiiIo'h nian'lkiit voice kuo out tho sonj p id K il:'s I. limpet tone ku the refrain, 'Tho mioii foiever, huiruh, Loys hui.ahl" und at tho fourth veiao a thousand voices were join' i'j in the choi us F.o.n tlieiu the song went lulo tho rriuy uad the U'-Umony In legtud to ila i-wu'ii tlio (3mpuud on tho inuicli, and oven 011 tho buttlelleld, inudo it t author thankful that if he could not shoulder a musket ho toi'M m.; ve his couu.ry in an other way." "The pjpers would do more to benellt niunk'nd," s 'd a prominent clliz.'ii tho other doy, "by ud s'ng I ho fa .nou of Nebrpsku to raise w I'll sr wheat t'uri by i.'uu'-ig hulls drcJs of columns about thu govemoi hip. It mnkei veiy little d'lTe.jnco to thepsoplo who Is govei nor of tho stutu, but there tvu in"! ious ot do'ln in win ?r whet for the fn"m ersof Nehir ku. Borne of them i led to raise It ienis 130, fc"p,l irid ruvo It up. That wi'H bsiuire tliey d'd not umi mo 1 '(Ut seed uuddld not phi'itit jiiup. Iy. I know 11 faimer who li'is in' U''i r whec biIccohj fully eveiy m'hsoii for eighteen yeaiJ. He sowed aviulety t iowii ei Tuikey wheat, and be u c.l a inadi' 10 iu.' plaul'ug I110 sctd desp, where it would' 'u.u bji'oru being froen. Quits a uumLjr of ft iiieu tried tho expel 'ment l")t fr1', und in enormous yield lies pro en the p'n'i a success. Tho pu per ought to circr-'nte the fact One (,eat udvnutagoof howiug w it jr whet Is this; If it doe n't come up in tho spi .'ut; tho 1' ml cun bo Uocd for summer crops." The.o druni'iieis e -o fi'l of t.orles nnd some of them pro so good a fellow crn't help a buspicionof the'r genul'iene s, but hero is one that Is not wholly Improbable, rnd may UQt Bomubcly schem' lg, A drugg'st found u stray nickel on 1 N floor r ml 'u plck'ng it up a hi 'llfii'it Ide- tlrshcd th-oujli h'' mind. He wrote th's no. Ice nnd pnstel on tho gli-j in his door: "Found a sum of money iu this store. Tho ow.ier will receive the money by correctly describing it." The number of people, prulculr 'y men, who had loat money wm imetli' ig uston .lil i Doens camo la evo.y day wl Ho tho uctlco wrs up, and the moiMiiiiiHilesof r sh lot es wmld fill revei r! books. Asa., le tho men itepied up to tho clgnr c.iso i' id mado uu iuvi-stmont. OccnBloiiflly It wesonlya n'ckel, but geuer nllyltwis nothing lees than feu cents or twenty-five cents for thro cignrs. Appar ently the seller felt that this patronugo might incline tho druggist to favor his claim to the lostciuh. Tho cigar trade actually become no great that one or two brands were ex- Imiistd. Uf courAo 1100110 camo o cla 111 11 nickel, llio applicant' had lost Mill's ii'ig Ing from V up I ito Laveral hundreds. A( conlln:t 0 their ow aer it wn iii)oslblo u nmuyce s that tho loitr ould litvo drop I wl h's money Iu that pntlcuhr store, a" of which '"Uistratos boino of tho ccullnr tit of human inutire and shows how Me. i may bu olucd into cath, V Tho w'lil si' itloweiH which r 'oso nbumli"it ulout l.'ii o' 1 have a l. utlfnl bloo 0111 II youon'y ljok at them i.ght. T.ioy may bj iiu'oj.i 0 to I'.iuow.ieiHof the land Le iln;( tlirmp id when fcrouj J 1:1 1111 tho etTtct may La .co g'lir 'jj to bo r theilc, but tho ne-t t'moyouii.'oout look for a siinllower that stands nlone, r lion;; it lot of weds oven, and t. ko note of tho Le-u. of its b'nrk heart and yellow conoim. Clmi"! ey Depow has been tell"'!.; us through the uowspaporj of tho iui iy objec tlonc' ll' 13H in railway travel iibroad from our jiolut of view. Of cou'1.0 this Is all very HattJi ii'itaour naonal jirlde, but Cliauii ceyl.lo 3 miiUo out that Eu.openu b.ick wcrd ic . 1 tho u inutteij Is duo to tho fnct that tho government owns the inlroads. That is unfair, uml when you come ti get at tho wholo truth theru are sumo tlil;s Iu Kuropu that our rr' road 111113 at:s nilght imit .t3. 1 havu .umi) 1 oi 1. h .rom a genclo man who has t.uveloj abroad r id kept both eyesopon. Ho ys that seven pe orsgol.ig irom Llvei fool to Loudon ca 1 havu an .1 llroelegnnt ur totho'iiselve-. BoveiiAmei Icrnu Louud for Ix)iidon, for ezamplu, cu telegraph 0111 Queeustow.i m Liverpool, und uu arrival they will And u parlor ca- ro Hcrved for them, In thu tuldd'u is a largo 11 -awi ig room. At 0110 end "s u s.nokiii npartmoit lavatory and u room for the ' storage or t.'unl.srnd viilltvi. At tho other end uiu o'et conveniences tyrludus. Tlio urlor Is prov.deil with chp'iy und nofus, rud tho car Is fu nUhed throughout us luxiiii ouslyusnPulliiiHii. AP this costs is oven 111 st-cl.-is furei for tho seven ui.sougets. Iu this country the Pullman compuuy would demand 50 for tho ujo of tho err, and iho lullway would not haul it for Uai than llf-U-en or twenty llrst class fures. Moreover tho English company will drop this car oir at uny point thu prssengers nny wish to vis It und uttaoh it to auothoi- train whenever they uro reedy to stdr., usaln. 1 his traveler took a mel 011 the Now ork Central, Mr. Deiww's load, and It cost him $1 plus 25 cent 1 to tho porter. Th's Is how they did It 011 a govo.nmeut roru in Get many. When tho ..ouductor took up his ticket ho gave him a sl'p of paper printed In four l?ugupes. It inslruct.d tlio p?s en gers to notify tho conductor before reuchij u certain point how tunny d'anoin they would wunt. This traveler had a comiuuioii nud they ordered two d'nneis. Tho conduc tor pustetl u paper llgu -o 2 on tho window of their upartmoiit. When tho meal h ution wasreacheil wnlte.3camoin with the illn ni'issprepil upon wocdent ays, which served as loplwards. They brought thu number of meals called for by tho flju vs on the win dows. It wai quite us good a 1110. 1 111 that of thu Now York Central, and a hlf botllo of wine was thrown in with It . It cot 50 cente. Bpeikmgof mo. 's, tho C. ird'an Puclllu has a system that might bu ndop ed iu t'au stales whh :,reat comfou to thou nils. Iu ordinary oars on that lino thoy hi ng p -ou id (liiu colTco und sandwiches at reponable pi icei. Among tho tbous ids who pro trav eling hiipIi a cdtiven'etK 0 t s that '3 n genuiiio basing. Ono ain't help thlt'Vug that it would py much liottsr thun jwJdl'ng fi.-lt. Anoihe' ye.i- has ro'led by p id on. a more tho biutJ fib 's at hpiiil. Every cltlen of th's, the fuvorcJ spot of the lc jilon of tho Reut mato fplr, shou'd ut lent do so much toward itibuccc rs a.iond' 13 ono or more days. If wo don't attend how r 1 wu exp.ct others from abroad to oapjwrt the 'nstltu tion. Uo mil srirell tho crowds. Brown's restaurants, Windsor block, 'J10 north Eleventh street, and 1418 O street. Five dollar commutation tickets reduced to four dollars, good at both places. A True Ml'llnery Attlst. Mr. M. Acker.t'nj 1 of t'jo we I. ibwn F. moiisM 'l'neiy he n 'mo it atiiiounc merit lo in- o nud ouo 'hat Tin: Counicn lie Mov - w Le 1 d with u" 1. I Int :v st liy ovoi'aJy iL co'. It Is u very il Dctilt trik to s euro a tuorouh I' . dp , .miner fu ihc odayi oao that s 1 yfl,tcl n inorotlr tnuinuoii'.y. Mr.AcUti.iiuiiihrfio'o.u t-kes g-cai pi sii j n ul not a 1 1. tie sut'sfuc , 011 lit announc'iig that he Ik . btvjr d tho vOv rss of MiK'amo Lovo of New York City, who w p. urno-wla ' y have chsrgo of h'ses en vet 1 mill ilepjuuiuut. Ms 'p'no Loo's exper enoo I s b n nn ex ocive uml vnlrablo ono a id H.o comes dliect from tho olebrut d iiiilliueiy huu.o uf Llchteuste'ii, Grand b. -, i, Now ork CUy. This hou .e Is tlio rccogned 1 der of fush'on uml has for irany yeais i it u.e 1 1 . jbl'shed us tho led Ingde 3 iers 1 1 1 1' tjo a.o novelties worn by tho prominent metropolil t s.cioty leaUers. MudamLovuwI u cJu"j t o 'HI .e,-lei of designs rnd w ' taLo pic u iu in c'jowlng sriuu to tho patrons of llio K- nous. The g.'nnd full rud win u oi.enl ! of thu Famous ta'.. ii'aco Beptunibjr 17, 18 and ID. ou which occu Ion the now stock nud all the 'a 9tiioeltlL" wi'l bj exhlbltcJ, thu euual of which las never l.jfoiu been oen west of Chicago. Mr. Acket iiian has been untiring tliM t, -on Iu niplug selections, thereby bringing together tho flue t i nil Irrgest a . soitmeiitof rHL Jilsof millinery uml h slattst ncqii 'foil, that of -tcurlng Mudaino Love at a great ex ouse, will no doubt piovo it di aw ing card for his popular house, Ladies who favor tho Famous with then- patronage inty coif duly testa n-red of uceU ng the veiy lit stand tho choicest effect n that money and raref ul i onslderatioii can seen -e. When dow i town, ca'l ut thu Famous and look over their wealth of novelties and by all meuns don't forget the 0eiiliig. mRQ I 1 t'm h- 1 onif Heptoml e M .'no of A re can l"toiy tho fotturn of foti'iiie t ' 1 terest s (Jonernl Mendllh Head's conolud Ing clnpter on "Thu 8p. '.is of Pn V. Tho peiun ' ski'li'hi-s of well-known men of k'lt?ijp u ' vc trd life . id color, a li r 1 1, oup liiup d, nnd rniou tho wel como p i, t. I s g veil rru those of Owen Moi .l'th, author or Lucl'le, r id .V. Ju'es KI111011 whoj Nouvnii'x Mpiihkii just now uttrue s ra ad r' ig public. It is a splendid uuiiiher of a p-iidlic I tlutr'wnys gives its lealers oomutlil 13 out of tin iimihI mi of monthly publications. Ii HlU a department of its ow 11 In vn me. Outl ig for September comes to lr 'id cr sp rnd rei' 1 l r i s though hnr.10 upon tho II' -1. cool bn. t' the wr omeghuoof ihe do- lay. Tho Heptom r num. er 's, r 11 uu , em he with iiiiiuy bc.ut i' ' ' . 1 nit ons. Thoiontoiit ure: "On tho P 'is of "bolu," by Nomid; "Trout I ig 1 1 tho Metis I Miv V by C. J. Colt, M. 1).; llii I ii' ? Illh-Jiimpliig" (Part II.), by MiiKo'in W. Fonl: "A Ccon Hunt," by A'ex-uder Huntsr; "A Lovo Match," by Win. K- 'lo Hi dw'ti; "Ci iulng on tho Miram'chl" (Pr , II) by Hov. Win. C. Oanor; "l'ho Mnt chusoas Voluutir MMtla" (IVitlV.) byCipt, Dn t'l Morgin Taylor, U. H. A.: ' Yacht Clubs of tho Fust" (Pa 'til) by dipt. A. J. Keneplyj "Boino Model .1 Achieve menu of tho C'auio.i," by W.I. Lluohi Adi 1 s; "A Day Amung tho P.T .o Chick- e'rs,"ly O o. Taylor; "Tlio Homo of the Hed Deer in EiivIpiiI," by Clir.'les lit acr, "Hp ly'sC erul Yule" (continual), by John Beymoi" Wcwd; "Caught by a Wheel," by W. U. Caldei .001l, and tho usual odltoilal", I ens, uml "Hcconls" by tho tiin'aid writers 011 spo.t, etc. Hoc.l's 8?r.-n ar'l'it has 11 stu. d'ly Incie" -In populp Ity, wh'ch ci n only Iw won by 11 1 aiilelo of 1 or I merit. Give it a tr'i-l. Suilly NcElecteil. A little three-year-old who bus been sum mering up iu thu country fell luto an old well, where tho water was only six Inches deep, and remained there soruo time before he was discovered. When he was dually rescued his pent up Indignation knew no bounds. "You link I kin tuy in a well wlzout ouflln to eat, like a (wont Fy wasn't no better fadder 'n' mudder 'n you, I'd go vifout children." Texas Sifting. A lUietmll Study. 7 ' w' l9 The national cago Moll. gamo by Innings. Chi- Take good caro of your berrd p id keep it cIpt of Ri-ay hr't bo rs to retain you you 'g Icoks by usln3 Buckingham's Dye for tho Whieke i. In It Again. WhenM'. W. B. Hi-rrinpn i..'rrd from tho lata llr.n of Hi'irm-n & IUciiler it wrs fo. r d ho would leave tho city I ) cek other fields for bUwer . The Couiiikii however is pic d f 3 mp':u thu piiiioi ncement tint il is 'i not the ci ) p id lint on or ulout 1 e diy dp. i. tho new t ' orlug II m of Hull nun & Co., lOlRl 0, 't, w I ope i Iti dcoi ,, t dy o. ' j.' I if i npp fc'tl vo pub'"o lilt de ll' ida.. s'l f,o me li1, iiuih.:. Iy il , I p id 1 .. n oinoly mdo up le' tblo n id .rodp i fub. . 1 iu itu.v s.Dro I belna lr.n' omely II I d up with fio 'n e s.ylo llxut tsftd it 's but optc 'tis u i u'ld opinion, when Tiik CouniKit . e that, when comp'e d, it will bo thoflni oiiui ipcil tn''o." ji -b) slut.eiu wet of Cli P"io. Mv Huffni'-n h long expjrieiii-j rs ge.i em i's I'rupur fe vc tho pub' a duublu t si i o o h's nb''li,y o p'op o n id rat's.y lis p . -o, s, H's lino of nolens uml novel, Ii liino Lun carefu'ly bskcl d Iu peisou p id i h s goo 1 t .o lro '"it I an comment. 1 uoii, L i coln people I tvu geed rea an to lcok for pn ui .J' 'y iH.iactUo line of t iloihig smtTs. Kveiyi 'ng will bj now not i i old i.i tho Otoe1-, With Kjch nnni.-ay to select l oin, why should not tho I.inco'n -wii'l oven thu moJeratu d ts s", cut a u et i' 'Ii this fa" it id wiutort Ho"ible goods, litveSvylc p id lino i m iuini,8 u-o a j, -e,t frctor in sai r fu t. i'o' iilg bllslue J, but even it g! enter ndjll let is thodc I311IU3 of tho gin nent. Mr. II ,11:1 1 I however (,v;n th's hnpott. it bi'iich mest .e 'ops vOii'.iilerutlon. In Ms oiu. 11 dep rimeiil Sir. (I, W. Fisher will w eld the t-pu uml s. Tl 's gentlemen, of 1 11 one reput .tlon, is toi sldered coml to no iK inn er in rud his work Iu ou lr l i-; cillf 1 1 won for l'linthod'stlnetlcnof belns 11 it tl in .0.' of the tut. Ho U nt pie out, pud i'P" for fir j yc iJ held thu p. si. on of president of Miu Ciistom Foremnu Ti lo.j of Ameiicti, uu Com elation emboilylng thu 1 I Ing t iloisof tho Union. Mr. Fisher for tho past jeer bus nlso acted as chitlimau ot tho Fino Trade Gatiiieut Deslgueis Exehitngu uf r l lie United Htalei, to which sisltloil ho was lo-i'lrctol August Mli.nt Urn I'ltrhncjtltmiit tho Audlttiiluui hotel In Chicago. Mr. Huff iiip:i ImrIipmi H.?ounlly ncipirltiled w.thM , Klshor for a i'i'nb?r of jer nnd ou Mei.i his worl tunirh'p limit pr-B?d any while. With nich elegniit n'til centrr' ipuii .s, with such n mngu'lUvut stock, with such nv ivlleiit facllitl for iii'-iilug out styl'sli woik r id with such n'i pxl.'udi'd ncipiali't 'lieu as Mr. Htifiiiiri eiijojs, there ' to. rln'y no re 'ton why tho new llrm should not St.-tout bjcti's."ul fioui Its ve.y inception. Not Tlint War "I'll just show you, Matilda, how I used to bo nolo to swing u pull of water arouutl my hend WITHOUT BriLLINO A 8IK0LE DHOP." '- Munsoy's Weekly. s s Ettremo Old Age. "How is your father coming ouf" asked Colonel Percy Yerger of a darky ho used to own before thu war. "Ho am dead." "Dead. Is hoi He must havo reached nn advanced nnot" "Ho did dat, for a fao'. IIo was llbln up ter do day ob but delT." Texas Sittings. All lie Neeileil. A gcntletnau was complaining on 'change that hu hnd Invested a largo sum of money in stocks and lost it. A sympathizing friend asked him whether ho had been a "bull" or n "bear." To which ho replied, "Neither; I was n jackass." Tit-Dlts. The Heusuu. She I wonder why the Boston people like baked beans! He I believe It's because thu beans have something to do wlUi Urownlng. Truth. Yon Tk No Kink In buy ng Hood's B.i ..ippr"ln,for It 's eve. where 1 cog 1 .d us tliuspiii'--dbu''ir ig-up inedV' 10 rid blot lpu'"fl?r. It lips won l,s way to tlie(iont by 1'h own 'uti'iislo mei t, and h-s the Irrgest 'ale of pny piepp utlon of Its 1. id. Any hone t ill ugu'nt will conl'rm this Kt.itsinent. If you dezldu to t ko llocd's Ej'.ip r'"a. do not bo Induced to buy pny th' 13 el i In lend Be sure to get Hood's. A Notolty 'it Liiillos Footwear. Someth'ng now, neat p id jtetlto In fco. we rlwayi itches thu ladles and of con m they w'1' p'l lie j;la I to le 1 that theto is a now novelty mid t) at IV.-ker r id Bt nleium nro the 11 jt to 'nt e Juco It. It Is 11 very plei- Os ojd mdo of black ca-o If. The too 'si'ovend w'th 11 da' ity tip of gold pud tho fac) tgi 1 1 n '":o lh''sh, It 's by no me ns it guudy s'ice, biu to the cout . iy, 11 neut, rich pud vo j n I' -c I lool. ng prop',rly It Is the ve y ' p id Me Parker and B'n nelson w i Lj vo ' sill to show it 'n you ovei" you don't r -o to buv, Iu other Hie-tht' siock ft o shows inn iy nov Ides, the full a id w t r I' iu M I ,lng ou tho sheir. 111 pari. 'Ipptn 1 they mo showing a veiy uLi'uc. vo f oi'.aient for noth rc . Tl Is II 111 nir':i 1111 c'jlty of lino goods r id clever tin p ml pi Ices never fa" ta bo sutll-i-ieut to il-nw i.'t.iipiient pationio from ti ul custome..! I.-1 Vo should not forget whilooiit shopji'n'; to drop iu and o tho now Ox. oid Di. C, F. Iadd, dentist, llin O st . it. Telephone I5!l. Otllco hours, tl a. m to 5 p. in Ono hundred finest engraved calling ca-''s uml plato ouly fS.50 ut Wessel Pi luting Co., llWlNstre-et. Henry Hiirphnm, sells good hainu s for gooil money, also pisir liiiruess for good money. I'ju mill Kur SlirKt'ou Dr W. L. Dayton, oculist and ut'rist, 1U0I O stieet, telephone 117.1, Lincoln, Nebr. Now styles of invitations Just In at Cuutt.KH otllce. Tiik Henry Hniplmui, harness, saddlery p id turf goods, 14'Juoith Kleieutlisti cot, opposite Ciip(tl Hote'. Coal of ee.yslzu from tho best mines iu Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, MU-otiri, Colora do uml Wyoming for sale by Geo, A. Hty uier. Telephone IKK). Olllco IW O street. rL"SS 1 iwHLMJiaBSsJ Baturdiiy nights b'll at tlio Putike wrs nu attractive ntid elite '"'ng ono rnd wpn en Joye I by it lr go nuilienco. Tho play wm iioiio IfsMhmi iiurHwa 1'hIi .'ilend Olo Olosou nud tho vpr iiuspIt -iicIo.n were well placed und generi'lly well trken Hen UpiuIiIc' 1 Is nil lulm't.ibloOle Oh on 1 Mil lis clover work cpllcd foi id t ipient upp'i.t .J, Ills dialect is gooil, his uiakimp tutu lo until -o nnd tho p,ut (li-oii;;liout well acted and nd mlrably clinractii it d A "en Kvt us, it mp uliir l.luro'it favoi to (siiincd tho tola of (Iciilo and in t lo r" out of tlio pi . that wps of it. Hhe 'sup ). ' HjHoiiliret'jof li-tud-some fui'o nud foiiil, a wi it volco aid a graceful dancer Bho dlv d d thu honoi.i of tho evening with Hendricks. Mr. C. T, I,or rnlnodld soiuogood work its tho ikc'or nud Miss Ixnilvo Hall oj cr dlt.thly iet fo. .iiml the roln of Agnou Tho Iii'sh wotuiin chn actor was placed In splend'd hruds when en. ill. d to M'.sBt Oeorgo Hussoy who i" timed tho role iu a milliner to delight a'l. Anldo ironi these tho cast was only fn'r, Tho t'pinp rs done by .Mr. Jul' 1 llucklnud nicde.l moro na ture nud tho Pan' Joidc:t, tho 'nu, If niicIi a character was over Intendi I for tho piny, found poor Intel pi etnllou with Mr. Al. Tiayer. Dining thelrstnctthoBwrdlsh lady ipmrt.Hto rendered n iiuiiiIht of selections In their national tongiio wllch worn sovorrl timeNeiicorid. Tpkeuits 11 wholo it wrs n good show and Kviuesl to plei so everyone that tat In tlio large audience. "LIltloTrlx.o" wiih the lii'liio given to it collection of somewhat wont rnd autiquntsil hH.i'liiltlt" put on exhbl(Ioii at tho Ft'ti'co Tiuwlny night. Boino of tho things wore not ho bud; bul thu people have heard thu Invita tion, "Wont You Como Out mil Piny I" so often that they pro it lilt w.ry,n nl ii'iiio-t evoiythlng had been Lienor heard before. Kittle Do 1.0111m tins inaiiy ft lends l:t Lin coln and sho recelvid duoalieiitlon from thu umlerslred audience, lliero was one good thing uliout "Ltttlo 'Irlxle." Noboily ex jK'ittd much; e-ou rquently few wurud'K'ip- IHIItllOll. Tho oeiilug of tho new Boyd In Omaha Thurmlsy ovenlng wps a notable event In thu hlstoiy of thu meiropnl's. Ex-Gov. Boyd was culk'd for nnd made n pleasant sptech as also did J. M. 1 Illusion and others, tho opening altrnctlou wrs A. M. Palmer's Com pany 'ti "Ahlmmi " It wns 11 kreat hocIiiI event. The house 's most elegantly built, furn'shed nud eiulp eil und Tin: Couninn cougi'itttilates Mr. Thomas Boyd on h's new house and tho citizens of Omaha duobly; Unit for having so grand it templu of uimiso u.ent nnd secondly for having such n very popular management. Mr. Boyd has always catered to II jt cls attractions and no houso Iu tho couutiy reii'lvd 11 finer 1'noof produc tions or k'on morn popi'ia- with tho better clr-s of t'omunfes than tho Boyd. Tho nuw houso Is n'ready licokctl complete for tho newly otK'iierl m'. -u and w.ll always do big tiutue.s under Its presiut maniigement. rOOTI.KHIT KI. H1IKH. Both tho Fi'iiku uml Thu Lousing have ex cellent bcol ugs for tho hol'ilay t-oii. Bit' 1- Hob oil's initln stay th's pasou will Iw pu elaborate pro luct'ou of "Bho Btoops to Conquer." "Tuxedo" which had its iuii'.al perfoiiu nnco lit Lliicol 1 '1 f-i'rly stittel on thu road to prosperil.'. Despl'u p'l rooriK as to her letlreiuent, Jiinu chek Is bu-y making preparations for thu I'oin'ng easou, Pititl Ho-11, who comes to Lincoln for thu statu fn'r week, o tncd her senvin the other duy at Krt"-us City. Young J. K. Emmett has pluusesl some of the erit'es iu h's "Fritz u Irel-nd." but ho Is phyln; to good money. Manager Church of Tho L?3s'ug will soon uinko nu iiuiiouncemeut of the t.-cats ho h's In bioro for Lincoln theatre goers. Tho " 'ibjinn" Thomas' now p'oy, which mado buclt a ' It 'n New York ':it .. dii, 's now on the U' ds nttho Boyd, Omahi L. M. Ciawford, tho widely known thralii ina rer, fniuierly of thu frenku uinmsu ment In th selly, was 11 1 ncn'u v tor yi -tn duy. Ed Inwler of Om-i'ia, tho enlJipilsl 13 mr )iger of thu IMeu Mu .e c'-cuit, wri vis it, ng h's 11. end W.T. Dun- "i I vj .urer of tho I. ico'u Mu ye I ud y "I111II30" which l"s jus. I- n )ie'euted to the jsil -ops of tho 'C' no", New York, does not liilllHe'cp. 'i ions. Paui'uo L'Allelnrd, thu now soprano, how over, ii'ido a hit. At Iml auapiii's no-t Momtny, "Abraham I.' tcolu" tho now I- stoi ' drama by Mo Key Pin in pml Arcli'lrM Gordon of w lib It io much has lately b.-jn heard, w II bo pie scii'i-l for tho fointli t'nie. It3s? Cogh'rn's veil, j lt "Dorothy's DI lemni't" in which tho 1 opu'-- netrr is .mi astililo n I101 41 's not 1 ) up' 'tlil suirs? s. MhsCojl -11 ! ove 113, howevei, and show II keep at it rut'! 'ho now pie 0 Is a "go". ltolaud ltcd hf 1 in" le the b' jge-.t kind of ahit 'it ' '1 110 Club Friend" at tho Bo ion Museum, where ho s il-awlu. ox d ugly largo and enthiis'--tle nudleuc 1 at every IK-rfoiiii'' ico. Net Moudiy v jht nt tho Btar he is topi, cut the new comedy fu New Yoik, tor the I' tlline. It 's booked for a 1 nu of s ; wt.-l's, inter which It wl'llu seen In other "1 no t I11I1 F lendl" 's a comedy of much more euops Int.-iest than any Mr. Heed l'"s jit appeatid fu. lto'-ind ltcul w M Imi di L'ncoln t' ' . -nu "Peaceful Valley", Bol Bmlth Hfi.l's new pity, lein'nds one of the (iixju Mountn'us ot Veimout, wheio I 0 ninny pe.iciu'l vneys, iidow n wlnw slop 1 side- gUni tho blight rays of Old Sol nm' ng tho rocks and tiees and lonely little farm iiouuji instinct with it intniiit bilghtnesi". There are shadows, too, hi the-u viillejH, lor sunshiiio e.innot miio trato every nook uml thu gliiiluc-s of tho light Is made Kindlier by hero nud tlipron shady spot, Mr Ituwll Is duo Iu Lincoln December .'II "Yon YoiiHon" wiispiniluciMl for tho llrst Hint) lc Chicago, on Monday, mid tho Grand ()H'ni llousiihiid thu Irrgest recrlptn Iu Its history at tegular prices. "Yon Yimimiii" lm iiiiioii tho coming attractions nt tho Lnu !ng. tiimiiiit'h I'l.AV. II. J. Dillon, who plays tho pn.t of tho clergyman In lloyt's "A Mldnlghl, llo'l," which will lio pie ou'c I at (hu opeut hoiiso th'sovi'i'hi:!, Hindi' such 11 diclihd hit lit lis II stpiv-cut itlon tl'-it Mr Hoyt ehibotaNsI Ihopp'trnd iimilu It of lump Impnitauco Ihsii m. mtlly I ilpttdrd InvJt illons will hue. '11111110 1111 thu widely known 111I11 Istois In this city di" 'ng tho pngni'iunut hou o attend tho 1 proiinnurn ami uxpicp nu oplu'on upon thu me !'- of Mr. Dillon's acting, rs both tho author and the actor are of thu opinion that It Is 11 clrraeter study. A clernyin-' t who wltne-sed thiipeiformiiui-o Iu Clile-30 rfenlly Is ipioted ns ray ngi Mr, Hoyt Isi-iitlthd to thu cnslltof having ph ol upon tho slngo a character Icpi event ing 11 clergymrn, that doe'' honor to tho cloth mid coiiimiinds tho sincere resps-t of ovo.y auditor Tho clergy uniu uf thu stagn Is so firipieutly 11 InHisipiu mid a mUreprit h'i rftiiui th-tt M '. Hojt duieivut the thnn'.i of the prof e" Ion for th diameter, dignity, m-u'lnr i niil geiitlunc", with which ho has dot' I thu pmt of "Hhv .I0I111 llr,idhury," ' HTATK KAIlt ATTHACTION. Milliliter Mi'lloy.iolils could havu secured no attraction that wou'd have given ln't'or sit lif act Ion for fa' w ek th' 1 Iho ono ad veil cd to opii a s't night enar-jp no it Monday evening ut Fu )kes. Pnttl Ho-.i 's the little lady Unit npi? rs the sf.ii- of tho oxce'lent i-oinpiny, In 11 rep.'iio'ro o' suu ce'"s, most of which nlriudy have nu eitab- Pfi99nbuSP$2Ba ll'liml reptititlon nnd hnvo liteu son Ijcforo iu L'ncoln. Tho enngpineiu osns w'n Freil Mprwlens surce sf 1 comedy entitle I "Imp" wh'ch w"l ba reproduced Tile doy veil "3 On WpU v by -ml T'litn xlay ove nln;,iii id Hntu-i'iy nm nu Misi 1! np p.'n". 1 1 liur In "it sue . "Dol'y 'i dot" byC'I's.T V lout. It hits bten n bis p 'd Mi her r til t 'I Lstlm 1110,1 a.tiTi.lvo bill of I '10 weak for tin ? who hivo .'oun tho pjt'll HtiH jiubrel.o 1 o her p.oduetlor.s. Tho remainder of tho week w'M seo "Ma ire. y Daw' .--red mid tho pretty pl.iy wl'l dodbtlc 1 re-eivo Ih si -oof udm'-eis. Tho urnnd'n it -noune d i'or B'tmisliy will j)tc'"l'y nuract the lu-l'es uml chl'd -en there should Iu 11 lu'i no-o ps the nt'l 's n new rud nit e clr ni'ng p'py now on sj'o, pi 'cs" f s u-inl Beats nro Ayer's Be ap' '"n will euro you- catarrli, nud remove thut Hleken'ni odor of the breath. Going !o iptit the bus'ms Correspond eniopai u.s of ell ' I ds U'low nijt, atTlIB CotltlKHolllce. Don't full to - e t' 't fine dlsp'iy of Ca ve.-s t cutlet y, 'ci nil cofTo poti hown by Hui'3o& MoiiD. Dr. C. F. L-Jittl, dentist, llft'i O street. Telephone 15'). Olllco hours tl 11, m. to 5 p. tn. Now Is the i me to get stoves for tlio w' t ter. Dimiiiui A: Ihick have a hi; I'ne of p I tho II if t 111 'ti Tney rl o rep V old stove, 01 them up c. id 1 - i ..i pi' i ueclcsl litre onubloi-o t'p'l, ll-d O ...t or tel ephone Slf.). Bicycles of all kimb uud all makes skill fully repaired on short notice. Wrenches, oil cans, tires ami other supplies always for sale at George & FMiette, 1 113 O street. Yinitliileiie - Km upt'itii I'.mi) rrepitrtlou. Iulies, if you want most elegant fncopre ariitlou, tiy this one. It is pure as spring water, no lead, sediment or other injurious sulmtances. It makes your skin soft, fresh, and clear, remoNes Uiu, blotches, di-colora- tions, nud impiiit a pearly complexion. lfyourfucuU not what you desire it, try "Youthileno". 1 guarantee) It to gle perfect satisfaction. I havo sought for a prearu lion that will make complexions fresh ami young looking mid now I have found it, re tailed at two dollars or three for live. I havo secured the agency for this truty article. J 11. Haiilky, Druggist, 1 incolu, Neb. lltltton's grocety will hereafter Ikj known as "The Diamond," and lias I wfiutopened by George Proudllt Cull nud give tho now management it trio' order or sing It over tho 'phono by eiiunij up 7SJ. Tho WhltehriMst Ciulnnd Lime company Is always at the front supplying the llncst grades of all kinds of coal Indies hair droi-dng, MS Johnston, O street. 1114 "ftl 1 -J Ag2j4Wj Vi . -viiiivi jtjkkUkri: S.j&M' JBkl. ii.i ;W.-l.,"4.'-lkluv',t iJk;i. ....t ljt&i m, U V,