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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1891)
tMMM te-j CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1891 .4 Mason's Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, Siberia Refrigerators, Mew Method Gasoline Stoves, Lawn JMowers, Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Screen Wire, Step Ladders. FRANK E. LAHR 936 1 St. Pi ion u 380 Cushman Park ELJJ The Great Swim now Open. lli:sr in tiik Land. Saturday, June 27 Free Day! Sunday, June 28th. Ever,) one take the 10 a, m, train and vou Mill Imvc the best day of the season. Great variety of M title and Song. lllshop Skinner, captain general of the Kcd Ribbon movement, with 1,000 fol lower, no out at 3:30 p. in. They will be assisted by Tcxat 1)111 and too tow boy In a we red and Interesting program. 10c. Admits to All. Lincoln' Great Fourth of July Celebration nt Ciitliman. See propmn. FIRST SEE US ON Refrigerators Water Coolers freezers Bird Gages law Mowers Wire Cloth Screen Doors Step Ladders Wash Machines Gas and Gasoline Stoves Kruse ft White 1210 O ST. i1JV.-..U? A ltpuhr ltjwrof StmUm 7Ywm. PubliHhod Snturdny. AiMrtM nil rommunicstlonf illrrcttn tli ofllc WiCHHitt. Phintinq Co., I'UIIMHIIKIIM. Courier lltilMlnn, UjM N Hired. TM.ici'miNltCM U U'khhki., Jit., Kill tor nnil Hole Proprietor, HUiiKUUirno.M Ono Yciir by Mnll or Cnrrlnt I .MM; Hlx Moiitli,l()jTlireo MoiiIIih.JOo.j Olio monlli WtViilliiTrlilj- In Ailvftnre. AnvKiiTmKMt.vr: HMe rurnlnliiol on Application At Hip unlet". Hpeelnl rntenoii Time Contracts, (VxTnliinioiiHiHIinrlRpley sMclir, pwms nml utorlcn nollcllinl, I'itkoiikI miJ HocIaI notes am mh.'III- ilenlralilv, I'RiNTiHni Wi mnkp t xcliilty of Kino Printing in nil li iirAiiaiii'4. noeieiv worn n neciAiiy. Cnti'iPil ntlliu l'lintoineo of Lincoln, Neb., i meonil clnni inntter. POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 69,000. Intlio July number of The North Atnerl- ran Hovkuv, which oH'iis the onu hiuulml nml lirty-tlilnl voluiuo mul the ooventy Miventh year of thin well-known nml widely elrculntoil monthly, tho illwutnlon on the right imeii of wealth, whleh Imil nttrnetcil marked nttent Ion In recent kiuen, Is renunuxl thin time by Huron ile Hlrxeli, tho well known llebnw phllaiithrnpltit, wlio hat itouo and Ik doing mi much for the twiieflt of tlie poormidoppieviilof hN own race- IIU con tribution N not long, but the frank ntnto iiieut which ho uinkei regarding lili plnui In "My View on Philanthropy" cannot fall to comiiinud wide attention. This nt Hole ohiih tho numb.T. Mr. ClnrksonV article on "The rolltlclnn ami the l'lmrlseo" hi tho Itoviuw for May bin called forth a spirited reply from the Hon. Dormaii 11, Knton, formerly trcldent of the iintionnl Clvll-tiervlco Com mission. Professor Hlelnnl T. Kly, of John HopklnnUnUcMlty, coiitrlbiite n pnKr of great vahio on "Tho Inheritance of Prop erty." "Tho Relations of Literature to Ho clcty" are considered In mi entertaining way 1V Mr. Amelia K. Burr, who contend thnt good writer receive all tho attention from tho oclal world that thoy de-wrve. Tho last of tho principal article In tin Interesting number U from the .m of Professor Oniric A. HrigK, whom rotation with the Union Theological Beminnry were the subject of tho great discussion nt tho recent session of the Presbyterlnn General Assembly. Pour teen page nro devoted to Note nml Com ments on h variety of timely and Interesting topic. Several of them) articles are of espec ial interest to women, and are cordially recommonded to their attention. Bcrlbner'H Magazine for July (beginning the tenth volume) ha It lending article ou a subject which attract particular atteutiou at thin season "Sed in Ocean Hteamer." This luo contain also two Illustrated out-of-door article one on "Izard Hunting in tho Spanish Pyrenees," mid tho other on tUhlng for the black Sea-bam ou tho Paciflo Coast. Tho number is umitunlly tlch In fic tion, containing four short complete stories; by Georo A. Hlbbard, the late John Klllott Cm run, Edith Wlinrton, nml George I Cntlln, U. B. Consul at Zurich. There are three article of political Importance ouo ou "Starting n Parliament in Japan" by Professor John II. Wlgmore, of tho Unlver slty of Toklo; another giving u civil engi neer' gliuiMi of the revolutionary Republic of llnyti; mid a third summarizing the ro mantic history of outlawry on the Mexican border. Poems by John Hay and Mrs. Jas. T. Fields, complete a number of remarkably varied interest. The frontispiece is the last one of Mr. J. It Weguelln's notable full-page illustrations selected for Odes of Horace. Outing for July offer a tempting array of good things for all lovers of pure, wholes some literature and elegant, artistic work. "Beyond the Metropolis of the Mountains," by Ernest Iugersoll: -'Rowlugas a Hecreas lion for Women," Chase Mellen; Boating Life on the Upper Thames)," F, Campbell Moller, M.D.; "A Chapter lu Lacrojae," Lio nel Moses, Jr.; Scientific Tenuis Strokes," J. Parmlv Paret; "With Rod and Line Through Ireland," T. Murphy; "American Cycling and Its Founder," C. D. Pratt, and tho usual editorial!, records, poems, etc., complete ono of the best numbers we have seen. An admirable full-page portrait of Oliver Wendell Holmes forms the frontispiece of tho July Arena. Probably the most notable pa per in this Issue Is Edgar Pawcett's " Pluto cracy and Snobbery lu New York." With the conspicuous Impartiality which ha ever marked the management or Tho Arena, the editor this month publishes a reply to his own paper ou "Socialism," by the well -known aauonaust anu Christian Socialist, Uov. Irancis Bellamy. The editorials, "An Kpoch-murklng Drama," "The Present Revo lution lu Theological Thought," nml "The Conflict Between Ancient ur.d Modern Reli gious Thought In tho Presbyterian Church," are bright, vigorous and suggestive The Arena is a library lu Itself, treating all tho great living problems of the hour Itiji com. prehenslve manner, and contnlnlngjii vast amount of entertaining ami instructive mat ter in its stories, character sketches, bio graphical mul critical papers, "Tho lady of Fort St. John," the now seri al which begins fu the July nunbjrof the Atlantic Monthly, is a story of one of the lords of Aead a, Charles do la Tour. Pros fessor Lauclaul contributes a paper on "Un derground Christian Rome," in which he tells of the discovery of tho Christianity of an ancient Roman family from the excava tlcu of their ancient burial place. There is nothing better lu the whole number, how ever, than Octave Tbanet's npron "Plan tation Life in Arkansas," It is admirably written. "The Storyof a Long Inheritance," bv Win. M. Davis, which, although no one would ever suspect, Is dtvoted to tornadoes : the "Neutrality of Switzerland," an able pi per by W. D. McCracktn, showing some of the advantages of a neutral state, and an article on "TIntoret, the Shakespeare of Painters," by William U. Tbiyer, are other feature of the number, ''a HBH9oiBMl SOCIAL AND IMMSONAL Ml. M, A. Hitchcock and daughter Mis Jennie, are visiting lu CrawfonWvillc, lud, Mr, I'M, lmlorof the KdeuMusee, Omnhn hn been in thl city during tho pnt week, llflll. l' .T. 11,'lflll lift. l-ntiirti.Ml tfnt it ., ten day trip to his old homo In Silem, III, Dr. O'Connor ha returned from n bushier trip lu the south eastern part of the stnty. Mr. John C. Hautee, editor of the Freu taneo nt Spencer, Is n visitor lu tho city. Mr. AI, Parsons, formerly of this city but now of Grant, wn In tho city thl welc. Professor L. II. Austin principal of tho high school, went to Sioux City Tuesday. Captain J, IS, Hill and daughter returned Suiidny from a trip to tho Pacific coast. Mr. II, J, Kiltie, city editor of the St. Jos eph Herald, I lu the city on business. Mr. J. W. I.nnili tnrlisl Tliiirs.lrtr fur trip to Vollowstoue Park ami Alaskn. Prof, J. 11, Albright returned Thursday from a short Micatlon nt Beatrice. Mr. Geo. W Hill of Nebrnsku Clti- unmit inesiiay ami n sliiewlay lu Lincoln. .Mr. J. M, Hawkins of Fairbury Enter prise was In the city over Sunday. Miss (.'corgle Swift ha gone to Chicago to complete her mulcal education. Hon. Dick Berlin of Omaho, called on his friend lu Lincoln Monday. Mr. nnd Mr. W. II. Brenur started Jin n day for Philadelphia, Peiin. Miss Amber N, Richards departed Mon day for Clei eland, Ohio. Mi-. Ellen Ciomwoll returned to Johns town, Peim., Monday. Mr. Dr. A. Vnn Mansfield of Ashland Is visiting In tho city. Mrs. A. K. Knight went to Youngstonn, Ohio, Thursday Mr. 0, E. Ed w mils I spending vacation at Salt Luke City. Mr. mul Mrs, Lo Grand denarted Moudav for Pueblo, Col. Miss Anna Sldell Is visiting frlemls In Rockrord, III. Mr, J. G. Byrnes of Omaha wns in tho city Monday. Mr. K. K. Ha) den returned Saturday from a trip abroad, Mr. Georgo E. Lewis left Monday for Bos ton, Mass. Mr. C. W. Painter started for San Fran cUco, Cul. Mr. T. C. Elston has gone to Portland, Oregon. .Mr. Thomas Cochran went to Chicago Monday. Mr. O. I. Steele of Hebron was In the city Monday. Mr. A. B. Smith of Omaha was in Lincoln this week, Mrs. B. L. Hallem went to Denver Mon day. Mr. C, J. Ernst went to Chicago Monday. Hon. Church Howe Is at tho Lincoln. A Ileil Letter Inv. February llth was a red letter day for Chamberlain Si Co., Dea Moiues, Iowa. They made their first shipment of goods to the Hawaiian Islands on that day. It con sisted of 100 cases containing over four hun dred dozen of their medicines, to the leading wholesale drug house In Honolulu. A large share of this shipment consisted of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, so much esteemed wherever it Is known for its cures of colds nnd ns n preventive nnd cure for croup. Chamberlain & Co., have contracted for ad vertising in all the leading newspapera in the Hawaiian Islands, and expect to make their remedies a opular there n they. are in auy part of the United States. For sale by drug gists. Wanted To hear from young ladles who will get up clubs for the Lidles Homo Jour nal, among their friends. Trial subscrip tions seven months for fifty cents, are want ed for the M,000 prize. Tho contest closes July 1st Fifteen cents can bo reserved for every fifty. Elizabeth C. Morrell, 1IU4 Far nam street, Omaha. The Uitkiitn Hot Springs. The improvements that have taken place at the Dakota Hot Springs during the past jear make It now one cf the most popular, attrac tive and desirable resort of tho country. In addition to the benefits to be derived from the use of the water, the superior climate and beautiful natural surroundings render it an especially attractive resort, while the curative properties of the water makes the Springs a rival of the famous Hot Springs of Arkansas. Ample hotel accommodations are provided at reasonable rates, nnd the journey to and from cau now be quickly and comfortably made via the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad, the only all rail line to the Hot Springs. Excursion tickets are sold at reduced rates. Full infor mation can be obtained on application to IV. M. SiurtiAK, Gen. Agt., Lincoln, Neb., or Jno. T. Mustln, City Tkt. Agt., 1133 O street; E. T. Moore, Depot Tkt. Agt., Cor. titu and S street, or to J. R. Bucklmm, Gen. Pass. Agt., Omaha, Neb. For chamois skins for carriage use call on Henry Harphnm, Hi north Eleventh street, opposite Capital Hotel. Kje mul Kur Surgeon. Dr. W. L. Dayton, oculist nnd nurut, 1203 O street, telephone 3T5, Lincoln, Nebr. Ladles short waists nt special prices at J. W. Winheii & Co. 1100 O. street Wedding Invitations, either printed or en graved in the finest stylo of tho art at Tiik Couhikh ofllee. Correct forms and best quality of stock guaranteed. Samples cheei fully shown. llurlliiKtun ltuute The Outing Benson Is Urnwlug On. People ha vo already bjgau planning thol summer trips, ami we would suggest thnt you )ost yourselves regarding the wonderful trout fishing in Estes park, Col. The health giving baths nnd quiet rest of Dakota Hot Springs, the hunting and fishing of Wyom ing or the fashionable delight of Manltou The Burlington will take you to unv of them speedily and without fatigue. There are many other places In which you can spend the heated term, and the agent at the B. & M. depot or city oflice can tell you all about them. Call and get a book of summer tours and look It over. You will find it full of good things and valuablo hint. A. C. ZlKMER, City Passenger Agent. A WEDDING COSTUM. OLIVE HARPER DESCRIBES ONE THAT IS PERFECT. Who Shall Deeliln Whirl, I the Morn lie cotnlliK, n TaUnr Miuln Costume or the Citsliinm That Give n Young Woman the Title of "the Hummer Cilrl?" (Special CorresHnilonce. NKW YoilK. June 18. It is trnlv nl.n. lint to tho mind to find consintoncy In anvtllinir liowmlnvs. nnrtinnlnrlv In imv. thing thnt relntcs to womankind, who heretofore linvo never hml tlm roimtn. Hon of being consistent In anything. And wlmt brings forth this sapient ro- A TUCK LOVKU'S KNOT tN THE IUOHT 1'I.ACK. mark? A bridal costutno nil covered with truo lover's knots. If thnt Is not consistency 1 don't know what it is. And, sisters, take note of it, nnd how lovely it is; but nil tho same, I don't know thnt a row of cofllns or weeping willows would exactly lxj the thing for n widow to wear on her mourning gowns, Hut the wedding dress is so pretty, and asido from the veil and or nngo blossoms, the gown could bo worn for full dress occasions certainly a year. It Is mmlo of cream colored peau do solo, cut en princesso and laced up front nnd back with satin ribbon, which ends in a truo lover's knot. Tho yoke and sleoi es nnd ruff aro of lace, in tho now so popular truo lover knot pattorn, nnd at tho foot in front is a rufllo of tho samo headed by festoons of tho samo knots sown on in jiosition. whllo iust under each is a tiny spray of orange blossoms. On waist, sleeves and around the train Is an embroidery of silver and penrl beads. The back is shown in the small illustration, and tho manner in which tho veil is pinned on leaving it to hang down like the ribbon on a nurse's cap. A tulle veil could be worn if preferred. The reason I hnve been so explicit about this is because the stylo is so very useiui a oue ror nil wno can wear the princesse dress, and it can bo arranged to suit any evening material. Satin. surah, veiling or crepe, as well as faille and moiro or even cashmoro make ex quisite gowns modeled on this plan, with Btich variations as circumstunces would suggest. 1 should have added that tho ruff and collnr and bust have n narrow trimming of ostrich feathers, and a wider band is plnccd at tho bottom. I think that this same general stylo of a dress would bo exquisito in pearl gray crepe do chine or fine Henrietta cloth, adapting it to tho wearer's individual taste in small details. Individuality in dress is greatly sought after now. I re member being greatly pleased with a silver gray cashmere gown designed for herself by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. It hung loose from just above tho bust, wns clasped on tho shoulders by oxi dized silver buttons, and had a deep Wattcau plait in tho back; from under this a silver bolt hung loosely around and defined the waist, and nround the bottom was a silver band. Under the low waist was n gray silk jersey covered with steel beads. The way sho got this wonderfully graceful effect was by wrap ping a soft bathing sheet around her and draping it up on the hips and into the Watteau plait, and then tho pins were left in -and tho dress cut by it. The whole had a classical effect. TAILOH MAPE OH OIRl,? Who shall decide lwtween a tailor made gown or n summer dress, all lace and frills and dainty colorings? Indeed it is hard to say which is tho prettier, but each has its uses. Tho tailor gown here has just been finished for a young lady who has gone to England, and wns of leadon gray cloth with a garniture of gold passementerie. The skirt is draped ele gantly, aud tho coat is lined with white faille, aud there is a vest of the same with flat gold buttons. White gloves are worn with it. It has all the neatness of tailor make, without its usual severity. The lace costume is made up over pale (link surah, and the picture shows better than words can tell how it is made, and a girl can see her own possibilities in tuch a gown at a glance. The parasol is oovered with pink chiffon. Olive ILuipkr. JUL MRm IB i53 1 1 ii VSti l'eL jts4! K IrMvi In (Mi w Jiyi wm UWtttimt SUMMER SPECIALTIES ! Tbin Coats Alpaca, Serges, Pongee, Silk Lustres, Drab Dete, Mohair, And all popular Fabrics so Cool and Comfortable in Hot Weather. The many styles we show will suit you. The low prices wc make will certainly please you. SEE OUR Madras and BEFORE YOU BUY. GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE Corner O and I Oth Streets. Have You Attended the Great Sale Dry Now in progress at the Kilpatrick - Koch Dry Goods Co.'s Store, 151S and 1520 O Street? If not, you should lose no time in doinjr so. We recently Closed Out from a New York Importer, a large consignment of French Novelty Suitings and we are placing the entire lot on Special Sale so as to give our custo mers some extrordinary values in this line. We are also sell, ing Wash Goods, Bed Spreads and Lace Curtains at marvel ously low prices. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. The Peoples Store. Dry Goods. Groceries. Shoes. 1518-1520 O Street. Telephone 448. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH ICB CREAM IFOR 8UNDAY DINNER, AND THEY. WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Sutton & Hollowbush Makers of Bon 80ns and Chocolates. Also Delicious Ice Cream and Soda Water. Dangler Gas Stoves 0AII AO SEE THEM. W. B. WOLCOTT, -O and Vests IN ELEGANT 1 H Flannel Shirts ; " 4 OF US FOR Goods Telephone 273. 130 South Eleventh St. a m