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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1891)
9 WMnSSSSWTor r) !& , .EX & ,3tA ,.-i -Wit zmmti "A'P6PlliR PAPER" op" A9PI:RN 'TIMES " ( t , Voi. 6 No. 20 LrlNCOUN. NltHWASICA, SATURDAY, JUNIC J7, IdOl. 1:,WICIC Fivic Okntm CJSB-itt --- -raiKy'VB.lJ.T-iVrtV'.'. KSSv VVtYl A .Vv S 3k; s X . Wwti i ii I T T i ! 1T1 .'uJ-' bmb fh t rc r,r -.' i.t Twri -r "cx-x r vv x. jhiIiA"."'Mf. -. at. - ". . ; vi-. -- vvt .!,.. ' wihii i 'iv r . ft, ewKfJLK Why ilo men sweurf Tho question sug Rested itsolf to iny 111I111I tlio other day when 1 heard n yotitiK business iiiim, known to Ik of exemplary) habits, string some rvtnnrkn full of "dniung." "Damn" of itself Is not profanity, but It Is tint next door neighbor, nml in a joking mood I twlttecl my friend, 1111 educated, refined fellow, of swearing. "Well," lie wild, "you nre making tho mls tnku that everylirxly oIho does. People wiy, "Why do you uso prolnno language w hen proper mid decent words will nnswer tho mine purpose! Swearing doesn't iniiko a matter any plainer or carry any truth with It now", continued my exemplary filend, "that Is where people, make 11 mistake. There is a class of men to whom profanity Is tho language, of earnestness and sincerity mid force. You can't stir tho emotions or tho convictions of such men without 11 liberal woof something more expressive and ag gressive than good book language. Profuu ity Is just ns much their tongue as a peculiar dialect is the tongue of tome Isolated com munity, and a college professor's diction would carry very little earnestness or sincer ity to them. It is my misfortune to have to associate with a class of men who swear fre quently and lluently and I have seen many n time when I heartily wished I could vomit a stream of oathes and do it naturally. It would put me on a sort of a fraternul footing with men whoso friendship I wanted for bus iness reasons, just as drinking a social glass together establishes 11 sort of freo-masonry between men. I decided some time ago that damn would add some force to my re marks when among that class of people, and I can use that word without quite fracturing my conscience, beyond repair. I practiced on that word until now, I llnttor myself, I rip It out very lluently" "This climute is hard on women, Isn't it I" asked my friend Quiz the other duy as we passed a lady who would havo Iwen pretty had she had a good complexion'. I demurred to the proKsition, but I have heard it re peatedly, I have also hoard similar dispar agement of western men. Now I can't tako much stock in that sort of twaddle. Of course the comarisoii is always with eastern men and women. It strikes 1110 that these differences nro mostly matters of clothes and leisure, or rather of money, to get down to the bottom fact, lecause money buys both clothlug ami release from labor. The east has thousuuds of ieople who have tho time and the cash to diess well anil to take care of their physical selves, and they give the tone of elegance and good looks to eastern society. The people of the west are grubbing for some of tho wealth and leisure that past gen erations earned, for the east. In our mad choke of the almighty dollar we are too much ubsorbed to care for tersonul appeur mice, and even If we did we cannot spare the time to groom 0111 solves, Good grooming makes n wonderful difference in the looks of a horse, mid It will In the uppearance of men. If western people had the means mid tho inclination to tuke caie of themselves they would not suller by comparison with easterners. We will get there in the next generation, when sous and daughters will have the benefit of the money that the fath ers and mothers of today have "rustled" for. Siwuking of women, it Is 11 questionable habit among some ieople to seiik sneering ly of tho capacity of women for the woi k urually carried on by men. In these duys of progress we hear of so many women who are taking the places of men on the score of ability that it is almost enough to convince 11 reasonable eison that all they need is train ing mid opportunity. The case of 11 western girl, Cynthia estover, now secretury to the street commissioner of Now York, hus come to my notice. Her father wus an exert miner, ami during her childhood she rode al most frcm Canada to Mexico, as company for him 011 his prospecting expeditious. She learned to ride like a cowloy and lecuine an expert shot. Hhe once shot an Indian in the act of braining a white woman with 11 toma hawk, und while her father's camp was sur rounded by murderous redskins she galloped through their lines for relief. She ucqulied Spanish for use while in New Mexico mid learned the calls of wild birds mid animals so that they often came to her like tame creatures. Sho could entice a squirrel to her shoulder or she could lasso a will steer as well as a cowboy. 8 ho went to Colorado University mid paid her last year's tuition from 11 small herd of cattle which admiring cowboy took care of during her nbseiice. After a course in a commercial college she taught a school mode up largely of Denver Btreet crabs. Circumstances took her to Now York, and she got her present 1.100 position oil merit. Bho had to puss mi examination in couieti tiou with men. In her new position sho found many strange things, und she sat up nights to learn them. Hhe went to live in an Italian family to learn their language, und proposed to pay a fine of one cent for every English word she used It cost her it'-i.M the llrst day. Now she can run 1500 Italians us well as any boss mid during a sickness of the commissioner sho ran the business of the de partment for several weeks just us well us though ho had been there. We have heard n great deal uliout "the summer girl." The poetasters lnive rolled oir their petty rhymes and the wits liuvo had their caustic Mims, hut it apparently never occurred to them that there was a "summer young man", A bright woman, however, lias discovered his existence and his tecullurlties and she described him to a young lady in this clever fashion: "He is an awfully nice boy. He may wear a very gorgeous blazer, and he may talk athletics in the afternoon and sentiment at night, but he i olffor 11 va cation. Won't you Just remember that You are a pietty gill, and u bright glil, and he likes to laugh mid talk with you, take you out rowing, teach you to play tennis, mid at night sit on tho vernnda and toll you how a man really can love All of this Is delightful, llutwlllyou please be good enough to remember that lovo woith having does not come in a week or a month, nml that in his watch-case there may be the face of a girl whom he loves with all his heait, and whom ho thinks about every night before ho closes his eyes. You m o Just mrtof his vacation, and won't you bo wise enough to make him 11 part or yours) If, when his vacation Is over, ho should come to your home, w lint was merely a summer ac quaintance may rip-u Into a friendship. Well, Hint's another thing. Hut Just for the sunshiuy time don't allow yourself to think too much about what tho summer young man says or does, V The ninny who rend Hev. DoWItt Tnl mnge's sermons, which nre a regulnr and vnlunble feature of the CouuiKlt, will Ihi pleased, no doubt to learn of tho circum stances under which hu was converted, mid wo are able to gratify that very natural cur iosity. Here Is his own uccount of that In teresting mul ImjKjrtant event: Truman Os Iwriie, ono of the evangelists who went through this country many yenrs ago, had a wonderful art in the right direction. He came to my father's house one day, and whllowo were all seated In the room, ho snld : "Mr. Talmnge, nro all your children Christians!" Father said: "Yes. all but De Witt." Then Truman Oslwrne looked down Into the ilreplace, and begun to tell u story of 11 storm that came 011 the mountains, mid all the sheep were in the fold; but there wus one lamb outside that perished In the storm. Had ho looked me in tho eye, I should have been angered when ho told that story; but he looked Into the ilroplace, and it was so pa thetically and beautifully done that I never found uny jsjaco until 1 was sure I was in sldo tho fold, where the other sheep were. Oct on to the masher. Did you ever watch a man who consldei s himself Irresistible to the gentler sex! What a study what an exhibition lie is sure to make of himself I You will see him at the theatre, in the streets ou the electric cars mid in the pnrks. Ho stures at every woman, twirls his moustache, primps Ills scarf and keeis adjusting his coat. Ho ogles, stares, glances over his newspaper und ventures 11 meaning smile or tilt of the eyes. One of the fair sex says it is not once In a hundred times that a woman returns his glances; In fact, women are ufrald of him or disgusted. Hut when u victim who is In the same line of business ns himself does give him a full equivalent for his ell'orts, what u conquest ho makes of itl Wiiut a wonderful conqueror he thinks himself. Wlutt Does It Mvuii. "100 Doses One Dollurs" means simply that Hood's Sursupurllla is the most economical medicine to buy, because it gives more for the money than any other preparation. Each bottle contains 100 doses and will aver age to lost u urolith, while other preparations taken according to directions, are gone in u week. Therefore, be sure t get Hood's Sur saparilla, the best blood purltlcr. Dr. C. F. Lurid, dentist, 1105 O street Telephone l.'s). Otllce hours II a. in. to 5 p. 111. For harness call on Henry Hurpham, 14'J north Eleventh street, opposite Capltul Hotel, Kaechellu Uaumgartiuer & Co. celebrated wool challles and'French satlnes nt low prices this week at J. W. Wl.NCIEK & Co. 110!O street. The Fourth lit CiidIiiiihii, There will be a grand celebration at the park 011 the fourth of July The annual re union of the Luuctistcr county veteran asso ciation will be held 011 July n, A, und t. In steuri of the old fashioned camp lire, a war song concert will lie given ami every body is cordially Invited to come out mid hear the songs and bugle calls. There will Iki a chorus of 100 voices mul the ulfulr will be in charge of the leading singers of the city. The various sounds and calls will be given by a quartette of buglers: a number of the most prominent men from various parts of the state will be present ami some very in teresting sHeches are promised. Every body wishing to spend 11 pleasant day should attend, us a rousing and enjoyable time Is promiseri. Trains will bo run at regular in tervals, so as to accomodate the lurge (fath ering exMjcteri, A number of iieoplu ure ex pected from out of the city, mul till citizens shoulti join with the veterans of Lincoln mul assist them in entertaining their associates ami visl toi s from abroad. Flannel shirts cleaned without shrinking by tho French dry cleaning process, only 1(5 cts. ut Lincoln Steam Dye works, llO.'. o street. C0M.KCT10NH in and out of the city at tended to, Rents collected, Houses leased and Estates managed. H. N. Wessel, Notary I'libllc with Hurwoori, Ames & Kelly. Ludfes who me foiul of horseback riding should call mul see Henry Hurpham , U'l north Eleventh street before purchasing sldo saddles, whips, etc. Hicycles of ull kinds mul till makes skill fully repaired on short notice. Wrenches, oil cans, tires anil other supplies nlwuys for sale nt George & Fishette, MW O street. Bee the line rilsplay of (Jolri mid Hrass Cages, Water Coolers and Filters mul Leon urri Hofrigerators. The lurgest ami most complete stock of House Furnishing goods in the city nt Hurige & Morris'. EXCURSIONS. LOW RATES. Ily Missouri l'uclllii lUllwuy. Fourth of July, Ib'.M, to all points within '.'(H) miles. Ticketson tale, commencing July :i ami good for return until July (1 Inclusive. vy ArPlMliiPfcj'ii(ii.i ., ll 4 The pleasure one experiences 011 visiting 11 place of amusement nmy ls added to or rier ognted fiont by small mutter of which, per hups at the time, most of us are apt to take no notices but let attention lw called to It by failure on the (xirt of those perfoi nilng such trllles ami wo must Immediately become awaro of our loss. Tho theatre goer of Lin coln liuvo nlwuys been accorded by the gen tleinauly assistants of Funke's Opera House the most pollto attention which lies In tiielr power to liestoiv. Whenever an act could be done, they were always willing no matter U what Inconvenience it pluced them. Our' Mr. McKcynolris in recognition of these neM lias secured by the exercise of the usual un tiring energy he displays, the Abble Cor rlngton 0orii company, at present on-routu from the I'uclllc const, to stop over in Lin-' coin for one evening, The company Is 0110 of tho strongest nt present In the country, consisting of many notable artists of mil-' vernal fame. Madame Corrlngton, 11 prima dona of renown, who was ut the head of' "Her Majesty's Italian 0om company," The Straknsch Ojieru company and others of great noto has created a furore wherever und whenever she permorineri. Tho com lNiny is eoniosed of such nrtlsts of Mudame Mlnorvin Hnlicock, Big. Horace Hollul, Mes sera Kueutror, l'tetson, Bhonert, Truverner und others. The 0ierii selected for the en gagement In our city on July llrst,"Tho Hose of Castile" Is one, which while now to our tlieatro goers, is full of melody and Interest, ami is equal if not sucrior to tho other ojierasof that famous couiKser of the He hemiuii Girl, etc. In due appreciation of the gentlemanly treatment shown by the at tuchees of Filiikes, our people should turn out in full force, give the Itoys u packed house and keep up tho reputation of Lincoln ites. In order to secure a large attendance and do nil for the boys possible, manager McHoyuolris has allowed the popular prices to prevail mul ull will liuvo an opportunity of seeing 11 high priced attraction und show their appreciation at 11 trlile. It Is tin lotitri.r imuti fn miiwtlmi tlmt I.M. ward Itemeiiyl, the great violinist, will re visit America tills year, after twelve years absence, for the Heriputh Lyceum Huieaii, of HostOII. lifts fllllioilnceil 11 t.iiriii nf iniii'i.rlii In- hfm for the coming season. It Is riflllcult to over-estimate the sematlou lie will iiiuke in musical circles, us he is w Itliout 11 living rival. While he has been away he lias visit ed nearly all purtsof the clvilliod world, mid bus added to his fame everywhere. A small troupe of singers nre to accompany him 011 his tour through the country, but ns n unit ter of course the strains of his ninglc llddle will constitute tho main feature of the con certs. TIIKATIUCAI. TALK l'attl will probably Ihi 11 member of H. E. Abliey's oiivrii couiui.iy. The Russian composer, Tscharlowsky, will bring a lull Russian choir to America next season. McKee Hankiii hasu new play wi itteu nbout Abraham Lincoln, describing his presidenti al life. "Evangeline" has made a tremendous suc cess In Australia, and the Ever Elusive Hlce Is again 011 top. George Keogh, for many years Lilly Lang try's manager, will go ahead of "Tlio Still Alarm" next season. It Is nut improbable that Iviug may be klllulltcil. The near future inuv lirlmr us n Sir Henry Ivlng and a Sir Agustus Han Is. Kurilou is already at work 011 the new play he will havo ready by next winter for Charles Frohmau, and which will have its Initial performance In Now York. Falling of the hair is the result of inaction of tlio glands or roots of the hair, or a mors bid state of scalp, which may lw cured by Hulls Hair Renewer. UhMiit itiiq 1111 Assemblies, Heutrlce, Juno Sid to July iltli; Crete, Juno liOth to July 10th, ami Fremont, June i'M to July Dth. The Union Pacific will sell tickets ut an 0ieu rate of ono fare for the round trip. See your nearest Union IVlllo Agent. Yoiithlleuu Kuropeun Face I'repurtliui, Lutlies, if you want most elegant fuceprei arntlon, try this one. It Is pure us spring wnter; no lead, sediment or other Injurious substances. It makes your skin soft, fresh, nml clear; removes tun, blotches, dlscolora tions, anil iiiqiaits a ieurly complexion. If your face Is not what you desire it, try "Youthllone". I guarantee it to give perfect satisfaction. I have sought for a prepara tion that will make complexions fresh and young looking mul no wl lmo found it, re tailed ut two dollurs or three for live. I have secured the agency for this trusty iirtlcle. J. H. Haui.kv. Druggist, Lincoln, Neb. llaliy Is Nick. The woeful expression of 11 Des Moines teamster's countenance showed his deep anx iety wus not entirely without cause, when ho enquired of 11 druggist of the same city what wus licst to give 11 baby for 11 cold. It was no necessary for him to say more, his coun tenance showed that the xjt of the family, If not the Idol of his Hie wus in distress. "We V,We our baby Chumberlnln'sCouKli Reined v" w(,i the druggists unswer. "I don't like to Klvn the iMiby such strong medicine," said tlio lnuiiister. "You know John Oleson. of the Wnttors-Tulhot Printing Co., don't your" en quired the druggist. "His baby when eigh teen mouths old, got hold of a bottleof Cham berlain's Cough Remedy nml drunk the wholo of It. Of course It inntlo the Imby vomit very freely but did not Injure It In the least, I mul ntiut Is iiioie, II cuud tho baby's cold, u is 1101 necessary to gle poisons to cure a cold or for ci imp either." Tim teamster already knew the value of tho Remedy, hav lug used It himself, and was now ivttlsllcri that theio was no danger In giving It even to a 1 tuny lliieiiitat. The l'rlneosnlil. "I'll ho 11 hunker, And then he wnnlc 11 wink, And with Old Lady Wll.ouilM An iibslutlie cookliill drink. Ileslroked his royal stotuaoh, Pulled down his princely vest, "( drop your sovcrclwi III tho slot, And I will do the lest, For I'm a raiidy-ilaiiily of The William Runis blue (IniiibolliiK and boss racing I Hna irnt down very lino. I only race and gamholo Willi the loftiest of the lolt. 0, let us make It Ihely while Wo slny at Tronhy Croft " The Prince he was a banker, lie gave Hie cards a lllp: Ilo saldi "Now this Is ImsliiesN, "It's bullion ami not Up. "The more on put up hoie, my Irlends, "The less you will raku down; "I'm bound to bust this puity "If I have to risk the crown, "O, yellow Is the water where "The Yellow Paint creek Hows, 0 yollow are the sovereigns "That buy such chips as those. "Those chips I carry with me, '1 uso them oft and oft, "For I'm u bninly-damly and "Tho cream ofTiaiiby Urort." The Prluco he was the banker, Ilo diligently dole, Hut Gordon won the cash, And not u siullii he smole. Ami then said Gordon Ciiinmliig: "Your luck 1 do deplore. If y tay here with 1110 all night You'll owe clulit millions more." 01 always let hU highness win, To beat his gaiuo was rash; It wasn't hoss-pliiillly To win the Prince's cash You'o won the Prince's good, bard still! And someone's gone and "coughed," Audcallod tho world.s attention To ullolrs at Triinby I'rofl. Vlutnrln, Victoria! May jou bo long on earth; America sends tribute to Your greatness and jour world. Uh, inakoyoiir will, Vlutnrln, And will the English throne Hack to tho English people And in young Wales alone. Tho people they can rule themselves, And then It will be Hue To have 11 noble sovereign End una royal lino. And Wales will like It Just as well, J" Tlieuat will be so soft, , i.i vn , He won't liuvo anything to do nut stay atTraiiby Croft. That tired feeling now so often heard of, Is entirely overcome by Hood's Barsapsrllla, which gives mental and bodily strength, Faith nml Hlijit. Mlnervn (looking up from her rending) Aunt Fidelia, tho 1-culaplan, attributes rheumatism to n putliogctito micro-organism which under certain favorable condi tions Is received mul propagated. Aunt Fidelia I don't believe a word of it. I havo had the rheumatism twenty years, and I never saw 11 sign of tho cren turo yet. Pharmaceutical Era. Her Idea of It. A bright tcn-year-olri girl, whoso father Is addicted to amateur nliotogranhv. at tended 11 trial at court the other day for the llrst time. This wan her account of the judge's charge: "The judge mado a long speech to the jury or twelve men, anil then sent them off into a little dark room to develop. "Chris tian Union, Cheap Doctoring. Anxious Muiiium Llttlo Dick Id up stairs crying with the toothache. 11 .1...., ti f,... . 1.... . . .. 1 iiiiliiuiii i-npii iiiku nun around 10 1110 irioiittst's. "I haven't any money." "You won't need any money. The tooth ache will stop before you get there." Good News. Not 11 Citizen of Lincoln can alford tomhstho comfort ami safety oirereri him by the North Western Line (F. E. & M. V. RR.) in his travels to und from Chicago nml all eastern inilnts, It Is the illrect line to St. Paul, Minneapolis Olympln, Seattle, Tacoma, anil all other Mln nesotu, Washington ami Montana iiolnts, All passengers for these xlnt go through without depot transfer Patronize tho North Western mid nvolil omnibus transfers. It Is the only all rail line to that Sanatarluni of the world, the Hot Springs of South I)ako ta ami the illrect line t Rupiri City, Dead wood ami Hlack Hills jmints. To nil those contemplating a trip the coming season it of fers a direct lino and service, to all the re sorts of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Northern Michigan. Tlio llnest llshlng groumls In the woi Iri are leached by this line. For rates and Information, call at lliKI O street. W. M. Sllll-UAN. Geu'l Air't. J. T Maktin, City Tk't Ag't. Ho sure and try eastern Wyoming Nut coal. Host in the mnrket. price fl.10 deliv ered by Geo. A. Raymer Telephone JlOO, WHO street. Our work enks for Itself. It needs 110 brag or bluster, simply your own opinion will testify to its merits. The Studio I Grande Is on the ground floor, centrally lo catiil ami 11 Is'itutif ill place. Call unri see us at I'.'l south Tnclfth street 4th of .Inly Itntes. As usual the I'lilon Pacllle will sell tickets from ull stations to neighboring cities ut one fare for the louml tiip, Call 011 or write to me for particulars. E. H, Hi.osson, Agent Union Pucillc System, Lincoln, Neb. See our beautiful individual ice cream moulds liefore ouleiiiu: elsewhere. "The Finest" ISM O street. I'llday's game with MlntuaM)s, mention of which was necensarlly brief lost week, was the most remarkable game plumed this season In the three big associations, and sueli mi eminent authority as the Kansas City Times says that but two gieuter guiui's liae been played In 1 event yeais, The people who saw the gaum were foi lunate, as It will be some thing to tell one's children ami grandchildren lutheyems to come when the faiun of the Lincoln club will have gone far ami wldo. Not as many Innings (by live) were played as lu the noted gaum at Tacoma a few weeks ago. hut as nn exhibition of ball playing It was much siqierlor. We lost, but no one can seilously coinplaln as it took seventeen rounds for MIiiuiiim1I to beat us ami then with a score of only four to three. Sntui duy Lincoln iHiumlisI tho Millers to the tune or ll to 1, O'Duy unri Rogers coustl tilting the battery. Siinriny, Minneapolis sulfereri two inure de tents to the tune of 0 to "J mul tl to 0. Roach pitched the llrst and Dnrnbrough the sisjoml game against I la it sou. They were both gisl games: but Lincoln won by superior pitch ing nml butting. CAUIIIIT O.N TIIK KI.Y, Thursday was an nirriuy, Those season tickets are nbout ull gone. It wont tako long to pull up to llrst place again. After Sioux City comes Milwaukee for three games, Flanagan U getting in trim uuri Is main taining his reputation us 11 hitter. G. Deal Wei tz has challenged Eb Mockett to rate any distance under twenty-llvo miles. Stalfoiri stock Is, alas I not as high as It wusnweek ago, but the little reri necked fellow Is all right. It Is said by parties oil the Inside that Dave has two more players on the way, (Jlleiy, who will belllulf lu Moiulaj's gnat spectacular exhibition even statrord Jellied 111 the general rumble, securing a brace of eriors. Tlio Eden Muscc club Is acoiker as base bull orguiiljitlons lu near by Ndiruskii towns 111 e every day learning. Hank O'Duy claims that he will win over H) ier cent of his games this season, He sola tills before JUoniltty.'s guuie..4 Notwithstanding this weeks' events Dave Is not discouraged mul he now announces tliat he is going to capture the ieunnut. As long us we had to lose we ure glud It was to Dulutli They're a nice lot of fel loes and they played good, straight hull. The ten mile bicycle men Sutiiiduy night was easily won by Mockett, Plxley giving out. Mockett's tune was :il minutes, 41,5 seconds. Electric cars are now running to Lincoln Park from six o'clock hi the morning till 11:110 at night, making tllps every twelve minutes, Wilson won the six day bicycle iuco by six hips, tcoilng-1 1 miles und 11 laps. Al lowuy come next, und then Sullivan with 'Jill miles mid VI laps. Raymond may have have strengthened the Louisville team, but Colonels have lost noui ly every giime that bus been played since lie joined them. To Lincoln funs It Is uiiuccouiituhlo that Dulutli should havo remained at the lull end so long, ll the gullies played here may bo taken as a crlleilou the clubought to be well up toward the top. O'Hiien, Duluth's llrst basemuii, Is one of those not vei iiuiuci oils (wings uthoiough ly goisl uiitured base ball player. While the other fellow sure, to use a strictly classical expression, "chewing the rag" he Is wont to chuckle good huiuoi idly to himself. Fatty is 11 favorite. It wasn't done lu public: but Dave Howe delivered himself 01 some rather forcible language at the completion of the disastrous Liucolii-Dulutli series. The Isiys tisjk the drubbing like little men, ami the chances me that they will come down 011 poor Sioux City like a thousand of bilck. Uncle Diok McCormlck has, it Is said, f (silts 1 witli the Omaha club long enough. He wants to sell out nml Is in St Paul trying his U-st to induce enthusiasts there to take theluciibusolT his hands. All this in the fuceol the statement tliut Omaha has made money 1 fght along this season Umpire Knight is only a shade letter than the lately fired Collins. Or ull the umpires in tlie Western association, none has created so fuvuiiible Impression lu Lincoln asJKmslle mul the fans will be glad to see him buck once more. Ilo Is liked here better een than "King" dutlney, whose merits consist clilelly of 11 great reputation. Reports trom Huttings Indicate 11 ery successful tennis tournament. Miss Iwiso Pound of this city, won the single Wednes day, defeating Hearlwt-11. The ladles chain, plonshlp prize which sho received Is a lieau tiful racket known as the "Ashby social." Tho next state tournament will Ihi held in Lincoln commencing August '. Oney Pulton wus ull right in center Held, but there's 110 dhguli lug the fact that us a third baseman helms Ills siiciiors. He is too small and nut agile enough to look after the territory which Raiinoud cocicd so easily. Why wouldn't It 1st a good plan to put hlamigau 011 third, Dave Ktmc 011 llrst mul let Pattou lesume lilsolil position, that is it Duve doesn't Intend to get another player lu Raymond's placet Lint oln biacisl up a little Tuesday, mul it lstHlletri that an honest elloit was inaile t capture the game, but It was oi no avail. Slcllule whs 111 the 1 ox fur tho isitois uil.l he had Hue control of the ball, completely ovi'ishndowiug Rouch who tried to pitch for Lincoln, Jack Howe, Toinney, Roach ami Wllnoii, succeeded In piling up six enoiM against three or Dulutli. Ilulkott scoicri 11 couple of liMilmso hits, ami Flaiilgaiiuiio thieo bagger The n-ore llually stood six to seven, ll iliM-s'nt lake very long In tell tho story of Wisluosriny's game Dulutli, poor Dulutli, confessedly tho weakest club lu the associa tion, pounded the life out of our puis ami walkisl away with the third nml last game with the ill most, ease, On his own request Hill licit entered tho box. but his nun wnmi'l III woi king onler ami he was soon relieved by Slairohl, who did n Utile belief. Our Imij seemingly illd'nt try to play, while tho other fellows wot kisl In win, Tho four er iors 011 the Lincoln sldi) Imil a good ileal In do with the score, which was six to two. Slllely iioouoexHs'tisl 11 Wateiloo Thurs day when Lincoln crosNsI bats with Dulutli, the tall under, tho unexpected happened how over, O'Duy, unluckily, for his reputation was in thebox against Ooodimough and Hart. Twelve base hits were muile olT the foimer, while Lincoln secured Just six fiom Duluth's twirleiN, Lincoln got seven ei rors, Dulutli live. There were only four earned runs nml the lull enders got them nil. There wns one tln-tv huso hit nml Dulutli lu tho person or Elygolhnl. Twotwobcggers were divided between the two clubs Jnek Rowe mul Wilght. There wns ono double piny and ll wns Duluth's. There were twenlytwo runs. Lincoln got seven, Dulutli got the rest. O'Duy stiuck six men out. That's tho history of (he game. Nice, Isn't It! No other blood imsllelno so utilizes the re sults of sclentlllc Inquiry as Ayer's Snrsnpn rllln. The Hot NprliiKsor Dakota, These springs ure rapidly becoming famous on account of tho wonderful curative prosT tlesor the wutersmul the ninny marvelous cures w hlch hnvo iKviieHecUsI by the ther mal baths. The town ami springs are delightfully situ ated In a picturesque valley In the Hlack Hills country, ubouiirilng lu beautiful sccnlo effects, mid ut an nltltmlo of 11, KM) feet uhovn the sivi level; thus Insuring n pure atmos phere nml exhilarating climate, absolutely fi'isi from malaria. Under the eutei prising and progressive management of the Hot Springs company many desirable Improvements havo Ihsu Hindu, among the number tho erection of a commodious bath house fitted up with nil modern conveniences for the comfort of guests. New hotels have Imsmi built nnri com fortably furnished throughout, conducted lu llrsil;i(iWtJu.uJ-y)oiHibJiujteii. Those who prefer stopping at a private house will flml ninny desirable boarding places where good accommodations are rtinilshcri nt uuslerute pi-Ices. The suis'i'lnr dully service now nironlcri by the Hurlliigtou Routo to Hot Springs, with tin ough sleeping car nccommodntlous from Omaha, Lincoln, Aurora mul Grand Island, mnkes the trip 1111 easy mid enjoyable one; mid for the Ix-nellt or all who desire to test the elllcacy or the waters, round trip tickets ut rislucisl rates, good ror ninety rinys nre now 011 sale nt all olllces or the Dili llugtoii Route, Fur pamphlet, descriptive or the spilngs, and full Infoi iiiatlou us to rules, time, etc., apply to any agent of the coniiny, or to J. Fiia.ncih, Gen't PussVit Tk't Agt., Omaha, Neb. Flue silk underwear at sHclul prices this week at J. W. WlNHKH tc Co. WOO street. Have your harness all washed, oiled und cleaned und repaired at Wi 1101th Eleventh street, opposite Capltul Hotel. Huy coul mined near your home. Newcas tle Nut Is conceded by ull that have used It to bo the best for kitchen use. Price MO de livered. Sold only by Geo. A. Raymer. Tel ephone il'JO, Hill O street. Wiik.N Giiant SAIli, "We will light It out 011 this line If it takes ull summer," ho proba bly refered to the "Htirliugtoii," us every Ixsly knows It Is the only "line" worth light ing for lu this part of the country. The Lincoln Ice company wagons ure now making regular trlis to all putts of the city. Olllce, HOI O street. Telephone. Nn.'JM, Ciuhiinili I'urk Special Trains. Until further notice, ll. & M. trains will run as follows iHitween Lincoln ami Cusii man park. HVneif(i Ia-iivo Lincoln 7 '') imi, mid return from Ciishmau at 11 i-m. .S'iiiu Jiis Uave Lincoln at '-i.'M l"-M ami return from Cu'lnuuii at s eoi. .S'iiinfiis Icave Lincoln ut 10:.'io a-U, arfW i-m, :i :HJ I'-m and 5:.'I0 i'-ji, returning from Cuthmaii at 11 a-m, II l-M, A l'-M und ll I'-ji. and . .) i--ji Regular train No. 71 leaving Lincoln nt l.n I' M dally exiept Sunday wlllal.-o stop ut Cushmaii, honoring tickets, inund trip late of in cents will apply to all. Gtoi.oaihTS Have Dkciukd the earth's earth's crust to be over UK) miles thick. This is nbout the thtckness of the man's head who bujs his railroad tickets by some Infoi-lor und jsMirly line, when he could get 11 tick et by the "Ilurllngton" ut the suuiu rate The Whitebreust Coal and Lime coiiipuuy is always at the front supplying the flnct grades of all kinds of coal lirown's roftuurants, Windsor blocks ','ltl ninth Eleventh street, and Ml t) street. Five dollar commutation tickets icriuccd to four dollars, good nt Isith places. .Illl), 11, IHIIl, Is the date tlxed for the Grand Yellowstone Park Excursion via the Union Pacific "The Overland Route." Final deposit for tickets must lie marie U'fore June 30th. Write to Harry P. Deuel,. City Passenger Agent, VM1 I'm nam Stieet, Ouiuhti.