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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1891)
vffSii -Bife r .. ,a . rfrtV'sV- O'Oooboou? 4. --?Ci. -Aj& ij 111 - is JWJMtO) "P6Pd41R- PAPER-op A9PURM -TIMCS " sRMfSS coorAKr!'K",Il). -?str&-SK aiU,.ITi'MEii S ijMfiA irfAiova:-vx7r,., v'n wiyiv,' r c: ' .AAV7rJ .w' vvrt.v - iij m h zKk.-1 n ii ii i- r - -" i v '-vr1 ...,- .a vivu.ii r i t ft l - i - - as,? EmHA'AFiWVW N V . ...Mr I7MPW CnBfV, WWi MX s S.'. ' ' " - " '"- '""' I!K1 C!I7I22IX ftAY' I GIOIM,. I SW tfMTWU- k ft lOrrnlrNW -IPAMlwf $& Pee es? H-IM if mmm'v'w" -; c-- ---Bt piVSliSJafi MSt!Wdl 'Ww .ct5 - - , ; H ySgg.-!' ::- l !.. i. ... . .. -.-y W Vol. O No. 20 Ad Olio listened to tlio delightfully lull' monious strains which cnino from tliu Mntiuo Hand nt tlio Funke Tuesday evening mid saw thobrllllnnt uniforms n'd accoutrements of Director Housn mid his men, ono win inehtis ed to wonder somewhat nt tliu maintenance of such mi Institution as tliu Marino Hand in the sometimes too democrat to United Htutes. When you think how stinng Is tliu prejudice In this country of ourM ngnlnst the glided trappings of loynlty, against show and glit ter of nil kind, nnd how that one Idea, so characteristic of American civilization that of practical utility hits swept almost every thing beforo it, much that lu beautiful be cause it is drcnud non-essential by tliu modern vandals w ho nru olfui ing up tliu best treasures of nrtmid Is-unty in thu laud on tho alter of materialism who mo doing their utmost to rob us of tlio Ideal and to miku us bow down before thu shibboleth of n sordid practicality when you think of all this, Isn't it a little strange that tho Marino band should have escnjied thu reformers clutch.! This band Is maintained nt tlio public ox penso and it's nolo duty is to gladdeu tho em s of thu occupants of tho U'blto House. Tliu band occupies an exactly similar place to that of tho trained orchosti as which mo to bo found in almost every foi uigu court. In it's gay apparel uml tho position it holds it does indeed savor of royolty and yet It is suf fered to exist. Happily tho fanatics who tiro brnvo enough to decry tliu Mai ino 'land, aro few nnd every Amei lean ought to (eel proud that it is distinctively American Institution; that it is a national concern. The Marino bund U one of tho Hnest in tliu woild. It looses nothing by del Ivlng Its mpport from a democratic government. In it aro gutheied the most competent musicians that can bu found nnd Phillip Bousn, thu director, hits spread Its fame fnr nnd wide. The concert moro than answered the ex pectations of tho immense audience which packed the opcrn house. It recalled tlio ap pearance of Strauss and the Vienna orches tra and artistically considered, Sousr sunVr ed little by comparison w Ith the Waltz King. In its way the fumed band" wus fully equal to tho much vaunted orchestra, nnd thu al most perfect harmony was a palpable sur prlso to many of tliu auditors not familiar with tbo capabilities of a Qllmoioor u Sousa. Tho program was skillfully urrunged so as to please all clases and thoru was no one present who could not appreciate at least a portion of tho musio. The pcrforman co wns an emphatic, artistic triumph, and It is sur prising that tho audience should hnvo been so reserved. Accustomed to receiving veri table ovations in other cities, thu coldness of the Lincoln peoplo must havo furred unpleas antly on the musicians, and left a not very high impression of our appreciation. Miss Decca sustained what has been said of her and was very well received. TIIK l'llOOHAM. Overture "Hlonzl" Warner "Invitation a In Vulsu Weber Mosuic "The Ponrl Klshers" Itlzcl Grand Arln "I'crlo du Hrezll" David Mile. Mario Deceit. Overture "William Tell" Hosslnl f (a) Toreador ct Amluluoso, "Bull Costume" j Kubunstclii 1 (b) "Funeral March of u Marionette" I. CJounod symphonic Poem "Tho Chariot Hiieo" Housu IIumorcs(ue "Tho Contest" Godfrey "Hwlss Bonn" Kcker Mile. Marie Decca. Patriotic Sons "fatar Hpunglcd llnniicr".... Arnold "Marching Through Georgia" was given in resouso to the first encore and thu au dience whs made to feel plainly the Inspira tion of the grand old tune. In "Listen to My Tale of Woe'1 was evidenced the truth of what has been written concerning thu etrec tlveueti of the comedy music as rendered by the Marine Baud. "The Musician's Strike" ond "The Chariot Itace" were among the favorite selections. "Swaneo River" wus sung by Miss Decca with much effect upon her recall after thu rendition of the Bwlst song. Lincoln was very fortunate In being included in the route selected by our national baud for its llrt tour. In tho farce comedy Hue there has been fen plays that huve been sou ell lecelved in Liu coin this season as Tlfe Fakir, which w as again staged ut thu Kunko Friday evening with a company of artists that were even bet er than those seen in the caste here last season. Since it was last put on heio several changes have been made which improves the piece to n great extent. Now musical numbers havo lieeu added and soverul pretty dances Intro (IuclsI, Lizzie Dersius Daly, nu old time fa vorite, wus lu the caste and such familiar faces as Mark Sullivan, Max Arnold, Hosa Franco were all sten dm ing tho evening to usual good advantages TIih piece, like all the modern day faico comedies, make no pretentious at n plot, but Is given simply to uinku peoplo laugh. It done this admirably Friday evening uml coiiseipieutly evei. one u us satisfied, HOVU'S .NEW T11KATIIE. A beautiful large photograph of Hold's new theatre In Onuilm lias been lecelved by The Couuieii with compliments of manager Thomas F. Ho) d. It Is a m iiilllivut ttiuplu of amusement nnd uu Idea of lis giuudtier can only bu appicciatud by looking tin ougii the hiiei lily arranged Intel iortis did n (Joint 1EU represeututivu icceiitly. Hut the exter ior preteuts a handsome and stately appeal mice us well uml thu photo of miiiio may bo bttn in The C'oL'iiihK'n oust iiuum. UN iho stoiies higli and built of extra line quali ty of stone, with uu uiclilttctiiiiil deign iliut is not surpassed uiijuheiu in Auieilc.i. Litui oil o hollo to lio able to ultii n iletnlleil dit scilptlon of thu hoiiho with Intel lor lswr, , showing thu Loxes, pniiUettu, etc. FUH AN KXrillK WKKK. Couinieiiclng Monday uveuing, Hentfiow's Jolly l'athlluileis will open a week's engage ment giving six evening pcifoiiiiancesaiul two matinees. Heulfroiv's Jolly l'nthlludHrs Is due of the oliltit t'ombliialious on the road give thu best and most Mulshed performincc of any popular pi Ice company now befoio the public. Thu enst show h siiiiio excelleli people mid nil well eliiirueterlod in tho sev oral plays that will Iki put on during next weekut KiinkoV. Thu repel tolro nnnomieod eii'hinei's a large list of standard plays nnd many new ones Hint will Iki h'oii for thu llrst tlino here next week. Thu list of plays to bo pitsented are as follows: Monday and Tuesday evening Ilelow Zero Wednesday in itineo Musical .Soruw. Wednesday evening A Pair of Owls. Thin sduy evening Fun by Kxpress, Friday evening l'loy not announced. Saturday iiintlneu A Practical Joke. Saturday evening Six Peas in n Pod. Prices for this engagement have been placed 1.1, S5, !(.', uml f0 cents. First floor reserved scats, 60 cents; balcony resorvisl ' cents. Bents go on sale today. JOHN I., lri COM1KO. Tho next big ntirnctionat Fiinku's is Amer ica's noted pugilist mid modern dramatic star actor, John L. Sullivan, who apiears with nu excellent compiiiy In "Honest hearts mid willing bunds," early lu May. NKWH IN THE IM10KKS4I0N. The pi osent season nt Funku'ii Is diuwlng to n clo'e. "Thu Fakir" wus thu nttrnctlou ut tlio vnnku last evening. With two opera houstK In full blast next season Lincoln will surely bo supplied with nmplu stage amusement. Mario Walnrlght Is noarlng the end of her long and successful tour. Sho closus her sea son this evening, in Milwaukee. Joseph Haworth will sfir nuxt season in the Into K. L. Davenport's romantic play, "St. Marc." Hu will bo managed by Joseph II. Mack. Thomas Stubrooku has retired from tho DoWolfu Hopiier Uiem company, owing to nu Injury to his kneo while playing in Denver, leeentiy. Krislerlck Paulding returns to Nuw York next week when active preparations for the production of "The Struggle of Life." will begin. Miss Minna Qalu begins her starring tour early in September. She w ill bo managed by Mr. Theodore Hromley, formerly director of tho Ilooth-llurrctt combination, and will bo supported by an unusually capable com pany. On Saturday evening of this week ut Miner's Theatre lu Newark, N. J., Clara Morris closes one of tho most profitable tours that shu has over made. Mr. Kdwin H. Pi Ice, who has so ably handled her business affairs is to continue as her manager next season. Theatiical business all over the country has been very dull this seison. Lincoln, however, has as usual proven contrary to this rulo and has given all good companies big business. Lincoln Is considered by theat rical eoplu ono of thu best show towns in America Tho most lmKrtant announcement uncut new opera housu schemes is that made by Mr. McHeynolds of tho Funke. He snys that 25,O0O or 30,000 will bu expended lu Im provements ut his houso tills summer nnd that when tho fall soison okihs tlio Funke will bo practically a nuw house. This looks reasonable. Circuses will Infest the west to a greater extent next season than ever heretofore. The CouiUEn has already received informa tion from the Forepaugh show to the effect that its tents w ill bu spread heiu during the early summer, but for one day only. Sever al other, but smaller tout shows aro booked for Lincoln both before and after the Foro -pnugh shows, Hull's Hair Honewor enjoys a world-wide reputation for restoi ing thu hair to bald heads and changing grey hair to the original color of youtii. Unity Is Sick, The woeful expression of n Dos Moines teamster's countenance showed his deep anx iety was not entirely without cause, when ho enquired of n druggist of the same city what wus best to give a baby for a cold. It was not necessary for him to say more, Ills coun tenance showed that the iet of thu family, If not the Idol of his life wus in (listless, "We giyo our baby Chamberlain's Cough Keuiody" was the druggists answer. "I don't like to give the baby such strong medicine," said the teamster. "You know John Oleson. of the Wutterb-Tiilbot Printing Co., don't your" en qulietl the druggist. "His buby when eigh teen months old, got hold of n bottleof Cham berlain's Cough Remedy nnd drunk tho whole of It. Of com so it mndu tliu baby vomit very freely but did not Injure it in the least. mid what is more, it cured the baby's cold. It is not necessary to glvo poisons to euro u cold or forcioup either." Thu teamster already know tho value of tho Hemedy, hav-1 lug used it hlmseir, and wus now satlslled that theiu was no danger in giving it eeu to u buby. A House Wanted. About July llrst, uu eight loom lesldeuce with modern convenience in central locution, or will glvo huso on lesdenco built to my ordtjr. Addiess, L. Wkm-ki., .111., 1 1 :t 1 N St. Blcycl.'sof all kinds uu 1 nil makes skill fully lepulusl oh short notice. Wrenches, oil cans, tires and other supplies always tor sale ut (Jeorgo & Fisbutto, 11 1'J O sti eet. Lheiipest place lu tho city for millinery . mid liulr goods rnoru'iiirii Sisteis, V O st I eet. Kvery liuly who attends our Hosiery and i Undei saloon .Monday will bu i on vino ed wo aie selling ihesu goods at ory low pi ices. J W Wi.noeh A: Co, ' Nuter older ii photograph or plctiue of I any kind until you havu seen tho work done ut thu new Studio I.o Uiumle, l'JI south Twelfth street. Lincoln. Nichwaska, Saturday, ai-nii. ug, laoi. THE-J-1 wm4 If you ever bet on Imrsh rnces, s lid uu ol time spotting man I hoot her day, always pick nfuviiiltu Voiirgieeuy at the business of buying pools will let old hands pick turn or two or tin (si of thu most likely horses In the race and then ho will take the Held because hogotsu lot of horses, U ho gets the Held for less thuii somo fellow gavoforlhst choice, ns wry often happens, why ho thinks hu has a lino bargain uml ho gonciullv goes uroiind biuggliigubout it. Unco In a while an un known Hoi so surprises thu community by winning n nice, but tho chances nru nlwajs on thu sldu or thu favoi Itos, l ho follow w ho follow sn string of horses f i om one place to another and makes It his business to know what they can do is the fellow who buys Hist choice in thuiiool room. Ho wous good clothes and lives high iluriii tho s.-uson, mid th money to pay It nil comes out of u i vices who buy thu Held. In other words, tho spoi t ing man understands his business better than the gicenhoi u does. V Why Is snow white) nskod n young man nulling u group of others, uml then followed u vui lety of giiss.s, while several wont hon est enough to plo id Ignorance. The fact of tho matter Is snow is not white. Snow bus been known to l(Mk bhio when tlio sunshine struck It ut u pjrthuliir tingle. Likewise scientists havu seen snow that was appir ently pink. White light is u combination of seven different colois. Snow has ciystals hundreds of forms of them and they rolled tho seven lays of tho spectium in such n manner that they are combined Into Ahltu light. Snow npH-uis to bo white because It ic licet h white light. Homo clover people maintain that nothing but light his color, but us u matter if convenience wo attribute to each object that color which It iviUcti, or In other words which It appears to hnve. Some of these smart peoplo defy us to prove that wo aro living, but wo plain, seven-day-iu-thesweo'c jiooplo can take the good old or thodox beliefs on these common things of every-iluy jf0( ami wo wj ivo fUtu ag long. The other day a couple of gentlemen were discussing tho Itinerary system of tho Meth odist church, which tells every preacher of that denomination to "move on" ut least once in every three years. Ono of them told of a somewhat similar plan, although on u restricted scale, that wns being tried bv a fow churches in other denominations over In KuroH Wo would call It uu "exchungu" of pulpits, for tlmt Is nil it Is, except that it Is doi.o with regularity overy year and lasts longer than thu oidiuary exchungu. Bup Ksu that Dr. Curti-'s should exchange pul pits with soiuii equally good preacher of Den ver, or He v. Gregory with soinu Congrega tional brother from Kansas City, each for a month. Ono can Imagine that it might bo n refreshing change for both the ministers and tliecoiigirgutioiis, and that, too, without any reflection upon either. Tlio beuellts of tills sort of thing tiro too obvious to need enum eration, and if it could bo done systemati cally every six months or year it might bo made u valuable feature of modern chinch work. A new comer was lamenting thu fact Sun day uveuing that there wns no place to goto for amusement. He came leceutly fiom New York and formerly lived in Ilerllu, the Prussian capital. "Ilerllu Is thu place for n young man to enjoy life," ho suld, "but I really cannot uppiove the mode of life over there. It interrupts the homo life, and they have not th family lifu tlieiu that you have In Amei lea that is, it Is nut nearly so gen eral. It Is a common thing In lieili-i for men, nfter thu duy's work, to go to u beer or coucei t hull uml remain until u Into hour. They enjoy themselves, but it makes a break lu that homo life which is so admirable her.;. It a nmn goes homo for supper he Is In u hurry to get buck down town wheie ho is likely to stay until twelveoronoo'ctock. Hu has a good time, and it is all innocent enough of itself, but his wifu uml chlldiou are left nt homo night nfter night mid It must bu very dull for them. Them Is often veiy little of thut sweet compiiiloiiship wo ussociuto with tho word borne. Lincoln bus n number of amateur devotees, of thu art photographic, and their ranks are being increased almost weekly. A few of them hnvo regular photographers de elope their negatives, but the genuine enthusiasts insist on doing ail their own work fiom start to finish ju taking ami making photo graphs lu the fullest sense of the woul. One of the dllllculties they have to encounter Is the getting of u suitable dnik loom, and just now there Is talk among them of combining to rent and equip some central rxim lu the business part it tho city. Poihaps this wll be tho llrst step to u broader organl. ition, and when that comes peihapt our amateur photographers will deign to let their fi lends enjoy the fruits of their labois. Not only would uu exhibition of their p uitogralis lia un interesting affair, but the inugio lantern enables them to extend tin ex lllilt Into II liov el uml enjoy able eutei tuliimeiit. I One of thu lomaikable Incidents of the' hour Is Iho i tl'oi t of tho Om ilia lieu In lulu; i tlio Win Id lleiuld to uu iigieriuent on the' siibscnptli li plice of those pa pel s Tin pilcool the Kvenlug Wot Id wus ten cents u j wiek, and after its consolidation with the i lleiuld that into wus miiiiitailiul tor thout teruooii edition although the slo of tic papei wii IucieiiM-d Tho plice of tint Kvcuiiig lleo wus llfteeu cents, and its sobcitois no doubt tun up against many p.'oplo who took the Win Id-Hoi aid sluiplj In cause it was cheiiH'r, I'm a year pist Mr, Itoso vuter bus Isvon trying to get Me. Hitchcock to utiso the pilco of his eveuliu edition to llfteeu cents uml let the pipois compete on iiurlt insttnd of on price. Mr. Hitchcock declined, and Mr, I'ose water is going to try n little financial WBML pnssiireby menus of it rule war. Ho nu noiiiuvs that Omiihii peoplo may havn the llec, either inninliignr i vimiIiij, delivered for llvoceiitsn week, Including thu big Sunday puper. Houihcillsesto tnko ono dollar for it twenty weeks' sub cilpllon, so It Is evident ho Is counting on quite n siege. The pro sumption Is that ho expects a gieat iinny IHMIIllll Will St Oil Hill IV.II I.1-II..I..I.I nii,l lull,, the lieu because of Its cheapness. Ho hones to cause such it loss of luveuuo to tho iloublo Jolntisl dally ns will compel It to comoto his tonus. Tho Hvu cent i nte menus n big loss to tho Hoe nlso, nnd Mr. Ilosownter Is quoted nssa Ing that hu Is ready to lose $.l,(iK) In tho iimlel taking. Hoiirgues tlmt the dailies In other cities have tiled cheap pi Ices, but lliey havo nil leached tho conclusion that an eight pugopiqior with sixteen pages on Hun day Is woith fiom fifteen cent upward This matter of cut rules has been fought out hi other cities ami must be lu Omaha. Ho Is In for having It settled now. Tills war Is a peciillnr one. A railroad sometimes cuts rules In order to foicon ilvul to Its lei ins, but u reduction In newspaper prices Is usual ly for the purMso of Inci wising circulation rather than to force a i lval to Increase Its rate. Mr. Ilosowater's effoit Is unique, theiefore. It may Iks stated that Ibis war of tho lleo beuellts only Omaha people. While they were getting tho Kvenlug lleo for fifteen cent a week nnd tlio Kvenlug Woild-lloinM for ten cents a week, outsiders weio paying twenty cents for tlio looming editions of both. The latter price, apparently, Is to ru in jIu unchanged. "Is Mm Hugo u Failure)" had u long inn and stirred up u girut deal of discussion. Why doesn't somo gonitis stui t thu coniiii ilium: "Is u husband woi th havlngl" The testimony of tlio women who huo husbands and how could any otheis be coinpelint witnesses) might make exceedingly interest ing leading, Occasionally u newspaper man Is row aided in tills woi Id. J. W. Johnson, editor of the Sutton Advertiser was elected Secretary of tho bouid of transportation the other day. Mr. Johnson Is well known ns n stalwart ro publlcm and ho is eminently qiialllled for tho duties of his nuw position. Mr, Jolil.son Isiilsoa poet, but The Couiukk regrets to say that his effort hi this direction havo not been received with that enthusiastic iilmiru tlon which u 'literary feller" so much appro elates. Indeed it is said thut, disgusted with tlio coolness of tho public, he has docldo 1 to ctoliow poetry altogether lu tho future, leav ing the Held to N. K. Urlggs of Heatrlco. He Meant IIimIimim. "Didn't I Just throw you down stnlrHf" inquired u Monroe street lawyer to tho ped dler us hu entered. "Von did, sir," was tho reply, "nnd I just returned" "Oct out of liciul I told you thut I don't want to buy iinythlng." "Kxctisu inu one moment," said thu ped dler. "Iet me tako your order for u pair of shoes. I notice you nru wearing carpet llppers." (Jrand Iluplds Democrat. Literal. 7 ma Houchlnic his room.Cholly slipped on his Binoklng jacket. Harper's Ha.ur. Ilitl) Hun All Hie Hint of It. "Here, this thing oughtto lie stoppedi'Mio excluliiied, us ho rushed Into the city editor's ( 'We're getting all tho worst of It, nnd I for onu am for peace." "What ought to bu stopped f" asked the city editor. "This Italian business. It's terrible tho turn affairs huvu taken. A man's llfo is liunily hiifoon theMleet." "Another out rugo!1" nskod t he city editor, ns lu his eM'itfiiif nt ho dipped his pen into the paste pot. "Outrage'" exclaimed the stranger. "It's war wurof letaliatlon. F.iury Italian in thu city Is In It, I believe." "L'ni Serious inatlerl" said thu city ed itor "serious' I should say so. Hut I'm onto the plun, uml tliu best tiling wo can do Is toglw tho public warning Morn it goes mi) further. Then we must havo Inimi'dliito pcaio or war. I'm for peace, for tbe hnvo the best of us " Tliocltj editor stuck the inoiitlipleco of hisplpoin the Inkwell and put the pen. holder in Ills mouth "Aio oii Miro of your gioiiuiD" bo asked thoughtfully "Nil That's lust, what Pin lint unr.. nt lint I know tho plan nil right." What Uttf" "I'liev hinoii corner on tho banana mar lii and mo thinwliig tho skins on thosldo walk That's why I'm not miiv of" Inkwell, pipe uml paste pot billowed thu Miiingi-rus he tniiilc his luistj -Chi cago Tiihunc See the lino display of (lold mid Hull's Cnpi", WuterCoolfihiiiid Filtirsmiil Leriis aid Hefilgeintois. The lacgest and mot complete slock of Houo Kiiinlslilm gbods in thecit) at ItiideiV Moiris, Put Isiiiu millinery including all the tutus UOM'lliesiit Haines A; Huko l's new uilliiiery tine. IHMOstlVOt. I fPJB jVflrHRShliUiH IiViJh l) 7 Wo camii pietly near getting Friday's game; imt iirtiiirougirrt iltclilng was a lit too eccentric ho hadn't got wanned up yet uml there wele other teiisous why Lincoln didn't conio out on top. There wis somo U'lygiMsl playing nt the buck end of tho giimo. MiuiicupolfsgotH; wo got 7. Hiitu'diiy, Lincoln stinted out to win but got tlnsl towiud the lust uml the scot o whs MliineiiHillsll, Lincoln it, Irwin made ten two bad eirorsou llrst uml wo found It haul to lilt Mat (son rntlsfuctni lly. Hut Lincoln lleldisl pretty well. Duve Itowoplnyisl right Held. Nenrly eery nmn on tho grounds Momhiy ufteinooii was confident tliut Lincoln would down Mllwnukeo. Hutciiirtuiiihudii'tcoino. O'Dny, of whoso mollis wo hnvo henril mi iiiiicIi niaile his Hist appearance nnd piovisl to bo n disappointment. Mllwnukeo hnnillisl his balls with the gt cutest ease. When he struck ono man out thuciowd wusdacd, It wus ii ery pretty game up to thu sixth Inns lug. Then the It Iters let tlieinselves loose mid coiiuuenceil lo scoro lu ennui t. When nil wus oter they had twelve nuts nnd we hud none. What did It) The other fell) ws' faultless playing. They got through with out nu en or. Da vies pitched for tho visi tors and he wns nil light. Tuesdiiy was our day, ami It was one of tho picttiost giilui'soMir played in Lincoln. Iloth ( lubs play isl utmost faultlessly, but Lincoln loom 'd up nnd Milwaukee hudto knock un der. Tim ninth Inning wns not Hnlshtil on account of lain. Stafford pitched for the local team and ho did his win k well. In fact ho Nitlslled uvtiyhody. Ho wns nbly nip polled in tho Held mid of course wo won, Hiickley handled the ball for Milwaukee nnd wus ii tllllo wild. llowuer, little fault could bo found with either side. Raymond gave us the llrst tally Howocitiuu in lu tho tlilid inning closely followed by llmkett. Dno Howe seortd In tho sixth nud leieated tho oHrutioii lu the elglitli. This gave us live runs. Milwaukee scored two, secured by lltiike. It wus u great game. Arbor Day was also Lincoln day. This thne thu gnmu wus played to u finish, uml wu won by n score of VI to 7. Lincoln chuiigcsl pitchers again, Iluikitt holding the bull. Until ho had the vlctoi y won ho hud no mercy on Milwaukee. Afterwards he cased up mid thn other fellows got In few inns. Hut llmk ett Is all right. There Is no doubt nlxmt. that. Vlckeiy and Clnuseii took turns in pitching for Milwaukee and neither wus very effect Ive. Duve Howe got to thp homo plato threo tpnes, Cilne, Jack Itowo nud Hurkett each scored two runs, nnd ltiiyinond, Toniney anil Triillley got onu a plice. Lincoln stock wns ubovo par Weduisilay. Thursday's gnino gao us lliieo straight. From Milwaukee, too. admitted to bo onoof tlio strongest clubs lu tho league. Dain biough was lu the box for Lincoln, and ho was In much better trim than on his first up peiiimicF. Vlckory pitched for tho vlsltois, unit ho was not fur behind our man. A fea tuioof tlio gnino wns Chile's running catch. It was a low bull way out lu riyht Held, uml after hu hnd it In his bunds hu rolled over on the ground two or threo times befom ho could stop himself. Hut he held thu bnll nnd thu crowd yelled. Toniney, ngnlnst whom theiu has been so much complaint, nlso made some very rcmhI plnj s. Wo get four runs to Milwaukee's three. lu Yesterdays gaino between tho Lincoln uml Ht. Paul, the home club wus entirely shut out by u score of (I tod. Houch was in the box for Lincoln ami started In with a Hiiu rcvoul until nfter tho sixth Inning, nfter which ho went all to price, but tho supiwrt wus good with tlio exception of Cllnes muff ing in the sixth lulling. 'ih umpiring wns not us satisfactory us It might hnvo been nud this Is not suld with prejudice for tho homo club, for tho desclsloiis were oorly made ftr both sides. Osbornes woik lu the Ikix whs excellent nud proved too much for the Sena tors for once at least. ON THE H.V. Lincoln wasn't in It. Captain Irw in beats them all at stealing bases. Lincoln expects to take three fiom HI. Paul anyway. There n III hen game at tho new nut km. moriow. Theiouio very fow wink places In Iho Mll wnukeo tenin. Kd llrundt of Omaha wns nu interested spectator Tuisdiiy. Manager Duvu made a record of two nil s In Ttr'sday's game. Thu absence of Pulton uml Cllnu wns felt In this week's games. Thursday's gnino advnnctd Lincoln from eighth to fourth phico, Tho Websters defeated the Crnw fords i iiiueixiuy iiy u scoie of i'( to IB. Tho iluy we scored nothing to Milwaukee's I 1'J, ht. Paul let Omaha tnke'JI to their I, Thu grounds nt tlio new irk weio not lu I condition Siimlii) ami there was no game. ' It was extremely chilly (for Lincoln, nt the ' iiruiiiK "i mo ('iiiimpionsiiip i1Kl. ,,,n M, sou. I Dae How o nude his Hist klik Tuesday (when bo exel.ungnl ple.isintn.s with I'm I pile Kmslie I Hi' y ling is U coming t ce.sllnge iiopni,,,-1 ''ii"injs. iieuy neai h even b.Hly vho likes out-ni-il,.,), f,. , ' lei.i Am theieai'iiiuy am unit offxp.n i,.ll 1 tis . ' I I'lnpiloKnislloHiciiiud tlieilNpIenh,,,,, ( ' the ctowil lor the Hist time Monday, ,o..ts ' land bonis didn't dUimb him in the bust nueir, unit even tiuiso who found tault ml- Hill VII Ills CIKIUICSv Hut the faith or the ciiiuU lemuiiiisl un sliukeii.niirl n most oveiv iImv ilu.,.i, nu buiense. The ?mmm IioikiI foi ! lettei things md weie (bteimln.d to wait i PWICIC FlVIC ClCNTS until thu luck clinngisl. mo, notwithstand ing thn Old tlmt Duvu Howe's men ut up u most exirrablo kiiiiiii. Dave hud no reason to complain or tho pationage, Tho Lincoln Tennis club Is lu u veiy Hour, bhlng condition with puwpisjts for u lively uml Inlet ctlng season. Thy boys siy thtv gioumls mo splendid and nlin Inu has ulicudv coinineiiced huvu nest. Home of the enllius Insls me beuhiulng to talk tournament, Lincoln has some of the most enthiiolinitlu base ball ci auks 'in tliocoiiutiy a lot of fel lows who would lather sen a game of bnll than attend u church sociable. They me al ways there unless they nio sick or out of tho cltv mid Ihey enn applaud nnd giowl with equal enthusiasm, I let o mo some of lliemt J, II. Li'inlst, A. V, Iteei sou, Tom Hentoii (leorgo lloweiinin, Fmiik vhruiig, Lieut. Townley, Llmer Henkle, (Ionium F, Hotts, W. IC. Ilaiily. Fiank Hun" It Is astonishing too, what an interest Mime m tho Indies tiro manifesting hi tho sport. Thu Lincoln club will be nil right utter u while. Everybody says that mcniiwhlto somebody should leach them how to keep Iho ball down near thu ground, When a Liu colli mini comes to thu hue ho geiieiully dis dains to touch tho bull nt nil, or else he sends It way up into tho Heavens, uml tight into tlio bunds of the other fellows. Lincoln seems tmhmt on high hulls. That's onoof tho lensons why wo don't scene ns wo should. Tho oilier fellows dont on high balls to (when wo but 'cm) nud they Invariably cutch them. Hut The Couuieii ln't finding fault. It's too curly for that. Hesldes our Isiys liavo done sunn! really good work Holding essrliilly. Tho season Is young. Theio's lots of time yet. NoinelliliiK Wrong with thn .Moon. A mother was culling the attention of her little bov to thu moon, which vn In lis seen clearly but pallidly In tho curly nfter- HOOII, "Why, you can't sec tho moon In tho tiny tlinul" replied the youngster. "Oh, yes, you can thero it Is over the trees." The little fellow looked, and hnd to ad mit the fact thut lie saw it, but hu added, '"Talii't lighted though." Ijiidon TIU Bits. At I-ust. "Dross do Lavvdl It's come; It's comol" "Wind's come, mummy)" "Why, do Jeilgmcnt day, yo' brack l( nyvamiisl Didn't yo' hcuh ilut Gabriel's trumpet) An' ilero goes yo good old fad der up at do llrst sound." Life, Had for the Hone. "Hy Jovel" suld tho museum nmn, turn ing pule. "What's the mutter, Hupert)" nsked Ida wife. "I forgot to send the (log; faced lioy nny supper, uml he Is locked up in thu same cago with the ossified inaii," Now York Sun. I'ulul llrlllalull. Ivlltor firnblM-r bus Iwon with tw i years or more, but I'm afraid wn shall havu to let him go. Illlslncss Matiiiuer What's thu inalti.r with OrulilHT) Editor Hu lues unl lo llilnklni' uu i-nn't run this paper w itliout him. Chicago Trib une. A Tin. Mr. fllff.iistf -Tl-llnl.iinti jln Vmt nnmnA ..... .............. ..w. .,., . ;un .,wv to pay for nil thu furniture you break) Truckman Certainly, sir. Mr. Malferst Then If you must break niiythlug bu kind enough to glvo the pref erence to this old table. Puck. Too Young Allngvllirr. "I have Just henril thut our family doo tor is cloud, uml think of it, ho wus little more thuii thirty j ears old." "tso! I confess I couldn't huve much confidence In u phvslclun who dies as young; ns that." Fllegenilu Hlatter. A Dull Issue, .Mr. Suburb (hastily swallowing hu breakfast near trniti time) Any news lu the pujHT this morning) Mrs. Suburb No; not u slnglu ninrk down sale of nny kind. (lood News. I'riilll lu Vitriol). Cluru I don't seo how tlmt Do IVyster girl manages to dress so cheaply. Maud Kasy enough. Kvery time she gets u new gown shu changes her Oress maker. Cloak Hevlow. .Most lln llccii In -Ml. thief Mrs. llicks-.Marv, vvheruls DUkjf Mary Out in the back jnnl, iiiiu'ii. Mrs, Hicks (io out uml seo what ho Is Jolng mid tell him to stop It.-Harper's Ha.ur. Uml lime.. The gient men nru nil dropping out. Ami djlni: h the score, And wo'ro not filling ver well Ami our throat Li nw f ul sore. flwuvllle linvzo. llm Ileal Kctlltt, P.veiy Ing,,. bent empl,iol lu pro.lii'iii HimiI's MirMiuilla i sitlctlv pure, mid l the besl of Us kind it Is sih!e to bin. AH Hie loots and belli, nioiiiiefully seltoted, htmiii illy extminod, and only thu bt in taliKsl. So that fiom tho tlino ofpitichiiM! until Hood'., Sirs.tarilln is piepnied, every, thing hcmelully wntc'ied with u view tout taining tho best nsiilt. Why don't you tiy kf fih