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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1890)
A CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1800 OUR BBSSBME v Krri - iMfe' -i - rrn iv m i B lJBWH.11 li "imF nir Mljf vP KPL . - I ISimltrr hirr of Mmfarn Timri HiniHCiiilTIoN. O110 Your liy Mull ir Carried fJIM, Hh Months, tlmi;Tlili'i Months;, .Vic ; One uioutlrJiKViit tnrnnilil) In Advance Aiivkiitinkmknts: lUtc runilsliisl on application At tlioolllce Hnhl-IaI rates on Tune font rnols IN THE HALL. Mini it f.. iIih Cnn.triirtlnn mid Interior DcrorHtloln, TI10 functions of tho Imll of n comfortable resldenco am to nironl access to tho dliroront parts of tlio houso, mid It limy Im considered tlm main conduit In tliu general system of nutriments, largo enough to contain tlu staircase, passage mid furniture, etc. It I IKlt ISMsihlo tn WIV Vltrv lllllel. In i.rnl... it tlm linll lii city houses; It Is usually it nnr- HOSIERY HOSIERY Cost .rr.oNs:HI,ort spicy -KW.W .....m mJ "" ; It I. usually nnr- ..,,' , 1U ... I iiml rather ilaik passage to the stalrwny I stories solicited I'orm.tmliin.l H.hI.iI notes re j UMmy devoid of ornamentation or decora- I csiss-lsllv ilcslrnlile. I'hintimi: Wo make a Hs'lnlty of Kino Printing 111 nil Mm lirniit-lio His'lety work n w liilty. 1 'uI.iIImIilm I Sritui'Llriy. Address nil communications illrect to the nMoe WiChhICU 1 'KIN 'PI NO CO. I'IMII.IMII KIIH. Courier llulhlliiK. IIIW N Htroct. TKI.KI'IIONK'iVI U Wkmhki,, .In., Editor and Hole I'loprlotor KlIKI) IIKN7.INIIKII. AsslK-hlto I'Mltor POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 65,000. tHtittMMtfau its nime.attochcil fa eacty ysrwenf THE BESSEMER S11' -I- S 6tATAtrfD to nrALL won I Q.i&tZnP"? tfteD Wjor nteitPWTzr r0tIJirAU 6tH S fAf POIttlNrCS H SCA TS WAfl POINTS 'I'll K Illustration showing Itcdfcrtl's designs for women's ganuonts for ut-door HortN will appear in next week's ('tilMtlKlt Instead of this Issue. ThKhIiiIi1 committee lopicscutlug tlio or gnnlJitlons lulcrcstasl III pushing (lui prolil liltlon iiiiii'iiiliiii'nt Inivo opt'iiitl lii'iiilipiiiiti'ii In tlio Hut 1- hlock Special Attention of Parents is Called to Our, NEW SPRING LINE A coNVKNTiiiN of uiinlitcrii Iiiim Iicmi cnllnl ' to niiM't In Lincoln Mny IM mill 1 1. Tlio oli- Jivt of tlil K"tlit'l'liiK It to ilovNo wiiyx mill int'iiiK to push tlio prolilliltion niiuniluiint. () Mouilny lnvlsll. Illcks of Lincoln mis iippolulitl liy S.'crctmy Husk ns suhiim'iit ol tlio ilcpmtiiiciit of iirk'ultmo. Mr. Illcks will rocvlvo S n iluy mnl o.xhiims during his tipNilutinoiit. Elejjrance in Stvlc. particularly of this Cvlchratcd Suit. It combines 1" . I-S.. I T .. . . I'cnccuon in i'it and LMiusuai Mrength, and is adapted for Hoys who are hard on their Clothes FOR SALIC ONLY AT THE GLOBE CLOTHING HOUSE Cor. O and Tenth Sts. f HAVE YOU SEEN Pyle's New Soda Fountain? ITS K BEAUTY And from it they are now drawing the Finest and Most Delicious CREAM SODA With all the popular Flavors made from pure and wholesome FRUIT JUICES. 1123 O Street. Chapman's Old Stand. Y AND NOW'S THE TIME TO PLACE YOUR ORDER -WITH THE- ICE CO, 1040 0 ST. PHONE 1 18. PURE CLEAR ICE I Prompt Dollvory. Lincoln oplo leaving homo for moiv limn a w-ek hIioiiM Imvo tlio CoiriilKll follow thorn. Its IiiiiIkoI of homo news will prove onooftho Ki-t'iiU'stJoyn. Uciiieiiilicr thin fir jour mininior vncntlon. I'lKMiAlil.V few pwplonlonwniotliiit thoro Ik ii patent on prvtroln; hut no loxs thiui tint o patents on tho tortuous delicacy ivoio Involv ed In n suit In tho Unltil Hlntod court lit riilliiili'l)hlii tho other tiny, and ono of them, It Is said, ivlated to HnlshlliB otr tho article w Itli a ftiiit of varnish, liy tho way, tho old tliuo fashion of eoxoriiiK tho whole pretol with unit Necins to have (li-oppisl into a state of Itinoouoin (lesuetudo of lito jfiirn in tho oast. lVrhiiM tho vni nlsli iHinoioevoiioiiilo il. Nkiiiiahka's coiiKifsKiuen Imvo unanimous ly agreed to itroniinonil ox (lov. It. W. I'lirniiH for appointment to tho position of comiiiMoner-atliirKo for tho woiIiI'm fair, and a soon as tho world'H fair hill iiunhvh tho Honntu tho delegation will wnlt U on tho pi vsl di'iit and urge tho appolutnieiit. Tlio ox j;ov ernorV frleniU liavo endorMtl him In very KtroiiR tonus ami hellovo ho will Int appoint ed. Tho Mil, which has iniksisI tho house, provides for tho appointment of eight com mksioners at-lmKo. An onlliiiineo Is before the city council milking eight hours the standard of a tln'n work for InUirers In thu employment of tho city. Coiiiii'lliiifii Iluslmoll mid I'atv Imvo lieou npiwlnted to tho Ikmii-iI of health. Tlm council has apHlnted a coininittco to co- operato with tho Ileal Estate Kxchango In a plan to straighten Salt Cieek. V. II. Now lierry, chief of llro department, and I. L, Ly. mini, water coinmfsloner. have U-eu re-in. K)lnted. L. J. Hyers is strtx-t commissioner and O. N. (ianluer sisH'inl eiiL'lnm.e LINCOLN ROBINSON MERCANTILE CO. NEW LOCATION It Is raid theio mo inoie impiolltablo jiost olllces In Congressman Dorsey's district than many oilier In tlio Unltttl, .States. Neatly every olllco which H iltslinlilo to nnybotly capahlo of lllllng It has H-en chnngeil under tho present administration. It Is prolwihly not generally known, but It is nevertheless a fact, that not more than one-third of tho lx.tolllces in tho United .States are Miught by IKilitlcal aspirants, Ikviiiiso they aro unprofit able. During tho past six mouths thousands of letters Imvo Ihh-ii received at tho postotllco department in Washington, fiom tho post masters lagging to bo released, but no ono capable of tilling and willing to accept them cm be found, conseiiuently a great many oitmastcraro being retained. Mt - South nth St., Montgomery Block, ami iti:r n.i:its or SHIRTS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, ETC. (.ALL AXl SEli OIL' Superb Line of Flannel ohirts ! Outlnus, Cloth Shirt. Caf-hinerc SliIrK SIIL- Shtric MIIU Pn Hw-i.U ... C.ll ll.l. . .. I i ,. . , ... . I "" i iiu-Kiuiiiciniucamt Ai rniiung .Mill t-o., i.incoln huspcmlcr Co., Uockford iioeU ami Cartel's Slippers. of Lincoln Knittini; Agents for Lincoln 100 Engrayed Calling Cards And Copper Plate, for $2.50. If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards from same, at $1.50. i; WESSEL PRINTING CO. Courier Office. Telephone 253. Now t 1 'J"k- ' Burr Block 1 Comi'I.nt was mnilo at tho Heal Estate Exchange a rliort time ago that tho II. & M. did not nmko Lincoln as prominent as It might in its advertising mutter. A.C.ZIemer wnsapMjntod a committee to see what could lio tlono In tho matter. Tho other morning ho enmo Into tho exchange with an armful of H. & M. advertlRlng matter to prove tho com plaint unfounded. Then ho made a littlo talk that was applauded when ho llnlshed. Ho spoke soniowlmtnfter this manner: "Lincoln wants tho great shops of the H. & . ,.0I11, iulll wants to Lo mentioned la all tho advertising matter distributed by the company, mid yet hoiuo of tho very iiiemlierH ot this exchange ar alwayii lighting tho i-oad and demanding that tho rates ls reduced and tho taxes put on tho iirtwrty of tho comimny Increased. This U hurdly consistent. What other road has built such a mmMiger doKtnsthoB.,t Mf Tho lliirllngton has built a line freight depot miles ami miles of track, valuable Improve ments of all kinds, and jctMimoof vou cry that tho H. & M. Ignores Lincoln." What other road has tlono ono-tenth tho amount of ImproveiiutiU In Lincoln that tlm lt,irii.,.,t iluwl What other road mentions Lincoln I !...!.. .. .1 f ... v.. in iiuveriuemoius to amount to anythlngf What was tho pioneer lino Into Lincoln, mid to what lino Is Lincoln most In debtedl Hhould not credit rather than crltl cImiiIw given tho II. & JL, to who-o elforts Lincoln and tho stato at largo am Indebtttl for the iapl.1 mid contlmioiu tlevelopmentJ Is It not the miiso of tho meeting that roads other than the 'Hurllngton' bo mpiested to prominently mention Lincoln In their various advertisements! Fr truly tho IlurllnKtoii Is nsgood a friend us Lincoln over had." usually tlevold of ornamentation or ilecorn Hon. It in a matter of norewlty that tho Italrs should ho central, and tho prosrtlon lf risers and ti ends ami the lengths of each Might aro to a certain extent dictated to us by their intended us.., and leave little elmnco of variation or of altered modes of construo Hon. U'hero Kslblo thu stairs should Is? thrown hack through mi amnio or bay, so as to given pleasant background mid to pro vide as largo an Inner area as xsslblo for light and air. All such it-cpsm-il treatment would give greater depth and add slm and dignity to the prlmlml feature of a good house. If wo would ls genial hosts wo should hllVO OUr liris'tlllirs echoed bv surroundings. I ho spirit of welcome may lie iiiado to sr vndetho apartment In which wo live If wo but kllOW how to CXIiroHS oill-seleisi In II11. silent language of art. For the hall, a bard woisl llisirls an absolute nccos- I Ity; plain If our means are limited. but where It Is kn slide let it ho laid III patterns, Mpiaiu or other geometric llgures for the cen ter, with n richer Uirdcr Hood taste would piefer that the center should be entirely of tlio mino laid that tho grain makes tho attei'n. Tho iNinler may Isj tleslgneil for n com bination of wimhIs, such as oak and ..!..... ....I I 1 II. -I I , 1. 1 IMIli 1111(1 HU,"rNrm:" -h-w. sycamore, ash or Uoorgln pine. In laying Doors In patterns Ills well torliooHowfMMls which will not form tisi strong contrasts, such as oak ami maple, oak and yellow pine, mahogany mid cherry, etc. (ieorgla plno. Is-lng tho cheaMst wood, may Isi iimmI In largest tpiantitles. with a fow bauds uf oak or cherry alsiiit the walls for a Isinler, whlcli msmiis to Isi r. msi-ssltv. vn though tho samo wtssl is iissl. The color of the pine is a bright ello, anil orv as a gissl backgi-ouml for rugs; but U tt strong for tho scheme of color adoptisl, It can bj staluisl darker. nrr MM J. H. MAUIITILJS & CO. Offer for Inspection this Week, tlio most Complete Line of HOSIERY Lver shown. Owing to delay caused by La Grippe among the mills of Germany and England from where we Import our Hosiery direct, we are n little late with tills one of our lines, but we are ple.iscd to announce that we are now prepared to show the goods, In all the latest styles and at prices that arc guarantee.) Mow any possible competition. ' J. H. Hosiery MAURITIUS & CO., Specialties: Cnderwear and 131 S. Eleventh St. Gloves. HOSIERY HOSIERY P ,mr " t 1 1,. j - 9 fljtr 1 I SPRING 1B90 K nor Itlitfk, JAMBS C. USole Agency for KNOX World Renowned Mats. Cor. O and tlth Streot. K IER, WE ARE SHOWING A VERY NICE LINE OF LADIES DEESS SHOES From $2.00 to $3.00. If a medium priced Shoe is wanted they are sure to please. Complete line of fine French Kid Shoes in all widths and LOW WAI.NHt'OTINII A Nil TIMRLMl I'lrtf Ivi If 1111 ohmi llroplace is lucludisl In tho con trast It should Ik broadly treated. Wo can rely only on tho surface and color of Its ma terial for Its beauty, or it may Ih i Iclily carvtsl. In Its coiii)osltlou It should lo shiiilo ami Imvo fow subdivisions. Tlio shelf should Is) high, to contain a fow l.irgu orna menu. The hearth may lie of brick, or brick colored tiles, sometimes laid In herring Isino, but usually in simple patterns, broad enough to receive tho loose dust ami ashes. Tho tiro plnco should ho lined on tho inside with llro brick, or to Imvo ornamental cast Iron linings, Ijirgo andirons of brass or wrought Iron should ls iivsl to receive the logs of wtxsl, or luisket grate for coal whichever may Ihi tho conditions. Iflllllgll wninsentillg Is Used, It should bo six or seven iis't in height, keening the moldings Hat and using Wtvoli-d pan els. The entire wal surface alsive may Imi treated ns a frieze. With a low. er wainscot t he walls should be treated ilillcrcutly, tho divisions do Mudiug iion the proiKirtlous of the room. The ceiling should 1st heavily paneled, if of sulll clout height. The exisssl Is'iimsmav iMiciiMslniiti carvisl"u,,,KTiON koh stained or molded, and imn- 0,-vss wimhiw. els of woisl or plaster forimsl by a system of cross Immiiiis. When thetiuisttou of color ariM-s wo must choose a key noto or prevailing tono as a con trast. If mahogany or cherry doors mid trim mings aro use,!, a rtsl of tho miiiih color should lw chosen for walls, but lighter In tono. Tho walls mo lsst without patterns If tho last two coats of paint aro stiimlisl so as to i?ivn n 1I11II surface, l'lio frleo umv conio down to tlio top of the door frames uud Isi in Irregular design worked In tones of jellow. Tho ceil Ing should Ik) tr.'ated with lines of soft red on n yellow ground, and the ellect will lj deco rative, yet quiet and sulslucd J V tw rs ST I OJ- L. ' I vTnVs Y J vy-J I v mmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmitmMmmmimamimHlmmm nnw inns 'Mn iPk UU!i 1 it-UJ ( rNis 1 11 11 ' i 1 11 ri ( 1 1 i ish 1 1 1 t 1 sizes. Yates & Marshall Meisonic Teiix1 Hall! coit. nr.F.viiXTii axd m svs. Mrs. Longshore-Potts, M. D. The eminent Quakeress will Lecture as follows : TO DOTH SEXES, Monday, April 21st, April 22d and April 23d, AT H (I'CI.IICK, TO LADIES ONLY, Tuesday, April 22, April 23, April 24 and April 25, AT :i O'CLOCK. First night and afternoon free. Hest scats it-served for ladies and their escorts. Love, Courtship and Marriage l'.Ullll's 1 ITTI'IM' T-WtrT-t- t... FRIDAY, APRIL 25th, at S P. M. I'A.MOI'.-s l.lU-Tl'Ki: to iiotii m:.i:. "As good lis an hour with Mink Twain." ttUm llenilil. Evening Course Tickets Tin ee Lectin cs both sexes Afterncon Course Tickets- Tliree Lectin t-s Ladles onlv Single Admission ..'... 50 cents 50 cents 2s cents EDEN IVI USEE Cor. TENTH AND N ST. WEEK COMMENCING APRIL 21st. THE CLIMAX OF NATURE'S WONDERS, K1.KVATIO.N f V I OOIW t.KADIXO KHOU IIALI. TO 1-AIU.OII, WITH BTAIIICAbU. If wo ileslro a greater contrnst with the Nimo coloretl wotsl work, wo may employ n yellow ground for tho wall surface and cover with nn all over pattern In light brown or copjier bronzo. Tho friezo may Isi carried over tho cornlco lino out on tho ceiling, per haps sixteen or eighteen Inches, and stop with n molding or bands of color, leaving tho cell ing n lighter tono w Ithout mttern Uluo is a tlilllcult color to maiiago in largo quantities, and Is not appropriate for tho hall. David V S PfAKI Ilazel-Zazel Jones, The Two-Headed Baby! Apr 1 Itlh. Last mouth at Wonder and. lultalo. New Ytirli. U ille.1 ir.,n. ...1;ii- u'..i... .. 0V.1." ,i.".m y ,""-,ed to our patrons that It was to bo exhibited here, so rather than N a 1 point our suiiiiortors. as soon as wo were no Itn-il of its ileseensn. u. 1 .i.......i . .... ' . '", Wlml Hail -eiiiiiiinntili ., "Study ponnmnshlp, my loy, iu carefully ns you know how. I lost n fortune once by bod writing." "Howl" "I lored n rich girl ami she loved mo. I tvrnfi) nml AfiL'iul Imp tt .linni mv lti ntnl el.A well, the thought I naked her to tlmvo my j iWWi mw iuia ITVUIU QUU, " " tltJI A i. I .IlliVlilj tuui woihUt nmilitiit Nuturo'H VniinrK'M. OTR ARRAY OF OTHER ATTRACTIONS! Other attraellnn next weeki Cleasons Doicflivus, The (lleason Plillilron llarlelllls nma artists, Nebraskas circnt Kill .Woman. I'hllllas Kletclier the t-b r -t ' Z "" ." n "y ,1 others l,lm,",'lul"H',,1,v' ""l''"'" chanico artist, Lilly Itandall Vocalists aiui i.miiy IOc. Admits to All. lOc. SI'KOIAI. NOTICK-dranil l'ree Kxhlhltlon Kory afternoon at 2 P.m.. and eerv evening at 7i.ti t.. in. Minis. Hill's TKliltll'ICSUlit; I'oit UFK. On an 1 ost Invlslhlo wire he wilt sll.le from tho thctop of the Musee to the N-K eonier ofTentli mill N Htreels! X 4"