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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1889)
MP fl fftfrflyOOr'. is-' vgo.o,o.o.ti.o.o.o.o.iagiJjLgg. ..i . L..i...j .. ... -t-, aiiK "A- PoP&l ISR PAPER oF AopcRti -TIAE " Vob 4. No. 41 Lincoln, Nkduaska, Satuuday, Sicpticmukr hi, 1880. PHICIC FiVIC ClSNTS Jk Hi BYE THE BYE. Tlio members of tho King Colo company were scattered nil ovw tho city In search of cheap Warding places, but several of them flew high enough to pntronlzo tho livery stables. Tlio Engllsh-yem-know drag of tho Pnlneo stables was chartered for driving, but It was by a young nmn not of tho company. Ills nnniu Is A. S. Itulcher mid his homo Id nt Topeka. Ho has boon tlcsiwrntcly devoted to one of tho young women of tho party, and has boon following tho compnuy nbout to lav ish rides, suppers and tnlTy upon tho object of Ills heart. Tho Rapid Transit lino has been forbidden by tho courta from running its motor south of Q street except for a tilp emiy In tho morning mul another Into In tho evening. Tills lino runs out to West Lincoln and Is tho only means of easy and rapid communication open to hundreds of jicppla who Imvo occasion to travel between the city and its suburb. Tho lino mny havo been built to boom proircrty In West Lincoln, but, now that that suburb has been built up and becamo a valuable trlbutu ry to tho city's trade, tho malntonunco of this lino is a publlo and 1i commercial necessity. Tho business men of Lincoln should boo that no unnecessarily sovero restriction bo placed up on Its operation. John Fitzgerald ho run tho lino for two years at n loss, which ho puts nt (COO a month. Very fow men would stand such a drain upon their pockets, and If they wero bound by contract most men would rather tnko their chance In court, but Mr. Fitzgerald seems to bomndoof dlirerentstuir. Of course U financially interested In the main tenance of tho lino, but tho public Ik benefitted us much as though ho poured his money into tho hopper from merely patriotic motives, and he is entitled to some indulgence. Ho hus been figuring on using electricity for a motive power, but that will necessitate an exjnsIvo addition to an alicady losing concern. V Severnl ladies havo attached to tho dash board of their carriages a long, narrow bas ket to catch hand-bags nnd other Imtiedlmen tn feminine whllo they nro outdriving. It is a very convenient dovlco and will probably become common. Among tho ladles noticed with them tills week wero Mrs. K. K. lluy den und Mrs. Frank McDonald. It is surprising, sometimes, how much im position it nd mconveuienco tho public will htniut without a murmur. Tho contractor who undei took to lower tho grudo of tho post office sidewalk has taken tlmu enough to do it over and over again nnd seems to bo a long way from completion. And then tho np proach from O street to tho south of tho pott ofllco. It is up and through a narrow passage, nnd for weeks a couploot narrow loose boards wero laid across tho excavation. They havo at ait been replaced by n more substantial platform. It is difllcult to see any good pur pose served by lowering tho grade of tho walk except to give u contractor a fat Job, whllo, on tho other hand, it will necessitate a (light of stairs to climb In nil the yearn to come. Thlmcof it, yo mortals who ilnd it nil on can do to drag ono toot after the other In tho sweltering dog days! A friend of Bye-thc-Byo thinks Major Bo hanan has not been given tho ciedit ho is en titled to lu connection with tho leceut pub lie celebrations. Not only did ho work like n lrojan In raising funds (or the display of state fair wtek, but ho even gnthered money to pay tho Indebtedness left by the KlngTar tarrnx atTuir that the fair name, of the city might not bo sullied. 'When tho painters ro fused to touch tho arches he pei-sounlly guar ant'ed their pay, anil so earnest was ho that he gavo his personal attention to thu ivoik on the arches. That's the kind of enthusiasm that works wonders. Nebraska hns captured another govern mental ilium, und there is rejoicing all along tho lino. Judge Lewis A. Grott" of Omaha has been npoiuted commissioner of the gen eral lnnd,otiico of tho United States, und will nccept. It may not bo generally known that tho judge was onco a Lincoln man, but such is tho case. In 1803 ho married a Lincoln girl, Miss Mary E. Gregory, and two years later no camo nero irom unio to practice law. At ono time ho was a partner of John II. Ames. In 1875ho removed to Kearney anil two years later went to Omaha. Ho was ap pointed judgo of tho district court In 1877 nnd was elected In tho fall. Oirtho bench ho Is ono of tho most genial of men; in court ho Is austere, and ho has won tho reputation of giving convicted criminals extremely long sentences In tho hojio of wuming others from tho path of roguery, V There havo been fow prettier sights at Funke's opera houso of lato than that pre sented by three of tho most attractive young ladles of Lincoln at King Cole Monday even ing. They sat in the dress circle, without hats, and as they chatted vivaciously with their escorts they made a picture that drew a great deal of admiration. They were Miss Belle Oakley, Miss Lonu Giles and Miss Luel- la Briggs. Mrs. K. K. Hayden und Mrs. Bennett of "Washington, O. C, (nco ilayden) occupied a box and wero also bounetless. They wero discussing tho why and where fore of tho absence of society girls from tho theater, Tho young man bald: "Thu girls nll live so far out und u fellow's got U hire n hack to take 'em to a show, I can't afford to blow In two or three dollars for tickets und then another two dollars for n carriage. And a good many of the'other fellows are in the sttino ilx. They'd bo glad to tnko tho girls oftener if it was only u matter of tickets, but wo'ro not blooded enough to buy a livery stable every month." And the elder mnn ar gued: "Hut don't you think thu girls would rather walk In plcnsant'w wither or take n streetcar than miss tho theater J If they went with parents or brothers thoy would go in that way. Now there, aro Miss A, and Miss B. They live only llvo or six blocks from tho opera house." "Well," said tho young man, with nn nlr of putting n clincher on tho matter, "I'm not going to lie guyed olT ns n chestnut for making n girl walk to tho theater. If I can't take her In n carriage I won't tnko her nt nil." It's tho old, old problem that always presents it self as soon as tho society of n town begins to forsnko its sweet simplicity. And tho poor girls hnvo to BUlIer. It Is settled. Wo nro to lmvo n now theater next season. And n new hotel. General Manager Backctt of tho Muhco company nays so. Ho was coming down from Omaha the other day with Mr. John Fitzgerald. They had n long talk. Undo John, so Brother Sackott reports, said ho would break ground this fall for his proposed hotel nnd theater across the street from tho Musoo. Tho plans aro nil ready. With tho excavation and foun dation all ready tho suticrstructuro can lie finished next summer, "Hoh long deferred inaketli tho heart sick." Wo nro very nearly In the last stages now. But w o have n shred of hoiH) left, nnd will hang on nwhllo yet like grim death, Hnvo you noticed whnt a saucy, klss-mo-lf-you-daro appearance Attorney Uowooso has when ho wears that straw hat with the rim pulled down behind nnd llured up lu front f V An Inqiortant ileal in real estate took place tho other day in nn exchange of property by Messrs. Fred Fuuko und J. W. Winger. Tho latter gives his house and lot nt Thirteenth and 11 street for tho Fuuko cottago and lot at Thirteenth and J and receives, it is said, a cash (inference of $5,u00. Tho Funkes will havo an elegant home, Into which they will move next week, and tho friends of thoyoung ladles lu tho family havo lively anticipations of Jolly times to come. Mr. Funko had plans prepared for a flno now homo on his own property, but hesitated to build liecuuso of the unpleasant proximity of n stable on tho lot adjoining tho rear of his own. The, trade obviates all difficulties. In making tho deeds tho fact conies out that Mr. Winger has been divorced from his wife. Tho Lord is on our side. For flvo years tho state fair has had line weather and been making money. As nn exhibition this year's fnlr has been tho biggest success of ull, nnd this Is also true of thu financial returns. The receipts, exclusive of tho admission coupons sold witn railroad tickets, are unolllclullly reported nt nlwut $24,000, which Is fl.OOO in excess of last year's total. The returns from thu railroads will increase that several thous nnd dollars. The admissions on tho biggest nay, exclusive 01 deadheads, wero rejiorted nt about 42,000. ""' ' The news of Dr. Milton Lano's death, which occurred Monday morning, camo with u shock, because ho had been uikjii tho street n few days before, nnd few know of his illness, much less that It was dungerous. His nil ment was peritonitis. Tho deceased was fifty-two years old and leaves n wifo and child. Doctor Ijuio enmo to Lincoln In 18711. Ho took a prominent part In tho niruirs of tho city, ond by the medical profession was re garded us one of Its ablest oxiwnents. There nro many sluceru mourners, w hoso sympathy goes out to his stricken family. PERSONAL Miss May Moutroso Is convalescent. Mayor Graham is in St. Louis on business. Miss Smith of Peru Is visiting Miss An throp. 0. O. Wedge of Af ton, Iowa, is visiting R. E. Wedge. J. S. Norton has returned from Tuxedo Park, N.J. Mrs. L. W. Oaroutto is visiting friends nt Des Moines. Miss Jenulo Erb has returned from her eastern visit. Miss Georgia Talbott of Tablo Rock is visit ing Mrs. Truax. William Clark's son Frank Is recovering from a long Illness. Mrs. E. N. Buckingham has returned from her European trip. Judgo Field's son, W. R. Field of Yuma, Cab, has returned home, Mr. and Mrs. It. E. Mooro havo returned from their European trip. , Miss Grace Grlfllth's visiting friend Is Miss Jennie Keith of Chicago. Mrs. D. F. Edmlston and son of Clinton, 111., are quests of A. B. Tweed. Mrs. Rov. P. W. Howo is visiting her daughter at Fayette, Iowa. W. R. Dennis and C. D. Smith havo been "doing" Denver this week. C. A. Atkinson is with his family in Ohio, visiting "the old folks at homo." Miss Iim Burch, now of Grand Island, I tho guest of Miss Nellie. Graham. Prof. G. E. Earlier, just returned from Europe, reports a delightful trip. It was rumored on the street yesterday that Louis Storrs had died at Denver, J. D. Calhoun and family nro visltlnc Mrs. Calhoun's father In Nemaha county. Miss Esther Marvo has returned from a visit to Mrs. George Brown of Hastings, Phlletus Peck, now of Pasadena, Col,, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Fred Hovey. "Daly" Davis, tho iwpular kid glovo sales man of Chicago, wus In tho city Tuesday, James Spencer mid family aro about to re move to their futuru homo In Salt Lake City, Charles D, Thompson, lately city engineer of Coldwnter, Mich., has located In Lincoln. Ml&s Virgio Miller, u vivacious young lady of Gallatin, Mo,, is a guest of Lincoln rela tives. Mrs. L. F. M. EastordaylsentertninlniMior cousin, Miss Snrnh Dngust of Burlington, Iowa. Bert Brown of Turner's drug store is olf on a ten-day hunting trip in Colorado nnd Wyo. nilng. Mrs. M. E. Ilayden, mother of K. K. Hay den, is visiting ut the home of her sou on G street. Miss North of Columbus Is visiting tlio Misses Cowilrey and will probably remain next week. Wait Mason has returned from Omaha During his stay there ho contributed to the ftyiutiffniii. Mrs. M, L. Trestcr was at Syracuse this week as delegato to thu district convention of the W. ii. T. U. Mrs. O. E. Doworiunn received state fair premiums for her display of cut flowers nnd blackberry Jelly. Miss Nora Stoon, daughter of the laud com missioner, has gone to Mt. Vernon, lown, to enter Cornell college, Judgo 0. 1. Mason hns liocu appointed a delegate to the doopwnter convention to lie held ntTopekn Oct 1st. Miss Anna Hawkins leaves today for Chi cago to post up on nil the now dances for her winter school of dancing, Mrs, J, II. Holnmu, now n resident of Kan sas City, lias returned homo after a pleasant visit with Mrs. J. E. lllggs. Lieut. Grllllth, military instructor nt tlio State University, ruturiied Wednesday from his summer visit nt Pittsburgh. Deputy State Auditor Bowernmn's mother died Sunday morning of paralysis nt Spring Held, Ohio. Slip wns HI years old. Miss Bessie Hart ruff hits gone to Lyons, In., to attend school. Whllo there she will make her homo with her sister. Mrs. Dnnby. Tho Wostorinnnn brothers, Fritz, Mnx n tl Julius, hnvo also U-on enjoying n visit from ftnother brother, Theodore of Decatur, III. T. P. Kemmrd, who has been seriously ill of pleurisy nt Owcgo, N, Y,, hns recovered sulllcleutly to venture making the return trip. C. C. MuiiHon nnd fnmlly lmvo been enter taining his niece, Miss Anna Hulcomb of Omahn, daughter of the vice president of the U. P. Mrs. Alice Williams has licon nt Columbus, Ohio, representing the Daughters of Heliekiih of Lincoln nt tho national convention of the order. Alexander McKulght and family havo nr rived from Siencer, Ind., to mnko Lincoln heir home. Mr. McKulght is u pension at torney. Miss Laura Blizzard left Thursday for Kan sas City, Mo., where she, will visit friends. She also expects to visit Chicago Iteforo sho returns. Gen. Cole, Col. Hotchklss nnd Col. Blzer were bright and shining lights nt Beatrice this week and cut a grout swell in feminine nlTcctious. Mnjor H. C. McArthur, J. W, Brown nnd A. L. Cochran went to Council Bluffs on Tuesday to attend a reunion of Crocker's lown brlgndu. Mrs. A. N. Wyckoir of Twenty-seventh street is enjoying a visit from her mother nnd sister. Mrs. C F. Morris and daughter, of Waiiello. lown. Rov. nnd Mrs I'.W. Howo hnvo been enter taining Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 11. Tank of Chatham, N. Y., who are on their way homo from a visit to California. A. C. Cnrjier of tho B. Si M. ti-towii ollleo was visited by n brother from Burlington, Iowa, last .Sunday, and they ran up to Oma hn for the nf ternoon. Mrs. Charles Antrim of Bird, Kansas, Is visiting Mrs. J. E. Higgs. Mr. Antrim, for merly It: it M. ticket agent nt this station, Is now a banker nt Bird. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Ernst hnvo lieen enter taining Rov, Dr. Scholl of Baltimore, secre tary of the Ismrd of foreign missions of thu Evangelical Lutheran church. Miss Gertie Dully of Vermillion, South Da Icota, is visiting her mice and aunt, Mr, nnd Mrs. Henry Zehrung, having come to attend their silver wedding reception. Jim Drain of the Capital National bank started Monday to ride his bicycle to Denver. lid Ulghtcr or the union Havings bank ac companied him as far as Hastings. Miss Cook and Miss Roll, two of Wuhoo's most charming young ladies who hnd been visiting Miss Mary Mnwo and enjoying the stato fair, lmvo returned to their homes, Mr. nnd Mrs. J, A. Keith lmvo removed to Omaha, the former having gono Into business at SOU South Fifteenth street. The Apex ci gar stand has been sold to J, W, Ruirucr. Mrs. C. A. Bennett, nee Miss Hayden, of Washington, D. C, Is visiting in the city ns the guest of Mr, mid Mrs. K, K. Hayden, und will remain until the days of September are no more. Miss Luurti M. Rolierts left Tuesday for New York to sail theuco for Germany. Sho goes to Berlin to tnko up the study of litera ture and language, and will 1m nlsent n year or more, W. J Turner will go to Washington to at tend tho triennial conclave of the Knights Templar, He will bo accompanied by his wifo and child, and they will also visit the old homo in Ohio. 0. J. Wilcox of tho German National bank has returned from his month's vacation in Now York stato nnd Indiana. Whllo nltsent ho visited the great ChautiUKpm meeting nnd other plnces of interest, Lieut, Pershing, U, B. A., who hns been visiting in Lincoln, has boon transferred to a new Kt In Now Mexico. Ho was given two weeks time to make thu change and took part or It to visit capital city mends. Mrs. Charles Hamllii, sister of Mrs. R, H. Townley, started Sunday for her home in New York, where her husband Is stationed us tho agent of n big California wine company. Lieut. Townley accompanied her as far ns Omaha. M. A, Newmnrk of the GIoIhj clothing house accompanied by his family will leave Monday for St, Louis to see thu sights attend ing tho big St, IamIs fair. Mr, Nowinurk will remain but u few days, w hlle Mrs. New mark expects to visit there among friends and relatives for ft month or more, Sain'l Lowe, clerk to Gov. Thayer, has left for the University of Michigan at Ann Arlior to take up the study of law, Mr. Iowo has Ikvii In the governor s olllce fur nearly two years mid has won general esteem for his courtesy nnd promptness. Among thoyoung people he has made many friends. His place will not 1") tilled for thu present, and on ac count of tho sumllness of tho governor's al lowance It may not bo tilled nt nil. AMUSEMENTS. King Colo II wns heralded ns n comlo op-, orn, ns n pantomimic extravaganza and as n musical travesty. They wero nil on hand nt Funke's Monday evening except tho ocrn, tho pantomlmo nnd thu travesty, Tho rest wero disguised, it Is true, but they could ho discovered with a good glass. King Colo Is a wlmt-ls-lt, a curious conglomeration of music, burlesque, horseplny, speclnlly business and pretty singing. It Is a bundle of Jingles nnd nu nvnlancho of "gngs." It Is a glare of me diocrity mid n blnro of vulgnrlty, rcllovcd hero nnd there by tuneful doggerel and hand some stngo effects. It wns a dream nnd n nightmare now n vision of ns cute, coquet tish maids as over trlpjied across one of Knto Oreoiiiiwny' tinted pnges, nnd then ndysi0) slu of vulgar nonsense It hud plenty of rhyme (of its kind), but no reason was discov erable. It begun with a motif t but that soon lost Itself nnd tho lieu Ihlured spectator was loft to wonder what It was nil about. Mother Goose Introduced several charneters by minus familiar to rememberers of her uursciy ruymes, but thoy soon lost their Identity und tho old lady herself would not know them, The Woman Who Lived In u Shoo (the shoe was left to tho Imagination, whllo tho Z'A) pounds of woman wero anything but vision ary) claimed tlio ten chorus girls ns her chil dren, but thu nudicuco was loft In painful un certainty ulwut tlio jMiternlty of thu young men who wore uuhennl-of costumes und cmno nnd went without motive. Just why King Cole tho two 1 'd should bo represented as an Impossibly coaro Irishman does not appear, unless It Is to give a chance to an actor who cannot forget tho vulgarity nnd tho horse-play of a minstrel show's aftcrpleeo. Tho dialogue chnnges tho scene from tho United States to England nnd buck again with a delicious unconcern for consistency. The inusio has no catchy airs that will linger III tho memory. A few of Mother Goose's molodles nro rendered by the chorus, and tho familiar jingles nro quite tho best things in the musk. Machine work has tho merit of being turned to n nicety nnd having n rythm that is not elusive. Thu tlnklo of n trianglo Is preferable to the continuous discord of n brass band. But tho correspondents of tho dramatic papers acted as u lody of cluqueni, nnd at a signal from an ngentof the company thoy stnrtod frequent encores, To tho mnn who built this "opera" is duo a debt of grntl tudo for not casting out thu element of feinl nlnlty. Wo nro necustomed In couilo opern to seo legs In red tlghti, legs in bluo tights, legs lu many colored tight, plump legs ond thin legs legs, legs everywhere. It Is decid edly refreshing, without being prudish, to seo chorus girls in skirts. There Is n grnco, n sen timent, n mystery In n woman's gown for which tho improbable, tell-tnlo tlghUoirorno comjionsntlon except to n gross mind. Tho chorus girls of King Colo, ilrst lu dairy maid costumes and then In modllled Greenaway gowns, weio graceful, coquettish und emi nently girlish. Their tripping songs wero rnther the best things In tho performance. Tho palace sceiio in tho second net wns a handsome bit of staging, though tho 18,000 glass prisms did not give tho dazzling ctrcct to bo expected from tho advertisements. A big audience turned out Monday night, but It was considerably smaller tho following even ing. AOA1N THIS KVE.NINO. Tho Corsair, which has hail n remarkable success lu tho oust din lug tho past two years, was presented for tho ilrst time' nt Funke's last evening and will Ik) repeated tonight. It is thu creation of Edward Rico, whoso pro ductions of Evangeline und Thu Pearl of Pe kiu lmvo been notnblo theatrical events. On account of tlio aiuouutot scenery to le moved The Corsair has not heretofore been produced for u shorter run than a week, nnd Lincoln people aro specially favored therefore In this production. The Couwkii'h forms nro too nearly closed to permit. original comment lu this issue, but the following from tho Cincin nati Enquirer tells the story: "Tho summit of sHctucular splendor has been reached, Thu Cincinnati publlo'huvo never had such an opjiortunlty to feast their vyw upon bucIi daz zling scenery. Stage picture follows stage picture with bewildering grandeur. For rich ness and urtlstio combinations of colors with delightful etl'ects, the harem scene lu tho third act has hardly been equalled. There is no well dellued plot. It Is simply a burlesque extra vuganzn, interpolated by ninny new nnd laughable gugs, with funny situations, which aro admirably brought out by soino of tho cleverest iooplo lu America. Tho music is bright and pleasing, whllo thu burlesquo lul laby Is a fad wich will set an uudleuco wild unywhoio." OKIIMA.N COMEDV, Knrl Gnrdner w III lw nt Funke's next Mon day ovenlng. Tho Philadelphia Ilulldin says of him: " 'Fatherland' presents a picture of the simple homely joys of a contented people, of which Karl Gardner is a splendid tyjio. Gny, rollicking, manly and bruve, ho com mands the admiration, mil. iwinrlm, fnril. 1,1., soul In melodious songs, wins his way. Ho uas n sweet voice, ills priucliiul song, 'Tho Lilac' will lie Verv Doimlnr. lnivlm. .it.l.. and tuklmr air. His 'Geriinm Hu-i.ll' la i,rii,t und pleasing und exceedingly well rendered. Ho Is light on his feet nnd dances with grace and neatness, the music of his heels being al most as irood us that of his vnlcu. Tim nlm- ruses by thu company were very enjoyable, more eiecmiiy, 'tho Hplunlng Wheel'chorus iiiiu -uiuguiiig oong i he mile cllluj ileenlo, with her piping voice, is tlio conuuting link between Gardner and tho comedy, Sho is bright und peri "d ucts with considerable In telligence. 'Fatherland' is ono of those simple llttlo ploys carrying ono back to tho happy times of boyhood, touching the heart and and lightening thecal es of life, making ono feel better for having seen it, und leaving no bitter taste in tlio mouth." MINHTIIEI.S. On Tuesday ovenlng tho UoUou Ideal min strels will hold forth at Funke's. On.t nr td.i hits of the company is the operatic burlesquo uj rrwi . .iiuiconu, mo male soprano, form erly of Huverly's and of Johnson & Blavln's coninles, Whllo appearing loforo tho Prince of Wales his highness wus tilled with wonder and wanted to see the singer "close to." Tho prince wus so pleased that ho or dered his secretary to write an order on Swan ; Edgar In Plccndlly circus to deliver to Mr. Aiiiicoiiii any cosiuino uu might select. This Drvsclltod costume will limm iitIiIIiIiI,,,. i somo prominent show window, The Ideal have a number of slur specialties, nniong mom .uasior koiiiio, mo miiunutcrpoiit. AKOTIIKIl COMIO OI'KIIA. Manauer MoRovnold of Fnni.,.. l triulnn. tho ptibho nu uhundnucu of light ojH'ra. For rriunynnii Haiiirdny evenings next ho has hooked "Tho Fakir," onu of tho latest suc cesses oust. "Tllcl Filklr" U i.r dm mimln order, lllled with catchy airs, Iwwlldorlng inures oi ononis gins and pretty seen ory, It hns hnd ft successful run In Now Ym-k. wlmui approval Is nocopted by tho rest of tho coun try nsnllsulllclent. KI1KNMUHICK. Ono of tho successful theatrical nttrnctlons of yours ngo was "Out of llondngo" by Sam Lucas mid the Hyors sisters, Lucas and ono of tho sisters, now hi wife, wero at tho Mu- 00 tills Week III a llttln nL-eleli nlvlmr,. ,.., opportunity to bring lii their songs nnd vn- iiuii musical instrument. Itnwsou gave now ImiIiiU lu club swinging, some of them blind folded. Tho long haired DoEstn sisters, the Circassian siukoehnriuer nnd tho cremation Illusion created much wonder Tho hill for next week will bo ono of tho biggest yet pre sented, Tho trump card will bo the Venetian Troubadours, composed of six lady mandolin players. This Is tho trotio that played nt thu New Orlonns oxjiosltlou nnd they hnvo boon n strong attraction In Now York for two years past. Thoy are on tho way to tho Pn cilia coast nnd will stop but ono week. Wnl ter H. Etunrt, thu Modern Job, will show how a man born without hands or feet can gut nlong ns well ns more fortunate people. Among tho other attractions will Ikj Annie Sylvester, tho noted hleyclo rider, F. B. Tlioiuns, the negio song nnd dnnco artist; Millard Fillmore, tho Gorman dialect cnuicdl nil.BwcunV. the inmlnrii Hitiutaim llnwi.n. nnd Clnyton in u comedy sketeh, "Tho Days oi juiy- romweus tours, showing vlows of Switzerland, cowlxjy If fu, Utah and tho Mor mons, Niagara by moonlight, do.. Ami every thing can bo seen for ten cents, with an ex tra charge of flvo or ten cents If you want n chair lu tho big theater. TALK OK TIIK HTAOK. William II. Crnno ooned lu Chicago last .Monday In hlsnowplay,iJOnProl)atlon,"nnd scored a brilliant success. The Calumet club took nil tho Uixcs. Crnno plays the part of Johnnthan Sllsby. Tho play owes its title to the jKisltlon of Sllsby, an American bachelor, who is lu lovo with Miss Mary Marlow, a young lady whoso devoted nursing brought him through n severe Illness. Miss Mnrlow returns his direction, but Jolmathan, with many good qualities, has ono weakness which tho girl fears will prove fatal to their wedded happiness. Ho Is nn incorrigible lllrt. Miss Mnrlow, having detected him for tlio hun dredth time in some amorous peenillllo, re fuses to admit nn engagement, but puts him "On Probation." Ho Is alsjut to sikmu! n your with his sister, Mrs. Harmony, and her daughter, Sadie, In European traveling. Miss Mnrlow is ono of tho party. If during thu year Mr. Sllsby can refrain from flirtation, Mary will Ikj his. If not, all must Ihj nt nu end lietwoen them. Johimthan nccopts the liivorltablu, and the "probation" nnd the play Itoglns. Of course, Mr. Sllsby falls. He falls repeatedly and Mary Mnrlow, ns Sllsby himself iMithetlcally remarks, "catches him every time." Tho party lmvo ninuynmuslng adventures lu Eiiioikj, ositcclolry Johnnthan, whoso flirting gets him into nil mnimer of amusing escapades, but evontnally ho satis lies Miss Marlow of his genuine devotion and they marry, ull ending lmpplly. It is now announced that Mrs. Jnmes G. Blalno, Jr., will not appear on the stage at nil, and that sho abandons her dramatic ns plrutloiiH ut tho request of tho Plumed Knight, her futher-ln-lnw. It isfiirther iiimorisl that a reconciliation with her htislmud Is on thu carpet, Frohinaim will (111 her dates with other attractions; there will bo no litigation and everybody Is happy. Mrs. Ward (Helen Dnuvry), out of deference to her Imselmll husband's wishes, abandons her promised tour, nnd certain actorsnnd netresses engaged for it threntcn trouble. Mm Jnmes Brown Potter cancels nil her contructs, no ono knows why, and lnuhy-tonguod rumor re K)rU that she will nlwndon tho stage liecuuso her family Interest objections, that her luiklmml has put his foot down, that sho Is to take a theater in London, that she will go on a tour with Kyrlo Bellow, and that sho only wants to tnko a longer vacation. The public has tho choice of all those theories. Tlio following attractions were announced for this week lu New York: "The Drum Mn jor" nt the Casino; "The Oolah" at tho Broad way; "Hands Across the Sou" ut the Stan dard; "Clover," at Palmer's; Donnelly and Glrnrd in "Nnturnl Gas" at the Bijou; Sol. Smith Russell In "A Poor Relation" at Daly's; tho Duir Orient company In "Paoln" at tho Fifth Avenue; "Dootlo's Babies" at tho Mad ison Square; E. II. Sothern in "Lord Chum ley" nt tho Lyceum; "Antlopo" nt Niblo's; "The Fat Men's Club" at tho Windsor; Cor rinnu in "Monte Cristo Jr." n. tl,.. ... enuo, Barry & Fay at the Park; "Tho Oreat jieuuui.s ut rrociors; "Hhenunilonh" ut tho Star; "Sho" at tho People's; Gorman's minstrel at Tony Pastor's; "Fenicllir nt the Union Square; Donmnn Thompson in the "Old Homestead" at tho Academy of Music; Joseph Huh thorn in "Paul Kuuvnr" ut thu Grand. There nro so many Items nllont nlwut Mary Anderson that her secdy return to tho stngo would appenr prolmble. Mnrcus Mnyer says ho h as quite recovered nr.d will fulfill her en gagement with Ablwy. A later rcort says she Is rusticating nt n pretty villngo In tho Mill veru hills, within n mile of the house oc cupies! by Jenny Llnd-aoldsohinldt from her retirement from thu stage until her death. The Severn winds its way at tho foot of the hills on which tho village stands. Bho 1ms boon at Malvern before, but whenever sho np lours on the street the villagers ruh to their doors and w indows to cot a gllinpM) of her, and they study and talk much about her modes of dross, Brou son Howard'snewplay'Shonuiiilimn,' lms caught on in New York, und will prolm ably go on the road a year or two hence. There wns senne surprise In New York to Ilnd that thu humorous element wns In tho n wend nut, for tho Idea of n war story suggests rather tho terrible or pnthetlo thnn tho ludi crous; hut tho nuthnr hns carefully kept In tlio background tlio piilnfiil Incidents of tho wnr, while, of the heiiu elements, ho hns availed himself of tho attack on FortSuuiter mid the famous rldo nf Slioiidnu, Thu use of signal lights mid cavalry culls glvou vivid ef fect to onu of tho scones. Tho epidemic of women of nioro or lews no toriety, who hnvo figured ns stars In tho tho ntricnl flrmniueiit thu imst two or t luce yours, seems to lmvo terminated. There will Ihj two or three modest women only this season who will havo the entire Unites! States cli cult to themselves, Mrs. Lnngtry and Sirs. Potter havo rotlresl from our gnw nnd tho Incoming of Mrs. Blnliio and Mrs. Carter has lccn suulfesl. tawrenro Barrett hns returned from En roe lu excellent lieulth nnd spirits. Ho wns approached whllo nbrond on lielmlf of n fa mous English tragedian and asked to tnko part lu a grand revival of Shakespearean plays lu Iondon next year, Tho plays men tioned wero "Julius LVsur," "Othello" und "King John," nnd tho parts oirerisl Mr. Bnr rett wero Cnsslus, Othello and Fuulcoubrldge, It Is stated that an enterprising manager I trying to form n dramatic combination that will Include Burah Alethn Terry, Mrs. Losllo Carter and Mrs. Ray Hamilton with JohnL. Biilllvnu and JukoKllraluns thu leading men. Pat Bhcody would mnko n good ndvunco agent and NntKilesm Ives should bo tho treas urer. Carroll Johnson, tho well known minstrel comedian, iimdu his debut ns u star last week in New York hi a romantic Irish drama en titled "The Fairy's Well," which wns given nu unusiinlly handsome production under tho direction of Dbu Boiiclcuult. Mr. Johnson Hindu u success. Funny Davenport Is Ufoinlng quite n renl estnto Investor. Her latest purchase Is n Is'iiutlful summer lesldenco lu KnutnMoiiIco, tho Newport of California. Miss Davenport has homes now In New York, I'ensylvauln, Illinois nnd California. It Is stntesl that the snlnry of Vogl, tho Usnor nt' tho Metro sill tun opern house, Now York, during thu coming season will bo f.TJ, 000 for for twenty-four performances. Reich iiianu, thu baritone. Is to receive for similar work tiVKX). Tho Joseph Jeirorson-Florenco company are rehearsing tho old comedies In one of Mr. Jeirerson's burns nt Buzzard's Bay, Mass. Henry E. Dlxey Is rchonrsliig "Tho Seven Age" at tho Standard Theater, New York, where ho eqRms Oct. 7. "Slide Kelley Slide" Is thu nnmo of n now song nnd chorus to lie sung In "A Hole In tho Ground" this season. Clara Morris begins her season Sept. .10 nt the Grand ojiorn house, New York. TIMELY TOPICS William Henry Smith, de-nn of thenuwlnw school, will iiifsit thoyoung lawyers on next Tuesday evening nt Lamb, Rlcketts nnd Wil son's olllce to orgnulzo n moot court. O, N. Gnrdner has resigned his position ns city ougimsT IsA'aiiKu the pay allowed by tho charter Is liisulllclent. Ho continues to net by sixtiul upKilntment of thu mayor. Mem Ihts of tho council pay him thu high compli ment of saying that ho Is unapproachable by tho wily contractors. Miss France's E. Willnrd, thunoteslteinper nucu ngitator, arrives! In thu city last Monday u veiling, and was tho guest of II. W. Hardy und fnmlly during her stay. Shu Is accom panied by a private secretary, Miss Anna Gordon. They went to Belolt, Kansas, on Tue-Mlay to attend ii statu convgntlou of tho W. C. T. U. Iu Wessel of Thu CoDlilK.n Is in Chicago lu thu interest of thu Ciiiiihtmam Couiukii. Arrangements for lithographing nnd engrav ings nro laing mudo nnd Iteforo his return Mr. Wessel will purchase several pieces of new and Improved machinery; also the latest lu tyia for flno printing. Thu steady Increnso lu thu business of tho Wessel Printing Co. makes It necessary to ndd better facilities. Tho theatrical season is well under way and a glance around a fashionable audience at Funke'tMtlll show that Lincoln jn-oplo aro alive to stylo nnd convenience. Not only elo they mnko flno a display of opera glasses, but many of tho haudsomo holders lately devised for glasses are to be seen In constant use. It Is worthy of note In this connection that Hal lctt, tho Eleventh street Jeweler, hns the (Inert assortment of the ojktu glass holders to bo found lu tho city. It is hardly necessary to state that ho also has one of tho best stocks of glasses lu Lincoln. It Is a safe rule to go by Hint for anything tent Culturally falls lu a Jeweler's line Hallett is thu mail to seo. A halo old man, Mr. Jos. Wilson of Aliens Springs, 111., who Is over sixty years of age, says: "I havo in my tlmo tried a great many medicines, somo of excellent quality; but never U-foro did I find nny that would so completely do all that Is claimed for It as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy. It is truly u wonderful medicine," For sale by A. I Blinder, druggist. Seo the dogon Domestic. Sewing mnehini advertisement on jxige flvo. Visit tho 09-cent store, 1-13 South Twelfth street. Superior quality Anthracito coal at Bctta & Weaver's. Call up -J 10. Tho old reliable Canon City Coal at Hutch Ins & Hyatt's, 10JU O street. Look nt the fie, lOo and 25c counters ut tho OU-exint store. Special sale of suits and novelty dres goods to commence Monday morning, September S3d, at Asldiy & Millspuugh's. Fresh mined Laeknwuim nt Ilutchlu & Hyatt', 1010 O street. Ladles, come nut! see us at theOO-ceutstoro. Athby fc Millspnugli are now showing tho llnest line or cloaks over shown lu Lincoln. All tho latest uoveltlV now In stock. Opera Houso block.