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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1889)
Hwif 'ymiW'f TXr WH'WIln,.llHIHP fT "1(T5 W"' J iis '! 1 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1889. l u h a 4 ri i- AFTER A CLEW. Method of tlio Modern Detective Illtii (rated lijr n Bmnll Incident. Til follow him to tho end of tho earth! IIo ahull not wcnjw mo I" Tlio tall, powerfully built rimii, nttlred In n suit of dnrk blue, who hissed thoso word through lilo set tooth, stood In tlio shadow of a ouo storr con I Iioiim In n dark, noisome, ritllndclphlndlko alloy, and watched with widoly staring pyo n ilRiiro movliiR slowly rIoiir down tlio Hour Kong district of Clark street. Tlio wntcher was wldo awake, and thonn loons hml not jot closed for tlio night. It was evident ho was not n ollcomnn. KinrrgliiK from tlio nlloy ho followed stealthily tho object of his pursuit llko n lentil hoiiml on trnck of Its proy, Moving aloiiR In the shadow of tlio buildings nml haltliiR now nml then, lint never relnxtiiB for onn distant Ills eaRcr watchfulness, ho kept his mnn In night for uonrly nn hour. Down Clark to Harrison, wuston Harrison to tho I Ivor, across tho brldgo to Cnnnl, up Canal to Monroe, nml westward on that street for mnuy nnd nmny n wonry block moved this singular or rnthor plnrnl pro cosslon. "Ho lit t lo think ho U followed,' muttered tho relentless pursuer. "I'll shadow him to hi lair now If It takes till tho noxt centen nial I" At Kit tho mnn whom ho win following Imlted nt n modiwt dwelling, ojHMied tho gnto Hint afforded cntmnco to tlio llttlo ynrd In front, nnd ns ho tin nod to eloso It his fuco, plainly vlslblo In thaglnroof n street lamp close by, wo for ono brief tnomont oxjmscd to tho hnwkdlko gnto of tho mystcrlou pur suer In tho dark blun Milt, who had crouched In tho shadow of n friendly Indian clgnr sign arrow tho way. Tho noxt Instant ho had dlwipiHvirvd within tho house. With n smothered cry of exultation tho eager watcher took out n notebook nndcncll and Jotted down u memorandum. Ills lingers trembled with cxclteinont. "I snw his focol" ho Mild In n hysterical whisper. "I iini not mistaken. And now I hnvo his street mid number. At Inst I ntn on tho troll. If ho finds out nny tiling about thnt mysterious dlsnppoarnnco I'll know Just where bo goo to got It. Hal At last I At last I" IIo v nsn high priced dotoctlvo shadowing a 115 a wock nowspnper reorter to seo If ho could find somo clow to tho latest mystery that was linflling tho entire force, Detroit Froo Press. Met ii Deceiver. "Thnt' tho wny with tomo of thoso aristo crats," ho observed, ns ho loaned ngulust a telegraph polo nnd hold a wet rng to his eye, "Thoy nro full of deceit from ton to bottom." "How did It happen I" nsked tho pedestrian who had halted to offer hU sympathies. "Two blocks down houso n red brick. I called to strtko tho woman for a quarter. Man sat on tho steps. IIo looked thin nnd polo nnd weak. Wanted to know what I was after, you know. Looked upon him ns small potatoes and ndvlwxl htm to keep quiet. IIo Jumped up and shod his coat." "Was that nil r "Not quite Ordered mo to git. I couldn't seo It," "Was that nil 1" "Not quite. Squared off anil knocked mo into tho mlddlo of noxt week, nml then eckod mo up and throw mo over tho feuco to tho streot. Warned decolvor, ho was. niul musclo llko an ox, and ho put up Ills dukes Jut as handy as Sullivan. Bay, stranger, did bo black both my oyost" De troit Kroo I'i-css. SlUslmi Dolores. "What Is your mission hero, sir?" askodthe old mnn, with a frown, "I am on throo missions, sir," replied th poor young mnn, who was also n humorist "Well, what nro thoyf" Inquired tho old man impatiently. "Por-inhalon to marry your daughter, ad mission to your famllycirclo nnd sub-mlsdoii to tho regulations of your household." "Ughl" grunted tho old mnn, who was something of a Joker hlmsolf. "I havo ouo llttlo inUsJou to olTer lioforo I concludo any arrangements with you." "Namo It," cried tho poor young man eagerly. "I will only bo too glad to perform It." 'Dts-mlsslour shrlokod tho old man with a loud, discordant laugh, and tho poor young man fell deodnthUfeet, Washington Critic, That's DinVrrnt. I asked her If she'd Uko a stroll, Bho said sho didn't care. I asked her If slio'd tako my arm, Bho said slio didn't euro. I carelessly remarked "How warm!" Sho said sho didn't care, "Lot's tako tho opera In," said I, Sho said she didn't care. "What seat do you prefer I'd buy J" Bho sold Bho didn't Quoth I, when going home, "Ico cream P Bho said she didn't core, "Oh, do I wake, or do I dream I" Bho said sho didn't care. "Oh, will you bo my bonny bride!" She said sho didn't careto have More than one husband at a time. Minneapolis Tribune, j Not a Complete Separation. "Johnny," said his mother, "I don't want you to play with that llttlo Browujonos boy any longer, do you hcarf" "Yea'm," said Johnny. "Now, don't let mo hear of you disobeying Biol" "Nom," said Johnny, dutifully; "but Imay fight htm, mayn't I, If I want tot" Punch. Following the Old Unos, Smith I notlco that thotolegraph lino men tako tho advlco of tho old philosophers in their business, Jones How Is that I Smith Thoy begin at tho bottom and work up. Doston Courier. r.vldenco of Hmurtncu. Louise Docs your father npprovo of your engagement I Lily Oh, yes; papa thinks Oeorgo real smart. In fact, he pinched papa lu a wheat deal lost week. Chicago Herald, Mbm Autumn Out would you continue to love me when I became old and vassal Mr. fWchblow (enthusiastically) I love yov now, dearest I Life, ltow lie Lost llcr. A HUNGER STRIKE. Comp)lli( the Governor or n Mbsrlaa rrlsnn In Consider ttrlnvnnres. In his Siberian series In Century Mr. Oeorgo Kennnn give tho following account of n tirlson revolt among the oiliest A few days later alwut tho mlddlo of July all tho rest of tho stnto criminals were In ought back to tlio political prison nt tho Lower Diggings, where thoy worn put Into now and much smaller cells thnt had been inado by erecting partitions In tho original kameras In such a manner ns to divldo each of thorn Into thirds, Tlio effect of this chnngo was to crowd overy group of seven or eight men Into a coll thnt was so nearly filled by tho sleeping platform as to leave no room for locomotion. Two men could not stand sldo by sldo In tlio nar row spneo between tho edge of tho platform nnd tho wall, nnd tho occupants of tho cell were therefore compelled to sit or IIo nil day on tho plank units without occupation for either minds or bodies. No other reply w as inado to their otltlons nnd remonnlrnnces than a threat from Klinlturln that If thoy did not keep quiet thoy w otild bo flo; god. With n vlow to Intimidating thorn ICI ilturln oven sent n surgeon to mnko a physical examina tion ot ono political, tor tho avowed purposo of ascertaining whothor his statoof health was such thnt ho could bo (logged without endangering his life. Tills was tho Inst strnw. Tho wretched state criminals, deprived of oxcrclso, living under "dungeon conditions," poisoned by nlr laden with tlio stanch of oxcromont buckets, nml finally threatened with tho whip w hen thoy complained, could enduro no more. They resolved to mnko thnt last descrato protest ngnluat cruelty, which Is known in llusslnu prisons nn n "golodof ka," or "hunger strike." Thoy sont n notification to MaJ. Klinlturln thnt their llfo had finally bocotno unendurable, that they proferred death to such an existence, and Hint they should re fuse to tako food until thoy cither porlshed or forced tho government to treat them with more humanity, Nontteutlon was paid to their notification, but from that moment not a mouthful of tho food thnt was et luto their colls was touch ed. As dny after day jmxsod tho stillness of death gradually settled down upon tho pris on. Tho starving convicts, too weak aud apathetic oven to talk to ono another, Iny In rows, llko dead men, upon tho plank sleeping platforms, and tho only sounds to bo hoard In tho building wore tho footsteps of tho sen tries, nnd now nnd then tho incoherent mut tering of tho insane. On tho fifth day of tho "golodofkn" MaJ. Klinlturln, convinced that tho hunger striko was serious, camo to tho prison ami asked tho convicts to stato definitely upon what tern tlioy would dlscontlnuo their protest. Thoy r piled that tho conditions of their llfo wcr unbearablo, and that thoy should continue, their self starvation until tho excrement buckots wero taken out of their cells; until thoy were permitted to haro books nnd to oxorclso dally lu tho open air; until thoy wore allowed to direct tho expondlturo of their monoy for better food and Iwtter cloth ing than they wero furnished by tho govern ment, ami until ho (Klinlturln) gnvo them a solemn assurance that nono of thorn should bo flogged, Tho commandant told them that tho talk about flogging was nonsense; that there never bad been aTiy serious Intention of ro sortlng to tho whip, uud thnt, If they would end their striko, ho would seo what could bo douo to luiprovo tho material conditions of tholr life. Not being nblo to get any positive auruucM that their demands would bo com piled with, tho prisoners continued tho "golo dofkn," On tho tenth day tho stato of affairs had Iwcomo alarming. All of tho stnr lug men wero in the Inst stages of physical prostia tiou, nnd Homo of them seemed to Im near death. Count Dmitri Tolstoi, tho minister of tho Interior, who bad been apprised of tho situation, telegraphed tho commandant to keep n "skoi liuol leest,Mor "hospital sheet," sotting forth tho symptoms aud conditions of tho striken, nnd to Inform him promptly of any marked chnngo. Every day thereafter a foldsher, or hospital stoward, went through tho cells taking tho pulso ami tho tempcraturo of tho starving men. On tho thirteenth day of tho "golodofka" MaJ. Klinlturln sent word to tho wives of nil political convicts living In the Lower Dig gings that thoy might haro an Intorvlow with their husband tho first In inoro than twq months If thoy would try to jiersundo thorn to begin taking food. Thoy gladly assented, of courso, to tills condltlou, aud woro ad mitted to tho prison. At tho snmo tlmo Klinl turln went hlmsolf to tho starving men aud assured them, on his honor, that If they would end tho hunger strtko ho would do everything In bis power to satisfy their do inniids. Tlio cntrvatlea of tho wretched, heart broken women and tho promises of tho commandant finally broko down tho resolu tion of tho politicals, aud on tho thlrteouth day tho first nnd most obstinate hunger striko In tho history of tho Kara political prison came to an end. PoV a rave. Althougb-tho name ot Edgar A, Poe U seen In tho paper often enough to keep his mem ory allvo, and to promote lively discussion concerning tho manner of his life and death, yet public interest In him Is so slight that few people visit his grave, In Daltlmoro, in tho graveyard of tho Westminster Presbyterian church, at Fayctto and Qroon streets, ouo of tho busiest sections of tho rlty. Poo's monu ment, erected through tho effort of tho school teacher of Baltimore, can bo cosily seen from tho streot, and it I a significant sign of tho shortness of publlo memory, that thousands of Baltlmorean o say a writer from Dal tlmoro havo never turned asldo to visit Poe's grave. Pittsburg Bulletin. The KilglltU Language In rarls. More books nnd magaxlnea In English nro read now lu Parts than at nny previous pe riod In tho hlitory of tho country. If within n hundred year French wa tho hngungo of dlplomaoy, Paris Is beginning to acknowledge what Voltaire to hi death denied, that En glish can bo tho language of thought. A few year ago It would have boon a impossible to hoar Englldi spoken In tho high precincts of Parisian cultivation as for Sir Thomas Moro and Erasmus to have conversed In Gorman liutend of Latin. Now English may bo hoard everywhere In Paris, nnd Mine, Cnrnot en tertains Lady Lytton In her guest's eruacu lar". Now York Tribune, Tenii sou's Tribute to Hoi-are. Lord Tennyson told Mr. Edmund OoMnot long ago that ho attributed his command of metrical language mainly to tho thorough acquaintance which ho enjoyed from enrlv youth with the "Odes of Horace." HU father Insisted upon hi reciting on successive morn ing tho n hole of tho four iwok of tho "Odes" without a brink. "Horace was my mastir," said Lord Tennysou, "Horace nnd Keats." Now York Star. Fur llurns. Some 0110 has recommended tho application of a thick solution of gum arable to burn a liclng tho bust application that can bo made. It relieve tho jialu almost immediately and the process of healing goes on uuder it rapid ly. Many year' observation confirm the value of tho remedy. Medical Summary, Ills Coniililiin Wm Against Hint. Hndjl Hnsseln Ohooly Khan, envoy extra ordinary nml minister plenipotentiary from Persia, Is ouo of tho favorite I u Washington society, nml ho Is very fond of going nut nnd calling on tho hdlen, nnd Is nlwnys most hos pitably received where vor ho goes. Thnt 1 1. almost nlwnys, for nn uxporloiicu ho hml last Sunday afternoon proved that ho was not ns cordially received nt ono houso ns bus been his wont In tho ist. Ohooly Khan started out with tho iiiirHwo of making a round of calls. It Is bis custom to ny his resKcts to tholadlcAof tho fashionable world on Bundny tho iinuio ns nn week dny. Sunday liolng nu extremely plonmint dny, his Inndnii was not brought Into use, IIo walked from bis resl douco oil M street to Mnwgichuiiotts nvcnuc, In thu neighborhood of Fourteenth street, where tho objects of his first call resided. Walking up tho stono to in nn Indolent fashion, ho reached tho door and rather tim idly touched tho olectrlo bell. After linger ing some moment tho servant appeared, nnd before Ohooly Kbnn could utter n word sho shouted outt "Tho Indies nro all busy and cannot Iw bothered with you now." "Well," snld tho minister, completely non plusod, "Micro must bo n inistnko; take In my card." "Oh I don't worry thorn now," answered tho servant, not allowing him to finish his sontonco. "Thoy nro nil nbout going to din ner nnd don't enro for nny ono to boo them nt this tlmo you'd better como ngnln tn tho morning; nnd tho sldo door I always tho handiest placo for such ns ycz to call." Tho minister waited for no mora Tho re buff ho had received at tho hands of tho un ruly servant completely paralyzed him. He inailu 110 moro calls that day, nnd had about concluded thnt ho had bad n sufficient doso of American society. Tho Indie of tho houso noon learned of tho "horrible" mnnnor in which tholr distin guished caller had been received, nnd thoy nt onco inado hcrolo nnd happily successful offorU to havo tho affair Bottled on a basis satisfactory not only to themselves but to tho distinguished envoy from Teheran. Now York Tribune. A Tragedy. Tlio vlgllnnte bad Just captured n noted gambler, nml, lending him to n convenient tree, wero nbout to sti ing him up. Tho Victim (despnli Ingly) Pity mo for my mother' grny hair I Thoy bind him hand nnd foot. Tlio Victim tlioseechliigly) Twolro thou sand dollars if you spnro my llfo I Thoy fit tho nooso nbout his neck.) Tlio Victim (earnestly) Tho tltlo to tho richest gold initio in tho westl Thoy selro tlio rope and prepare to haul him up. Tho Victim (confidently) Say, boys, let mo off, nml I'll show you how to hold four nccsovorytlmol Tho Vigilantes (In chorus) Unbind blm for hi mother' wiko pity too bad to bang such a thorough gentlomnn. Thoy kneel boforo tho gambler. Tableau. Yalo Itecord. Borne Uko Hint. "Was going up on tho enr tho other night," ho mild, "nml met u friend on tho platform. Had a big packago under his nnn. Offered him n cigar. Ho took It. Didn't know till ho got off thnt ho had four boxes under Ids arm. What do you think of thatr' "Rather odd." "Should snillo toilpplol Mado a mistake, however, aud gavo blm n cigar that was loaded. Had it loaded to blow mv brother's bead off." "And It exploded I" "Bccherllfol Mnybo you havo seen n man out riding with no eyebrows nnd his noso tlono up l:i n rng. Samo man. Never speak to mo ngaln. Bo long." Detroit Free lYcss. A 1'ortluent Name. Callor Isn't SulHosa a rnther peculiar namo for n servant, Mrs. Light foot I Mr. Llghtfoot Yes; her namo U Rosa, nnd wo'vo added the prefix. Callor Oh, I see, because you aro all under tho Hosc-Llfe. 8lie Knew Her Tlacc. Omaha Housewife Now, Bridget, I want to bo real kind to you and treat you llko ono of tho family, but I want you to remomber your place. Don't try to do a I and my daughter do. Bridget No, Indado, mum I I never bad much brlugtn' up, but I'vo too much slnso for that, Omaha World. Cheap Ilefrlgerntlng. Ico Dealer Shall I leavo Ico for you this season, as usual, Mr. K.I Mr. K. No; I havo been neglecting my social duties latoly, and shall bo ablo to get through tho summer without Ico, I think, Burlington Freo Press. k T Till Spring Poet (banding n roll of paper to tho editor) Thei e, sir, I think thoro' somo stuff tn that poem. Editor (glancing at It) There is, mdced, my boy. It' ull stuff. Good morning. Time, Kuilly I'lxed. Walter Ahem, sir, you havo forgotten to ah Broker Oh, yes, your tip. I bad forgot ten. Buy A. H. and Q. preferred at 2d and sell at 40. Exchange. The Imurluble Ilulo. Tho first Impulso of n boy with n now watch U to assure hinuclf that nono of Its 175 part nro inUsiug. Jowoler' Weekly. The Truth ot the Mutter. Onco n pleasure toying Teuton put his Sunday go to suit on, and ho started for a frollo In tho much neglected zoo. Oozed with speeulilesa satisfaction upon erery rare attraction, aud he wondered when 'twas over what ho next had better do Uut libi moment's indecision was arrested by a tislon, and at onco tbe other creature sinned comparatively crude Twa toot gratis exhibition of conceit nnd Inani tion, that from poterty of languaguwe or forced to call a "Dude." But tho Teuton, unacquainted with tho genius, nearly fainted, could that bo a human being so unusually shaped "HII" h jelled, (be seven sleeper must have opened up their peepers, "Oot lo himiuel, vere' der keeper for der inongkey lulr gaped " -Philadelphia Pre. The Wrong tlss Hanged. Terry Thrall, who bas Just died in Macon City, Mo., confessed a crime for which an other wns hanged, In I NH William Vnndeventer nml hi wifo wero murdered nt their homo, a fow mile from Florida, a small town north of hero. Bill Duly, a Colored mnn, was susiiectcd, ar rested, tried ami convicted, and liiiitgcd In Paris, Monroo county, n fow mouths after tho murder. Thrall, on bis doathlicd, con fessed the ci lino, together with others In dif ferent rt of tho country, Duly accounted for his pnwciico nt tho Vniidovontcr residence In th Li way i IIo wild that some one of tho party to tho murder had told him to meet them there, ami they would pay him n sum of money indebted to him. On his uirlvnl thcro ho discovered thnt tho real object was to shoulder on him tho deed, nnd right well they miccvodod. After tho killing, nnd tho murderer had fled, Duly went Into tlio houso nnd placed the old lady, who was not quite dead, on the lxd, nnd ho, too, went nwny. The old lady died n dny or two later, and wns barely ablo to toll her friends thnt a no gro man had como into tho houso mid laid her on tho bod. Duly was stisiMX'tod, arrest ed, brought to her bedside nnd recognized. Thrall wns n dm lug diameter and com mitted ninny depredations. In Ibift ho nml a companion, now living, dashed into n movers' camp lu Monroo county, nnd with drawn re volvers forced tho uirty to dlsgorgo all tho money In their possession. Tho wife of ouo of tho mover wns so badly fright ned thnt sho gnvo piemnturo tilt tls to n child, from tho effect of w hlch sho hung botween llfo nnd dunth for mouths. Thrall was arrested, together with his pnl, at tho homo of tho brother-in-law of tho lat ter, a highly rcectod mnn. Thoy wero ful ly rocognlxl by tho movers ns tho men w ho rohlnxl thorn, nnd woro placed in Jail at ran, notli wero sent to tho penitentiary for the robbery, and Porry was set to work lu tho painting department. Horo ho dovcl ojksI cousldernhlo talent, and soon gavo signs of becoming a landscape artist and portrait (winter, which ho turned to good uso nf tor being liberated. While in Texas on n rnld Thrall, it I said, found out thnt four negro soldiers had been jwild off by tho government. Ho followed them to tho outskirts of tho town nnd killed all four nnd took their monoy. It Is said that Thrall in his confession Im plicated two respected citizens of tho state In tho VniidoVontcr murder. Kansas City Times. A Thiiio Wiup. Somo tribes of lnects nro "domostlo" enough, but this Is far from saying that thoy aro welcomo, nml, In fact, of all living objects of rofcoarch thoso of tho entomologist yield tho fowcut "iwt." Evory ono to his taste, bow over, and Reason has n correspondent who con lovo a wasp, and sjienk an appreciative word for it. Somo tbno ngo, ho says, I experimental quite thoroughly with somo of thoso llttlo fellows, and could not but admlro their scrupulous cleanliness nnd romnrkably good humor. Ono which I called my "xt wasp" plainly evinced his delight wjicn ho was allowed to lio In tho palm of my hand, whllo I stroked him w 1th tho fingers of tho other hnnd, al most ns ono would stroko a cat. Ho did sur prise mo onco by stinging mo, but I am con vinced It was purely accidental. Tho next tlmo you bin o an opportunity, ntch n wnsp as ho make his morning toilet, nml If ou do not fall in lovo with tho llttlo fellow for his iientneKs, his grace anil his gen-e-nl good behavior, It must bo because you are jealous of his accomplishments A Polyglot Monument. Ill tho vlllngoof Court Saint Etlenno, Bra lunt, a Belglau hai erected a monument to nil religions. Tho Romans first put tho idea of n Pauthcdn into form, although t'10 fellow ship of all faiths wns recognized by tho Greeks In many ways, and oven by the Egyptians nnd Hindoos. This Belgian mon ument is forty feet high, of two stories and n cupola. Tho four facades in French, Greek, Sanskrit nnd Egyptinn character give tho famous old saying, "Tho ono has many unnies." On tho outside of tho columns nro carved tho monogrnm of Jesus; the namo Allah In Arablo; that of Odin iiv Scandina vian, or Runic; tho Greek Invocation nt Del phi, "Thou nrt;" tho sucrvd monosylluble of Hobrows, Brahmins, Chaldeans and Chlnoso; and ns symbols aro to bo soon tho hammer of Thor, tho thundorbolt of Jove, the sacred flamo of tho Pnrsoes, and tho Buddhist wheel of tho law, Somo ono says it Is rathor a tomb than a mouumeut, Globo-Dcmocrat. Same n the King. Louis XI of Franco onco took it into his head to visit the kitchen and seo what wo golug forward. Ho there found a llttlo fel low, about fourteen years of oge, busily en gaged In turning tho spit with roast meat. Tho youth wa hundsomely formed and of so engaging nn nppoarnnco that tho king thought blm entitled to somo better office than tho humblo one which ho filled. Accost ing him Louis asked whenco ho camo, who ho was, and what ho earned by his occupation. The turnspit did not know tho king, nnd re plied to bis interrogatory without tho least onitwrrassmonU "I am from Berny; my namo is Stephen, and I earn as much as the king." "What, then, doe tho king enrnf" rejoined Louis. "His oxponsos," replied Ste phen; "nnd I mlno." By this ingenious an swer ho won tho good graces of tho monarch,' who afterward promoted him to tho situation of groom of tho chamber, San Francisco Argonaut, Iloverugo fur Consumptives. There la n Tartar drink callod "Kofer," which much resemble "Koumiss," well known a an admirable beverage for con sumptives aud others suffering from wasting dlsoasc. Dr Lovy tells how a very good imitation of it may bo mado. His method is as follows: Freshly prejiarod our milk is briskly shaken up and then placed In a soda wator bottlo, together with 3 per cont. of sirup The mixture is well corked and kept In a warm placo for three or four days. At tho eud of that time n most ngroeablo effer vescing boverngo Is obtained by uncorking, tho bottle. It contains somo 3 per cont, of alcohol. If required for use more speedily, a few dro) of lemon Julco should bo added to tho sirup. Boston Herald. Danger In Artesian Wells. Thoro aro somo who aro of tho opinion thnt an ample supply of ipxxl water could bo ob tained by sinking artesian wells In tho city of Philadelphia, or near It. It should not bo forgotten that tho artesian wells mado in this city by jiersons who intended to use and sup ply tho wntor as n boverngo wero closed by our health department because a thorough Investigation proved at tho water so pro cured could not bo used with safety. It a poared that tho water taken from tho wells had not eecapdd contamination from tlio wasto aud sowago of a largo population set tled for many years on tho surfacoof tho soil, Now York Times. "Have you folt slippers!" Inquired nn old lady in a shoo store, lie dork, who was now at tho butlnes and rattier young, an swered solemnly: "Yes, ma'am, many a time." For Late Styles and GO Lircoln Shoe Store They mnkc a Specialty of Ludlow's Celebrated Fine Shoes For Ladies. Tlicy combine Service, Solid Comfort and Economy. 122S O STREET. New Spring and -ARE NOW IN AT John McWhinnie's The Old Reliable Tailor. First Class Workmanship, Fine Trimming, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 305 S. !H3j,E-vE3TTia: Street. I HbbbbsbLbbB .mbbbbBbbbbbbbbPQbbHL iBfKXHw' JE. HIIvIv, LATE OP DIlOOKIiYK, N. Y Tailor and Draper GENTLEMEN: I shall display for your inspection a new and very carefully selected Stock, comptlslng many of the latest nnd newest designs of the European Manufacturers, and I am now prepared to take nil orders for making up garments for gents In the latest styles. LADIES TAILORING: Having for seventeen venrs met with great sucress In Iirooklyn, N. Y., In cutting nnd making Ladles Jackets and Riding Habits, shall be pleased to rccuUc patronage from the ladles during the coming season. I am nlso prepared lo receive orders for all kinds of Uniforms and Smoking Jackets. 1230 O Street. Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL'S DINING HALL, MONTGOMERY BLOCK, 1 1 19, ri2i and 1123 N Street. Meals 25 cts. $4.00 per week SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT We beg leave to inform our Lincoln patrons and the public In general that our Importation of FINE Novelties for Fall and Winter, Arc now ready for Inspection, We have a much larger and hner assortment than ever before. Call and see our latest novelties from London and Paris. Dress Suits a Specialty. gu.ckert & Mcdonald, 315 S. 15th St., Omaha, Nob. & yvV b bbsI LsfflBBsKLiH.H'BiBsH III sl I wmwmi M 1 1 1 1 1 ry q iMm -KbUSHbSsHsUaU f V. BBBBBBBBBBBBsS bIbVbbVbH nn5Rrtm.en!ltri,.b70th.r,,n?,'rePr!,nt1.b,niJ equally as fcood as th "Dirllniton noute," are to be aToided, as the inrarlabl result la ooarasioa, sxpsaso aai dlssstUf actloa. 0E0. W. HOLORESI. StNEML MsMBIlt, OsUH. JNO. rMNCIS, OIN. PAS J. AOL. OMAHA. Immense Satisfaction, TO THE LINCOLN, NEB. Summer Goods LINCOLN BRANCH OF Max Meyer. & Bro.. Wholcisle and Retail Dealers In PIANOS 0 ORGANS Ooncrnl western iixents for tho 8teln wny. Knubc, Clilckcrlng, Vose, Ernst Chillier, Hour llro, Nowby & Evans, nnd Hterllug. l' tnnrked In jilnln fhruros prices I'lwujs tho lowest for tho grado of pianos C. M. HANDS, Manager. 12 orttt 11th Street. LINCOLN, NEB. t. 7 A. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH - JTm. 4 . 4 t. ' v f t !l V I. tyif tv-f . 4.A I