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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1889)
T'fQtfiWWRW W'tftwy'tfr-" pp , 11V"'" ---.,:-.,, Tp-CT Wrt-tn x M. W it Hi' sY "A-PcfalllXR l?APE1V oFAPPERN -TIAVES " i,.- I l' , " Vol, 4. No. 42 Lincoln, Nudhasica, Satuuday, Sicpticmmicw UG, idSO. Pwioic Fivic Ojcntb HRre- s-tw,,.-,- V I V k..T.. . K.S4 ; A, It.' t I'. Tfc ; C-n fH. f t'. RS ' c- y m- ft. u rf li,- tf 3Sl frW 1v BYE TIIK BYE. Dyo-tho-Byo does not sharo tlio common prejudice of olil newsjMipvr men against tlio college-bred Minn who enter tho ranks of tlm scribbler for bread mid butter,. but there nro times when it would Iks n kindness for some Olio to venture n little advice to tho Icttrued beginner, oven at the risk of hurting his feel ings. For oxnmplo: A lire lust Saturday uight burned a barn valued at $500. Tho Journal gave It n quarter of ti column of val uable space and startled the render with a big scare head. That may Ik) the jiuirt's pol icy and not tho rojKirter's faidt, 'but the ac count of tho lire contained the following im portant facts: "The Harnett burned fiercely for iv time and lit up tho surrounding neigh borhood bright us day. The department hud tho flames extinguished In about ten minute after their arrival." I am sure that a young fellow bright enough 'to make his way through the university needs only to have his attention vailed to the ridiculousness of such work. A hint is as good as a lecture. There may be some extenuation In this ease,. because it is a rule in the Journal olllce to write against space, but even iihiiio-dolltir-a- week reK)rter owes something to his belt-re spect. The theater-goers of Lincoln, or u part of them, have n delicate sense of humor, and they shower their approval with llnodlscrlm inatiou. A case in ixiint occurred nt tho pro duction of "The Corsair." Tho most uproar ious applause of the evening wus created by a male trio, whoso members alternated in slug- hig n sorlow of stanzas, uccompunying their lays with grimaces and contortions. For ox a(Tiple,'vhut could be more humorous than this little odo to our, old friends of the nur tejyf Jack und Jill wont up the hill To not a pall of water. Jack lull down and broke a two-dollar bill And didn't bring back any changel It Is true that the meter is u little huuoaud the rhyme somewhat bashful about putting ill Its appearance, but what the audience ap plauded was tho wit and not tho oetry. Tho trio then presented nnother of Mother Gooso'b gems in a new sotting: LI tlio Jack Horner sat In a corner, Kullug n Christmas pie. Ho stuck In Ills thumb und pulled out nplum , And lie (lasn'UIonu anything since! This was excruciatingly funny, and tho listeners insisted on moro with a soulful yearning. They were re warded: , If a body meet u body Cumin through the rye, Thero nro no Hies on Gallagher, For Unllughcr let them got The humor of this clfuslou was cxqulslto, and the appreciative audlcncopaid nbig tril uto in sore hnmls weary and moutli. But the acme of wit mid relluemcut was not reached until tho following sentiment was delivered, when tho enthusiasm of the listeners mude such n magnificent demonstration that tho trio escaped in tho confusion: Mother-in-law Is dend, For her my heart does yearn. . I know sho's with the angels, Forsho was too tough to burn. Nothing In the jx-rfominnco iileosed the aforesaid theuter-goers quite as much as the pure and delicate humor of these alleged songs, it is a mutter tor prido that n Lin coin audience so readily detects tho liner points of n $tX),(XX) ierfonniince. Mrs.. Lane, widow of the late Dr. Milton Lane, hus published the followingcnrd, which fully explains itself: "To tho public and especially to tho friends and patrons of my deceased husband, Dr. Milton Lnnc,,niid my self, It Is gratifying to Ihj able to iiffnouuco definitely that T. II. Lane, M. D., of Leba non, Inil, my husband's preceptor and eldest brother, Is now associated with mo in tho practice and will bo found at uurollliv. As Dr. T. II. Lnuo hus made a sucrlllco of home and old friends as well as a lucrative practice to assist tho widow and orphan of his brother, I earnestly solicit a contiuunnco of your pat ronage." Soino time ago one of the county olllcers asked the contractors who are building tho now court house to put a special lloor in the room he is to occupy. He agreed to pay for It if tho county refused. Tho contractor suw blm after the recent county convention, but, itrango to say, he had changed his mind and didn't care what kind of a floor is put in. V A meeting will bo held at Boliauan's hall this afternoon by butchers, fanners and others interested in keeping out tho dressed moats sent here by the packers at Omaha and Kansas City. It is reported that tho packers are ottering their meat at a cent and a half a pound to induce tho local dealers to handle it, but tho consumer has not discovered any difference in the slzo of his bill. The butch ers are opposed to buying of the. packers, pre sumably Ixjcauso they make moro money by ' doing their own slaughtering; but they are picking against tlio inevitable. If they don't come to time the packers will probably do as they did hi Iowa: ojieii market of their own alid undersell tho old dealers. They huvo tho ability lo keep up that kind of a light indefi nitely. The butchers might learn u lesson fronr.tho logic of events and accept the inov itaUIb gracefully. The spirit of the age is for 'concentration, for tho conduct of industrial enterprise's in mammoth shops; and in all lines 'where it is ixisslblo handwork is being replaced by machinery and tlio individual worker is being driven out by the blgcoinixi ny. The same change Is taking placo in the manner of preparing meats for tho market. Tho butchers cannot delay It long. If the lire wise they will take tho tide at lb Hood and reap some of the benullU. If the butchers will unite In securing the erection of a packing houso right hero at homo they can defy tho outsiders. It U too clear to need argument that twt ty cuttle can Imj made into meat ill om shop with improved methods much cheap er than in twenty shops with old method. Tho saving of freight ltotli ways would glvo an advantage) over outsiders. Thero ought to bo a beet packing houso in Lincoln to sup ply the local market not only of thU city but of towns west of us. It It only n question whether tho supply houses for this section shall Isj located In Lincoln or nt Kansas City and Umalia. Ono of the moving spirits in today's meeting says this sort of a proposition will bo presented: If the business men of Lincoln persist In ImortIug their meats the farmers will Inqtort their supplies. Hut that sort of it threat will not amount to anything. Tho Journal of tho other dny gavoa pitiful example of the blind leading tho blind. An anonymous correspondent wasted nearly a column and a half trying to correct certain alleged abuses in the h leaking of tho English language, such as seaklug of a house a thir ty by eighteen feet In size, instead of putting tho smaller number first, Tho writer also told of a public s)eaker who put an affected twist to his pronunciation, and then this would-lo purist commits the following atroc ity: "This party so speaking could speak jwr fectly plainly, as ho would onco in a while seemingly blunder onto tho proier pronunci ation, but if he hud but known how his little thumb-sucking stylo of pronunciation grated upon my nerves, I am very sure ho would have set his misguided notion of olcguuco In such baby blatherskite as that aside and would havo spoken, as every speaker ought to, sHak his words perfectly." It Is only fair to admit that tho whole arti cle is not as had as this sample, but much of it will not boar the simplest tests of criticism: This correspondent tells of a sixsnker "mim icking Ids words out like n small child who had not yet le trued to talk." This is Ixid enough, but hu udds: "Well, it made mo tired. Then it made sick. Then It mudffino mad." It is iKissiblo that he was mmlo "tired" lit tlio sense of having his patience exhausted, but it is not ut all likely that ho was made "sick." Ho may have Iteen disgusted but he was not sick. Ho limy havo been vexed or Ir ritated, but he was not inado "mad." The omission of tho word "mo" Isjfore "sick" nuty havo been a typographical error, and, though he has lcen grossly careless in his lan guage he may have tho benefit of tho doubt. HUH telling of the same speaker and his effort this would-lx) critic says: "Tlio tuple was a dlscourso on tho tariff question." Only n caro lers writer, it blunderer or an Ignoramus would mix up a "topic" and a "dlscourso" in that faulty way. Lincoln is not behind tho procession In many tilings, but it is a little strange that she hus no better hall for the accommodation of dancing parties. Temple hall Is tho best, but It is not by any means up to tho requirements of tho city. If some of tho parties erecting now buildings would arrange a hall a good hall on an upper floor they could count on front two to four dancing clubs, not to speak of numerous other ixtsoiis and organizations wanting better accommodations. PEN, PAPER AND INK. In tho Ut. Iaiu Mayazine for October is an exhaustive illustrated article on Dinning haul, Alabama, ScHlmer'n Mayatine for October contains an exciting exploration article, In which Jos eph Thomson dcscrilos h'ls remarkable and fumous journey through equatorial Africa; n very practical paper on tho lsjst way to Im prove tho common roads of the United Htutos; an end paper by "Ik Marvel," the author or "Kovorlos of u Bachelor;" ono of tho most at tractive ulectrio articles, showing modern ap plications of electricity to war, on laud and sea. The leading article lu tho October i'oniui U a review of tho political situation In Ku ropo, by Prof. Kmllo do Lavoloyo, of tho Uni versity of Liege. Ho shows tho points of danger to peace, and explains tho formidable preparations for war that even tin most pa cific nations are continually making. It is a comprehensive lnsldo view of tho K)lltical status of all Europe. A hundred years hence, l'rof. Lavoloyo thinks, except China thero will lie no nution that can compare in strength and Importance with tho United Htittes and Hussia. Outiny for October Is a very gooditumlwr, Indeed. Jt marks an improvement over pre vious numbers, and such articles as tlio Trail of tho Bison, illustrated, by Julian Itulph and E. B. Gorton, A Tricycle Tour in tho Essex Country, The Granite Club of Toronto, beau tifully illustrated, and Tho Valkyrie-in Brit ish waters, readily show tho advance made. An unusually interesting story, by Captain Hawloy Hmiirt, is begun in this nunilier. It Is entitled Flycatcoer, a Talo of the Hunt Cup. Other articles are From Lako Nioissfng to Ottawa, illustrated; Fishing for Whiting on tho Irish Coast; Among tho Basques and Navarres, Ex-Vostinastcr-Qenenil Thomas L. Janios lias preiiared an explanation of needed postal reforms, which will apiear in tlio October Jonim. Mr. James declares Unit tho rail way mall service is twenty years behind tho times and ought to bo very greatly improved; thut small otllces near to one another ought to lie consolidated under one management, so as to save expense; und thut ocean isjstago ought greatly to bo cheapened. Edward Vukoflold, a incmlier of tho Australian I'ur llament, who has been elected und defeated many times under the Australian ballot sys tem, will contribute to this miiulier an ex planation of the practical workings und some defects of the system which hus boon so much discussed In this country. Two moro society belles aro displaying handsome solitaires, and the ladles, bless their lieartsl uru comparing tho size and brilliancy of the diamonds. Of course there is a (Infer ence of opinion us to who has een most high ly favored, but thoy nil agree that the place to get diamonds, either in rings, phis or ear rings, is nt Hullett's, on Eleventh street. They agree that he has the largest stock to sele t from, and the novelty and variety of the set tings urn ebiHJchiUy commended. Just re memler that If you want a diamond Hnllett is tho man to see. Fresh mined Luckitwaim at Hutchlns & Hyatt's, 1010 O street. PERSONAL Walt Mison hits gono to Denver. Mrs. II. U Hmlth Is visiting nt Falls City. Mrs. J. 11. Trlckey Is visiting nt Jefferson City, Mo. llov. E, M. IjowIs nnd son have returned front EuniK Miss Idit Burwlth Is visiting In Burlington and Chicago. Harry D. Mann lias returned from, his mountain trip. Miss Clnlru Link has returned from a sum mer's tour of tho wet. C. II, llntidolph Is entertaining his parents from Elkhnrt, Indiana. Mrs. .1, D. Harris hns lieen spending it week among friends at Crete. Mrs, L, F. M. Eosterday and sMi Cad nro visiting at Carthage, III. Dr. and Mrs. T. F. Ilrltt aro enjoying it vis it among Colorado friends. Miss Edith Wetzel of Leavenworth Is visit lug Mrs, Geo. II. Ashman. Both Cheney of Jmuuitown, N. Y., Is visit ing his sou, M. B. Cheney, L. C. Dunn of -oh rung & Dunn has return ed from his EuioH-nn tour, Mr. and Mrs. Will O. Joiioswlll leathomo nt 141B L street nftcr October 15. Mrs. E. Hallett and sou Bcott are visiting her old homo nt Uttuiuwn, Iowa. Mr. nnd Mrs. John F, l'orshlu nro visiting the corn palace at Hlotix City thU week. Mrs. 0. 11. ltanioy of Cheyenne, neo Miss Lulu Miller, Is tho guest of her parents. Mrs. 8. M. Woostor of Hunta Barbara, Cal ifornia, Is visiting Mrs. L. B. Woostcr. Hichnrd Yates lias gono to Ashland to take charge of the YuUts Bros.' branch store. Paul Holm is entertaining Ids mother nnd his brother, Edward Holm, of Hue.) iih, Ohio. G. Ij. Hawloy of this cljy was married Sept. 10 to Miss M. B. Htoror at Atlantic, la. Mrs. 8. A. Edsou and Miss Mary Hhermaii have gone to Florida for the former's health, Al. Dogge, tho drug clerk, has gone to Chi cago for a course in tho college of pharmacy. Eugene Zlomer, son of tho B. fc M. agent, has gone to St. Mary's Kan., to intend school Miss Delia Loomts hus liccu chosen presi dent of the senior class at the Htnto univer sity. Mis. C. E. Yates is entertaining Mrs. Mc Duuell mid Mrs. Wendell of Amsterdam, New York. Mirs Hattlo Crowe of Omaha Is visiting Miss Alice Gadd, who returned Wednesday from Omaha. Mr. A. H. Talbot left yesterday for it visit of it mouth nt Oblngdon, 111. , and other iwlnts in thut State. Mrs. W. J. Poland and daughter, the guests of J. W. Colo and daughter, have returned to Citrro'.ltou, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Ed G. Yates havo been en tertulnliig Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Doideyof Mor gautown, W, Vn. Mrs. Emma Manchester had as guests this week Mrs. Judge Appleget and Mrs. Abby Philll)s of Tecumsoh. E. It. Tingloy, a recent graduate of tho Htato university, lias taken a place in the Ne braska Savings bank. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shilling, parents of the Shilling brothers, have returned to their home at Bloomington, III. O. J. Wilcox of the German National bank went to Ivans is City Tuesday to attend tlio bankers' national convention. Miss Struttou of ltochester, N, Y., tho guest of Mrs. A. Ablmtt, left Tuesday to visit Sioux City und see tho corn palace. J. II. Cunningham Is home again after a month's vacation east. While absent ho vis ited the old home and the larger cities near tho Atlantic coast. Charles Tuhnadgo of Hebron, Mto Clara Schroodorof Elwoodaud U, W. Halstead of Tecumsch have come to Lincoln to take a budilods course of study. George II. Holden, head clerk at Kcmiard & Hlggs' drug store, goes to Sioux City today to boom tho "Tycoon" ierfumo nnd Incident ally look ut the corn palace. James Heuton hus gone to Toronto to rep resent Nebraska nt an international conven tion of Undertakers. He will visit at his old Indiana homo on his way back. Major H, C. McArthur wus chosen at the recent reunion of Crocker's Iowa brigade In Council Blulfs to be tho orator at its next meeting, to be held in Des Moines. Mrs. 11. C. Cllno of Tolodo, O., and Mrs. C. It. Hamhletou of Keokuk, Iowa, who woro guests of Mrs. A. H. Talbot during tho pust week, left for their homos yesterday. Al Buckstaff is now the owner of that hand some chamber set exhibited at tho State fair by Sheldon & Smith. It is of tho sixteenth century finish and makes a nobby set of fur niture. Miss Klttlo Clossen returned to Hillsdale, Mich., yesterday to resume studies. Mr. It. L. Taylor Alls the position of cashier and book keeper at the Good Luck grocery, made vn cunt by her absence. Mrs, Patrick Egun and children left Thurs day afternoon for New York on their wuy to Join Minister Egau lu Chill. Thoy go by wa ter to Panama, cross tho isthmus and sail down tho west coast of South America. C. J. Dauliuch's house hus been burglarized live times lu six months. LustSuudny morn ing the cellar wus roblied of nil tho provi sions It contained, nnd tho house of Juiues Kelloy, tho real estate mun, was served in tho sumo wuy. W. .Morton Smith, tho Omaha Ufjntllican mun, has leeii out ut North Platte this week with Lnbor Commissioner Jenkins trying to convince tho Knights of Lnbor that thoy were wrong in refusing to glvo certain statistics about wages and tho cost of living. It. W. Mcintosh of Council Bluirs has lo cated In Lincoln ns tho representative of solid Oiiiuhu commission firm. Mr. Mcintosh wus formerly on tho stair of the Omaha lliv. and subsequently assistant cashier of tlio New York Life Insurance company ut Omaha. Ho Is ono of tho leading society young men of the Blulfs, und is it gentleman worthy every con fidence, Ladles, come and see us at thoW-centhtoro. AMUSKMKNTS. Tho president's English Is not equal to the emergency of describing tlio fyo.OOO "Cor sair." Tho ndjeotlves, jxxir things! Imvo Ikhmi so abused and imposed uku in tho extrava gant language of common, overy-day life, thut they nro unequal to extraordinary Deci sions. Thoproudsuperliitlvennd the self-re-Hlectlng comparative have Irvii degraded by vulgar usoto it plebeian level of commonness. Nothing less than superlatives lu their origi nal vigor nlid glory will do Justice to tho inngnllleent staging of "Tho Corsair." As a sjiectacle It was gorgeous Istyoud anything over exhibited in tho great west, n wealth of plush, silk, tinsel, color, scenery and lights. As it bin lcsouo It was rich ami ainuslug. hi "Blrbnnto" Joseph Fraukau gave us some clever business that stands out ns a distinct burlesque creation; but Cluis. I lagan's Irish man, "Yussiif," was, as usual overdone. The audience have not yet found out why tho ac tion of tho play was stopissl completely to inject slack-wire nnd other s)oclulty business. The wherealsiuts of tho play dining thathalf hour wns a mutter of much unsatisfactory speculation. Whether It went out to hoo it man, took a vacation tor Its health or merely Suspended business for an early evening nap has not Ikvii mndo clear, mid several curious Icoplu nro dangerously near the ragged edge of ilosiKM'atlou. I ho siHHL'inltles were 1 1 led Into tho middle of tho performance without reason or connection, when the playwright might easily havo made a nluusiblu excuse bv having the pasha give a fete. A mulu wns also injected into tho 'rforinanro to kick the connection to pieces, but It seems to Ui an Idiosyucrucy of Edward Hire, mid genius must not lu judged by ordinary rules, "Adonis" Dlxey cavorted ten or twelvoyours ago as two legs or a coir in "Evangellno,"and wo are not sure but thero were signs of com ing greatness In the hind legs of tho mule. As a musical performance "The Corsair" was decidedly "rocky," If tho slang Impermissible. They were pretty nice pirates except when It came to attacking music. That they butch ered with it daring and it iK-rsisteuce worthy a baser cause, and tho object of their fero cious nsssauit wns literally chewed to pieces. But "Tho Corsair" doesn't bank on its music. As a spectacle it Immeasurably excels any thing seen in this section, and us a burlesque it ranks with the Iswt. "KATHKItliANI)." It Is no common pleasure to sjsvik of it the atrical performance In unqualified prulso,hut Karl Gardner and "Fatherland" merit that distinction, Gardner Isdongs to tho "Fritz" Emmet and "Pik-ii-lMM"HoanluiiHchool,who deisjnd on their singing, dialect, dancing and character acting rather than on sceulu or drauiAtlu eirects." Gardner has a sweet voice and is a graceful dancer, nnd ho takes fre quent opK)rttihlty to display his ability in those lines. At Fuuko's Monday evening ho won tho sympathy of the audience from his first appearance with it little girl upon his buck (it cleverly successful trick, by tho way, of Isith Emmet nnd Bcanlan to capture the paternal sentiment of the spectator), mid Ills sweet melodies and rythmic steps brought many recalls. "Fiithorhi"d" Is nu unpreten tious play, it picture of simple Joysaud home ly life, with Just enough unsuccessful villainy to net ns a foil for tho rugged honesty and native virtuu of tho German character. It Is nu Idyl that upisjjls to tho rushing Ameri can spirit llko n pretty picture of simple childhood. At tho close of the crforiiiuuco Gnnlner received the rnro compliment of n curtain call and was given a hearty cheer. Manager Melteyiiolds has not dismissed it licttcr satisfied nudlenuo in many a month. TIIK IIOHTO.N 1I1KAI.H. Not the opera company, but the minstrels. Never heard of them before, Hohi never to hear of them again. MOHICAI. UOMKtir. "Tho Fakir" was elven at I'liiikn'slasl. nli-ht nnd will bo rcjeutcd this evening. It Is a musical iaco comeoy written ny mm .11. rot ter, author of "liio City Directory," and Hor ry L. Hamlin, who wrote "Tho Spider's Web.', NKXT. Nothing Is booked for tho Fuuko next wook. Thomas W. Koetio will bo the next attraction. He is booked for Oct. 0 lu "Wchurd Third." EDEN MUHKE. Tills week's nroL'rani Iiim hml union nt tlm best features yet shown. Tho array of talent lu tho big theater was exceptionally strong. flwAfinnv. thn cvinrm! truittor lu rum tt lwi best. Tho Browning sisters were better than viio average singers in uieir lino. MHO mono brnthMm. tivn vnillicr lnrle wnn n frrnaf 1nnl nf admiration for their tumbling, and the Vene tian 'troubadours with their mandolins were fl llfrr nnrtl Tti tlm rtiii-ln linll Tnlti Tl..l...n Junta, thosuako charmer, uiadothooctators iiiriu witu apprcueusioii ny playing with big reptiles that sho wound about her nwli nml body. Next week promises another list of strong attractions. Amcnc them will lie thn kinir ofthoElfs. He was born at Cameron. Mo.. nnd nt his birth weighed only three-quarters of a pound and measured but Ave Inches in height. Ho Is now twentyono years old and weighs but eight and a quurter jiouuds. Ho is it erfect mun in miniature. Among the other fontures will be Prentiss, the man who breaks stones with ills list; Ignore, the queen of female contortionists; E. E. Evans, Uio nmbidoxtrous; Collins and Barton', song ami dance men; tho Putnam twin Bisters and Ned Walton, the merry mounts of music. TALK OK THE HTADE. Clara Morris ln-gins her season In New York KcptcmW Mill. "Tho Pearl of Pokln" oomixtny begin their tour season Sept. :). Lawrence Barrett's comimiivfnrtl.iuw..,,.,. numbers forty-seven ixxiplo. 'Iho Oohih" Is iiiuirlin? thii.'iid i,r it !,..,. nun prouiamo run in iNow York. Fanny DuvoiiKrt Is having tucstriis minted lu Italy to decorate tho third anil fourth llct Of "I Jl Toseil." Tin. lirrvlm-tl.,.. will Ut more elnlsirnto than over next season, "Contain Frueussii." lie n..llliil,..r u-lll i. the iioxtoDcruiiroduced livtli,. l,"iniii,,.u..-,. company, but New York won't see It until tho spring, and not unless it proves successful on tho out-of-town "dog." "Tho Drum Major" wns produced nt tho Casino In Now York lust wisk with mi elnh orate display of scenery, costumes unit pretty girls. Tlio occasion wns notable by reason of thonwipiHMiruuco of Paulino Hall after an absence of two years. "ThoCorslcuu Brothers," lu which fliuVrt Mantel! will Is) soon for the llrst time lu New York nt tho Fouttconth street theater this season, has not Ihcii presented lu thut city since It was played at Berth's theatre several yearn ago with Charles It. Thome, Jr., as lsiuls and Fabian del Frnuchl, Ho great wns tho success of M'llo llhcn lu llulfnlo, whore slo produced A. 11, Haven's play, "Josephine, Empress of the French," that tho business Increased until Thursday night when standing room only wus had. Thl condition of success existed through the remiilnder of tho week, und nt tho Saturday mnt'nco hundreds of ladles stood during the whole performance. Dlxey iiiiiiears to Isi conlldent of success In his new play, "Tho Hoveu Agesof Mnn," He Issnld to Isi "full of the new piece," In tho second net ho makes his aiiis'iiraiicu ns nu In fant lu a baby ciuiiago; then "ho gs-s through the inherent stages a boy with his soap-bubbles, a soldier, a Judiro and nu old gentleman. Ho will rely on grease paint ouiy tor mo changes ot make-up; uohiilrwill bo used on tho face." The Booth-MtxIJoskn compnuy have been rehearsing lu New York nt the Bnsulwny theatre under the direction of Inwrouco Bur rett. This week Booth and Barrett play to gether In Irfiulsvlllo, giving eight jxTfonn anees, for which thoy received te-'O.OOO hi cash. On September iWth Modjcska Joins Mr. Booth hi Pittsburgh, where thoy lxgln their Joint tour, reaching Cleveland OctolxM- 7th for one week, mid Now York Oct, Hth for nn extend ed engagement, Tlio following nttrnctlons were announced for this wook In New York: "Tho Drum Ma jor" nt tho Casino; "The Ooluh"ntthollrond way; "Hands Across the Sea" at tho Stan dard; "Clover," at Palmer's; "A Hole lu tho Ground" at tho Bijou; Helen Barry in "Love and Liberty" ut the Union Sqtmro; tho Duff Opera company in "I'uola" at tho Fifth Avenue; "Ihxitlo's Babies" nt tho Mud Ison Hqunro; E, II, Sothern In "Lord Chum ley" nt tho Lyceum; "Antloixj" nt Nlhlo's; Iouls Jnnis nt tho Windsor; "Hwcot Laven der" nt the Grand; Dcnutiu Thomson In the "Old HoinesU'ud" nt tho Academy of Music; Barry & Fay nt tho Park; "Tlio Great MotroK)lls" nt Proctor's; "Shoiinndonh" nt the Star; Harry Kernel 1 at Tony Pastor's. Tor tht. Ilvuelltor the Ladles. Mr. W. 11. Dennis, the hatter nnd furrier nt U!I7 O street, announces his sixth annual fur owning, nu event ol sixx-inl Interest to the ladles of Lincoln nnd vicinity. It will liegln next Monday, Sept, ItOtli, and continue Tues day, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. Ho will have on oxhihltloii a large lino of fur garments inado up In the latest styles from Ixmdoii and Paris for tho season of 18MMK). The lino embraces seal Jackets, wulklngcouts, mantles and iiownmrkcts, All the articles displayed will bo for sale, and on tho days iiuiiicd nttovo may lxi tsnight at strictly whole sale prices. An exx;rleiieed furrier will Ihj in nttendanco to take measures for garments to lxi inado to order when necessary. This will enable Indies to secure porfict fitting gar moiits mid have them inado to suit Individual preferences In the minor details. M-. Dennis' fur opening Is nu minimi event of grent ImX)rtanco nnd convenience to tho over Increasing number of Indies who wear furs. It brings to tho ladles of Lincoln nnd vicinity tho advantages of the oostern mar kets. It gives them tho assurance of having a choice of tho most approved modes, und places before toein built a largo Hue of gar ment as no ordinary dealer can alford to carry. Tho enterprise of .Mr. Doimlsiiotoul gives the ladles those advantages withoutcost to them, but lie olfers them tho opixjituiilty to make it considerable saving from retail prices. The promises made by Mr. Dennis lu yours passed have been redeemed nnd tho In dies who hnvo dealt with him will testify that implicit conlldenco may bo placed on his statements. In this connection It is also well to consider that when purchasing of such a house as tills ladies cuii rely on every representation made, us Mr. Dennis, Ixiiug it ixirmmiontnud promK nent merchant of tho city, is ever ready to make any nnd nil claims good. This cannot be dono when buying goods east, and certain ly Is an Important xilnt lu favor of patron izing a home merchant. Tlm Jen Uh Ilolldujs. Thursday was what the Hebrews term Hosha-slio-no, which means New Year's duy and dates back to the beginning of tho world, the year Just opening being 650, The occa sion was duly observed In this city, services being held by the reform congregation at the church, corner M and Fourteenth street, wmio tno ortnouox iraternlty worshiixxl at Boutley's hall, on South Ninth street, llabbl Diinja olllclutlng. Dr. Benson of Omaha de livered an able and eloquent sermon at the M street church, and was listened to by u large number of visitors who had never heard n Jewish sermon. Noxt Friday evening is the beeinnliur of Yom-klp-pur, tho duy of atonement, which continues until tho same time Satunlay even ing. Services will lie held at the same places. At the church of the reformed congregation tho service Is almost entirely hi English, mid visitors nro cordially Invited to attend. Dr. Ifeiison is ii fluent utlktr ami delivers uu In teresting discourse. TheueriiKoixrbOii bus nn erroneous Idea of the worship of tho Jowish ixxipie. a visit either on noxt Friday even Dig or Satunlay morning may thereforo lie of interest. A hale old mini. Mr. Jus. Wilson of Aliens Springs, III,, who Is over sixty years of age, says: "I huvo In my time tried n great ninny medicines, some of excellent iiuulit- lmt never before did I find any that would so completely do all thut Is claimed fur it us Chiiinlxiinln's Colic, Cholera und Diurrho'ii Remedy. It is truly a wonderful medicine." For sal. by A. L. Shinier, druggist. Give Betts tc Wvuter, the new coal Jinn, a tiiul. A NEW TYPEWRITER, A Machine That Is Nuporlor to the Item Inilton orCi.llKruph, The Wessol Printing Company have 1k?mi appointed ngents for tho now nml popular Yost Tyixmrlto for southrnslern Nobrnskn. To ninny of our readers this nuw mnchlnn Is already known, nnd nil who hnvo seen It pro nounce It fur stixrlor to nny of tho older mnchliies. As fnr as utility nnd sixcd nro con cerned It is giving bettor satisfaction than either the Remington or tlio Cnllgrnpli, Is? sides fer points of convenience, Improve ments nnd general construction It fnr nxcols anything lu this lino over Invented. This may seem it broad assertion mid doubted by tlioso who aro using thn nlsjve mnchlnes, but when It Is known that Mr. Yost, tlio Inventor, Ims for years built the Remington nnd Cnllgmph, it Is ronsonnblo to believe that being con stantly lu the business halms had opjiortmilty to note where improvements could bo mndo, mid nrrordliigly Is nble to furnish n littler tyixiwrlter than either of thoothor. On tho Yost no rlblxm is used, ench letter or figure striking tho xier direct, and by a very vnlu nble now patent nro In oxnet nnd erfoct alignment. If preferable either Cnllgrnpli or Remington keyboard will lie furnished. All who have soon this now inachliio in Lincoln pronounce It a gem, and wo shall bo plonsed to huvo nil Interested cnll nnd see it, Olllco with The Cai'Itai. Citv Couiiieu, iss-hm, North Twelfth street, now Burr block. Hair Hates to Washington, I), U.Kulglits Templar Ofllrlul Itimtn, Hound trip tickets lo Wnshlngton, I). C, will Imj on side via tho Burlington Itoutofrom stations In Nebraska und Knnsns October it to 5, good to return until NoveiulMr ltd. Tho Burlington has Ixeu selected by tho Grand Comniinulory of Nebraska ns tho of. flclnl route. Sxtinl trains will stnrt October !M, running through to Washmion, D. C., without change. Thoratesiind other nrmiigo menu nro open to the general public. For further information npjily to G. W, Bouuell at B. & M. dox)t. or A. O. Zlemor, C. P. & T, A., corner 0 nnd Tenth stieots, Lincoln. Hloux City Corn 1'i.laer. Tho B. & M. will sell tlckeU to Sioux City and return at one fare, good from Septomlior !M to Octolwr 0. Wo mnke tho quickest tlnio lHtwien Lincoln nnd Sioux City. Invest! gnte for yourself mid cnll ut It. & M. depot, or city olllco corner O nnd Tenth street for further Information. A C. Zikmkii, General 1'nsncnger and Ticket Agt Nlitux City Corn I'nlnro. Tho Union Pacific railroad will wit tlnkcU from September 'i until Octolsjr 5, Inchisivt, at ono fnro for the round trip, Lincoln to Sioux City. Tickets good returning until Oc tober", inclusive. Elegant chair cars through without chanco. For further luirLipiilnru Irw quire at U. P. dejiot or KM I O street, E. II, Slosbon, City Passenger & Ticket Agent. We havo received copies of the Lincoln nnd West Lincoln Business Dhectory and 8hos plng Guide, issued tho 'JOth of this month by the Chorrkr Directory and Publishing com pany. The book In Its make-up reflects grent credit on tho publisher, nnd contains much valuable Information lu regard to Lincoln, ns Well ns lielng a complete guldo to business linns In tho city. It shows a Inrgo Increase In Lincoln's business lutcrwsts, nnd taken nil In nll it hu commendable publication. Kris I E, Thomas, late of Lneoii, Illinois, bus located permanently In the undertaking mid embalming business lu Lincoln, Mr. Thomas Is a thorough gentleman, with long exKri enco in his culling. Hu hus oMnid uncut nod very attractive store of tho modern stylo of undertaking establishment nt )'J South l-'th street, lu Fuuko's ox)ra house building. Mr. Thomas has his own hcul'xc, the only ono lu tlio city owned by uu undertaker. Calls by day or night will lie promptly attended to. The rcx)rt from Washington is that there are now 'Ml Knights Templar coiumuudeiies on the roster of chief marshal of the parade during the conclave week. Of these 108 havo so far mndo their final olllcial report stating how many swords they will bring, nnd 45 will have bauds. Gun signals will be fired direct ing the movements of the procession, und In addition n salute of one gun will lxi llrcd for every grand couimntidcry ns it jmissch in lino nml it special salute for tho most eminent grand master. Chango Is one of tho irresistible laws of na ture, and fortunately tho cltangois nlmostln varlably for tho lietter. As an Instance of this, St. Patrick's Pills are fust taking the place of the old harsh and violent cathartics, because they nro milder nnd produce a plens anter effect, lxIles thoy are much more Ism eflcial in removing morbid matter from tho system and preventing nguo nnd other mala rious discuses. As n cathartic and liver pill thoy nre most perfect. For snlo by A. L. Slimier, druggist. 8to the dogon Domestic Sewing mnchlno advertisement on pago five. Now Is the time to lay m your winter sup-, ply of coul. Hutchlns ft Hyatt's, 1040 O -i street. Superior quality Anthracite coal nt Bctts & Weaver's. Call up 440. Tho old rellublo Canon City Coul at Hutch lns & Hyatt's, 10IO O street. Ijok at the .V', too and '.25c counters ut tho 09-cent store. Sjxxiul sale of suits and novelty dress gooda to commence Monday morning, September '."Jd, ut Athtiy & Millsxiugh's. Miss ('. J. Guilmette's dress making par lors, l-Oi O stnx-t. Ashby Si MlllsMiugh are now-showing tho lluckt line of cloaks over shown in IJncoln. All tho latest novelties now In stock. Openi House block. See tho (logon Domtstio Sowing machine advertisement on pogu five. Canon City, Mendotu, Ohio Block nnd Col orado Civil, ut Betts it Weaver's, telephone 440. Dry Goods Ics than co.t ut Ashby & Mlliss laugh's closing out sale,