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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1888)
"m,w',,,,'T1WT IWityHAr-.""" "'" -'WfyTlwftrFrWFFFWWrigwlwW WmwrfWF' CAPITAL CITY COURIER i r-i P, P. &' - K r. P1 r'V It,1 i- ". j KW' x ft Vol. 3. No. Al AN OJJSEK VERS THOUGHTS. COMMENTS AND OPINIONS IN TYPE. AVlmt Ho Hpcii, Hears, Thinks nnd Im agine". While In Denver tlio other week tho Ob server had tho pleasure of meeting Dave Howe, tho jMimlnr mnnnger of Inst year's Lincoln team. Ho wascnrouio to uonicn on ft vlstt to Inn pnronts who llvo In that charm ing llttlo town. Mr. Howobulloves that tho Western association next year will (nclmhi Lincoln mid Denver, mid thinks that Lincoln licoplo should bestir themselves to secure somo Rood plnyeis who vIIIhooii lie uvnllablo. Itowo has been incapacitated tho past two month from playing ball by sickness, but ho possesses n long n m lnagcrlnl bond us over. Lincoln should have. Irvso ball by nit menus noxt year, tho jieoplo want it, mid tho Ob server would llko to soo the lovers of tho gnmo take somo action in tho ninttor. I hour of n Rood Joko on tho Jolly party who occupied tho tally ho coach nt tho fair grounds ono day last week. While enjoying n de lightful spin around tho track, ono of soveral Lincoln young men In tliu nmpliitheatro sar castically Inquired: "Why, who aro thoso jieoplor A rural rooster i-tnudlng by ono of thoso fellows who nro full of information mid always eager 16 impart It replied, "That's tho Salvation Army, Mr; thnt's tho way they travel." It is needless to sny tho remarks brought down tho house. I do not know whether tho tally-ho jwrty has yet heard this, but I would suggest tho next tlmo they appear in public they should take projior steps to leavo no similar impression on the minds of tho jwoplo who Imvo not yet been educated up to tliln fashionable fad. 1 Those of our citizens who Imvo not visited tho capitol building in tho last six weeks will bo surprised at tho improved oppearnnco it presents. Tho domo on tho building is about completed, and tho main building is being placed In readiness for tho winter's needs. Tho Improvements about tho grounds ndd prently to tlicl. opcarunce. Handsome driveways, tho foundations ror which are laid somewhere near China, lend through broad n venues of stately trees, while on overy baud tho result of n skilled mid cultivated tasto aro displayed. Uotli J mid Fifteenth street will bo paved this fall, and everything 1 u readiness for tho proper impressment of Lincoln's growth uon tho legislator, lobby ists and others who will flock to tho capital this winter. Among tho many haiidsmnj and now stylo rigs now soon on tho streets of Lincoln, tho ono driven by Mr. Will Wlttiimn, that ardent admirer of all that is nobby in n turn out, is by nil odds tho most attractive and (litest of its kind in tho city. It is a very pietty two-wheel viMiicle, and tho horso n very stylish, largo animal liedecked with a set of harness that Is tho envy of nil who drive on tho same street with linn. It Is inadoiipof tho bojt leather, tho trimmings being tho most striking and artistic featuro of tho rig, everything In metal being of solid silver. Will Is a great connoiseur of lino work, and tho harness Is another samplo of tho goods turned out by Wlttman Bros. Theso lovely moonlight nights nro lieing enjoyed in many ways by tho young tcop!e. A htroll through tho slunled walks of tho city, a rldo through tho city on horseback, or a drive by buggy comprise tho most attractive belies of amusement for such occasions. Complimentary l'urly. Messrs. E. H. And rti9 & Son tendered tho members of tho Klks, Plaisunt Hour and riensant Hour Junior clubs a complimentary party Wednesday evening, ntCushman park. Tho train left tho depot nt 7:!K) o.clock and returned about midnight. Tho evening was ft very enjoyable ono. Dancing was indulged in tho greater part of tho evening, lunch lw ing served at tho Intermission. Wo were un able to pet a eomplcto list of those present, but tho foUswing wero among thopartict pants: Mr. mid Mrs. Hayilen, Mr. and Mrs. Frcs ton, Mr. nud Mrs. Jones, Mr. Mid Mis. Jnn sou. Misses Cody, Latta, Clurn Kunke, Grunln ger, Hawkins, Martha Kunke, Stout, Hello and Alleen Oakley, Lulu and Daisy Clark, Marrpictte, Nellie Million, Llllibridgo, Giles, Brownie Damn, Leland. Messrs. Zohrung, Foresman, Mngoon.Hleh ter, Hinlth, Anilrus, Oscar Kunke, Finest Kunke, John Stout, lloutz, ltooks, in Clarke, Smith. Stout, Camp, Kermnii, Baum, Edwards, Maxwell, Wilson and others. Tho Hiiiinoy Haggles, Perhaps ono of tho most interesting of tho exhibits at tho stoto fair wero tho numerous buggy and enrriago displays, prominent among which was that of tho deservedly jop ulnr Henney Iluggy eomiKiny, who occupied a lui go space Wfun & Horton's iwvillon near Art hall. This factory which to day turns out undoubtedly tho finest buggy made in tho west, lias lccomo more in iopu htr favor with tho advent of each season and from what formerly was a small concern In Kreeport, 111., an Immense concern has grown, so that today that bustling city lays claim and Justly too, of being tho homo of tho finest buggies mode In tho western country, with a capacity douhlo thatot two years ngo. Tho buggy is known overy whero to tho car riage triule, tho name, in Itself, being sulll clent to recommend nud sell It. Each vehi cle is iiiudo of supetlor material, nud tho best of workmen nro employed; only thoso having ample experieuco mid ability being entrusted with tho work. They make buggies and car riages in somo fifty styles, nud cneh onu is i-ent out with ft full pledged guniiuitco of what all that Is claimed for it. Mr. W. Henney, of tho llrni was personally In nttendanco during tho fair and met his ninny friends and patrons at tho tiavlllon. Mr. Henney is a rather young man for ono who bus achieved such success In a largo Held, but his genial and business like iimiinerH show clearly how nml wherein his success has been. Mr. J. A. Grusseup, Mr. Hennoy's nblo No biubkft representative, wus, as ho al ways is, Ills light bower during fair wewk and assisted in tho showing of tho handsome exhibit to all ea'.leiB. Wo hope to see both gentlemen with us again next season with ft display t,l0SU celebrated vehicles. ,. IT IV llmuu n,,.l .l.,,.,l.f,.r. ITMiln" and Mrs il. O. McArther paid Omnliii ft visit TburVilov Thursdny. DITS ON BICYCLING. A l'nlpoiurl of Nuti-s About Mm Nport mill lVrmitmN About Wheelmen. All contributions under this head sent to "Pully" euro of Tnr. UouitiKit, not later than Thursday noun, will recelie prompt attention mid sinico In this iI'Mmrtment TlIK CouitlKIl Is the only recognized Journal hi Lincoln for Vyclom ami all jmkth or lleim pertaining to this great ami growing sport will no iiiniiKiuuy recciTcu. Tho Lincoln Wheel club will run to Ash- nud Sunday morning. Twonty-throo member in tho Wheel club ;,w, and still they come. M.J.H. Illrch! lately from F,.gl-...d, Is a liiomlKir IIovs.Ik) careful when ildlngontho stn-ets, as It Is oxtrenily dangerous to go too fast. O. II. Elton rolo from Ulyswi to Lincoln, (dlsbinco torty miles), In seven and ouo-lmlf hours. Myron Wheeler escoi tsl tho boys as far as tho Methodist university Sunday, but had to come back on account of nil engagement. If n inednl Is oirertsl Tor continual rldhiz. either Young, Eaton or Myron Wheeler will get It, as they aro on their whoolsatnll tlmas Tho Lincoln Wheel club wns (icrinitiiviitly organized last ovenlus at the CountKii onlce. Tho club stalls out with twouty-llvo ineiulMTS. E'lton, Young, Kelly and lllghtcr took tho first run of the season Sunday, toWaverly and back. Tlioy ivjiort tho roads in good condition. . Mac Miller, of tho Stnto National bank, wns seen riding a wheel Wwlnesdn, evening. Mac has not boon on a machine for n long tlmo but ho rides tlu s-inio ns of yore. If any of tho boys wnut to consider them selves "way up" In bicycle racing tlioy can do so with safety If they can WilK made by a professional at Hull'ilo, September 10. Tlio best tlmo for ono niilo amntuer tandem hi tho World's Hlcyelo tournament nt lltitrnlo wfts:i:0l. For a tandem bicycle, 'J :47. Tho dlirereuco between a bike and tho trike lieing 17 seconds. If the Hoys would get up nt six o'clock in the morning they would see sovcrnl wheels go hurrying up and down tlio streets. Eirly morning rides will tend to strengthen your limbs for long dlsumcj riding nud will give you a ravenous nppetltc. A run to (J-vuiiwood, uud probably to Ash land, is on the tapis for Sunday morning. Tho.s3 wishing to go, will mtet at tho Coun 1KU olllco at 8 a.m. Tlio writer will wind his alarm clock so us to bo at tho meeting place on time. Geo. Hoiinell hns not the tlmo to devote to tho secretaryship of tliu club that ho consldcis ho thould and hi consequence sends in his resignation. We are very sorry that uich Is the case; however, wo will keep Mr. II. among our active and interested iiicuiIh.ts. Ills Sentence. "Evelyn," said young Mr. Buttercup husk ily, "speak ono word of hopo to mo. Do not crush mo with jour disdain. You say you do not lovo mo now, but it I should como to you nt somo futuro tlmo, perhaps perhaps oh, Evelyn, you seo my sad condition. Ought I not to receive something inoro than a cold dismissal P' "Perhaps so, considering your condition," said Evelyn softly. "Then," exclaimed tho young man Joyously, "you would chaugo your scutenco to" "Ninety days," murmured tho beautiful girl. Chicago Tribune Hough on (Irnmlmn. Llttld Philip Old Mrs. Wizboak told mo today I wns tho imago of my grandpa. Is that grandpa) Grandma Yes, my dear. Llttlo Philip (promptly) Chloroform mol Time, A rrlcnd in Need. Mrs. Do Timid (at Long Branch hotel table) I beg pardon, but didn't you say you wero presented to the queen during your tour abroad ( Prima Donna Yes, madam. "And you spoko of other experiences of a liko nature." "I was presented to soveral of tho crowned heads of Europe, talked with many of tho great generals and noted diplomats and was granted an audience with tho pope." "Weren't you scared P "Not nt nil." "Then if you nro not afraid, I wish you would tell tho head waiter that this salt box is empty." Philadelphia Record. rrcclte. A lalicrer in a shipyard was ono day given a two foot rulo to uicasuro a pleco of iron plato. Not being accustomed to tho uso of tho rule, ho returned It, after wasting u good deal of time. "Well, Mlko,"nskcd his superior ofllcer, "what is tho slwi of tho plato!" "Well," replied Mlko, with tho smllo which accompanies duty performed, "it's tho length of your rulo mid two thumbs over, with thU pioco of brick nud tho breadth of my hand and arm, from hero to there, bar a finger." Youth's Companion. recullar. In the combination, proportion, nud prep aration of its Ingredients, Hood's Hnrtnpa rllln accomplishes cures where other pre illa tions entirely fail. Peculiar In Its good nnino nt home, which is ft "tower of strength abroad," (Kicullar in tho pheiionienal mles It hns attained, Hoods Bnrsapninift is iiionum I successful medicine for purifying tho blood, I gl-, lug strength, and muting nn uppaito. 1 JW I 1 fev" SJ lr m 1 1? lie JvffiE! ihi-ftiAhii'tf-tofafc,Aa Lincoln, Nisduaska, Satukday,, BIRTHDAY PARTY. Miss llrssln I.itnn Hiiti'iliilii Her Young I'rli'iids Wry riensnutly. A very agreeable afternoon mid evening wnsient Tuesday nt tho residence nf Dr. and Mrs. Une, Wl South Eleventh street, by a number nf I.lni-oln's young folks, the occasion belngtho birthday of Miss llesslo. Musionnd ilanelng were tho stnpto amusoineiits, tho terpslchorenu exercise Mug Indulged III from four until eight o'clock. leginit to fioHhincnts wero nlso served Miss llesslo wn - .tho of ininy Imhil...... and ' 1' "' ' '" w" """B ''"I." tnenl,ore,l by nil who wero present, iho Mn llurr. Julln and Mnbcl 11im'Ih, Cm lie Vlvlan.Hattlo HimiI, I.ulu nud Can In Poehler, Helen Welch, Sidney Muiphy. Jessie Inland, mid Illnllo Neiitson, Julia and draco t'hllde, Myitlo llohniinii, Minnie Niiden, Com Ciiiiiiimond, D.ilsy 1'otviu, Edith Jones. Daisy Ddell, Hlaiicho (hirten, Kloivnco mil Margie Winger, Georgia Camp, Grace Oakley, Mario Marshall, Slla Elliott, Julia Wesks and I.ucy Griffiths. 'tUa Coualitcnt .llsil. "Did you notice tho man who Jut went by P "Yes. Whyl" "lbi's ns bnld ns n door knob. Who Is hcP "IIo's tho Inventor mid proprietor of tho ctlebrntcsl I'cruvlau hair restorer. "Detroit l'roo Press. It Didn't Hound ns tin Mrnnt It. Buldlo Just fco that man on the other side of tho car staring at me, George, Isn't ho absurd Ho (emphatically) Well, I should ay uol (l'aluful silence.) Time. Too Sluelt Oood Living. A niackfoot Indian recently covered n dlstanco of nlnty mites per day for four days on foot, and his solo diet was dried boef. Tho trouble with tho whlto man is that ho- llvu too well. Detroit Kreo Press. A Henry lllow. She wus one of thoso splend! great crea tures who bclioo in physical training for women, and sho wis fanning herself on the hotel piazza. "Won't you como nnd sit down, Mr. Gor ton P Mr. Gorton I'd liko to exceedingly, but 1 can't get iv step nearer to save my life. Judge. A Vouu Stan's Herolim. Daughter (to mutcrfnmilias at Nnrrngau sett) Mamma, this is Mr. Uraveboy, who so heroically rescued mo from tho waves this morning. Mnterfamlllas (who feels that tho family owes Mr. llravcboy a debt of gratltudo, but not liking tho general appearance ns to what tho result may be) Er oh yes, Mr. Hravo boy, it was very noblo of you, I am sure, and er I I trust you did not find tho water un pleasantly cold. Tho Epoch. Learning, a Dangerous Thlii;. Undo Hastus (to his young hopeful) 'Dol phus, yo' young rascal, yo' tako dat slate pencil outen yo' mouf an' stop chuwin itl 'Dolphus Yes, ja. Undo Hastus Don' yo' know It am dan gerous to do Unlit' ob do stummack to chow slato pencils) Some day cddlcatlon will kill yo', chile, kill yo' sho'. Now York Sun. A Small Literary Order. fit Louis Bookseller (to customer) Rooks, sir) yes, sir; what can I show you) Customer I'vo got my bookenso pretty nigh filled up. I want soinethin' not over sin inches high, nn' enough of 'cm to occupy two foot mi' n half o' shclvin'. Now York Sun. An Kxpert nt tlio National Game. "Aro you n ball player yourself, OeorgoP sho naked at tho Polo grounds. Ho smiled a sweet, superior smilo. "I can glvo thoso Now Yorkers points on tho game," he said. Then n foul tip enmo from Johnny Ward' bat and Georgo, tho cxixirt, foil over two rows of seats trying to get out of tho tray. A Had Case. Mrs. Hansom So, your llttlo brother sick, chP Herbert Yep. Mrs. Hansom What's tho matter) Ilerbcrt He's got chicken coop. Judge, is A QuIcLcr Remedy. A writer says that tho best euro for mango in dogs Is guuiowder mixed with vinegar. Gunpowder mixed with shot is Just ns c!rec tlvo and works quicker, Hurlliigtou Kroo Press. An Appropriate Name. Pennsylvania has a tramp who weigh only clghty-ilvo pouniU. Ho U what tho bicyclist would call a "lljht roadster." Youkers Statesman. I'robnbly In. A nun named Spider is playing ball In a western town. Ho ought to bo u good fly catcher. Now York Tribune. Sho Hememhers That It Is Lcup Year. Young Man (In periodical ttorc) I wnut ft Fircsldo Companion. Clerk (archly) How would I dot Tsas Sittings. Then They Would Ho llvau Poles. Tlicro is n largo colony of Poles in Connec ticut. They ought ta move to Massachusetts nnd inlto beaux. Hurliugwn Frco Press. Origin of I'ltli fitorles. TbcroU utuullynn area of low veracity about utrcai biuok. .Viii "'- - SlCt'TlSMIiUCK lili, t868 y-gfl MUSTOi AND TlIK DKAMA. I MINSTREL, t DRAMA AND THE OPERA A I'mspci'lus mid lletlew nf Amusement ut t tm 1'imlii'. KKKI' IT I1AUK. Kunko's wns comfortably llllisl Monday evening on the occasion of tho iipHsiniuiii of of Mr. W, T, llryitnt's coinody oiupnny In "lvwp It Dark." There Isn't much plot, In fact there nro lit t It pretensions to one, lit this play; but there urnmiuy clover spvlitltlet, lots of pretty girls, good singing mid splendid ilanelng. Miss 1.1 .le Hlehmond, n Cleuuui thin Didnncey, the iietivss.wiiscliaiiulng.uud her vncallsiu exceedingly lit . Miss Julia Wilson, as lluuillt's tho housemaid, truly ver llhsl the tnidlliou that tho best good come in small bundle. Sho Is tho mint delightful llttlo nctri'ss who has ever hell down tho hoard nt Funke's, uud kept tho hem Is of the young men continually in their various mouths, 'llryant, ns tho "I,. Pad" dispenser, wiih ns ec&ntrli' as ever In his acting, but the nitdionco "could never get hllm to repeal his specialties? f l.AHT N'UIIIT'H I'l.AY. "Skipped by the Light of tho Moon" had a full houso nt Funke's last night and prousl iillltwitA ndveitiMsl to bo i.e. it nouso-isl -nl, laughnlilu lot of acting put together to aimiso tho audience. Tho s-euo of tho play Is laid at tho fashionable watering place of S.iratogn mid shows how many ti Icks iiiul In w hat hoi t of way husbands amuse themselves In tho ab senco of their loving wives. Messrs, Hlaldsell nud I'liinl.el li tho lend ing roles very ncceptahly llllisl the bill and tho balance of th) company did their parts satisfactorily, Tho muslcnl numbers were gcod mid the sjnvlulty juuts aimiHliig. A KTK1II.IMIATTIIACTIO.V. Friday evening will witness nt Funke's one of tho strongest nud plays presented this o:isoii, and ono that, though not now. Is nevertheless conslilured by both malinger mid public to lie among tlio llucAtutti actions on tho road. J... Little's "World," which has been presented on soveral occasions dining past seasons, returns ouco mote to Lincoln much Improved In lACchiiulcal cotitiivauces, scenery nud cast. This gieat play ojicihsI tho thirty-seventh twason nt HiHiley's tlientreln Chicago, and of the engagement the Chicago lltmld Bays: "The World" with Its wealth ot luiigiiKlceut sceuory nud company of Chicago lavorltes opened a week's engagement at llooloy's tho nlre Inst evening. Tlio house wus llllctl to its utmost with the elite of Chicago, including our ablest mid most severe critics, to witness this popular production of J. .. Lltllo's gifted pen, which has found hucIi favor mixing our theatre gojrs. What in tkoi the "World" so liopulur and long lived! Is naturally uskml. In reply we will say, because there Is it purity In tho whole conception of tho plero whleh at once alms nt tho hcnrti of tho nudlouce, mid tho detells.jiUmitlon and dialogue have that uaturnhiess and pleasing air of originality. It also possesses more scenic feutures than any play over written. It rnf . szouo has been admired throughout Europe, Australia and America' and when It comes back to Chicago ugnln after four years' absence It H as realli tic and mystifying ns before, us is the pano rama icene, tliu rovolvl.ig scene mid sinking ship and all the other iwpulnr iiio.-lnulcal do- vices. Tho "World" has been produced In Chicago thlrty-boveu weeks, an 1 the public's vcullct of approval is iinnlfesUsl in tlio largest house of tho seasou on thlx Iho oenlug ot its thirty-eighth, nfter an iibsiuci of four yeurf. J. V, Llttlo is ns pleasing as over in the dual rolo. jiattih oooiinicii. The chnrmlnglltt'o Hiubrette, Mattio Uocxl rich, will iipH'iir at Funke's next Katurdny evening in tho old favorite, "OrUzly Ad nms." Now "Grizzly Ad.'.ms" Isn't tho finest jilny In the world by any means. Hut It's most ex cellent of Its kind. Somu pcoplo don't llko scii-rfitlonullsm. Well, there isn't anything "dlry" iilwut "Grizly Adams." Ii'h n gooi border drama; there's u bowle knlfo duel, It's true, but tlio duel is so well exex litis! ns to be really enjoyable. Plenty of life, stirring sit nations, foiled villainy and all that suit of thing, you know. A vivid dream, a miser's tieasuro, a heio Just In time, burning cabin, n man of stone and heart ot Hint, etc., taken from tliu synopsis shows whut kind of piny it is. If you want to see villainy knocked out, go and ho "Grizzly Adams." If you don't euro jmttfcularly about that go and sen Mottle Goodrich, Sue's nil right. It's worth going a good ways to see her in boy's costume. Sho makes mi good looking it hoy that it it's positively jmlnful to know that sho loassumes her identity as a girl uud her lights and skirts In tho last net. Can Miss Goodrich net! c. She lias a good voire and knows how to act. 110IN0S nllAMATIL'At.LY. Wilunl Silencer, tho author of "Tho Little Tycoon," 1 writing n new opera. Imro Klrnlfy's seetueIo of "Nero, or the Fall of Home," will thow a net prolltof Si'iO,-1 000 for its twehe weeks' run at St. George, i Staten Island. Pauline L'Allemaud, the foprnno, formerly of tho National Opera company, sailed from Euiopu hist Sutuiihiy to Join tho llostou Ideas, who open their tour Octolier 1'.', hi Troy. Edwin Booth nnd Ijiwtciicc Barrett will ok:ii the now California theatie May III. Mr. Ilarrett laid tho corner stone of tho old Iioiim) and with John McCullough was its tirst mill nger. Miss Fanny Hice, who ha made so much of a success as "Najy" at the Casino, will slug one of tlio principal ihii ts In (IHU 1 1 nud Kill hvnn's new ohiii when it is produced at that house in October. Charles 11. Hoyt's new farce comedy "A UriiKS Monkey'" will receive Its Hint Now York production Octolier 15, at tho lHJoti opera Iiohm. Tho cost will include Charles Heed and Mora Wnlsh Hoyt. "Captain Swift," is Mild to Ih n bigger suc cess In I.oiidon even than "Jim, tho Pen man." It wii in) given its tirst Aiiiericnii proiluctlon ut tho opening of the regular sen-' soniit tho Madison Sipmro theatre, Now York. Thi season tho Edwin Booth nnd Itwrenco i Barrett company will travel entirely by siKt'lal trains. Tlio dlstiiigulshisl tragedians i occimvlm: their own enr tho "Junius Brutus I Booth." It will take three or four special cars to carry tho elaborate scenery and aeevs bin ie to Ik used lu tho reproeiitntion of "Othello," "Tho Merchant of Venice," "Ham let" and "Julius Cuesar." & .-I ---Mi. .ii i-j-iiitrii r-hi OUR D0OX-TABLE. Tim Luteal III !imnt l.lteriiture Aiiiunu the .Mii(itlut's. Hocikty H.M'llii: by "Gnu In tho Swim," Philadelphia;'!'. II. Peterson .V llrothers, Publisher. One of Iho raciest, spiciest ami miwti'harm Ing books of i went ilnlu Is "Society Haplds." Its author Is a young lady, who hides her Identity muler Ihoabovo mini ic iiimr, hut who has pi oven herself ft inoslneiito ubson er nud n graphic writer, Tho story uieus with tho scciio laid nt Saratoga, nfciwiuils tiaus felled I ) WiiHhluuloii nud ngulu In liar llar- bur. Society In all lis phasi's ami follies at tho summer and winter fashionable rather lugs Is ilcpli'lcd, nud It is truly mi eye oN.ler to staid wistei'iiers. The heroine, Eveline Miisoii, tires of being only "a !muilnuioglrl," uud plunges Into the swim with n M'i'ciso recklessness, Is soon an nclouiwledgisl U'lle, lends tho geiinnu at it ipiestlouiiblo but fnsli loniiblu n ty , iudlllgi's In ii ihsiorato lilt tatlim Willi a leader uf tho Ihmiu uuiuilo with u pcdl-grtsiiislongastoiii'm'nbutthrougliltiillpre-M'l'ves her jmiato miKlesly nud iiiorul sense of right, stopping jiist kIioiI of tho wIiIiIko1m. Sittst with tho falseness and hollow treneh- , cry of a fashionable life she tin us back to her I old routine of life, nud nt Inst iiiiuilrs tho heio, or nt least tin only man who 1ms tho apK'iimiiL'i of tho liero. u necessary ndjiiuet In every well-iegulattsl novel. It is n story that overy young lady should read, and Its moral Is not hard of dls'.'criimcut. Tin: Jin.i.v Paiiihicnnkh: lly Etnllo Xolii. l'hllndelphln; T. II. PeU-i-sou ,t llrothers. "Tho Jolly I'm Islennes," tho latest prislne Hon of the greatest living Kieiieli 'novelist, Emllu .oln, Just puhllshisl by T. II. i'eteison & llrotliem; Ihii roiiiaucoof divldisl Interest, iiiai kisl Kiwer mid iimisiuil sprlghllluess, It deals mainly with a "graudo passion" nud tho ccrculricltlof Piirjsliiu society nro deplctisl in i vein of lively, good iiitturcd satire. Iiuls Nelgeou nud It.'itha (l.tuehcrnud nro liullei siiehnHouly tho gay French capital can pro (luce. They havoall tho refluemeiit of luxury and education nihhst to extreme, vivacity uud Jollity closely iipproaehliig ns'klessness, yet they aro never other thrill ladylike mid be witching. Horn llirts and skilled lit all Iho arts of coquetry, glftisl with beauty, grnco and Ititellleuco, they a o in tho highest do greo chic, nml, nt the samo time, as shrewd as they nro pliiiaut. George do Vaugolado meets Hot tint and Ixnilso blciido uud biiuietto nud hiibmlts to their faselnntloiis in turn. Iiulse, however, mains tho ihsiost Inipres slou on him mid tho denouement of his "grniulu passion" is as uuexM.'cbsl as It Is salutary mid Instructive. "Tho Joltv Parlsb elilles" Is it novel suro to delight all who iviul it. It Is published in n largo duodecimo vol ume, with an illustrated cover, price "5 rents, and will Ikj found for sale byiill booUsellels and iiows-ngciitri everywhere. Tin: Sn.VF.ii Suit'; lly IjwIs Loon. New York; Street A; Smith. This novel is one of Street Si Smith's popu lar Sen mid Shore series, nnd abounds In highly dramatic situations nud exciting ad ventures, Tho action of tho novel is laid In tho Carribcan sens, t tho tlmo when Cnlln- carras, the lllo'slliouud, a noted pirate, ill- I festo.l that region. A Mexican count, two klihmpiHsl chlldii'ii, n rascally priest, a limn- mo"k maker's Is-autlful daughter, nnd n bloisl thirsty plrato ciptnln are Ihu principal "- !....... drmuntls imtmiihi.; and liicldenbilly n gllmpso of fnt tliop.tlueoof tho captilu genural of Cuba is allowed. Pktk.iiko.n'h for October ciiiucs along looking fivsh and bright, i'roiu an ar tistic point of view the number is of excep tional merit. Tho stod engraving, "A Huv erle," Is ono of the loveliest girl faces we Imvo seen lu n long while. Tim full page wood drawing, "A Wind of Fate." Is charming, and m is tho story by OcorgU Grant, which illustrates It. "A Ijoudon Success" Is Is concluded It hus proved a capital serial; uud lu tho second installment of Mb Bow man's "Esculaplus in Acndla" is a gem of word painting. Indus!, any ono article lu "P-tci sou,'' this month, is wottli the year's subscription, "Ijiiliollo MisIiihc," by Miss Elizalietli l'hlpH Train, 1 ns original as It is striking; and at "Break of Day," by Frank Ice Benedict, Is it very powerful tide. "Talks by a Trained Nurse" Is it valuable contribu tion, Tlicro are fashion plates nud descrip tions wltliouUtlnt, and valiiah!uluformaMou on household and medical sunjects. In short, It Is mi admirable uumlier of a most excellent magazine, nnd we advise all our reaiUrs who aro not subscribers to exiimliiu it; tlioy will tie sure to take ' -Peterson" next year. Send for ft sample copy. Terms: Two Dollars. Address "Peterson's Magazine," :S0d Chestnut il.-.u.l I'll ' ' ' Tub HKUVANT gtKHTiON.-It is prolbly quite safe to say that of nil lierplexiug ones tlons which nrlM) In the llfo of the average hotiKckvccr, nothing Is more iH'rploxiug, or a source of more anxiety of thought, than the servant ipiestiou, and any help to tho solution of this will certainly lie welcomed; therefoie we co'imic'iil tho pamphlet Just issued, "The Servnnt Question ; n View of tho Inner Side, ' by U.S. Drayton, i dltor of tlio liimiultxji ail .mil mi), containing hints on the choosing and governing of sonants, and giving very definite information lu regard to the under standing of their characters and dli.Kitlons from the form of the head and face nud other external ninnlfoidntlons. Dr. Dmtou writes from it practical point of view, nud not only dvs ho give suggestions lu regard to these- i lection of servants, hut tho points inailo In re gard to the management of this pail me especially apiKirent to all who have c.Krl-en-o with household alia Irs. As it to insure its being rend by the entire class for whom it is intended, the price is made 10 cents, which may Ik) sent III statuiis, to Fowler it Wells Co., PuhlWhcrs, 7",' Broadway, Now York. AI.IIK.NH MAMKIll.ll CLYCOI'UIIIA OK KMHVt, KIXIi: AM) I.ANHUAIir- Ono of the most extraordinary literary en terprises of the ago is tlio work which Ix-nrs the above title. Tho specimen pages which tho publisher sends frco to any applicant, show tho tyw which I used a good elenr-fucisl brevier, ulo the form, "Ideal" for convenience, easy for tlu eye, handy to hold. There will 1k several thousand Illustrations no "inero pictures," but everything of im portance that will serve to explain the text. Tho Manifold CycloKlla Is much more thaun "Cyclopedia of Piilveisal Knowledge;" It embodies nlso it dictionary of tho English language including every word which has Jiut claim to it place lu tlio language, How often you have consulted ApplutoiiVorClmui- ii! r -in -1 -i ii-t-Ti't Wlr i-jitn-, PUICIC FlVlfi OlCNTS Imt's, or Johns in's iyiloHilln mid fallisl to tli til Iho title you were linking for thou con sullisl Webster's IJuiibrlilgisI and wore sua eessfulj tlio word belongisl to the dictionary rather than tho cyclopedia. Or you have cousiiltisl Webster, nud found llttlo more than it more dulhiltlou of tho you must go to the cyehiHslla for details of knowledge. Or, inoro piohithlo than either of these supKi sltlnns, you ilu not own either n llmt-clnss uy chi'ieillii or it ilrst-class dictionary, or only ono of Iho two, because of their prohibitory cost, so you "consult your Imagination" nud "go hungry" for luck of the few lines of pi mt (hat would satisfy you In tho Manifold Cy clopedia you will Hud n survey of nil knowl edge which I llluitintist by the English Inn gii'igo, and I ho cost I hardly inure than com monly charged font ilictlnmtry iitunti, Sp'i 'hium page free, or a szhii'.ii volume limy I mi ordered and leliirnud If not wanted; M cents Hr vohimo for cloth, lift conbi for half Mm occo binding: postage lllceiitHoxtru, John II. Allien, publisher, Ml! Pearl street, Now York, lliMIKM IIKCKIVRII, Htoiu or an Annc'AN Fahm; by Halph Iron. Now York Georgo Muuro, OJd.Y A Woiiii; by Georgo Eliers. Now Yoiki George Muuro. Fiiuknt-K I',ami; by llurke Ilrentfonl. NewYoik: Sliwt .t Smith. Tin: I'oHTomci: Dhtkittivr; by Gjo, GimhIo. Now York) Street & Smith. Evolution of Imuoiitai.ity; by 0. T. Stockwell. C'lilciig"; Cluis, Kerr fit Co. IIiiai.mami Fai'Km; How to Study Tiikm; by Nellso'i Sljrnud II. S. Drayton, Now Yoiki Fowler fc Wells Co. Gotir.v'H Laiiv Hook ror October. Philadel phia! Godey Publishing Co. AmkiiicanAut I'ltiNTKii. NowYorki C. E. Mill tholomoiv, PtibliNher. Lincoln's Tut Mini Ahmad. Mr. Mlcklowiilt, tho henvy-welglit conduc tor of the MIkhoiiH Pacfile ioiuI into Lincoln, has loturucd from his trip easL Tim (Juiucy (III.) Ilrntlttiit recent ilato contains tlio fol lowing it'gnrtliug him: "A Nehruska mail named Mleklowalt, who Is travelling to Washington, weighs -I'S) His, mid has to lm ciiri lo I In the liaggugo car, Im llig uunhlii to enter it isisseiigei' coach. Ilu Is in robust health, but Is fasting to ruluco III Ill-ill." The Ki'lli,ggl'iiltlii L'uiifert. Arrangements are being completod for n grand concert lo be given at tliu oMTa hous3 Mil ly In Ouinber, Mrs Fanny lCellogg-llnehert, tho ipiisiii of song, ami Miss May Potvlti, our own accomplished pianist, will conduct the nirnir, It will Imi it concert of it very high order, and essH.'ially pleasing to tho lovers of classical mimic. Tho concert will bo repeated later in Omihi. More particulars In our next issue. Nut Willi .lurvls. Mr. W. H, Howard who has for Mivcrnl years past represented the Interests of tho Jurvls Wluo Co. of California, of which ho is n member, on tho road, has censed to net in men n capacity. Sir. Howaid, who is ut present in this city, where ho makes his head ipmrters, recently discovere.1 that his house was not treating his Interests in n thoroughly nusiiiess-iiKu manlier, iiiiu when usKing ror it ' sUitcmeiit to show tho airaint of tho concern, I ll "" ltoir from tlmo to tlmo, until such '""I" " things, beciiiuu suspicious and Mr. I lf......ul I I. ...... ..I.. ...I. ... .. Hoivam has iirought suit to recover ho hud invest! In tho concern. lllllliejr Tho State university ojicucd this week with nearly -i(X) students, nud ninny have, its yet, not reported, The present season promises to bo the most sueces.ful In tho history of this popular Institution ot learning. Miss Ida Fellciitrctcr, formeily of Council llluirs, but a late graduito ot the Chicago Musical conservatory, Is another ncipilsltlon to tlio muslcnl fraternity of Lincoln. Miss Fellciitrctcr will open n class at once. Willard Spencer's comle oem, "Tho Llttlo Tycoon," was sung lu Philadelphia nearly 'K) times. This is not only the longest on record of nny distinctively American ojiero, but It Is iiIm the longest run ever made lu any city outside of Now York. A well known Now York society lady has wiltteu to Miss Fanny Gillette oireriug to play one of the imits In "Theolnm" for noth ing. She guarantees that when the play is prcsentisl in Now York her friends will take tho whole houso for thootH'iiliig pel formaiice. A beautiful Kirtrult, hand painted lu Fioich oil of it iww process, valueil atfl(K), has been prenouto 1 to tho Catholic bazaar, to tie vctodtho mostiKipular candidate, eitlior Clu eland or Hariisou, Tlio successful can didate will be voted president of the United States for tho coming term, i i.m ii.ii i rn.,.r.,., II ,....11 I,,.,... tMrNwn(llmir MoM,tayiiW,tnt the New Wariler Grand 0erit house in Kansas city os'iiing lu "Julius Caesar " Their reiortory for this season will Include elalxjrato and costly pnxluctlons of "Tho Merchant of Ven ice," "Othello" and "Hnmlet" Next week the distinguished tragedians play for tlueo nights each In Minneapolis nud Ht, Paul, rearhlug Chicugo SeptemlK'r '24, for an en gagemeut of three weeks. ljter at LliiiUey's Oysters large, fat nnd Juicy nro now being K-rveil nt Limine) 's restaurant in any nnd all stylos. The liost cook in tlio city gives por sonal suK-rvlsIon to this department uud everyone speaks of "LliulseyV' as lieing the lies, place In town to get lunch and oysters. ' Tlio Tlmo Whrn. A man went Into n provision store In Bos ton the proprietor of which was German. "How much do you ask for your snusagesP ho inquired. "Dwenty cents," "I can buy them for n thllllng of Mr. ." "Vy you 1 didn't, dcnP "Ho wns all out of them." "Oh, veil, I tells mino sausages for a shilling, doo, ven I ves oudt." Shoo nud Leather Ho- portcr. bllgbtly Mixed. When tho old tlmo Now ICnglandera set about writing epitaphs they often produco results which aro n marvel to their pobtcritv. Word comes from Portsmouth of n peculiarly interesting one. Hero it 1st "Hero lies tho body of Abi jah Gates. Ho was lost nt ecu," Boston Herald, A Handsome I'rolH. Aunt Emily Why do you think you will bo a doctor, Hobby, when you grow up) Hobby Because I swallowed n 10 cent pleco tho other day nnd tho doctor charged li 3 for curing me. That's a good busi ncss. Tho Epoclu .&