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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1963)
Amelia News By MIm Florence IJiuleoy In observance of National fami ly week, the Jun MYF under the leadership of Edith Andersen, will entertain their parents and friends with a program at the Amelia Methodist church on Thursday evening, May 9. A film Strip "Our World of Happy Dif ferences" will be included in the program. A social hour will fol low. Mrs. Alice Prewitt returned home Saturday from several weeks visit with her daughters, Mrs Gale Fix. Mrs. Max Dixson and Miss Sharon Prewitt, Scotts- „ bluff She helped care for her little grandson. Dannie Fix, who was quite badly hurt In a car bicycle accident several weeks ago. Dannie just got home from the* hospital following the acci dent when he became a victim of chicken pox. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry went to O’Neill Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ho ward Berry. They were celebrat ing their 35th wedding anniver sary Their daughters and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis and Timmy and Mr. and Mrs. LaVem Claussen and Waunita also planned to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nissen and their daughter and her family, Omaha, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce Saturday evening. Alvin is Mrs. Pierce’s nephew. Mrs Bill Cihal and son, Andy, Omaha visited over Saturday night with her cousin, Mrs. Glo ria Landrum and Sally, Atkinson. They were all dinner guests Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott. Mrs. Cihal and Andy also vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Asa Watson for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson attended the funeral of Mrs. Peterson’s brother-in-law, Otto -- Dick man. at Sargeant Tuesday of idst wc^k Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs. Floyd Adams and Mrs. Stella Sparks spent Wednesday evening at Mrs. Gertie Adairs. Mrs. Edgar Peterson and Mrs Art Doolittle went to Akron, Colo., Friday afternoon to visit Mrs Peterson’s daughters, Mrs. Wil ford Hatch and family. They re turned home Sunday afternoon. Dick Doolittle came from his ranch near Faith, S. D. Thursday and visited his family a few days. While here he was buying cattle for the ranch in Dakota. Mrs. George Fullerton is vis iting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Fullerton and little grandson, Rudy Dale at Hawthorne, Calif. The trip was a birthday gift from Don to his mother. She expects to be gone about two weeks. Asa Watson, Bill Sammons and Blake Ott fished at Fort Randall Friday with real good luck. Mrs. Floyd Adams and Mrs. Stella Sparks went to Spencer Saturday to see the eye doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Sageser and Mrs. Mae Sageser were dinner guests of Mrs. Leona Gleed Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Waldo vis ited at Tom Doolittles Wednes day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hienie Frahm and family went to Whitman Sat urday to visit Mrs. Frahm’s bro ther, Roy Forbes and family, re turning home Sunday. Mrs. Blake Ott visited Mrs. Bertha Sammons Saturday after noon. A hail storm hit Amelia and vicinity north and west of here Sunday evening. Mrs. William Frjrear reported the stones at their place were as large as djck eggs. On stone measured 7 inches one way, and 7% inches Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnston visited relatives in Holdrege Sat urday. the other way. One that fell at the Tom Baker ranch measured inches by 6V* inches. There was quite a large amount fell and the ground was still white sever al hours later. There were only a few large stones fell in Amelia, but quite a lot of smaller hail. Some reports were that cars were dented and cattle broke through fences. The damage was less due to the fact that no wind accom panied the storm. Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Peterson entertained at supper Sunday eve ning for Mr and Mrs. Dick Doo little who will be moving to their new home near Faith. S. D. the latter part of May. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman and George Fullerton. Mrs. Frank Pierce and Mrs. B. W Waldo were O’Neill shop pers Thursday. Glenn White conducted a Gid eon Service at the Lutheran church in Atkinson Sunday. Page News By Mrs. Ben Asker Kenneth Heiss was elected church lay leader at the fourth quarterly conference held Tues day evening at the Methodist church. Other new officers elected for a three-year term on the Board of Trustees were Elbert Chiches ter, Merwyn French sr., and El mer Trowbridge. Board of Stewards for a three year term: Don Nissen, Raymond Heiss, Roy Zellers and George Wettlaufer. Richard Heiss was! elected to finish a two-year term vacated by the moving of Robert ' Prill. Communion stewards: Mrs. Frank Beelaert and Mrs. Harold Asher. The following members were elected for one year terms: Auditing committee, Carl Max and Ben Asher; treasurer of be-1 ncvolence, Mrs. R. V. Crumly; treasurer of current expense, Lar ry Heiss, financial secretary, Mrs Harold Heiss; youth division sup erintendent, Darrell Heiss; vice chairman of official board, Har old Heiss; church school superin tendent, Mrs. Harold Kelly; chair man of social concern committee, Mrs. Marvin Stauffer. Chairman of stpwflrHchi n unH I finance, Frank Beelaert; chair man of education commission, Mrs. Alton Braddock; chairman of worship commission, Mrs. Or ville Kemper; recording steward, Mrs. R. F. Park; superintendent of children’s division, Mrs. Mel vin Smith; president of Youth Adults (Tri F’s) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss. Chairman of mission commis sion, Mrs. Emmet Thompson; president of the WSCS, Mrs. Jes sie Kelly; superintendent of adult division, Mrs. Edgar Stauffer; chairman of parsonage commit tee, Mrs. Art Grass; chairman of official board, Norman Trow bridge and head usher, Harold Asher. Richard A. Woods died Sunday evening in a Lincoln Veteran’s hospital after a lingering illness. Funeral services were held in Lincoln Wednesday morning. He is the grandson of Mrs. Mae Copes. Survivors include widow, Lois and four children. Mr. and Mrs. Art Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Miller, Cham bers, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stew art enjoyed a no-host dinner Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown, Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Kelly and J Mrs. Anna Thompson were Wed nesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Grimes. Also guests were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Grimes, Chambers. Bid or Bye club met Wednesday evening with Mrs. Jerry Lama son. Her guests were Mrs. Jer ome Allen, Mrs. Alton Braddock and Mrs. Harold Kelly. Bridge was played with Mrs. Melvin Roach winning high. R. N. A. Kensington met Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Ethel Waring The afternoon was spent informally. All ladies of the community are invited to attend the annual May breakfast to be held at the Methodist church this morning 'Thursday). Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher, Rus ty and Arlene were Friday night guests at the home of Mr ami Mrs. Ben Asher Get-together<lub met with Mrs Ceceila Terrill, Wednesday after noon. Nine members and two guests, Mrs. Vernon Beckwith, Emmet, and Mrs Otto Terrill were present The ladies did their own work Mrs. Harry Lam pert, jr., will be the next hostess Mmes Harley Kennedy, Mae Copes, Hester Edmisten, Frieda Asher, P. E Nissen and Ralph Stevens and Miss Grace Zellers called on Mrs. Emma Kemper Friday to spend the afternoon with her in honor of her birth day. The self invited guests brought lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woods, Lincoln, were Saturday overnight guests of her mother, Mrs. Hes ter Edmisten. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and Lyle, Mrs. Hester Edmisten, Mrs. Frieda Asher, Harold Ash er, all of Page and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woods, Lincoln, were Sun day dinner guest* <J Mr and Mrs Kenneth Asher, Atkinson NOK club met Thursday after noon with Mrs Jim Stewart. Ten member* were present and the afternoon was spent informally The club will meet nest with Mrs Keith Kennedy Neighborhood club met with Mrs. Pete Sojka, Wednesday. The nine members present answered roll call with “What I like to do on Mother's Day". Cards were played with winners being high, Mrs Kenneth Wettlaufer, low, Mrs. George Wettlaufer, travel ing. Mrs Glen Harris and Mrs J W Finch won the special prize. Mrs. Finch will be the next hos tess. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski went as far as Cody on Wednes day where they were met by Lloyd Powell, Larry and Nancy Mrs. Troshynski accompanied the Powells to their home in Alliance where she will stay a few days Mr Troshynski returned home Mr and Mrs. Wilson Seiger- i son, Scotia, were Sunday dinner guests of his sister, Mrs. Mae Copes. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. lekes were Saturday overnight and Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs A. M Inness, Meadow Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and Mrs. Ethel Park were Sunday afternoon callers In the H. 0. Hill home, Orchard. Mr ami Mrs Jerry Aah*-r and family, Dick Cork. Grinnell. la . were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Fussrlman in honor of Charlene's birthday Mrs Otto Matachullat and Mrs Arnold Tikalsky attended the fun eral of Mrs Ernest Miller at the Lutheran church near Walnut Grove MYF met Sunday evening at the Methodist church with Caro line Mas having the devotion ami lesson entitled "From All My Fears.” Becky Beelaert ami John Crumly were voted to serve on the sub district council. There will be a subdistrict rally at At- I kinson. May 5 Page will have the opening worship and the Rev. , Linder will talk to the group I There will be no MYF Sunday evening Word has been received here of the wedding of DeWitt Clinton, son of Dr. and Mrs. G A. Clin ton, former Page residents, to Patricia Miller, Los Angeles, 1 They were married A(Wll 30 In St. John'a Evanglid church. i/» Angele* The children of Mr and Mr*. Glen HarTia will entertain their relative* in the church basement. Sunday afternoon fr«nn 1 30 to 3 * 30 in honor <d the Harris* 25*h wedding anniversary Charlene Fusaelman accompan ied Dick Cork and Dennis Hem per aa far aa Omaha Sunday where the attend* achool there Tlie men continued on to Orin nail, la . where they are employ ed. WALLPAPER SALE HcvenU (Wnl |M»ttem* While they U*t »l I Or |»er roll West Lumber and Coal Co. l*wge, Nebr. t-4e - I PAINT SALE Several Rood colors Hherwtn Williams Super Ke intone, rubber base paint West Lumber and Coal Co. l*aRc, Nebr. 2-4c s“ KROTTER’S FOR: GOOD LATE MODEL CARS 1960 Pontiac 4 Dr. Sedan 1958 Huick 4 Dr. Sedan 1955 Ford 2 Dr. S.S. 1955 Chrysler 4 Dr. Sedan 1951 Pontiac 4 Dr. Sedan 1958 Oldsmobile 2 Dr. H.T. 1959 Ford 2 Dr. H.T. 1962 Chrysler 4 Dr. Sedan 1959 Oldsmobile 4 Dr. Sedan 1962 Tempest 4 Dr. Sedan 1961 Pontiac Bonneville 4 Dr. H.T. 1961 Pontiac Ventura 4 Dr. H.T. 1961 Huick Electra 225 4 Dr. Riv. 1960 Pontiac Catalina 2 Dr. Sedan S. Shift 1959 Chevrolet 2 Dr. Sedan S. Shift, 6 Cylinder 1958 Huick 4 Dr. H.T. Loaded 1957 Mercury 2 Dr. H.T. 1957 Ford 2 Dr. H.T. 1957 Ford Currier 6 Cyl. Utility Wagon S. Shift 1955 Buick 2 Dr. H.T. 1955 Pontiac 4 Dr. Sedan 1952 Pontiac 4 Dr. Sedan PICKUPS 1961 % ton GMC 1961 1 ton GMC with Fold Down 8x10 Rack 1953 Vi ton me 1—7x9 Fiasco Fold Down Rox and Rack ALL CARS AND PICKUPS CARRY GW WARRANTY GMAO Finance Available LATE MODELS TO ARRIVE SOON 1960 Oldsmobile 4 Dr. Sedan 1961 Chevrolet 2 Dr. H.T. 1959 Chevrolet Impala 4 Dr. H.T. 1961 Galaxie 4 Dr. Sedan 1959 Pontiac 4 Dr. Sedan Wm. KROTTER CO. “Serving North Nebraska Since 18M” GMAO FINANCING ON ALL PRODUCTS WEST O’NEILL PHONE 531 T-HKBW I FUN UNDER THE SUN FRIDAY MAY 10 thra JULY 4th 8—RACES DAILY—8 9—Races Saturdays—9 AND HOLIDAYS ADMISSION 75o i (Including Stote and Federal Tax) LADIES' DAYS TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS Admission for Ladies 36c NO CHILDREN ADMITTED MBSHHiMI NATURALLY, “ELECTRIC” . . . COOKS RINGS AROUND THE REST! FOR BIGGER BARGAINS . . . BETTER VALUES . . . SEE YOUR ELECTRIC RANGE DEALER...TODAY! ■ ■ I I I I [ *11 I I J I ■ HJJJ I YZARC YAD SNIAGRAB EROLAG YADIRF MEHT EES TA l erawdraH enyoC 12 enohP IlieN'O paint sale lt'» tun U> paint up. fu up! (spatially at the low prices now In ettect on trash stocks ot top quality CO-OP Paint tor house, barn end outbuildings. CO °P Grad* 1 CO OP Manta Rail _ WHITE HOUSE PAINT HOUSE A BARN PAINT *5 69 „art—. *6.59 _ 00 OP Grad. 1 COOP Manta Whda HOUSE PAINT PRIMER HOUSE PAINT t^rt— '5.59 „art— *4.69 I / kKjrn , I „ CO OP Supar Rad CO OP Craotol. ^ po,r,t M ROOF ANO BARN PAINT WHITE BARN PAINT ”•?*— *3.19 Mart— '3.69 CO-OP COOP Cardinal Rad BARN PAINT HOUSE A BARN PAINT I »sa«?— *4.69 Mart— *4.29 (gg) f BRUSH BAKUAJHS « l *■»,. v*** J l*ura B.latia a* w»a V Br»»n an> |U| "» Holt County Co-op O'Neill Phone 51 Chambers Phone 2332 | PenneyB Is opposed to being open for "Business as Usual" on Sunday. Penney’s Believes that Sunday should be preserved as a Family Day — Free of all non-essential business activities. Penney’s Sincerely hopes that the Nebraska State Legisla ture will move to protect Sunday as the tradition al day of rest. Penney’s Hopes that it will not be necessary to reconsider our position on Sunday openings due to competi tive conditions.