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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1963)
Orchard News By Mrs. Shirley riudennchwuger Mr. and Mrs. Hoyl A llem a ng find family and Mr and Mrs. Lanny Billings and family were Sfcjnday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Billings. Bill Huwaldt and Sue Kuhl of Plainview visited in the Hoyt Sirek home Sunday evening. Sunday visitors in the Everett Jacobsen home were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beeson and family of Elgin. I-ester Raff and Elvm Hamilton attended a gun show in Fremont on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Lester Raff and Shelly Gudenschwager were Sunday din ner guests in the August Zuhlke home at Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wulff and sons, Dennis and LuVern Jensen of Wasau, were Sunday visitors in the Carl Nelson home. Mrs. Anna Borcherding of Jer seyville, 111., is visiting in the John Stelling and Carl Nelson homes. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Millie Mahood were Mr and Mrs. William Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom and Kay, all of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jensen and family of New man Grove, Mrs. Mabel Dray ton, Mrs. Pearl Johnson and Mrs. Louise Stelling, all of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Drayton were visitors in the Ernest Han sen home in Sioux City. Mrs. Gertrude Cribble, Mrs. Pearl Johnson and Mrs. Millie Mahood were Saturday evening visitors in O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Skalberg of Yankton were Saturday dinner guests in the Gerald Maple home. ...r, and Mis. Gerald Maple and family were Sunday supper guests in the Forest Maple home in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butterfield and family are visiting this week in the Leon Mitchell home and in the Lloyd Butterfield home. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mitchell at tended a State Auto Insurance meeting Tuesday at the Holliday Inn in Sioux City. Mrs Darlene Snyder visited her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Kmiecik in Fremont over the weekend. Patty Elliott spent the week end visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Elliott at tended the wedding of LeRoy Po fahl and Judy Tinsley at Clear water on Sunday. Jim Elliott and Ronald Blezek attended the YF Rally at Lo gan Center Sunday afternoon. They were accompanied by Rev. Alvin Smith and Mrs. Claude El liott. Atkinson News The Golden Rod Garden club of Atkinson met Thursday, Apr. 25 at the home of Mrs. Jesse Dobrovolny with 13 members present. Roll call was answered by naming "Wild flowers for your garden". This meeting was on conservation, and Jim Hart of O’Neill, local game warden, showed a film on "Nebraska Land” by Ray Clark. This film was enjoyed by everyone present. The comprehensive study, "Ap ril plans to make your garden a success", was given by Mrs. Gaines Rzeszotarski. The topic, "Trees from little pods and cones”, was given by Mrs. Roy Ries. Mrs. Georgia McGinnis gave some interesting things about the Robin, Chickadee and the yellow headed blackbird, and Mrs. Leon Beckwith reported on an article from the National Gardener. Three members re ported on visits to shut ins. Re ports on hospital favors given and amateur contest plans were com pleted. After the meeting adjourned a Chinese auction was held that netted a nice sum for the club treasury. The next meeting will be held on May 23 at the home of Mrs. Gaines Rzeszotarski. The Atkinson Civic Improve ment Garden club will hold their annual plant and food sale this Friday and Saturday at the Mill tex store. They will also be serv ing coffee and cookie* all day Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Leo Kramer went to Omaha Wednesday on busuves , and expect to return home Fri day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Fred Rlcliardson were Sunday evening callers of Mrs. Leo Slachetka of Stuart. Other afternoon callers were Mr and Mrs. Bob Cadwallader and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cad wallader and family and Mr and Mrs John Slachetka of Newport Mr. and Mrs. Fern Davis drove to Omaha Tuesday on business Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Mary Pacha were Mr. and Mrs. I-iwrence Pacha, Mr. and Mrs Carl Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pacha and Kimberly. Mr. and Mrs Lester Fleming returned home last Saturday from Reinback, la. They attended the funeral of Mr. Fleming's sis ter at Waterloo, la on Friday. Mr ami Mrs. Brook Stuart and family of Lincoln spent last week end in O'Neill with his mother, Frances Stuart, and his aunt. Mrs .Sophia Brown. Brook also visited with his uncle. William Wei so. or. Saturday morning Elite Gascon of Valentine was an overnight guest last Tuesday mght ol Mr. and Mrs. Guy Par sons. Miss Bonnie LeMunyan came from Omaha last Friday to spend the weekend with tier parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert LeMunyan and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Tasler were last Sunday afternoon call ers at the home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Tasler near Stuart Mr. and Mrs. N. E. (Pat) Med calf will be dinner guests tonight in Neligh at the home of Mr anil Mrs Perry Waddington. They will then drive to Oakdale where they will join the many other square dance enthusiasts of the area for an evening of fun sponsored by the square dance club of Norfolk. List Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr and Mrs Ger ald Upton and family were her parents. Mr and Mrs L. F Burgess and Loyd of Emmet. Mr and Mrs. Darius Burgess and family of Valentine and George Engel, also of Valentine. Mr. and Mrs. Akna Mlnarik arrived home last Tuesday alter spending a lew days with their daughtrr and son-in-law and fam ily at 1-as Crucea. New Mexico. Mr. and Mrs Jack Carroll of Fullerton, Mr and Mrs. Floyd VanWey of St. Edward and Ralph VanWey of Ewmg were last Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Pat Medcalf and Melanie. Carl Frisch returned home last Saturday evening from Omaha where he underwent major sur gery two weeks ago at the Metho dist hospital Mr. and Mrs Alois Mlnarik Jr. and Steve and Julie were last weekend guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson Reed at Osmond I^ast Saturday night was the last square dance for the season The group have met regularly for the winter months at the Medcalf residence and they plan to re sume their regular schedule next fall. Mr and Mrs Arthur Ziska were in O'Neill last Friday on Iwsiness and they also visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Eugene Ziska and family. Mr ami Mr* Merle Wining* visited her aunt. Mrs Conroe tk>kie. Saturday evening Mr and Mr* Roy FUllerUsi ami family of Norfolk spent last Sunday with tier parent*. Mr and Mrs C. F Small ami also In the homes of Mr ami Mr* Ro U-rt Fullerton and Mr ami Mrs II. F. Kissinger. Mrs. Claire Durre of Stuart was calling on friends in Atkinson Monday afternoon Mr* Celia Rackhaus was host ess to the mcmtiers of th** At kinson Civic Imnrovement Gar den club on April 22 Since tliere was very little ok! famines* the group spent the greater part of the evening dis cussing and planning the annual food ami plant sale which will lie held this weekend. They will also serve coffee ami cookies and the usual assortment of annuals, per rentals and an assortment of gladiolus hulhs ami mum* will lie on sale Committees were appointed Mr* Harktuio* gave <»ri inter**t tng lew* •» un the u#r» of drift wood and roll call wu aiwnaerrd with a migratory bird Several rontrtti were rmb ted by the hoatraa. which pertained to Arl«-r Hay with prtre* won t*y Mr* Vera Humphrey and Mm Wil Haiti Wrf*u There wa* ala«» a numtier drawing and thr*e prtte* went to Mm Oiarle* Kkope- and Opal Keating The District V! |»re*l«lnii an nouneetl tluit the Chamber* (Jar den club will s)m*um>i tlw* Suni mer Work Shop Tt*e lm*te** nerved lunch • ar rymg nut Um- Artwr l»ay motif The nevl m«ebng will lie held at the home of Barbara Mbnar Try The Frontier Want Adi — It Pav» I \KftKZ-V \ sptOM- \ \ \ \ SILVER \ \ BERRY spoon each \ \ COLD NVtMn valoe plus an $18 free \ \ Regular $4-50 V __ frlday only a' \ 1 g.<» Cert>l'ca'e " V \ NIcW0* Jcvie‘L 1 , Rest Adviser \\ P VNEY'S FRI., MAY 3 ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY WOMEN'S FULL FASHIONED HOSIERY Plain seams, flesh color in sizes 8V2 - 11 2 pair 78c WOMEN'S PRINTED COTTON WASH FROCKS Just received 120 dresses in misses and half sizes $177 I j SOLID COLOR TERRY TOWEL ENSEMBLE 22 x 44 15 x 25 Wash Cloth 2 for 2 f°r $1 6 *or I TRULON NET CURTAIN PANELS No stretching required 40x81 and 40x90 FANCY PRINTED PILLOW CASES Wide variety of patterns and colors. 42x36 P®** CARVED VISCOSE RAYON PILE RUGS QQ Foam back for skid resistance. 24x46 * X ..SuTSSS^f? I rT5rT^lu,^.s^»«2jrJ2_J | \ \ ^5 l \ \ \ —■— Womens Hooded 1 \ _IZ-—--^omen's fuH len9*h e«,eat Shift*! \ \ r 3H short_ press Coats <t<*88 \ \ «£» °~\‘a Jt£H-^=i Igglllisy} | ici' CREAM X 49( j I » VAN CAMPS — I | | PORK & BEANS 6 ’ll { FLOUR 10 - 89( 1 W GOLD MEDAL ™ sac^ ~ ■ C we discount beef prices! i 'vT «SKT 3 ~ ‘1 - .FRE!” FRE8H Look What a Dollar Will Buy! » U S □ A ( P°rk P°ast Pork Liver „„„ rwnirF \ Lb* ZSC 9 lbs. oqc pork h°c«s 3 »». og ~* ^‘* ^* y Pork Steak .. 39c “ Ww I Home Marie y - SAUSAGE 3 lbs. U.S.n.A. Choice SWISS STEAK . Lb. 69c *'“* m , Wilson’s BACON 3 lbs. WIENERS .. 2 lbs. 89C Armour r ENDS ,U1,I PIECES MINCED HAM 3 lbs. IV BACON ... 5 lbs. 69C , , Fre*h Porfc '-ft CUTLETS .. Lb. 59c PORK CHOPS 3 lbs SUMMER Wlmmers King ^ SAUSAGE .. Lb. 49c BOLOGNA 3 rings * froz*n foods! Snow-Crop ORANGE SAMOA JUICE 5 6-°z-cans *1 March’s — GRAPE and APPLE JUICE .. 6-oz. can 10c Sea Star 8-oz. pkgs. FISH STICKS .. 3 /$1 FILLET OF PERCH.Lb. 39c Beef-C h icken-T u rkey POT PIES 7 for $1 I Paradise Island 211 cans Butternut 3-Ib. can COFFEE . $1.79 StoLely's 46-oz. can TOMATO JUICE 29c Zestee Mb. Jan PRESERVES .... 3 /$1 U. S. Choice Beef | Blade Cut ( lOASTI Lb. Only f Golden Ripe 1 BANANAS I 3 “s 39c I NORTH DAKOTA 100-ft, ^ % RED SPUDS.$1.98 f EXTRA FANCY Doz&o « WINESAP APPLES ... 59c | INDIAN RIVER ^Ib bag ■ GRAPEFRUIT . 89c I RADISHES I GR. ONIONS 4 for OCc ( CUKES ° (