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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1962)
Joyce Strong Weds Gordon Kotrous Joyce Strong, daughter of Mrs. Jennie Strong, O’Neill, became the bride of Gordon D. Kotrous, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kotrous, Orchard, on November 2 at 8 o’clock at the First Moth odist church, O’Neill, with the Rev. Glenn Kennicott officiating. The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, William Strong, ap proached the altar in a floor length gown of white lace over satin. The fitted bodice featured a net yoke with a j>eter pan collar and long sleeves. Her il lusion veil was held in place by a circle trimmed with beads. She carried a white Bible with white roses. Mrs. F ill Strong jr , O’Neill, sister of the groom, was matron of honor. She wo"e a turquoise nylon rounded neckline sleeve less street length dress and car ried a bouquet of bronze and yel low pom-pons. Earl Strong jr., brother of the bride, was best man. Ushers were Virgil Parks and Hermon Os born, O’Neill. Archie Bowen, O’Neill, accom panied Mrs. Grant Peacock who sang ‘'I Love You Truly”. Jeannie Strong registered the guests, Mrs. Raymond Lampman, Anoka and Mrs. Bernard Schmitz, O'Neill, were in charge of the gift table. Following the ceremo ny a reception was held in the church parlors for 50 guests. Mrs. William Strong cut the three tier wedding cake, decorat ed with white bells and roses, topped with a miniature bride and groom. Waitresses were Mmes. Lloyd Whaley, Virgil Parks and Her man Osborn, all of O’Neill. The bride attended O’Neill school. The groom is a graduate of Creighton high school and is em ployed in O’Neill. Te couple will make their home at 121 East Everett Street, O'Neill. CHRISTMAN FAIR The 4th Annual Christmas Fair sponsored by U* Holt C<maty Home Extension Council win be held Monday, November 26 at the Legion Hall. O'Neill This exhibit of hand made toys, decorations, centerpiece* and food will be open to the public from 10 30 ».m. to about 4 30 p.m. Instruction lor the items on ex hibit will be published in a cir cular which will be available ear ly in December. More than forty home extension clubs participate in this county wide activity. Anyone interested in Christmas handicrafts is in vited to see the articles. There is no charge for the ex hibit or the circular. St. Patrick'* Altar Society St Patrick's Altar Society met Thursday evening with a large crowd in attendance. Hilda Galla gher reported on the success of the parish dinner and rummage sale. The Bishop’s clouting drive will i*- held Nov. 18 to 25. Cloth ing can be left at the Jar Dufek garage (716 East Clay St.). A new member, Mrs. Taylor, arid one visitor were introduced. Questions from the floor were answered by Father Duffy. Fa ther also reported on the progress of Monsignor O'Sullivan who is still a patient in St. Joseph’s hos pital in Omaha. Thanksgiving greeting cards were sent to Monsignor by the Altar Society members. St. Brid get's guild with Mrs. Heermson as chairman, were in charge of the meeting. The next meeting will be Dec. 13. Miss Gallagher suggested at this meeting each member bring something for the layettes to be sent to Latin Amer ica. Used communion dresses and boys white shirts can also be used. Junior Auxiliary Meets Junior Auxiliary meeting was held Saturday, Nov. 3, with 17 members present. There was 90c taken for the penny collection. Guests were Mary Berigan, Cin dy and Candy Marcellus. The Junior Auxiliary will hold a food sale at the Safeway on Nov. 17 at 10 o’clock. Posters for the food sale were, made at the last meet ing. Merry Matrons club met with Mrs. Frank Hawk, Nov. 13 with 11 members present. They answer ed roll call by giving their thanks. Mrs. Marcus Pierson taught the members how to knit. They al so made plans for a Christmas dinner Dec. 13 with Mrs. Leonard Hawk. Auxilary Meets The Auxiliary of World War I entertained the veterans at a pot luck Thanksgiving party at 6:30 at the Legion Hall, Monday, Nov. 19. After dinner their regular meeting was held with a very good attendance and five mem bers took the obligation. They were Sara Lou Moss, Nellie - I Sholea, Hattie Rhodes. Mary Btg lin and Laura McClurg After th« um*’’g the veterans Joined the l»Ua* for a social hour of cards. The neat meeting will be on Monday, Dec. 17. O'Neill Locals Mrs. Heinie Fowler, Enid, Okla , is visiting a few days with her mother, Mrs. John Walker Mr. and Mrs Lewis Miller of Lincoln, will be spending Thanks giving with their son, Marvin Mil ler and family Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess left Sunday to attend the funera! of Dr. Burgess’ brother who died m Sand Point, Idaho. Mr and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser and Mrs. Milo Stalecker were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Klunent, Atkinson. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Curt Luirn and son, Gene, Mr and Mrs Don Denker and Douglas and Don, and Frank Pad, all of Fairfax, S. D.. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Soucek and Richard, Mr. and Mrs Frank Soucek, Verdigre, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kliment, Betty and Gary, Wausa, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs James Dub i as and Jer ry. Mr and Mrs Nortoert Dobuu. Norlm. Noriene, Natalie. Julie and Carl, Mr and Mrs Ray l)o, Barbara, I> bra. Calvin and Micky. Mr. and Mr* L. F Kli ment. Sharon. Janet and Susan. Ivan Kliment. Mr and Mr* Rich ■id Deerman and Karla, all of Atkinson. Mr and Mrs. Leon Kaiser. At kinson. were Saturday evening guests of Mr and Mrs. Hertwrt Kaiser. BBC Bridge club met on Wed nesday night at the home of Mrs Don Kellner. Prizes were won by Mrs. John Hermann, Mrs Don Kellner and Mrs. Norman Hes son. The busies* served refresh ments. Elkhom Project club met Wed nesday evening, Nov. 3 at the home of Mrs Zella Cook with Mrs Frank Greemer and Mrs. Hazel Boatman as co-hostesses After the business meeting plans were made for the Christmas par ly to be held on Tuesday, Dec 11 with a 6 o’clock dinner at the Tropical Gardens. All members are urged to attend. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. George Hanson. Mrs Bennett Hertford was hos tess to the members of the Jan *i club Monday evening. Alter bridge play at her twine, refresh menu were served Winner of high score wss Mrs. Edwsrd sc hr nil. second high, LsVrts Grhn and uaviiiluig. Mrs. Hubert Moore. Melvin Bakken. wtw wss vis iting his moUier in Platte, S D was s guest Mon lay night of Mr snd Mrs Pet* Hertford. They took him to Grand Island Tues day where he took the train for his home in Los Angeles Mr arid Mrs. Herman J arising expect to spend Thanksgiving day in Omaha with their son, Rnti Janzuig and wile. Doug Spittler, SornU Wilson, Kathy Brown, Skip Verzal and Jerry Kiicoiu. who attend Wayne College came Wednesday to spend the Thanksgiving vacation with their parrnU. Mr. and Mrs. John Donohoe left Tuesday for Danbury, la to attend a funeral of a relative Jack Sullivan, a student at Wayne College, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs Helen Sullivan and sister, Judy, Jane and Jeanne Devoy, daughters of Mr and Mrs. Ro bert I »evoy, wlw attend Duchesne College in Omaha, arrived Wed nesday to spend Thanksgiving vacation. Mr and Mrs Otto Ruzicka. Dorsey, were Monday dinner quests at the Marvin Ziska home. Letters to the Editor The Frontier Editor O’Neill, Nebr. Please accept my belated thanks for the “Best of Ail Days" Every minute was enjoyed Thanks for the two delicious steaks, (my favorite meat). Miss Fenton was a lovely lady and 1 talked with her for a crowded minute. Thanks again and I hope the cooking school will be repeated next year. Mrs. J. L. Pruden _ ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schrage have announced the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Jeanette, to Ar lyn B. Selting, Lincoln, son of j Mr. and Mrs Bernard Selting,! Elgin. I re'gtrciwciMt'ifw* twnwiww Um Schragr la a graduate of the Clearwater |ngh achuol and Creighton MemoHal 91 Xeaph t hotpital school of nursing In Omaha. She la preaently employ >-d at Antelope hospital ui Nr Ugh Mr Seeing is a grad uate of St Boniface school ut Elgin, Radio Engineering In •Utute of Omaha and served in the U S Army He is presently ami undergraduate electrical en gineer at the University of Nebr The wedding will he aulemtvUed at St There**'§ church, Clear water, at 10 30 in the morning on Dee. 27. 1WE Mr. itml Mrs. Hum'll II. Shall), lluMM'tl, announce I he engage men! of their daughter, llatel .May, to Keith Eugene Halsey, son of Mr. iumI Mrs Eugene llalsey, < 'handlers. .Miss Shmil griullialeil Irolll I tuck county high school at Itaa sett III IW.'itl and is presently teaching school Mr. Halsey Is a lt*.'t' graduate of < 'hamhers high school and is presently engaged in ranching with Ids father. A December wedding Is liclng pbuuied. DR D E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Care Contact la*nse» By Appointment Phone 2101 8l * ver, Nebraska wifirwieicic'c^nwiciciric <«««’<’. Mr. iumI Mr* I.Im In Kuhrefc, < 'oliimhu*, itiuiuum i. Ihr i«|«|iv men! of their .tnugliWr, l\iUl>.r»n !«•, lo M<>rti« l.iX.rn lUumw *••«, t'oJumbu*. **10 ni Mr. muI Mr*. I ilgnr RaaMIMMl, <Vnir»i . ,h Ml»» KuImm k, formerly of f limit*, r*. Mill inwluiik' In the *priitg from 4 olumhu* high Behoof Mr. Itt**iiiu**rn Rllnulol (he < < lily *< Inxil* mill I* new employed ill I Rlmi-rr* Ihvlry, 4'otumhu* I’hui* ore I icing mmlr for ■ wiimnrr m editing Dr. H. D GILDERSLEEVE OFTOMETHIMT Ejr* Eanilllned 4 iltt**e<* Rilled 4'on tar I I ,en*c* Rhone 167 — O’Neill, Nehr. Hour* II 8—Mon thru Hniuritny (I<mh*I W rdor*da> ROYAL THEATRE Wed. l'hiir*. Nov. Il-M "TIIK INTUINH" Frl.-Hat. Nov. *8*4 “KIM. \ IIIM, KIIVTIIM" Hun Mon Tin * Ne\. 7.7 76 *7 "Till'. HRIKAI, IMI All" Mcd.-Thur*. Nov, MU "ORF.KATION M ill lit I A.” «<<«€«« mvtt •CN’C’CH • -I ”<*«««<€* M As Advertised in the Novem jr Farm and Home Section . .-ftw wmwili a, dJujtfr Weather worries come to on end with a I Speed Queen Dryer. Just toss in a load ond turn the dial. Your clothes are fluff dried, wrinlde-free and fresh smelling. What a convenience—even when the weather is finel Stop in for a demonstration. ________—-.,t_ .. 111 —' ' - c»fl',#l«* - (SPEED QUEEN PAIR S333 .MODELS 112 AND ASIA SEE THE BIG 12-LB. STAINLESS STEEL DRUMS AND TUBS AT DANKERT'S SERVICE O'Neill, Nebr. Chambers, Nebr. ^_ ~ ^ • * ■* " ■“*- -s~—— — m — - T1 ■ ill .L ——W - raAt mmm■ wtm I Bertha Harris Weds Darrell N. Neitzke In Lutheran Ceremony Bertha Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris, Ewing, became the bride of Darrell N. Neitzke, son of Mrs. Esther Neitzke, Plainview, Saturday, Nov. 17, 1962 at the Zion Luther an church, Plainview. The Rev. V. L. Brack officiated at the 7:30 p.m. double ring cer emony. Mr. Leonard Wacker, so loist, sang “O, Perfect Love” and ‘The Lord’s Prayer” accom panied by A. R. Bohlman, or ganist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore traditional white, designed in Chantilly lace and nylon organza. The fitted lace bodice was accented by a Sabrina neckline, outlined in scalloped lacfc and long sleeves with bridal points. The bouffant tiered skirt, worn over hoops, was highlighted by a lace over skirt that formed deep points on each side. A Juliet crown of lace and seed pearls held the elbow length veil of silk illusion. Her only jewelry was a diamond pearl set lavalier, worn by her mother at her wedding. She car ried a bouquet of white carna tions edged in blue with match ing corsage accented with net and satin ribbon. Miss Connie Weber, friend of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a ballerina gown of blue with a lace bolero and matching head piece and slippers. She car ried a colonial bouquet of white carnations with blue net and rib bon streamers. Wayne Wagnes, Farwell, Nebr. cousin of the bridegroom, was best man. Ushers were Lyle ■I—iMUm l.'%;,'-£WaK Wacker, Osmond and Fred Ded low, Plainview, friends of the bridegroom. All wore dark busi ness suits and white carnation buttionieres. The mothers of the bride and bridegroom, wore gowns of blue shadow print Arnel Jersey with matching accessories and white carnation corsages. Following the ceremony, a re ception was held in the church parlors given by the bride’s par-! ents, attended by seventy ! ’ guests. Decorations were carried out in the chosen colors of the bride, blue and white. Miss Marie Davis, Ewing, re gistered the guests, Mrs. Wayne Wagner, Farwell, Nebr., poured. The tier wedding cake topped with an ornamental bell decora tion, was cut by Mrs. Harold Ucker, Norfolk, aunt of the groom and served by Mrs. Edward Har ting, Norfolk. Mrs. Clarence Liib be and Mrs. Dennie Doerr, Plain view7, friends of the couple, serv ed the bride’s table which was centered with a bouquet of blue and white flanked by matching candles in crystal holders. Miss Cheryl Neitzke and Mrs. Duane j Klug, Battle Creek, were in charge of the gifts. Out-of-tow7n guests were from J Norfolk, McLean, Farewell, Stan- i ton, Battle Creek. Osmond, Roy- ] al, Ewing, Grand Island and Randolph. The bride is a graduate of the I Ewing high school with the class of 1961 and has been employed at the General hospital at Plainview as nurse's aid. The groom is a graduate of, the Nebraska State Teachers Col- \ lege and is an instructor at the Spencer high school. Mr. and Mrs. Neitzke will make their home at Spencer, Nebraska. -- ! I SPECIAL CATTLE SALE MONDAY, NOV. 26 j Now we can use a lot more cattle for this sale as the Buyers win be here in numbers—Lot of the Feeders are finished picking corn and sure want cattle^You furnish the cattle and we’ll have the Buyers—Sold over 600 cattle last Monday with Jeffery Bros. 41i lb. steer calves at $36.00—Had a lot of calves over $3400—Good beifer calves up to $30.50—Top on Butcher Hogs at $16.60—That was 10c over Sioux City for that day—Six major Hog Buyers— Let us try your next consignment and we are sure you will be pleased with the way your livestock is handled and the of money you get for them. List them early as possible as It in sures you of a good spot in the sale and helps in the adv ertising. Hog Sale starts at 11:30 a.m. EWING LIVESTOCK MARKET Phone 1», TOW, 144J Terry, Larry and Max Wanser { A Nationally Certified Market ”” 1 9 Penneys 60»* anniversary i v I i__ tf Christmastime . . . anytime COUNT ON PENNEY BRANDS ♦or the kind of quality you're Happy to own. proud to atve N5, % % I « ■ 9 \ % JUNIOR BOYS' \ SPORT SUITS! I Sizes 6 to 10 f Slack ‘n jacket—make salt or \ separates: 100% wool 3-button | t coat, contrasting rayon-acetate \ flannel slacks. I ! 1 ' w \ * CHECK I t 4 k ' ; THESE BUYS * f 1 > f | Metal Friction Toys 88c | f { 2-lb. Fruit Cakes tl | | | Cora Jewelry* $1 | | | Zuff Link Sets* Sjjc " I | Men's Sport Coats sis ^ [ g ET1 ec trie Hair Dryer $8.88 * | | Deep-Fat Fryers S8-88 ^ | | *plus 10% Fed. tax | t I _ BRUSHED RAYON TODDLER GIRLS' OMBRE PLAID CHRISTMAS RED , RAYON VELVET! Hi-value at a Penney-low price in this classic heavyweight sport r^yrjri velvet priced to fit shirt. Collar stays, pocket, ma- ^y ******! Stand* w®y «* chine-washable! "S ,U petticoat. Fnlly trim. Sixes vM L sizes i to 3 • I I \ CHARGE IT ... It's easier to P ck, easier to Plan, easier to Pay | ***®®********assssias**aii*w»Mj«aaaaa( n » > ■•„ T jr ^ mmmiky. "" " .'*r- *.,.. . ’ **> .Ji