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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1962)
I • • , , _ . * , FOR SALE FOR SALE Pontiac. 1953. radio heater, standard shift, excellent condition. Faye K. Pinkerman, 515 N /Mi O'Neill FOR SALK Good fresh Beef and Beef Cross calves, any amount, stock on hand, rwwt of the time! Gerald O'Connor. Atkinson, cali ’■4S62. 28-31 p FOR SALE 8 2 - 9-00-10.00-11 00 underslung tires, reasonably priced, liberal guarantee; also axles, rims, etc. Gerald O'Con "«i. Atkinson, call 25b2. 28-31p FOR SALK Purebred Hampshire boars, ready for service, veter inary vaccinated for erysipelas and cholera, guaranteed breed ers, new blood line for old cus tomers. Xavier Kalkowski, three miles northwest of Lynch school, Lynch, Nebr. 29tfc FOR SALK Blooming violets. Nice Christmas gifts, 59 and 79 cents. Call 552W O'Neill after 6 p.m._ 30-31p SEK US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 257 down, 5% int.; up to 81 months to pay Write or phone Qmois Motor Co., Neligh. JOtf 1 AM HACK In my oiiice again and can loan money on Farms and Ranches and City Property. Some at 4% and some at 5% In terest S«>e R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr 50tf SAVE ON INSURANCE prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy , O'Neill. lOtfc FOR SALE Purebred Duroc and Lindrace Hoars, vaccinated. Reasonable prices. F. W. Ixxiek, Sjieneer, Nebr. 30-33c SHORES' NEW DAIRY CREDIT All the money you want. 36 months at 6%. Buy new cattle, finance entire herd. Shores Wisconsin heifers. “Pay your bills, stop your worries.” SHORES, NELIGH, TU 7-4060 41tfc FOR SALE — Purebred Hamp shire Boars and Open Gilts from Grand Champion sires. John Sojka, Page. 20tfc FOR SALE -Hereford bulls.— Kieth Abart, O'Neill, Dercy Ahart, Emmet. 32tfc Singing Canaries Roller canaries, white, yellow, spitted, also or ange canaries. Guaranteed sing ers $7.00. Mrs. A. J. Lawrence, Atkinson, Ncbr. 30-31c MOBILE HOMES New and I'sed We have on hand at this time the following used units, reconditioned ami priced to sell. 50’xU)' Champion 3BR with Washer and Dryer 35'x8' Great Lakes 2BR 35 x8’ Town & Country 2BR 45’x8’ Star 2BR 40’x8’ Mercury Manor 2BR 27 x8’ Trailette 1BR 25'xS’ Universal 1BR 25’x8* Mobile 1BR 29'xS’ Sportsman 1BR We also have a nice selection of New Lfnits. We Trade Finance- Deliver MILLER MOBILE HOME SALES Albion, Nobr. Ph. 895-2170 Open Everyday 30tfc CITY LOANS, See R. H Parker. 50tf FOR SALE — Purebred spotted Poland China hoars. Veterinary vaccinated. Martin Hoffman. Spencer, Nebr. 24-31c LIVE OR DRESSED Turkeys for sale- Live $4 and 55. Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser, Orchard, Nebr., phone 5R212 on Walnut ex change. 2S-31c POR SALE — Two part Shetland ponies, two years old and broke, one Shetland brood mare, Law rence Skrdla, Stuart 27-31p LANDRACE BOARS FOR SALE— Ready for service. Veterinary Vaccinated for Erysipelas, Hog Cholera and Lepto; guaranteed breeders. Spencer Feed Service. 26tfc MACHINERY I sed Fuel Tanks 300 gallon with stand 500 gallon with stand 1000 gallon tank us for bins and cribs John Deere flail cutter like new IHC Rotary stalk cutter 560D Farmall 50 M with live pump, new rubber 41 M overhauled Farmall 300 Farmall Super H 49 H with 9 speed Farmall 340 42 John Deere B 46 John Deere A 54 WD Allis 45 Farmall 20 Regular reversed for sweep Tractor wide fronts Allis Chalmers loader SHEI HAMER EQUIPMENT CO. me — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool O’Neill. Nebraska FOR SALE 1949 K2 IHC pickup;) also 4 hounds, coyote trained Tom Slattery, Ph. H43J12, O' Neill. 31-32c | FOR SALK Purebred Hampshire lioars Hig and rugged. Will de liver Henry and Richard Stell ing. Orchard, Nebr. 12tlc NOVEMBER KPEtlAL* I sod Equipment Farmhand F14 loader for Farmall II or M Heavy duty Farmhand with Ma nure fork for John Deere A or also Farmall 11 or M McCormick loader with Kramer built grapple fork for any Farm all tractor American loader with grapple fork Sargent loader for Farmall H, M or F20 Winch for Farmall M $95 00 Massey-IIarris loader for No. 44 tractor Short stinger winch for Massey IIarris No. 44 tractor Used Tractors 1-240 International tractor demon strator — Save $$$$ 2 Farmall M’s 1951 Massey-IIarris No. 44 4 Farmall IPs, all prices 3 Farmall F20 s Case VAC 1954 Super C Farmall with Kramer built sweep built sweep Special Preseason buy New Trucks International C120 4x4 pickup fully equipped International pickup 4-speed, overloads, [saver lock rear end Vz International pickup 3-speed, overloads, power lock rear end 4 wheel Scout with full cab Used Trucks I960 HI 10 International travelall, A-l shape 19(4) Iicl62 V-8. 2 speed, like new 1959 Ford F600 with new V-8 en gine, hoist and new 15 Mi ft. Giant box 1956 Ford F600 with V-8 engine, hoist and Comb, rack 1955 Chevy 2 ton chassis 1956 International ’/z ton pickup, overhauled 195.3 International 4i ton pickup, 4 speed 11950 Iniernational ton pickup, 4 speed KEATING IMPLEMENT CO. Atkinson, Nebraska 31-32e keal Lstate tor Sale FOR SALE OR RENT A reason ably priced 7 room modem home in Ewing, Nebr. It is located across the street east of the Catholic church. Write or call Claire Tomjack, 101 West Burt, O’Neill, Nebr. 30-31c FOR SALE—400-acre combination stock and grain farm 3% miles west of Lake Andes, S. D. on Hwy 50 and Vz south. Place will handle about 50 cows. Good im provements, plenty of dams and running water. William Soulek, Lake Andes, S. D. 30-32p IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE — 240-acre improved farm for sale one mile south and one mile east of Bartlett. This farm has a one story, five room house, 26 x 32 feet; large cattle barn; double corncrib and granary and other buildings. This farm has approx imately 131 acres in good native grass pasture and 85 acres in cropland. If interested, please write or call; The AUSTIN Com pany, Inc., Columbus, Nebr. 27-32c NO REASONABLE OFFERS re fused en first house east of Lu- j theran church and on homes at 321 West Clay. Both properties are good investments if not 1 needed for a home. See Kieth i Abart soon. 15tfc I FOR SALE—One bedroom house, all modern except heat. Natural gas. Located on W. Fremont St. j Ray Pease, Atkinson. 13tfc 1 WANTED i WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading j days, Monday. Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon. Stuart, ph. 3741. tf HELP WANTED — Man to learn Maytag Appliance Service, and clean new and used cars. Also general utility work connected with garage. Younger man pre ferred. Apply at Wm. Krotter Co., West O’Neill, Nebr., in after noons. 28tf L. GUTHMILLER Half Block East Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene and arc welding LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED, ALL MAKE Also repair parts for Lawson and Clinton engines on hand. __ 9tf WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair.—403 N. 1st St Phone 775-LW. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O’Neill 3 blks. W. St 3H blks. N. stoplight. I MAKE Monthly payment loans some at 4% some at 5% interest. See R. H. Parker. O’Neill. Nebr. 50tf MAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklin store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tie NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans an automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance I needs. - 50 'OS Central Finance Corp. O'Neill Phone 14 Nehr. attc WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Well* Call 721 or come U> Kelly's Well Service 5 Blk* south erf the New Deal Oil Station—O'Neill 90tf "WE" DON’T WANT ••AIX” THE BUSINESS We Just want “YOURS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN _23d | MONEY TO LOAN On Automobiles, Furniture, Signature. O'Neill Loan Co. Virgil Ijuiraen, Mgr. 38tf ASHBUKN MONUMENT OO. P. O. Box 6, Tilrfen. Nebr. Personal attention to all orders. Covers all Northeast Nebraska. Call collect, FOrest 8-2220. All work fully guaranteed. NKIU ASHBI RN, Prop. 35p FOR RENT FOR RENT — Modem House, partially furnished, electricity, on school route near Inman — Harvey A. Tompkins, Inman 28tfc LOST & FOUND STRAYED From my pasture, 2 miles north and 1 mile east of Midway: one Black Angus cow and white face calf, branded 1 over V on right hip. William Langan, O’Neill. 31tfc STRAYED — One yearling steer Branded BA on Right Hip. Right Ear marked. Marvin Richter, O’Neill. 30-31p STRAYED — Yearling Hereford steer with J Bar S Brand on left rib — Matt McCabe, Page 27tfc LOST — 700 to 800 pound white face heifer, coming 2-year-old, branded N over L on right hip. Pete Nickolite, Ewing. 30-32 STRAYED from the Dick Fernau pasture, one cow and calf, both branded, bar over O bar I. Carl Hallgrimson. O'Neill, Nebr. 29-31p MISCELLANEOUS ORGAN LESSONS—Given on the new Lincolnwood Console. $2.00 per lesson. Mrs. Lloyd Liedtke, call 790 for appointment. 30-35p CURTISS BREEDING can service your nerd with the highest rated beef bull and the highest plus proven dairy bulls in the nation. Can you do with less than the best? Call 470 Duane Grav O’Neill 14tfc PAPJVl LOANS, See R. H. Parker. 50tf AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207 O’NEILL CARDS OF THANKS THANKS A MILLION to all the friends and neighbors who helped harvest our com during the illness that has occurred in our family. We also want to thank those wo men who sent in food, equipment and helped to serve the men at noon. A special thanks to those who donated fuel for the tractors. Your kindness will never be for gotten. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Holliday 31p THANKS TO EVERYONE who helped with the com picking at our place Monday. Alsa thanks to those who furnished food and helped to serve the meals. Through your cooperation the harvest was completed. Your neighborly thoughtfulness will always be remembered. 31p Ronald and Lura Grass 1 WANT TO THANK everyone who sent me cards and letters during my stay in the hospital. I appre ciated your thoughtfulness very much 31p Jennie Finley I SAY THANKS with deep grati tude and appreciation to my many friends and relatives, for your cards, gifts, flowers and visits while I was in St. Antliony’s hos pital. A special thanks to Dr. Wil son and Dr. Waters, the Sisters and nurses for their kindness and care. 31p Nina Jonas I--Legal Notices (First pub. Nov. 15, 1962) Cronin and Hannon, Attorneys Estate No. 1577 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Holt Q>unty, Nebraska, November 8, 1962. In the matter of the Estate of Elizabeth O’Malley, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is March 6, 1963, and for the payment of debts is November 8. 1963 and that on December 6, 1962, and on March 7, 1963, at 10 o’clock A M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to re ceive, examine, hoar, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (COUNTY FRANK CRONK COURT County Judge SEAL) 30-32c (First pub. Nov. 8, 1962) (John R. Gallagher, Attorney) No. 4585 NOTICE FOR HEARING THE STATE OF NEBRASKA: TO ALL PERSONS INTER ESTED IN SAID ESTATE, CREDITORS AND HEIRS TAKE NOTICE: That Cashmere Turay has filed his petition alleging that Frank Turay died intestate in Holt County, Nebraska, on or about September 5, 1945, being a resi dent and inhabitant of Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, and died seized and possessed of the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: West Half of Section 33, Town ship 30, North. Range 10, West of the 6th P. M., Holt County, Nebraska, leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named per sons, to-wit: Katie Turay, his widow, Cash mere Turay, Steven Turay, Frank Turay. Joseph Turay, John Tu ray, his sons and Rose Pritchett, his daughter. That the interest of your pe titioner herein in the above des cribed real estate is derived from inheritance, said petitioner being a son and heir at law of said de ceased: and praying for a deter mination of the time of the death, the heirs the degree of kinship and the right of descent of the real property belonging to the said deceased, in the state of Ne braska, which petition will be for hearing in this Court on the 28th day of November, at 10 o' clock A. M. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 2nd day of November. 1962. (COUNTY ' FRANK CRONK COURT Countv Judge SEAL! 29-31 c (First pub. Nov. 22. 19621 Cronin and Hannon. Attorneys NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA: IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CARL HIN SHAVV. GUARDIAN OF ELMER E. HINSHAW. FOR LICENSE TO SELL REAL ESTATE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an Order of the Honorable William C. Smith. Jr., Judge of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, made in this said cause on the 30th day of October. A. D., 1962. for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at public vendue to the highest bid der for cash, at the front door of the Court House in the City of O'Neill, in said County and State, on the 14th day of Decem ber. 1962, at the hour of one o’ clock P. M., the following des cribed real estate: All that part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 29, North, Range 11, West of the 6th P.M., in Holt County, Nebraska, lying south and west of the public highway as now located across said land, excepting a strip 4 rods wide off the south side of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, and except Bring your Bid to GAMBLES Buy a LIVING ROOM SET At Your Own Price Wf ■ * ' ' ] GAMBLES, O’NEILL ing a tract of land described as follows; Beginning 40 feet south of the northwest comer of the Northwest Quarter of the South west Quarter of said Section 29; thence running East 242 feet; thence running South 320 feet; thence running West 242 feet; thence running North 320 feet to the place of beginning, and excepting a part thereof conveyed to D. E. Seger. deed wherefor is recorded in Hook 139 at page 399 of the Deed K<>cords of Holt County. Ne braska . Commencing at a {x>int 40 feet south of the Northwest comer of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 29, Township 29, North, Range 11, West of the 6 th P.M., in Holt County, Nebras ka, thence running East 242 feet, thence South 320 feet, thence West 242 feet, thence North 320 feet, to the place of beginning. The Southwest Quarter of Sec tion 20. Township 29, North, Range 10. West of the 6th P M, in Holt County, Nebraska. This sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 21st day of Novem ber. A. D„ 1962. CARL HINSHAW Guardian 31 -34c 1 (First pub. Nov. 22, 1962) NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the qualified electors of the School District of the City of O'Neill, in the County of Holt, in the State of Nebraska, that by the consent of a majority of the members of the Board of Educa tion of said District, a special election has been called and will be held in O'Neill, Nebraska in said District on December 14, 1962, at which election there will be submitted to the qualified electors of said District, the fol lowing proposition: “Shall the School District of the City of O’Neill, in the Coun ty of Holt, in the State of Ne braska, issue its negotiable bonds in the principal amount of Four Hundred Ninety Two Thousand l>ollars ($492,000.00), for the purpose of building a school house and furnishing the necessary’ furniture and appa ratus for the same for said District, said bonds to be dated ; at the time of their issuance and become due and payable on such dates as may be fixed by the District Board at the , time of their issuance, but in a period not exceeding twenty (20) years from their date, said bonds to bear interest from their date of issue at not to exceed the legal rate, payable one year after date and semi annually thereafter; provided, however, any or all of said lionds shall be redeemable at the option of the District at any time on or after five years from the date of their issuance: and “Shall the Board of Education of said District cause to be levied annually a special levy of taxes by valuation on all the taxable property in said Dist rict sufficient in rate and amount to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as and when such interest and princi pal become due?” ( ) FOR. said bonds and tax ( ) AGAINST said bonds and tax The electors voting in favor of said proposition will mark an "X” in the square opposite the words "FOR said bonds and tax” following said proposition, and electors voting against said pro position will mark an “X” in the square opposite the w’ords "A GAINST said bonds and tax” fol lowing the proposition. The polling places shall be as follows: City of O’Neill, First Ward — Courthouse. O'Neill. Nebraska City of O'Neill. Second Ward — Knights of Columbus Hall, O’ Neill. Nebraska City of O'Neill. Third Ward Police Station. O'NeiU, Nebras ka City of O'Neill. Fourth Ward City Hall, O’Neill. Nebraska Qualified electors of the Dist rict residing outside the City erf O’Neill will vote at tin* f’burt house in O’Neill, Nebraska. Qualified electors of tlie re spective wards and areas will vote at the polling places above designated for their ward or area The polls will be open from 8 00 A M to 8 00 P M. of said date. By order of the said Board of Education this 14th day of No vember, 1962 Henry lohaus, President Morgan Ward. Secretary 31-34 Celia News Mrs. Mark Hendricks Nick and Pat Svoboda spent the afternoon Saturday at the Natchei Rzeszotarski home with Tommy. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Osborne spent the evening at the Natchei Rzeszotarski home on Monday. Mrs. Frank Svoboda was also a guest. The Alfred Straka's, Kenneth Asher’s, Elmer Goldfuss’ and Natchei Rzeszotarski families take turns driving their young people to town for the school days, one family taking a week at a time. This was the Rzeszo larski’s week to go so Helen brought her mother, Mrs. Bertha Gonderinger, Atkinson, home with her each day returning her to her home in the evening when she picked up the seven young folks. Raymond Dobias was a caller at the Natchei Rzeszotarski home Saturday morning, also Mr. Fe lix Laible. Max Young was a dinner guest at the Rzeszotarski home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Allard of Rapid City, S. D., and their son, Stevie, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Allard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Kilmurry and her bro ther, Frank. They were on their way home after a visit to Sioux City on business. Mr. Allard is an insurance representative. Frank Kilmurry attended the bull sale in Sprmgview on Fri day. Mrs. Alice Heiser and Mrs. Lois Beck spent the afternoon at the home of their parents, the Hen ry Dobrovolny’s Tuesday. Among those attending the Pioneer schfxrf on Friday night were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and children and Mr. and Mrs John Sicheneder and children. They report it was a very in teresting program with a lunch being served following the en tertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and children, Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Johnson, O'Neill, and Mrs. Marvel Jean Batenhorst and daughter, Lynette, O’Neill, all helped Mrs. Helen Beck do some finish work in her garage in At kinson. She is partitioning off a part of it for a work room. Mrs. Victor Frickel attended Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kinds and Bnnd florenit: ponton. Pm* Phone 106 Blifj TIRE VULCANIZING and repair ALL SIZE TIRES JOE'S TIRE SERVICE Phone 716 O’Neill. Nehr. school sessions at the high school in Atkinson on Tueuday Harold Frick*! accompanied a group of boys U) Lincoln on Sul unlay to attend the football game Kathy Putnam ww a weekend visitor at tire Alex Fnckel home, Patty Straka attended a slum ber party at tire home of Maxine Baker near Atkinson on Friday night Mr and Mr* Connie Fnckel and Kurt visited their daughlei and family, die B*>b Collins in Omalia last we< k Ttiey also vis ited in Iowa enroute home Mr and Mrs Ralph Anderson of Martin, S. D visited at tin* home of his brother, Merrill, ov ernight Sunday. They left Mon day for Sioux City where Mrs Anderson went for medical care Mrs Hans Lauridson and Mrs Louis Lauridson started to drive to Hastings Saturday, but turned because the roads were so icy Mrs Hans Laundson calleed on Mrs. Sarali Collars at the Aaron Lange home on Thursday Mrs Collar* is Mrs. Lange's mother and is here to help in the home while Mrs Lange is in a hospital in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs Hans Lauridson and son called on the Milton Me Kathmes Sunday Mr and Mrs. Louis Lauridson and children were Sunday supprt guests of the Hans Laundmms Mrs. Louis Lauridson and Mrs Han.s .Lauridson called on Mrs Spence at her son's home in At kinsoti on Saturday Mr att(l Mr* Clarence Focken jr. and family were Saumhiy •UI4*i guest* at live ( laiwno* Fofkrn *r. home Mr Lawrence Smith, Pa§», •pent a few day* again this weak tielpmg build a *h«d and cow cor ral* at tin- Leonard Chaffin Home. Mr Smith own* the ranch Wayne Hoffman, Genng, N«br , brother of Duke Hoffman, *»» a guest of live Hoff in an* on Wed nesday evening on Friday they were all guest* of Kd Huffman for suppei Wayne returned home Friday evening. Mr* Dorothy Hoffman u»* her son, Roger, b» O'Neill to have dental work done Saturday after noon Mr. and Mr*. Mark Hendricks and Arlui were dinner guests at the Hu-hard Klinger imtne in Atkinson on Saturday. After din ner Mrs Hendricks and Mrs. Klinger visited with Laura Me Luughlm, a patient at the Mem orial hospital and also called on Mi* Reich Findley Mr and Mrs. Denton Coif ark and daughter, Niobrara, spent the day, Sunday with ha* parents, Mr and Mr*. Kmll Colfack Phone Your News fo The Frontier Phone 788 i featuring hundreds of J i TOY and GIFT * ; SELECTIONS » % at NEW LOW - LOW PRICES * O J4**r ® € '1 K PATTONS O'Neill, Nebr. TRY IT FOR SIZE... BUV IT FOR VALUED Jwt pat an Oldanobile Dynamic 88 on the road and New style to delight you I Rocket action to excite you I watch it win yon over! Graceful lines . . . elegant - appointments . . . full-size comfort „ . . 280-h.p. Rocket V-8 performance. And with all that, / Dynamic 88 is Oldamobfle'a lowest-priced full-size . . _ _ _ » . . —. aeries . . . smartest boy im the medium-price field! LJ L. LJ w Ivl LJ 1 i I L_ There's "Something Extra" about owning an OLDS MO BILE I m - } Jm -SB TOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OtDSMOBflE QUALITY DEALER ! SPITZENBERGER CHEVY-OLDS CO. ,H ,, UMHMBWAT H OVnU., NEBRASKA PHONE «