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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1962)
Emmet And Community Uolore* Tuneuder Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunender were honored on their 25th Sil ver wedding anniversary, .Sun day, Nov. It at tl»e Church of 'Epiphany. Mr. and Mrs. Jiin McNulty were Tuesday evening guests of Mr and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and family. George Grutsch was an over night guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz Mon day evening. Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jot? Pongratz and Du ane were Mr. and Mrs. John E. Babl and Catherine. Mrs Elmer Schnaf and Mrs. Gaines Rzeszotarski attended the Live and Learn Extension club Wednesday at the home of Mary •Lewis. Mrs. Ed Winkler visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jo sephine Bruder, Atkinson, Satin day night. Mr and Mrs. Larry Donlin and Linda and Mr and Mrs. Jerry Schaff, Omaha, were Saturday supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Elmer Schaaf and fam ily. Paul Newton, O. H. Hitchcock, Jim Puckett, Judy Strong, Mrs. Don ftzeszotarski, Mrs. Herman Grothe, Mrs. John Conard, Mrs. Kenny Kuggless and A1 Kloppen borg all helped on the election board last Tuesday at Emmet. Mrs. Paul Newton entered the Atkinson M< morial hospital last Wednesday where she had sur gery. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tunender, Lennox. S. D., attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunender. They also spent Saturday and Sunday night at the home of the Tunenders . Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tunender, Bris tow, joined the above for Sunday supper. Elkhom Valley 4-H club attend ---, James Davidson & Sons PLUM8ING & HEATING Service Since 1901 ■ p A I ^B Winter & Hummer LENNOX .“-Ti, American Standard Plumbing Fixtures Youngstown Kitchens Sheet Metal Work SIS K. Douglas Phone 2B4 O’Neill, Nebr , --— ed the Annual 4-H family fun night Saturday in O'Neill one awards went to Ruth Scaaf, Barbara Fox, Jearuue Foreman, Bernard Schaaf, Jim Newton and Linda Bates. Mrs. Agnes Heeb, O’Neill, was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pongratz and they attended the sale ol Mr. and Mrs. Casper Winkler, Wednesday. Gene Schaaf spent Tuesday night at the home of Rodney and Larry Beckwith at Emmet. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Beckwith Wednesday evening. Wayne, Terry and Duane Beck with stayed at the home of Mr and Mrs. Guy Beckwith while their parents were in Minnesota, Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Leon Beckwith visited Mrs. Paul Newton at the Atkin son hospital Friday and also call ed on Mrs. Walt Puckett and Mrs. Carl Collins. Mrs. Gilbert Fox entertained 17 ladies to a party Friday morning at her home. Eight women gathered at the home of Mrs. Don Rzeszotarski Wednesday to organize an exten sion club for 1963. Officers are: President, Mrs. Jerry Wheeler; vice president, Mrs. Don Rzeszo tarski; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Verne Hicock; news report er, Mrs. Kenny Ruggless; music, Mrs. Dan Judge; reading leader, Mrs. Jim Puckett; handicraft, Mrs. Vernon Beckwith; health, Mrs. Jim Kiem and recreation, Mrs. A! Kloppenborg. The Janu ary meeting will be at the home of Mrs Jim Puckett. South Side club met at the home of Mrs. Hugo Fletcher Thursday. Nine members and 1 guest, Mrs. Rex Beckwith, were i ToasTy-Warm CAR COATS SPECIAL PURCHASE! Smartly tailored car coats in popular styles and lengths. Misses' sizes 8- 18 Here is a one-time special purchase of top fashion car coats, designed exclusively for McDonald's. Wool Irish Mist tweeds. Melton cloth, cotton suede and vinyl suede. Double breasted styles in new longer lengths; large pile collars cr parka hoods. j Boys' "Winterproof" PARKAS 100% cotton shell, interlining of <00% Acetate, 10% Nylon, 20% other fibers. C Boys' sizes 4 to 12 Warm parka has detachable drawstring hood, bulky knit collar and pocket-trim in harmonizing color; zipper front. Diplomat grey. Riviera blue, camel, pewter. 3,_\ 1 I »— GIRLS' COATS LADIES DRESS COATS Regular dressy coats and car coats. Full length. New styles and fabrics. 3-6x & 7-14. New styles, colors and fabrics. Reg. 24.95 . $21 10 only . $23 Reg. 19.95 $ 16“ 4 only . $ 19 ! Reg. 16.95 . $1488 LADIES DRESSES ^ One group assorted cotton, rayons and blends. New this season styles. Values to 12.95 . $ 9s8! $3 - *4 - *6 : present. Roll call was a memo* l aoie Tiiauksg.vuig, poem or story. Mrs. * icicner bau the les son on cutting up a turkey and various ways oi liking tuikey. It was a day meeting with a cover ; dish dinmr. Decemoer meeting will be hetd at the home oi Mis. I Wait Puckett with a grah bag gdt exchange. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marceiius Karen, Nancy and Charlotte, vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Marceuus, Stuart, lues day. Emma McKathme, Atkinson, spent the week at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marceiius and family, O'Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kentchler, Leon and Randy and Sharon Seger, all of Atkin son, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marceiius and family Sunday evening. Pleasant 4-H club will meet Sunday, November 18, at the Pleasant View school. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans and Emma McKathme visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neil son, Newport. Clearwater Newi Mr*. Char I c« Curtright HL'nter &-32W Mr. and Mrs. William Haten- r kel and family, Norfolk, were re-; cent guests of Pastor and Mrs.; D. L. Braunersreuther. Mrs. Lloyd Ashcraft received word Wednesday morning that j the body of her brother-in-law, Donald Laughrey, had been re covered irom the waters of the Klamath river in northern Cali lornia. Laughrey had sapped and fell into the waters while fishing October 24. The body was flown to Norfolk. Services were con- j ducted Saturuay in Norfolk from the Presbyterian church. His wae | is the former Mary Ellen Smith, | daugnter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. ■ Smith, now of Loveland, Colo. Firemen were called to the I Harold Loewe home shortly after six p.m. Wednesday, when a short in the kitchen light fixture start ed shooting sparks. The trouble was quickly brought under con trol with some smoke damage to the ceiling resulting. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Luben returned from North Platte Fri day where they had spent sev eral days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sanks. The community was sorry to hear of the death, Nov. 14, of a former resident, Cheater Hackett. He died in a Norioik hospital fol lowing a lengthy illness. Funeral services were conducted Satur day in Neligh with burial in the Neiigh cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twiss and Mr. and Mrs. John Koenig entertained members of the YML pitch club at the Twiss home Monday evening. Five tables of ten pomt pitch were played. High scores went to Mrs. Arthur Ah ters and Charles Curtright, lows to Mrs. Orval Hankla and Claude Schrage. Mrs. Erick Minerich received traveling. Lunch was served Dy the hostesses. Mr. and j Mrs. Orval Hankla and Mr. and j Mrs. Charles Curtright will host1 the December meeting. Members of the Elkhorn Valley home Extension ciub and their i families held their annual pot luck supper at the Legion hall Friday night. The evening was spent playing pitch for the old sters and various games for the kids. High scores went to D. L. Braunersreuther and Mrs. John Rix with lows to Luann Medcalf and Melvin Jacobsen. Bob Mid dleton received traveling. Two Clearwater young men, Billy Kaczor and Greg Hoffman placed first and second respec- j tively in the recent Punt, Pass and Kick contest sponsored by the Ford Motor company. Billy was first in the ten year old di vision and Greg second in the eleven year group. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schragg entertained the Thursday night pitch club at their home Nov. 15. Four tables of ten point pitch were played with high scores go ing to Mrs. Cleo Twiss and Claude Schrage with lows to Mrs. Walter Westerhoff and Andrew Thiele. Mrs. Avalt Sanne receiv ed traveling. The hostess served lunch at the close of the eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Whiele will host the next meeting. The Frontier ffflWiTflfflUTfffffllTfnTI —BY— Dick Tomlinson • tlM "Wrthov* it we'd find thing* pretty dvtl here of the monostery." Each taste is good taste when the bottle comes from | Dick’s shelf. You’ll be amaz ed at the change in your i domestic relations, when you nclude satisfying wines from Dick’s in their diet. Dick's Bar Off and On Liquor Sales Let Dick keep you in the Best of Spirits Phone 356 O’Neill. Nebr. * —’ i This large shipment of chairs has just arrived from famous 8erkline — manufacturers of the nation's most popular chair. Our special purchase enables us to offer you these chairs just in time for holiday lay-away and lets you choose from more than 150 different models, colors and styles. A small down pay ment now will hold your choice until Christmas. Choose from rockers, recliners and occasional chairs. BERKLINE RECIINER 88 As low as 3988 Other Recliners SERKLINE DELUXE RECLINER ^ 8B“1 Berkline Rocker 2788 _ Berkline Large Berkline Swivel Rocker Swivel Roe|<er 4 7 ^ Berkline . ®'ve *°P Swivel Rocker * . ru . Value StamPs Occasional Chair FREE with 39**** 27^ Every Purchase Other recliners start as low as $39.88. Shown here are only a very few of the many choices avail* able to you. Stop in, shop early for best selections. Meyer s Midwest FURNITURE & FLOOR COVERING I West O'Neill FREE DELIVERY Phone 526