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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1962)
Meek News By Mm. Fred LUdberg The project Club held their pic nic 9unday at the park in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Krebs and family, Denver Cok>. came Wed nesday lor a weeks visit with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck. Gaylen Hull, Denison, la., spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loyal1 Hull. After noon callers were Levi Hull, Ed Hancock and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hancock. Janet Booth called Monday. Mrs. Max Wilkins and Robert arrived Monday from Palo Alta, Calif, to spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lmdberg. Mr and Mrs. Bert Perry and grandson Gary Lee Perry, Can ton, Ohio come Friday for a vis it at the home of their son in law, and daughter, Mr. awl Mrs. Del bert Rouse and family. Paddock Union Church group dismissed their Sunday night ser vices and all attended services at the Weslyn Methodist Church, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Borg and family, Eina, Minn., came Sat. to spend a week at their parents home, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg and Mr. and Mrs. John Bauers, Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Borg and family, San Bernardino Calif, arrived Sunday evening to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg and Mr. and Mrs. August Kramer, Stuart. Sunday guest at the John Mr .and Mrs. Louis Pierson and Joe Schmitz and family and Wil liam J. Schmitz, Bonesteel and Ms. and Mrs. Louis Pierson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Huston, Emmet. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sanders called Tuesday evening. Paddock Community Aid met Wednesday with Mrs. George Nel son. Fifteen members and seven visitors were present. After the usual business, lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting Money To Loan! Property, Cars, Trucks, Farm Equipment Household Goods, Personal HARRINGTON Loan and Investment Company LOW RATES FRITZ'S Body Shop 24 Hr. Wrecker Service Complete Body Work Glass Cut & Installed - PHONE - 86 Day — 473 Night 30tfc O’NEILL, NEBR. is planned to meet with Mary Lober, O’neill. Sunday dinner guests at the Paul Nelson home were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Horrtback, Gwendolin and Sheryl Wurtz and Gay Horn back. Thursday evening supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Devall and family Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jensen were Friday evening supper guests at Martha Johring's. Henry Storj ohann ami Martha Johring were Sunday dinner guests at the James Karel home and Sunday afternoon they attended a family gathering at the Micky Stewart home. Mr. and Mrs. Art Mann and family attented the Jansen re union at St. Edward Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Putman and family, Fullerton, Calif., spent Tuesday at the Gerald Har ding home. They were enroute to 9ioux Fails to visit reatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitz went to Omaha Sunday return ing Monday after receiving word that their son, Jim Schmitz and family, were moving to Rochester Tuesday where they have pur chased a new home. Jim has been transferred there. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jansen called at the Dave Moler home Sunday evening. Other visitors were the Bud Moler family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill (Lillie) Hob an, North Platte, son-in-law and daughter of Delia Harrison came Friday. A picnic supper was planned for Saturday evening at ing were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thom as and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Peterson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Devall and family, Mr. and and Mrs. Elmer Devall and family and Mrs. Delia Harrison. The George Nelson and De wayne Anson families attended the Reimer reunion at the Neligh Park Sunday. Sharon Anson and Sue Nelson accompanied Mr. and Mrs Richard Nelson, Wakefield, home for a weeks vacation. Mrs. Neal Hipke helped Mrs. Ted Crawford Wednesday with preparing corn to freeze and Mrs. Austin Searles helped Tuesday with dressing' chickens and pre paring corn. Mae accompanied Mrs. Bud Mitchell to O’Neill for a check up. Sunday aftrnoon a Spencer 4-H club held a swimming party at the river by Ted Crawfords. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson visited at the Virgil Hubby home Friday and Garold Risor and ! Marilyn were Monday visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring. and family, and Debra and Nancy Anderson were Friday evening visitors at the Henry Walters home. A family reunion was held at j the Carl Hallgrinison ranch Tues dflV whpn rplativpc crathorpH for a picnic dinner and supper. | There are 13 living children in : the family and all were present but Ralph, who lives in Calif. I Those attending from out of state were Mr. and Mrs. George Hall grimson. Tulsa, Okla., Mr. and Mrs. Schulie Hallgrimson, Mrs. Lola Cortese, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sender, Onawa, la., Mr. Lloyd Sender and family, Whiting, la., Mr and Mrs. Don Schaff Granet, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Norman Correll and family, who are returned missionaries having served in Panganiyka, now living at Springfield, Mo. Ben Frankliri BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES Binder Special! Blue canvas binder worth 79c fitted withOftn 25c package of filler paper and 10c index. XXv Heavyweight board. 2-3 rings. 1.14 Val.UU Crayolaf Famous for quality. All sizes from 8 to 64 crayons. Choice of kids and teachers. 17* MAAAAAAAAiAlAAAiAAAA Tuck Top* 1000-in. on quick-tear dis penser. %-in. wide. m *y. Reg.29c.l/« ..............__ Jumbo Paper Buyl Famous Onward brand filler paper. 500 sheets of regular or narrow rule. Choice of 2, 3 or 5 hole punch. A whole semes ter's supply of &.99* Inman News By Mr*. June* MrMihss Sam Watson has recently been named to the Dean’s List at Ne braska W’esleyan University for his scholarship. Sam, son of Mr and Mrs Ira L. Watson, scored a 1.26 grade average during the second semester of the 1961-62 school year Sam was graduated from Wesleyan University in June and plans to enter Omaha University in the fall. Mrs Max Moss man and family. Tekamah, spent the past week visiting in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst and Mrs. Leo Mossman. Mrs. R. B. South returned Wed nesday from St. Anthony’s hos pital where she was a medical patient for several days Mr. and Mrs Don Luben and family, W'isner, came Thursday to spend a few days visiting in the homes of Mrs. Charles I^uben and Mrs. May Fraka. Floyd Keyes returned to his home Wednesday from St. An thony’s hospital where he was a medical patient for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Green and son returned to their home in Sioux City, la., Monday after spending a week visiting Mrs. Green’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sobotka and family, Columbus, are spending a week visiting Mr. Sobotka's fa ther, John Sobotka, and with rela tive* in Stuart. Mrs Bill Butterfield and son, I.<conard. and daughter. Linda, Norfolk, spent from Thursday until Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs Clyde Ross and with other relatives and friends. Thursday Mrs. Butterfield and Linda visit ed Mrs. Frank Kopejtka and family, Page. Ned Kelley, Lincoln, came Thursday evening to spend the weekend visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley and fam ily. He was accompanied by PFC Neil Kelley who is on leave from the Marines and is visiting his parents in Lincoln and with the Kelley family and other friends and relatives in Inman. Ralph Sholes w ho has been em ployed at Ainsworth came Fri day to visit his mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and Bill were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vaden Kivett. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Luben and family, Fremont, spent the weekend visiting his mother. Mrs. Charles Luben. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vitt and Mr and Mrs. Frank Sullivan, O'Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Vaden Kivett, Inman, visited Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry Thursday evening. Miss Judy Wait, Lincoln, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Watson and son, Sam. Mrs. Frances Kemp and Billie Mm m Hutter, Pomona. Calif.. are spending several days visiting In the home of Bea Gallagher and with other relatives and friends Mr and Mrs Clarence Hansen were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Lvle Abney. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs Earl White. Eon Col lins. Colo. Mr and Mrs Earl White spent from Tuesday until Friday visit ing Mr and Mrs. Lyle Abney. The Whites were enroute to their home at Fort Collins. Colo, from Minnesota where they had been vacationing. Mr. White is a bro ther of Mrs. Abney. Noma Hall, Stuart, and Ruth Johnson. Winner, S D., spent a few days last week visiting Mil dred Keyes. Sgt Cecil Keyes left Saturday for Korea where he is stationed with the U. S. Army. Cecil has been spending a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Keyes. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reimer, who are employed at Storm Lake, la., spent the weekend visiting Mr. Reimer's father, John Reim er, and other relatives and friends. Weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley and family were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kelley, Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelley and family, Norfolk. Mrs. James Kelley and son, Neil, Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watsen had as their guests Saturday Dr. and Mrs. Rober Taylor, Beatrice and Mrs Evadne Roper, Indianapolis, Indiana. Mr*. James Coventry attended the annual Tomlinson reunion Sunday at the O’Neill park There were 51 attending the pic nic at noon In the afternoon the group went to the home of Mr. and Mrs Virgil Tomlinson where movies were shown. Mrs. G. E. Hartgan and family. St. Paul, came Monday to spend a couple of days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and Mrs. Mary Hartigan. Clearwater News Mr*. Charles Cfertrtgfct HUnter a 32M Mr and Mrs Wayne Carr and family returned Tuesday to their home m Alburquerque, after a few days visit with Mrs. Carr’s par ants, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hem enway. W'SCS of the Methodist church met in the church parlors Thurs day with 11 members in atten dance. Mrs. Edith Hale and Mrs. j Howard Luben were hostesses. The Devotionals were given by Mrs. Amos Switzer. Mrs. Wayne Switzer gave the lesson. Plans were completed for the home made ice cream social to be held Saturday evening in the Legion hall. Lloyd Switzer, Lincoln, visited mauve* ana menus nere over the week end . Mrs. Laura Mauldin* has gab itutted resignation to the local school board. It has been accept ed and and Mrs. Lois Elaberry. Orchard, has been contracted to fill the vacancy. Mrs. Mauiding has been teaching in the lower grades for the past six years. She and her husband plan to move to Norfolk Thomas Kimes, son of Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Kimes, arrived home the past week end after several months duty in Germany with the U.S. Army. Tom Is now, once more, a civilian. Jim Workman was taken to the Ttldi-n Community hospital Sun day for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. G. Burleson, i>riM valley, cam., nave oeen visiting the Switzer families and other relative* Mr*. Burleson ia the former Ollie Switzer Larry James Brittell. Cham bers. spent several days laat week with his grandparent*. Mr. and Mrs. Howard I.uhen An except tonally foot] crowd attended the home made ice cream social Saturday evening by the WSCS of the Methodist church. The ladies also served Sandwich es. pie. cake, potato salad, cof fee and tee tea. Mr and Mrs Victor Srhlecbt and family returned from a vac ation trip through the Yellowstone park. Wm DeCamp and (lyde f’artaa arc still hospitalized in the Nehgh hospital. James Davidson & Sons PLUMBING & HEATING Service Since 1901 ■ Me ■ a | Winter A Summer LENNOX American Standard Plumbing Fixtures Youngstown Kitchens Sheet Metal Work 513 E, Douglm._Phone 2(M O’Neill, Nebe. atop ... Miop... and Compare! M-M-M, Serve a tropical fruit salad! Tropical Fruit delicious fruit .Can 37c Mandarin Oranges^.5<is*l.OO Crushed Pineapple .2&?59c Highway Pineapple h.u^ 35c Gelatin Dessert assorted’flaws.fopkgs. 39c Miracle Margarine r2coff”) Ctn.' 33c Iced Tea Cookies%*?...%£39t Baronet Cremes cookies Pkg. 39t I-, LuncheonNopkinsX^.....Sl9c €flLJ HMCCillil W Ilf CINNAMON Nine Lives Cat Food£L.2c£29c vUlllU l/l16551110 s«.«.aiar..X ROLLS xsssxLi-s-k Ice (leamzzzz—a;2/!09 *£■—[. SWIFT'NING 7C, ^1_ | 1 w. :j_. ,5s 3h —id ““,7 Llorox leach— x:55c I Detergent, (“5c off”) .; 12-cn. Bottle Bi Bi^ |~ —. FAB DETERGENT 35. | OllCt IISSUG^S?^ 3 95C Easy way to get clothes dean, ,20-os. Pkg. <rtr« ■ WlIVK ■ IVlrllV on 12 rolls.“kjS. ^ I leferut* AnUwptie, u^m. 17 usTenoe m<«ui *>* ...Botu* 11® AJAX CLEANSER nlt<,OQ Ba»« a.*™ 22ss.“^ 67* rte0‘rp,ck>.4c“*7t S»oret Deodorut 83* FLORIENT AEROSOL 70, fcMMWiM .sn» Removes harsh odors.5%-os. Can MM C _ PILLSBURY COOKIES Jl, Refrigerated, Caramel Not .. .11-os. Pkg. "T|l Peanut Batter, Coconut, Sugar, Choc. Chip, Oatmeal Raisin, Fudge Mint, Ginger Vnizaa^ and Fudge Brownie..,, .Pkg. 49c MSS>. 10 SS *1M Tater Treats b^: m. 26® Strawberries 3 &£ SI. 00 R«L P.La( Captain * Choice; 12-oa. as. rl*n uaae* frown, breaded.He*. wWC Halibut Steaks Womb, balk .....Xb. 78® Veal Steaks frown, buttered .... He*. 79® B..I CU«Lt Manor Bbuae— l>K-*a <M> Dcel OHflM frown, battered .... .He*. 09% Manor House, U.S.D. A. B^ D VB _ .. stewing Red Potatoes CHICKENS D-aNolG~fc PICNICS 32* first Quality, ^fl^k ^B Jbr m e*ciu»g luscious treat... Clean, shallow eyed. New Crop be sure to *rve Ik #VM%Sisc5!?sTS Seedless Grapes^.-15c f.^1^-..., 25?*** Acorn Squash 5S5£r?. -* 10c jl |; pmchata at SAFEWAS, 8 | I Large Bologna 39c /^P^WWQHPPIPBWH S I I j Beef Sausage 6SS5^....ja 59c f ^k J ^Vf-VB jl li Summer Sausage23Sf:.-79c ^^*■■■■■■■■1 ; *&■-■■...■i—nn^y: » m Right Reserved to Limit Quantities t